1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 191 G. PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL- f ST!?-.- 1: i : : .51151 ..AS u .'..ed !;iPIt . ppr ; i t "I 1rl 1 f i t i t 1 t 1 2 ! t I V i. a 1 t t. n I Murray Prepared in the Interest of the VAULTS GIV IDOPBLE SAFE TV V. .i f. Fok All General Banking Operation Conru!f Uj Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the Statp Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE B A ft ft W. R. YOUNG, AUCTIONEER Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience. If you have anything to sell at auction, write us for dates. SATISFACTION Phone Platts. 2412. W. Word has been received here from Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, that they are enjoying life in the sunny south. Mrs. Balfour of Wymore, Nob., Jiiece of Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, was an over Sunday visitor at the Edmunds home in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Young wore Visiting in Plattsrnouth Monday of this week, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eoeck. Mrs. Lo Alix departed for Lin coln last Friday morning, where she goes to accept a position as nurse at the Odd Fellows home for a time. Jim Hill, who was operated on last Saturday evening, after meeting with the accident of shooting two toes off his foot while loading his shot gun, is getting along very nicely. mm All $1.50 Sweater H WHILE THEY LAST A few girls red sweaters which sold for $1.00, to go at Get a Hockey Cap; they're all wearing them Hiatt MURRAY Department People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers D GUARANTEED. R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb. Lovtil Massie of Mt. Pleasant pre cinct was visiting with Murray friends last Tuesda- evening. Frank Vaiiery and Bert Crawford t i . t ... iai.ior.uoiJ tne norse market m outh Omaha Mondav of this week. I Lorn to Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Wil son, residing six miles southwest of Murray, on last Sunday, a baby boy. Mrs. Wilson, who has been suffering with pneumonia is in a very serious condition at the present time. There is still a great deal of talk in Murray in favor of the incorporation movement, and while there are a great many in favor of it, there are some who are not, and it will take work to bring the movement to the desired end, that of incorporating the village of Murrav. Coats marked down to EACH EACH EACH & Tott, NEBRASKA " 1 rrtZl Proce! II. II. Nickels was in Omaha Wed nesday of this week with a car load of cattle. Dr. I!. F. R rondel was looking after some of his sh-k patients near Union Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Raker were Plattsrnouth visitors Tuesday evening of this wee';. Airs. H. Reek ard little son have hoe n'. last ni:!-i!i' rod ! with the sick for Iht fe.v davs. Joe Ruri.un was looking after some r.iiiness matters in the county seat Tuesday evening. L. D. Hiatt wont to Platt-inoinii Tuesday to attend the funeral of Uncle Peter Rates. Rorn to Mr. and Mrs. Call Gregory, in Mt. Pleasant precinct, a twelve pound boy, last week. Mrs. Joe Burton when to Nebraska City this week for a few days visit with hir d iughtor, Mrs. Joiner. The doctors of this little villare have been busy for the past few weeks. They have betn traveling day anil night. Lee -!iifn has been seriously ill for the past fV.v days. A trained nurse arrived f l oni Omaha Tuesday to take care of him. A. J. Engelkemeier wont to Plalts r.iouth Wednesday evening for a brief visit with his father, who has been s'ck most of the winter. 1 he p"ast few days cold snap has !-. .do business rather quiet in Murray, but we are in no w iv contrary to al!; chir towns in this lice. We are sorry to hoar that our ex cellent old fiiend. Mr. J. A. Walker has boon suffering for the past week with an attack of the grippe. Mrs. H. Ilutchman, who has been sick for the past few weeks is gaining trenrth. Her illness required the ser 'ices of a trained nurse from Omaha. Grandpa Ruck of Mt. Pleasant pre cinct, has bien quite sick for the past "ew days, and all of his children have iieen called home on account of his ill ness. Mrs. J. W. Rerger and Mrs. Lloyd ere passengers for Omaha Monday morning, where they spent the day visiting and looking after some shop pirg. Mrs. W. C Rrown returned to Mur ray Monday evening from Crete, Neb., and after a few days visit with Mur ;ay friends will r Uini to her home in Canada. Mrs. Ray Dill, who has been here for the past few weeks