The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 31, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SFMI-WEFKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY. JANUARY .11. liil DC DC DC DOC DC cs, MISSION AT ST. LUKE'S 9 Your Attention! 0 o OPENED LAST EVENING WE ROAST OUR OWN COFFEE and are satisfied you will not find any better values elsewhere our prices rang in 20c, 25c, 35c. Our Santos Peaberry coffee at 30c per pound is an especially good coffe and cannot be equalled for its delicacy of flavor. MONARCH COFFEE! The Reid Murdoch people have made a special effort to give the public a good Coffee at a moderate price. We carry a full line of their quality goods, and are offering a 40c grade of Coffee at 35c. 3 POUNDS FOR $1.00 MISS HATCH OF OMAHA GUEST OF MISS VIOLET DODGE OF PLATTSMOUTH L 3 CHINAWARE! r. We invite you to inspect a new Bavarian Dinner Set we have just received. You can purchase this in open stock, 104 piece set, costing you only $16.00. This is an exceptionally good bargain. n GOOD VALUES ALWAYS TO BE FOUND HERE 1 doz. Van Camp's Pork and Beans $1 .00 3 Cans Standard Corn 25 3 Cans Early June Peas 25 3 Cans Hominy 25 3 Cans Tomatoes (2 lb.) 25 1 Can Best Grade Kraut 10 3 pounds fancy Muir Peaches 25 5 Cans best Hawaiian Pineapple 1 .00 I 3 pound Advo Tomato, extra fancy 15 California White Preserved Figs 10 Krispt Corn Flakes, per package 05 Sunshine Corn Flakes, 4 packages 25 W axtile Maple Flakes, 3 packages 25 5 pounds Rice 25 3 pounds Best Head Rice 25 The mission at the St. Luke's Epis copal church in this city was com menced last evening1, and despite the stormy and cold weather, a large num ber of the members of the parish were present to take part in the first of these great meeting:? which will be held in every parish of the American church and which is tended to awaken in the church a clearer conception of this church and its mission as the standard bearer of Christ's teachings in the new world. Father V. S. Leete, rector of the church in this city, will serve as missioner at the services dur ing tne coming week, and a growing interest has already been felt among the parishioners that the church was calling with its stirring message to the American people. A nation-wide preaching mission is designed, not to revive for a brief space a gospel min istry; it is designed to place a fresh and permanent accent upon the lofty ministry of the pulpit. If it is to be effective in revivincr th- snrritual life of the church and through it the! Halton Powell's "For the Love of spiritual life of the nation, it mus4Mjke," one of the most famous cur- not be spectacular or sporadic. It. is n musical forces ever produced on not a movement, it is a re-affirmed -the American staire. i to be the at- Miss Belle Hatch of Omaha was in the city yesterday as n guest of Miss Violet Dodge, and enjoying the pleas ures of the day in a re. t from the city. Miss Hatch will so'.n open a new mil linery shop at 1820 I'-irnam street in the most exclusive part of the city, and Miss Dodge will assist her in the trimming line during the coming .sea son. With the splendid ability and taste shown bv Miss Dodge in her I previous experiences in this line he should prove a most valuable addi tion to tha new high-class millinery establishment. FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE' SEE PRETTY GIRLS ! NEXT THURSDAY EVE Red H ot Bath Heaters will heat the water in your tanks quicker and easier than any of the old style heaters. This heater will burn any soft coal, wood chips or cobs, under water. kind of fuel hard or All the fire is entirely OUi CLEARANCE SALE HEGINS TODAY. H. M. SOENNICHSEN, Phone 53 and 54 "' ) We Like to Serve principal of service. The sermon last evening was one filled with the deepest meaning on "The Greatness of God," and its in. spiring words found an echo in the hearts of the members of the parish. The instruction given was on "Prayer," which gave the church's position in regard to this part of the religious structure. The missioner will have a question box during the mission when different questions per taining to the teachings of the church will be taken up and explained. The general committee of advisors who will assist in the work of the mis sion and to help the missioner in the general work will be: Dr. J. S. Liv ingston, C. W. Baylor, Miss Barbara Gering, Mrs. Eva Reece, Mrs. J. H. Kuhns. The committee for calling and dis tribution of literature consists ofi traction at the Parmelee Theater on Thursday night, February Its com ing is in keeping with the efforts of the house management to present a series of the highest class of attrac tion this