The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 29, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY, N&VEMBFR - 29,- 1915
PAC-fc 6-
JI I. J- -LL .
I -ti
t jr:
Yoyir loves
are one of the most important items of your dress.
We carry the following styles in a variety of
"Andree' high-grade kid, short glove $1.50
"Dependon" ' 1.00
Dog Skin Gloves, brown only 1.25
Cashmere, silk lined, extra heavy 50
Fabric Gloves, in white only 50
Short Silk Gloves, black and white 50
We have everything in Children's Gloves
and Mittens in prices ranging from 10c to .5
Our Line of Holiday Goods are Arriv
ing Constantly. New Things
all the Time!
We will be glad to assist you in selecting
your numerous gifts.
Inl Oil
Call Phones 53 and 54.
Christmas Cards.
Our lines of Christmas Cards
have arrived, and are now on display
at this office. We believe we have
one of the finest lines of Christmas
Cards that have ever been brought
to Plattsmouth, and while we have
quite a large quanity of them, we
would urge all desiring to select
their cards from this line to call
early, especially those purchasing in
quanity lots, before the lines is
broken. This line comprises many
important designs, all steel die and
engraved, ranging in price from 5c
to 15, and some that are cheaper.
Remember, we carry the Dennison
line of stickers and seals, place cards
and novelties, crepe paper and
napkins. We are the paper supply
house. If its in the paper line see
us. The Journal Office.
TAKEN UP At the home of Glen
Rhoden, two and one-half miles west
and one mile north of Murray, a red
heifer calf. Owner can have same
by paying for damages and this ad
vertisement. 11-29 tf d.
Strayed or Stolen.
A White Angora Cat. Anyone
knowing anything as to its where
abouts please notify Mrs. J. E. Mc
Paniel and receive reward.
uud u
Furniture, Carpets
We are NOW closing out our entire line of Furniture, Carpets and Rugs in the
massive stock of M. Hild, at a discount of 25 per cent. Everything in this great
stock "will go at these prices. This is one of the finest lines of house furnishing
goods ever before olfered to the public at such prices. Remember this is a bona
fide saving to you of 25 per cent, on any article in the house. Good clean stock to
select from.
If you need Furniture or Household Furnishings of any kind, or will be in need
in the near future, this is certainly the time to buy. Remember this sale is for
J .
The Daylight Store
IJ Social at Keil School.
The pupils and teacher of the Keil
school, school district No. 97, will hold
a Box Social and program at the
school house on Saturday evening, De
cember 11th. Everybody invited. The
ladies are requested to bring boxes
and the gentlemen the coin.
Anna Henrich.
Box Social At Eight Mile Grove School
The Eight Mile Grove School will
hold a box social and program at the
school house on Saturday evening, De
cember 11th. Everybody is invited.
All ladies are requested to bring boxes
and the gentlemen then do their part.
Mae Barker, Teacher.
11-29-2 wk-d & w.
M. W. A. Hall for Sale.
The M. W. A. hall at Mynard will
be sold at Public Auction on Saturday,
December 11th, to the highest bidder
The sale will be held on the premises
between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock,
snd the highest bidder takes the
Dance at German Home.
There will be a social dance given
at the German Home on Saturday
evening, December 4th, to which the
public is cordially invited to be pres
ent. The Plattsmouth orchestra will
furnish the music.
id -Season Sale
Your opportunity to get that hat
you liked at a saving of from
$1.00 to $5.00
As low as $1.75 for Stylish Hats
worth double the price.
Only Dependable Goods
Wall Paper. Gering & Co. Phone. 36.
"Moore's Non-Leakable Fountain
Pens for sale at the Journal office.
Alvin Murray and wife, who have
been here for a short time visiting
with relatives and friends, departed
yesterday morning for their home at
McCook, Nebraska.
Glenn Parriott and bride returned
home yesterday from Peru, where they
have been sepnding a few days at the
home of Mr. Parriott's parents, Mr.
r.nd Mrs. Ed Parriott.
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Office and Salesroom
Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth
l i
and Rugs!
