The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 29, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    MONDAY," NOVEMBER 2f),. 1913.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Entered at Postofiice at Plattstriouth, Xeb., aa second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
V When we climb to heaven 'tis
on the round of love to men. !
V Whittier. V
:o: .
Christmas next in order.
Did your Thanksgiving: turkey set
Have you commenced your Christ
mas advertising yet? Time you was
at it.
National defense and revenue needs
wiil stand out as the chief features
in the president's message.
The Lincoln Star says Lincoln's
trade has doubled in the last five
years. That is surely going some.
General Kitchener is quoted as say
ing by next March England will have
four million soldiers under arms, and
the Russians six million. That ought
to be enough for all practical pur
poses. :o :
Greece is evidently between the devil
and the deep blue sea; she will be
damned if she does and be damned if
she don't; right out of the frying pan
into the fire, no matter which way she
jumps. Poor Greece!
Yuan Sh;h Kai is the father of
thirty-one children. Realizing that re
publics are ungrateful. Yuan is im
pressed with the necessity of becom
ing emperor of China if his offsprings
are to be provided for.
Umbrellas multiply on the face of
the earth. A friend says he started
out two years ago and on counting
up how many had accumulated in his
closet the other day, found there were
six. Some people are awful, lucky in
borrowing umbrellas.
:o :
In Washington last Thursday the
.i:triet supreme court dismissed an
action brought by L. M. Johnson of
Louisiana and other negroes against
the government to recover more than
$--?,000,(K0 which they alleged was
due to their ancestors as slaves for
in oVniary servitude in connection
with federal handling of cotton during
the civil war.
You can learn from everybody.
Take a lesson in perserverance from
Booker T. Washintgon, the noted
colored educator, who died recently.
He founded and built Tuskegee in
stitute, worth nearly a million dollars,
with its 3,500 acres of ground, al
though he started in a rented shanty
i.r.d an early bequest to the institu
tion was a half dozen eggs while an
other was an old horse. Keeping ever
lastingly at it, Washington built up
the institution which is a credit to
" the country and his race. Keeping
everlastingly at it is a system hard to
beat, but most of us are quarter
A nut at Kalamazoo, Mich., wants
to change the name of the tlnited
States to "KE-bur," and then call the
people "KE-bins." He would also
change the constitution so that the
president would have the power of
appointing a senate of twenty-four
members which would . be called
"FED-a-cums." Representatives would
be referred to its "REP-turs." There
is nothing harmful in the reform this
iiut proposes. He wants to get his
i.ame in the papers as a Great Leader,
a Friend of the People, a champion of
High Ideals and a lot of other popular
foolishness that is rampant all over
the eotratry. .
The platform on which John L. Ken
nedy will run for United States sen
ator will appear somewhat con
traaictory to a good many men. He
says: "lhe tariff will be the paro
mount issue in the coming campaign.
On that issue the two great parties
decisively disagree. The republican
party will adhere to and advocate the
policy of protection to American in
dustries." Then he adds: "The return
of the republican party to power will
mean the extension of our trade rela
tions with other countries,, and
especially with South America. We
are a producing country, and the sur
plus products of the farm and the
factory should find a ready and profit
able foreign market."
If Mr. Kennedy will explain how we "to extend our foreign trade" after
we have enacted high tariffs that will
prevent the introdutcion of foreign
goods into this country, he will confer
a favor upon the farmers, the banking
interests, the economists and the peo
ple generally. How are the people of
foreign nations to pay for our goods
if we refuse to buy goods of them?
Will they pay for them with gold ? All
the gold in the foreign nations to
which we might sell goods, if our for
eign trad is to continue at the rate
of the last few years, would soon be
exhausted and then they could buy no
more goods and foreign trade would
cease. It would seem to most men
that Mr. Kennedy's plan would more
likely ruin foreign trade than assist it.
There is nothing that appears more
certain to the ordinary man than that,
if we have a foreign trade, the goods
we expect must be paid for by goods
purchased from the countries to which
they are sent. Sometimes this sort of j
exchange is accomplished indirectly,
nevertheless that is the way interna
tional trade is carried on, and any
country that does not import as well
as export, cannot long engage in for
eign trade at all. World-Herald.
The retail trade has now reached
the point in the year when an unusual
amount of money will be spent. The
approach of winter makes necessary
the purchase of an unusual amount
of regular supplies. On top of this
comes the gift buying habit. The
people who do this buying have a lot
of good hard work ahead of them in
shopping. They will try to cut down
the time thi3 takes. They take ad
vantage of every advertisement seen
in the newspapers to find out what
merchants have the most attractive
offerings. This saves an enormous
amount of running around from store
to store.
u . i
Shipments of turkeys from Texas
are under way in volume, and farm
ers are reaping profits to add to bank
accounts started with the proceeds
from agricultural products and food
animals. More than 3,000 of the
Thanksgiving and Christmas birds
have gone from that center to east
ern and northern cities, the growers
receiving from 12 lo 13 cents per
pound. Reports from other centers of
the turkey-growing industry show re
turns as low as 11 cents per pound.