season. Mr. Powell, who is sponsor for the attraction, will be remembered as the producer of "Henpecked Henry," "Safety First' "This Is thee Life," etc. In presenting "For the Love of Mike." Mr.' Powell feels assured that you will say it is his biggest success. It is mo-t laughable r.nd to add to its charm it is presented by an especi ally fine company headed by the well known eccentric comedian of note, James L. McCabe. Comment and criticism that have preceded the show are of the mjost fav orable nature and here should be one POLLARD WOULD PUT BAR ON THE LIQUOR QUESTION Candidate for Governor Says Dry Amedment Is Separate Issue Is for Prohibition as an Individual. Omaha, Jan. Co. Following is the statement with respect to the prohibi tion amendment and his candidacy for the republican nomination for gov ernor made by E. M. Pollard here Saturdav: amendment. Should I be elected gov ernor, I will be required to take an oath supporting the constitution and the laws as I find them. To me this oath will be a solemn obligation. Should prohibition carry at the elec tion, whoever is elected governor, will, when sworn into office, take an oath that will make it obligatory on his part to carry out the spirit of the new constitution. To be true to his oath, it will be necessary to sign a bil submitted by the legislature to make effective the constitutional amend ment. Will Enforce Laws. "I will enforce all existing - laws, under my oath, to the best of my abil ity. This has been my attitude on the question from the beginning. In my travels about the state, I find that the people generally, whether they favor the amendment or whether they op- George Dodge Mrs.Dodge. Dr. T. I Livingston, Mrs. J. H. Thrasher, Miss!events of the season Barbara. Gering, Mrs. Eva Recce, ' 'overs in this city. Mrs. RA. Bates, Mrs. J. II. Kuhns. j Mrs. R. F. Patterson, Miss Marie "The constitutional amendment. adopted a few years ago, providing ;Pose lt accept my position as being tne initiative as a means of submit ting questions to the people, had for its purpose the eliminating of all rrv-ral questions from politics. The 3tilature that convened following the adoption of the amendment, en acted a law which specifically stated that no political party should endorse any matter submitted under the initi ative. The law further provided that any qustion submitted under the initiative, should appear on a separate LaUot. It is apparent that the people in adopting the constitutional amend ment and the legislation in providing the machinery for carrying it into ef fect, safeguarded the initiative in every way against political interfer ence. I believe that a man who aspires to become governor of the state ought to have the highest regard for r-t only the letter, but the spirit of the law. In this instance it clearly estops him from becoming active either in support of or opposition to right. In fact, the only position a con scientious man can take. During the three or four days I have just spent in Omaha, I find that among certain business men who are handling many of the great industrial enterprises of the city, and for the most part, tem perance men in their private life, are insisting that a candidate for governor to be acceptable must oppose prohibi tion. This simply mean? that a candi date for governor who is acceptable to ti.ein must be a person who will onnose the carrying out of the will of the people should prohibition carry. "It is well known that the governor has no voice in the adoption of the amendment. That question is to be settled by the people at the November election. The governor can neither approve nor veto the will of the people as expressed in the election. A man's views on the temperance question ought not to be material to the op ponents or proponents of prohibition, because he has nothing to do with it. the prohibition amendment. As an j The only excuse for bringing this mat-individ-jal, I expect to vote for thejter into the primary campaign on the W. R. EGENBERGER, jam 1 Wood, Bailed Hay and Feed! RAWLS BUILDING 1st Door East of Court House. Tel. No. 278 I have opened up a new Coal and iVed Store and will be pleased to see all my old patrons in the new location. Prompt and courteous service will be ex tended to all. I solicit a share of the public patron age, and will treat you right. part of the friends of the liquor in terests is to secure the nomination of a man for governor who is known to be opposed to the enactment of legis lation for carrying into effect prohi-1 Donnelly, Dr. J. S. Livingston, Guy bition should it carry and who will I Reece, Miss Verna Leonard, Madame stullify himself by winking at the