The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 02, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Thanksgiving Dinner at Lewiston.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
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General Banking Backed
by Ample Capital. J
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
!f you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
Phone Plaits. 2112. W. R.
Joseph Queen is supporting a fine-j
locking new Veile buggy.
. . . . t.i
r. L. l.nouen ana wne were riau.;-
mouth visitors Saturday afternoon.
Personal taxes are now due ar.d pay
able at the Murray State Bank.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ted Barrows were
Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday.
Remember the dance at the Puis &
Gansemer hall next Saturday evening-
Mrs. August Doening was a pas
senger to Plattsmouth Friday after
noon. Miss Pearl Dugay spent the Thanks
giving vacation with home folks near
Mrs. Charles Schwab, Mrs. Joseph
Hathaway, Mrs. Jarvis Lancaster and
Mrs. Frank Li'.lie motored to Omaha
Wednesday, where they visited Mr.
Hathaway, who is in the St. Joseph's
Mrs. John Hendricks and s-on, Vern,
left Saturday morning for Harwell,
Neb., where they will visit a few
weeks with Mrs. Hendricks father,
James Chalfant, and a brother, Floyd
(half ant.
you can use a pair
of shoes!
and if you want to save an extra profit to your
self, you will investigate the line of ladies' shoes
we are closing out:
Dull Top Vici Button, regular $3.00 sellers. .$2.75
" Lace, 41 14 44 . . 2.15
Gun Metal Button, 44 44 44 2.35
Patent Dull Top Button, " 44 4 4 2 . 35
Our Line Broken Sizes, 44 44 44 .. 1.00
YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
Miss Fay Oldham and Mrs. O. A.
Davis were Plattsmouth visitors Tues-
!dav of this week.
Mrs. Harry Creamer, who has been
seriously ill. ii reported much im
proved at this writing.
Frank Campbell and wife were
transacting business in Plattsmouth
A. F. Nickels, who has been con
fined to his home for the past year,
was able to attend the Thanksgiving
dinner at Lewiston Thursday.
Misses Christine and Mathilde Soen
nichsen, Edna Petersen. Menry Soen
nichsen and Sam G. Smith ate turkey
with the Lewiston people Thanksgiv
ing. The Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
placed a nice new chapel organ in the
Lewiston church last week. Everyone
is cordially invited to come and help
in the song service.
There was a very pleasant mask
ball given at the Puis & Gansemer
hall last Saturday evening. There
were quite a number of maskers that
took part in the occasion, also a large ;
r.umoer hpi-ciaiors. uvurjone preaeni
seemed to have a fine time.
. Tutt,
Attention! Men
ivi I 11:1.
ft ii.
...w., p nj
I 11:15
t b-A)0
Women's Meeting
Sabbath, December 5th, "SG15
Mrs. A. J. Stokes spent Sunday wiih
Miss Etta Nickels.
Anderson Davis has been quite sick
for the past few days.
Dr. G. II. Gil more was a county
seat visitor last Friday.
Mrs. Charles Creamer is listed
among the sick this week.
W. R. Good and wife motored to
Plattsmouth Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Troy Shrader has been numb
ered with tlie sick for the past few
Ycu can pay your personal taxes
at the Muriay State Bank. They are
now dt:e.
V. II. Kikendall was looking after
some business matters in Plattsmouth
Grandpa Ilendrickson has been
numbered with the siek for the past
few days.
P. A. Young was looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth last
Saturd -.v.
G. M. Minford shipped a car of
feeeiers down from Omaha Wednes
day of this week.
Chas. Countryman shipped a car cf hours to the South Omaha mar
ket Tuesday evening.
Miss Frances Campbell has been
luite sick for the past few days, suf
fering with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Dartre r spent a
few days the pa-it week he home
of their parents in Ashland.
Mrs. August Poenmg rind Mrs.
Fran Lillie and children were guests
of Mis. John Hendricks Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frark Gobe'.man and
Mr. and Mis. Yal Burkel attended the
Thankisgiving elinner at Lewiston.
Mrs. V.-m. LuRue departed last Fri
day for the home of her parents over
in Iowa, where she will nicke a few
da; -s vis-.
Mr. a id Mrs. John Lloyd of Fair
bur", "?b., are i'i Murray this week
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Rhode!'..
Omar Yardley and Miss Carrie
Parser went to Plattsmouth Tuesday
even in ir to attend the Lyman Howe
ricture show.
Mrs. John Hendricks and son, Vern.
... . .. T r-i i, I i T-i ,'Loughiidge and Miss .Margie Walker
will visit James Chalfant and rloyd! ... , . .
