The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 03, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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FEBRUARY 3. 1916.
PA HE 7.
pi Yij 5
Pa! Makes Progress.
ODXEY left the club and went
home, lie skipped upstairs to
bis room two steps at a time
and Imgau -flinging tilings out
of drawers and chiffoniers. What
trunk should he take-that new one
be had made in Paris last summer
Ix-fore the war?" No. he could send
for that later, and "besides, he didn't
want t" stay away from Mary any
longer than he could help. lie wouldn't
take all bis things just now; he would
loare a good, many behind, so that his
father would 1k sorry if he ever came
iut his room airiiin after his baby loy
was one. lie would not take a trunk
st all now jest his kit bag. Where
was that kit bag? Johnson-, would
kr.w.- - ' . ;
lie started to ring for Johnson and
then checked himself. He would not
say anything to the servants yet. lie
didn't want them to be a party to this,
painful scene. lie would leave them
misinformed and keep his father guess
ing ji little while. He would go and
et that kit bag htmsrif. It was in the
grirret most likely.
lie had sneaked up the narrow gar
n t staircase, the boards ereak,ing now
nnd then beneath his tread, just as
they used to do when he was a child
T'nder the eaves he spied his kit bap.
covered with dust. lie dracrced at it,
and a pile of magazines' nnd odds and
ends of books fell forward across bis
arms. One of. them was a battered
cash bok. or old diary, bound with a
black and white back, and with many
recipes, written in a refined feminine
hand on its blank pages.
ftodney remembered this well. It
was a real heirloom from the Enrles.
hi mother's people, who had prided
ibem-selves on "setting a good table."
Rodney pat down on hi? dusty kit
asr and turned over the yellowing
pages idly. Some of the recipes were
;n an even oldor hand than his moth
er's his grandmother's or his maiden
aunts' probably and row and then, in
h! mother's tiand a gam. ' there womM
be a comment written in the margin,
"Very choice" or -"Extra good' or
"Well worth trying." -The recipes for
tfcese tasty old dishes looked goud.
Rodney decided to tuck the book in
with his own things, a venial theft,
and put it by snme day for himself and
They certainly did sound good. "Old
Fnrrimrton meat pie." "ITnmifih Earle's
gold and silver cake," "Susan Pitcher's
everlasting fruit cake." Yes. he would
take it. And here was a formula even
for snp. and in hi? mother's hand or
his grandmother's, he eould not be
sure which, was' the quaint marginal
note: "The cheapest soap in the world.
Unlu'ky for flirt.
And so he had
pib-hed the M book into the bag.
stolen down the attic stairs again and
bounded, dusty kit lag and all, into
the little waiting room where Mnry
Dear Mary!
And she Iiad let' him hug her the
first taste of the b!iss to come. How
sweet and wonderful she was!
When he woke In the morning" he
niblK'd his eyes a moment in bewilder
ment at his unaccustomed surround
ings. And immediately the memory
of Mary Grayson swept over him
again, fresh and innliuimed. He would
call up Mary on the telephone lefore
she got away to the office. And, by
the way, ?je had an idea to tell her too.
He was jjohug to make soap, like his
father. The old couk book had. given
him the idea. He left his coffee scarce
ly tasted and flew to a booth at the
"Well. Mary," he shouted through
the receiver, which smelt of cigarettes,
"did you know I'd lost my job?''
. "Yes," said Mary's voice at a dis
tance. "I suppose I shall lose mine,
t:o, if I doii'fc give you up."
"We should be friends in need, then,"
bawled ItodnOy at his end.
"Oh. Rodney. I'm so sorry," said
Mary. "
"Nonsense, you've made my future.
Without-, you I'd never have got the
tb-a the big "idea." " -
, "Idea for what?"
"The idea to make money out of
that's all you need and. jut think, I
found it in an old book" . T r-
"What idea what book? i
"It's a cook bok."
"What on earth"
"Well, you see, when I was packing
I stumbled across aa bid. family cook
5ook. It fell open at a certain page
fate was on the job it was a hunch"
T.ut what is it?"
