The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 22, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, :OTZjIBER 22. 1515.
Local Mews
From Friday's Dally.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water came over last evening to at
te?id the session of the district court
A. L. Todd was a passenger this af
ternoon for Omaha, where he will visit
hi? son-in-law, W. W. Dickson, who is
cAjite ill in that city.
Miss Lorone Johnson, who has been
here visiting: her grandparents, Mr.
end Mrs. J. W. Johnson, departed this
afternoon for her home in Omaha.
Miss Eda Marquardt, county super
intendent, who has been out in the
cour.ty visiting the different schools,
leturred home last evening to this
George Ray and wife, from east of
Murray, drove up this afternoon from
their home and spent a few hours here
looking after some trading with the
County Commissioner Julius Pitz
arid U .A. Kosencrans were amon
those going toOmaha this afternoon,
where they will witness "The Birth of
n Nation" this evening.
J. R. C. Gregory, wife and daughter.
Miss Fay, came in this morning from
their home near Cedar Creek and were
passengers on the early Burlington
train for Omaha to visit for the day.
Miss Stella Gooding departed this
morning for Denver, where she will
visit for a short time with relatives
r.nd friends, and was accompanied as
far as Omaha by her father, S. S.
Mrs. George Rhoden and Mrs. Glen
Rhoden came in this morning from
their home near Murray and wer3
passengers on the early Burlington
train for Omaha, where they will
spend the day.
Watson Long returned home last
evening from Omaha and reports his
son, Jesse, as feeling much better at
St. Joseph's hospital, where th? young
man is taking treatment.
Judge Jesse L. Root of Omaha, one
of the representatives of the Burling
ton legal department, and formerly of
this city, was here today for a few
hours looking after some matters in
the district court.
From Saturday's Dally.
August Nolting was among those
visiting in the city today for a few
houi s, looking after some matters of
C. J. Leis of Hemingford, Nebraska,
tame in last evening to spend a short
time looking after some matters in the
probate court.
P. H. Meisinger was among the
visitors in the city today for a few
hours attending to some trading with
the merchants.
Miss Elsie Gapen was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where she
will spend a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
P. A. Horn was among the visitors
in the city today for a few hours,
looking after some matters of busi
ness with the merchants.
Charles Peacock and John H. Becker
motored to Omaha today at noon,
where they will attend to some im
portant business matters.
W. II. Puis came up this morning:
from his home near Murray to spend
a few hours here looking after some
trading with the merchants.
George P. Meisinger, jr., was among
the farmer visitors in the city today
for a few hours looking after some
trading with the merchants.
Mrs. Sam G. Smith and Mrs. George
W. