The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 6. 19i:
Parmele Theatre!
Wednesday, December 8
Big Time Vaudeville
Komical 5 Kops
- a fiat of fun
Helen Primrose
nut comedienne
Haines & Dean
chic and chicken on a bench
2 Irminas--2
novelty wire artists
SPECIAL NOTICE Only one sImw will Im given, starting
at S :."). St-ats will be reserved.
Prices: Gallery 15c, balcony 2Zc, parquet 25c. dress circle 35c.
Seats on Sale at Weyrich & Hadraba's, Tuesday, 9 A. M.
Local Kewi
From Friday's Daily.
Joe Wiles came in last evening on
No. 2 from Crete, where he is enquired
in conducting a roller skating rink in
that city.
Dr. J. F. Brendel of Murray was in
the city for a few hours today attend
ing to some matters in the district
court as a witness.
Creed Harris and son, Vance Har
ris came up this morning from their
home rear Union to attend the session
of the district court.
Clarence Meisinger from- Eight
!i!e Grove precinct was in the city
today for a few hours looking after
seme matters of business.
Ira Bates was among the business
vi.-itors in Omaha today for a few
hours, where he was called to look af
ter some business matters.
J. W. Tulcne was among those go
ing to Omaha this morning, where he
j.s called to spend a few hours look
ing atfer some matters of business in
that city.
V. II. Yenner, wife and daughter
drove in this morning from his home
near Mynard and spent a few hours
looking after some trading with the
Frank Yallery and Dr. G. II. Gi!
nore 'of Murray '.cere in the city to
day for a few hours attending to
some matters of business and visit
ing with their friends.
J. E. Wiles and wife drove in this
morning frcm their farm home and
were passengers on the early Burling
ton train for Omaha, to visit with
friends there for the day.
Albert Ficklcr of Stanton county
cfime down yesterday with a load cf
cattle to the South Omaha market,
and dropped down for an over-night
visit here with old friends.
Miss Nettie Terryberry crime in this
morning from her farm home and was
a passenger on the early Burlington
train for Omaha to spend the day
looking after some business matters.
C. C. Wescott departed last evening
for Falls City, where he will attend
a meeting cf the board of directors of
the Nebraska Retailers in that city to
r.r.-ange for the annual meeting in
George Lohnes, wife and son, Henry,
drove in this morning from their farm
home, nine miles from this city, and
were visitors in the metropolis for the
day, going to that city on the early
Burlington train.
Joe Wales and wife came in yester
day for a visit here with their rela
tives and friends for a few days
while the roller skating rink in which
they arc interested is being moved
from David City to Crete, Neb.
Mis. Thomas Falmon and little son,
Tom. of Portland, Oregon, who have
been here visiting with Mrs. Salmon's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Fox, de
parted last evening for Princeton and
Galesburg. Illinois, for a short visit
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. T. Meier of Chamita, New
Mexico, arrived this morning from the
west and will visit here at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Fricke and fam
ily. Mrs. Meier is an old friend of
the Fricke family, formerly residing
at Mound City, Illinois, and the visit
is one much enjoyed.
From Saturday's Daily.
John Eergman of Mynard was at
tending to some important business
rnaLters in this city yesterday.
Henry Horn of near Cedar Creek
was here today for a few hours look
ing after some trading with the mer
chants. Adam Stoehr of near Cedar Creek
motored in this morning to spent! a
few hours looking after some matters
of business.
Mrs. Ratio Taylor of Ilavelock came
in this morning for a short visit here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miller and family.
B. F. Crook was among those going
to Omaha this morning, where he will
visit for the day, looking after some
matters of business.
William Puis, one of Cass county's
best farmers, was in the city today
for a few hours shaking hands and with his old friends.
rrar.k A. Finkle and son came up
this morning from their home near
Union to spend a few hours here look
ing after some matters of business.
John Fpar.gler, residing four miles
southeast of Louisville, was here to
day for a few hours looking after
seme trading and visiting with his
Choice Boots for Women!
HERE we are showing one of our
mcrt popular Fall Street Boots for
A high cut, broad tread Boot, made
especially for the Woman who walks!
Leathers of Gun Metal Calf, or Pat
ent Colt. Short Vamp and sturdy Louis
A very Handsome, Stylish, Service
able Boot, surely.
Priced Moderately
$3, $3.50 and $4
Our Entire. line of Women's Shoes is
comprised of Shoes of Special Merit!
We're showing Shoes for Dress, for the
Home, for the Street and for Stormy Days.
The selection of a pair of Shoes here is attended to easily.
We have so many different shapes, and styles, and
lasts, and leathers that every Woman can find here "Just Her
V 'oi
l L
John Fight and wife were among
those going to Omaha this morning,
where they will visit over Sunday with
their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
and family.
Miss Grace was among
those going to Omaha this morning,
where she will visit for a few hours
with friends and look after some mat
ters of business.
