!i -i t " ! - pa nr. 6. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. JANUARY C. 1916. .1 V T 1 U tl SI s nj K V tf : g A A CI t b u cJ S f f. c t a e F t s Prepared in the Interest of the People of THESE STEEL WALLS ASE for YOUR PROTECTION ypfpli " tap teHlliA Mm -111 Mill PI i ll LGS i : Our Banking M&thodiP Are HasGcI ojz Ytz&rsS Four per cent interest oa time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK R. AUCTIONEER Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience. If you have anything to sell at auction, virile us for dates. SATISFACTION Phone Platts. 2412. W. Mrs. A. L. Baker was a flat tsmouih visitor Tuesday ever in sr. Mrs. Joe Cook has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. .'ran.'ma Ht-nciricks has been num bered 'A.'th the sick for the past fen" da s. Miss Lizzie Wheeler has been suf fenng with the grippe for the past f.w day. o Mrs. Andy Campbell and son, Oscar, have been numLered with the sick for the past few d..ys. Robt. Ferguson, of Otoe county, was here visiting his sister, Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, last week Guy Magill and Miss Rosa Emrel keimer spent last Sunday in Murray, guest at the home of Mi.-s Laura Puis. Grippe Preventers are Warm Clothes! Men's Corduroy Pants, full line of sizes, dark color, good fitters $3.00 Men's heavy wool socks 25 and 50c Men's medium weight wool socks 15 and 25c Special close out price on Men's Sweater coats regular $ 1 .50 value at t $ 1 .00 You cannot afford to go without one at this price Ladies fleece and wool hose, per pair 25c Eiatt MURRAY JL Mut Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers YOUNG, GUARANTEED. R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb. Mrs. L. D. Iliat war. visiting with nier.d- ;nd relatives in Plattr.iouth Tuesday evening. Miss Rose O'Don.dd ;.nd Miss Rach el Livingston are row boarding at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Drend- I Tiie daughters of Mr. :;r.d Mrs-. James Russell, residing near Union, have been quite sick for the past few oays. Miss La lira Puis returned home from Lincoln and Omaha Monday, where she has been visiting with friends for the ia: few d-'ys. Aunt Sarah Young, -who has been so .-criou!y ill for the past two weeks has been improving for some time, and htr many friends will be pleased to learn that she is in excellent con dition to be re--t;,red to her former healtn. Tatt, NEBRASKA tment Mrs. Ray Henry h; s been numbered with the vie'; for the past few days. Col. J. R. SebIt and son Will were Plattsn.ou'ui visitors Wednesday after- r.onii. Mr.-. ?l-irtrarct Moore has been suf ftiiii.ir ir':u attack of the grippe this week. Herman Fm-elkemcier, residing west of Murray, kill.- 1 a wolf one day a:-t week. Mr. ar.d Mrs. V. H. Puis spent New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mr.-. I red I.ut::. Mrs. Joe Sans was in Murray a few :ays this week, visu'eir at the home of her daughter. .Mrs. W. (!. Roedeker. I. A. joiner has been suffeiinir fron the rrinpe for the past week, bat is ri ported sJine better at this t i me. .1. A. Svotte:i has iMmn.enced the erection d" a new house in Murray, located in the north part of town. W. W. Hamilton is doin the work. The announcen-tnt of the marriage of Miss .Minnie Latta to Harold Pixter. on Christmas day, at Wallace, Idaho, has been received by the friends licit. Mrs. Jennie Jenkins has been num bered -.ith the sick for the past few days. Her dau.rht"1- and son came down from Rosalie Wednesday after i o " Phe'ie Copenhaver of S racuse, and John Faris Were in Murray Wednes day morninir. where they took the train for Omaha to visit the stock market. The little child rf Mr. ar.d Mr.-. I'c:r.er Shraiier. who has been so ill r.-;- ti.e past few '.vks, is improving rapidly, and the trained nurse in c!ia'-jre was released :itm1 she returned home Tr.e.-da'y. Nick Fi iedrich an J Adam Schafer were Omaha visitors lrst Thursday. Miss Ah e.a Hii.'relkemeier. who has been attending school in Murray this winter, has been quit? sick for the past few days, -iitTerinr from pneu monia. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wiley, who has been serious ly iil for the past few weeks, has been trainintr .-trenjrth very rapuHy ior tne past few d:ys. 'I'm trained nurse was released Tuesduy even in jr. and she returned to her home. Mrs. Lul l 1 .oti'ch'-id '-e. who has bet n nur-injr Mr.-. Yantine at N'ehaw ka, cume i;p to t!ie homo of her mother in Murray Tuesday to vi.-it her sister. ?d rs. Wm. Rrown. jr., and to attend the afternoon parly jriven by Mrs. (iiimoie for Mrs. Rrown. Thomas Hansen and Mr. Ilolmberjr drove to Piatt.