A film concern in New York sends
the editor a letter stating it is in
search of the prettiest man In America
to show on the screen. Why they
should send us word to come to the
front with our picture, we don't know.
Maybe some of the Plattsmouth
ladies were kind enough to report our
fine looks. But our beauty is nothing
to brag about.
Olive oil. is being made of sunflower
Feeds. Cotton seed is also a source,
Wonder what olive oil made out of
olives would taste like?
"SUPPdRT ftiESfe Bills-
As soon as congress settles down to
business, bills will be introduced in the
the senate and house providing for the
government manufacture of armor
plate, guns, ammunition and the gov
ernment construction of warships.
Every American citizen should put
the whole weight of his active support
back of these bills. For it is not too
much to say that the safety of the
country depends upon taking the
manufacture of guns and ammunition
and armor plate and warships out of
the hands of private monopoly, which
has not scrupled to betray its own
country for the sake of making mil
lions of dollars.
It is bad enough to be robbed by
collusive bidding and excessive prices.
Rut it is treasonably bad to use polit
ical pulls in order to have battleships
built on out-of-date plans that would
make them simply death traps in ac
tual battle with foreign fleets.
The outstanding naval lesson taught
by the Japanese-Russian war and by
the present war is that the victorious
battleship will always be the fastest
battleship, because the fastest battle
ship can decide when and where a bat
tle shall be fought, tt can stand off
and fight, it can advance and fight or
it can run away from a slower battle
ship that may be more powerful.
Yet building slow, heavy-armored
battleships and inducing congress to
order more slow, heavy-armored bat
tleships to be built has been and is
now the policy and set purpose of the
armor trust.
Because slow battleships, with their
enormous thickness of armor, rep
resent millions of profit to the armor
trust, which the armor trust would not
receive if fast, light-armored ships
were built for the American navy as
they are built for every other navy
but the American.
Nor is this all. Both experiments
and actual battle-tests have proved
beyond any doubt that high explosive
shells will wreck the heaviest armor
plate. So the armor trUst has steadily
used its secret influence to prevent
the use of high explosive shells by our
Because the armor trust did not
want its obsolete and profitble heavy
armored, slow battleships discarded in
future naval program, and the adop
tion of the high explosive shell would
have resulted in those slow, heavy-
armored battleships being discarded.
And so here is our navy without the
high explosive ammunition which is
on board the battleships of every other
first-class power at this very moment.
There must be no 'more business
done with this unscrupulous, un
patriotic trust. It is not fit to be
Henceforth the government must
build the ships and provide the armor
and the guns and the ammunition upon
which the safety of the nation finally
depends. New York American.
- :o: :
Omaha should double her police,
authorize every citizen to arm him
self, and the killing of a few highway
men might possibly put a stop to the
hold-up business in the metropolis.
Surely the authorities are not going
to put up with this state of affairs
very much longer.
Miss Bessie Snow of German town,
Pa., was unable to withstand the
warm protestations of eternal affec
tion by a young man she had known
only a month, and she eloped. Her
name is Blizzard Mrs. George Bliz
zard. Girls generally run up against
a blizzard when they marry On short
While war is still as full of horrors
as ever it is being crowded off the
front page of many newspapers. That
almost anything will become monoton
ous in time was demonstrated years
ago when a man failed in an attempt
to eat quail for thirty days. The
European war news is the greatest
continued news story in the world's
history, but only the papers in big
cities, where there are large foreign
population, are sticking to it with
early-vim. - ,- - - - '
If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie
We have often .noticed that a cheer
ful giver is nearly always broke.
Faith in Nebraska is a faith that
will remove mortgages on the farm.
So far as the ultimate consumer is
concerned, there is no closed season.
Only' twenty-three buying days be
tween now and Christmas. Mind that,
The man who advertises never lays
awake nights worrying about the man
who does not.
Greece is in favor of a safety first
policy if it could only decide the
course in which safety lies.
Jess Willard has made $200,000
since the Jack Johnson encounter.
Does physical courage pay better than
moral courage?
If the serpent hadn't butted in, it is
quite likely some real estate agent
would have come along and induced
dam to leave the garden.
The hanging of Turks for mistreat
ing of Armenians may endanger the
sultan's scepter. That is about the
only real joy the Turks have.