Mrs. B. W. Livingston and daugh
ter, Miss Rachel, were among those
going to Omaha this morning to visit
for the day, looking after some mat
ters of business.
Julius Engelkemeier, wife and chil
dren came in this morning from their
farm home west of Murray and spent
a few hours here looking after their
week-end trading.
Miss Anra Daniels, one of the ef
ficient teachers in the city schools,
was a passenger this morning for
Omaha to visit with relatives and
friends for a short time.
J. E. Meisinger came in this morn
ing from his home in Eight Mile
Grove precinct to visit for a few hours
with relatives and friends and look
after some business matters.
Harry Marquardt, Henry Thelie,
Joseph C. Zimmerer and Simon Reh
meier motored up yesterday afternoon
from their home at Avoca and spent
a few hours here while Mr. Rehmeier
attended to looking after his naturli
zation papers.
P. A. Hild, wife and two sons of
Mynard motored o this city today and
spent the day visiting relatves and
friends and attending to some import
ant business matters. While here Mr.
Hild took time to call at this office and
have his subscription to the Daily
Journal extended for another year.
WANTED To hear frcm owner of
good farm for sale. Send cash price
and description. D. F. Bush, Min
neapolis, Minn. 10-4-3twkly
Remember that the ladies of St.
Mary's Guild will hold their bazaar
this year in the rooms of Warga &
Schuldice. Come in and look over
their offerings in the way of Christ
mas gifts.
Dailv News Subscribers.
Send j'our subscriptions and re
newals for the Omaha Daily News to
Bernese Ault, Cedar Creek, Neb., and
help a Cass county girl win the Hud
son auto. S2.50 for the Daily, $3.0'J
with Sunday. You get the premiums
just the same and help a friend as
well. Personal checks accepted.
Read the want ads in the Journal.
MY Ate
id-Season Sale
Your opportunity to get that hat
you liked at a saving of from
$1 to $5 as low as
for Stylish Hats worth double
the money.
Z'Sf This sale includes all our
New Winter Models..
Only Dependable Goods
Yesterday morning the members of
the S. S. club assembled at the M. P.
station and on the early train proceed
ed to Mynard where they gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Fight for the purpose of assisting their
daughter. Miss Esther, in celebrating
her loth birthday. Games had been pro
vided which afforded the happy ciowd
several very enjoyable moments. Piano
and vocal solos were rendered b ar
ious members of the club, which were
very much appreciated by the jolly
company. The remainder of )he mor:i
ing was spent roaming about the farm
and taking pictures was a delightful
feature. About 1 o'clock the jolly
crowd got together again and were in
vited to the dining room where a de
lightful three course dinner was
served, Miss Grayce Fight assisted
Mrs. Fight in serving. After the keen
appetites of the young people had been
fully satisfied they proceeded to make
merry outdoors again, playing many
different games and amusements.
Later they once more adjourned to
the house where they enjoyed more
music and late in the rfternoon drove
home and in spite of the cold, made
the air liifdy with their yells and
songs. Miss Esther received many
beautiful gifts which will assist her
in remembering this happy event.
A few cases of scarlet fever in town.
in a mild form, so far.
Four prairie schooners passed up
Main street Wednesday morning.
Henry Boeck is emphatically an
honest man. He gave us back a dol
lar we overpaid him.
We are sorry to learn that several
of Mr. McDonagh's children have been
ill with scarlet fever.
Our friend J. P. Young went up to
Lincoln Tuesday, but he was not after
an "office," so he said.
John Duke has been quite sick with
quinsy, but is recovering; we hear of
one or two other cases of the same
Murphy and Wells arrested two
parties supposed to have had a hand
in stealing the overcoats from C. G.
Herold last week.
Two new coaches passed through
Plattsmouth on Thursday last for the
Republican Valley R. R., which were
built at Dayton, Ohio. They were very
handsome find complete.
The marshal arrested one of a pair
of thieves who robbed a safe in Red
Oak on Saturday last. The other,
known as '"Tex," was caught in .Mills
county, and they will both meet their
just deserts.
Last week the sleighing was sliding
out, and now it's siding in again.
John Edmunds of Three Groves sub
scribes and pays for the Herald for a
J. Bridenstine left a "V" on sub
scription last Friday, which was very
Sheriff livers was feeling quite bad
ly from the effect of his wounds and
bruises yesterday.
By our South Bend items we learn
that Mr. Coffee of that place is com
ing" to Plattsmouth to build several
tenement houses, and that he will
move here in the spring. A commend
able business enterprise to which we
heartily wish him success.
Our court sets on the 30th of Sep
tember, the list of grand and petit
jurors are as follows: Grand Jurors
J. C. Cummins, J. P. Young, Henry
Stoll, Andrew Taylor, C. B. Bush, J.
Yallery, Sr., G. W. Shrader, Frank
Stander, D. M. Ramsey, J. D. Bailey,
A. W. White, R. A. Ashmun, James
Root, H. H. Timm, Samuel Smith, J.
