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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1916)
r if PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1916. Tl ( Fx N ri h. ti c F D t O i i s f i L S. FST Saturday Evening, Jan. 29th Benefit Ladies' Turning Club GIVEN AT THE K. 8. MALL West Locust Stseet Music by Plattsmouth Orchestra EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED The People's Store Perkins Hotel Building Fine Line of Groceries, Meats and Fruits OPEN FORBUSiaESS TUESDAY Call and inspect our Grocery and Meat Market and you will find the Prices Right! Telephone No. 116 We Deliver Zf Produce departmen in charge of Frank Forman. The highest prices paid for eggs, butter and all produce. Chickens Ilea pound. Real 3THE MARVEL PHONOGRAPH Free Entertainment AT W. A. HALL asss AT8:00O'CLOCK --rv Thursday, Friday snd Saturday Kighls, JANUARY 27th, 23fh and 29th TALKING AND SINGING RECORDS OF PHOTO-DRAMA Pictures will be Followed by a Free Lecture on Sunday January 30th, at 3:00 P. M., at Same Hall ALL WELCOME NO COLLECTION CANT LEAVE THE HOSPITAL FOR THREE WEEKS YET J. II. Foreman, seriously injured in the Alvo automobile accident a week ajro, will be unaole to leave me nos- Ipital for three or four weeks, accord ing to Dr. K. B. Finney, his physician. The right leg was broken in two places, just above and below the knee. In conversation with his old friend, Police Captain Dee, Sunday, Mr. Fore man discussed the accident. He said he saw the train in plenty of time to have saved himself, but that he would not leave the three girls alone to their fate. He said he had time to jump clear of the car before the train struck but that the girls realized their peril too late to save themselves. He reiterated his statement of the night of the tragedy that his engine went dead. He had run his car about six weeks. He said he could remember be ing hurled against a telephone post He expressed impatience that he could not be removed to his home, where he could be of comfort to his wife. Lin coln Journal. J. UNION. J Ledger. A 1 A Tl"!"," J. .?. -T T..T..T. JOS. KLEIN VERY ILL AT OMA HA; HIS RECOVERY DOUBTFUL A message has been received from Omaha announcing that Joe Klein, the well known Nebraska insurance man, and a former resident of this i city, was operated on yesterday morn ing at Omaha for a very severe case of appendicitis and that the operation was a most serious one. Dr. Millard Klein, a son, was summoned from Berkley, California, where he is engag ed in school work, to be present at his father's bedside. Th? many friends of Mr. Klein in this cily will await with anxiety word from his bedside and trust that he may show improvement rnd secure relief from his illness. Notice of Final Settlement. Any person having any accounts against the Fanger Department Store will please present them for payment next week, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to the Fanger De partment Store will call and settle rame at once, as next week will be our last week in Plattsmouth, while we are packing the goods for ship ment, and all accounts must be set tled before we leave or same will be placed in the hands of our attorney for collection. This is final, and no further notice will be given. M. FANGER. M. W. A., Notice! Wednesday night. January 2Gth, is our regular meeting night. This will 5e a big night in Woodcraft, it being the occasion of the consolidation of Cedar Creek rnd Mynard camps with Cass camp. Be sure and be on hand. Committee. l-24-3td Card of Thanks. We desire to extend our most sin cere thanks to the male quartet, Messrs. Roy and Bert Knorr, George Farley and Rev. McClusky, for the music rendered at the funeral services of our lovod one. Mrs. Theo. Fry and Family. Junior Guild, Notice! The Junior Guild of St. Luke's church will meet with Mrs. F. L. Cum mins Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. All members are requested to be present. BBG CLOSING OUT SALE OF T 1 Furniture, Sarpsts mi Iskgs! S DISUuW We are NOW closing out our entire line of Furniture, Carpets and Rugs in the mas sive stock or M. Hild, at a discount of 25 per cent. Everything in this great stock will go at these prices. This is one of the finest lines of House Furnishings goods ever offered to the public at such prices. Remember this is a bonafide saving to you of 25 per cent on any article in the house. Good clean stock to select from. This Sale will Close on or Before FEBRUARY 1st If you need Furniture or Household Furnishings of any kind, or will be in need in the near future, this is certainly the time to buy. Remember this sale is for CASH ONLY I M flHfD) The Furniture Man LTUUUzal jj Plattsmouth, Nebraska L. R. Upton is again laid up with the old