The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 13, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Cbc piattsmoutb journal
pim.isiiKi) sr:Mi-wi:i:Ki.v at plutsmoi tii, Nebraska.
Koteredat I'ostoiHte at I':att.mouth. Neb . as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
"A man has jus nach'ly got
J- to have sumpin to cuss aroun v
i an boss, so's to keep hisself
from findin' out that he doesn't 4
amount to r.othin'." Don Mar
- quis.
If you haven't grippe you ain't in
Are your resolutions still in work
ing order?
I; is just as easy to be a boomer as
a knocker.
. :o:
State banks have reached a high
water rr.a'.K in deposits.
We have heard of Mry few knock
ers so far this year.
The Ford peace rnrty will start
home Wednesday. Good!
Plenty of su'.w this time last year,
but precious little here this year.
Mr. Dryan ha? consented to act as
a member of the peace commission.
Dr. E. J. Stewart of Oregon has
been made co-eh for Nebraska uni
versity, and Jumbo Stiehm has re
signed. :o:
It i.: r.o-.v proposed to make all of
Western Mexico a '"dry" zone. In
than connection "proposed" is quite a
large word.
Our idea of a young man handing
himself a lemon is to try to support
a wife on a salary of S9 a week, and
the girl can't cook.
:u :
''Leading Generals in Mexico Are
Beyond the Law," says a headline in
a metropolitan daily. Yes and worse,
as most cf them krep beyond gun
li looks as thou-xh Uncle Sam
would have to spend most of his time
for the next ten years in collecting
interest on the money that the rest of
the world owes him.
The sale of horse meat has begun
in some- of the eastern cities. A cut
let cf an ago I, spavined horse must
be a delictable morsel that is for
those who dote on such morsel.3.
About time, girls, to get up a leap
year uance. Start in right and may
be you c?n capture a "fellow" before
the end 1010. Nothing like trying,
you know, when you have the l ight.
:o :
Congiessman Roberts of Nevada
has introduced a bill imposing a tax
of - per rent upon tb.2 total cash value
of merchandise sold by mail-order
houses in each state. The passing of
fcuch a bill would help local merchants
That atmospherical violence fore
casted by our old friend Hicks, has
been dislocate! by bright skies and
balmy breezes most of the time. But
considering the state of the public
health, zero weather would serve a
goexl purpose laying out the grippe
germs on the ice.
:o :
Astor has finally secured the title
for which he renounced the country
in which he made his wealth to go to
England and learn to wear a mon
ocle. This country has lost nothing
and if the Biitish think they are the
gainers, let them take all the satis
faction they can out of having him
few thprr. food menU.when.
- vrv
Every congressional directory, every
"Who's Who" and every other bio
graphical compendium pays more than
incidental tribute to the utility of the
old-time district school, once the foun
e'ation of our free educational system
it is almost painful to realize that the
days of that institution are numbered
Fcr it is losing ground by reason of
the growing campaign for rural school
The past year has been one of re
markable activity in school consolida
tion in Nebraska, but what has been
done in that direction is but a hint
as to what the next year and the year
after will develop. When the record
shall have been compiled and pub
lished cf what has been done toward
betterment of the rural school in this
state during the year 1915 it will sur
prise most of us, although we may not
have been unmindful of occasional ad
tivities in that direction.
It has taken a strenuous educational
campaign to convince rural school
authorities of the advantages and
economies of abandoning the vener
able one-room-in-each-district system
anil consolidating districts so that
larger, more commodious, more in
viting, more sanitary and better
equipped structures may be main
tained, with suitable transportation fa-
cilities for the accommodation of
pupils living over a wider territory.
Rural residents take to the plan wher
ever it i3 investigated, and Nebraska
is assuming a position of leadership.
This movement is national. In his
annual report to congress, Secretary
Franklin K. Lane of the federal in
terior department, referring to this
subject, says:
"The old-fashioned one-room school
house, which holds forty or fifty un
graded pupils, having but a single
teacher who knows nothing but books,
is not a modern institution, though
great men have issued from its door.