W. Van Buskirk. Petit jurors W.
H. Carroll, Conrad Meisinger, S. H.
Draper, C. A. Bouton, Lewis Holtz,
W. T. Cannon, J. W. Shannon, A. B.
Cox, James Pettee, W. L. Atherton,
W. H. Newell, Benjamin Albin, Asa
Core, Sanford Idle, W. J. Morrow, H.
L. Clapp, J. H. Buttery, J. A. Mac
Murphy, Nelson Jeans, Jos. A. Conner,
Geo. H. Thomas, Sylvester Johnson,
Wm. H. Hobson, II. W. Gilbert.
Our Louisville Letter. Dear Herald:
-After the lapse of some few weeks,
v- ...v.--- -
" " " " " Vmm'm
She Has Been
Asking For!
So Make It a Xmas Present.
There is nothing better than a good cup
of coffee for breakfast, and a good Percolator
will do this. We have two grades, aluminum
and nickle, some new styles. Also we have a
very tasty line of Casseroles and Serving Sets,
all of which make the best of presents for
Christmas. We have them on display all the
time. Come in and see them.
The Store With a Reputation.
during which the wheels of progress
have made many revolutions, I shall
endeavor to give you a chapter on
modern Louisville, the coming county
seat and initial town of Cass county.
This place is becoming a thorough
fare of considerable note. It is via
Louisville that people find their way
o the interior of the county, and
merchants their goods. Each day our
streets are crowded with teams haul
ing merchandise, coal, salt, lumber,
etc.. in all directions into the interior.
The shipment of grain this season has
been larger than ever before, although
the price paid'has not been as high as
.-.hoald have been; but the crops
v.eje good and put the farmers
on better footing than for many years
pu:;t. The crop of corn is jet to be put
n crib as a reserve. There is a large
portion of the wheat remaining un
sold which the farmer hpes will bring
him a good harvest yet.
Below I give a few statistics wh'cl:
I got through the kindne: s of Mr. To
mar., agent of the B. & M., showing
tr-.e number of cars shipped since June
1st ip to date:
Uye, 2; oats, 3; flvcr, 7; wheat, ll';
.-.tone. 4S; hogs. -12; bailey, 41; corn,
Z'.:. total, -300.
The substantial improvements have
exceeded those of a y previous year.
The Louisville Stoneware Manufact
uring Co.'have erected buildings which
are r. credit to any town. The main
i.uilding is 39x72 feet, two stories;
t iming and drying rum, 30x48 feet;
I'ini.shing and store room, 30x72 feet;
clay room, 24x30 feet: drying ovens,
3::.0 feet. "The kiln s 12 1-2 feet n
c'i: meter, its capacitv is 3,500 gallons.
They employ but five men at present,
thiie of whom are coi stantlv turning
and moulding ware All the oper
atives are from Akron Ohio, and of
Iji g experience. Two kilns of ware
hae been burned and the third one s
Icirg burnt at this writing. We vrVl
have more to say of Ihlr. again.
Walter White has jusi completed a
Bucilla Mercerized Crochet
u J COTTON i i
In ecru, white and colors, at 1 0c
Small size ball Bucilla, for handkerchiefs 05c
Tatting Shuttles. German silver 10c
Stamped Pillow Tops, Center Pieces, Night Gowns,
etc 1 0c up to 50c
"Cupid" Embroidery Hoops are best, only 10c
"Gold Medal" Transfer outfits 25c
Everything in Toys . 5c to 50c
Watch for our opening.
Big line of Dolls . 5c to 50c
Big line of Boy Scout Books, cloth bound 10c
Children's A, B, C Books 5 and 1 0c
Paint and Drawing Books 5c to 25c
Box Stationary, Booklets, Post Cards, etc. . . .5c to 50c
Big line of fancy Dishes. See them.
No trouble to show goods.
Popular Variety Store
-die bridge across :i'.Ii Creek, on Th'rd
street, over eighty feel long, whi.h
v. 1.1 develop the west j.frt of to" 1
and better accommodate the traveling
public. Dr. Hassemeir is erecting a
large two-story drug store, a credit
and ornament to the place. Nelson
Dewey, nephew of C. H. Dewey, the
great furniture king of Omaha, has
brought on a large and complete stock
of furniture, and begins business with
a good trade. The brass band, led
by Prof. Albee, is being recognized
and promises good music. Dr. Water
man started for Cincinnati today.
where he will have charge of a class
in a medical college. More anon.
Everyone reads the want ads.
I-I-I-l-I- -I-I-H-i- M-I-M"M-!-I
J Lawyer. f
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
-tt--fy- -f .T..T..V..T. ---?---t-
.u u
will be the next item that you will need about your home
lae Veiar lirfas Qoiv
and be ready for the cold weather that arrive here in a short time
Remember we are in a position to quote
the best prices on all kinds of
building material
Ja DLMl15
zzn Lumberman i z
'' it- r-r