"It's an old family recipe for mak
ing cheap soap. It saya it's thp cheap
est soap in the world, cne.lfVf even
then the manufacturers make it. I'm
going into the soap business."
"Sure father did look at the money
he made. Why shouldn't I?"
"You're joking.
"I'm In dead earnest. I'm going to
b'uck the trust. You see, I'll have all
the popular ' sympathy independent
Novelized by Samuel Field
, from the Successful Play by
Roi Cooper Megriie and Walter Hackett
young sou ot soap "king fights father
don't buy from the trust."
'But is that very nice to your fa
ther?" "Has he been very nice to me? It's
great! Down with monopoly! nur
rah for the people! I've heard political
speeches like that! Hurrah for the
people's soap! That isn't a bad name
either the people's soap!"
"But you haven't any capital."
"I never thought of that."
"You'd need a lot of money too."
"Well," Rodney said, "well, I'll just
have to get it, that's all, and you'll be
my secretary."
"Rodney, you must stop talking or
you'll go stony broke with this long
call!" yelled Mary.
"Well, when can I see you again?"
Rodney persisted.
"I shall be at the office till 3," said
"I'll drop in. Father may be home
with the gout," Rodney answered.
Rodney hung up the receiver and
turned away reluctantly. Mary's voice
wasn't It the most wonderful voice in
the-world? He took out a cigarette
and lit it, finding a quiet seat near the
Forty-fourth street window to sit down
and think things over.
He armed himself with a newspaier.
so that he could occasionally hold it
up and ward off uuwelcome chatterers
who might disturb his train of thought.
The armament was not modern enough,
however, to repel the attack of the
alert young man who presently came
and peered oyer the top of his paper.
"Well, Ambrose reaiei" said Rodney,
looking up.
"That's nie absolutely," said Mr.
Peale. "The same at your service. So
you remember me, eh?"
The sight f Peale's keen and eager
face took Rodney back two years at a
jump. The two boys had met one
night in the lobby of a Boston theater.
"Well, Mary, did you know I'd lost my
The occasion had been an egg fight,
not between Rodney and Ambrose
Peale. but between the undieucc and
the stage. It had been a very lively
and savory afTair indeed, quite elD
ciently carried through by the college
students scattered out in front.
It had been a college play and had
"seemed to the student observers of it
so lacking in verisimilitude that they
had set up a counter demonstration In
front to show probably what real col
lege Jife was like. Koduey had not
tlrown" any eggs himself, because he
had forgotten to bring any with him. I
a circumstance which was the saving !
of him, for it had been noted by Peale,
the manager of the piece, and brought
hini to the rescue. Peale had been
very decent to him and kept him out
of jail, thereby saving him numerous
cuts, unlike the other fellows who had
'been duly haled before the dean and
suspended, besides figuring In the head
lines of the Boston papers.
Mr. Peale vowed he had been look
ing for Rodney for a week, but with
no success.
"Very; mysterious about you up on
the avenue yesterday," he said
"What's up?"
"Just a little family row," said Rod
ney. "What's your line now?"
"Well, I'm still in the show busi
ness," said Peale. "Ever see the 'Belie
of Broadway?' Great show, great girls,
great cast."
"Ohv are you an actor?" asked Rod
ney eirrelessly.
"An actor? I should say not," said
Peale scornfully. "I'm a press agent."
"Oh, I see." said Rodney.
"But say," rattled Peale; "be sure to
catch that show. It may leave town
soon out of town bookings, you know
but remember the name, 'Belle of
Broadway. "
"I've heard of It," said Rodney.
.'3IU.1C jou11 excuse me, I've been
8 t f vlr
looking for you to talk business with
you. Shall I blaze away?" asked Peale.
"Business? Surely, surely," rejoined
Rodney, with an inward wink. "I'm a
business man now. Blaze away, as you
"Well, well." said IVale reminisccnt
ly, "I could see at once you weren't an
ogg thrower, but I wouldn't have
blamed you anyhow. It was a rotten
"Like the eggs?" put In Rodney, smil
ing. "Absolutely." said Peale. "Now, I'm
not much on handing myself flowers
across the footlights, but do you hap
pen to remember what I did for you?"
