The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 31, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
PAGE 1. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, JANUARY 31. 1916. Cbe plattsmoutb journal Pt BLISIIKO SEMLWEEKLY AT PLATTSMOITH, XKUKASKA. Entered at Pontcfflceat Tlattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher StnSCIUPTIO.V PHKUi fl-0 l'KU YEA II IX ADVANCE jJ1..,K 4. THOUGHT FOR TODAY. Experience show? that sue ces is due less to ability than to real. The winner is he who V Fives himself to his work, body .. r-. ' ni-;l PVinrlps Huxton. vv :o: Real ol 1 winter again. weather with us A fool ihat doesn't act like a fool, fools a lot of other fools. :o: Leap year ball is now in order, girls. Don't wait till winter is over. No legi-Iative candidates have filed in Cass county yet. What's the mat ter? :o: ?hoot Villa on sight" is the order. Hut to get sight of tne brute, is the trouble. :o: The man who attempts to stand on his dignity is apt to rtep on his own corns. ;n ; Any good e'emocrat for governor, bjt Charley Bryan, the egotistical fool, oi R. L. Met ca lie sUVS. :o: Scr.J in your dollar and you are sure of a eat at the democratic banquet. R.rr.her the date Thursday, Feb ruary 11. :o: Why has rot some democrat filed for cor.gre.-s in the First district? Thi f.r.-t man to the front will be the f.r.-t served. :o: When a man won't practice what he preaches he i-houM quit preaching. This is a center shot for seme fellows in this town. :n : . It takes a wise mn to honestly chance his mind, but there are many fools who can command more respect by keeping still. :o: It is m.ich easier to find the per capita of wtalih of some men by look ire up th-? statistics than by looking: in their pockets. :o:- The bull moo.-ers seem determined to have a separate ticket in Nebraska this campaign unless the republicans nominate Teddy for president. :o: Walter George's friends are postive that he will get the republican nomina tion for governor. He is a sly old c-on and knows a thine or two when it comes to electioneering. :o: Hon. Mat Gering of Plattsmouth, ne of the real orators of the state, will deliver an adress before the Kearney c-mrr.ercial club at the noon luncheon on Tuesday, February 8. Kearney Democrat. :o: Governor Morehead is firm in the decii-ion that he will not be a candi date for the third term. So be it. He is perhaps getting out of the way for Charley Bryan, while Charley agrees to support the governor for United States senator against Hitchcock. The democrats are getting themselves in shape to elect nobody next fall. :o: The democratic party seems to be d' to defeat. We regret to say it, but present indications truly point in that direction.. There aie men who are popular enough to lead the party V victory, but none of them have yet come to the front, and unless they do. just as well hang up the old fid dle, for Charley Bryan can't even dance let alone play the democratic fiddle. The party can never be lined up to follow in the wake of Charley Bryan. WHILE THE GETTING IX'S GOOD. It will occasion little surprise to have it get out that C. W. Bryan and Edgar Howard have come to an under standing as to which of them shall get into the field after the democratic nomination for governor, and that the choice has fallen upon the maj'or. Now that petitions are in circula tion for the mayor, confirmation is as sured to those who have imagined all along that the mayor had it in mind to try for the nomination. Mayor Bryan runs for office in pur- su ranee of a system invented by him. When he ran for mayor he began by proclaiming his conviction as to what a mavoraltv candidate should be and tand for, indicating that he enter tained some hope that a man other than himself might be found to meet the requirements, but finally recog r.izing that there could be no such man but himself. lie has approached a realization of his gubernational ambition by the same transparent ruse. At the recent banquet of the democratic newspaper association he laid down his idea of what a candidate should be, and he constructed his ideal by fitting it up on his own person. It seems hardly possible that Mayor Bryan can imagine that he could ever be elected gvernor, or that he can even achieve a nomination. But he is so endowed that he can entertain some confidence that he may defeat some other democratic candidate through the creation of party dissen sion. Next to his own election that of a republican would