The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 29, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    pact: "2." -
The mercantile establishment of E.
G. Dovey & Son, which has been closed
for the past three days under an ex
ecution issued to the sheriff covering
z. judgment for $54,000 which was se
cured by.the estate of Jane A. Dovey,
was re-opened this morning under an
ortler issued late Saturday night by
the supreme court at Lincoln, which
order gave George E. Dovey, the ad
ministrator of the estate of E. G.
Dovey, the possession of the store un
il the cases are heard in the higher
court. In the district court the in
junction asked for by Mr. Dovey was
denied and appeal denied, which has
been overruled by the supreme court
and the order was served this morning
by the oificcr of the supreme court and
will allow business to be resumed at
the store. The store is in good shape
financially, but the continued litiga
tion between the members of the firm
over a settlement and determination of
the value of the store and the estate
Jed to the securing of the execution.
The friends of John W. Crabill will
be pleased to learn that his condition
from the reports from the hospital,
seems to be improving nicely and he
is now feeling much better ar.d is able
to take light nourishment, which is
very gratifying to his attendants and
members of the family, as his condi
tion was quite critical for the past few
davs. The oDeration has been a com
plete success and it is thought that in
a very few davs the change for the
better will be marked, as he is ergain
Ing his strength and all indications are
much mure favorable.
Fr-"rn Friday's Da 11 v.
The funeral of little Helen Slay-
f.'eic was held yesterday afternoon at
'2 o'clock from the home of the grand
pa rtr.ts of the little one. Mr. ard Mrs.
H. II. Kuhney and a large number
to nay their last tributes of respect
to the memory of the little one who
had bt-en taken so suddenly from the
;i':e wheie she had Leen the sunlight
rd life during her few short years.
The body of the little one accompanied
bv the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy
r.!af:e"d. arrived from A.-hland Tues
day afternoon and Wednesday it was
liid to rest in the Oak Hi!! cemetery.
The services at the home were in
cliarge of Rev. F. M. Dru'.iner of the
Methodist church who spoke words o"
comfort and consolation to the sor
rov'Pg friends and the bereaved par
ent.i. and grandparents whoe lives
had been clouded bv the loss of the
lo' id one.
Card of Thanks.
To our neighbors and friends, who
so kindly assisted us with their aid
and sympathy at the time of the death
and funeral of our beloved little
daughter and granddaughter, Helen
w e desire to return our most heartfelt
thanks and assure them that their
kindness will never be forgotten. We
also wish to thank you for the flora
remembrances at the funeral.
R. T. Mayfield and Family.
II. II. Kuhney and Family.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank the friends and
neighbors for the sympathy and as
sistance rendered during the sickness
and death of our beloved husband and
father. We also wish to thank the
neighbors for their floral contribu
Dearest father, thou has left us,
. Here thy loss we deeply feel.
But 'tis God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
peaceful be thy silent slumbers,
Feaceful in the crave so low;
Thou no more shall join our number,
Thou no more our songs shalt know,
Vf-t a train we hone to meet thee.
When death's gloomy night has
- r
Then on earth with joy to greet thee,
.... . , ,
Where no outer tears are snea.
Mrs. Joseph Hoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stucklin.
. Mr. Arcn Hoy.
F. II. Nichols, the Louisville merch
ant, was among those who came in. to
-erve as a member of the jury.
From Saturday's Pally.
This morning Mr. and Mrs. Omar
Schlitemeier and Frank Schlitemeier
motored up from their home in the
vicinity of Nehawka, accompanying
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and Wil
liam Johnson of Casper,', Wyoming,
who have been enjoying a visit for
the past week at the home of .Omar
Schlitemeier and -Rife, the' two gen
tlemen being brothers of Mrs. Schlite
meier. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson
are enjoying their honeymoon by visit
ing with their relatives in Nebraska,
and departed this morning for Genoa,
Neb., for a. visit with a brother of Mr.
Johnson near that place. They ex
pect to return to their home in a few
From Saturday's Dally.
