The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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0)c plattsmoutb journal
Entered at 1'ostolHce at I'latUtnoutli. Neb., as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
J It is easy in the world to live
after the world's opinions; it
is easy in solitude to live after
our own; but the great man is
he who, in the first of the
crowd, keeps with perfect
J- sweetness the independence of
J- solitude. Emerson.
It will soon be time to eat turkey
It seems that the allies need a little
Greece to fry Turkey.
Keep it before the girls and boys
only twenty days till Christmas.
Everybody should be happy at this
time, and with Christmas so near at
It is time t3 prepare tho;-e gocd
resolutions you intend to adopt on the
advent of 11) It J.
Kindly notice to cartoonists: People
are getting awful tired looking at pic
tures of '"Old Man War."
The Nebraska Farmers' congress
has decided to limit its membership.
Yes, and keep that membership to
practical farmers.
Fighters in Europe seem to think
they are entitled to credit for giving
neutrals an easy and comfortable
death by drowning.
: :o:
An exchange sa"3 the country's
corn crop this year is about 213,000
automobiles larger than last year.
This is about correct.
The report is denied that the col
leges all agreed to adjourn at the
close of the football season1 until base
ball season opens next spring.
Now that the United Slates has
recognized Mexico, it would be a fine
thing if Mexico would recognize the
United States and cease firing across
the border.
! O
As "Henpecked Henry'' is to be here
at the I'armele theater next Tuesday
nitrht, we would advise every husband,
who.-e wives "rule the roost" to go
and see it fully illustrated as it is at
n '
While European war is conceded to
be terrible, the Irish regard it as bet
ter than no war at all. It is said that
despite all efforts to prevent their en
listment, 81,000 troops have gone to
the front from Ireland.
The national democratic committee
will meet in Washington next week
ami then wc will soon know when
and where the convention will be held
After this meeting politics will begin
to assume larger proportions.
Someone has asked what has be
come of the man who used to make
a practice of walking ten miles a day?
Well, probably he has just about now
telephone for his automobile to take
him three or four blocks to the of
There are a good many people who
no doubt would like to go on Henry
Ford's excusion of peace. All ex
ix -ises are paid by Mr. Ford, and we
uic .surprised that he sent no invita
tion here. Maybe he never knew who
the "cheap guys" in this town were,
who always went wherever the entire were pail. Cheap fellows
;.re plenty, but maybe they are too
ch?ap for Henry Ford.
A large part of the poverty of the
world is a disease, the result of cen
turies of bad living, bad thinking and
sinning. We know that poverty is an
abnormal condition because it does
not fit any human being's constitution
or give him happiness. It contradicts
the promise and the prophecy of the
divine in man. There are plenty of
evidences that abundance of all that
is good was man's heritage and that
if he claims it stoutly he will have it.
If it were possible for all the poverty
stricken people in the world to firmly
turn their own backs on their dark
and discouraging environment and
bravely face the light and cheer, and
to resolve that they are done with
poverty and slip-shod existence, this
very resolution, persistently kept up,
would soon revolutionize civilization.
Many think they are doing their level
best to get away from poverty, when
they are not making one-tenth ina
effort possible.
The love of ease has wrecked more
careers than anything else except dis
sipation; and laziness and dissipation
usually go together. In a strong
character there are certain traits that
are irreconcilable with preventable
poverty. Self-reliance and manly in
dependence are foundation stones in
strong characters. We sometimes find
these high qualities in the man who
is poor because he is a victim of mis
fortunes and disaster he could not
control. But the man who is poor
because he has no courage, no faith in
himself, no higher ideal than a hand-
tr-mauth existence wilfully lacks the
stuff that progress is made of and :s
so much less a man. He is voluntarily
a quitter, compared with him who, day
by day, develops powerful mental and
moral fiber in energetic, persistent
c Torts to gain a competency and make
the most of himself.
A large force of secret agents is
proving highly successful in causing
accidentia! explosions in the war sup
ply factories.
: :o :
A rural credit system that fails to
meet the needs of landless farmers,
is worth only a little more than
powder enough to blow it up. A man
with 1G0 acres, or even 80 acres ini
this country, is not bothered, about
borrowing money.