-mouth Thursday to at tend to some business matters. Mr. Hansen was a pleasant caller at the Journal oflice and while here had his .subscription and that of the paper jro- injr to Rr.y Your,;?, at La Porte, Colo extended for another year. Mrs. Wm. Rrown of Stratmore. Canada, is in Murray this week visit inc with relatives and friends. For several ye n s pi ior to moving to Can ada. Murray was Mrs. Rrown's home, and of course the friends are very numerous who win enjoy her visit at.-onir them. The deal was completed this week whereby I. M. Davis sells his eighty acre I arm rear .M unlock, to Mr. and Mrs. John Murdock. This jrives Mr. and Mrs. Murdock a 240 acre farm in the one niece, and is one of t.h (finest farms in that part of the coun ty. ..Ir. Davis will soon acquire other farm possessions nearer home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harn, and lit- Itle son, of Pierce county, who haw been visiting with relatives and friends in Cass county, spent a few days the past week at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows in Murray. While here the little son was taken ill, but has been improving for the past few days. Mrs. Harn and Mrs. Barrows are cousins. The old year was duly celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutz, west of Murray last Saturday evening. There were a large number of friends invited in to spend the eve ning in a social good time. Dancing, music and games of various kinds were indulged in u.ii.il a late hour. Plenty of everything good to eat was also enjoyed during the evening. The young folks gave a very pleas ant surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Kennedy last eve ning in honor of their son Ralph. The surprise portion of the occasion as well as the whole affair was a complete success in every particular. There were quite a number of young folks present, and the evening was spent in games of numerous kinds, luncheon being served at the usual hour. If anyoftl.e rfaurs of Die Journal know of any Mx-ial event or item of ii;lfrl in this vlrinity. and w ill mail same to i his ofll.-e. ii will ai lear uiiiW this headintr. We want all news items Kditoh Amther Kieclric Liht .Meetinjr. There was mectinjr held another electric litrht in Murray on Tuesday eveninjr of this week It was held in .1 Ti l O r i ... . ue i ins iv i.janseme-- nail, and was one of the most enthusiastic that has been held since the lijrht. question came up some w eeks a so. There were fully loi ty famliies represented, all of whom seem to take considerable in terest in the movement, but not suf ficient to enroll their name as a financial supporter of the proposition. A line was run over to the hall from the Louis Puis plant at the jrarajre, and a very irterestinir demonstration was jriven on the possible usaee of elect! icity in the way of runniiijr wa.-nins maenmes, :ronmjr, sew in jr. machines and in fact cverythinjr used in the heavy work for the housewife. Miss May Loujrhi idjre held the lucky number that drew the electric ironer that was jriven away. There are quite a number of the citizens of Murray that have already enrolled their names members of tho company, and the.-e men have fully made up their minds that Murray will haw an electric lijrht plant. Under the plans that they are workinjr on electricity will be the best and cheapest lijrht possible. A com mittee has been selected to secure members of the company and all pos sible users of the current will be visited within the not few days, so now is your chance to become a mem ber or remain in the dark in the fut ure. Re a Rooster and come in now. Same Very Mean Stunts Pulled OiT. There has been a jrood many mean stunts pulVd off in Murtay durinjr the past few months, but Tuesday even injr of this. ,veek r.ure capped the climax, when someone visited the clothes line at the none of J. D. Shrader and took therefrom one of his new union suits of u-.deiwcar, stuffed it wi'h h?y and strum; it to one of the telephone, poles. This was not ail, the home of J. W. B.-rjrer was visited and his cows were turned out, and Mr. Rerjrer was also struck in the eye with a soft mud ball, and our excellent fel low townsman. Charles Boedeker, va met on the public highway and wa drenched with a full bucket of water Such carry in on is irdecd a disjrrac to any civilized community and the parties takinj; hand in such wor snoui.i ne iocatea and propeny punished. Annual .Meeting of Stockholders. The annual meeting of stockholders of ti'.e I armors Elevitor company of Murray was held at the Puis & Cans mer had on Monday of this week. The meeting was well af.ended by the stockholders, and in addition to the regular annual business tranacted, all the old officers were ve-elected, which are ns follows: W. D. Wheeler, presi dent; J. W. Edmunds, vice president t. M. Mmford, treasurer; Henry Creamer, Charles Sans and Charle Spangier selected as members of the board of directors. There was no s? lections made as yet ior the manager, The company showed an earning the pj'st year of about $l.f0, which was divided among the stockholders. There was not q iite as much grain handled the pa.