The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1915, Image 1
mmonttb I , ourm - msiorical Soc M VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915. no. :,o. BANQUET OF YOUNG MENS' .BIBLE CLASS One of the Most ("lever Events That Has Orrurrt-d in Plattsmouth in Manv Years. From Friday'" rallv. It was a most inspiring scene last evening at th? banquet given by the Yourc Men's Bible class when the "200 young" nun sat dow.i to partake of the 0:v-t of rea.-on, as well as the flow of soul which had been offered for their ci-r.sideT alien bv the members of the bible class of th Methodist church, and perhaps there has been no banquet that was more thoroughly enjoyable than was this, the fifth which the class has held. The ladies of the church had did themselves proud in the arrangements for the feast and the settings for the seer.?. The tables were beautiful in their snowy linen and sparkling silver, while greens and bkterswetts and can dles added a pleasing touch to the pen eral decorative plan. The emblem of the class adopted ty the bible classes of the world, was displayed on the wall over the speaker's table, while the room was arranged with stream ers of red and white. It was only a few minutes after 8 o'clock when the guests, who had as sembled in the main auditorium of the church, were invited to the banquet hall, and to the strains of the march, "Greetings to ThomasviHe," as play ed by the Holly orchestra, the com pany filed in to take their places and to await the invocation which was of fered by Hon. R. B. Windham. The ladies then, in'a most charming: manner, proceeded to see that no hungry man escaped, and it really would be too difficult a task to adequately describe the many good things to eat which were prepared in a most pleasin.e manner. The menu for the lanquet was as follows: Grape Fruit. Marashino Cherries. Roast Beef. Mashed Potatoes. Brown Gravy. Spaghetti. Tickles. Perfection Salad. Rolls. Jelly. Pie a la mode. Coffee. Nuts. C. W. Baylor had been selected for the honor of presiding: over the feast, and he fdled the office of taoastmaster in the most acceptable manner f.nd his remarks were thoroughly appreciated, by all those gathered around the ban quet board. Mr. Baylor spoke on the necessity of recreation and work in the human life, and especially in that of the your.g man of the clay in find ing: the proper means of securing his pleasure and pastime. Mr. Baylor made a very plea-ins: impression and his clever and witty remarks provok ed many a hearty laugh or. the differ ent speakers of the evening as they were introduced. The first speaker of the evening was Lester Dalton, president of the class, who in a few well chosen words wel comed the guests to the banquet, and his remarks were pert and exception ally clever and the many take-offs on the members of the class, as well as the speakers of the eveni.i? were very" much enjoyed by all the banqueters. Mr. Dalton gave a brief resume of the history of the organization which had started with ten charter members, and at the present time had c membership of sixty, which demonstrated the steadfastness of purpose of the or ganization. Mr. Dalton, a.''ter explain ing the aims and purpose cf the Young Men's Bible class, extended an invita tion to all who were not a:Tiliated with any other class to join with the boys of the class in their Sunday morning meetings and the pleasant social as sociations which followed in the of the class. County Attorney A. G. Cole, who followed Mr. Dakon, had taken as his subject, "Live Square With Yourself," and in his adchess, although short, he gave most wholesome advice to the young men gathered in the banquet hall, as he pointed out the personal cost to the individual who was not liv ing square with himself ii his life and in his relation to his Creator. Mr. Cole compared the human life to that of an open book wherein the faults and shortcomings of the human race was registered and which would be the means by which they were called to an accounting. The evil thought growing into the evil deed had caused the youn.? man to grow into a menace to his feliow man and the evil express- ed in his life and actions had a bane- I ful effect on the lives of those with whom he came in contact. The fut ure of the young man was a most-vital thing for the welfare of the countiy and they owed it to themselves and to see that their lives were worthy and clean and that they had lived square with themselves and not cheated themselves out of their heritage. Mr. Cole urged the young men to do the right thing and stick to it at all times and to be independent and steadfast in purpose. They owed a duty to their countiy, as well as themselves to make good citizens and to the Creator for their lives which they must at the close of their earthlv career deliver up to the Almighty. uistrict Judge James i. tfeglev on being introduced by the toastmaster took up as his subject that of "The Man of Tomorrow" and his address was a rare treat in even. way to those who were present. The judge remarked on the remarkable gather ing that was assembled around the banquet board and of the pleasing im pression that the Bible class had made in their study of the bible and rood fellowship. The proposition of the young man was a most vital one the the young man who made the most