"You fixed things up with the chief
of police," said Rodney, "and kept me
from being expelled."
"And you said any time you could
do anything for me"
"That's still true," said Rodney.
"You're immense, son. Now, it's this
way have a chair between yon and
me 'The Belle of Broadway' is an aw
ful thing. Business gone to pot some
thing's got to Ik; done. That's my busi
ness with you."
"With me"' said Rodney.
"You've ot an aeroplane, haven't
you?" inquired Peale plaintively.
"Yes but" legsn Rodney. "Let's
go upstairs then." lie added as an after
thought. He knew Peale of old and that if h-j
got started there was nothing that
could hush his voice for other mem
bers. In the big- room in the Forty
fourth street side upstairs they would
be unmolested at this hour of the morn
ing. Peale followed him in a docik
"Then everything's all right." said
Peale eagerly. "Now, you abduct re
loading lady Julia Clark tomorrow
night in your aeroplane elope with
"Sure! Some stunt too. Never been
done. Julia's all for it. She's game
for any press gag"
"But I cou'dn't do such a thing as
that," protested Rodney.
"Certainly you can," said Peale.
"I'm telling you Julia, 'II stand for it
a bird of a story. Why, you're up in
tlie air with the leading lady. The
next night standing room only to catch
u look at the girl you're stuck on. I
can see the headlines now, 'Soap King's
Son Takes w Star Among the Stars
With Flashlights.'"
"But it's cut of the question." said
Rodney. "I wouldn't do it. that's
all. I'm not backing down from help
ing you. but there's some one who
might object."
"A girl?" asked Peale acutely.
Rodney nodded.
"I guess it's cold." Peale concluded.
"Girls are funny about their beaux do
ing a little innocent think like eloping
with some ther girl."
"Why don't you try somebody else:"
suggested Rodney.
"I have! You were my last card.
Well, I'm fied." said Peale. with an
air of finality.
It was a stunt that would have kept
things going, he protested, but now
well, the show was so bad tkat people
wouldn't even go to see it on a pass.
They would have to close Saturday,
and as for Ambrose Peale. In? was out.
Rodney did not believe that an obvious
faked up lie like that would have done
any good, lie said. He'd feel very un
comfortable at not being aide to oblige
an old friend otherwise.
"I know it's advertising," he said,
"You bet it's ndvertising." began
Peale, warr.lng up. "What made the
leading actresses? Advertising."
"But that sort of advertising can't be
of real value." said Rodney negligently.
"Oh, you're one of those wise guys
who don't believe in advertising, are
you?" said Peale. expostulating and ex
pounding, "Now. don't get me talking
advertising. That's where 1 live,
where I have my town house and
country estate, my yachts and motors.
That's my home. Maybe you think
love is important, riffle! Advertising,
my boy; the power of suggestion, the
psychology of print. Some old gink, a
professor of psychology, showed forty
Yassar girls the other day two sam
ples of satin, one blue, one pink, same
grade, same value, same artistl?
warm old rose: the other he called a j
faded blue. He asked them to choose j
their favorite. Girls picked the old j
rose. Why? Because they'd been told j
it was warm and delicate. No faded
blue for theirs. What did it? Power
of suggestion advertising."
"You seem to know something about
It," RodLey said alotid.
"I not only seem to, I do." Peale
agreed. "Just before 1 met you 1 told
a young fellow downstairs that "The
Belle of Broadway' was the biggest
hit in town. Ask him to go to the thea
ter., give him his choice and I'll bet
you $4 to a fried egg he picks 'The
Belle of Broadway.' Advertising!"
"I don't believe it." Rodney protested.
Well, try it. And, say, what makes '
you goto""the theater yourself? I'll
tell you. It's what you've read about
the play or what some fellow's told
"Why. I suppose that's true," said
Rodney, beginning to be convinced a
little. "But I never read advertise
ments." "Oh, you don't, eh? Say, what kind
of garters do you wear?"