It may be all that the county can af
ford where many schools are main
tained, but it is not all that the county
can afford if schools are grouped and
grades instituted. The richest state in
the union has over 4.000 schools of
this character, wherein the teachers
are paid less than competent farm
"The teachers, the superintendents
and the school boards need leadership;
they need an authoritative statement
of conclusions by the wisest and most
practical men in the land; they need to
be shown the better way. And with
even as little as a hundred thousand
dollars a year for two or three years
we could, I beliave, conduct a cam
paign for a new kind of rural school
that would work little less than a
revolution in rural life. Our aim would
be to identify the school with the farm
and the village and develop a new re
spect in fathers and mothers for the
school as a practical and not a mere
scholastic institution. The problem is
only one of popularization." Lincoln
"Oh, the snow, the neautiful snow!'
Brand Whitlock has returned to
Belgium if he can find it.
Submarines don't seem to know
anything about sharp notes.
The kaiser and Francis Joseph take
their turn about at being fatally ill.
Beautiful snow is beautiful up to
about four inches, after that it is a
Democratic Publishers From AH Parts
of Nebraska Gather for Annual
Love Feast.
oleo would
of the tax on colored
greatly increase the
Henry Ford still has some sense of
humor. He ridicules the presidential
boom launched for him by a few
It is predicted that there will be a
long elebate in congress over prepared
ness. Is there no way to prepare a
national defense the verbal on-
Being a juror isn't necessarily be
ing a good citizen; but refraining
from petty litigation and drairtrin or elected president of the Nebraska
I Democratic .tentorial association at
to pass on someone eise's is.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 12. Scores of
democratic editors and party workers
from all sections of the state met in
Lincoln last night for the annual "dol
lar dinner" held at the Lindell hotel.
Liiuorsement ot I'resuient vv uson
and the democratic congress, approv
al of the president's policy in uphold
ing the integrity and honor of the re
public, praise for the democratic state
officials, and the confidence that party
leaders would protect the people from
the "extravagant preparedness pro
gram of republican leaders" were the
keynotes of the resolutions adopted at
the banquet, following the appoint
ment of a resolutions committee, I fresh.
The undersigned will sell at hi.-
home, five miles west of Murray,
seven miles northwest of Nehawka,
three miles north and six nines east
of Weeping Water, and seven miles
east of Manley, on
the following described property, to-
Horses, Cattle and Hogs.
One span of mule.-, 8 and 0 years
old, weight 2,300.
One gray horse, S years old, weight
One black mare. 0 years old, weight
One rpan of sorrels, horse and
mare, 7 and 8 years old, weight 2,700.
One bay marc, with foal, 0 years
old, weight 1.700.
One soi rcl horse, 3 coming 4 years
old, weight 1,-100.
une sorrel mare, coming J years
old, weight 1,300. oiacK colt. 1 eominc vears
- I (3
old, weight 1,000.
One bay mare, smooth mouth.
One bay mare, 7 yars old, weight
One brown mare, G vears old, weight
1,150, with foal.
T " . . Ml 'M t
rour mux cox, one win soon ue
ttii to
Ket Cratenta IS TlsidPrai
which met in the afternoon.
John M. Tanner of Omaha was re-
the annual business meeting of the or
ganization Tuesday afternoon. Other
officers elected were: Vice president,
The name of Ohio's proposed big John W. Cutright. Lincoln; secretary-
four at the Chicago convention does treasurer, E. A. Walrath, Osceola.
not include ex-President Taft, for the
eason only perhaps, that he is now a
resident of the state of Connecticut.
Congressman Dan Stephens struck
a responsive note wnen he said that
since a few wealthy men own 00 per
Forty editors were in attendance at j
the business sessio.i while several
hundred were in the city to attend
the big banquet.
The following resolutions were
dopted at the business meeting:
The Resolutions.
"The democratic press association
of Nebraska, in annual convention as
sembled, sends greeting to its national
Three yearling cales.
One thoroughbred -Red Polled bull.
Two brood sows.
f ive suckling calve".
