MONDAY... JNOY EMBER , PLATTJIOUTII. JgEMI-TVEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. L i "OTICK OF INCORPORATION of ihp HKST KWllllTV HANK f rtlar "r-k. Articl 1. The iiaun- l.y whioli this irt"! at ion !iM lie known is. Kirst tse earilv l:.uik, of Cedar .Vf k, Nfb. - Article '. The prn.ciial ilace of lnincss rf 11 1 is corporat ion slia.Il be at 'filar t'reck, county of Cass, State of Nebraska. Article n. Tlie object for which this corvoi ati'-n is formed is to can v on a :iiiiir-ia 1 banking business under the jaws of Hit Siuu of Nebraska. Arii. l.' . Tl.o ant liorizi'd capital stock of t'.'is i-oipora t ion shall be TVn T!iiusitnl lollars. ( wliicli at least Veil Thousani! 1'ollars shall have lieen laid in at tin? time oi tiie com menie nient of business, which shall be ls.s-.ieil in shares of the par valne of One Ilundreil (100 Oollar each. N'o trans f- r of the stock of this cor jMiiiuion shall be ojierative unti: enter ed the books of the corporation. Article The indebtedness of this corporation shall at no time exceed the amount of its i"i'l in capital and sur plus except l'H- deposits. rtice t. This corporation shall be j;in business on the 'Jth day of Sep tember. lHI'i, or as scon thereafter as aut i ori.ed ) the State Kankins B-i;u-l ol th- State of Nebraska, and shall terminate on the liytli day of Sep tember. i:40. Article 7. The a.Tairs of this cor poration shall be under the control and niancqrement of a board of direc lorh, consisting of not less than three nor mure than five shareholders, whose t'-rni of office shall be for a period of one y-ar. or until his successors are elected and iinalitied. not less than a majority of whom shall be residents of the county in which the bunk is hxated or counties immediately adja cent liieieto. It shall be the duty of tiie hoard of director- to ele?t from tleir number a president and secre tary, and select a vice-president and .as!.ier. and they may also select on assistant cashier and such other clerks and assistants as the business of the corporation mav require The terms of ofti--v of the olrcers of this corporation shall be one year, or until their suc-ie.-s-rs are elected and qualified The board of directors may adopt uch by laws for the regulation and manage ment of the annus and business of the corporation as it may deem proper. Article !. The refri.lar fmmiil meet ii'U oi the st oik - holders of this curpor ato'a stall be held on the second Tues- ia v .Ian uary car!1 year, at which to-etinic the l-oaid of director above pro i.b-d shali ie selected. A majority f the shares of stock of the corpor ation at any regular or special meet -inir shall constitute it quorum for the transaction of business. Arth-le y. i'ach stockholder shall at :iti- regular or .-pecii l meeting be en titled in one vote, cither in person or l.y proy, for each share of the stock held. Article 10. These Articles of Incor poration may be amended at any reg ular of special mcetiiiir calied for that purpose by a two-thirds vote of all the stock. Offici-rx. ill: Win. Si'HNKI I KK. I'rcs. .Ml: Win. II. l.oHNKS. Vice-l'res. Mi:. .). I". KkKKMAX. Cashier. Ilonril f IHrrrinm, ill:. AVm si'jim:iii;i;. MK. Wm. H. I.OHNKS jif:. .1 V. FOKEMAX J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier. 11-: Jv .ii ; tii i iii:nniiiis lu the inify fturf f Ihe County f I im, rlirkll. In 1 K.-tate of James Barwick, Ijcceased. Notice is hereby piveu t'nat hearings upon all claims against said estate will be lad at the office of the Countv .1 a-icc. Court House. Pin ttsmou t h, Cass Cuunn, Nebraska, on the 14th day of I ecein hi r. .. I. 1 J 1 r,. and on the day of Jun-. A 1 . I'.'Hi. at l'l o'clock a, in. 'in :o h of said days. All claims not tiied before said hour on said last day of hearing, will be forever barred. I'atid this .".th day of Novemlwr, iyi5. Kv the Court. ALI.HX .1. nmcso.v. County -lu-iye. W. A. i: BKi:TS N, Atlornev. 11-S-4W ks mhm i; or t iiN i ii.1, iiit ri vt.i: tl.K. Not h e is hereby civen that by virtue of a ehattt 1 morti;atre ilated on tlie "7th iav of Jui.e. 1'Jl:;. and duly tiled iu the office of the Courty Clerk of Cass County. Nebraska on the 9th day of July. aim a ctaltel niortiasre dated on the id day of January, iyi4. and niilv tiled in the office of the County Cierk of I'ass Count-, Nebraska, on tiie "-tit dav of January. anl executed by John II. Kunc to The Minneapolis Threshinsr Machine Company (an in i oi -porated company of West Min neapolis. Hopkins. 