The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 03, 1916, Image 1
t 5loricaV 3oc nv r mmontb rr omn I VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1916. NO. V i 1 i TO ERECT NEW RES- DENGES HERE First Residence Built in Plattsmouth Being Removed to Make Room for Several New Cottages. From Tuesday's Dailv. In the removal of the old residence on the O'Neill property, south of the rhops, to iriake way for a number of modern cottages, one of the old land marks which has stood for over sixty years, will have vanished into the past. This building has stood as long as memory of the oldest inhabitant can recall and from the nature of its con struction would have bid fair to have withstood the ravage of time for a hundred years. Black walnut and oak have formed the timbers constructing the house and all of these were se cured just across the river in Mills county, Iowa, and these were sawed :nd hewed from the virgin forests that in the early fifties lined the bank of the Missouri river. Thi? house was constructed by James O'Neill, who had come west in the rush of the Cali fornia gold seekers and had establish ed himself as the owner of a ferry operating across the Missouri river just east of where this city now stands, and the location received the title of Platteville, but has long since passed into the dim past. The wife of this good man one day while watching the ferry boat plying between Iowa and th? then unsettled territory of Nebraska, was visited by an inspiration that in ''the hills and bluffs on the west side of the river could be founded a city that would possess all the natuial beauty and facilities that so appealed to the early settler. This desire to plant a new home in the new territory west of the river was communicated by Mrs. O'Neill to her husband, and in the spring of 1S55, in company with his partner, Mr. Martin. Mr. O'Neill came to what is now Plattsmouth and erected the first house that occupied the site of this city and proceeded to get busy and invite others to come here to dwell. It is this house that is now being torn down and which marked the first dwelling in the city, and the work commenced by Mr. O'Neill has been carried on since that time most faithfully by the succeeding i ettlers until it is now a thriving city. Mrs. William Herold cf this city is a daughter of ;he founder of Platts mouth and enioys very much the dis tinction and honor. THE JOURNAL FAVOR ED WITH A LETTER FROM H. A. SCHNEIDER From Tuesday' Dally. The Journal has just received a let ter from our former f 3llow townsman, II. A. Schneider, who for a number of years was one of the boosters for the city while he was a member of the Commercial club-here. Mr. Schneider has decided to locate in Los Angeles for the winter at least before making a dip back into the business world. He still retains a deep interest in this city and is well pleased to learn through the Journal of the progress that is being made here in all lines. He is of the opinion that the Commer cial club has did a great deal teward developing the spirit of confidence in the future of the city, which was bad ly needed for several years past. Henry is also an enthusiastic Pollard booster and is strong for the Cass county man as the occupant of the executive chair of the state. Old-Fashioned Spelling School. There will be an "Old-Fashioned Spelling School" and Box Social held at the Eight Mile Grove school, Dis tnct.'No. zd, on Saturday evening, February 12th. Everyone is cordially invited. Spelling will begin- at 8 o'clock. The ladies are requested to bring boxes and the gentlemen the coin. Mae Barker, Teacher. PREPARING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN REGULAR SESSION TODAY From Thursday's Daily. The board of county commissioners are engaged today in their regular session at the court house to take up " utinttuuiug men attention and to audit the claims Against the city which were presented U the board. The commissioners have been engaged in the work of checking up the books of the different offiicals during the last week and seeing that they aer in proper shape. PLATTS MOUTH GIRL AND HUSBAND HERE From Monday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Becker of Osmond, Neb., arrived here Saturday evening to enjoy a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhoden of near Murray. These two young people were united in marriage on last Tuesday at Osmond at the Catholic church in that citv, when Miss Maggie O'Brien was united in the bonds of wedlock to Bernard Becker. Following the wedding the young people were entertained at din ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave O'Brien, parents of the bride, and spent a few days with their relatives in that locality before coming here to enjoy their honeymoon for a short time. Miss O'Brien