The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 16, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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PAGF. 6.
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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Trillin III ! jagT&S.'lag fcr-BrSk
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
If you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
Phone Plaits. 2412. W.
Frank Dugay was calling on friends
in Union Sunday.
Duroc spring and fall pigs for sale.
Either sex. Oldhams.
Ja.-per Queen was a Plattsmouth
visitor Friday afternoon.
Personal taxes are now due and pay
able at the Murray State Bank.
Iee Nichols and Miss Etta Nichols
spent Sunday with A. I). Crunk and
F. L. Rhoden and wife motored to
Omaha Tuesday where they were hav
ing some dental work finished.
There were no service at Lewiston
Sunday afternoon, Rev. Taylor con
ducted the funeral service of the late
George LaRue at Union.
M. G. Churchill has won the prizes
around these parts for being: the
champion gopher catcher. Over at the
home of Col. Seybolt a few days ago
he caught 29 in eight hours, and the
day was not a pood day for gophers
either, especially around the Seybolt
-Only One Week Pilore-
A few suggestions in the way of a present:
Dress Shirts
Dress Gloves
Cuff Buttons
"Watch Fobs
AVatch Chains
Manicure Sets
FOR KIDDIES Lots of Toys and Useful Articles. A
fine line of Xmas Candy, bulk and boxes.
Buy It at the Store That Keeps It!
R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
J. D. Tinner was visiting friends at
Lewiston Thursday of last week.
Mrs. John Chalfar.t was calling on
friends in Murray Wednesday after
noon, "f
You can pay your personal taxes
at the Murray State Rank. They are
now due.
Mrs. F. L. Rhoden spent Thursday
with her sister, Mrs. Alex Rhcden,
west of Murray.
Oscar Campbell who is suffering
with a badly broken arm, is reported
resting easy, but very poorly.
John Hendricks is still listed among
those keeping bach lor hall. Mrs. Hend
ricks is expected home this week.
John Faris and family arrived
Tuesday for a few weeks visit with
his brother, Lee Faris, east of Murray.
F. L. Rhoden has been listed among
the sick for the past week or so. Frank
had a tooth pulling time last week
that came near getting the best of
Fancy Plates
Sewing Stands
Hood and Scarf Sets
Silver Knives and Fork Sets
Silver Ware
Silk Hose
Fancy Slippers
Turkish Towels
Pin Cushions
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogue have a
sick baby at their home.
Miss Henrietta Creamer was a
Plattsmouth visitor last Saturday.
Ami! Ill Ki of Plattsmouth was visit
ing with Murray friends last Sunday.
S. O. Pitman was a Plattsmouth
visitor Wednesday morning of this
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Raker were
Plattsmouth visitors last Sunday eve
ning. Misses Opha Raker and Laura Puis
were Omaha visitors last Saturday
and Sunday.
Dr. R. F. Brendel and Ed Shoemaker
made a business nip to Lincoln Wed
nesday of this week. .
J. T. Brendle was shelling the new
crop of earn Wednesday. Marasak &
Maresak are doing the shelling.
Attend the Parcel Post and Apron
Sa!e. and take dTnner with the ladies
of the Christian church Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young, Mr. and
Mrs. Dallas Young and Mrs. Ona Law
ton motored to Omaha last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis, sr.. were
visiting at home of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Hild, west of Mynard last Sun
day. The little thild of Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Shiader, who has been sick for
the past wetk. remains about the
Mr. r.r.,1 Mrs. Edward Lyman de
parted Sunday for Vai!. S. D., where
they will make their home on their
O. C. Lloyd has been suffering very
severely for the past few days with
an abcess on the inside of his left
Mark White shipped in another load
of feeders from South Omaha Tues-
;dav f this week. Thev were unloaded
..t Murray.
Remember the Parcel 'Post and
Apron sale at the Christian church
Saturday. Dinner ar d supper will
. i . i i
I u..-u i.e s-vn eu.