of his time was the one who was destined to win in the battle of life. The boy of today is the man of tomorrow and the coming generation must take up the burdens and tasks which would be given to them and the present generation was struggling to build up the best possible future for those that were to care afterwards. The young man was called upon in war to make the battle for his coun try's rights and defend its honor and upon them depended the future citi zenship of the nation. There was less care taken of the human race that of the farms of the live stock and other things that entered in to the world's activity and this neglect of the boy was a great and serious mistake. The boy who worked was not as the judge stated a vicious man but the ranks of crime were recruited from the idle and those who were thrust into bad influences that led them along the wrong path. Preparedness as was now being agitated as necessary by the great leaders of the countiy was vital but the prepardeness of the human race and of the men of the count rv was most vital. The speaker pointed out the conservation of the manhood the the country, the doing away with idelness and poverty naa made the Germans great and their success could be traced to the fact that the people were physically and mentally able to take up the tasks confronting them. Every young man should take a part in the politics of the country cleat ly and intelligently ind and see that the ideals and prin cipals of the American republic was perserved. The address of the judge was eloquent and forceful and one that found a responsive cord in the hearts of all of the splendid young Americans seated in the banquet hall. redalucbm Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of the First Methodist church of Omaha was the chief orator of the evening and spoke from the subject of "The Christ ian as . a Citizen." Rev. Lowe made very splendid address as he had both a commanding appearance and his excellent voice and his vigorous statements were delivered with a punch and vim and in support of the need of the Christian people partici pating actively in the politics and life of the city, state and nation. The old idea of a Christian being a pink tea, weak kneed mollycoddle wa3 a thing of the past, the speaker de clared, and the new idea of the Christ ian was that of the militant fighting for the things he knew to be right and just. The speaker made a ter rific arrangement of the currupt in terests in politics and pleaded with his hearers to join in the fight to purify the conditions in the state. He also pleaded for the support of the prohibition movement in the state at the coming election next fall. The Plattsmouth quartet composed of W. G. Brooks, F. A. Cloidt, Jen nings Seivers and Don C. York, favor ed the gathering with two of their pleasing numbers which were given in their usual , pleasing manner and won round after round of applause. As the company arose at the close the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Lowe and the fifth-annual ban- tquet passed into the past as one of the most successful ever held. Wall Taper. Gering & Co. Thone. 36. IR f nnniPSipilTQ AT ' Tf 1 1 li 1J f Luluf? I J A I CRABILL JEWELRY From Friday ? Dally. 1 he t raiiill jewelerv store has in the past few days been equipped with a new flooring lirioiium which has add ed greallv to the appearance of the store and makes it as neat and tastv a jewelerv shop as can be found in any city in the state and with the large stock of fine first-class goods makes this store a very attractive appearance. The show cases have also been provided with new fixture? and trays for holding the stock pf goods carried, and throughout the store presents a very fine appearance This is a neat store at the best and Mr. Crabill has made it a point to see that everything was kept in first- class shape. Just at this season of the year it is particularly interesting in that the near approach of the Christmas season has .brought out a large additional stock of the most ac ceptable gifts that could be desired for this season of the year. During the enforced absence of Mr. Crabill at Omaha in the hospital, Maldon Brown is looking after the management of the store and arranging the new fix tures and getting everything in read iness for the hclidav rush. DR. GQGK GETS A JUDGMENT AGAINST STULL FOR 380,09 From Saturday's I'atlv. The jjury in the district court which had under consideration the case of Dr. E. W. Cock vs. C. Lawrence Stuil etired yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock to deliberate on the matter and after several hours brought in a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $60 with interest from July 1911. The amount sued for was SI 52. This morning the court took up the case of Mrs. Mollie Garrens vs. The Woodman of the World, in which the plaintiff is suing to recover on a life insurance policy carried by the hus band of the deceased in this order. The plaintiff resides at Union and the de ceased husband was a member of the Woodman camp in that place. It is claimed that Mr. Garrens had paid his monthly assessments into the order to the local officers and the head offices of the lodge had suspended him claim ing to have never received the assess ments for the dues The case will be a most interesting