Yesterday was a most interesting
one for the Methodist church in this
city, as there were seventy-four taken
into the church, sixty-nine on proba
tion and five by letter from the form
er churches. A greater part of these
converts comes from the work of the
recent revival services conducted here
by Rev. Druliner, and there are still
others who will affiliate themselves
with the church in the next few weeks
as a result of the special work. The
meetings, in addition to securing many
new converts, has also stimulated the
interest of those who are already
members of the church and given them
an inspiration to greater efforts in
the cause of their church, as well as
proving very beneficial to other
churches of the city.
The home of our old friend, George
Schoeman, was the scene of a most
pleasant feathering yesterday, when
the relaties of the splendid old gen
tleman gathered to assist him in the
celebration of his eightieth birthday.
The occasion was one that will long be
very pleasantly remembered by those
who were most fortunate to be pres
ent, and the guest of honor was
showered with congratulations on hav
ing reached this ripe old age. The
relatives all came with well laden
baskets of the good things to eat, and
this was soon transformed into a feast
fit for a king and to which the twenty
six members of the party did ample
justice, and following the dinner the
day was spent in visiting and having a
general good time. At the close of
the day the guests departed home
ward, wishing that many more such
happy occasions may be given to them
to spend with this grand old gentle
man. Those who were present were:
John Schoeman and family, George
Schoeman, jr., and family, Henry
Schoeman and family, W. II. Hoover
and family, Fred Krecklow and fam
ily of Louisville, and W. G. Meising
er and family and Miss Helen Mei-
singer. The Journal joins with the
friends in wishing Mr. Schoeman
many more years of happiness.
Returns From the Hospital.
Jesse Long, who has been at St.
Joseph's hospital in Omaha since last
August taking treatment, has so far
lecovered that he was able to return
home Saturday afternoon, and will re
cuperate att he home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Long, near this
city, where it is hoped the fresh air of
the farm and the care of the parents
will restore him to complete health.
For Sale.
International Automobile, a Reo
Automobile; both in running order. A
7 Vs H. P. Mounted Wood Sawing out
fit. A 12 H. P. Gasoline Engine A
36-in. by 10-ft. Horiconal Boiler. An
Emery Wheel Stand with wheels. A
Power Pump Jack. Several large cir
cular saws. All will be sold very
cheap, as we wish to make room for
other machinery.
Western Machinery and Foundry,
John Niday of near Union came up
this morning to take up his work as
a member of the jury panel in the dis
trict court. .
Frank L. Rhoden and wife were
fcmong the visitors in the city Satur
day for a few hours looking after
some trading.
Henry Haslam and C. C. Jackman
came in this morning from Weeping
Water to attend the district court as
members of the jury.
Frank Finkle and son, John, came
up this morning from their home near
Union to spend a, few hours looking
after gome matters of business.
F. C. Schoemaker of Nehawka was
among the jurors coming in this morn
ing to take up his work as a member
of the regular panel at the session of
the district court.
Judge Jesse L. Root of Omaha,
solicitor of the Burlington, came down
yesterday, to take charge of the rail
road interests in the case of Johnson
vs. the C, B. & Q.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Foster and chil
dren 'of Union: motored "to this city
'fSaturhry Tifttmroan -for-a hort visit '
A large number of the students at
tended the association in Omaha.
The largest almni banquet in the
history of the normal was held in
Omaha November 4, when at least 300
members of the Alumni association
and many other friends of the nor
mal met and renewed friendships. At
the time the movement was launched
to formulate plans for establishment
of a student hospital in Peru to be
known as the Eliza R. Morgan Health
The normal school authorities feel
particularly fortunate in securing
Professor L. F. Garey as head of the
department of agriculture to succeed
Prof. II. C. Heard, who is this week
leaving to take up his work in Arkan
sas. Mr. Garey graduated from Peru
normal in 1910. He has a B. Sci. de
gree from the state university and
his Masters' degree from the Univer
sity School of Agriculture.' He has
had several years' experience as High
school principal and city superintend
ent. Prof. Garey is well and very
favorably known in Peru and his suc
cess in this position is assured.