rheumatism. Yesterday he was unable to get out of bed. Miss Mary Iot-tcr came home from her work in Lincoln Saturday to spend Sunday with her parents. Fhil Hubbard, the man who takes are of the l.ig newspaper press for the Plattsmouth Journal called on the leditor last Sundav. Miss May Clinkinbeard of Des Moines, Iowa, a sister of Mrs. Myron Lynde, spent Sunday here visiting with relatives and friends. Robert Sherwood of Nebraska City was a business caller here Tuesday. Mr. Sherwood called at the Ledger office for a little chat before he re turned home. I. J. Becker returned from Platts mouth Monday where lie had been visiting with his sister, Mrs. Allison, and attending to other little business items. Geo. Barton and Chas. Niday, con stables lrom this precinct nave re signed. Their resignations were ac cepted without argument by the com missioners last week at their regular meeting. Chas. Morton had the misfortune of nearly severing the little finger of his left hand Saturday night, when trying to cut a piece of beef that was hanging in the ice box. The meat dropped while he was cutting it and the knife slipped, making an ugly wound. Jack Roddy sold last week his livery, feed and sales stable here to George Stites, the rural mail carrier. This makes the third time the barn has changed hands since last October. The barn is the only one here and should under the proper handling make a man good money, and here's hoping that George makes good. W. B. Banning left these parts for incoln the first of the week where he remained all week. We have no nformation that he is planning to run," but it looks suspicious to us. Well. Willie would make just as good state official and perhaps better than some of those who are at the state house at present. LOUISVILLE. ? Courier. Rev. C. L. Norman and Walter T'vjsr made a business trip to Iln;- oou Monday, reisn ung home Tues- uav morn:";'. We are sorr to report that Mrs. C. W. Merriam has l;en on the sick li-t this week, suffering from an at- t:ick of the grio . Dr. Folk was down from Lincoln! Wednesday. lie was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Ilenrv Shokev. of raiibury. Mrs. J. K. Williams of Renfrow, Pl.lahoma, who has been here for the j.-aft months vi.itiny with relatives, e: rests to return h"i'.H- in a lew days. The girls' basket ball team enter tained t he v boys basket ball team at an informal little party on Saturday evening at the home of .Miss draco Noves. Mrs. Henry Sass and Mrs. A. A ;-chocm:.n v.n-j son, t reIiie, returned last week from Lawton, Okla., where they spent the holidays and also at tended the wedding of Miss Ida Frampton, daughter of Mr. and Mr.; George Frampton. Extensive preparations are bein: made by the management for the leap year ball to be given at the opera house on Friday evening, January NEHAWKA. News. tf T..T. .T........ 21. Manager Bishop has secured the well known Jones archestra of Weep ing Water, which insures the best of music Mrs. Philip Kahler arrived home last Thursday from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Black- v.cll, at Akron, Ohio, and with other relatives in the east. She reports a delightful time but was unfortunate enough to get down with the grippe i couple of weeks, but with the he overcome it and v.a- to enjoy her vi-it. A. II. Peterson was at Omaha Mnn i i i a i - , f uu, wriere ne is iaKing treatment io: stomach trouble by a specialist. IV e has been looking "the worse for wear" for some time and friends had begun to wonder whether or not he carried a sufficient amount of life insurance, but now he is looking a hundred per ct-nt better and says he feels beltc" than he looks. for best of care, able A Real Pleasure ES3 H32X2E when you use the VOSSJ ELECTRIC WASHER. You can't hardly realize the amount of hard work you can avoid by using the VOSS ELECTRICjuntil you have tried one of them. If yon are interested let us send one up for a trial washing. We know you will be convinced. We are always pleased to demonstrate and show this excellent machine. Prices $38.00 to $70.00 filiil'Sf Hi1 SwiMs Mis-. L.. M. 1'oiiaru, accompaniei by Isaac Pollard, isited friends cm relatives in Lincoln Tuesday. Walter Brandt and Alvin Klems re turned to their home in Germantown Monday after spending several days with Ost brothers. Last week fl.iring our cold weather Thomas Mason, carrier of R. F. I). No. 2, had the misfortune to have his face frozen rather bad. X. P. Sheldon and wife, J. J. Pol lard and wife, R. B. Stone and wife, R. C. Pollard and wife, were entei- tained at dinner Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George C Sheldon. Ice harvest has started here and 5r a few days will be going the limit. A Detter grade ot ice could be had as that on the creek is rather