please him, if line may judge of his hopes and mo tives by his acts. Control of the party machinery in this state is what the Bryans most de sire. And that is just what they are least apt to acquire by this method of procedure. It is not surprising that Mayor Bryan has discovered that some of those upon whom he has always here tofore looked as subservient vassals would not even sign his petition as a candidate for governor. To nobody else is it a surprise. The recent meet ing of democrats who were unsuccess fully backing Fred Shepherd for post master, at which was adopted what was termed a declaration of independ ence, disclosed the fact that most of the former most loyal followers of the Bryans had come to an understanding of the pitiable lack of consideration for them, their wishes and their in terests is entertained by Mr. Bryan or his brother. They were tired of the tyrannical bossism of the junior Bryan and the acquiescence of the elder brother therein. The candidacy of C. W. Bryan, a candidacy that is manifestly self-conducted, is to lay the foundation for the last desperate struggle of the Bryan brothers for the retention of their tyrannical bosship of Nebraska's democracy. They are not going to be able to herd democrats as heretofore. In the past they have made them selves so feared that dmocrats were afraid to refuse obedience. It is so no longer. Party workers have awakened to a relization that "they are men themselves, voters who are entitled to a voice of their own in the party councils. They have begun to sniff the atmosphere of political freedom, and they have of late been manifesting much real liking for it. This does not promise to be entire ly an unwelcome contest. It will cause some party embarrassments, perhaps, but the great majority of the demo crats of Nebraska will not find the situation without its compensations. Lincoln Star. What's the matter with Hon. W. B. Banning for toastmaster for the demo cratic banquet Thursday night, Feb ruary 10? He is one of our own coun ty democrats, and abundantly able to "cut the mustard." Moon eclipse is a poor excuse for staying up late at night. :o: Necessaries of life are going higher and no one can tell the reason why. o: Have you secured your ticket for the banquet? Better get it right now. :o: . Democratic banquet Thursday, Feb- ruary 10, Remember the day and date. :o: It's a long head that has no turn when unexpected prosperity over- takes it. Personally we have always prefer red a nice contribution of sausage in stead of flowers. :o:- In Omaha it takes about two thou sand fools to properly support one first-class clairvoyant. :o: Every poor man would like to get into some business where he would really need an automobile. :o: Governor Majors of Missouri wants to run for vice president. We are for him, if he really needs a rest. :o: There is much talk about com pulsory miliary service from those who have reached the exempt -age. :o: Dry goods prices will never sopr enough to make the free and down ltizens cease chownr the rag. .n. trodden c Some fellows say the high cost of living is partly due to that ingrain carpet being replaced by an oriental rug. -to: The dear public never buys stock with such confidence and enthusiasm as when prices are very close to the I 1 ' . . . 1 top. :o: .iisfeuLii uas a gieater peicenuige it: : 1 x I of improved roads than Kansas, and Kansas nas always ocen a republican StltC I O T I Charley Bryan has secured some fellow to circulate his 'petition for governor. As yet none of the old re liable democrats have signed the docu ment. :o: inis is an open session" lor old m 1 1 I bachelors. Now that it is leap year, it is well that all marriageable young ladies keep their eyes peeled for the eligible young men who are on the market, and there are hosts of them. I :o:- Now that Governor Morehead is out I of the way. the democrats can certain- v fin,l e,. ctmn,r 0m n . ' uuiiiv Ukiviii UVIV. IllUil 1VL error who can command the full demo- cratic vote, and enough republicans to elect him. But don't count on Charley Bryan canying the democrats of Ne- braska, and this is the year that re- publicans are going to stay with their party candidates. -:o: . I. J. Dunn is always ready to run for anything in sight, but he never gets there. Now he would like to run for the democratic nomination for United States senator against Sec- retary Hitchcock. He is simply wait- ing to see what Morehead intends to do. A fellow at our back says he