The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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The Case of Garrens vs. Woodman of
the World Occupied the Entire
Day Friday.
From Saturday's Daily.
The case offllarrens vs. the Wood
man of the World continued in district
court all day yesterday and was
warmly contested. The lodge pre
sented the evidence that the late Mr.
Garrens had been suspended from the
order several months prior to his
death, and the money for the assess
ments which was paid to the clerk of
the camp at Murray for his back dues
had been refused and sent back, as
at the time the suspension was past
the limit set by the order in their by
laws and they had declined to receive
it. although it hat! been accepted by
the local clerk.
The case raised an interesting "law
point and is one that is tilled with
quite a good deal of legal points that
might have a bearing on the question
of the payment of lapsed policies. The
assessments and dues of Mr. Garrens
had been paid to a gentleman at
Union to be handed over to the clerk
of the camp at Murray, but this had
not been carried out in compliance
with the by-laws nd rules of the
order and it was not until within a few
days of the death of Mr. Garrens that
the money for his dues was received
by the representatives of the lodge at
Murray, and when they were received
at the head office in Omaha the man
was dead and the company had sent
the money hack to Murray as it cover
el several months due?, and for the
period that Mr. Garrens had been sus
pended from the lodge. The main
question in the suit against the older
seems to hinare on whether or not the
man at Union to whom the Garivns
assessment was paid was an author
ized agent of the company or not
if he was not then the case against the
company seems to be decidedly weak,
but if he vas, of course the company
would be liable. In either case it
seems that the widow lias betii very
unfortunate in the matter, as it is con
ceded that she had kept paying the as
sessments on her husband's life for
several months prior to the time. of
his death. "
The fact that so many interesting
points of law were raised in the ca-e
caused the attorneys to agree to tak
ing the case from the jury and submit
it to the court for judgment. Judge
Becley then took the cas- under ad
visement and dismissed the jury for
the term.
From Saturday's Dally.
Halton Powell's "Henpecked
Henry," one of the most famous musi
cal comedies ever produced on the
American stage, is to be the attraction
at the Parmele theater next Tuesday
night. Its coming is in keeping with
the efforts of the house management
to present a series of the highest class
of attractions this season. "Henpeck
cd Henry" interpret the troubles of a
married man whose principal effort in
life is to sidestep troubles with his
wife. The plan is most laughable,
and to add to its charm it is present
ed by an especially fine company and
a chorus of unusual beauty. Comment
and criticisms have preceded the show
which are of a most favorable nature,
and its engagement here should be one
of the notable events of the season for
amusement lovers in this citv.
Here From Avoca to Visit.
From Saturdav'a Dailv.
Yesterday August Thiele, one of the
substantial farmers from near Avoca,
was in the city for a few hours look
ing after some probate matters in the
county court, and while here dropped
in for a call on the Journal office, and
it is needless to say his visit was very
much enjoyed. Mr. Thiele departed
yesterday afternoon for Omaha to
spend a few hours before returning to
his home.
Owes Her Good Health to Chamber
Iain's Tablets.
"I owe my good health to Chamber
lain's Tablets," writes Mrs. R. G. NctT,
Crookston, Ohio. "Two yeafrs ago I
was an invalid due to stomacht rouble.
I took three bottles of these Tablets
and have since been in the best of
health." Obtainable everywhere.
Miss Iva Seybert. who is attend
ing a Lincoln business college came
home to spend Thanksgiving last
From Saturday's Dallr.
The following taken from the Avo-
ca department of the Weeping Water
Reoublican gives an account of the
weddiner of two of the estimable
young people of that locality:
"Walter Love and Miss Clara
Ruhee went to Nebraska City Thurs
day, where they were united in mar-
riaee. The bride is the second daught
er of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruhge
living west of town, who was born
and grew to womanhood in this com
munity. She has all the requirements
that go to make a splendid wife and
helpmate, and is one of our hand
some and highly respected young
ladies. The groom is a carpenter
and contractor and has resided in
this vicinity for several years, and is
well known to our leaders. 1 lie
young people will go to housekeeping
in the C. W. Dreazeule property.
Their many friends wish them much
happiness in their new relation."
l'lattniouth"low ns the College Team
by a Sccre of 29 to 18, in the
Presence of Large Crowd.
