MOUtb Quota VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1915. NO. i; Platte THE CITY COUNCIL DO BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND Peace and Quietude Reigned Supreme and Therefore This Session Was Brief and to the Point. from Tuesday's Dally. The session of the city council last evening- was one filled with great peace and quietude, which enabled the members of that body to complete their work and be on their way home ward in less than an hour after the meeting was called to order by Mayor Kkhey. William Schmidtmann, in a com munication to the council, stated that he would refuse to pay the amount of the taxes of the special paving dis tiact Xo. 9, as the work was not up to the plans and specifications. This matter was turned over to the streets, :il!ey anil bridges committee and the city attorney to look into and decide what the city should do in the matter to make it satisfactory to Mr. Schmidtmann. Mayor Rkhey stated to the council that he thought that it would be a gowd idea for the council to sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of fixing the valuation of the work done in the alley paving district No. On motion of Buttery it was de cided to hold the meeting on Monday. December 27th, and the motion will be published in the Journal for the ;c iod of four weeks. On motion of Councilman Bestor the sum of $300 was allowed J. H. Mc Maken for the fill on Washington ave nue where the new sewer had been installed. The engineer has not made bis final measurements of this work ar.d the rest of the money will be re tained until this is looked aftt?r by the engineer, which will be in the next few days. The judiciary committee of the council, through the chairman, Mr. Mauzy, reported that they had, in con nection with the city attorney, in vestigated the Reece tax sale, and on advice of the city attorney recom mended that the same be excepted. Councilman Lushinsky of the light ing committee reported that the poles for the extension of the lines of the Nebraska Lightirg company had been placed and would soon be wired and all ready for the installing of the new light lines. Councilman Buttery called the at tention cf the council to the fact that the stviet lights were turned off in the morning before C o'clock and this wr.s an annoyance to the early risers and he desired to have the matter ad justed so that there might be a longer service given to the people of the city. Chairman Harris of the special com mittee that has been wrestling with the question of widening the street south of the Columbian school, re ported that they had found the city thirty feet addition there and would take the matter up with the city attorney to help adjust and fix it in the proper share. Councilman Buttery desired to know what had been done in the matter of tixing up the foot bridge over the creek on West Main street, and was informed by Councilman Bestor that ihe work was being looked after and as soon as the street commissioner could get to it it would be finished up and gotten in line for service, but it .ould require some little work to place the bridee approaches in. Councilman Buttery stated that he had been informed that the tele phone company was read' to move their poles back on Washington ave nue as soon as the city could give them the proper curb line, and he de sired very much to have the street commissioner or some other competent official place the line in order that the woik of moving the poles might be completed. On motion of Councilman Bestor the engineer was instructed that when he made the final estimate on the fill for the sewer that he also find the curb line on the avenue for the placing of the poles for the telephone company. Councilman Lushinsky stated that be had had his attention called to the fact that the habit of running tractor engines over the permanent crossings had resulted in the breaking down of these crossing at a great expense to the city, and he thought that it was high time that a stop was put to the pratcice. The owners of the tractors should either stop the running of the tractors or pay for the damages that had been inflicted, in the opinion of the Fourth ward councilman, and a motion was passed that would author ize the streets, alleys and bridges com mittee and the city attorney to draw- up an ordinance to cover the protec tion of the crossings. Councilman Butter called the atten tion of the council to the fact that Seventh street was in places almost impassable, due to the fact that two tractor engines and a lot of old rub bish had been piled in the roadway. The council also agreed that they would take up the alley paving on the south side of Main street as soon as possible, and if it was convenient a special meeting will be held on No vember 29th. The finance committee of the coun cil reported the following claims and the respective amounts were found correct: Bestor & Swatek, supplies for street commissioner, $1.70; Wil liam Mendenhall. hauling hose cart, $1.50; John Bauer, supplies to city, .