will be well re membered in this city, where she was born and reared and where her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave O'Brien were for a number of years among the prominent residents, and her friends will extend their best wishes for her future happiness. The young people will make their future home at Osmond, where the groom is engaged in the mercantile business. AGITATING A COAST ING CARNIVAL FOR ; PLATTSMOUTH From Tuesday's Dally. A number of the' residents here in Plattsmouth, with the memory of the years gone by in their minds, have suggested the-advisability of holding a coasting carnival some evening soon, es the conditions all seem favorable for the success of such an entertain ment and ihe pleasures of the sport of coasting would certainly be enjoyed Ly the younger residents of the city, ?.nd a large number of those who still have youthful outbreaks occasionally. The affairs of this kind held in the past were all very successful and en joyable and on one occasion in par ticular a arge number from Omaha were here to enjoy the sport and the thrilling rides down High School Hill on the old "bob" are fond recollec tions of i great many of our now sedate and middle-aged men and wom en. The young men of the city might take this matter of a coasting carnival up and se-3 if it could not be possible to have the idea tried out for one eve ning. Of course since the last very successful sliding party the hill lead ing up Main street has been cut down a great deal and the ride down there will not be near a3 fast and thrilling, but there are a great many other lo cations where this might be held with equal sucess and quite as enjoyable as on High School Hill. Before at the time these coasting carnivals have been held the track led over the Bur lington tracks to the river bottom, but this has been changed in the progress of time and if this track was used it would be necessary to use the subway, which, however, would prove more safe to the coasters. FREE CATALOG. It will pay you to drop us a card for our descriptive catalog of Garden and Field Seeds, with special prices arid free offers. Sent only on request. Johnson Bros. Seed Co., Nebr. City. FARM LOANS, at 5 per cent and 5V2 per cent. No delays. T. H. Pollock. FORMER CLARENCE MASON AND FRIENDS CELE BRATE HIS BIRTHDAY i From Tuesday Uany. Friday evening at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. demons Koke, seven miles from Plattsmouth, was cele brated the eighteenth birthday of Clarence Mason. The evening was spent in games, music, both vocal and instrumental, and dancing and at suitable hour a three-course luncheon was served by Violet Koke and Alice Lister. Clarence received many very beautiful and useful presents to re mind him of the happy and joyous oc casion in ..he days to come. As the clock was striking the hour of 1 the merry crowd wended their way home ward in their bobsleds over the beauti ful white snow, wishing Clarence many more happv birthdays. Those present at this joyous occasion were Louise, Rose and Lily Schiessl, Dora Nolting, Dora Meisinger, Tillie Holmes, Violet Koke, Alice Lister, Henry Nolting, Fred Hanna, George and Louis Schiessl. John Holmes. Louis Buechler, Frank Hilbert, Theo oore .Lister and the &uest of honor. Clarence Mason. ANOTHER OMAHA COUPLE MADE VERY HAPPY TODAY From Tuesday's Dally. Another Omaha couple have been made happy in this thriving little city, as liarlan Lu Jones and Mrs. Addie M. Jones journeyed down from the metropolis and seeking the office of the county judge, wen united in the bonds of matrimony. This couple have been married before, but later reparated and now seek to again take up their voyage on the matrimonial ea under more favorable circum stances. Following their wedding Mr. and Mrs. Jones returned to their home in Omaha. CASS COUNTY HOS PITAL PATIENTS ARE DOING NICELY From Tuesday's Dally. The Plattsmouth sick people in the Omaha hospitals are all reported as doing very nicely, which has proven most pleasing to their friends and afmilies in this city. Mrs. Allen J. Beeson, who has just undergone an operation at the Im manuel hospital, is doing fine and has begun to show the first real gain since being operated on and now seems on the highway to recovery. Miss Gladys Kaffenberger is also showing signs of improvement and despite her long and wearing sickness it is now thought that she will be able to recover if the present improvement continues as it has in the last few days. Harry Horn of near Cedar Creek, who is at the hospital taking treat ment, is still suffering from a severe cold that will not permit of his being operated on, and as soon as the cold i?nd cough can be mastered it is ex pected to operate on his right leg. New Manager at the Riley. From Wednesday's Dally. The Hotel Riley in this city