dirty, which is the result of the rain some time ago Alfred Anderson who is attending the State University came home to be present at the wedding of his sister, Miss Agnes, to Louie Ross, last Sat urday. He returned home Monday morning. Miss Olive Illsley, accompanied by her father, went to Omaha Thursday afternoon and had her nose operated upon by Dr. Gifford, after which she remained at the Methodist hospital until Monday morning, when she re turned home. The new curtain3 and wings for the stage of the Auditorium arrived the latter part of last week and now the stage is fully equipped with as pretty scenery as you would wish to see. The first curtain is very attractive, having beautiful design in the center and the advertisements of the businss men surround it and form a border. George Chappel who has been very low the past few weeks passed away at his home in this city last Saturday afternoon. He was taken to Lincoln about two months ago where he re ceived treatment, but not improving, he was brought home where he con tinued to grow weaker and passed away. The funeral services were held at the Methodist Epsicopal church, Tuesday at 1:30 o'clock. The burial was made in the Mt. Pleasant cemetry. Special Meeting, K. & L. of S. There will be a special meeting of the Knights and Ladies of Security held tomorrow evening at their lodge room and a special program will be given and the work of the lodge will be given in special chape. All mem bers urged to attend. WEEPING WATER. .J. Republican. -f Doxie McNett took Ids little ron to Omaha Wednesday to have b m treat ed for rupture. Charles Murphy, noith of t'wn, is fuffering from a badly sprair.e.l ankle. caused by a fall. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jamc?cn "eft F; i day afternoon for California, where they will spend the re of the winte with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Purl Long and chil dren of Burwcll, who had been visit ing relatives in the community for couple of weeks, returned home Friday mroning. Mrs. II. A. Phillips and daughter Miss Eva, returned Monday evening from a week's visit in South Dakota They said it was so cold up there they nearly froze. Ern Stoner went t Omaha Wed nesday morning, whcie he will under go an operation lor rupture. His sister, Mrs. Lena Kennedy, accom panied him. She will visit in the city for a week in order that she may visit him at thj hospital occasionally. DM AT THE- T Next Saturday Evening, ANUARY 29th Everybody Cordially Invited MUSIC BY HOLLY'S ORCHESTRA How's This? We ofTi-r Ono Iliiinlrod PiiIlHrs Rcwaril for anj raw of Catarrh Uibt cannot lie curt-d hf Ilalil iatarrn Curi F. J. CHENEY & CO.. TchMlo. O. We. tbo un!'rsli:ueii. have known F J. TieiieT for tlf lust 13 y-urn. and Im-IIpvh hiui yerft'ctlv hoimrat'!.' In all Imsliu triiac'iu and flnnnclnlly able to carry out any uHit;utlii; made by bis firm. SAX ItA.Mv 111- I I IM .VI'. It! I".. 'loli-dx. Ohio. Hall's Cat:irrli Oire Is t fcr:i !ntTiial'v. artliif. fllreeMv ir.i'.i flu- !.:i-d ami luiu'in Mii'f'i'i-s the HVKt.Mii. IVsMnimiiils nt fr. FrW' f vnf JMT i 1" it m!I r-rm.'u-fti. T. II POLLOCK Real Estate Insurance 5 o Farm Loans Buick-Dealer Office and Salesroom RILEY BLOCK Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth Mrs. J. II. Cowcls had the misfor tune to break her arm near the wrist Wednesday when tho fell while de scending the stairs "oming from Dr. Iieed's of?iee in the Meier bui'ding. She was li;-uis'.-d some, but not serious ly hurt other than ihe above men tioned. Peter Miller & the ice men, commenced filling their ice house Mon day. They nic working thirty men pnd are harvesting a crop of 15-inch ice which is said to be of good quality. If the present weather conditions con tinue there will be ice for all this year. Mrs. Hazel Cappen and Mr. Ed Sheard boarded the train for Omaha this (Thursday) morning, January 20, where they will be married. They have been partners in running the boarding rouse at the Weeping Water Stone Co.'s quarry for the last two years, so they concluded to get married and be partners for life. pit's clearing time with us a time when we clear our shelves and tables of all odd lots, while the season is still at its height, giving patrons the benefit of sharply reduced prices. Special Sale of Corsets We will clear away our entire stock of high grade RED- FERN CORSETS; values $4 and $5, all 1 Q C for one price. Per pair pXcJ Discontinued styles of JUSTRITE COR SETS; values up to $3.50, now for $1.45 J Furs at 200 Discount ANNIS FURS original prices extremely low now when you need and want them most 20 Off Sale of Waists Continues Bealtiful Styles clear away prices 95c, $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 F P Ml VALUE I QUALITYI SERVICEl if