The autoists are still trying to beat
a train of cars to it. Another autoist
tried to beat a train in getting over
the crossing first at Hastings. And
in consequence the said autoist is
sleeping so soundly that he will never
try it again. Yet there are probably
other fools that will.
It was not one of those known as
"practical" jokers that some of Wichi
ta's wags played on a prominent grain
man of that city. They rigged up a
fake message from Henry Ford in
viting him to join the expedition, and
when he wired that he would accom
pany the party if he could perfect
arrangements, it brought a prompt
and valid invitation from Henry to be
come a member of the bunch. Lincoln
Philander P. Claxton, United States
commissioner of education, has just
given out some conclusions that have
been impressed upon him by an ex
tensive tour of the country to investi
gate public schools Commissioner
Claxton gives the west credit for be
ing in advance of the east in school
matters. Money is expended more
liberally for educational expenses,
teachers' salaries are higher, and
school equipment is better. It is un
doubtedly true that the west is to set
the pace in educational matters. And
it is a proud distinction that it should
lead in thu very important matter.
Says the Lincoln Journal:
"Senator Hitchcock announces in
Washington that he will resume his
fight for an embargo on war supplies
exports This determina
tion does credit to the senator's presis-
tency. It does not equally commend
his sensitiveness to the national wel
fare Senator Hitchcock is
doubtless sincere in his position on
this question. It cannot be for politi
cal advantage he is pursuing the is-
are bound to lose him two votes
where it wins him one when he comes
forward next year for re-election. He
has simply forgotten to look at the
issue from the American standpoint,
Those who have been disposed to
concede Senator Hitchcock's 'sincerity
on this issue, as the Journal does, and
who, as the Journal seemingly has not,
have done him the honor to read what
he has had to say on the question,
will realize that he has done precisely
what the Journal says he has forgot
ten to do. He has looked at the is
sue, for his pro-German activities
su-?, throughout, from the American
Unfortunately for the country too
many people have looked at it from
another standpoint. The proposal for
an embargo on arms has met with
favor from those sympathizing with
Germany because they believed it to
Germany's advantage, and has been
frowned upon by sympathizers of the
allies for just that same reason. And
from that mistaken viewpoint it has
been largely debated.
Senator Hitchcock, from the very
beginning, has favored an embargo on
arms not because it would help or
hinder this belligerent or that, but as
a measure of protection for the
United States. He has favored it not
as a foreign but as a domestic policy.
It is thus that every neutral gov
ernment in Europe has considered
it from the viewpoint of its own best
interests. It is from that viewpoint
that every European neutral has im
posed such an embargo as Senator
Hitchcock has favored for this coun
try- It is from that viewpoint that
authorized the British government to
mpose a similar embargo at its dis
cretion purely as a question of do
mestic policy.
Had the congress of the United
States authorized an embargo on arms
it is not too much to say that most
of the hard feeling that the war has
caused between groups of American
citizens would have been avoided. Our
American melting pot would not have
been subjected to a strain far more
severe than any heretofore imposed
a strain from which this country at
the very best will be many years in
recovering. We would not have
built up in our midst a war industry
of gigantic proportions that will be
left on our hands, when the war is
ended, as a menace not only to our
continued prosperity but to our peace
ful habits and ideals. We would not
have "bought an interest in the war"
that endangers our standing and use
fulness as a neutral nation, and that
furnishes the excuse for suspicious
people to question our sincerity. In
stead of standing alone as the one con
siderable neutral nation that has laid
itself open to internal dissension for
the sake" of this deadly traffic we
would have been at the head of the
long line of neutrals that are keeping
scrupulously out of the war.
It was not pro-Germanism that in
spired Senator Hitchcock to stand for
the embargo. It was pro-Americanism.
It was the same pro-Americanism
that inspired Senator Norris of
Nebraska, Senator Cummins and Ken-
yon of Iowa, Senator Owen of Okla
homa, Senator Borah of Idaho, Sen
ator La Follette of Wisconsin and
many other senators to stand with
him in defense of the national welfare.