From Sat'iritay s Dallv
I.ast evening the Plait-mouth High
school liaskct halt team opened their
season with a great victory over the
repieentativcs of the Helievue col
lege freshmen by tin decisive score of
2! to 18. The roller skating rink
where the battle was he'd was filled
to its utmost capacity with the loyal
rooters of the home team, and at th
cloe. when the lat basket had been
thrown the home team was iriven 'a
great ovation fioni their admirers for
the great showing they had made.
The local team was in the pink of
condition and their signals were
handled like clock-work, both in the
offensive and defense. Kiom the start
of the game it waj evident that the
locals were decidedly the classie.-t
team of the two and they proceeded
to take the measuie of the visitors in
lapid ar.d clever plays that had tlu
boys from the college up the riv'cr
guessing all the time. The playing of
Frank Marshall. Kay liaison and Juno
Marshall for Plattsmouth were the
stellar fcatuies of the contest, an I
these young men were repon-;b!e for
a great many of the sones secured,
but the whole team was in the best of
shape and all determined to bring vic
tory to the home school.
The visitors played n very good
game and their ability at seturiug the
foul baskets added very much to their
string of scores, as out of fourteen
chances they were able to secure
twelve baskets. The High school team
here has been practicing hard for the
past few weeks arid under the work
of Harris Omk as coach, has develop
ed a splendid array of plays which
they are able to put through in fast
and clever playing.
There are a number of good fast
teams scheduled for the season and
the games will be very interesting, as
any team that gets the best of the
locals will have to go some.
The line-up of the team
game was as follows:
Larson . . . . Right Forward .
J Marshal I.. Left Forward...
F. Marshall Center
F. Speck . . . Kight Guard . .
for the
A.White... Left Guard
. Krwin
From Saturday- Dallr.
For some time past Postmaster D.
C. Morgan and the employes at the
postoffiee building have been greatly
annoyed by the fact that parties evi
dently make the steps and rotunda of
the government building a veritable
spittoon, and their contributions of
tobacco juice are plainly visible all
over the east steps of the building and
frequently on the marble floors of the
lobby. This certainly does net look
right and more care should be exer
cised in the indiscriminate expectora
tion of the tobacco "chawer." The
government building is a beautiful
structure and more care should be
taiceri in helping the government em
ployes in keeping it in first-class
shape. In a great many places such
actions as these would be dealt with
in a very severe manner.
FARM LOANS, at 5 percent and hVi
per cent No delays. T. H. Pollock.
11-29 tf d.
Some Statistics Showing Growth on
the Burlington in Train and
Car Tonnage.
From Saturday's Pally
Heavier trains are being hauled
no v than a year ago on most west
ern roads. This is especially true on
tiie P.urlinglon lines vest where some
phenomenal "drage" have been
noed during the year. Only recent
ly two trains o: considerably more
than 4,lm tons each have been
moved on the Puilington main line
west of Lincoln. From the annual re
port it i shown that the average ton
nage for all freight trains during the
last fiscal year grow from -ITS. .17 tons
to 4!l.',t tons, a clear increase per
train for every freight run of 1 :.'.
tons per train.
The increase in average train
length was little more than one
car, the igures for 1!14 sho.vir.g
.'!7.84 cars pe r tram.nd lor l!l show
ing .'iS.!7 cars per train. The number
of loaded cars per train increased
slightly showing 21.0! in 1 it 1 4 ami :M.
.lii in ltU.1. A considerable increase in
the number of empty cars hauled per
train is shown, the figures showing
1.1S for 1 1 4 and 12.44 for UUl.The
car load increased from an averaee
of l'.UlS tons per car in 1 1 4 to lii.'J.i
in 11U.1.
Passenger .figures for the 15 ui ling
ion .show the san.c average nuinLer
of pas.-eners per car in both years,
fifteen. There va-s decrease of pas
sengers p.-r train mile, the If 14 ie
port showing sixty-two ami the l'.tl.l
repoit shewing fifty-nine. There was
!ro chaiige in the average number of
cars per train Hide in ine passenger
.-frvice, s'.-: and twenty-seven hun
dredths living the average for both
Pailvvav men .-:iv it difficult to
maintain a high tonnage record who'
a ereat ce:d of .sto.-i and 1 r'.nt is
being moved. This is e pcci:dly tr ie
under the new schedule wn;eii does
not neimit of holding crews more
ihun thirty hours at terminals. Man.
ciews must thus be ni.;ved back over
the road without full tonnaire, and
sometimes with nothing but a way
Motor From Louisville.
from s:iinri.iv Dawv.