1. ., Minnesota), to secure tin- payment of the sums of rjl Ircn 1 1 urnl rt'il Tuentv-Six Dollars and interest, and Seventeen Hundred One I "oilai " and interest, respectively, and i:on whi.h l!i"ie is now due the sum of Nine Hundred Twenty-Six and :n)-lno I io, lai s: dt fault havinir been made in toe payment of the said sums ai:i no suit or other proceedings at law hain been instituted to recover said debt, or any part thereof, therefore the i; mtersii: will sell the property here in described. viz: One Minneapolis separator with L'S-nicli cvclinder. 4- incl: rear. No. 1"77. Out Minneapolis Hand Cutler and self b eeder No. e.:8 i im- .earless Wind Stai ker No. U6S:5. ne Main luive lit-lt 1.0 f-?et Ions. 8 inches wide. 4-ply canvas. One Weisli or No. j::.",. one 1-barrel Wood Water Tank. 'I.,,, port Huron 1K-H. I. Com pound Steam Trait ion Knslne No. S54. ne Iooomotive Call. ne Pump and Hose outfit, and one Jiartli Lifting Jack, at public auction on tlie Northwest n';iirlf r of Section Two l. Township Ten (l'H. Fiance Nine , Kast of the SiMh P. M., adjacent to the town of AIM', Cass County, Nebraska, at 10 -'clock in the forenoon of the 4th day of I lecem Ix-r. A. I . 1 1. 1 i. . T 11 K MlXXKAl-hiUS TilUE.SlIlSC M A CHI X I : COM 1'A N V . Mortsrasec. J:-. .1 C. Cooper. State Asent. liated November 11th. 1915. ll-ll-4wks 0 Overcoats G'ea&ed t d Prksed $1.50 teVVe briD5 the new look back and pre3s them better then when new. For we press that natural body shape into each one. Bilsch Tailoring Co. D Odorless Dry Cleaners, Hotel Riley Building. Tencils, penholders, ink, erasers; tablets, and almost anything in sta tionery line can be found at the Jour nal office. .J,jmj9mm $m!',jmimu ,fmt 4 4 LOUISYILLE. -Courier. 4 . . . . 4. Mrs. M. Peterson has given up housekeeping and for the present will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Diers. Mrs. William Anderson was called to Omaha Monday on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Baum. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Diers gave a birthday supper on Monday evening in honor of their son, Billy's, sixth an niversary. Mrs. Henry Lehnhoff of Lincoln stopped over night Friday on her way home from a visit with relatives in Plattsmouth. to visit her brother, John Ossenkop. Mrs. H. Sundstrom entertained a few friends on Monday afternoon at a birthday party in honor of her little daughter, Esther's, fourth birthday. Ralph Twiss left last week for an extended western trip. He will visit relatives in Wyoming, where he ex pects to spend a Tew days hunting. From there he will take in the exposi tion at San FranciFco, and also will visit in Los Angeles, California, be fore his return. Mrs. Edward Fiddock and daughter, of Elsie, Neb., arrived last week for a visit with her sisters, Mrs. P. C. Stai-der'and Miss Edith Shryock. Mrs. Fiddock came to bring her daughter to an Omaha specialist for an opera lion to remove adenoids and also her tonsils. The operation was success- fuly undergone. Mrs. Martin Keichait came down irom Omaha last Thursday to be pres ent at the party on that day in honor of Grandma Reichart's birthday. The latter was taken ill at that time and lias been bedfast ever since, but hr friends hope soon to hear of her re covery and trust she will live to en joy many more birthdays. On Tuesday afternoon, Xovembe- 16, at the home of her stepson, J. J Meier, at Weeping Water, Mrs. Min nie Meier fell peacefully to sleep to awake no more in this life. The fun eral occurred from the M. E. church in Louisville Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. W. A. Elledge of Weep ing Water officiating. Interment was made at River View cemetery. WEEPING WATER. Republican. V 1-I-M-M-M'I i t..;..T .m-i. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Johnson return cd Wednesday evening from their visit in Minnesota and South Dakota. Mrs. Frank Schaffer was called to Tama, Iowa, Monday by the serious illness of her father, who is 94 years old. Mrs. J. W. Amick went to Haddon. Kansas, Friday to surprise her moth er by visiting her on her 80th birth day, which was Saturday. About 300 head of sheep were un loaded here Tuesday and driven out to the Dick Koester farm, where they will be fattened. Andrew Olsen and J. W. Swindle were on the South Omaha market Tuesday looking for feeders. They didn't find what they were looking Tor, o left their order. Rev. Father Higgins of Manley took the train here Wednesday morning for Wyrhore to attend the funeral of Father Freeman, who died Monday niornin'fr, the funeral being held