Implements and Machinery.
Two Newton wagon-;.
One Moline wagon
One hay rack and truck.
One low steel wheel truck.
One carriage.
One spring wagon.
One light buggy.
- .
Ji CarOriM.tZt'-
iii.Trt fefl
Jac Simile Signage ot
For Infants and Children.
SMIisrs Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
AW f i
1 wt
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
elevator, goo
cent of the property, let them pay 00
per cent of the cost of defending it. leader President Wilson and the demo
ti- ,u i, v.i,n, cratic consrress and confidently an-
age is correctly stated, but his prin
ciple certainly is right.
Some fellows are now predicting an
increase in the price of Ford cars this
spring, in order to ccme out even on
the peace excursion. We do not be
lieve it, as Henry Ford is of differ-
..... . . ,
ent kind to John D. Rockefeller. If titudc of peace with all the world, and
r,t-tM,. va .o.. , riii ., J patriotic and genuine neutrality to-
uiij filing tiie. a. vtiA eui o vjia u vnvuj .
. ... . I ward every belligerent nation.
er. nenry uon i wane u:e vvnoie earm. I .t , lV. ...:u
c: ho has maintained 'he integrity and
This is going to be a great year for honor of our republic under trying cir-
One Sandwich com
as new.
Two low-down horse powers.
One 10-ho!e Monitor pi ess drill
One John Deere c.jrn planter, good
as new.
One John Deere gang plow.
Or.3 Bradley riding lister.
One walking lister.
One corn stalk cutter.
One McCormick mower.
One McCormick binder.
One 8-foot Acme bindar, in
mic SALE
ticipates a trial of the issues which
must be submitted to the American
people in the approaching national
"We express our high admiration shape.
for and unfaltering confidence in the ()ne 3-eection harrow,
president and his advisors. We know
that the American people are grate
fully appreciative of his sturdy serv
ice in maintaining the republic's at
Two Avery walking cultivators.
One Hocsier l-horsr drii!.
One Sandwich l-hole sheller.
One Fuller & Johnson 1-horse drill.
One disc sharpener.
One U. S. cream separator.
One Fanning mill.
Four sets of work harness.
On set of buggy harness.
Two sets of fly nots.
One John Deere 2-row machine.
One bobsled.
1.000 hedtre posts.
One stack of prairie hay.
One stack of timothy and clover
Two galvanized water tanks.
Last year the Nebraskans paid over
$21,000,000 for taxes. This is quite a
Utile sum.
Tke Germans seem to have a desire
to do the fair thing evidently, more
so than England.
There has been no pronounced demo
cratic condidate for governor yet.
What's the matter?
County candidates have commenced
filing. The first is M. S. Briggs, re
publican candidate for clerk of the
district court. Next!
President Wilson is "Johnny on the
Spot" when he is needed at the White
UbQUse,.HethtCW seaside . pleasure jind ji3 over.oruntiUheretuni of the cow-
office-seekers, and the voters are not cumstances when its rights and the
... . I riehts of its citizen;;, under mterna-
goir.g 10 support a canuiaaie simpiy ... , , x. , ,
tmnnl law. have been ruthlessly as
oecaue ne is on ene democratic or re- gaied j,is hag been a trying won
publican ticket. He must be a man derfully and masterfully accomplished
worthv of the Dosition he is runnint? throughout his term of seivice as
for and well oualified in everv resnect I president.
I ..... -i i .
"We unreservedly repose commence une retngerator.
in our democratic president and our I One sure-hatch incubator.
democratic congress, including our One DeLavel cream teparalor.
Nebraska representatives in the na- Many other articled too numerous
tional legislature, for protection from I to mention here.
the extravaeant preparedness pro- Sale to Commence at 10 O'Cloek
cram of the republican leaders, with Sharn.
adopt conscription to J;cep up its quota the firm beief that they adjust Lunch Will Ue Scrveii on the Ground
of men at the front. This would im- this acute Question to the satisfac- at Noon.