('. 10. Mockeiihaupt of Louisville,
and son Peter Mocker.haopt and wife
of Greenwood and Leo Miller of Lo.iis
ville motored to this city in Mr. Peter
.irke:.haupt"s car this morning and
pent the day visiting relative:? and
coiinty scat frit mis a:l attended t(;
.-Oie important business mat'ers.
While here Mr. C. K. Mo; konhaunt
took time to call at this office and
have his subscription t;j this paper
extended for another year.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to ex ore.-.:: to o.;r many
friends and neighbor.'-: our mo.;t heart
felt appreciation of their loving kir.d
nes and assistance during the iUncs.;
of our little babe "and for their sym
pathy shown at the time of hjs death.
We also desire to thank the members
of the Purlington yard force ami the
shop boys for their beautiful fhnal
l emembi ances and sympathy in our
hour ef grief.
Mr. and Mrs. Julim; Wilson.
Jehn Crahill Improving.
I'i-'-ti S;it iir.ljivs I"o;iv
The condition of John W. Crahill
who is at the Methodist hospital in
Omaha recovering fiom an operation
for appendiciiis. is reported as being
greatly inipiovcd, which will be good
news to his host of friends in this city
and vicinity. The crisis in his case is
now passed and everything points to
his speedy recovery.
Yesterday Curl Heil, a son of Mr,
am .Mrs. r. lien, residing near
Cedar Creek name near meeting with
a very sot ions accident as the reside
of his team becoming unruly, Mr. Ileil
was unhitching his team and had just
unfastened or.e of the harness when his
team became frightened and in the
struggling to get away one of the
horses struck the young man on the
chin inflicting a rather painful injury
that necessitated the services of a sur
geon to fix it up. The young man
was brought to this city and his in
juries looked after in proper shape.
Those who are looking for a Christ
mat gift in some dainty article of
nedlework can secure this by riaiting
the bazaar of the St. Mary'a Guild at
the store of Warga & Schaldice.
Mrs. J. C. Petersen, who has been
visiting for several weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Spies at Peonia,
Colorado, has returned home, and re
ports that the Spies family are enjoy
ing good health' and success in their
new home and that the young Mr.
Spies is about as fine a little lad as
there is in the world. Mrs. Petersen
also brought with her several speci
mens of the crops raised there on the
Spies farm and the corn and potatoes
ranged there seem as line as can be
pioduced in any section of the country.
This niornii " a petition for a new
trial was filed in the district court
in the much litigated estate of
Georeo W. Gaiiiso'.i, deceased, being
a suit by VY. . Manning, administer
of the e-t..te s. Mrs. Nancy J. Gar
risoii, the widow. The is tile out
growth of the te-overy of the widow
of a jiulg'.unt before a jury in the
district court of ? 1 tS.nno, in notes
which it was claimed had been given
to her by 'her deceased husband.. The
petition filed for a new atrial recites
that new evidence has been secured
bearii a;' o-i 4iv eae in which Mrs:
Can i.-:o is sdleved to have made
statements thai, she did not know
what she was going to c'a as she did
not hnw what her husband had did
in regal d to oroviding for her in the
future. 'li e siattn.ents were made
i? i-; alloyed in the. petition io Mrs.
Martha I ; mi, Ceorge Ilastii gs and
W. A. Taylor as well as the nurse
employed at ti e Garrison heme, Miss
Jessie Piid:e:!oh. and were not dis
covered until a few months ago. (
A. Pawls
f tli t city appears as at-
lo the administrator and the
Sut'iidav eve' Miss Gladys Kaf
fehberger wa.. epeiatcd oh at the Im
mamicl r.opica! in Omaha lor ap
pendici'.is. fioni which she has been
suiTorir.g for the na-t few days, ami
at last r ports was resting as easy
PoSftible under the circumstances. The
ci.e was i " i i t a severe one and
pt i i tinitis has set in as a lesult o
he severe'.ie of the case, making
the conditio, i of the patient quite
serious. This is the second attack of
appendicitis from which the young
lady lias st.ffere-d. as last year she was
ijuilo i!i from a similar attack, but re
covc-ied without the necessity of an
operation, but the last attack has been
quite severe si'id the operation was
decided on as the only means of giv
ing her the ik.-ircd lelief from her
su fieri ",g. L;st evening she was quite
re-tles. but the attendants have hopes
that the next few days will result in
more favorable conditions for the pati
ent and her many friends will anxious
ly awail word from her bedside.