has a new manager, Mr. Joseph Grippen, who has taken up hi? duties and is now in charge of the active manage ment of the hotel for Mr. W. F. Kin slow, the owner. Mr. Grippen comes to this city very highly recommend ed from the Millard hotel in Omaha and has had experience in several of the leading western cities in this line of work and should prove a real live, wide-awake man for Mr. Kinslow in the conduct of the affairs of the hotel. For Rent. The Cobb place, 56 acres, north and east of the M. P. station: 25 acres in alfalfa, 20 acres farm land and bal ance pasture. Inquire of Payne Invest ment Co., 17th and Farnam Sts., I Omaha, Neb. 2-3-2twkly LADIES AUXILIARY, PRESBY TERIAN CHURCH ENTER TAINED AT STREIBHT HOME From Wednesdav Dally. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Presby- terian church held their regular meet ing yesterday afternoon and were very ' pleasantly entertained by Mesdame; W. J. Straight and Kate Minor, at the beautiful new home of Mrs. Streight. In spite of the very cold .1 it 1 1 weather, tne aiienuance was very good. A portion of the afternoon was devoted to the usual business session, at which time various plans were made for the future, and it was ar ranged to hold another all-day session on February 23, with Mesdames Eliza beth Travis and A. G. Cole as hostes ses. After the business session the ladies indulged in social conversation, plying the busy needle and various other amusements, which made the af ternoon's entertainment a most de lightful one. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses, which was most thoroughly appreciated by the guest3. A little further social time and then the ladies dispersed, very much indebted to the hostesses for their kind hospitality. HENRY KAUFMAN, WILL GO TO MONTANA From Wednesday's Dally. Henry Kaufman, who resides south of this city a few miles, and who has been quite successful as a market gardener, has decided that he will in the spring remove to Montana, where le thinks, and he will locate in the Lewistown, Montana. Mr. Kaufmnan was out in Montana this fall and the general appearance of the country was such as to be most attractive and the result of the crops has encouraged him in locating there in the future and making his home there. This is a new country . and the opportunities there are such as cannot be passed up, he thinks, and he will ocate in the udith basin, a distance of sev eral miles from the town, and in one of the fertile valleys thata re numer ous' in that state. Eddie Vallery, a son-in-law of Mr. Kaufmann, resides in that locality. Taken to Omaha Hospital. from Tuesaay's Dally. Mrs. Mary Parsons was taken to Omaha Sunday afternoon, where she will be placed in a hospital there for treatment and possibly an operation, Mrs Parsons has been in poor health for some time and Sunday morning her condition became such as to de mand medical aid. 'RISONERS TAKEN TO THE PENITENTI ARY THIS MORNING from Wednesday's Dally. This morning Steve Hazeska and ames Burns, the two young men who plead guilty in district court last Thursday to the charge, of burglary in breaking into a bunk car in the Burlington yards, were started to Liin- coln, where they will commence serv ing an indeterminate sentence of from one to ten years in thes tate peniten tiary. The two men vere escorted by Sheriff Quinton and Chief of Police Barclay, and will be turned over to the custody of Warden Fenton to start serving their sentences. Card of Thanks. To our kind friend3 and neighbors who by their sympathy and comfort aided us in our hour of grief at the death of our little babe, we desire to express our deepest appreciation of their many kind deeds and words. We also 1 desire to thank the Woodman Circle for the beautiful flowers at the uneral. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timmis. MARKET GARDENER A. S. WILL RETURNS FROM A BUSINESS TRIP TO MEXICO He Says the Money of That Country Is Hardly Worth the Paper It Is Printed On. From Wednesday's Dally. A. S. Will, who has just returned from Mexico City, where he was call ed to look after his business interests in that trouble-ridden republic, gives a number ot very interesting tacts concerning conditions prevailing from the border to the capital city, and states that to really appreciate them person should be three and actually see for themselves wnat condition of want and misery prevails. The money of the republic is hardly worth the paper it is printed on and for an American dollar one can se- cure twenty pesos in the new con- stitiutionaMst coin. The prices of everything in that country are very cheap and this is especially so in the way of railroad fare. A traveler can ride five miles or eight kilometers for 6 cents in constitutional money, which is about one and one-half cents in American money. To travel 100 