one and will probably consume the entire day and perhaps a part of tomorrow. Quite a number from the vicinity of Union were pres ent at the trial. VERY PLEASANT AF TERNOON SPENT AT THE STEWART HOME A very pleasant' and delightful afternoon's entertainment was held at the handsome country home of Mrs. John Stewart Tuesday afternoon. It was in the nature of a farewell, as Mrs. Stewart is compelled to leave her farm home on account of failing health. The afternoon was spent in social conversation and the proper time a delicious luncheon, consisting of oysters, cake and coffee were serv ed. The dining room presented a beau tiful sight, with its snowy array of linen, cut glass, silver and china. Mrs. Stewart was a popular member of the Social Workers club and this society regret very much to see her remove from their neighborhood where she has made many friends. At a late hour in the afternoon the guests de parted for their homes, wishing her a speedy return to health and to be with her again in the near future. M. W. of A.. Notice! The next regular meeting of Cass camp No. 332, M. W. of A., will be on Wednesday night, December 8th, at 7:30, at which time election of officers w ill be held. All members are urgent ly requested to be present. F. J. Libershal, V. C. ,1 BOND, AH OLD- TIMER, VISITS HERE From Friday's Daily. William Bond, or "Billy," as he was more familiarly known to the older residents of the city, arrived here to day from his home in Wyoming for a short, visit here in the old town, en- route to Missouri, where he will visit his daughter who resides near Hanni bal. Mr. Bond was here over thirty years ago in the employ of the road- master's department of the Burling ton and spent several years here in the railroad work, and on his trip here this time he finds few of the old timers whom he recognizes asta greater part of his old associates have long since removed or passed away. ANOTHER AGED CITI ZEN PASSES AWAY AT THE POOR FARM From Friday's Dally. Last evening at the county farm west of the city Charles Tohnier. one of the aged residents passed away after an illness of some time due to the infirmaties of old age. He has been a resident at the county farm for the past twelve years and is a native of Germany where he was born on May 21, 1834, spending a greater part of his lifetime there and has been a resident of this locality for the past eighteen years. For five or six years prior to being in the farm he was en gaged in farm work in this section and was a gentleman well liked by those with whom he came in touch and was r.eld in deep affection at the farm by all. He leaves a married daughter residing in Kansas City, Kas. The funeral will be held at the farm to morrow and the interment made in Oak Hill cemetery. DEGREE OF HONOR ELECTS OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR The Degree of Honor held a very in teresting meeting last evening at their lodge rooms and a very large attend ance of the membership were present to take part in the annual election of officers which resulted as follows: Chief of Honor Mrs Elizabeth Thomsen. Lady of Honor Mrs. Viola Claus. Chief of Ceremonies Mrs. Ruth Grybsky. Recording Financier Mrs. Maude Bunch. Usher Mrs. Barbara Snyder. Assistant Usher Mrs. E. G. Wurl. Treasurer Mrs. Elizabeth Bauer. Organist Mrs. Luella Leesley. Outside Watch Mrs. Joseph Droege. Captain of Team Mrs. Lottie Rosencrans. Installing Officer Miss Anna Has- sler. Trustee Mrs. Minnie Pickard. These newly elected officers of this great fraternity which has one of the argest memberships in the city will be installed at the meeting to be held on January fth. On January 6 the county convention will be held in our city during a day session, whon our Grand Chief of Honor, Sister Mayme Cieaver, will be with us. In the evening Miss Anna Hassler will install the officers. It is desired that all members be present at this convention. Compromises With Railroad. From Saturday's Dally. The time of the county court was taken up this morning with a hearing in the estate of Fred L. Burdick, de ceased, who was found dead near Union several months ago, and was supposed to have been struck by a Missouri Pacific train while he was en route to his home at Nehawka. The railroad company has settled with the widow for the sum of $500 in full for all damages. Attorney Philip E. Horan of Omaha was in the court rep resenting the railroad company. M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Satur day evenings. Examination free. B. P. 0. E. ME MORIAL SERVICES HELD SUNDAY The Services a Tribute to the Memory of Dead Members of This Great Order. Yesterday afternoon the Parmele theater was filled with a large number who gathered to attend the memoria services of Plattsmouth Lodge No 739 B. P. O. E. when the member ship of the order gathered to pay their tribute of fraternal love to the ab sent brothers who have been called from their earthly duties to the Great Beyond. The service was impressive and beautiful as befitting the loving tribute of the great brotherhood of Elkdom, and the program was one that called to mind the great princ pals that dominate and uphold the Elk creed. The stage was set with a large American flag which has been adopted by the lodge as one of its emblems and which screened the il luminated roll of the honered