$4G.C.; Yale Smith, street work, $18; Mike Lutz, street work, $33.f.O; Lam bert Lister, street work, $3.15; Frank Kalasek. street work, $12.40; M. E. Manspeaker, street work, $32.80; Ed Snodgrass. street work, $31.00; Earl lies, street work, $28; Charles Mc Bride, street work, $23.85; Concrete Construction Co., crossing, $39.08. There being nothing further the council adjourned. HAUSER ON THE ROAD BACK TO OMAHA UNDER HEAVY GUARD Wichita, Kan., Nov. 22. Art Haus- er, who is wanted in Omaha for the murder of W. H. Smith, Jeft Wichita tonight at 9:30 over the Rock Island for Omaha, in custody of Stephen Ma loney, chief of detectives, and L. T. Finn, special detective for the Bran- deis Stores. Governor Capper of Kansas honored requisition papers for iie officers and they arrived in Wichita early Monday morning. Hauser was taken to the train through the baggage department of the Union station, and a big crowd collected there to see him, was fooled. Hauser informed Wichita officers that he did not want to go to Omaha, and in an interview with his wife de clared it probably was the last time she would see him. He was shackled r nd will be guarded closely, as it is be lieved he may try to kill himself while en route. The route taken will be by way of Herrington, McFarland and Lincoln. Helen Dickerson, an 18-year-old girl of Topeka. on Sunday identified Hauser as the man who attacked her there several months ago. She was unconscious for two days after the attack. HENNINGS-SEYBERT CASE FROM LOUISVILLE IS STILL IN COURT From Tuesday's Dally. The case of John Hennings vs. Cam Seybert, et al., occupied the entire Jime of the district court yesterday, and the taking of testimony was com menced at once on the reconvening of court in the afternoon. There were a large number of witnesses in the case, a greater part of them being the young men who were present at the dance in Louisville when the trouble originated and who were called by the plaintiff. There were a great many present from Louisville to hear the case and great interest was manifest ed in the outcome of the issues, as Mr. Hennings is well known through out that section, as is also Mr. Sey bert, who was marshal at Louisville for several years and who was occupy ing that position at the time of the trouble out of which the suit originat ed. Judge J. E. Douglass represents the palintiff, while Harry O. Palmer and C. H. Taylor appear for the de fendants, assisted by D. O. Dwyer of this city. Frank Wheeler, who was one of the defendants in the case, is a former resident of this city, and has been withdrawn as a defendant in the case. SET A NEW RECORD FOR OMAHA TRIP For $100 Side Bet Buick Car Makes Sixty-Eight Miles in 9.1 Minutes. Shattering all previous records for the distance, a light six Buick auto mobile, owned by Lee Burroughs and driven by Charley Dawley, a local ex pert, made the run from Lincoln to Omaha in one hour and thirty-five minutes in a challenge race for a side bet of $100 Tuesday morning. The challenger claimed the run could not be made in two hours. The car was fully equipped, carry ing four passengers, as the agreement called for. The passengers were Bur roughs, Dawley, Bert Sturm, timer. and Joe Orcutt. The party left Thirteenth and O streets at 9:15 and arrived at the des tination point. Sixteenth and Farnam, at 10:50, stringing up a new record and beating the time limit by twenty five minutes. The average for the dis tance, a fraction over sixty-eight miles, was forty-four miles an hour. The first thirty-seven miles of the dis tance was covered in forty-seven min utes. "The distance can be covered in two hous," said the challenger before the start, "but I want to see what those conditions are." The car was primed to the minute by Mr. Beach of the Buick company before the run. The car was reported in perfect running order at the con clusion of the run. RENEW YOUR AUTO MOBILE NUMBER BY NOVEMBER 26 County Treasurer W. K. Fox has received a circular letter from the of fice of Secretary of State C. W. Pool, in which the matter of the renewing of the automobile numbers is taken up and the instructions as to the proceed ure in sending in the renewals made plain. On and after November 25 the county treasurer is authorized to send in the renewals for the year 191C, on the blanks provided for that purpose. The number of old registration, as well as the maker's number is requir ed in order that the identification of the car may be made easier. There will be no license or number plates is sued unless all arreages are paid up and certified to by the county treasur er in sending in the application for the renewal. In sending in transfers of ownership the registration number must be properly assigned by the former owner. The owner of a car must renew within thirty days of the expiration of the time paid for or said number will be cancelled and issued to someone else. Those who have small numbers should see that they