Wednesday being the birthday an
niversary of Oscar Wilson, Mrs. Wil
son tendered him a very pleasant sur
I rise by inviting a few neighbors an!
friends to come to their home and as
sist him in celebrating it in the proper
manner. The evening was spent in "
most enjoyable social time, inter
spersed wiih various other amuse
ments, which afforded th? guests muc"
j leasuie. At an appointed hour a de
licious luncheon was served by Mr;
J. S. Hall and daughter, Ruth. A fev
more moments devoted to numero'.'
aversions, anu .nen, it being very
wishes to Mr. Wilson for many more
hapnv birthdays and departed foi
their home:?, haing sper.t a most da
light fu! evening. Those in attendance
were: Messrs. M. S. Eriggs, II. L.
Davidson, Mary Stiles, Wiiiiam Hall.
Charles Kimmel. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Hall. Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Net
tie Kimmel, Mr?. Oscar Sandin and
l.'ttis daughter. Anna SL:y Sandin,
Miss Ruth Hall, Miss Ruby Kimmel.
fr-roTi Saturday' Dally.
The feasor, for the clerks iv
the mercantile establishments are just
beginning to dawn, as the holiday si:
son opens up. and they are getting
ready to start in on a long, trying
peiiou of late hours to look after the
holiday trade crd show to the custom
ers the different articles they mry
have in stock. It certainly should be
n easy matter for the shoppers io
get uu.-y and boglr. io do their shop
ping ear ly this year ar.d not o;ily help
themselves, hut alio aid the poo-.
v.G'nout clerks by dividing up th'.'
work so that they will not be rushed
to death in the last hours of the sea
son. It is also a good policy to get
out and do early shopping in that you
can secure the best possible bargains
from the large aud complete lines be
fore they aie broken and picked over.
Remember, make out your list and
get busy in the Christmas shopping.
From Saturday's Dailv.
The traveling peddlers who of old
were quite active in the city, going
from house to house selling their
wares and getting away without ad
ding anything to the general enrich
ment of the city treasury are now
very few and far between and a great
part of this can be given to the credit
of Chjef of Police Barclay, who has
been very active in looking after these
traveling salesmen. As soon as they
would light in town the chief would
get in touch with them and advise
them as to the price the city would
ret on their work and direct them to
the office of the city clerk to procure
a receipt for their occupation tax,
and in the event they failed to do this
the chief wculd see that they soon de
parted and were not allowed to do
business with the citizens.
Called by Father's Illness.
From Friday DalW.
Principal A. O. Eggenberger of the
High school was called to Strang, Ne
braska, yesterday by a message an
nouncing the serious illness of his
father, vvho resides on a farm in the
vicinity of Strange.- The message did
not give any of the particulars of the
illness, but merely called-Mr-Eggen--berger
home,. the- bedside, pf the
fatheri' '" - '
'This morning . district- court con
vened in this.-city with, the .jury pace!
present to take upd,ha trial of the case
of. C.ot Johnson VsAhe C, B. & Q.
railroad ami Frank Slatinski, in which
the plaintiff is suing for, 20,000 dam
ages .for injiiriei which . he sustained
in the shops here oft April 30, 1914, as
a result of falling from a box car
which was being inspected by the
plaintiff at the time. The defendant,
Saltinski, is the man. who was work
ing on the car at the time the accident
happened. The plaintiff claims his ac
cident was due to the face that a grab
iron had been placed on the roof of the
car and not properly fastened down,
and when he tcok hold of it that he
lost his balance and fell to the groun 1
and as a result his left log was broken
in a very severe manner. The raorn-
ning session of the court was taken
up with the questioning of the jury t3
select twelve men who- could render
a fair and impartial decision, with th?
result that F. II. Nichols, Forest A., Robert II. Patton, M. McFall
Henry Ibskm. Fiank Blotzer, Ira
Bosv.orth, C. G. Bailey, F. C. Shoe
maker. C. C. Jackman. Ed Tutt and
Peter Campbell were selected to try
the issues in the case. The opening
statements were made ly the attor
neys and this afternoon the case wa'
grinding away and will probably tithe
un considerable time in the- hearing, a
there are ejuite a number of witnesses
Matthew Gcring appears for the
plaintiff and Judge Jess? L. Root and
William A. Robertson for the railroa 1
From Saturday's Dally.
Last Saturday Geo. C. Cook of nca
Alvo, was in town and while here
gave a.; a very pleasant call, renewing
his subscription. Mr. Cook is one of
the oldest settlers in this county and
located for close to thirty-six years.
Mr. Cook bought this farm when it
v. as school land, and whiie a good
rr-any have been selling farms around
him for a-good price, he says he ha--no
inclination to sell his farm. We
don't blame him, for the man thitt
has a good ICO-aerc farm ought to
think lcr.g and hard before he decides
to let lco.-e of it. Elmwcod LeaJer-Lc-ho.
Fi'i-n Kri'iav's La!!v.
Thi.i morning there was quite a;
amount cf business coming up in th
court of Judge M. Archer and the par
ticipants were all given a hearin
and the judgment of the cuurt passcl
on them for their various offenses
Sam Eeverase and William Coffman
v. re charged wiih bci.ig drunk an
Beverage fined $2 and costs v.hile
Coffman drew $5 ar.d costs. Harry
Beal and a young man named Bigg:
were charged with fighting and re
coived SI and costs. They claimed
that they were merely engaged in a
friendly tussle when arrested.
Chamberlain's Tablets.
This is a medicine inteneled especial
ly for stomach troubles, biliousness
and constipation. It is meeting with
much success and rapidly gaining in
favor and popularity. ObtainabI-2
FOR SALE 7-room house, li lots
barn and outbuildings; 3 blocks
from Columbian schooL Inquire of
Homer Shrader. ll-3-tf-d&w
75 Cans of Cream
Each Week!
Butter Fat 30c per lb
Tested while you wait. . - '
Tests and weights guaran
teed absolutely correct.
If you prefer direct ship
raent phone or write
Plaitsmouth, Nebraska
nunUHSTGH EN0!!iE IS :
,., , the prize mm
From Saturday's Dally.
The largest engine in the exhibit of
the Baldwin locomotive works at the
.an Francisco exposition, which was
awarded the grandp rize. was the
Burlington's engine No. lillO.This is
the largest roiy.l engine of the non
articulated type ever tailt. It weighs
nearly oOO tcjhs, is alr4t 81 feet long
and caries K ions ofjo?.l and 10,000
gallons of water. Iuf&e box is as
large as a hotr.estead i shack and the
inside dir. meter of the front end of tye
btiler is 7 feet 4 inches. It took 37
days to get this engine across the con
tinent from Philadelphia to San Fran
cisco. A n'iniber of
are' already in
ington's linas.
engines of this type
service on the Burl-
From Friday's Tiaflv.
Last Tuesday there v.vMO eonsid
oi able building changes here.
Arr.'Mir-; the irwjvrt,nt were
t-ie foilowmsr: G. S. I. r ton sola
his cr:"cr lot ..cross froru the Led
ger office to P.. II. Trans Son.
Chas. Mci'on, etr.rted building on
;. (.ne-stDrv 1
on the lot
s'eijoinijvr th; t by
vvher. Frar. cm,' ;Jor.g
rtirn such a good offer th
Ir. Upton,
rni maiie
t he stop-
red the work ar.d sold hi lot to
H. Frars Son. Mr. Morion, not
be out done, he-ught the lot across
the street, next to their pi esont store
and has started to erect a oce-story
brick, fire-nroot' building on it. In
all probability it will be occupied by
the Ledger office. tlit must have
ir.oie re;
n fer its increasing busi
ss. Ledger.
NEW CHIEF W ill S'lil
I'rira l'riday's U.v'l . .
The vacancy tirhat was K-eusicr.-:i
the Burlingt ti sto'v house by tr
resignation of C. E. Haitford as th
c.n:..i clerk nas--tt'en tn.-J ty tr.e ap
miir.tmcr.t of J.'R ?IcA!psne of Al
liarce to ih pf -si tion of chief clcr!'
"dr. 'ic.Ai:ir.e ;irr:vf". tif.s r.iorn:m
to ta!;e up his duties and will :
ore" get in.o the uame ---s in his r.e
position. He cmes to this city vci
ti'u'dv recor.ii! eruc-d b.' 1
officials and piior to b
liontd at Alliance v.'cs at
in the company's employ.
mg sta
'is:t:rjg lie-re From Kansas.
From Fr May's Iailv.
Mr. J. F.( Bauntcister, of St. Francis
Kansas, acomnanied bv his adonted
daughter. Mis.-, Lulu Bratton, arrived
in Plat tstr.ou Lh Wednesday morning
for a few davs visit with frhicdo and
i datives at the old home. Piatts
moo t"n vji Mr. lJav.nicLstsr's home for
a great many yearsup to the time he
moved to Kansas about twenty-six
wurs ago, and of course has fricnels
he.'c vh;) aro always glad to see hira
although net many of his old associ
ates in business and otherwise rerr
if re to greet him upon tnis visit
While, on this he is looking aftei
the erect rg of a tombstone over the
grave of his daughter, who died and
was buried at Cak Hill about one year
vfio. The Journal acknowledges
pleasant visit from him Wednesday
Ed Tutt cf Murray came up this
mui nir.g to resume his work as a
member of the jury panel.
(hie Who Slows No Favor.
A merciless judge is Father Time
Before him the weak and idie wanting
go to the wall. Only the truth can
rtand. For years the following state
ment from a Plattsmoyth resident has
withstood his .eriiest' of all tests.
W. IvI. Barclay, prop, of restaurant',
.viam street, rialtsmoutn, says:
Doan's Kidney Pills, have .given
good results when used for lumbago
and annoyance from the .kidney secre
tions. I suffered from pains across
my loins and Doan's Kidney Pills re
moved the trouble." (Statement given
December 2!ith, 1903).
Sir. Barclay, said: "I haven't had a
single symptom of kiuney trouble
since Doan's Kidneys Pills removed
Price . oOc . at All dealers! Don't
simply ask !for a kidney1 remedy get
Doan's Kidney"-" nils the eame that !
Sir.- Barclay diad.'-f OFttivMiJburn Co.j j
Props., Buffalo, NV Y. ' I
Local fJews
From Friday ? Dally.
George Kamm ofnear Alvo was
here for a few hours today looking af
ter ore matters of business at the
court house.
Carl Cunningham, who is teaching
r.ear Wabash is spending his Thanksgiving-vacation;
in tliis-city with his
parent and friends. '..
A. F, Seybert wai.a"; visitor in
Omaha ', today: .'in cccxyany with his
friend, Pat Shoeman, 'taking in the
weights of the metropolis. ' '.
-. - . i . , -.
Sheriff C. D. Quinton and family
motored down to Nehawka yesterday
to spend Thanksgiving there at the
J. SI. Palmer home in that place.
W. S. Wetenkamp came in this
morning from his farm home and de
parted on the afternoon train for
Omaha to secure some repairs for
Sliss Lorene Schulhof, who is teach
ing near Murdock, is spending her
Thanksgiving" vacation in this city at
the home of her parents, Sir. and Sirs
John Schulhof.
James Jelinek departed yesterday
for Crete, Neb., where he will assist
in the putting up of the roller skating
rink of Wales & Kalina, which is be
ing moved to that place.
Stuart Janda of ilavelock was
jimong the over Thanksgiving visitors
here with his parents, Sir. and Mrs.
Frank Janda, sr.. and with his broth
ers, Frank ami C. F. Janda.