dead of No. 739 E. P. O. E., and as the roll was called by the secretary, George E Weidman, the names of those who will come no more were flashed in letters of litrht on the scroll. Those of the lo cal lodge who have passed away since the installation of the order here are M. Patterson, P. W. Agnew, Otto C. Bookmeyer, F. J. Morgan, S. M. Chapman, C. E. Coffey, J. V. Egen- berger, F. W. Ritchey, F. C. Frink, D. Ilawksworth, F. M. Richey, Canon H. B. Burgess, H. D. Travis. It has been the great good fortune of the order here that in the last year none of the membership has passed away but have been spared the bitter sting of death through the mercy and love of the All Wise Ruler of the universe. The members of the lodge and the peakers marched in a body from the Elks home on Sixth street to the the ater and as the lodge entered the orchestra opened the services with the strains of America while the lodge stood until the close before taking their seats. The musical program selected by the orchestra composed of Miss Verna Cole, E. H. Schulhof, W. R. Holly, Richard Avard, George Lut- er, Clarence Ledgway and Clifford Burbridge was appropriate to the oc casion and selected from the gems of the musical world. The services were opened by Exalt ed Ruler C. W. Baylor and the offi cers of the lodge in giving a part of the ritualistic work dedicated to the memory of the departed brothers. Miss Barbara Clement gave a musical number during the ritualistic service, The Rosary" and the sweet voice of the singer with the touching melody and tender words of the song made an impression upon the audience. The opening ode given by the lodge was followed by the invocation by acting chaplain, R. G. Rawls. Miss Katharyn Bauder of Glenwood, gave a most charming vocal number, The Lord is My Light" and this was one of the most appropdiate to the olomnity of the occasion and the ar istic and charming manner of its ren dition made it one of the most beauti ful numbers on the program. Miss Agnes Knoflicek followed with one of her pleasing violin solos and won the hearts of everyone by her charming rerdition of her selection. The eulogy of the departed broth rs was given by Brother Norman S. Genung of Glenwood, and was a plendid address on the custom of this order to gather and pay tribute the the memory of the departed and to cherish the kindly deeds and vir tues of those who had gone before. The address of Mr. Genung was a glowing tribute to the Elks and to the departed brothers in whose memory the services of the day was dedicated and where all over the country the members of the order were gathered in memorial service to their departed brothers. This address was an in spiration to those who were present o hear it and a brilliant oratorical reat. The principal address of the after noon was given by the Rev. Alfred C. Buxton, chaplain of Council Bluffs lodge of the Elks, and was one of the finest addresses ever heard n this city at any gathering. The speaker in taking up his remarks paid tribute to the American flag which enters into the life of the Elks and told what the message of that flag meant to him and all others who lived beneath its protecting folds and to the history of the emblem of the free and brave from the time it first sprang into existance from the needle of Betsy Ross and what it stood for in all these years and what it had been to those coming from a foreign shore and finding peace and happi ness beneath its protecting folds. He touched upon the great principal of brotherhood which was dominating the Elks and pleaded for a closer relation of all mankind throughout the world and a better understanding of the wants and needs of each other in the battle of life and what the tender influence of a friend could do to chase away the sorrows and cares of life and to aid in the betterment of man kind that thev all might be more fitted to follow the example of the Master. The speaker spoke of the feeling of brotherly love that he had found in the order and the beauty of the motto of the order, "The faults of our brothers we write upon the sands, their virtues on the tablets of love and memory," which aided in banishing hate and brought each of them nearer to a realization of the teaching of the order and to share with each other their jovs and sor rows. The address of the eminent divine was one that held the closest attention of the audience and his splendid and lolty thought made a deep and lasting impression upon his audience. It was with regret that the audience heard the close of the re marks of Rev. Buxton as they would have willingly listened to a great deal more of the beautiful address on the principles and ideals of the B. P. O. E. The closing ceremonies were carried out by the officers of the lodge and at the closing of the Doxology by the lodge and the audience the benedic tion was pronounced bv the Rev. W. 5. Leete pastor of the St. Luke's Episcopal church and the lodge memb ers marched from the theater carrying n their hearts the lessons of the day and the inspiration of the two splen did addresses on the ideals of their order. 