comply with this feature of the law in order to retain their number. YARDMASTER C. S. JOHNSON COMES NEAR LOSING AN EAR From Tuesday's Dan. This morning C .S. Johnson, the day yardmaster of the Burlington, met with a very serious accident while he was assisting in unloading a load of rock for the use of the automobile bridge company on the sidetrack near the Platte river bridge. The doors of the dump car had been dropped by the men employed in the work of unload ing, but for some reason the rock re fused to drop and Mr. Johnson was looking under the car to find a means of starting the flow of the rock from the car, when, without warning ,one of the young men in the car threw a large rock out, which took Mr. John son on the right ear and inflicted a very painful wound which required the services of a surgeon to dress. The lobe of the ear was lacerated very badly and the injury bled most profusely. ANNUAL CEREMONIAL OF ' SHRINERS AT LINCOLN From Tuesday"? Daily. Today is a gala occasion for Sesostris temple of the Mystic Shriners, at Lincoln, as the annual ceremonial of this branch of the Ma sonic fraternity will be held today and this evening in the capital city. The members of the shrine from this city, together with a number of candidates for the journey across the desert, will be present to enjoy the occasion. Luke L. Wiles is one of the "victims" whose feet will feel the effect of the burning sands as the caravan wends its way along to the oasis. Among those at tending from this city were William Baird, John Bauer, jr., Mike and Rob ert Mauzy, Will Rummell, Leonard Schafer, W. C. Tippens, II. S. Barth old, James Robertson, W. A. Robert son. The boys are anticipating one of the times of their lives in the pleas ures of the gathering. MR. GLEN EDWARDS AND MISS IRENE HART WICK ARE MARRIED From Tuesday's railv. A quiet wedding was solomnized in this city late Saturday evening at the rectory of St. John's Catholic church, when Rev. Father M. A. Shine united in the holy bonds of wedlock Mr. Glen Edwards and Miss Irene Hartwick, two of the popular young people of this city. Mr. and Mrs'. Edwards ex pect to make their home in this city in the future and their decision to take up life's journey together will Lie a source of much pleasure to the many friends of the happy Jpiir.g people. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hartwick of this city and is one of the most popular young ladies in the city and highly esteemed by those fortunate enough to be num bered among her acquaintances. She is one of the efficient teachers of the county, being engaged in teaching near Murray. Mr. Edwards is one of the highly esteemed young men of this city, where he has been reared to manhood, and his friends are without limit. He is employed by the Burling ton in their shops and is held in the highest respect by his associates. LINEN SHOWER IN HONOR OF MISS HAZEL COWLES From Wednesday's ' Dally. A very pleasant social event was heldMonday evening at the home of Miss Madeline Minor, it being a linen shower given in honor of Miss Hazel Cowle?, one of the fall brides. The guests, all of whom were close per sonal friends of the guest of honor, enjoyed the occasion to the utmost with the renewing of the ties of friend ship and wishing their friend much happiness in the years to come. At a suitable hour the jolly party were invited to the dining room to partake of a most delicious three-course lunch eon, which was served by Mrs. Kate Minor and Mrs. L. O. Minor. Follow ing the luncheon the young ladies spent the evening very pleasantly in social conversation and music, and a number of pleasing vocal selections were given by Miss Pearl Alcorn of Omaha. The bride-to-be was then showered with the many dainty ar ticles of needlework. Those who were present were: Misses Leona Brady, Florence White, Mayola Propst, Lillian White, Nettie Moore, Alice Tuey, Mrs. Ed Roman, Madeline Minor and Hazel Cowles. The St. Mary's Guild will hold their annual bazaar on Friday and Satur day, December 10th and 11th. The finest Christmas goods will be offered for sale. The who are looking for some ar ticle of needlework would do well to attend the bazaar of the St. Mary's Guild in this city on December 10th and 11th. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture Framing:. Frank Gobelman. NEW BARBER FIRM AT THE HOTEL RiLEY SHOP The Hotel Riley barber s-hop, which has been under the management of E. G. Shallenberger for the past year. v. ill hereafter be controlled by the firm of Shallenberger & Atkinson, as Mr. C. A. Atkinson yesterday entered lipon his duties as a member of the firm and will hereafter be found in this establishment as the partner of Mr. Shallenberger. Both of these gen tlemen are experts in their line, as Mr. Shallenberger has demonstrated during his stay here, and Mr. Atkinson has been connected with the leading barber shops in Denver, San Francisco and San Diego, and has been employed in the Clark bather shop here before securing