Alvin Hurray and wife and Sliss
Alma Budig arrived this morning
from their home at SlcCook and will
visit here with Sirs. J. A. Murray and
Sir. and Sirs. Earl SI. Geis.
Dr. Charles R. Kennedy, wife and
child of Omaha were in the city yes
terday for the day visiting at the
home of Sir. Kennedy's mother and
with other relatives and friends.
Sliss Sladeline Green arrived Wed
nesday from her home at University
Place and spent Thanksgiving and
the week-end here with her grand
parents, Sir. and Sirs. Henry BoeH:k.
Bert Philpot of Weeping Water
war, in the city Wednesday afternoon
for a short time looking after some
matters of business in regard to his
agency for the Slaxwell automobile
John L. Slayfield of Crofton, Neb.,
who was here. to attend the funeral
of .his little niece, departed this morn
ning for his home, while the family
will remain for a more extended visit,
Sirs. Slargaret O'Rourke and daugh
ter. Sliss Slargaret, were in the city
over Thanksgiving visiting at the
home of Sir. and Sirs. Thomas Wall
ing, arriving yesterday morning from
their home at Omaha.
Sliss Slildred Cummins, who is
teaching in the SlcCook schools, ar
rived yesterday morning for a week
end visit here with her parents, Dr.
and Sirs. E. D. Cummins, and enjoy
Thanksgiving at home.
"George P. Heil and son Amok! of
Cedar Creek, drove in from their
farm home this morning to attend
to some business matters and visit
county seat friends. They were
pleasant callers at this office.
Sirs. W. T. Smith is visiting for a
short time at Eagle, where she was
called by the illness of her daughter,
Sirs. Ben Slenchau, at her home near
that place. Sir. Smith, who was at
Eagle, returned home Wednesday.
Frank Lorenz and wife and 1 little
son, of Sheldon, Iowa, were Thanks
giving visitors in this city at the home
of Sirs. Lorenz's rarents. Sir. and
SIrvs. John Kopia, and with Sir
Lorenz's brothers, L. W. and E. A
Sirs. Ida Wagner of Detroit, Slichi
gan, arrivenl 'yesterday morning for a
thort visit here with her father, John
Waterman, and sister, Sliss Alma
Waterman. This is the first visit
back in the old home that Sirs. Wag
ner has enjoyed for the past three
Sirs. Tom Will of Hennessay, Ok
ahoma, who has been at the Lord
Lister hospital in Omaha for the
past few week:; recovering from an
operation has so far recovered as to
be able to come to this city where
she will visit at the home of her
father-in-law, A. S. Will and family.
Pleasant Box Social.
Frm Friday Dallv.
.The box social, that was given by
Matilda Donat proved a greats uccess.
The pupils and teachers prepared a
good program, which the audience en
joyed immensely. After the program
the beautiful boxes were sold at con-
iderable prices, Sir. Rex Young being
the auctioneer. Also a beautiful box
of candy was presented to the most
popular lady, who was Slary Weten
kamp of Slynard. The evening was
pent happily and a nice sum of
iicr.ey was earned for school supplies.
Slisses Dora and Fannie Will were
mons those " going to Omaha this
morning; -where they yvilbvisit for the
day. '
United Doctors Specialist
will again be at the
Saturday, Dec. 4, 1915
HO L BS 10 A. SI. TO 8 P. SI.
Remarkable Success of These Talented
Physicians in the Treatment
of Chronic Diseases.
Offer Their Services Free of Charge
The United Doctors, licensed by the
State of Nebraska for the treatment
of deformities and all nervous and
chronic diseases of men, women and
children, offer to all who call on this
trip, consultation, examination, ad
vice free, making no charge whatever,
except the actual cost of treatment.
All that is asked in return for these
valuable services is that every person
treated will state the result obtained
1 to their friends and thus prove to the
sick and afficted in every city and lo
cality that at last treatments have
been discovered that are reasonably
sure and certain in their effect.