Saturday afternoon County Judge
IJee.-on was caiied upoh to unite in
martiatre Mr. Drue P. Hudnall and
Miss May Oden, both of Omaha, who
had learned of the reputation of the
judge as an expert in the art of tying
the matrimonial knot and sought his
seivices on arriving in this city. The
ceremony was performed in the usual
pleasing manner of the court and the
ycung people returned to their home
icjcicing in their new-found happi
ness. The wedding was witnessed by
Attorney Philip Hoi an of Omaha, who
was in ihe city attending to some mat
ters in court, and availed himself of
iii? opportunity' of acting as Cupid's
The hazaar of St. Mary'a Guild will
epen Friday morning at 9:30 and con
tinue all Friday and Saturday when a
line of fire needle wcrk and other arti
cles useful for Christmas will be offer
ed for sale.
For Infants and Children
In Usg For Over 30 Years
Al ways bear
Signatute of
Waving the customary formal
resolutions, we, the members of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
of Plattsmouth, desire to pay the fol
lowing tribute to our sister, the late
Mrs. Jennie Schildknecht, who passed
away at her home in this city Novem
ber 23, 1915:
In the "going home" of our beloved
sister, each member of the W. C. T.
U. ha sustained a personal loss, and
especially those who have been as
sociated with her in the work since the
early years of the organization. In
going, she left a vacancy that can
ne'er lie filled. Mrs. Schildknecht's
nam? first appears on the records in
January, 1878. She held the office of
vice president at different periods, and
was twice elected president. The sec
ond lime being November 18, 1912, to
(ill the vacancy caused by the removal
from the city of the acting president,
Mr:;. Yoiitzy, which office she faith
fully filled until failing health com
pelled her to resign last September
(1915). For years Mrs. Schiidknecht
has ben the representative from the
Christian church as acting vice presi
dent. Ihe latter being an appointive
oihec bestowed on one member from
each e f our sister churches.
For a number of years Mrs. Schild
knecht's home has been open for the
regular social and business meetings
of the W. C. T. U., at which her pres
ence was always a sweet benediction.
Our sister was earnest and loyal in
advocating any measure which was
for the advancement of the principles
for which the W. C. T. U. stands. She
willingly shared in its responsibilities,
and cheerfully performed any task as
signed her. Modest and retiring, kind
1 sympathetic and unselfish, she en
deared herself to all classes with
whom sue came m contact and these
Christian virtues were exemplified in
her daily life. Ileing sustained by the
never failing promises and grace of
God, she was enabled to meet her own
lite s sorrows and its luirclens ami re
sponsibilities with a fortitude and
cheerfulness rarely met.
And now, at the ripe age of 78, she
has laid the burdens down and quietly
slipped away to be with God. How we
will miss her. dear faithful co-worker,
friend and neighbor. Farewell, until
we meet beyond the skies. To her be
loved son, W. K. Fox, and family, the
W. C. T. U. extends sympathy in their
Mrs. C.'e. Wescott,
Mrs. P. E. PuifTner,
Mrs. George Dodge,
Plattsmouth, I)c-cer ber ?, 1915.
Many Plattsmouth People Have
Weak Part and Too Often
It's the Hack.
Many people have a weak spot.
Too often it's a bad back.
Twinges follow every sudden twist.
Dull aching keeps up, day and
Backache is often from weak kid
neys. In such case a kidney medicine is
Loan's Kidney Pills are for weak
kidneys. n
For backache and , urinary ills.
Plattsmouth people recommend the
Mrs. F. S. Brinkman, Eleventh and
Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth, says: "For
several years 1 was bothered by my
kidneys and my back often pained in
tensely. Headaches and dizzy spells
bothered me and my sight became so
badly affected that I coeddn't read.
got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at
Kynott & Co. Drug Store and in
short time they helped me in every
way. I am never .without Doan's Kid
ney 1 'ills on hand.
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Brinkman had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
There will be a market for the good
things to eat held at the bazaar of St
Mary's Guild on Saturday where
everything for the Sunday dinner can
be procured.