visiting with relatives and friends, departed Mon day morning for her home in Rosalie, Nebraska. The shortage in the ice crop in this locality, will no doubt compel some of the Murray people to ship in a few cars, which some are now making ar rangements to do. Mrs. Harry Todd, who was operated on a few days ago at the Presbyterian hospital in Omaha, for gall stones, is getting along nicely, and will soon be restored to her former health. Word has been received here that Mr. ard Mrs. Omar Schllchtemeier are the parents of a fine new babv boy, born at the Methodist hospital in Omaha on Monday night of last week. Dr. L. A. Dermody of Omaha drove through here from Omaha late on Monday night of last week to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wiles, where he performed a surgical operation up on Mrs. Wiles, who has been danger ously ill for the past few days. Carl Gregory, who has been serious ly ill for the past few weeks, suffer ing from pneumonia, has almost re covered fram his sickness, and the trained nurse, who has been looking after him, has returned to her home in Omaha. The Journal is in receipt of a letter this week from Chas. Frieze, at Grace ville, Minn., in which he states that he and his family are all well and doing nicely. H is well pleased with the country, and sends his regards to all ojd Cass county friends. The machinery for the work of boring for oil in east of Union, is now on the ground, the necessary buildings are being erected, and with in a few days the work of sinking the hole will be in operation. Then everybody will anxiously await the re sults. John Farris made a business trip to the county seat Thursday of this week, and while there paid the Jour nal a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. Faris have rented the Wiley farm, that will soon be vacated by Chas. Tinger, where they will make their future home. If any of the readers f the Journal know of any social event or item of lnt-rest in tliis vicinity, ami will mail same lo I his otlieo. il will ai-l-ar niulcr this lieudinir. We want all m-ws ileum Editoh Library Notes. The inner and supper at the Libra ry last Saturday was certainly a suc cess considering the weather. It was so cold that the people outside of Mur ray could not pot in that day, yet the proceeds were 2.".()0. An afternoon coffee will be given at the library rooms Thursday, Jan-u-uy 27th, from 2 to ." o'clock, for the b-nefit of the library. A charge of IV will be made for the refreshment. Come anil bring your fancy work. Peginniiig with next wee!; the libra ly will be open on Thursday after noon in place of Wednesday. This is f'r the school children to remember. Ice packing in Murray is going on in full blast x:t the present time. W. II. Puis was looking after some business matters in Omaha Wednes day. Dr. J. F. Rrer.del was looking after some business matters in Lincoln Wednesday of this week. Lon Adams and family have been numbered with the sick the past week, suffering from a seige of the grippe. Philip Lambert returned home last Saturday evening from Illinois where he has bee:i for the past few days visit ing with his sister. Herman Engelkemeior has been in Murray for the past few days at the Hotel Ct-rger, where he has been suf fering with an attack of the grippe. Mrs. C. F. Harris went to Platts- mouth Thursday of this week to rneer Mr. Harris, who was returning home from Lincoln, whore he has been id tending the mooting of the insurance men of the state. J. D. ShraJer served the lunch at the P. P. Meisinger sale Tuesday of this week. There was not a very large ciowd in attendance, but all were live bidders and the property sold will. Mr. Meisinger wul soon move to Plattsrnouth. where he will male his future honfe. Mr. and Mrs. Em Carroll, who have been here visiting with friends and relatives for the past two weeks, re turned to their home in Plain view, Neb.. Monday. They have rented a farm down west of Weeping Water .uid will soon return to Cass county, where they will make their future hoi;.e. Surprise on Mrs. Harmon Reck. There was a very pleasant surprise gathering given at the home of Mr. and Mis. Harmon Reck, at their home west of .Murray, on last Monday eve ning. The affair was planned and successfully carried out by Mr. Reck as a surprise for .Mrs. beck, in honor of their wedding anniversary. There were quite a number of friends from in and near Murray present to enjoy the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Reck. The re was a feast of good things to oat, which was the feature of the well planrecl program. Musical numbers were given and an evening of sociabil ity was enjoyed until a rather laie hour. Relieved of Pocketbock. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen went to Omaha Mondav evening to attend the Paderewski musical entertainment in that city. Lloyd met with a slight misfortune in going from the depot up to the city. In some manner un known to him he was relieved of his pocketbook, and did not discover the loss until he arrived at the box office to purchase his tickets for the enter tainment. The loss only amounted to some six or seven dollars, but it might have been more. Elmer Hallstrom III. Elmer Hallstrom, the genial assist ant in Murray State Bank, is confined to his bed at his home in Plattsrnouth, suffering with an attack of scarlet fever, being stricken while in the county seat attending a pai-ty of young folks. He is getting along nicely, and will no doubt soon be restored to his former health. Mrs. Boedeker is as sisting Cashier Boedeker in the bank work during the absence of Mr. Hall strom. Who Got the Chickens? Yes, but who got the chickens? This is the question that has caused Dr. Gilmore some very preplexing in vestigation. There were some coops that contained about four more than they should have in them, but they all looked alike to the doctor, and all that he can positively swear to is that he is just four chickens short up to the present time. (CHiLDREN WERE NOT ALONE WHEN HOUSE WAS BURNED From Wednesday s Dally. In the account of the fire which de-. stroyed the farm home of Fred H. j Ramge, near Murray last Saturday af-, ternoon, the impression was given that' the small children of Mr. Ramge were : left at home alone, when they were at j home in company with the housekeep er, Mrs. Eleanor R. Hill, and were all j enjoying the noonday meal at the time j cf the fire and Mrs. Hill gave the j rlarm, as well as assisting in the work j of saving a part of the household) goods. Mrs. Will Oliver, jr., was alsoj nresent at the Ramge home at the' time of the fire. Suffers Loss of Two Toes. From Tut-sJ;iV Daily. Quite a serious accident occurred Sunday rear Murray when Jim Hill, a gentleman residing four and one-half miles southwest of Murray, suffered the loss of the second and third toes of the right foot. Mr. Hill was out hunt ing and while he was loading the gun with the muzzle resting on his foot the firearm was discharge! and the shot tore the foot quite badly, result ing in th2 loss of the two toes. Drs. G. II. Gilmore of Murray and Thomas of Nohawka were called and dressed the injuries and at last reports the in jured man was doing very nicely. Undergoes an Operation. Frnm Tuesday'." Da II v. Mrs. Harrv Todd of near Murray was operated on this week at the Pres byterian hospital in Omaha and four large gall stones removed. At la reports Mrs. Todd was doing quite nicelv. considering the severe nature of the operation, and her friend throughout the county will be plcasei to learn that she has stood the opera tion so nicely and trust that she will soon be on the highway to complete i ecovery. Alf. Gan.semor Sale. Alf. Gansemer will hold his public sale at his late home west of Murray on Wednesday, February 2nd. Watch for advertisement and bills later, There will be some good property of ferc-d in this sale, and no doubt will be well attended. PUBLIC I am going to quit farming and will sell at Public Auction, on what is known as the John Bock farm, situated C miles east and la mile north of Man- ley: 51-: miles west and 1 mile north of Murray; 1 miles north and 4lj- miles east of Weeping Water; 5 miles south and J mile oast of the German Luthern church, the following prop erty to-wit, on WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 26, 1916 Sale ta Commence at 10:30 a. m. A Hot Lunch Will Re Served on the Grounds. 4 Head of Horses 1. One bay mare, 4 years old, weight about 1.300 pounds. One sorrel mare, 7 years old, weight about 1,350 pounds. One bay gelding, 2 years old, weight about 1,200 pounds. One bay gelding, 10 years old, weight about 1,250 pounds. (Exact weights will be given on sale day). 10 Head Good Spring Gilts 10. All Eligible to Register. 