miles first-class costs $9.P0 in Mexican money, which is less than an Ameri- can halt dollar. ine railroads in Mexico are operated by the govern ment and at present are in very poor hape, owing to the continued war, I hut the new adiminsLration is trviner to put them in better shape as the country quiets down. The passenger trains during the daytime in making their trips run at a good rate of speed and at times get to fifty and sixty miles an hour, but at night the trains stop and do not attempt to travel, I owing to the dangers of robbers and bandits, which have been in the habit of making the passenger trains an object of prey. It is quite difficult to secure a berth on the train, and often after purchasing one it is found that someone else has appropriated the berth of the purchaser and he is com pelled to get' along r.s best he can. WTiile at Monterey on the trip back to the states, Mr.' Will was on the train that had the honor of having one of the officials of the railroad with his militaryescbrt as passengers in their private car, and the party were ac companied by quite a number of the barefooted soldiers, who stood the trip riding . on the platform of the train, although the weather was ex tremely cold. , In speaking of the people of Mexico, Mr. Will states that they are certain ly the victims of misfortune from the day of their birth, and the result of years gone by of the fugatives from all other countries on the globe com ing to Mexico bred under these condi tions and a very low standard of in telligence and morality prevails, but if one treats the people right they will generally try and act with the same I spirit, but that years of oppression and abuse from the ruling class, as well as Americans coming there, makes the work of getting their con fidence very difficult. The greater part of the population a. r m tne country is on ui veigc ui starvation and this has caused a great deal more deaths than the war, Mr. Will states, and especially in Mexico City is this condition noticeable. To those that can afford it the price of food in the restauranst and hotels seems very reasonable, as a few prices as given will show. These prices are in Mexican money and one peso is worth only 5 cents in American money: Bread and butter, 40; tender loin steak, 2.50-; bacon and eggs, 3.00; one-half spring chicken, 3.00; pork ausage, 2.50; steamed potatoes, 50; . x 1 1 green peas, l.uu; conee, tea, mutt, 60 These prices are taken from the menu card of the American club in Mexico City. In Tampico, one of the ports of entry of the country, the prices are not quite .is high as in the capital, as the following will show: 2.00, or 10c; red snapper, whole fish, 1.50, 7c; cold roast beef, 1.00 or 5c. For a few cents in American money it can be seen that one can procure a good meal, but the natives of the country are not able to secure the wherewithal to en joy a feed, and consequetnly are suf fering greatly. ENTITLED NOW TO ENJOY LfSERTY AND PEACE IN U. S.i From Wednesday's Pally. This morning Caspar Rapavey, an employe of the stone quarry at Louis ville, was a visitor at the court house seeking to make his declaration of in tention of becoming a citizen of the United States of America and re nouncing all allegiance to the emper or of Austria and king of Hungary. He was bron in Hungary July 7, 1881, and came 4.o America in 1912, embark ing from the port of Havre, France, and arriving in New York in Septem ber, 1912. He has been employed at the quarries for the past few years and feels that he is now entitled to become a full-fledged citizen of this country. ABSENT IfJDEDNESS LOSES A GENTLEMAN A PAID OF OVERSHOES From Wednesday's Dally. A very amusing story is related on one of our fellow citizens a few days ago which shows what absent-mindedness will do for a person, and as a lesult of the experience of the gentle man he is .shy a pair of perfectly good overshoes for which he had only the day before squandered two hard-earned dollars. It seems that he arose a little later than usual and consequent ly was hurried in his dressing and grabbing up his overshoes in one hand and a bunch of waste paper in the other he proceeded to rush out on his way to the dining room, stopping only long enough to drop the papers and rubbers on the floor near the stove, and just before eating he thrust the papers and rubbers together into the stove and did not realize even then that he was a child of misfortune until ! on returning from the dining room I he glanced around and hurriedly pull ed open the stove door and gazed within, where the gleaming ashes of the overshoes ' stared at him. Here after he will not remove the rubbers from his. feet until ho retires for. the night. LARGEST CONGREGA TION YET ATTEND SER VICES AT ST. LUKE'S The largest congregation of the Mission week was