Bear This in Mind.
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy by far the best medicine in
the market for colds and croup," says
Mrs. Albert Blosser, Lima, Ohio.
Many others are of the same opinion.
Obtainable everywhere.
FARM. LOAXS, at 3 per cent and S'i
per cent. No delays.
T H. Pollock.
11-23 tf d.
Carl Pappe and bride of Union City,
Oklahoma, are here enjoying a short
visit at the home of Mr. Pappe's sis
ter, Mrs. George M. Ilild and family,
while on their honeymoon. They were
married at Union City on November
24th and are spending the golden days
of the honeymoon in visiting, with
their relatives in this section of Ne
braska. They were taken to Omaha
this morning by Mr. Hild in his auto
and will spend the day visiting and
taking in the sights of the metropolis.
They expect to return in a few days to
their home in the south.
Work to Be Commenced as Soon as
Machinery Is on the Cround
for Boring.
The Nebraska City News of Satur
day contains the following:
, Several months ago a quiet, un
assuming gentleman landed in Cass
county and announced that he was
from Des Momes, Iowa. He made
several, tours of the county and final
ly announced that he was of the opin
ion that oil or gas could be found
there and was so srcngly convinced
that he did not ask anyone to defray
his expenses nor did he form a
stock company the first thing. He
made a thorough investigation, and
then proceeded to secure options and
and leases on some ten thousand
acres of land. Then a company was
formed, limited to a few, and now
they are ready to begin work, and
solve the problem as to whether
there is oil or gas in this vicinity.
The stockholders in the company
also made an investigation, and final
ly decided to sink the well on the
farm owned by John Larsh, three
miles eat of Union, or some twelve
miles northeast of this city. Mr.
Larsh, who is temporarily living at
Roila, Mo., came here a few days ago
for the purpose of signing contracts,
etc. It is announced that among the
papers signed was one constructing
a road eastward from Union, so that
the necesary machinery could be
hauled without any great inconveni
ence. It is understood that work on
the well is to begin at once.
John Larsh was in town this after
noon and said that work on sinking
the well on his property near Union
would begin as soon as the machin
ery could be placed in position. . It
is intended to bring the well boring
apparatus and the engine from Tar
kio, Mo., where they sunk a well on
the Rankin farm, going down to a
The Age
TiV Iff t
ad a c
Sietson Hats
ansen Glozcs
I '- v ,'lV'.j VVN
:.VV. v'v.
Mi f Ml
I t'i i Mi l!:- r!'l ' ' J'i 1 Wt II'1'. ""' '"' , i ' i i W I , 1
I :':: w:?:,ti . ifet;toiia;i:!;iaa;iilm..i.ttiTrtirtti;iiltiiiiii:iiiiirii lul
Designed ty Ropenwald 4: Well
Some of
friends are proba
bly wearing a Ilosenwal J
& Weil Ballymede II.
You can get one at
this slore.
This swagger over
coat has the popular box
back and velvet collar.
A lot of style and
service for little money.
$15, $17, $20 and $25
C. E.
Wescott's Sons
Everybody's Store
depth of 2,"00 feet, and the in
charge of sinking the well said he
would discontinue the work. In order
to get the machinery where they want
it en the Larsh fam it will be neces
sary to construct a new road, and men
are now at work cutting down trees
so as to build the road.
Laughter Aids Digestion.
Laughter is one of the most he.i'h
ful exertions; it is of great help to
digestion. A still more effectual help
is a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. If
yen should be troubled with indiges
tion give them a trial. They only
cost a charter. Obtainable every
where. Mrs. Luke Wiles and mother, Mrs.
Henry Spangler, were among those
going to Omaha this morning on the
early Missouri Pacific train.
of Youth
This is the Age of Youth. Men
of all ages are living in closer
relationship. You hear veiy
little of old-fashioned ideas.
Fathers are thinking as their
sons they are playing the very
same games iheyare dressing
more alike.
That is why
Clothes are so popular now.
They show a dignified conser
vative touch of youthfulness.
They make men look as young
as they ought to.
Fads and extremes are abhor
red. Yet Society Brand Models
lead in exclusiveness.
Society Brand Clothes for
Young Men and Men.. Who
Stay Young
$20 to $30
Jfanliatian Skirts
Car hart Over a Hi
I'' X ' -.'i.T.-'--