A large number of Peru students
attended the football game on Novem
ber 5 at Omaha, at which time Peru
won from Omaha university by a
score of 9 to fi. Craig starred again
in a perfect drop kick from the thirty
yard line, and Ments saved the day
for Peru by intercepting a lateral pass
and making a ninety-yard run for a
touchdown just before the blowing of
the whistle.
In the game with Grand Island last
Friday the luck went the other way.
Grand Island played a good game and
won by a score of 42 to G. The Peru
team was not in the best condition.
Houston, who made most of the gains
in the Tarkio game, was off the field
with a sprained ankle, Ments was
hurt in the first half and had to leave
the field. But the boys made a plucky
fight, and it is expected that they will
all be back on the field by next Friday,
at which time they are to meet Kear
ney normal.
The girls of the junior class enter
tained the junior boys, freshmen, spe
cials, trainers and their class ad
visors at an informal Saturday even
ing, November 13.. The gymnasium
was decorated with colors of yellow
and black. Various games were play
ed during the evening and all report
a very good time.
President Hayes left Saturday
night for Nashville, Tennessee, where
he has been asked to address the Sec
ond National Conference for the
Training of Rural Teachers. He will
speak on "The Practice School in the
The department of manual training
has just completed the installation of
a new wireless outfit which will en
able the normal to receive time signals
from government stations and to send
out messages to High school stations,,
The work is being carried on in a
practical course in electricity under
Prof F. C. Smith.
The installation of the cement seats
in the athletic field bleachers is well
under way. While there are already ;
The Most Useful Gifts
are ones most appreciated
Did you ever stop to think what a good and
useful Xmas gift a good ELECTRIC or POWER
WASHER would make?
Just the thing to make wash-day a pleasure in
stead of a drudgery.
We will have a few in stock the first week in
December and in order to have a machine for you,
we would like to have you make your selection
now, so there will be no delay in deliveries.
Prices for Electric $38.00 to $70.00
Prices for Power $14.00 to $45.00
Telephone 151
enough seats for some GOO spectators,
only half of them are in place. This
is said to be one of the best natural
ampitheaters in the middle west, and
the advantage will be in no sense mar
red by the completion of these seats.
Prof. F.' M. Gregg, head of the de
partment of phychology, gave an ad
dress before the Omaha Law school
last week upon the "Psychology of
Parliamentary Law." Prof Gregg is
the author of a widely used text book
upon this subject.
Bucilla Mercerized Crochet
rr-i COTTON i '
In ecru, white nnd colors, at 1 0c
Small size ball Bucilla: for handkerchiefs 05c
Tatting Shuttles. German silver 10c
Stumped Pillow Tops, Center Pieces, Night Gowns,
etc 1 0c up to 50c
"Cupid" Embroidery Hoops are best, only 10c
"Gold Medal" Transfer outfits 25c
Everything in Toys 5c to 50c
Watch for our opening.
Big line of Dolls 5c to 50c
Big line of Boy Scout Books, cloth bound 10c
Children s A, B, C Books 5 and 1 0c
Paint and Drawing Books 5c to 25c
Box Stationary, Booklets, Post Cards, etc 5c to 50c
Big line of fancy Dishes. See them.
No trouble to show goods.
Popular Variety Store
THROUGH an execution issued
on November 22nd by the District Court, for the first
time in a history of 53 years, our store was closed to the
people of this community on Friday and Saturday of last
The Supreme Court of the State of Nebraska issued a re.
Straining order on November 27th commanding" that our
doors be opened this morning.
We are glad to welcome all our old patrons and as many
new ones, as may be disposed to favor us with their cus
tom, with the same high quality of merchandise, and the
same courteous treatment and service that has marked our
store policy in the past.
South Sixth St.
For Sale.
Twenty-one head of steers, coming
two years old, most all Whiteface,
without horns. They are all gooJ
quality and will sell at the market
price, if taken before December 12th.
R. R. Nickels, Murray, Nob.
Telephone 1814.
A want ad will bring you a buyer.
Everyone reads the want ads.
JJ Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
with Mrs. Foster's narents. Mr. and
Mrs. L. G, Larson.