I at dinner Thanksgiving.
Chalfant and wife. I
Mont Shrader of Weeping Water
was visiting in Murray Wedre-day of.
this weeK, a guest at the home of Mr.
i - , n. i
and Mrs. W . D. Shrader. i
Mrs. Glen Pawls of PLttt-moath ;
t the home of Mr
spent a !ew days last week in Murray,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Smith, returning home Sunday.
Mr. anci Mrs. Fred Ramge
plattsmouth snCnt a few daws
past W0( k with tllcir Fon cast of Mur.
ray, returning home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis and Mr.
and Mrs. Lutz were Murray visitors
i Su.idr.y, being guests at the
...ome ci ,,r. ana .urs. au uansemer.
j Jce Hathaway who is still in the
! hospital at Omaha, is improving, and
1 . I
in time will be mat!e almost as good ;
in health as of old, which will be good
news to his many friends.
W. G. Boedeker, G. M. Minford and
Frank Vallery went out to Grant,
Neb., last Saturday for the purpose
of looking after some land interests.
They returned home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Poedeker,
Misses Peulah Sans, Rose O'Donnell
and Jessie Harrows went to Platts
mouth Tuesday evening to see the
Lyman Howe pictures at the Parmele.
J. I). Shrader went to Omaha Mon
day morning to meet his two daugh
ters, Margie and Marie, who were re
turning home from a few days' visit
with relatives and friends in Shenan
doah. D. A. Young won the prize of a
fine pair of halters offered by the
Murray Hardware and Implement
Co., for the best grade of corn grown
in Cass county this year. There were !
quite a number of samples brought
into the store, some of which was a I
good grade, too. Mr. Young fee is !
very proud over winning the prize.
The halters were of exceptionally
good value and well worth the effort
to win.
If any of the readers of tlio
Journal know f any .social
cri'ni or iu-m of int rot in
this i.-iniiy. mul will mail
same to i his otlicc. li u ill nt
l'ar uiiiier I his InuUiittr. We
want all news iu-ms -Km iwt
at II. Pres. Church
at Chri!Stiall church
a. in. at Christian Church
p in. at U. Pres. Church
Ocr!a Minford
spent Sunday
with home folks.
Mr. Addle Stokes spent
gi ing at Lewiston.
Puree spiing and fall pig:-
Thank s-
for sale.
Either s.'.-x. Oidhams.
Mis. Hairy Cieamer lias been nuite
sick for the past few days.
Hex Young is bui! din;? a new ga
rag.? en the home place this week.
Miss Rachel Living-tor. attended the
Lyman Howe picture.-, at the Paimcle
theater Tuesday
Charles Hansen of Plattsmouth was
a Murray visitor !at Thursday look
ing after some business mutter-'.
Freddie Shoemaker w:'s in Murray
Sunday. f-n route to Piaitsmouih,
where he is .serving on the juiy.
Ed Gansemer passed thiough here
last Friday for the county scac, where
he had sur.'.e business to look after.
l.o.eil Massie, who has been out in
Custer county fur the three
i.n.iuli--, reiurne i home last Sunday.
Pauline Oldham has hem of
j ' ice on thw Literature Com
mittee of the, N
Woman's Clubs.
biaska Federation cf
P-.-v.- Gregg
and wife, who moved
: couple of years ago,
h:t.e returned to Murray, whre they
v. i i I nu.!,e their future homo.
Henry Tliie'e is spatting a new
Dodge car this week, which he says is
the finest car made for the money. He
was in Murray Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Dave "Young will entertain the
Ladies' Aid society, at her home on
Wednesday afternoon, December Stli.
All members are requested to be pie
er.t. There is st:!l a great deal of co-n in
the fields and the farmers are clamor
ing lieht and left to secure good hunk
ers. They are anxious to get it ail
out before bad weather.
The music at the mask ball La-t
Saturday evening was furnished by
Gus Hansen and Mans Stoll, the two
old-time fiddlers of Mt. Pleasant.
They are good ones, too.
Dr. and Mrs. G. II. Gilmore enter
tained Mrs. Oldham and daughters,
Misses Pauline and Fay, Miss May
Miss Lizzie Kastle, who has been
r. aking her home with Mr. and Mrs.
tfr T'i?t fin i ri - mi t: f li ii-
,, . r,, AJ .
mother in Plattsmouth, where, owmg
, , ... ' .
to poor heaith, she will make her home
: th futui.p
ik F. Ciine, residing etst of Mur -
r.; . has been enjoving a visit from
his brother, who resides in the Pig
Ilorn Pasin, Wvomir.g. This is the
iliJXi uiviiii: J I 1.11. ku ui u. 1 o in
the twenty years.
