f rxar. s. plattssioittii semi-wefkly journal. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1916. cc DC CONFERENC EIS WM. OWENS, LA FLATTE, AR o Your Attention! c RESTED FOR PETIT LARCENY A Real Pleasure HELD ON THE WE ROAST OUR OWN COFFEE- and are satisfied you will not find any better values elsewhere our prices rang in 20c, 25c, 35c. Our Santos Peaberry coffee at 30c per pound is an especially good coffe and cannot be equalled for its delicacy of flavor. MONARCH COFFEE! The Reid Murdoch people have made a special effort to give the public a trood Coffee at a moderate price. We carry a full line of their quality goods, and are offering a 40c grade of Coffee at 35c. 3 POUNDS FOR $1.00 fl n L 3 CHINAWARE! n We invite you to inspect a new Bavarian Dinner Set we have just received. You can purchase this in open stock, 104 piece set, costing you only $16.00. This is an exceptionally good bargain. u n GOOD VALUES ALWAYS TO BE FOUND HERE 1 doz. Van Camp's Pork and Beans $ 1 . 00 3 Cans Standard Corn 25 3 Cans Early June Peas 25 3 Cans Hominy -. 25 3 Cans Tomatoes (2 lb.) 25 1 Can Best Grade Kraut 10 3 pounds fancy Muir Peaches 25 5 Cans best Hawaiian Pineapple 1 .00 I 3 pound Advo Tomato, extra fancy . 15 California White Preserved Figs 10 Krispc Corn Flakes, per package 05 Sunshine Corn Flakes, 4 packages 25 Wa!ite Maple Flakes, 3 packages 25 5 pounds Rice 25 3 pounds Best Head Rice 25 fl ft LUSITAMIA Secretary Lansing and Count Von Iternstorff Discuss Latest Sug gestion for Settlement. Washington, Jan. 2(5. Secretary Lansing had an engagement to confer again toiiay with Count von liern- storff, the German ambassador, over j to SG.oO, the controversy growing out of the sinking of the Lusitania. Germany's a.st proposal in the Lusitania negotia tions having failed to satisfy Pres ident Wilson and Secretary Lansing, the ambassador, it was said, was to submit another tentative proposal for .settlement, embodying the require ments of the United States. This morning William Owen.-., a young man, who stated his home was near La Platte, was" arraigned in the county court before Judge Beoson, charged with petit larceny by the county attorney, and to this the young nr:an, who seemed truly penitent, enter ed a plea of guilty, but considering the value of the good, ta!;en and the apparent frankness of the young man, the fine was made as light as pos.-ible and placed at $1 and -vots, amounting part of which was paid. while the parents of the young man were notified of his misfortune a;.d re cjueted to ccme to his aid with the lemainder of the fine in the case. The boy seem to be the victim of circum stances lather than b- ing of a vicious nature, as he stated to the com t that while 21 years of age he was scarcely able to read and write and that he The new proposal, after being con sidered by President Wilson and Sec- H. M. SOENNICHSEN, Phone 53 and 54 : ... r."cj We Like to Serve 3 cJ Announces Dance Dates. The committee of the T. J. Sokol society has announced the following dated for dances during the coming season: January 20. Fcbruarv 5 and March 4 and 18, April 2D, May 13 2 end 27, and June 10 and 21. China Painting. Lessons- in China and Water Color Painting. All day Saturday of each week at Nemetz & Co.'s store. Hose Friedman. 1-22-lwkd A war.t r-d will bring what you want. K. S. BENEFIT Saturday Evening, Jan. 29th Benefit Ladies' Turning Club GIVEN AT THE West Locust Stsect Music by Plattsmouth Orchestra EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED LADIES AUXILLARY IS ENTERTAINED AT HOME OF MRS. JOHN GORDER retai y Lansing, is expected to be for warded immediately to Uerlin for ap proval or disapproval of the German government. The United States, it was authori tatively stated todav, would insist upon holding the German government to a "strict accountability" for the loss of American lives and desires that the Perlin government admit in effect, that it is liable, acording to law. for lives of neutrals lost in the commi-sion I of an act against a vessel of the enemy. Teutonic diplomatic circles still were optimistic today regarding the out come despite the TTnited F tales