"Why, let me see. The , said
"Exactly," said Teale. "What do
you know about 'em? Nothing. Are
h jt ;fo J
"An actor? I should say not. I'm a
press agent."
they any hotter than any other garter?
You don't know I don't know, but all
my life every magazine I've ever look
ed into has had a picture of a man's
leg with a certain kind of garter on it,
the . So when I go into a store to
buy a pair of garters I just naturally
say . So do you. You don't read
advertisements? Rot!"
"But" said Rodney.
"No 'but' about it," answered Peale.
"Advertising's responsible for every
thing. When Brj-an advertised grape
juice do you know that its sale went
up (!T2 gallons a day?"
"You don't really mean it?"
"I do."
"But Co2 gallons. How do you know
it was Cj2?" asked Rodney.
"I'll let you into a little secret," con
fided Peale. "I don't know a thing
about grape juice and as long as my
health nnd strength keep up I hope I
never shall but if I said I'd read in a
newspaper that the sale had gone up
032 gallons you wouldn't have doubted
it. would you?"
"No. I suppose I shouldn't," Rodney
"And you'd have told somebody else,
and he'd have believed you too," went
on Peale.
(To Be Continued.)
Miss Mary V. Dick, head of the de
partment of home economics, spent
the week end at her home in Kearney.
President Hayes attended a meeting
of the county superintendents and
other educators of the state in Lin
coln last week. The meeting was
called by State Superintendent Thom
as for the purpose of discussing the
needs of the county schools and means
of meeting these needs.
Dean Mattie C. Ellis was called to
Florida last Thursday because of the
serious illness of her mother.
The men of the Glee club returned
Saturday morning, reporting a very
fine trip. We are glad to announce
that they will give a concert in the
chapel Monday evening.
Two more basket ball games are
scheduled for this week Grand Is
land, February 2, and York, February
3 both of which promise to be in
teresting games.
Prof. F. C. Smith, head of the de
partment of manual training, was call
ed away Wednesday to attend the fun
eral of a brother.
Dean E. L. Rouse was in Kearney
last Wednesday, where he addressed
the City Teachers' institute.
The people of Peru had the privilege
of listening Monday evening to Dr.
Steiner of Iowa college in one of his
stirring patriotic aodresses. Dr.
Steiner is the greatest authority on
immigration in America and is the !
author of "The Trail of the Im
migrant," "The Spirit of American
ism" and other like books.
Miss Susan Harmon of the English
department has been granted a leave
of absence for the current semester
and left Saturday for Lincoln, where
she will enter the university and do
some advanced work in English.
For earache, toothache, pains,
burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr.
Thomas Eclectic Oil, a splendid rem
edy for emergencies.
..... .....,
Terrible Croup Attack
Quickly Repulsed
By Old Reliable Remedy
Well known Georzia ctsre keeper has mas
tered croup and colds for his family of tea wita
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.
The minute that hoarse terrifying:
croupy cough Is heard in the home of
T. J. fJBarber, of Jefferson, Ga.f out
comes 1'olty's Honey and Tar Com
pound there's always a bottle ready.
Here's what he says: "Two of my
Children, one boy and a girl, aged
eight and six years respectively, had
terrible attacks of cro'ip last winter
and I completely cured them with
Foley's Honey a"d Tar Compound. I
have ten in family and for years I've
used Foley's Honey anl Tar Compound
and it never fails."
Banish worry and save doctor bills
keep Foley'3 Honey and Tar Com
pound always on hand, in your home.
One bottle lasts a long time it's reliable and
safe and the last dese Is as good
as the first. Get the genuine.
Sold Everywhere.