is going back to Falls City to look after . m . , , ,. . j A his farming and banking interests, Don't you think it. I :o: The Gbbe-Democrat is telling its party comrades that the party cannot win by tryirig to make an issue on Wilson's foreign policies. That is true. About nine voters out of every ten unequivocally endorse the president's foreign policy; in fact, Wilson has handled all the delicate situations just to the people's liking. He has patient ly, yet firmly, maintaired peace with honor. Without bluster and banter he has won practicr.lly every disputed point with the different belligerent na- tions, and has brought them to the I point where they have agreed to I observe the rules of international law ind humanity. He has drawn all the republics of Central and South America to us in a strong tie of friend- ship and fellowship, and poor, old, war-torn Mexico is yielding to his patient, unselfish leadership and re- turning to the paths of peace. DEFERENCE TO BRYAN. Advices from Washington leave I room for no other conclusion than that President Wilson does not include Ne- braska in his contemplated trip to the west because he desires to disclose a delicate sort of deference to ex- Secretary Bryan. Certainly it is a ourtesv entitled to rec0gnition in kind. In view of this deference to his personality, the I 1n . ... ,lK rn : 4U. i.i scivicin juiiuwcia ill una acii.c wuiu 1,1 u ,.i ,i, r l - i .i;,.,.,,:., uccicc jl Laiiuui in Lilt; uia.u.iaiuji vi. ih rp5(lnt n,l b; nnliViW snme.F'nlf said in its favor. thing that has not yet been done by ; those who speak for the ex-secretary f oo ; vu.ooi-o V A. kl L hV 111 4. V hSX UOIVti It is out of this deference to Mr Bryan that the president declares his determination not to look upon Ne braska as aiv enemy country. As a matter of fact, it is not an enemy country, but that is not the fault of those who speak for Mr. Bryan, who have done and are doing everything within their over-taxed power to make it so. Nebraskans may easily imagine that there is no other 'tate in the republic 1 ' to shoot the president's program full of holes than in Nebraska, and it is being done with the knowledge that discrediting the president through the defeat of his program will probably ,. .... , mean disaster, possibly to Woodrow Wilson, but certainly to his party. iNODouy can nave lorgouen now me same political factors of this state vmio are now opposing wun an ineir 1 : !il n at : I noisy vigor tne plan 01 tne president, were a few months ago denouncing Senator Hitchcock and other noted democratic senators and congressmen . . , . .. . , for simply insisting that a plan pro- posed by the president should be amended in ways that would better it. At that time no national campaign . I was jmminent, and Mr. Bryan was out in thjs state pleading for a demo- rm t if vitnrv n c an rninrc.pnitTit nf thp Wil nn nilimin ?tmtinn nf whiVh ho v-- - - - was then a part. Of course Mr. Bryan and his vas- sals must know that a democratic vie- tory in Nebraska then was not as im- portant in the way of an endorsement as a similar victory would be this I 11 TjJl. lll?il ian. ic certamiy cannot oe inai u was important that the administra- tion should be endorsd then, because Bryan was urging it, in order that it might be beaten this fall, when he will be recognized as opposing it. Now, how could the Bryans show their appreciation of the deference dis- closed for the elder orother by the 1 president when he declined to come I to Nebraska because he did not deem it an enemy country? The answer is I I easy. Nobody would insist that they should show their deference by slip- porting a policy of the president with which they are not in accord. But they might at least tell the truth about the president and his pol- I I icies. They might refrain from a dis- cussion of what they dwelt upon in exaggeration of fact as "militarism." They might candidly tell the people that "the large standing army" that they oppose consists simply of an ad- dition of 31,000 men to the army roll. They might explain to the people that the presidnt's plan is a much less LiQWnti ,:r v.i tu u elaborately militaristic plan than that proposed by republican leaders. After making these facts plain, they might with honor oppose the plan. wm the Bryan spokesmen make this acknowledgement of President Wil- son's deference to the family name? Or will they continue to misrepresent the president's policy in order to swell the subscription list of the