The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 22, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
4 I I
f? f fa f X
H Your Doves
are one of the most important itemsof your dress.
We carry the following styles in a variety of
. "Amiree' high-grade kid. short glove $l..r)
"Dependon" 4i " 1.00
Dog Skin Gloves, brown only 1.25
Cashmere, silk lined, extra heavy, 50
Fabric Gloves, in white on
Short Silk Gloves, black and white 50
We have everything in Children's Gloves
and Mittens in prices ranging from 10c to .05
Our Line of Holiday Goods are Arriv
ing Constantly. New Things
all the Time!
We will be glad to assist you in selecting
your numerous gifts.
Call Phones 53 and 54. The Da) light Store
Get your chrysanthemums for ! Stray td.
Thanksgiving Day at the sale which a c0v. part Jersey. Dehorned,
the Q. Z. society will hold at th- nas halter on. Anyone knowing any-
Warga & Schuldice store Wednesday,
November 24th.
thing of its whereabouts call 'Phone
No. 3il8-V. 11-22-tfd
JParmele "Theatre!
JU ' " - HI III H HI
Wednesday, November 24
Big Time Vaudeville
Wright, Hall and
the Dancing Bugs
Shecks Hass
Rope Swinging Novelty
Armstrong & O'Dell
a Vaudeville Highball
Ernest AIvo Troupe
comedy Bar Gymnasts
SPECIAL NOTICE Only one show will be pivpn, starting
at 8:30. Seats will be reserved.
Prices: Crallery liie, balcony 2."c, parquet 2.1c, dress circle 3oc.
Seats on Sale at Weyrich & Hadraba's. Tuesday, 9A. M.
This morning a complaint was filed
in the county court charging ( Lola
Kinnamon with assault on the person
of his brother, William Kinnamon, on
Saturday. November 13th, and for
which the defendant has been confined
since the trouble awaiting the outcome
of the injuries of William Kinnamon,
The defendant entered a plea of guilty
to the charge and received a fine of
$25 and costs, which he arranged to
fettle and was then released and given
his liberty. The case showed that the
affair was not entirely one-sided and
the court accordingly made the fine as
light as possible under the circum
stances, as Lola seemed to have con
siderable provocation in the matter of
the fight.
Yesterday morning at his home at
Rock Bluffs. Guy Patterson died very
suddenly as he was engaged in chang
ing his clothes, and in a few seconds
after he was stricken with heart fail
ure he was beyond all human aid and
passed very peacefully away.
Mr. Patterson had not been in the
best of health for some time, as he had
been suffering from a complication of
troubles which finally culminated in
the attack of heart trouble which
caused his death. He has been making
his home on a farm near Rock Bluffs
with his brothers, Robert and Chase
Patterson, and assisting in the care
of the farm as much as was possible
in his poor health.
The deceased young man was born
at Rock Bluffs thirty-two years ago
and has since made his home there al
most his entire lifetime, and his death
has brought a sharp pang of grief to
the many friends who have known him
since childhood. To mourn his death
there remains the father, Fred Pat
terson, two brothers, Robert and
Chase Patterson, and two sisters, Mrs.
Will Baker and Mrs. Ed Baker, all of
whom reside at Rock Bluffs with the
exception of Mrs. Ed Baker, who
makes her home in Omaha. j
The funeral was held this afternoon
at 1 o'clock from the late home, the
services being conducted by Rev.
Hutchman, pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Murray, and was attended
by a large number of the old friends
and neighbors. The interment was
made in the Young cemetery near the
old home, and over the grave the sor
rowing friends strewed flowers in
memory of the kindly young man gone j
from their midst, who had been highly
esteemed by those with whom he came
in touch. I
Remember that the Fanger Depart
ment Store Retiring From Business
Sale is now going on, and every day
you are losing money by not purchas
ing your winter goods at this store.
Here you will find Millinery, Dry
Goods, Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ings, Boys' and Men's Clothing, Shoes
and Rubber Goods that are going at
almost your own price. The time is
limited when you can buy these goods
at this price.
3 9
Furniture, Carpets Ss Rugs!
We are NOW closing out our entire line of Furniture, Carpets and Rugs in the
massive stock of M. Hild, at a discount of 25 per cent. Everything in this great
stock will go at these prices. This is one of the finest lines of house furnishing
goods ever before otiered to the public at such prices. Remember this is a bona
fide saving to you of 25 per cent, on any article in the house. Good clean stock to
select from.