Secretary of Agriculture Board Points
Out the Reasons for
Lincoln, Feb. 1. Nebraska farmers
will not be benefitted by national leg
islation permitting wheat and corn to
be mixed in making flour, according
to Secretary W. R. Mellor of the
state board of agriculture, who has re
fused to indorse a irll now pending
before congress having that object in
Mr. Mellor believes the bill is one
of utmost importance to Nebraskans
and will tend to decrease the value of
the Nebraska wheat crop, which has
attained almost equal rank with corn.
"It may be perfectly natural for Illi
nois, Iowa and Missouri, states that
produce corn in great quantities and
but small yields of wheat, to assist
legislation to increase the value of
their crop production," said Secretary
Would Hurt Stock Industry.
''Here in Nebraska, we raise nearly
equal amounts of corn and wheat, as
values go. The breeding and feeding
of live stock industry is vitally inter
ested in securing forage and grain at
prices permitting a margin which
will not cripple this great activity.
"The passage of the law des;red
would materially cheapen wheat if it
raised the price of corn. I think that
mixing corn flour with wheat flour
would reduce the cost, of making the
flour a trifle to the manufacturer, but
the people would not benefit in such
That Nebraska is dotted over with
small local milling industries, many
of which would be put out of business
if it were necessary to make machin
ery changes to grind corn flour, or if
they attempted to buy all the corn
flour from the great milling centers,
was stated by Mr. Mellor.
Innocent Victims.
How many thousands of human
lives are being sacrificed every year
by postponing or neglecting treatment,
through ignorance or greediness! We
often hear: "This does not amount to
anything," or 'it will pass away
without treatment." An indisposition
may pass away, but what if it does
not? If it develops into a serious or
even incurable disease7 In every in
disposition connected with loss of ap
petite, constipation, pains in the
bowels or weakness, give at once
Triner's American Elixir of Bitter
Wine. It will clean out the bowels and
strengthen them, it will aid digestion,
relieve nervousness and improve the
appetite. Price $1.00. At drug
stores. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer,
1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago.
In neuralgia, inflammation and
swelling of the joints, in muscular
pains, we wish to recommend you
Triner's Liniment. Price 25c and 50c,
postpaid 35c and GOc.
That the traffic in liquor has invad
ed the parcel post department of the
United States mails is evidenced in a
recent order issued from Washington
by the second assistant postmaster
general, in which postmasters are
warned against such shipments. The
order is stringent, and says such
shipments must not be accepted re
gardless of the manner in which they
are packed. This new angle in the
liquor traffic is one for the postal
r.uthoirties to face as well as the in
ternal revenue department, and ac
cording to officials in both depart
ments may cause much trouble before
it has been successfully dealt with.
The undersigned will offer at Pub
lic Auction at his late home on the
Herman Bestor place, six miles west
of Plattsmouth, commencing at 10:00
o'clock a. m., on
the following described property', to
wit: One bay mare, 8 years old. weight
One gelding, 8 years old, weight
One span of mules, 10 years old,
weight 2,400.
One McCormick binder.
One McCormick mower.
One Case gang plow.
One John Deere gang plow.
One John Deere two-row machine.
One John Deer lister.
One stalk cutter.
One harrow, good as new.
Two New Departure cultivators.
One Hoosier press drill.
One Newton wagon.
One Weber wagon.
One spring wagon.
One top buggy.
One hay rack.
One set driving ha-r.ess.
Four sets one and a half inch har
ness. One Galloway feed grinder.
One I. II. C. gasoline engine, two
r.nd one-half horse.
One cream separator.
One Meadow washer.
One incubator.
And many other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Lnnch Will Be Served at Noon.
All sums of $10 and under, cash in
hand; on sums over S10 a credit of
eight months will be given, purchaser
giving good bankable paper at eight
per cent interest. All property must
be settled for before being removed.
W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
Ray Patterson, Clerk.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 2. The
British liner Appam, captured by Ger
mans, will not be allowed to leave
Norfolk. Secretary of State Lansing
today said that such action practically
had been determinad. , . . .
Detention of the Appam is pos
sible on the grounds that she is a
German prize and shall be held for
prize court adjudication, or that she
is a German naval cuxiliary vessel,
subject to internment.