law j and Mrs. W. S. Leete. in his failure to enforce it. To my Services will commence each even mina. mis is one or tne most contemn:-1 mg at i no, ible and disgraced situations imagin able. Qualifications for Governor. "For my own part, I have always lived in the country where I have ueen surrounded by nature and lived in a wholesome atoysphere, where ability, high character and fidelity to duty is' the rule by which men are measured. I find a great many men, in the class referred to, who consider these accomplishments a bar to politic al preferment, especially in so far as its engagemert of the notable for iimusemci.t We offer fiom our Dry Goods De partment the following goods at cut figures : 1 lot of Outing Flannel, regular Kc and 12c goods, at, per yard 81 2 c 1 lot Bed Ticking, ..he regular lc graJ-2. iit, per yaid 15c 1 lot of Pillow Tubing, the 20c grade, at, per yard 16c 1 lot of Linings at U off the regular price. 1 lot Dress Ginghams, at, per yd. .10c Hot Worsted Dress Goods, 50c grade, at 1 lot Worsted Dress Goods, 00c grade, at 1 lot of Children's Wool Hose, 25c grade, at 1 lot Ladies Cotton Ho:.;e. 25c grade, at 1 'ot of Err.b: oidi vy that sold up OMAHANS COME TO THIS CITY SEEKING CONNUBIAL BLISS 29c 59c ISf J 18c This morning two Omaha seekers after connubial felicity arrived in this city on No. 4 and at once inquired their way up to where they could se cure the necessary license to entitle them to be joined as man and wife, and at last reaching the county build ing visited the office of Cupid's ally, Judge Beeson, who granted the desired license and also performed the mar riage ceremony in his usual impres sive manner. After he wedding the newly weds visited for a few hours, taking in the sights of the city, and departed this afternoon for their home ?t Omaha, where they will give their fiiends a surprise at having stolen a maich on them and being married. BILLIARD EXPERT WILL GIVE EX HIBTIONTONIGHT Prof. Lewis of New York, who the candidates for governor are con- claims to be the champion finger bil- cerned. ' I do not mean to intimate that this situation is universal. I know personally a great many men throughout the city associated with great industrial enterprises who have no sympathy with this idea. I also know that there are thousands of people in Omaha who want a man of liardist of the world and the only man in the world playing billiards with his nose, is to give an exhibition in the Dunbar bililard parlor at'7:30 this evening. Following this exhibition Prof. Lewis will appear in an exhibi tion in the Elks' club rooms which CANADA FLANS TO RENEW VAST HERDS OF BUFFALO to 27c, jroos at, per yard let of Lace a special to close, at, per yard lot of Misres' Shoes, .SI. 25 and SI. 50 goods per pair lot Children's Shoos goes per pair regular go at, at, 10c c 90c 60c Old-Fashioned Spelling School. Winipeg, Man., Jan. 2$. The al most extinct buffalo may roam the northern plains in great herds once more. The Canadian government is conducting experiments looking toward that. Four bulls and sixteen females of the species catalo, hybrid buffalo. have been placed in Buffalo nark. Wain right, Alta. LARGE HOMESTEAD BILL IS PASSED BY HOUSE wish high character and recognized ability vlkit;M . 0 elected governor of the state. To alll . , . ... . T . .. . . u vtvn.iv kiua evening. j-it;vvi3 ill Ills Dunbar exhibition is scheduled to play a P-arriA of halk- lino nf inn "The friends of the liquor interests noints aftpr -.h5rh h(, wlT1 nlv thp are forcing their issue by their ac- hpat fonr lftrfl, niawra. tW : nr. t l ,1 . nun in mis maiier. i wisn to appeal k to all tne good people in Omaha and those who share this belief, I to sound this warning. throughout the state to rebuke any such effort. There is no reason why the liquor question should be drawn into the gubernatorial campaign. It is perhaps not material to the people of the state whether I am nominated or elected gvernor or not. In my opinion however, it is rof the utmost import ance that a man be elected governor that is known to be a man of recog nized ability, of high character and who will conscientiously perform the obligations of his oath in enforcing the constitution and laws of the state regardless of whether prohibition carries or not." a handicap of 50 to 25 points in favor of the locals, while the professional will play the game with his "long nose" as a cue. The visitor expects to put on some fancy shots in which the nose and fingers will be prominently used. Meeting of Eastern Star. The regular meeting of the Eastern Star will be held tomorrow at the lodge rooms at 7:30. THE REMAINS OF ALBERT II. LONG TAKEN TO GRETNA