Porn to Mr. am! Mr?. Guy Snyder,
a fine babv bov, last week. The lit-
4r.,n,..". tI. inr.finn.,pf. h.-ibv
in the land, and his daddy is proud be.
caU,e t!lc nci,.hbors say he iooks i;ke
his Jad. Mother and little one doing
Mr. and Mrs. W. 15. Virgin drove to
Plattsmouth Friday, where they at
tended to some important business
matters and visited county seat
fiiends. Mr. Virgin was a pleasant
caller at the Journal office and had
his cubsci iption extended for another
Mr. and Mrs. E. Shoemaker motored
to Platsmouth Saturday, where theyIn comparv with Mr. and Mrs. Hildj
visited fiiends and attended to some ' f plattsmouth, they made an auto
important business matters. While in trir) rinlonf? tnc old friends of this!
Plattsmouth Mr. Shoemaker took time
to call at tne Journal oince ana excena
his subscription another year.
Fcr Sale.
100 acres cf land, 4 miles east of
Murray; two sets of improvements;
all good farm land, except six acres
of timber. Lots of fruit on both the
places: 20 acres is in fall wheat; r.ll
well fenced. Want to move to west-
lorn Nebraska in the spring reason for
selling. Price and terms right. See
Frank Vallery, Murray, Neb. Tel 43,
Murray exchange.
Come to The Journal for fine stationery.
The Thanksgiving dinner at Lewis
ton was in every way a grand suc
cess. While the day was disagreeable
without, many drove from near-by
towns to partake of one of the most
delicious and as nicely served dinners
that has ever been given by the ladies
of the K. N. K. The church was hand
somely decorated in red and white;
each table held a beautiful bouquet of
red carnations, and the altar was
covered with yellow "baby chrysanthe
mums," which were sent by Mr. Ed
Hesser and wife of Los Angeles, Cal. '
The dining room was very convenient-,
ly arranged and seated some fifty peo- :
p!e during the splendid sermon de
livered by the Rev. W. A. Tayolr. Mrs.
E. R. Queen favored the aud'er.'-e wiih
a solo, "He Walk. Vv'ith Me." The
ba?.aar given in connect ion with the j
dinner v;i; the best and largest that ;
J has been given so far, many beautiful;
' pieces of needlework and quilts were ,
txhibited, arid merchants from Mur-'
7 ay, Nebraska City and Plattsmouth
were very generously represented at,
il. I. .......... Tl,,. ln,i:,.. .... :
ful for their kin Ine.-s. A fine oyster
supper, with all the good things left ,
from dinner, was served at :o0, when '.
a larire crowd was tio ent. Charles'
Large sang a soio in the evening that
was much appreciated by those pre--orit.
The p feet-;":.-: for the day and
evening were Slle, a very neat r;:m
for the
deserve much
Thanks for the Thanksgiving Dinner.
dies ot tc: r. -. i. lar.e this
method of extending th-mks to the
pt blie i.i enevil for their kindness in
attending, fcr their asstaree and the
liberal ('. ration: to the Lewiston G'ce
club; to Mr. an.! Mrs. Ed Hesser for
the beautiful gift of flowers sert for
the occasion. K. N. K.
Church Notes.
The pastors cf the two churches in
Mu: ray have planned a special pro
irrar.i for next Sabbath, December .".
Each pastor will speak in his own
church, ere sermon t men, the other
sermon -to women.
At the Chiisti.i!) church the regular
'.rde-r wi'I prevail imrl after the
Sacrament of tl." lord's Supper.
All men are i ivited to be present at
both men'--' mcot-rg and all women
to be present at both v. omen's meet
ings. Th? Sabbath schools will meet at
'he usual hour, 10 o'clock.
Kcx Social a Success.
The pupils and teacher. Miss Jose
ph :ie Rys, rf the New Hope school,
two and one-half miles '.vest and one
mile south cf Murray, held a box so
cial la-t Friday evening at the school
house, which was very largely attend
ed and a derided success, both financi
ally and socially. The pupils render
ed a very pleasing program of songs
ttnd rceitath ns, after which the boxe?
were sold at auction, in which the neat
sum of S.o.CO was realized, which will
be used, for supplies for the school.
Annual Bazaar.