Thursday. .' Charley W. Lodge of Leetonia, Ohio, visited his old schoolmate, E. F. Mar shall, from Tuesday until Thursday morning. Mr. Lodge has spent the summer in California and is on his homeward trip. Mrs. N. J. Dix of Stockton, Kansas, who had been visiting at the John Mc Kay home and with other friends here and at Avoca since the funeral of her father. Jake Evans, left for her home Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Orton left Tues day for California, where they will impend the winter. They will be at home in Fullerton after a visit to the exposition. On the same train were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Koester and little daughter and Mrs. Koester's sister, Mrs. Henry Hillman, of Berlin, who expect to visit the coast until the holidays. 4. THANKSGIVING EVE DANCE To be given at Coates hall Wednesday, November 24th, by ttie Cosmopolitan club. Every holder of a 50c ticket will be given a number which entitles him to a chance on a turkey, which will be given away FREE. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Admission: Gents, 50c; ladies, free. Music by Holly's orchestra. ;..T..T..T..t..T....T..T....;,.r....T..T..r..t.. J. UNION. V imager. v J. T. Reynolds is completing a nice, new, modern barn on his farm. George N. LaRue is slowly recover ing from his illness of stomach trouble. Hugh Robb made an auto drive to Salina, Kansas, the latter part of the week. L. G. Todd, who has about the finest barn in this section of the country, has it almost completed. It is 48 feet long. The W. B. Banning Construction company has been given the contract to raise the Brandon Bros. Lumber company's shed. They will put in a concrete wall around the place. Frank Brandon, wife and daughter, of Sidney, Iowa, paid Union a little visit last Saturday. It might be that Frank could be enticed to move here, if he was coaxed a little. Biil Joiner of Nebraska City has completed hanging paper in the new home of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor. Bill might just as well move to Union and be done with it, as he is here woiking about two-thirds of his time anyway. William G. Jones of Madison. Neb., made a short visit here Monday and spent the time meeting his friends. Mr. Jones and family were residents of Union twenty-two years ago when Mr. Jones was engaged in the lumber business and blowing the "big horn" in the band. Marvin Balfour, a real estate dealer of Fremont, came over and spent about two weeks with his parents, who reside southwest of here. He certain ly enjoyed his visit with home folks :tnd no doubt always feels better after a good feed on the farm. It's quite different from steak and pork chops three times a day, year in and year cut. '.''l .......... H. L. Swanson, who has been hold ing down the Missouri Pacific agensy at Wyoming, Neb., has been trans ferred to Union. H. K. Frantz and family moved down from Havelock the first of the week and are occupying the Reitter property on Main street. Mr. Lillie, who was struck by an automobile some weeks back, receiv ing a badly crushed leg, died at a hospital in Lincoln last week. Mrs. Paulina Oilerman and Mrs. Bertha Vance and son, of Osceola, Ne braska, arrived here Wednesday night for an extended visit with relatives. Frank Lanning has purchased the Umland property just south of the South German church on Main street and will move in from the country the first of the week. Ed Weaver was laid up with the grippe the first of the week, couldn't even cut a steak, and when Ed can't pull off this stunt there's something decidedly wrong. Joe Sack and family and Mrs. Ivy Sack and Ed Purdy of Bosworth, Mo., arrived here about 11:30 Wednesday rirrht of last week for a few days' vif it with relattvc-r.. Mrs. Sarah Lilly, mother of Mrs Adam Winklet.leck, and who is stay ing with her daughter, passes her eighty-sixth birthday on November 21 rnd is quite spry and well for one of this age. The following took dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Trum ble, Sunday, November 14th: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivett of Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. James Rivett of Lincoln, Mr. Richard Rivett of Chicago, 111.; Mrs. Lawrence Freadrich of Lincoln, and Mrs. W. P. Tyson and little daugh ter, Winnifred. of Springfield, Oregon. Mrs. Tyson, a sister of Mrs. Trumble, is visiting her this week. . . ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. M. II. Tyson was here between trains Friday en route to Beatrice, where he is locating. L. F. Langhorst went to Falls City Thursday to attend a democratic com mittee meeting of the First congres sional district. Vernon and Alma Clements went to Lincoln Tuesday evening to see Miss Minnie Sutherland, who is still con fined to the hospital there, but slowly convalescing. E. T. Comer and C. S. Hart departed on Monday for Edgar, Neb., to again enjoy the sport provided for the huntsman amid the lakes of those parts by the feathery tribe of the wa ter. Ducks are reported to be again quite numerous out there. C. E. Butler and family returned EAGLE. 4 J Beacon. 4 . Tuesday afternoon from their Colo rado trip and visit. They were in the snow over 10,000 ft. high and could seo down in the valley to a distance of ever twenty-eight miles. He reports that they had a splendid time. G. L. Berger and wife were over from their farm hear Murdock on Monday shopping and visiting their old friends. Mr. Berger is sporting a fine new horse and buggy. He says that he can now cover the ground more rapidly and will visit Elmwood more frequently. Mrs. J. P. Cobb departed Saturday for Kansas City, where she will visit with her brother, C. W. Streeter. While there she will attend a reunion of her old club, "The Class of '93." She has many friends in Kansas City, having lived there eight years. She will be gone several weeks. Last Saturday A. N. McCrory sold his residence property in this city to Allie Waltz of near Wabash. The property is now occupied by E. C. Burke. It is the intention of Mr. Waltz to move to Elmwood in the spring. He is moving to Elmwood so that his children may have the ad- antage of our public schools. News was received in this city on Monday that Mrs. Myers, wife of Rev. Myers, who was pastor of the Chris tian church about a year ago. had died at her home at Bethany on Sunday. This is sad news to the many friends of the Myers family at this place, as Mrs. Myers was a good woman, of a kind and lovable nature and had won the confidence and respect of all with whom she had come in contact. The body of Mrs. Myers was taken to her old home in Kansas on Tuesday for burial. 4r..;,T,I..t..t..;..f..T.4 4. NEHAWKA. -s. J News. v- i-i-i-i-! 14-: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wills of Seat tle, Washington, are visiting at the home of E. M. Pollard. Tom Mason left Thursday morning to take in the sights at the exposition for a short time. Charley Stone and wife came in from Plattsmouth Tuesday for a vis'.', at the home of D. C. West. A new piano arrived here last Fri day for the Auditorium. It is a nice looker and will be a great improve ment over the one they had in th-j first place. Henry Gruber, accompanied by hlj mother and two sisters, Miss Anna and Mrs. F. L. Eurdick, motored to Nebraska City Sunday and spent the day with relatives. R. Ketelhut autoed to South Omaha last Saturday-and bought a car of cat tle. John Rough also bought a car, and they drove them up from Union Sunday morning. Joe Felthauser, the Nebraska City real estate dealer, has been in our midst real often of late. He took .1 few parties to Kansas this week and is doing considerable business in this community. John Swartz, who has been paintinc in and around Plattsmouth the last two or three months, returned home from work the latter part of last week. His last contract, which he just fin ished, lasted six weeks. Upon receipt of a marked copy from Duvale, Washington, we $ee that Mesdames J. J. Pollard, G. C. and V. P. Sheldon are now at the coast having a big: time. The following paragraph is taken from the Duvale Citizen: "Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon and Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Sheldon, all of Nehawka, Ne braska, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Baedon Hall on Wednesday and Thursday of this week on their way to San Francisco and Los Angeles." How to Prevent Croup. It may be a surprise to you to learn that in many cases croup can be pre vented. Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida, Ohio, relates her experience as fol lows: "My little boy is subject to croup. During the past winter I kept a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in the house, and when he began having that croupy cough I would give him one or two doses of St and it would break the attack. I like it bet ter for children than any other cough medicine, because children take it wil Iing!y o"d it is safe and reliable." Obtainable eevrywhere. Fred Schroeder was among the pas sengers this morning for Omaha and will visit for the day in that city and Council Bluffs. Henry Meisinger and wife were among the visitors in the metropolis Saturday, returning home on the, af ternoon Burlington train. Adam Stoehr was among the former visitors in the city Saturday to look after some trading with the mer chants, motoring in from his home near Cedar Creek. "A want ad will bring you a buyer. Thanksgiving We have made a special effort to supply you with all the good things for that Thanksgiving dinner: Leaf Lettuce, bunch 5c Large ellad Lettuce, bunch lot Large Cranberries, quart 10c Fresh Tomatoes, pound 10c Cauliflower, head 15c to 25c Home Grown Sweet Potatoes, lb...2ic Illinois Sweet Potatoes, pound.. 4c Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb . . 5c Michigan Celery 5c Jumbo Celery 10c Cooking Apples, peck 15c Jonathan Apples, bushel 75c and 1.00 Grimes Golden Apples, peck.... 30c l ine larpre Banaiuis, dozen 20c Large Oranges, dozen 50c Hubbard Squash, pound 3c Emperor Grapes, pound 15c Grape Fruit, 6 for 25c Fresh Cabbage, Turnips, Rutabago, Parsnips and Carrots. 1 -jm ESS Local IMevvs Robert Wohlfarth was a visitor in Omaha today for a few hours, attend- inpr to securing some repairs for his farm machinery. Ed Tutt came up this morning from I Murray to take up his work as a mem-J ber of the jury panel at the session of the district court. George Budig of Havelock came down Saturday evening to visit over Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Badig. The Cosmopolitan club dance en j Wednesday evening ill be a most j plcasurcable affair. Be sure and be : present.' A turkey given away and a chance with every .jOc ticket. B. E. Jardine and family drove in from their farm home Saturday to attend to some business matters and visit county seat friends. Mr. Jardine was a pleasant caller at this office. will be the next U o Ml 111 mmh MM I Storns S?s1 a a and be ready for the cold weather that arrive here in a ishort time Remember we are in a position to quote the best prices oii aii kinds of buiEdhig material J!n Jn 32 V J Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickles. Mammoth Olives, jar 25c Preserves 25c and 10c Finest gi ade canned Peaches, Pears, Black and White Cherries, Apricots, Sugar Drop Plums, Blackberries, Lo gan Berries, Red Raspberries. Asparagus, can 15c and 25c Pineapple 25c and 20c Cream, Brick, Swiss and Chili Cheese. 21 kinds of Soup 10c Oyster Cocktail, buttle 15c Chili Sauce 15c tnd 25c Finest line -f canned Vegetables. Pimentoes, can 15c and 25c Mushrooms, can ....20c, 25c and 35c Yacht Club and Durkee Salad Dressing. Full line of Dried Fruit for mince meat, etc. WUKL C. C. Jac-kman of Weeping Water precinct was here today attending the district court as a member of the jury panel. J. S. Rough of Nehawka was among the members of the jury panel arriv ing this morning to take up their work in the district court. Henry Haslam of Weeping Water came over this morning to assume his duties as a member of the jury panel at the session of the district court. F. G. Hull, residing south of this city, drove in from his farm home Saturday for a visit with county seat i'l lends ana to attend to important business matters. Mr. Hull and fam ily have resided in this vicinity for about one year, coming from North Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Hull gave this office a p!ea.:ant call and while here ordered the Plattsmouth Jourr.ol sent to his addrc-is in order that ho might be kept posted on the happenings in this vicinity and throughout the county. item that you will need LURaSSRfAPj 1S O H!.T5 J Sale! Mrs. Arthur Troop was among the visitors in Omaha yesterday, going to that city on the early Burlington train r.nd spending the day there with her relatives and friends. Mrs. John W. Chapman and little son, who have been visiting at Lincoln and Sioux City for a short time, re turned home Saturday evening on No. 2. 'Remember that the best dance of the season ill be on Wednesday even ing next at Coates' hall, hi-n the Cosmopolitan. club will hold ihi-ir big turkey dance. Come out and try your luck. Mr. and Mrs Frank Oliver of Janes ville, Wis., arrived in this city Satur day morning for a short visit with Mr. Oliver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Oliver, of this city, and other 1 datives in this vicinity. They re turned home last evening. While here Mr. Oliver was a pleasant caller at this office and had his subscription to this paper extended another year. about your home 1 zzz2 U n