refusal to accept the last proposal. j had had a very poor opportunity of getting the knowledge that goos so much to make life a success. THE BASKET BALL SPORT MORE INTER ESTING THAN EYEf! when you use the VOSSjELECTRIC WASHER. You can't hardly realize the amount of hard work you can avoid by using the VOSS ELEGTRKjuntil you have tried one of them. If you are interested let us Fend one up for a trial washing. We know you will be convinced. We are always pleased to demonstrate and show this excellent machine. Prices $38.00 to $70.00 lister Sum CASS GAMP MODERN i ICA INSTALL OFFICERS A number of the 'members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the' Presbyterian church wended ther way to the pretty t home of Mrs John Gorder yesterday morning about 10 o'clock to partic ipate in an all day session, Mrs. Mary Allison and Mrs. Gorder being the hostesses of the occasion. The ladies j. had come prepared 'to make rag rugs ar.d the entire day was devoted to this particular, art, and although consider jable was accomplished in the making of rugs, the ladies derived mach pleas ure in their work. - At the noon hour a moat delicious dinner was served by the hostess, which was most thorough ly appreciated by the guests as they had in some manner acquired some very good appetites. In the afternoon the ladies continued 'to make rugs and ;aLso participated in various amuse- ! ments which made this occasion most delightful to all. When the hour for departure drew near the ladies ex pressed their warmest thanks to the hostesses for the good times they had along with their work and went to their various homes hoping Mesdames Gorder and Allison will have another all day session in the very near future. Last evening the members of Cass camp .No. .j-iJ, .Mcdem Woodmen of America, held a most interesting ses sion at their lodge rooms in the Woo !- men building and to take part there was a very large attendance of the membership present and all had most enjoyable time. I no occasion was made the time for the installa tion of the newly elected officers and the following were inducted into the offices to which they had been elected V. C. John E. Sehutz. W. A. A. F. Braun. Banker William Hassler. Clerk II. G. Goos. Escort T. J. Skoda. Watchman T. C. Kahoutek. Sentry G. W. Fahlron. Manager George Lushinsky. The newly elected officers assuming their stations., the consolidation of the camps at Cedar Creek and Mynaid with Cass camp was carried out an 1 the new members received a cordial Smoke the "Exquiseto" 5c cigar. Manufactured by Herman Spies. 1 2 m mm o o 13 BIG CLOSING OUT SALE OF Furnitar is mi I3u lSUGW' 1 We are NOW closin sive stock of M. Hild, at a discount will go at these prices. This is out our entire line of Furniture, Carpets and Rugs in the mas- or t.j ner cent. KvMvthir. ; i. , fc ittii in L 1 1 1 VI I r I N I I If K . o th finpef linoo C LI C I i ever offered to the public at such prices. Remember iss a bonafide3 tfyou of 25 per cent on any article in the house. Good clean stock to select from This Sale will Close on or Before FEBRUARY 1st- If you need Furniture or Household Furnishings of any kind, or will be in need in ONLY!' ' 18 Certamly the time to buy Remember this sale is for CASH m HlfifLfO) The Furniture iWan U UUU3l j Plattsmouth, Nebraska welcome from their futura associates in woodcraft i i this city. During the evening refreshments were served and a feeling of genuino good fellowship prevailed among those who ha 1 gathered for this happy occasion and feeling of enthusiasm created for the future of the order here. Cigars were distributed among the boys and a real old-fashioned smoker enjoyed for several hours and despite the dis agreeable weather the number in at tendance was quite large. The Mod ern Woodmen have been very success- I ful in this city with their lodge and ! in the most trying times have forged to the front and are now perhaps the largest single lodge cf any order in The prospects for one of the livelisl mcs i:i the entire La-ket ball season j is in store for the lovt-rs of this r-puri Ion Friday evening, when two games jwill be staaed between the Louisville 'and IMattmo'sMi girls and the Nebras ka City ar.d Plattsmouth boy;.' tennis, and this last contest will be on the best on the schedule of the local team as the Nebraska City team is o'e of the fastest in southwestern Nebraska and Ci'e that certainly should prove a good drawing card v.it'i the fast i Plattsmouth buach. j The shoving that lMattsrr.ou' h ranee in the game here with ihe Council Pluffs team has been very en: cu rav in'.', as the Iowa boys were supportd to te as good as any in tiie wot, ard their humiliation here was proof thai t' e , I l,i.rh school te::m was ill to the good in thi.