the half interest in the Riley tonsorial parlors. Fred Rosencrans of Grand Island, who was here for sev eral months as a barber, has returned to take up the vacancy in the Clark shop. The new owners of the shop contemplate a number of changes that will make it one of the finest shops in a town of this size in the state. CHILDREN OF ST. LUKE'S PARISH ENTER TAINED SATURDAY From Tuesday's Dally. ' The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herold was made the scene of a most happy gathering on last Sat urday afternoon, when the younger children of the St. Luke's parish, as well as the mothers of the babies, were entertained untr the auspices of the church school, and there were' some fifty present to enjoy the pleasures of the occasion. The children were en tertained with a large number of very pleasing kindergarten games which proved most delightful and in which the mothers, as well as Father and Mrs. W. S. Leete and Madame Leete took part and assisted in making the afternoon one of the rarest enjoyment. Light refreshments were served at a suitable hour, which added greatly to the delight of the little folks, and it was with regret that the charming afternoon was closed by the hastening of the heme-going hour. The gather ing was one in which the parish was well represented and it is to be hoped that other social affairs of this nature may be possible in the future. SOME HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE IS ONCE MORE ON TAP From Tuesday's Daily. After a month of indifferent bills mother high class vaudeville program appeared last evening at the Temple Grand theater and played to a capacity house. Dissatisfied with the past three cr four bills, the manager of the Em press circuit went to Chicago last week, cancelled all contracts and sign ed up an entirely new list of attrac tions. The result of his trip is more than pleasing to Creston theater goers for never has a better bill been seen than Sunday night's, which is stated to be just a fair sample of what is in store for the patrons of the Temple Grand. The bill was a particularly well balanced one, consisting of four acts, each of a different variety and each a leader in its class. Wright, Hall & Worth, "The Dancing Bugs," gave a clever exhibition of all kinds of footwork that won much merited ap proval; Chuck Haas, world's cham pion roper, performed some seem ingly miraculous feats of rope swing ing; Armstrong & Odell in a a musi cal sketch won hearty applause with I heir clever act; and the Ernest Alvo troupe, comedy 'bar gymnasts, gave as interesting and entertaining exhibi tion of combined gymnastic skill and slapstick as has ever been seen in the city. Creston (Iowa) Gazette-Advertiser. See the kinds of fancy stationery, the latest up-to-date, and sure to please, at the Journal office. REMAINS OF JOSEPH HOY ARE TAKEN TO OLD HOME From Wednesday's Dally. This morning the body of Joseph Hoy, the aged gentleman who passed away here Monday morning, was taken east on No. 4 to Pacific Junction, where it was sent on to High Creek. Missouri, and will be buried there in the cemetery among the old familiar scenes, and where the deceased had spent a great part of his lifetime. The funeral services were held here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stuecklin. where Mr. Hoy has been making his home, and were quite largely attended. The son of the de ceased. Arch Hoy, of Bluemound, Kan sas, acocmpanied the body back to the old home. WILLIAM PROPST AND MISS HAZEL COWLES UNITED IN MARRIAGE From Wednesday's Dally. A very quiet home wedding was celebr ated last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Cowles, mother of the bride, when Miss Hazel A. Cowles was united in the bonds of icly wedlock to Mr. William E. Propst. The marriage lines were read by Re F. M. Druliner, pastor of the First Methodist church, in a most impres sive manner, as he joined these two estimable young people in the bonds of matrimonv. There were only the im mediate families of the contracting parties present to witness the cere mony. The bride was attired in a traveling costume of dark blue broad cloth, while the groom wore the con ventional Llack." Immediately after the wedding the bridal party were taken by automobile to Omaha, from where they will depart on a honeymoon trip of some two weeks' duration in the west. On returning Mr. and Mrs. Propst will make their home at the Cowles residence for the winter. The bride is one of the popular young ladies in social and religious life of the city, and while her friends will miss her from their circle, they will extend their best wishes for a future filled with happiness. Miss Cowles has for the past two years been one of the efficient stenograph ers in the office of Storekeeper E. C. Hill of the Burlington. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Propst and is a young man of worth and ability and well worthy of the charming helpmate he has secured. HENRY KGONTZ DIED AT THE POOR FARM YESTERDAY From Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday Henry Koontz, one of the aged gentlemen making their home at the county farm west of this city, passed away after an illness of some years' duration. Mr. Koontz was born in Germany, October 15, 1833, and resided there for a great many years before coming to America. He settled near Nehawka in an early day and was quite well known in that section of the county as a most worthy gentle man and his death will be very much regretted by the many old friends. He was admitted to the farm May 9, 1910, and has since been making his home there, where he had endeared himself to all those with whom he came in contact. A complication of diseases proved the cause of his death. The funeral of this kindly old gentle man will be held tomorrow afternoon from the farm and interment made in Oak Hill cemetery. Seventy-Seven Years Young. From Tuesday's pally, Saturday was the seventy-seventh birthday anniversary of Fred Olden hausen, sr., and there are few people who would take this hale and hearty old gentleman to be this age, as he has the appearance and bearing of being a great deal younger. "Schuster" visited in Murray yesterday for a shoit time with relatives and friends in that section and received the con gratulations of his many friends on the happy occasion of his birthday. It is to be hoped he will celebrate many more birthday. HENNINGS-SEYBERT CASE FIN ISHED TUESDAY Jury Was Out hut a Very Few Minutf When They Returned Willi a Verdict for Defendant. From Wednesdav's Da"v. The ca.-.e of John Hennings v. Cam Seybert, which for the past two day-. has been occupying the attention of the district court, came to an t-i.-l yes terday afternoon, when the jury, after deliberating fifteen minutes on the question of the case as presentfd in the testimony, returned a verdict for the defendant, Mr. Seybert. The case has been one that attrac ted considerable attention, and e.-pecialiy in the community where the parties had both been well known, the piaintiff being reared in the vicinity of Louis ville and Mr. Seybert has resided ther e for years and also served as the city rn;.rshi l of Louisville for the pa -a few years. A dance at the city hall in Louisville on last New Year's eve ap pears to have been the starting point of the trouble, as a number of the young men of the community had as .embled there and the talk finally re sulted in the outbreak, in which tho fticer, together with Frank Wheeler, became involved, and later a warrant was issued for the an est of Herning cn the complaint filed by Soybeit. and this was a statement made that the arrest had been recommended by the city attorney of Louisville, as well as the members of the village board of that place. The plaintiff alleged that the ai rer-t of Hennings was prompted by feelings of malice toward him on the par t of the officer, but this was not thown by the large number of witnesses who testified in the case to the satisfaction of the jury, and it required but a very few minutes to pass on the case. Mr. Wheeler had been withdrawn from the case by the judge as not having been thown to have been involved sufficient ly as to come within the petition of allegations of the plaintiff. At the trial of the case in Louisville shortly after the first of last January, Mr. Hennings was acquitted by Justice Brobst, and the suit against the mar shal instituted later on. Since the commencement of the suit Mr. Hennings has had the misfortune to lose his right arm by having it in jured a few weeks ago in a separator at the farm of Philip Tritsch. west of this city, rnd as a result he is hardly in a position to do a great deal of labor. The jury panel was then excused until next Monday morning, when court will be resumed. THANKSGIVING AND TURKEY EAT ING TOMORROW From Wednesday's rially. Tomorrow will be one of the chief holidays which are observed by the people of the United States that of Thanksgiving Day and the occasion should be one that we can all join in. Our nation, our state and our city have had unbounded success in the ear since last Thanksgiving day. an 1 for the goodness vouchsafed to them the citizens of this city should observe the day in the true spirit of thankful ness. The Evening Journal will, in observance of the day, suspend pub lication for the day and the members of the force enjoy the pleasures of the festal occasion. That the coming sea son may give us many reasons for thankfulness, as in the past, is the wish of everyone, and when we con template what a desolation exists in the lands across the a there can surely be a most sincere feeling of con fidence and faith in our Supreme Guide and in the able executive who has steered the ship of state through the troubled waters of the great war. In our success let us remember that we are indebted to one great power for all that we possess. Pencils, penholders, ink, erasers, tablets, and almost anything in sta tionery line can be found at the Jour nal office.