These doctors are among America's
leading stomach and nerve specialists
and are experts jn the treatment of
chronic diseases and" so great and
wonderful have been their results that
in many cases it is hard to find
the dividing line between skill and
Diseases of the stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen,
kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci
atica, diabetis, bed-wetting, tape
worm, leg ulcers, weak lungs and those
afflicted with lor.g-standing deep seat
ed, chronic diseases that have baffleJ
the skill of the family physicians,
should not fail to call. Deafness often
has been cured in sixty days.
According to their system no more
perations for appendicitis, gall stones,
tumors, goiter, piles, etc., as these
diseases are treated without operation
or hvnodermic iniection.
fi ii.. t
ney were among uie ursi m Ainer-
ica to earn the name of "Bloodless
Surgeons." by doing away with the
knife with blood and with all pain in
the successful treatment of these dan
gerous diseases.
If you have kidney or bladder trou
bles bring a two ounce bottle of 3"our
urine for chemical analysis and micro
scopic examination.
No matter what your ailment may
be, no matter what others may have
told you, no matter what experience
you may have had with other physi
cians, it will be to your advantage to
see them at once. Have it forever set
tled in your mind. If your case is in
curable they will give you such advice
as may relieve and stay the disease.
Do not put off this duty you owe your-
seit or tnenus or relatives who are
suffering because of your sickness, as
a visit at this time may help you.
Worn-out and run-down men and
women, no matter what your ailment, j
consult them. It costs you nothing.
Remember, this free offer is for this j
visit only.
Slarried ladies come with their hus
bands and minors with their parents.
Laboratories, Slilwaukee, Wisconsin.
From Saturday's Dally.
The frame building on Vine street
which formerly occupied by the G.
Knarp machine shop has been re
moved from its location and taken
to the property of J. H. SIcSlaken
in the northwest part of the city
where it will be converted into a
store and tool house to care for the
large number of tools and other arti-1
i i.i nr ir.ii.'. fi. I
moving was done with a great deal
of rapidity as the heavy teams of
Mr. lYiciUaKen tooK a noiei oi me JOD($Of))
and soon had the structure well on I " "
its way to the new location. When
comes to moving buildings of this
winH Mr MrVaipn dors not tak a
back seat for anyone and L? prepared
to handle anything in this line of
Daily News Subscribers.
Scud your subscriptions and re - fcr
newals for the Omaha Daily News to f
Bernese Ault, Cedar Creek, Neb., and
help a Cass county girl win the Hud
son 'auto. $2.50 for the Daily, $3.00
with Sunday. You get the premiums
just the same and help a friend as
well. Personal checks accepted.
J. S. Rough of Nehawka was here
today to take up his work as a mem-
i r .. i I II '
uer vi uiv juijr jjouci iu uioiutv wiuui UJi
Iiesiucd hy RostiTrald & Weil
If you want an
overcoat that has
style along conservative
lines, ask us to show you
the Rosenwald & Weil
The name tells you
where this particular
overcoat originated. It's
really one of the smartest
overcoats tve have ever offered
Rich fabrics that
will give long service;
sterling" w orkmanshiji;
quality in every line.
It's time, today, to think
about buying one.
C. E.
Wescott's Sons
Everybody's Store
d ?Tif'flM',;,:nrpn''r'ri!''n'
I,. I , ,l,::':'t)M i1: ' i.i . .
VV7.1 T
at $20
Whatever your wants or
wishes reirardinp- an
" - i
reSt aysilled well meet theill
here at this attractive price
,To4 not be limited, in your
selection ro one or two styles or a
iew gooa iaoncs mere are a num-
ber of models, aud all the goodover-
M"31 iaoncs are represented.
would justify almost any mice we
might ask for them. At $20 we
are giving a demonstration of great-
- vame everyone is bound to a:.
Sietson Hats
Hansen Gloves
Manhattan Siirts
Car hart Overalls
"i'P'!'TJH!i'''i:';iiiiii)i!i''i'int,ir''i-ii''""'ii' p1'
- iuiiiiiUIlii!
if 1