-.t year as th-; one previous which was possibly due to the crop conditions, and a great deal of corn being left in the country at this time. ine loiai receipts :o: tne year were as follows: Corn, 8-1,000 bushels Wheat, L'D.OOO bushels-. Oats, 7,000 bushels. l he total business for the entire year is fully up to the average of the Farmers' Elevator companies over the country, when all conditions are taken into consideration. Depart for Their Future Home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Buskirk, who have made Murray their home for the past few months, departed Tuesday evening for their future home in Hor- ton, Kas. A farewell reception was given them at the "Gayety" Restau rant in Murray during the eveninir in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Buskirk's departure. Most all his old Murray friends gathered at the scene of mer- iment rather early in the evening. and in addition to the banquet given in honor of the occasion, there were a series of musical numbers on the pro gram, including a very interesting clog dancing contest, in which Mr. Buskirk captured all prizes. He is sure "some dancer" and his costumes were right up-to-the-minute. Duroc spring and fall pigs for sale. Either sex. Oldhams. Will Cook and bride have moved to the ?.feek Davis house. ?diss Marjiie Walker was visiting with friend.s in Platt.smouth last Fri day. Mis. Addie Stokes has been dress makinjr for Mrs. Rjstrholetz the past week. .Most of the family at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. John Lloyd have been safferinj; with the jrrippe. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Robt. Shrader of South Omaha spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Shrader's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lor.tr, in Murray. The Mysterious DeCastro January 8. The Mvsteriou.s DeCastro is billed at tlit Puis ec Canscmer opera house for one of his ln'mh class entertain ments on Saturdav eveninj;, January 8, with a children's matinee in th afternoon at 4:l-" sharp. This mijrhty mystifier jrives an excellent entertain meat, in niajric, ventriloiuism, and in handcuff and escape work. Admis sion 2.".c, children under 10 years, pic 1 or Sale. Five sections of land in Duell coun ty, rvebraska, lrom bl to .i:.j per acre; part farm hind and part jrraz injr: some well improved. Good terms Bert Ro;t, Murray, Neb. For Sale. Four March Duroc male pigs left that wc want to sell; a few gilts am :J0 fall weanlings. All eligible for registry. Oldhams. THE FALL OF BUK0W1NA CAPI TAL MORE! Russians Are Said to Have Captured Cernowitz From Austrian Defenders. E!G OFFENSIVE CONTINUES London. Jan. 5. Two correspond ents at Petrograd ha-e reported that Russian attacks have driven the Aus tiians out of Czerncwitz, capital of Bukowina. and that the Slavs hold all heights dominating the city. This claim is not made in the off! cial Petrograd statement, which de dares that Russian troops have cap tured trenches northeast of Czerno witz and have repulsed strong counter attacks by the Austri.ins. White-clad German? were repulsed at Tsargrad, and Germans attempting to cross the Dvina ri-.-er near Alisen hoie wered riven back, th Petrograd statement asserts. Russians have captured wir-j en tangle em snteatnedhr csn tanglements and trenches east Biclavintze, it is added. of Russian Losses Heavy. Vienna, Jan. 5. Russian losses in their assaults upon the Austrian line in eastern Galicia have been appall ing, according to a headquarters re port. "In one district, ten kilometers broad, 2,300 Russian dead were counted," said the statement. "Northeast of P.uczacz we took 800 prisoners. "The Russians have made repeated attempts to break through our line, without success. They were re pulsed after a bitter hand-to-hand j fight near Toporoutz. "Russian attacks northeast of Okna nd against the bridgehead at Use ziesko also failed.". To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price, $1.00. COLD WEATHER ACHES AND PAINS. Many aches and pains, sore muscles, stiff joints and much rheumatism at tributed to cold weather have their first cause in failure of the kidneys to properly eliminate waste matter from the system. Foley Kidney