Mr. and Mrs. Kikendall departed
this week for Eddyville, Neb., where
they will make a few weeks' visit dur
ing the winter.
Mrs. Charles Schwab sutoed to
Plattsmouth Monday, where she spent
a few hours in looking after some
business matters.
Mi.;s Lucille Thorpe of Lincoln, who
has been here for the past two weeks
visiting with her sister, departed this
week for her home.
Joe Hathaway, who is still in the
hospital at Omaha, eontinues to im
prove, but will be unable to return
home for some time.
Dea Hostetter and family were
Omaha passengers Friday where they
spent the week end with relatives, and
did their Christmas shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harn of Bloom
field, Neb., are visiting with friends
and relatives near Murray. Mrs. Harn
was very sick for a few days the past
Joe Creamer, who has been here for
the past few weeks working in the
insurance business and visiting with
home folks, returned to his home in
Omaha last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker went to
Omaha Sunday to meet Mrs. Karris
and Mrs. Copenhaver, who were en
route to Plattsmouth and Union, from
their homes in Minnesota.
Mrs. Lulu Loughridge, who has
been nursing at Union, was up Sun
day for the day with home folks, re
turning to Union in the evening to
take up her duties in caring for her
Ike Dye, Emery Hathaway and
Sherman Austin, from Union, are do
ing considerable grading along the M
P. south of Murray, near the Todd
place, making Murray their headquar
The farmers of this community
have been very busy for the past few
days with their corn. Some are shell
ing and 'delivering to the elevators,
while others are gathering, having
small amounts left in the field.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gansemer went to
Omaha Wednesday morning where Ed.
will remain at the Presbyterian hos
pital for a few weeks receiving treat
ment. Mrs. Gansemer returned home
in the evening.
' W. A. Scott has rented the Holmes
store on the corner and will open up
a first-class restaurant in Murray,
where you can buy all the good things
to eat most all the time, as well as a
complete line of candies, soft drinks,
cigars and tobacco.
The last coat of stucco has been
put on the new house of Louie Puis.
This work is being done by the Con
crete Construction company of Platts
mouth. This is going to be one of the
finest homes in Murray.
I any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
ev-nt or hem of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to t his otHce. it will ap
pear under Hits iieadintr. We
want all newsitema Editou
Fred Condon was an Omaha visit
or last Friday.
Mrs. Glen Rhoden has been sick for
the past few days.
Colonel Seybolt was a Plattsmouth
visitor on Monday of this week.
Miss Fay Oldham was a business
visitor in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Mrs. Gailen Rhoden was a Platts
mouth visitor Tuesday of this week.
Mis. Fred Beverage has been num
bered with the sick for the past few
J. D. Shiader was a Plattsmouth
and Omaha visitor Wednesday of this
Mrs. E. S. Tutt and Mrs. O. A.
Davis were Omaha visitors Tuesday
of this week.
Mrs. A. J. Stokes has been dress
making for Miss Margie Walker for
the past week.
Jess Warga of Plattsmouth was
looking after business matters in Mur
ray Wednesday.
Charles Hearing of Kansas City,
nephew of II. C. Long, was here last
Tuesday visiiing at the Long home.
Mrs. C. L. Creamer has been very
s:ck the past two weeks, suffering
with pneumonia. She is reported just
! a little better this wetk, but is still
a very sic!; lady. The many friends
hope that she will continue to improve
and be restoied to her former health.
Return From Minnesata.
John Faris and Steve Copenhaver
retr.r n.-d to Cass county this week ar
riving at Union, where they unloaded
their goods Tuesday. Mrs. Faris and
Mrs. Copenhaver arrived Sunday eve
ning ard have been visiting in Platts
mouth and Urion awaiting the arrival
of the car. They have not decided yet
where they wiil make their home the
coming summer, but some where in
Cass countv, that is sure. Thev still
own their ltnd in Minnesota, but at
like a great lr.any others, would pre
fer to live in old Cass county, and we
are all mighty gl:;d to welcome then
back to the old home.