If you need Furniture or Household Furnishings of any kind, or will be in need
in the near future, this is certainly the time to buy. Remember this sale is for
The Furniture Man
9 Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Morning and Evening Services At
tend by Large Audiences and
Much Interest Manifested.
The series of revival meetings
which have been held at the Method
ist church for the past four weeks,
drew to a close yesterday with sev
eral most interesting meetings, and
This morning: Charles S. Stone de
parted for Waldron, Colorado, where
he is closing the details of the pur
chape of the Bank of Waldron, which
he has been negotiating: for for some
time. This is one of the be.-t banks
in that section of Colorado and should
prove an excellent investment for Mr.
Stcne, who is a bright and keen young
business man with years of experience
in this line of financial work. Mr.
Stone was for several years in charge
of the Murray State bank in this coun
ty and also of the Eank of Yampa, of
Yam pa. Colorado, and is a gentleman
well qualified to take charge of any
which stimulated greatly in awaking j financial institution, and his genial
religious spirit of the city which has
been greatly aroused since the com
mencement of the meetings. The pas
tor of the church, Rev. F. M. Druliner,
has devoted all of his energy and ef
forts to these meetings and the good
they have accomplished is a pleasing
matter to the minister and his as
sistants, and in fact there has not
been any series of religious meetings
in this city that have resulted in the
success of the present one. Over 100
conversions have been made at the
church anil the efforts of the minister
have borne even greater results in the
interest and renewed efforts of the
members of this and other churches.
Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock a
men s meeting was held at the
Methodist church which was largely
attended and the auditors were given
a benefit of a sermon of strength and
force, which applying to the audience
pointed out to them the necessity of
the man taking the religion into his
life, the text being, "I do the way of
the earth, see thou are strong there
fore and show thyself a man," and
the sermon was one of the best that
has been delivered during the meet
ings, and its truths were brought
home to the audience. At a special
number at this service Mrs. E. II.
Wescott sang the old familiar song
of faith, "The Ninety and Nine,"
while a trio consisting of W. G.
temperment and courtesy makes him
one with whom it is a pleasure to
transact business. The people of Wal
dron can rest assurred that if he takes
charge of their bank there that they
will be treated right all the time.
The Corn Husking
Season is On!
Saturday evening a lady of the city
became ouite dry and made entrance
to one of the thirst palaces of the city
to try and procure some sparkling
beverage that. might allay her thirst,
:tiid all would have been well in the
story if the efforts of the lady had
stopped at this, but instead of merely
getting the drink she could not resist
the temptation of picking up other
loose ai tides that weie handy and
thereby came her downfall. As she
was sitting at a table quiifiin:: the
foaming beverage her eyes were at
ti acted by a likely looking package of
shoes as well as a package cont:in:r.;j
some meat wMch had be-n left lying
handily by some of the patrons. Vith-
B rooks, Jennings Seivers and Don I cut delav, while the owner of tha
York, gave a special number.
At the evening service the church
was filled to its utmost capacity with
a deeply interested audience and the
miniser spoke from the text, '"If the
tree falleth toward the south or to
ward the north, i;i the place where the
tree falleth there it shall be." In this
the pastor pointed out that repentance
and conversion were necessary in this
life to prepare for the life to come
hereafter and that there was but one
opportunity to repent and that was in
this life to insure forgiveness of sin
in the world to come. A special musi-
1 number by a quintette composed of
Mrs. E. II. Wescott, Messrs. York.
Seivers, Cloidt and Brooks, gave in a
most pleasing manner "Jesus, Lover
of My Soul," and the male quartet
gave "Just Outside the Gate," which
proved one of the pleasing features
of this service. At the close of the
service a number came forward to
take a stand for Christ.
Rev. H. G. McCluky of the Pres
byterian church assisted at both the
men's meeting and at the evening
L A tasty assortment of Fur-
nishing Goods that will whet
your appetite to be well and
appropriately dressed.
A olpnr rrnrrrt 5rn rf fair dnl. 3.
Jr ' v.w.. v.. V.V U. .