family almanac? Lincoln Star. :o: . Building will boom when spring opens up -:o:- It is now thought that John G. Maher may enter the race for gov ernor. John is a big improvement over Charley Bryan as a candidate for governor any day in the week. :o: The people who failed to repay the 1 government for the money loaned be them to get home from Europe last year are perhaps the some ones who think America is so inferior to Europe, TAKE YOUR CHOICE. The citizen who has yet made up his mind on the issue of preparedness should have no difficulty in doing so. He can choose between three fairly clear-cut policies, each represented, typified and ably expressed by an emi-i nent American. Ile can choose between the policies advocated by former President Theo- More Roosevelt, former Presidential Candidate William J. Bryan and Pits- ident Wood row Wilson. In either event he will find himself on a definite r I platform with much to be said and I - Bryan and Roosevelt represent the extremes of thought : President Wilson the equatorial middle ground. Bryan is for peace like President Wilson and most of the rest of us. He is so strongly for peace that he quit the president's cabinet because he thought the president was using a too harsh and belligerent policy toward Germany. He was too craftily for neace to ioin the Ford expedition. He 1 V is so consumedly for peace that he is against any increase in armament whatever, and possibly is also for dis banding what armed strength the na tron now possesses. lie is so ardent lv for peace that he is assailing the peace president's program as militaristic; though, oddly enough, he seems not to have a word to sav against the ap pallingly larger program of Colonel llooven uoosotK. CoU,nol Roos!evoIt though, i a lOl e war. He would have taken action, he ,vhen Deium was invaded; tholh vvhat he Wou!d have .lone and how he wouu haVe (jtne it jK, tot.s not expiain. Neither does he explain what higher dutv the United States had to intervene in behalf of Belgium than c,rm:.nv h:, to iu behalf of , , Panama when ooseve t "took Pana 1 - - - - 1 ma after a conspiracy had made it ready to drop into his hands. Colonel Roosevelt, if you can believe him, also would have had Mexico captured and hying bound at his feet by this time, if I 1- o A 1 .non nrocIJnt Colonel Roosevelt attacks President Wilson's program as contemptibly in- adequate, his voice, oddly, chiming harmoniously with the voice of Bryan, who is assailing it as dangerously ex- cessive. The belligerent colonel would have a standing army of at least a quarter of a million; he would have m. .... 1 . compulsory universal military service. which would mean a reserve army of about fifteen million men; he would rob the public schools of a large share of their precious time in order to in- Itroduce military training for lads inrin- their 'teens; he would have a swash- buckling navy that would make every nation and every combination of na- " I tions tremble at our raucous defiance. outdoing 1'russia itselt in its arma- . ... rnent. And if lie were elected pres- 'nt, with such an equipment as he advocates, he would itch for a chance i. ..... to use jt to his own glorification to gratify his lust of empire. Between the extremes of Bryan, Pwm ni! poncy 01 v.eaknos ana auru- M. 1. V 1 11a I istie impossibilism and of Roosevelt. Wlth ms fantastic dreams of mill tansm amI empire wun nimseii as the man on horseback to lea(1 the na" tion to world eonquest, still stands the Patient ot the United btates The president's program contem plates a slight increase in the army from 108,000 to 140,000; the creation ' ' . of a reserve army of citizen volun teers, to number 400,000 in five years; a substantial increase in me navy, putting it unquestionably sec ond only to England, and spreading the increase over five years. Mr. Bryan's program is defense- lessness. Colonel Roosevelt's pro gram is a swashbuckling offensive- news; tha president's program is a nn,l n.lpnimto rorulition of defen-Uvo siveness. The three policies represented ably by these three eminent men are clear- ly defined and vividly differentiated. I The citizens of the United States will make their choice between them, and each will take his stand with the one wno represents his own personal views on this tremendously important issue. Thi pa sions and littlenesses of partisanship an overwhelming majority of the people will steer clear oi the extreme j I hoimr matter wholly outside of where these lands lie in Western .Nebraska and Eastern dorado. rlisan politics or one -tnat snoum v touch with land airents and otherwise helo x , at any rate, far above the confu- jif(sfjTQ f am employed by the Burlington and do this. lret Contents 13 Fluid Draduci tb:4l!ic S(i.m.vbsfflidBtwcIsffl J rromolc s DigcsIion.CIiarfu1' aicss rjidRcst.CoiitaiusnciM Opium; lorpliinc liDrUinciai JioT Narcotic. 