I 1
plv that the common people of that tion of the vast majority of the Amer- TERMS OF SALE:
ican people. All sums of -10.0( and under, catii
nm'nt in tVin mnnifpt. r.hi in da n t 1 in nn nil sums over S10.00 a
war and which seems to have been , . . , , ,.. - r-. f r:,Ti,r mnnth- J..
prosperity throughout the land as a credit of six to eignr. month-, v. hi oe
proven by their accomplishment while finaj arKj cornplete refutation of the iven. purchaser giving note with ai'-
the war lasted; in fact they have given republican pretense of partnership I proved security, bearing eight per
the poorest account cf themselves of divinity or Providence and congratu- cent interest from date. No property
late our national leaders upon the un- to be removed until setueu ior
exampled prosperity now prevailing
and the certainty of its continuance
for the office. So if you do not possess
these attributes you will save money
by not entering the race.
England has at last been forced to
any nation engaged in the struggle
The trouble with a lot of fellows and improving abundance.
who are advocatincr a preparedness dif- "It is with great satisfaction that
fot w ci we now direct attention to the clean.
. capable and efficient democratic state
p.esiuent ,3 mat rcjureuuna administration which has abated the
they want us to have will merely pre- abuses of government long prevailing
LOUIE H. Pl'LS. Owner.
W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
W. G. Boedcker, Clerk.
Many aches and pains, sore muscles,
plenty," if we ever get into battle.
There can be no half-way measures
adopted. Either we must prepare or
we must go the way we are at pres
ent. Nebraska City Press.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at Ins Iiom3 three and one
half miles west and one-half mile
south of Mynard, 0!ie mile north and
one-half mile east of Eight Mile Grove
church, on
ood tlc ''lov'in described property, to
wn :
One span of ponic?, smooth mouth.
Two rrilk cows.
Four head cf shoats
Two wagons.
One iron truck wagon.
Two top buggies.
One spring wagon.
One John Deere cultivator, six
hovel. One Avery cultivator.
One Defiance lister.
One walking lister.
Or.3 1-horse corn drill.
One Keystone mower.
One hay rack and one hay rake.
One Bell center cut disc.
One corn elevator complete.
One 14-inch stirring plow.
One 3-row stalk cutter.
One anvil, vice and forge.
Two sets of work harness.
One set of buggy harness.
One saddle.
One man folding saw.
One cross-cut saw.
One sled.
One cider mill.
One grinder with two sets of burs.
Two iron kettles.
One lard press.
One John Deere 2-vow machine.
One cream separator, new.
Twenty-four oak posts.
Twelve walnut posts.
Fifteen coffee bean posts.
Five dozen chickens.
Some timothy and alfalfa hay.
Many other articles too numerous to
Sale Will Commence it 10:30 O'Cloek.
All sums of ?10 and under, cash;
on all sums over $10 a credit of six
months to eight rr.onlns will be given,
purchaser giving not with approved
tied for before beirg removed.
Lunch Will Be Served at Noon.
W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
J. G. Meisinger, Clerk.
A healthy man is a king in his own
right; an unhealthy man an unhappy
slave. For impure blood and sluggish
liver, use Burdock Blood Bitters. On
the market 35 years. $1.00 a bottle.
- . l 1 . 1 iUnf I f i,.in n 1 1 r Vl I'll Oil TV1 ITIC YI 'it-
pare us to get whipped "good and and established a ciean preceuem. mui. .nuh "" .v.w.o...
nn fntiiro stntf ad minstration dare tributed to coki weauier nave ineir
ignore. We congratulate and applaud first cause in failure of the kidneys to security. All prcpoitv must be set-1
state serv- properly eliminate wasie matter ironi
Fc.ev Kidnev Pills tone
A land deal was consumated yester
day in Mills county Iowa in which a
large tract of the best land in that
county was sold for a large sum of
money and is one of the most exten
sive deals of its kind that has been
carried out in recent years. The land
sold was what is known as the Lane
ranch, a few miles east of the Missou
ri river ferry and was owned by C.