- ing, good value for every nickel X
it spent with us. x
A LAMM Suit or Overcoat J
f that permits of a dressing of
style and elegance, garnished g
jr with the flavor, whose quality
will linger when the price will X
haue become a thing of the g
past. v
All that's seasonable in Men's
Wear is on display at our store.
; foi cva: 1 packages was absent the
lady gels up, and depositing the kala
for her refreshments, goes out of the
building, and incidentally picks up the
two packages that had been the object
of her scrutiny, and takes them with
her. A few minutes later the owner
made the discovery that his shoes and
meat were missing, and a wail that
could be heard far and wide was made
over'the loss, and it was a dark mys
tery for some time as to where the
I ackages had disappeared to until
.some of the persons loafing there re
ported the fact that the lady in ques
tion had made hor getaway just about
the time the loss of the shoes and
meat was made, and accordingly a lit
tle gum shoe work was started to try
and unearth the packages, and it was
only a few minutes later that they
were discovered in the buggy of the
lady, and she was later picked up at a
dance by the police while in the full
enjoyment of the polka and quadrille,
and the hard-hearted cops were about
to throw her into the lockup when
some friends came to the rescue and
gave a cash bond of $30, which saved
her from the humiliation of having to
spend the evening with sorrow in the
bastile, and the lady was able to go
merrily on with the dance. It will be
some time, however, before the lady
will try to pull off any other tricks of
this nature.
The November term of the district
court convened irt this city today with
Judge Begley presiding, and all the
members of the jury panel present to
take up their duties.
The first case called was that of
John Hennings vs. Cam Seybert, et
al., in which the plaintiff seeks to re
cover $1,000 in damages for arrest
made by the defendant while marshal
of Louisville. The gerater part of the
morning was occupied in selecting the
jury in the case, and the twelve men
finally selected to try the issues were:
II. A. Guthmann, E. S. Tutt, J. B. El
liott, C. G. Bailey. J. S. Rough, Henry
Ilaslam, Will Wehrbein, M. McFall,
F. C. Schoemaker, Ira Bosworth, Teter
Campbell, Frank Blotzer. The open
ing statements of the attorneys were
completed and the taking of testimony
well under way.
Chamberlain's Tablets.
As a tempting after-bit, we de
t sire to announce that we will
f be open on Thursday morning.
This Thankfully provides the 4"
f- ,.,:f
a stylish outfit for Thanksgiv-
-GtNTS' OUTFITTER X ' favor and popularity. Obtainable
This is a medicine intended especial
ly for stomach troubles, bilicusness
and constipation. It is meeting with
much success and rapidly gaining in
Wc carry a complete line of
Pegs, Hooks,
Gloves, Mittens,
Telephone 151 South Sixth St.
Rings for
Great Christmas Stock!
Bings are the gifts which
women like, perhaps best of
We are displaying the finest
assortment of rings that
was ever shown in Piatt s
mouth. If your mind is made
up on any particular stle of
ring which we do not hap
pen to have in stock we can
easily make it up for you.
B. A. HcElvvain,
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Office and Salesroom
Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth
Byron Halstead, jr., departed yes
terday afternoon for Coolrado Springs,
Colorado, where he will visit with his
aunt for a short time.
A. D. Despain was among the visit
ers in Omaha today for a few hours,
returning home this afternoon on
No. 24.
50c All Wool Serges!
8;-37 indie wide in lilack, Navy, Green, Copen
hagen, Brown and Red. In face of the increased
cost on all woolen goods these values are excep
tional. Eiderdown by the ya'rd
both single and double fleeced, 3-3S inches wide,
in lied, "Gray and white much used ior Bath
robes, Children's Blankets, Etc.
60c for yard single fleeced
$1.20 for yard double fleeced
Blankets and Comforters
some interesting values!
This season owing to greater efforts, together
with early buying, we are able to give better
values than ever before.
Fine all-wool Blankets in full
bed size, handsome plaid combinations in nearly
all colors '
$6.50, $8.00 and $9.00
Wool Nap Blankets block or
broken plaids patterns, full size, extra heavy
quality; colors Pink, Blue, Gray, Tan
$1.75 Up to $3.00 a pair
Other Cotton Blankets as low as 50c a pair
I E. i. WM & lira
. Value! - Quality! Service! .j
..XX-XW i everywhere.