If Great Britain should crush Ger
many in the war, Bernard Shaw pre
dicts a defensive alliance between the
Teutons and the United States.
It's a mighty poor brand of religion
that impels a man to pray for his
neighbor one day in the week and
then throw bricks at him the other
Each nation's official statement
about itself is interesting, if not al
ways convincing. But it is a waste of
time to read what one belligerent says
about another.
Joe Stecker, the wonder of the
world, is certainly entitled to the
honor. The Terrible Turk soon found
cut at Lincoln Thanksgiving day that
he couldn't train in Joe's class.
The United States district court has
declared the South Dakota blue sky
law unconstitutional. The name of
Hue sky law is enough to condemn it.
Too many swindling real estate trades
are concocted under the blue sky sys
tem. :o:
The old state house could not fall
down if it wanted to. The Lincoln
schemers simply circulated the report
in order to get a new one. If the
capitalists of Lincoln want a new
state house let them put up the kale
to build it.
In running for office it is wisdom for
the candidate to be a little con
servative in his declarations. But
John L Kennedy, candidate for Unit
fed States senator, don't seem to be
'fishing" for anything but straight
standpat votes, and if he keeps that
kort of policy in electioneering, he will
be more liable to remain at home than
go to the senate.
J. Ogden Armour says the United
States will be on a boom for the next
three years. Mr. Armour is in a
position to khow as much about com
mercial conditions as any one. But
what is to become of the republican
spell-binder who has been predicting
dire failures for the past three years ?
He will simply have to draw in hi3
; :o:
Collier's Weekly, a magazine that
has long been allied with the repub
lican party, in the current number, in
discussing republican presidential tim
ber, says: "No man can make any
kind of showing against Wilson, and
no man probably will get the re
publican nomination, except one who
can command at least a fair number
of progressive votes." It i3 general
ly conceded on every hand that Wood
row Wilson will be nominated by the
democratic convention without oppo
i$ion, and that he will be elected.
An old, cracked bell never much of
a bell even in its youth has just com
pleted a slow journey across the con
tinent. Everywhere it stopped, people
turned out by the thousands lo look at
it, to lay wreaths of flowers upon it,
sometimes to make speeches about it
and to shed tears over it.
It is the Liberty Bell, the bell whose
peal first proclaimed to the people of
Philadelphia that a declaration of
independence had been signed by the
representatives of the thirteen British
colonies in America. Its days of peal
ing are over; it could not ring now if
it wished. It is a relic only. But it
has for Americans an attraction that
no other bell possesses; from them it
commands honor and reverence as
probably no other single relic does
or ever has in the 139 years of the
nation's history.
There is something inspiring and
hopeful in this universal interest
Here is something spiritual, unsoiled
by anything materialistic, something
that pulsates through a vast multi
tude of people with a message of
idealism. That such a sentiment
should cause so many thousands to
pause in these busy times is some
thing to think about and to cherish.
But that is not all. The bell's cross-
continental pilgrimage comes, it would
seem, at a particularly opportune
time. It rang out its patriotic mes
sage in 1776 in a time of peril, when
a people gave themselves over to an
introspective review of their own con
dition, and then struck out boldly for
what they deemed right. It now stirs
the nation's pulse in a new time of
trouble and vexation, when once again
a people are taxing stocK oi tnem
selves, questioning their own strength,
searching for a path to future national
safety, when again there is need of
making a decision and then striking
out boldly to put that decision into
The nation whose birth was signal
ed by the Liberty Bell has waxed
great and strong. But as it has grown,
so have other nations. As it has
achieved a place in the front rank of
world powers, by leaps and bounds, it
has suffered international jealousies
that would have been ridiculous if di
rected at the weak little colonies of
i 776 and it has assumed responsibili
ties unthought of when it was born.
The time has now come when the
mature nation must decide whether it
is to be prepared to meet the possible
aggressions of other powers or suffer
the terrible penalties of unreadiness.
In 1776, the Liberty" Bell rang for
democracy, . a militant, courageous
democracy. That is now the need, as
it was then. This country wants no
militarism; neither does it want spine
less humanity. It wants democracy,
but it wants a democracy that knows
its power and has the courage and
the power to stand up for what it
believes to be right.
Tis a pity, in a way, that the
Liberty Bell cannot be resurrected and
become an active, living thing, instead
of a relic. For then, one can well im
againe it ringing forth a new mes
sage, under the same inspiration that
pulled its clapper in 1776, a message
of preparedness, not unreadiness, a
message of democracy, not militarism
in a word, an endorsement of a sane
reasonable policy of national defense.