II. Lane of Seattle, Wash., and con
tained in the tract some 800 acres of
the fire bottom land. The sale was
consumated through the efforts of
Messers Cliailes C. Parme-le and J. P.
Falter of this city and Charles Davis
of Pacific Junction. The land was
purchased by Peter Langer, sr., one
of the wealthy land owners of that
county and by those who are in a posi
tion to know is valued as one of the
very best farms in that section.
Best thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish
bowels. Stops a sick headache almost
at once. Gives a most thorough and
satisfactory flushing no pain, no
nausea. Keeps your system cleansed,
sweet and wholesome. Ask for
Citrolax. Sold everywhere.
Letter files at the Journal office.
The requirement made by the Ger
man consuls that Americans in Vienna
must show either their naturalization attendance at the state banquet of the
Mrt;i;f - v,;- ,.f-fio0 I Nebraska Democratic
our splendid democratic
ants unon their intelligent loyalty to the system
the cause of the whole people of the up weak and diseased kidneys, giving
commonwealth." prompt relief from aches and pains
T v riitrinht. Lincoln. Sold everywhere
Edcar Howard, Columbus
t t victP.v St. Paul. For Sale.
-In spite of wintry weather, a large
The School That Understands Boys
Four March Duroc male pigs left
before having their passports vised I ....
" 1 dav bv the presence
for travel in the German empire is one 1 .. narK- workers, candidates and
v.ith which it ; ;nnnIl.lp tn romnlv. LtWa r.-nrr. m or thf state. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch!
Scratch! ine more you sciatcn, me
The next term of the Nebraska Military Acadpmv tvc'n
January 4th, 1 9 1 6. If you want your boy to get a good start in
education, 'phone or white for reservation at onr? Onlv
i ! '. I 1 1 1 J
as- that we want to seii; a tew guts and limited numoer can be accommodated. Por information rMrcc
at noon Tuos-mo tan weannngs. xeu e g o,e t uty Olrice Col K. U. Hayward, President, Lincoln Nebraska
in u. rhj. rnone 15 JDOV 1 M c.(v(
so far as the birth certificate is con
cerned. It is not probable that one
native-born American in a hundred
thousand has or ever had a "birth
certificate." Such a document is prac-
vcr FOP H VTCHING. worse the itch, iry uoan s umtment.
- I T ' . . ...... . 1 . ,, . A. n I
o r tji ) 1 l'l oirir fnr roi e'Cieillil. an y r-rviii ui-i. " I
VotrhmiT nor cottinf a"t the llOUSC. I bOX.
fi ' 1'--- ' r-
by express $1.00 per setting, by the
100 $4.00 at the house. The very best
tically unknown in this "land of the strains.
.... .. . A few hundred "Progressive
free and home ot the brave. An i , ..,, CrM.u0w wants a position on a farm, with
American who is such by birth and pants for sale at $1 00 per 100
who has journeyed to Vienna on pleas- Have 2 or 3 registered Duroc-Jer-ure
or business may as well make up sey bred sows for sale, bred for
his mind to remain there until the war larcn nziers Drea lo a son OI
the Col." w. li. I'orter,
ht.nA.JnU" 'Phnno PJ.ntts 4021.
and An experienced farm man, married.
house for residence. Can give refer-
ence.- can at tnis
Dirs. Mach & Rlach, Tlia Dentists
The largest and best e.,uippe ! le:i!:il unices in Omaha. Experts in
charge of all wur:c. Lady atfoadant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain
fiilin-s just like toot'i. Intri!;its carefully sterilized after usinr.
taaaer-Mcra jLaiasxa 3rd FLC02 PAXTQfi RLQCK flMflHA
f mwm m W
For Sale.
Several male Duroc -Jersey pigs,
nbn-'t eitrht .months old, at ?15.00
3SeS FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
A mild system of treatment, that turps PiIm Tr;,,.! .
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
btner or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaraateed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no moc-y to be paid until cured. Write lor book on
Rectal d.sea-.fs, with testimonials of prominent people who hava been n.rm,n.n.i.
m.A I '1