5c Afx.Ser.nn Jm.x.Kffi J'qtprrmiirt -Jn far6rnafe Scut Htmi Sit J. - pcrfectKemcdyioor , SnurStomacliuinl'.wa- i- a r.r, rrverishnessaiu. 1Z IossofSieep. jacSImifc Signature c '-3 w' 535 ft -1) Exact Copy of Wrapper. Positions offered by Bryan and Roose velt and, being sane and clear-headed, will take their stand with the pres- idem on the sensible middle ground lie has so widely chosen. Duluth IIcra5ti :o: Plenty of time to file, until March IS. You have - :o :- Men should be just devilish enough not to want to be mollycoddles. : o : The king who flees his realm sacrifices royal pride to safety first. :o: However, a rolling stone does not roll up the ladder that leads to suc cess. :c: Very few girls go into the kitchen to find anything 011 wh'h to pass the time. :o: The question in Europe seems to be who took the grin out of Montene- :o:- Opponents to conscription in time 1. .... ot war are aainst 11 merely pecaue I they are againsi it. I ,1 1 1 t XT Adam was inorougniy numan. io doubt his best story told his neighbors was the details of how he lost his rib. :o: The St. Louis Globe-Democrat is op posej to a democratic tariff board. We suppose a republican board would suit - - it better :o:- Louis d. Brandeis of Boston, one of the most eminent lawyers in the Unitcd states has been named by President Wilson to succeed the late Associate Justice Lamar. The ap pointee is the first Jew ever appoint ed to a position of this character, and will no doubt serve with great distinction. ki f (MEM 1 1 WESTERN NEBRASKA and COLORADO FARMS ff increeasinir in value. Their 1 ...1 f . -u-m pvceed the present ..-..,. - . Indications point to the greatest tiemanu nu mte ueeueu fn pr seen The incominR inquiries show already the movcment to get hold of one of these can buy these lands at from $15 to ... . ... . 1 mind that they will be . per cent nianer in tne near xuture. ai.-jme. t'V Tim silo has revolutionized farmintr on these lands and - - .,,!;.!f.Pnt lands bear testimony to j.lst produced ? 1,275,000 worth of $1,280,000 worth of stock. This was cftjp-W f! ., . irV,,.- me henu ou inapb, loiueih, aim piucee For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In use For Over Thirty Years pto y Poll THE CCNTAUK COMPANY. NCW TOKK C tTV. With all the bills being introduced, it does not seem likely that the boys in congress can get out of the trenches before the Fourth of July. :o: "America First" is the title of Sousa's latest march. It would make excellent music with which to march some people out of the country. :o:-; The happy exemption of the United States from this awfid war is prob ably due not so much to the superior wisdom of the American people as the width and wideness of the ocean lying between. :o : William V. Allen is a good man for governor and he can be elected, if nominated, and he can be nominated if he comes to the front. Ex-Senator Allen has many true and tried friends in Nebraska who would gladly support him for governor. :o: Before you tell anything which you do not want generally known, you should stop to consider that in the majority of cases the person to whom you tell your troubles has a dear friend to whom he or she tells very thing, and that friend has another dear friend to whom such things are confided. :o: A few years ago our ablest men went to the legislature, but now most anybody that can read and write wants to go. That's the trouble with our laws today too many ignorant men are sent to the legislature. Select good men men who are attentive to their duties and know a good law from a bad one, and cannot be controlled by the "smart set" into voting for bills that are not wholesome for the people. :o: Come to The Journal for fine sta tionery. 3 IIUj yield ot Horn Zo to ousneis 01 . ... 1 1 r price of similar and adjoining lands. , ..... farms before it is too late; if you $35 an acre you can make up your 1 a n x ? .... improvements their worth. Yuma County, Colorado, wheat, $000,000 worth of corn and about the production of other counties you in ou. I rm aw S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.