-; linj of sport, and their game with Nebraska City will show how they will be able to line up wiJi the fast teams that will take part in the state tournament. The girls' team is constantly irn pioving and showing a sj-tii it of "pep" that hrs won them their last game and they are desirous cf Louisville for the tained in that citv several weeks ago recovering from defeat tl.ev si:-- SOCIAL DANCE AT THE j ti g H ill ext attirday Evening, JAPJSiARY 29th km jerybedy Cordially Invited fJUSIG BY HOLLY'S ORCHESTRA JOLLY CULLOM CLUB MEETS WITH M. AND MRS. BLOTZER, JR Dry Goods Koxes for Sale. I have a lot of dry goodo boxes or cases for sale. This 1-eincr about the time of the year when the farmers will 1 c ria to move from cue farm to an ( th-r, and anyone desiring such boxes I or cases to pack their goods call t the j M. Fanger Department Store and I 3wil! be glad to sell them to you. I CITROLAX CITROLAX CITROLAX The Jolly Collom club met this week at the pleasant home of Mr. .-.nil Mrs. Frank Dlotzer, jr., two miles south of Cullom, and a most enjoyable time was spent in games, music and dancing. At the usurl hour the baskets were turned inside out and the loads of good things to eat spread out in an array that would tempt the appetite of an epi- curian while rteaming hot coffee added to the pleasantness of the occasion. Those who were present to enjoy the event were: Adam Fornof f and family, W. II. Sebtrt and family, Henry Keil ar.d family, Charles Keil and family, Harry Meisinger and family, W. J. Hicks and family, Mrs. Philip Ti itsch and son, Ernest, and daughter, Miss the entire country. Tley are showing Lizzie, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Verdon Holden, he proper spirit in boosting the art Omaha; Mr. Holden, George Pick, Carl ::h:o have some kindling for sale. M. Fanger. Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and satisfactory flushing no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome. Ask forr Citrolax. Sold everywhere. git's clearing time with us a time when we clear our shelves and tables of all odd lots, while the season is still at its height, giving patrons the benefit of sharply reduced prices. Special Sale of Corsets of woodcraft. L. M. L. A., Notice! The L. M. L. A. will meet in regular session tonight at their lodge rooms at 8 o'clock and will hold their installa tion of officers at this time. All mem bers are requested to be present. Sergun, Mrs. Blotzer, Sister, Amelia Rankle of South Bend, Lou Jordan, Gretna; Pals Meisinger, Clarence Busche, Ervin Meisinger, Cedar Creek; Mr. True and sons Chris and John and daughters, Lizzie and Sophia. Read the want ads in the Journal. W. R. EGEfBERGER, Wood, Bailed Hay and Feed! GORDER BUILDING First Door East of Redman Hall, Main St. I have opened up a new Coal and Feed Store and will be pleased to see all my old patrons in the new location. Prompt and courteous service will bs ex tended to all. I solicit a share of the public patron age, and will treat you right. We will clear away our entire stock of high grade RED FERN CORSETS; values $4 and $5, all 1 Q C for one price. Per pair u)x0 Discontinued styles of JUSTRITE COR- rf 4 M SETS; values up to $3.50, now for tD X nrO Furs at 200 Discount ANNIS FURS original prices extremely low now when you need and want them most 20 Off SaleofWaists Continues Bealtiful Styles clear away prices 95c, $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 a VALUE! n IUUVJ QUALITY! 8ERVICEI 31 day evenings. Examination free. day. I Yi an rapcr. unms - i 1 r t Y ) )