'SAMPSON," A MAS TERPIECE, AT THE GEM TOMORROW EVENING Tomorrow, matinee and evening, at the Gem theater will be presented an other of the William Fox masterpieces in moving pictures, "Samson," with Wiiliam Farnum, America's foremost actor, in the leading role. Mr. Far num has been here in "The Spoilers" and "The Plunderers" and his effective rendition of the roles there is an in dication of what may be looked for in 'Samson." The play is not a bibical .iay, as the title indicated, but is a gripping drama of modern life. The story in brief of the play is as fol lows : Roused by titanic wrath by the falseness of his friends and by the fact that the wife he worships spurns his devotion, the modern Samson pulls Town thes tructure of wealth that he limself has erected, ruins the rake who is pursuing his wife and crushes the crowd of sycophants, and hangers- on that his benevolence has enriched. Sanson" rises triumphant over the wreck of his fortunes and secure in the love of his wife and with full faith in her. sets his face toward a fresh beginning. Gladys Kaffenberger HI. From Saturday's Daily. Miss Gladys Kaffenberger has been uite ill at her home on High School ill for the past few days and her family and friends have been quite worried over her condition As she eems to be developing appendicitis. Last year Miss Kaffenberger was suf fering from a similar attack but re covered without the necessity of an peration and it is hoped that she may not be compelled to undergo an operation at this time. Box Social a Success. From Saturday's Dallv. The pupils and teacher, Miss Sophia Ulrich, of the Buck school, two and one-half miles south of Murray, held box social and program last Satur day evening at their school house, which was very largely attended and was a decided success socially and financially. The pupils rendered a pleasing program, which reflected much credit on the efficiency of their teacher. A SUCCESSFUL YEAR FOR THE COUNTY FARM The Affairs at the Count Iidirmary in a Finer Shape Than Ever Before. From Saturday's Dallv. The j ear just drawinir to a close has been a most successful one for the county farm west of this city and the result of the crops has proven one ful! of profit to the county and will add greatly to the income of the farm during the coming winter months. Superintendent Tarns ha de voted as much care to the farm and the crops as he would to his own pri vate inteie.'ts and the result has been that never before has such splendid lesults been secured, although in the past few years the farm lias al ways shown a profit for the county and has been self supporting. The selecting of the seed, the working of the ground, the planting and the tend ing of the crops had been given the closest attention by the superintend ent and result speaks for itself. There is today at the farm a bounteous sur- of all kinds grain and food stuffs which will insure more than enough to operate the farm. Five hundred bushels of wheat, eirht hundred buh- els of oats, and 2.200 bushels of corn are safelv stored away on the farm as gathered from the fall report of Sup erintendent Tarns, and there is aUo on the farm eighteen head of cattle and four of horses. The grain and corn stored w-ill bring a handsome price later in the season and will add very much to the finances of the in- sutuation. Everything on the farm is in the best of shape, the buildings are well kept up, and in fact Cass county comes about as near having a model farm as there is in the state and one that reflects great cred.t upon the board of commissioners and Mr. Tarns, the superintendent for their care and business ability in looking after the farm. There is at the pres ent time thirteen persons residing at the farm beside the family of tl e sup erintendent and the farm has cared for these very easily ami will continue to do so, .s Mr. Tarns has the cellars filled with a surplus of vegetables and other good things to eat during the winter. The new building has been found most convenient ar.d comforta ble and was undoubtedly ore of the best moves that the county h;.s under taken in the last few jears. NEW BA3Y BOY AT THE SHERMAN COLE HOME From Satirday' Dallv. This morning joy reigned supreme in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cole, southwest of this city, and was occasioned by the arrival there at an early hour today of a fine little son and heir. The little man is as fine a lad as can be found in Cass county, and being the first child in the family is the object of a great deal of ad miration from the overjoyed parents and other relati-es. The young Mr. Coie has also occasioned a great deal of pleasure in this city and Grandpa Harry Johnson is carrying himself as only a real grandfather can, with an air of pride, and his smile i oie of thee that will not wear off. Both the mother and little son are doing nicely. AN INCREASED MEMBER SHIP IN THE CHURCHES Yesterday saw quite a number of ad ditions to the different churches ol the city and an increase in the mem bership of the churches. At the Meth odist church eight new members were added to the church rolls, five of whom were baptised at that church while three were immersed at the font of the Christian church. The Presby terian church received twelve new members into the church and at the Christian church there were four con fessions of faith made as the result of the work of the revival services of Rev. C. E. Per Lee. This is a very satisfactory for churches and shows an awakening religious thought among the residents of the city.