Victor-E. Nelson of Stromsburg
don't know yet whether he wants to
be the democratic nominee for con
cress or railway commissioner. Our
advice to the Smart Aleck is he had
better stay out of the race for either.
He is unpopular at home as well as
abroad, and can't even carry his own
county. The democrats want men
that can be eletced.
Beware of Cheap Substitutes.
In these days of keen competition it
is important that the public should
pee that tney gee namoeriaiu a
Cough Remedy and not take substit
utes sold for the sake of extra profit.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
stood the test and been approved for
more than forty years. Obtainable
A want ad in the Journal will bring
Children Cry
Tho Kind ou Have Always Bought, and which has been
iu use for over SO years, lias born the signature of
ad has been made under his per-tjCKfJ?7--r
sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
uzr-yjrt sCCCUZZ Allow no onq to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" ore but
F.xperiuicnts that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Clnldrcn Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, lrops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms,
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years ifc
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It
assimilates the
Tho Children'
s Panacea Tho 3Iother's Friend.
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Early in September we were con
gratulating the little people of Ameri
ca upon the running of the blockade
at Amsterdam by Santa Claus. The
British authorities, who had sequest
ered at that port millions of dollars
worth of goods made in Germany and
consigned to importers in this coun
try, had Somewhat relaxed their tight
hold, under the orders in council, and
the goods released included some mil
lions of dollars' worth of toys. The
still more pleasing announcement
was then made that this was but the
beginning of shipments of that sort.
which long before Chirsstmas would
bring over enough for Santa Claus to
fill all the little stockings in the and.
For some reason there came a hitch
in the program after the first cargo
came over. It began to appear that
there might be long lines of little
stockings empty of toys because Santa
couldn't get as many as he always
need;? in addition to the many he al
ways makes himself. But they don't
know Santa Claus. The warring na
tions can defeat one another now and
then. But when any one of them un
dertake to get in the way of Santa
Claus, it finds itself immediately up
against an irresistible force. Santa
Claus has set large number of toy-'
makers at work in additions to their
factories our American toymakers
have built to accommodate him, them
selves and the children. Toys of all
sorts, including all the old favorites
and battleships, submarines and aero
planes which fly until they have to
come down (which is all the best of
them can do), make up the stocks in
trade. Kings fight for land-greed,
conquest, and sometimes for the mere
love of fighting. But Santa Claus
Secure a Farm in the
North Platte Valley
THE NORTH PLATTE VALLEY, frequently called the "Scottsbluff
country," is making a more wonderful showing every year in its produc
tion of irrigated crops, sugar beets, alfalfa, potatoes, wheat and oat3 it
is becoming one of the richest localities for breeding and fattening of live
stock. Many Government irrigated holdings of 1(50 acres are being reduced
to SO acres, making it possible for land seekers to secure 80-acre tracts ir
rigated under the reliable system of the Government on terms that will
never again be duplicated. All we can ask is that you visit the Valley And
let our agents put you in touch with
tonnage, the increased population, and note the general prosperity; this
will tell you what advance in land values you may expect there in the next
five years.
Or write mo for the Burlington's
i Mm
for Fletcher's
regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
Food, givinsr healthy and natural slen.
Signature of
fights for the children, and "Thrice ia
he armed who hath his quarrel just."
Incidentally, he is giving employment
to many long idle hands and profit to
long unproductive capita.
From Saturday's Daily.
This morning Mr. Howard J. Bran
tiock and Miss Celia D. Reimers, both
of West Plaine, Missouri, appeared at
the court house and sought the office
of the county judge, where they pro
cured a license to wed and continue
their journey through life as one in
the future. After securing the license
the your.g people repaired to the resi
dence of Rev. F. M. Druliner of the
Methodist church and were united in
the holy bonds of wedlock, the mem
bers of the Druliner family being the
witnesses for the happy event.
Don Rhoden of Murray came up
Saturday afternoon for a few hours
to look after some matters of busi
ness. F. B. Elliott of Tipton precinct was
among the jurors arriving this morn
ing to assume the work on the jury
How to Prevent Croup.
It may be a surprise to you to learn
that in many cases croup can be pre
vented. Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida,
Ohio, relates her experience as' fol
lows: "My little boy is subject to
croup. During the past winter I kept
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in the house, and when he began
having that croupy cough I would give
him one or two doses of it and it
would break the attack. I like it bet
ter for children than any other cough
medicine, because children take it wil
lingly, and it .is safe and reliable."
Obtainable eevrywhere.
reliable firms. Ask about the trop
new publication, "North Platte Valley."
Let me help you go there and see for your self this
locality which is the talk of the West.
10 4 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.