present last evening at St. Luke s Episcopal church, and one of the most interesting sermons and instrutcions of the week was de livered by Father W. S. Leete, who took as the subject of his sermon "The Prodigal Son," and spoke of the de- cision of the prodigal to turn from his ways of error and return to the home of the father, and of the father's re ception of the young man, who shorn of his wealth and youth by the world, was ready to heed the voice of the father in guidance cf his footsteps. This sermon carried its lesson, home to the hearers and the thought of the sermon was further carried out in the instruction : on "Repentence," which moves the soul to seek its Maker and to accept the aid and guidance of the Father in its life. The clearness oi the sermon and the instruction given by Father Leete added to the interest members of the manifested by the parish who are realizing one of the greatest awakenings in recent years in the thoughts of what the church means to them and their relation to the church. The services were some what handicapped by the fact that the lights used in the church were out of commission and the church, was ll luminated by candles in the windows and upon the altar, but the spirit of the Mission inspired the congregation in their work for the cause. The old familiar hymns sang by the con gregation aided very much in the meauty of the services. This evening the missoiner will give instruction on "Sacrimental Absolution" at the serv ices at 7:45, and another of the series of strong seromns will be given, which will be helpful to the church members i in their Mission. T THE COM MISSIONERS RAVE BEEN DOING nupuinimfni ui i nysicians. A " j . r t ? (JenrRe Olive, Assessor of City Weeping Water. The county commissioner at their meeting this week have taken jj quite a number of matters on the let ting of the contracts for supplies and the county physicians for the ensuing year. In the naming of county physicians in the different commissioner districts Dr. J. H. Hall was selected in the First district, Dr. D. F. Brendel in the Second, and Dr. J. W. Brendel in the Third district. These contracts were let by bids and awarded to the lowest bidders in each instance: In the contract for the burial of the pauper dead the contract was let t M. Hild, as his bid was the lowest. For the work of printing the com missioners proceedings, tne oar doc ket, road notices, contracts and calls for bids, the Plattsmouth Journal was given the contract as the lowest bid der. The resident of Weeping Water city presented a petition to the board ask ing that George H. Olive be appointed city assessor to take the place of T. B. Taylor, resigned, ami on motion the petition was granted unanimously and Mr. Olive appointed. A large number of the residents of Liberty precinct petitioned the com missioners lor the appointment o James Wilson as constable in that precinct, and he was aappointed with out a dissenting vote to th offite. The board then proceeded to elect a county physician for the ensuing year and Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray was selected as the county physician, and the county board of health organized by the selection of Charles E. Heebrer as chairman; Henry Snoke, vice char man; Dr. B. F. Brendel, physician; F. J. Libershal, secretary. County Judge A. J. Beeson filed his report for the fourth quarter of 1915 of fee scollected, showing that $1,- 098.70 had been collected in his office. A SHACK ON THE POLLOCK LAND CAUGHT FIRE YES TERDAY, SOON IN ASHES Yesterday afternoon a small shack on the Pollock land east of the Platts mouth Water company's pumping sta tion caught fire from some unknown cause and for a few minutes made a very lively conflagration which could be clearly seen from the Burlington station. The shack had been occupied up to the last few months by a bachelor who was engaged in working around on the river bottom, but is sup posed to be unoccupied save by oc casional drifters who stoppwd there to rest from the cold, and it is likely that some of these caused the fire that destroyed the building. THE YOONG FOLKS ENJOY THE FIRST COASTING PARTY Last evening a large number of the young folks attending the High school decided to avail themselves of the op portunity of enjoying a coasting party, and accordingly, with several bobsleds coasted down High School Hill for several hours and a great deal of merriment was derived from this sport by both the boys and girls. WThile the hill was not in the best of shape, one of the sleds was able to reach the subway coming down the hill and set the pace for the other sleds. L. H. Puis and wife came up this morning from their home at Murray and attended the funeral services of the late Fred Engelkemeier, an uncle of Mr. Puis. The "Eagle' Try one. cigar, a good 5c smoke. IV H A