The ladies of the U. P church are
making every preparation possible for
the ho!dirr of their annual bazaar,
flint wil! be hebl at the church on Sat
:rdrv, December Jth, all dav. There
'will be all kinds of fancy work on sale,
j k't dun :.rro s, rag ru;s, all of v.-hieh
'will make sui'ab'e gift goods; homc-
;made cc.n.lies, al -o market where
mest everything good to eat can be
found. Roast chicken dinner will be
served, a"il chicken pie supjier, at 25
cents each. Come out and buy your
, Christmas gifts and enjoy the day
with the ladies.
Here From Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Pappe of Union
City, Olka., has been in and near Mur
ray for the past few days visiting
;.moiv- friends and relatives. Mr.
Pappe lived in this county a number j
of years ago before moving to Okla-;
homa with his father, Albert Pappe.
This is Mrs. Pappc's first visit to Ne-!
braska, and says she is very much j
Inb- iRcd with this nart of the country.
j jit Mr- anj jIrs. Pappe expect
to return home the latter part ot the
Library Notes.
The Library association had a very
interesting.meeting Tuesday evening.
The association enjoyed the talk given
! by Miss Thorpe very much.
There will be no market given at the
library on December G or the 13th.
There has been a number of new
books ordered for the library.
For Sale.
34 full-blood Barred Rock pullets
and four roosters. The vey best.
- W. II. Kikendall.
Are Yois Sure that Your
id Stove or
is giving you the service it ought? Are you
getting the results you should from the
amount of fuel you are burning? If not
there is a reason. We sell the Round Oak
and Colonial Heaters; Ideal and Vacuum
Furnaces; Monarch and lianquet Ranges. We
guarantee satisfaction. We are in the Heat
ing and Plumbing business to stay. Let us
figure vour bill.
Murray Hardware and Implement
Community Calendar.
December 4 United Presbyterian
W. M. S. Bazaar.
December 8 lion. Granville Jones,
December 10 U. Pre.-. V.. M. S.
monthly meeting.
December 18 Dinner and Parcel
Tost f-ale at Christian church.
December IS Evangelistic services
begin at Christian church.
December 24 "White Gift" services
at United Presbyterian church.
December liS Library meeting.
Funeral Services of Guy Patterson.
Tlie funeral services cf Guy H. Pat
terson on Monday, November 2ti, were
attended by many of his neighbors
and friends. His death came after an
illness cf several weeks. Though never
strong, he was always kind and oblig
ing. When the services were being
held in the school house last summer
he was a regular attendant and took
a leading pa't. We shall miss him in
the home and as a neighbor.
Notice to Patrons!
Having disposed of my lumber busi
ness in Murray, and desiring to move
just as soon as possible, I hereby not
ify a'i patrons knowing themselves in
debted to me to call and settle their
iccour.ts just as soon as possible. At
this time this favor will be greatly
.ppreciated. Please give this your
prompt attention, and oblige.
W. II. Kikendall.
Fcr Sale.
Splendid organ for sale cheap.
suitable for lodges, church or home.
In good condition. Inquire at the
Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey Doars for
I have two Spring Boars sired by
Model Wonder, out of choice dams.
Also, will p( 11 ') bred sows, bred to King, a good son of King
;hc Colonel. These sows are bred
for Mcrch litters. I intended to
'eep these for my own use but have
too man:-. See me at Mynard.
W. B. Porter.
1 1-29-4 twkly-2td.
A want ad will bring you a buyer.
Look Out for Our Extensive
Holiday Line
which will be cn display in time for you to
make your se'ections for Christmas. Both
in the toy line as well as useful articles for
all members of the family.
Highest Market Price Paid
for Farm Produce!
Puis &
Social Dance.
The Murray Dancing club will give
mother one of their social dances at
the Puis & Gansemer hall on Saturday
evening, December 4th. The usual
good time will be in store for you.
Mur-ic by the Holly orchestra of
Plattsmouth. Remember the date.
Arthur Jones, Allen, Kas., writes:
T have been troubled with bladder and
kidney troubles for a good many
years. If it wei e not for Foley Kidney
Pills I would never be able to work in
the hay field." , Men and women past
middle acre find these pills a splen lid
remedy for weak, overworked or dis
eased kidneys. Sold everywhere.
Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red
Cockerels for sale. Price $1.00 to
S-2.50 each. Troy E. Wiles, Cedar
Creek, Neb. Weeping Water Thone
No. 282o.
"Hehawka's Best"
Not only our opinion but
the verdict of a host of sat
isfied customers.
If you are not using
NeHa Hour
take a sack home with you
today and try it.
Every sack guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction.
For sale by every .mer
chant in Nehawka, all the
leading dealers in Platts
mouth and Histt & Tutt, of
Nehawka Milling
Nehawka, - - Nebraska