The British embassy will demand
the Appam's release, insisting that
she is a prize, and, in a neutral port,
is entitled to be returned to her own
If you suffer with pains in your
back or side, stiff and sore muscles or
joints, or rheumatic aches, or have
symptoms of kidney trouble such as
pufTy swellings under the eyes or sleep
disturbing bladder ailments, you
should know that Folejr Kidney Pills
have benefited thousands in like con
dition. Sold everywhere.
A. B. Smith was a business visitor
in Omaha todav for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business.
In tin- DiMtrlrt Court of tlir ( uuut) of
Ciikm. elrnkn.
Sarah M. Harrison. .Sarah Klizabetl)
Martin and I-Jva May Harvey,
William Harrison, et al.,
To William Harrison, if livinp:, if dead,
his heirs, devisees, legatees and per
sonal representatives, and all persons
interested in his estate, whose names
are unknown, and Har
rison, wife of said William Harrison,
whose iirst real name is unknown,
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that on the Dtli day of December,
A. D. 1915, the above named pluintitf
tiled their petition in the District Court
of the County of Cafs, Nebraska,
against you anil each and all of you as
defendants, the ohject and prayer of
which petition is to quiet plaintiffs'
title In and to the following described
real estate, to-wit: The Southwest
quarter (SW'U) of Sort ion eipht (S),
in Township Twelve Ml'). North, of
l:an?e ten M0), Kast of Cth IV M., in
Cass County, Nebraska, to forever ex
clude and enjoin you and each of you,
and all persons claiming by. through or
under you, from claiming' any ripht,
title, claim, lien or interest in or to
the said real estate or any part thereof,
and to require each of you to et forth
your right, title, interest or lien there
in, if any. either leal or equitable, and
to have the same adjudged inferior to
plaintiffs' title to said land, and for
equitable relief,. IMaintin's allege that
they and Samuel Y. Harrison, troni
whom they inherited said real estate,
have been In the actual, continuous,
open, notorious, exclusive and adverse
possession and ownership of all said
lands, claiming the same asainst all
the world and especially against the
defendants herein, since prior to the
year 1888.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to answer I
said petition on or heiore thn 21st day
of February, A. D. 1'JlC, and if you fail
so to do, your default will be entered
therein and judgment entered in ac
cordance with the prayer of plaintiffs'
Dated this Sd day of January. A. D.
In Dm- District Court of Cni oiin(j,
In the Matter of the Application of
Henry .-"none. Guardian ol t)i I.Mat
of Emma Handrock, Incompetent, ar.d
Freda Handrock, Arthur Ha:'iro. k.
Carl Handrock. Nettie Ilandiock.
Helen Handiork. Walter llatulioik.
and Marguerite Handrock. Minors, tor
Leave to Real Estat1.
On reading and iiim the t i t i : t
duly vetified by Henry j-nnke, ; u;i i .! i.i n
Of the person and estate of i;:nr:i.i
Handrock, incompetent, and Fred.
Handrock, Arthur Handrock. 'a i 1
Handrock, Nettie Handrock, Helen
Handiock. Walter Haii'lun k, and .M..i
queiite Handro, minors, lor a iie, !,.
to sell the interests of said incompetent
and minors in tie folIowiM; ,u-seri ' ed
real estate, to-wit: All tin t part of the
southwest quarter of Section twenty
tlOj, township ten MOl, Kance nine V).
lvintr north of the rllit of way of'tt.e
Missoqri I'Hcifi'- Railway, and contuwi
inp 4Z.o acres more or in i'.i.-s
County, Nebraska, for lie p'apo-,- of
raising funds lor tne pitnr .rf of a
inortfiapf! of f,roo.o' with mlei.--t. on
jsaid lard and others lands, and for
purpose of paying the hxjuiim' of .-u-.U
sale ar.d for the ma I nter.a i and sup
port of said incompetent and Illinois
and for the education of tn::o'r.
and it appetir'mtr from said petition tht
said real estate consists ol farm !ai:'N
and suitable onlv for laim p' rpowe.
the next of kit: of snid in oin;xtt r.t mul
said minors and all persons intt 1 e.-ted
in snld -estate appear hvfore tne at
chambers in the court house in the I'itv
of J 'lattsmoi.'f h. Cass County, Nebraska,
on the 6th day ot Mai' h, l:li. at
o'clock a. in, to show cause, if any
there be, whv license vi.'ijld not o-;
granted to said Henry Snulc. um .1 Lin.
to sell real estate for th purpose nl oic
set forth.