Librarj Notes.
Red Cross seals on sale at the li
brary a;ul Iliatt & Tutt's store. Buy
your Christmas stickers and help the
The market last Saturday was very
rrvjch of a success, but there will be
no more of them held until after the
iirst of the year.
Library meeting December 28th
Make .'.nunqemcnt.- to come.
Mrs. Royal returned home last Sat
urday and has resumed her duties as
Meet your friends at the library.
Social Dance January 1.
Remember the next big social dance
niht in Murray will be Saturday,
January 1, at the Puis & Gansemer
hall. The music will be furnished by
the IIollv orchestra of Plattsmouth
and the usual good time is assured.
For Sale.
100 acres of land, 4 miles east of
Murray; two sets of improvements
all good farm land, except six acres
of timber. Lots of fruit on both the
places: 20 acres is in fall wheat; all
well fenced. Want to move to west
em Nebraska in the spring reason for
selling. Price and terms right. See
Frank Vallery, Murray, Neb. Tel 46
Murray exchange.
For Sale.
Four March Duroc male pigs left
that we want to sell; a few gilts and
30 fall weanlings. All eligible for
registry. Oldhams.
For Sale.
Twenty-one head of steers, coming
two years old, most all Whiteface,
without horns. They are all good
quality and will sell at the market
price, if taken befora December 12th
R. R. Nickels, Murray, Neb.
Telephone 1814.
DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with five cents to Foley
& Co., Chicago, 111., writing your
name and address clearly. You will
receive in return a trial package con
taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, colds and croup,
Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar
tic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
The finest line of Christmas Cards
ever brought to Plattsmouth will be
found at the Journal office.
Murray State Bank
of Murray, Nebraska
Charter No. f7S
Incoi iMirateil in tlie State of Nebraska, at tbe
close of business Dei-emlier V, l!tl.".
Loans and discounts
S S4.4'9 Ml
tvemrufts -a
ItunU iittr Ik hi. furniture and tit ures 3,40i 00
Current e.Mieiises. taxes and interest
Due from nutionul and state
-Vl-' 00
banks ;I.Y1 74
Currency I.W'l
(ioldeoin l.t'-Vi t'O
Silver, nickels and cents ill Is-I.VJ.'jI !.'
Tot al
.?li'.-,,s(; 03
Capital slock paid In
Suiplus fund
I ' ndiv ided profits
...SlO.nno Co
... ;".0(0 00
... 4.I..7
Individual deposits subject to
beck T44.074 i7
Time cert itii'alesof deposit . . 4t).;t'4 ti:i
('ashler's checks outstanding, l.."IS Xl-s.V' V.l
leiH)sltois'truaranli-fund Ton si
Total flUj.Hii 011
State ok Nkbiiaska. .
Count j-of Cass. ( 1. W. i. Hoedeker,
cashier of tin- almve named hank, do hereby
swear that t lie aliove statement is a correct
ami true copy of the reiMrt made to the State
bankiiii.' hoard. W. ti. H:kikkkk. Cashier.
Attest :
i Cm s. . 1 a hm ki.k. 1M rector
i l'n:t I.. Ni TMA.v. Director
Mihscrilied andsworn to befol e ine t bis l.'itli
daj-of December. l'.l."i. .1. M. I'ai.mkk.
1st a i. I Notary Public.
Another Light .Meeting.
Those interested in the new light
ing plant for Murray held another
meeting Tuesday evening for the pur
pose of making some advancement to
ward the future success of landing an
electric light plant in Murray, but
from what we can learn they are just
about at the same old point they have
been for the past few weeks. While
the promoters of the proposition are
and have been for some time assured
that Murray will have a light plant,
up to the present time they have not
secured sufficient support or not
enough consumers who will come
across with the required initiation fee
to install us large a plant as they
would like. There wiil be another
meeting held Friday evening of this
week, and it is the duty of all interest
ed to be present and assist in install
ing as large a plant as possible.