60 Head of Cattle 60. Consisting of good stock cows, some registered; all high-grade cattle; stock cows, milch cows, spring calves. One 2-yar-old Durham bull. One yearling Durham bull. Farm Machinery, Etc. One Newton wagon. One wagon, slightly worn. One spring wagon. One top buggy. One Rest Ever gang plow, new, One John Deere combined riding lister. One 1-row corn drill. One Budlong disc, 16x16. Two New Departure cultivators One Monitor press drill, 12-disc, with grass seed attachment. One 8-foot Deering self binder. One McCormick Rig Four mower. One Insilage cutter. One 3-section harrow. One Sandwich corn elevator. One 1-IL P. International engine with meadow washer. Three 50-gallon oil tanks. One 5-shovel garden cultivator. Two large galvanized stock tanks. Two sets work harness. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: All sums under 10.00, cash. On sums over $iu.uu, to z montns time will be given on bankable notes drawing 8 per cent interest. No prop erty removed until settled for. ED GANSEMER, Owner. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. T. M. Patterson, Clerk. SALE To the Farmers and Stock Men:-" Now is the time to get your stock in condi tion to withstand the cold wet spring months. We sell Economy Stock and Cattle Powders, guaranteed to give results if properly used. You cannot afford to do without it. Come in and try a sack. We have a few Horse Blan kets that we will make special prices on for a short time. Come in and talk it over with us any time. Murray Hardware and Implement Company. Murray, MERCILESS CAMPAIGN TERRIFYING BANDITS Carranzistas Say They Won't Satisfied Until Villa's Rody Is on Exhibition. Be El Paso, Tex., Jan. 19. General Carranza's order to exterminate bandit3 and the public exhibition of the bodies of those captured and ex ecuted have terrified the outlaws, who are retreating farther into the moun tains. Enrique Cisneros, a Villista leader, will be the next to die. His corpse will be added to the display of bodies at Jaurez. Carranza officials said they would be satisfied only when they displayed Villa's bullet-ridden corpse in public. Villa is said to have taken refuge in his old haunts among the Durang mountains. Some witnesses of the executions of Jose Rodriguez and Baca Valles say that the bandits pleaded on their knees for their lives. Rodriguez, once dashing leader of Villa's cavalry, was shot as he crept on the ground. The rcoorted murder of two more Americans near Torreon is uncon firmed. For Sale. 100 acres of land, 4 miles east of Murray; two sets of improvements; all good farm land, except six acres of timber. Lots of fruit on both the places: 20 acres is in fall wheat; all well fenced. Want to move to west ern Nebraska in the spring reason for elling. Price and terms right. See Frank V&llery, Murray, Neb. Tel 46, Murray exchange. For Sale. A number of thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock Cockrels. Howard Graves, 'Phone 1605, Murray ex change. For Sale. A few bred gilts, to farrow in April. A red Durham cow, three years old, fresh. Oldhams. WE HANDLE THE F -the Best on the Market and Every Sack Guaranteed! Puis & Gansem Murray, Nebraska BIG YUMA DAM BLOWN TO PREVENT DISASTER Other Dams in California and Arizona Weakened by Floods and Warn ings Sent Out. Los Angeles, Cab, Jan 19. Heavy rains have washed the big Hemet dam in the San Jucinto mountains. Should it give away, scores of families would be endangered and miles of ranch and orange lands devasted. The irrigation dam below Yuma, Ariz., was blown up today to release floodwaters that were overflowing the great Roosevelt reservoirs. Other dams in southern California and sections of Arizona are overflow ing or weakening. Flood warnings have been sent out in the path of possible disasters, and hundreds of families have moved to places of safety. Six known deaths are attributed to the floods. Three others are reported. Damage is estimated at $3,000,030. One hundred and fifty prisoners were in the San Bernardino jail's steel cage when the flood swept out the foundation. A turnkey arrived just in time to save them. Card of Thanks. I desire to thank my friends and neighbors for their kind help and as sistance at the time of the destruction of my home by fire, when they saved a numoer ot articles oi vaiue ana uiu their utmost to extinguish the flames. May they meet with the same kindly treatment if they are ever similarly situated . Fred Ramge, Jr. For Sale. One red Shorthorn, three-year-old cow, fresn. aiso a iew Drea guts to farrow in April. Oldhams. For Sale. Gordon, Deuel, Keith and Perkins county land. Very good terms. Bert Root. Duroc spring and fall pigs for sale. Either sex. Oldhams. 3 er Nebraska. I if, i 1 1 (9 : t It '.'ft V i r 4 4 ft) i hi V If jboorAiariy'cahdidatc ne aid not Kin. Iw.. In VP!' VP T.fnrrTrT Stnr'"""" '