World Herald.
Governor Morehead and John G.
Maher join hands in proposing Wood
row Wilson again for the presidency.
That's business.
A New York woman says she pro
posed to her husband three times be
fore he'd marry her. Is this the be
ginning of the "Cave Woman?"
: :o:
Some people seem to think that Mr.
Marshall should not be renominated
for vice presidents, but it is not cus
tomary to let people dodge this un
popular job as easy as that.
Why chaperone the girls and not
the boys?
Congress is organizing and getting
ready for business.
If Turkey proves too tough to carve,
China may be substituted.
Politics is one of the hardest things
in the world to blame things on.
Socialism in Europe promised much,
but it is evident it can't stop war.
The original bone of contention is
the jawbone. No one can dispute that.
There is one maxim that no one
ever picks a flaw in: Put money in
thy purse.
WThen Mr. Bryan talks about loving
his enemies, does he ever think about
Roger Sullivan?
Prize fighting is forbidden in this
country, but belligerant statesmen
manage to keep us interested.
Preparedness makes it mighty
hard for some people to determine
which is right and which is wrong.
If a candidate could only get all the
hypocrites to vote as they agree he
would be elected by an overwhelming
majority. v
' :o:
Bulgaria announces that she will
annex Serbia. Does Bulgaria remem
ber the shark that swallowed the
sword fish?
A standing candidate for president
has to talk so much to attract atten
tion that he is almost certain to say
some foolish things.
Mr. Bryan will not go as one of
Mr. Ford's delegates, prefering to go
by himself later on. In fact, he wants
to be the "whole cheese" or he won't
The Columbia Statesman says South
Carolina's gain in church membership
in sixteen years was 1.6 per cent.
What is Billy Sunday fooling around
Syracuse for?
A prominent republican of this city
said to us this week that he wanted to
see Judge Begley re-elected without
opposition. He was high in his praise
of the judge's ability, and also his
gentlemanly qualities.
An exchange says: "Wonder what
has become of the kites that used to
fly in years gone by?" The ones they
used to fly are hanging to the tele
phone and electric light wires. The
boys continue to fly the present ones
in kite season.
Secretary Lansing says the Wilson
r-dminstration'has not a thing to do
with the going or coming of the Ford
peace excursion and assumes no re
sponsibility for any activities or nego
tiations on the part of those engaged
in the movement.
A Swiss statistician reports that
five million of men have been killed
thus far in the European conflict and
we must remember that aside from
Turkey that all nations engaged in
this strife are known as Christian na
tions. Evidently something has gone
wrong with the teaching or such
things would not happen.
:o : 1
The Kearney Times, one of our most
valued exchanges, is getting better
every day. The Times has been pub
lished for two years or more by Frank
W. Brown, jr., son of our late lament
ed friend, Frank W." Brown, for years
mayor of Lincoln and postmaster of
the capital city at the time of his
death. The younger Brown is a "chip
off the old block" so far as ability is
pertains, and is now enlarging his
business in Kearney. An organization
has been perfected with a capital of
$15,000. Two plants have been thrown
into one, and a partner taken in along
with it, and we now look forward to
a short time, when the Times will
bloom as the early morning rose. Suc
cess to the Times and its new man
agement, i
Supporting in his magazine for No
vember the proposal that the United
States government should act as its
own armour Senator La Follette says:
"We have some mean, small sordid,
unpatriotic people in this country so
discourteous as to suggest that tha
government could save" large sums of
money by building the battle ships in
our own shipyards and manufactur
ing powder and shrapnel and guns
arsenals and plants. But such people
should be suppressed. They are
never satisfied; a disloyal, low-down
lot of malcontents."
The satirical demand for their "sup
pression" is based on the fact that
they are interfering with profits
of the private war manufacturers
The government is already embarked,
in a small way, on the policy of manu
facturing its own war supplies, and
the results achieved speak eloquently
for themselves. Senator La Follette
cites a few of them.
The government arsenal at Phila
delphia makes a 3.8-inch common
shrapnel at a cost of $7.94. It pays
private firms for the identical shrap-
iel $17.50.