M. W. A. Meeting.
There wiil be a special meeting of
the M. W. A. lodge on next Saturday
evening. December 18th. All members
are requested to turn out, as there
are some matters of business to be
looked after.
Don't be Vfraid.
Don't be afraid of a little fun at
home, good people. Don't shut up
your houses lest the sun fade your
carpets, and your heart lest a laugh
should shake down some of the musty
cobwebs there. If you want to ruin
your sons, let them think that all fun
and social enjoyment must be left on
the threshold when they come at night
When once home is regarded as only
a place to eat, to drink and to sleep,
the work is begun that leads to gamb
ling house and degraduation. Young
people must have fun and relaxation
somewhere. If thev do not find it at
their hearthstone it will be sought in
other places. Therefore, let the fire
burn brightly at home ever delightful
with all these little arts that parents
so artfully understand. Don t repress
the buoyant spirits of merriment
around the lamp and firelight of home
that blot out their remembrance of
many a care and annoyance during
the daw and the best safeguard they
can take with them into the world is
the unseen influence of a bright and
cheerful domestic sanctum.
Arthur Jones, Allen, Kas., writes
"I have been troubled with bladder and
kidney troubles for a good many
years. If it were not for Foley Kidney
Pills I would never be able to work in
the hay field." Men and women past
middle age find these pills a splendid
remedy for weak, overworked or dis
eased kidneys. Sold everywhere.
For Sale.
Five sections of land in Duell coun
ty, Nebraska, from $12 to $25 per
acre; part farm land and part graz
ing; some well improved. Good terms
Eert Root, Murray, Neb.
For Sale.
Several male Duroc-Jersey pigs,
about eight months old, at $15.00
each. C. E. Schwab, Murray, Neb.
You remember the fine sample line
of calendars that has always been
found on sale at the Journal office at
this time of the year. This is the
regular 1916 line and is being sold at
half their value. The line is now out
for your inspection. Call early and
you will get the choice of the line,
among which are some beauties.
A want ad will bring what you want.
Just a few more days
until Christmas!
Buy your wife one of those New Monarch
Ranges the best in the world, or an Oil
Heater for the spare bed-room; a Cedar Oil
Polish Mop. Look over our line of Boys'
Sleds, Coaster "Wagons, Rifles and Shot-guns,
Silverware, Aluminum Ware of all kinds,
Granite Roasters, in fact everything to be
found in an up-to-the-minute Hardware Store.
We have just recently added a full line of
Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. Let
us figure your next paint bill. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Our aim is to please you.
Murray Hardware and Implement
Murray, Company. Nebraska
Big Revival Meeting
At The Christian Church
Beginning Sunday December 19, 1915
V -.
Conducted by Wm. H. Robb, of Hopkins, Missouri
Brother of the Pastor
Some of the Subjects to be Discussed During the
meetings are:
"God Is Not Mocked."
"Why So Many Backsliders?"
"A Christian In the Wrong Place."
"What Shall the End Be?"
"A Crooked Generation."
"Why I Am Not a Compbellite."
Good music will be a feature of this meeting. You !
are cordially invited to attend these meetings and labor
for the Christ.
GEO. W. ROBB, Pastor.
The School That Understands Boys
The next term of the Nebraska Military Academy begins
January 4th, 1 91 6. If you want your boy to get a good start in
education, pnone or white for reservation at once. Only a
limited number can be accommodated. For information address
City Office Col R. D. Hayward, President, Lincoln Nebraska
Phone B 3560 1 307 N Street
We are now prepared to fill your
Christmas Wants
i i i
Do not fail to see our display of
Toys, Fruits, Candies and Nuts,
Useful Articles for Gentlemen, Ladies
and Children, Fancy Dishes, Jewelry
and a Complete Line of Gift Goods!
Puis & Gansemer,
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