Yesterday morning the body of the late Albert Newton Long was ;taken from his home in this city to Gretna, Nebraska, the former residence of Mr. Long, where he had resided for close to forty years, and laid to rest there yesterday afternoon in the family burial lot in the cemetery at that place. The members of the family ac companied the body of the husband ?nd father to the old home for final interment. A large number of the old friends and neighbors were present jTel No 1 mere to laice-pan in me last tributes of lov and eatetm. T. H. P01L0GK Real Estate Insurance 5o Farm Loans Buick-Dealer Office and Salesroom RILEY BLOCK PlatUmouth Washington, D. C, Jan. 2!. Th house of representatives has passed the Ferris grazing-homestead bill which would permit one person to homestead 640 acres of land whiel shall have been designed by the sec retary of the interior as stock rais ing lands. The designation will be based on his opinion that the surface is chiefly valuable for grazing and raising forage crops, does not con tain merchantable timber, is not sus ceptible of irrigation from any known source of water supplv, and is of such a character that 040 acres are reasonably required for the support of a family. Congressman P. D. Norton of North Dakota tried to obtain amendment of the bill that aformer homestead entry of agricultural land shall not be a bar to entering enough to make up G40 acres in all. The bill is promised a stormy pass age in the senate, where a number of western senators defeated it at the last session. Suffering From the Grippe. Miss Alice Eaton has been number ed during the past week with the grippe victims and has been suffering quite a great deal from the annoyance of this malady, but is feeling a little better at present and is now on the highway to recovery. Card of Thanks. We desire to express to our friends in Plattsmouth our sincere apprecia tion of their treatment of us while residents of this city and for their pleasant relations in a. business way and patronage during our stay. Should we ever return we know our business record here' will be well earned. Mr. and Mrs. V. Zucker. Let us install a Gas Range or Wa ter Heater for you now. It will prove most satisfactory. See the Nebraska Lighting Co. now. Hot Ladies Shies, regular S2.00 grade, go at. per pair $1 .39 1 lot Boys' Shoes, regular S2.00 values, go at, per pair $1.33 1 lot of Children's Underwear, separate garments, at, each. . . . 1 lot of Ladies' Kid Gloves, in sev eral colors, former price $1.50, to close out, at, per pair New arrivals Children's Hose, at, per pair Bed Sheet", 72xl0-in. at, each. D. M. C. Crochet Cotton, in white, in No. 2, 3, f, 10 and 15, only a small lot. A special Handkerchief, with em broidered coiners (ladies) for, each ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ. There will be an '"Old-Fashioned Spelling School" and Box Social held at the Eiht Mile Grove school, Dis trict No. 25. on Saturday evening, February 12th. Everyone is cordially invited. Spelling will begin at 8 o'clock. The ladies are requested to bring boxes and the gentlemen the coin. Mae Barker, Teacher. 19c 98c 10c 45c William Stohlman Here. William Stohlman, one of the lead ing citizens of Center precinct, and also one of the staunchest democrats in Cass county, came in this morning from his home near Louisville, to spend a short time in the county seat with friends. The visit of Mr. Stohl man to the county seat is the first for seme time and his many friends were well pleased to see him. 5c Not at the Dance. Card of Thanks. I am taking this means of express ing my most heartfelt appreciation of the pleasant manner in which my many friends joined in entertaining duiing the time following the an nouncement of our departure from Plattsmouth. Especially the Wood man Circle, Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans and the Ladies' Kensington club which entertained at the home of Mrs. F. G. Egenl.erger, and all my friends for ards. Roy Rinker, who it was stated last Monday was arrested at the dance at the German Heme, has asked that he be placed in the proper light before the public, as he was not arrested at the dance, bur was arrested near the Egenberger corner for being drunk, but was not fighting. Make your old floors look like new by having the old paint or varnish and uneven joints removed by the Electric Floor Surfacer. See Peters & Rich- ' Phone 35. their kindnesses. Mrs. V. Zucker. Read the want ads in the Journal. ywnii'Anw n xy.y y-y-' W"u .i. tif.ii. i.-:V,:i-v. -li -; n . FEBRUARY 4th to 15th 10 SELLING DAYS Details in next Thursday's Advertisement r n nnytV P 0 1 li Ml VALUE! QUALITY! 8ERVICEI