The government makes a 31-serond
combination fuse for $2.92. For the
same fuse it pays the private maker
The government makes a 3-inch fin
ished shrapnel case at a cost of $1.73
It pays the private manufacturing
concern fo.00 for the same article.'
The government makes a gun car
riage for a 3-inch rifled field gun for
$2,510.60. It pays the private manu
facturer $3,398.82 for the same gun
The government filled at its own
arsenal one of its orders ,ftr am
munition, which cost $1,900,06-1. It
saved on this order $979,840, for it
would have cost exactly $2,879,904 if
filled by private manufacturers.
Other instances are cited, but these
are sufficient to show the enormous
profits which the manufacturers of
arms, armour and ammunition are
realizing off the governments of the
earth. The showing makes iplain,
Uk, how great is the interest of those
manufacturers in promoting war and
preparation for war. In no other
business could they hope to reap such
huge profits.
Should the United States govern
ment take this business entirely into
its own hands, so far as concerns the
manufacture of the material which it
uses itself, the saving to the taxpay
ers would amount to many millions of
dollars annually. In the event of war
it would amount to hundreds of mil
lions. Even more important, should the
government manufacture its own war
material there would be no private
business interest, with hundreds of
millions at stake, busily and secretly
promoting war and militarism for the
money there was in it for them. With
the profits taken out of preparedness,
the extent of our preparedness would
be influenced and determined solely
by the best judgment and patriotic in
terests of the entire American people.
Nor can the strictest stickler for
private enterprise, the most strenu
ous opponent of "socialism," oppose
public manufacture of war material
on those grounds. War is not a pri
vate enterprise. Preparation for war
is not a private enterprise. Commer
cialism properly should have nothing
to do with either. These are con
ducted solely by organized govern
ments, and there ere no private or
personal wars with which they come
into competition. It is entirely proper,
therefore, that the government, which
alone wages war and prepares for it,
which alone pays for it through taxes
levied on the people, should privide
the instruments of war at as low a
cost to the people as possible. W.orld
Why You Should Use Chamberlain's
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Picture Version of the famous play as presented by Charles Froh-
man at the Criterion
Paul Heil came in this morning
from his home, west of this city, and
departed on the early Burlington train
for Omaha to take up his studies at
the Boies college in that city.
Mrs. N. C. Abbott of Nebraska City,
who has been vUiting her sister, Mrs.
Earl R. Travis, departed this morning
for Omaha, in company with Mrs.
Travis, to spend the day with rela
tives. Secure a Farm
TIIU -NORTH PLATTE VALLEY, frequently called the "Scottsbluff
country," ' i3 making a more wonderful showing every year in its produc
tion of irrigated crops, sugar beets, alfalfa, potatoes, wheat and oats; it
is becoming one of the richest localities for breeding and fattening of live
stock. Mary Government irrigated holdings of 1C0 acres are being reduced
to SO seres, mal-ing it possible for land seekers to secure 80-acre tracts ir
rigated urder the reliable system of the Government on terms that will
never again be duplicated. All we can ask is that you visit the Valley and
let our agents put you in touch with reliable firms. Ask about th crop
tonnage, the increased population, and note the general prosperity; this
will tell you what advance in land values you may expect there in the next
five years.
. Or write me for the Burlington's new publication, "North Platte Valley."
ii n
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
has bornn tli
. - uas ween made under his per
f2 snnnl Kimriv!etrn dnin : u ......
TIO Olin 1 1 ilofuilva -rn'mm in 41.1c
and Jtist-as-good " are but
ntwl oiwl iiu,n t. ..r
Signature of
, -is ,z 5 r 1
Theatre, New York
George Stander came in this morn
ning from his farm home, northwest
of this city, and departed on the early
Burlington train for Omaha to visit
for the day, looking atfer some mat
ters of business.
" Sheriff Quinton departed this morn
ing for Lincoln taking with him John
Fowler who will start serving his
sentence for forgery in the state
in the
North Platte Valley
Let me help you go there and see for your self this
locality which is the ta'k of the West.
10 4 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nob.