Pills tone up weak and diseased kidneys, giving prompt relief from aches and pains. Sold everywhere. Hot Water Bottle A friend in deed. Make it a friend to depend on by buying the best quality at WEY- IICH & HADRABA'S. For Sale. 100 acres of land, 4 mile3 east of Murray; two sets of improvements; all good farm land, except six acres of timber. Lots of fruit on both the places: 20 acres is in fall wheat; all ell fenced. Want to move to west- ern Nebraska in the spring reason fori selling. Price and term3 right. See Frank Vallery, Murray, Neb. Tel 46, Murray exchange. To the Farmers and Stock Men:' Now is the time to get your stock in condi tion to withstand the cold wet spring months. We sell Economy Stock and Cattle Powders, guaranteed to give results if properly used. You cannot afford to do without it. Come in and try a sack. We have a few Horse Blan kets that we will make special prices on for a short time. Come in and talk it over with us any time. Murray Hardware and Implement r Murray, VUIIipctliy. "PREPAREDNESS" PLAN IS DOOMED WILSON ADMITS Senate Leader Kern Will Oppose It, and House Leader Kitchen Is Against It. FLAN MAY BE MODIFIED Washington, D. C, Jan. 5. Unless materially modified. President Wil son's preparedness plan is beaten. This is the opinion, authoritatively learned today, of the administration itself. Defection of Senator Kern, senate democratic leader, from the forces working for the great army and navy program outlined by the president in his message to congress was the final proof to the White house that its plans will not carry. Kern's decision that he cannot support the program became known today. The people of Indiana are opposed, it is said. This leaves the preparedness pro gram unsupported by the leaders in both houses. Kitchen, houses majority leader, has held off from the first, but Kern' warm Wilson admirer, had been expected to lead the administration's senate fight. Kern refused to confirm the report as to his attitude. I will stand by my statement that, generally, I will support the program although as to which of the several plans proposed I shall approve I can not sav," he said. Bryan Threatens to Oppose Wilson. The defection of Kern is directly traced to Bryan, who is said to have spent two days with House Leader Kitchin during the last week, plan ning against the administration pro gram. Leaders with whom he has talked ay that Bryan is bitter against the president's program and is threaten ing to stump the country before the democratic convention to arouse sen timent against preparedness and against a second term for Wilson. EWflwton Sale! L I I I l i Wanting to reduce our stock of Winter Goods before tak ing an inventory on our stock, we think it would be a sav ing to you to make an investigation on some of the use ful articles we are reducing in price. Come in and try a pound of "Our Best 25c - roasted and packed expressly paid for all kinds of Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska They say that while Bryan has no intention of bolting the action of the convention should it renominate the president, he hopes to prevent the nomination. People Don't Like Big Army Plan. Today President Wilson is receiving many discouraging reports over the preparedness program. The opposition centers upon Secre tary Garrison's army plan. The peo ple "back home" don't like it, many congressmen report. An indication that the Austrian crisis might strengthen the adminis tration's program came in a telegram stating that Venable had been elected to congress in Mississippi after mak ing an out-and-out fight for prepared ness. Two New Battle Ships Expected. Administration officials are still confident that two battle ships and a large number of auxiliaries will be authorized by congress. Preparedness hearings, which promise to last for months, were be gun by the house naval committee to day. Rear Admiral Standford, chief of the bureau of yards and docks, urged more government docks, where battle ships and smaller warcraft can be built Tomorrow the army program will be taken up by the house military committee, with Secretary Garrison the first witness. Cotton, bandages, plasters, tape, liniments and emergency goonls. Buy them at WEYRICH & HADRABA'S and get quality. If a cough bothers you, Nyal's Ex pectorant will bother it until it disap pears. At WfclKICli &. HADKABA'S. GOL. Wr.1. DUNN, AUCTIONEER WEEPING WATER, NEBRASKA 18 to 20 years experience is worth something to those who nave property ror sale. r i Satisfaction Guaranteed I am always after the High Dollar for Your Goods. ,jrand Coffee" for our use. Highest price farm produce. Nebraska. 1 i i "A 7' I r l