And it is further Orrterei tl at a cory
of this order be served on all -rr -
interested in said e.-tate by boin-: .u(.
lished in the P'attsmouth Joi.:tuU for
three successive wed;s, .aid i'lattx
moutb Journal beinir a newiapr
printed and published t I "la 1 1 smotn b,
in sail'. Count , a nd of K''!;' nil His illa
tion therein.
Dated at Plnttsmouth this I'Tth day
of January, IHl:.
Judge of I jtri. t "onrt
i-:u-.; ks
MIT1CK TO ( nt:iri Olt.
Ill Counl Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the E.-tate "f
iainiii F. Horninc Deceased:
Notice is hereby y:en I t I t eht
ors of said deceased that heal lfi will
be had upon eliiims tiled urain-t 1
estate, betore me. County .liiiliie of C.ix
County, Nebraska, at the '"o.intv Comt
room in Plattsmout b, in .-aid Connty.
on the -1th day of March, !:!:. arid on
the ,"t!i day of September. II'IL, at '
o'clock a. m., each day foi examination,
adjustment and ;il!oware.-.
' All Maims 7ilMt be nle.l ir: aid eouit
on or befre said la.-t l.o ;r of i.ejdi:,'
Witness n'y band ar;d seal of
Court, at PJattsmontJi. N'-lna.-ltH, this
jvth dav of January, i:n..
(Seal) ALLEN .1. P.EESo.V.
County Judiie.
Mi l it i: to itr.nrroit.
In Connty oort.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of .hnis
"assitey, 1 leceaseil :
Notice is hereby uiven to I be i-oiois
of said deccast d that l-'.iiin.'s will !.
had upon claims tiled auainM
estate, before me. County .Indue of
County, Nebraska, at the County Court
room in I'lattsmout !i, tn said County,
on the lttu day of February. utM
on the day of September. Rl:. -it
10 o'clock a. ml, each d ie for examina
tion. djiist men t n lift "Mp wuYlM''M 'a
All claims mast be Med in said
on or before said last hour of heal int.
Witness my hand ami seal of
Countv Court, at riattsn.onth. N. hi a - -ka.
this lT,t!i day of January. 1 !..
CountV Jlldl.-e.
Notice is hereby given that a meet
ing of the Stockholders of the Dar
lington & Missouri River R. R. Com
pany in Nebraska, will be held in
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at 10 a. m.,
February 24, 191G.
The meeting will be held for the
election of nine directors of the com
pany to serve until their successors
are elected and qualified, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may legally come before it.
C. J. ERNST, Secretary.
Omaha, Nebraska, January 5,
To All Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioner appointed to
view and report on the expediency of
establishing and locating a public
road 40 feet wide, running across
the North East Quarter (NE 1-41 of
Section Twenty-two 2 2 I , in Town
ship Ten (10), North. Range Thirteen
(13), East of the ('th Principal Meri
dian, parelk'1 and adjacent to and on
the north side of the Right-of Way
of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Com
pany, where said right-of way crosses
said land, has reported in favor of the
establishing thereof; rnd all objec
tions hereto, or claims for damages,
must be filed in the County Clerk's
Office on or before roon on the 2"th
day of March, A. I., l'.l', or such
road will be established without ref
erence thereto.
County Clerk.
Done at Plattsmouth, Neb., this
loth day of January, 191G.
1-17-4 wks
GGL m. D,
18 to 20 years experience is
worth something to those who
have property for sale.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
I am always after the High
Dollar for Your Goods.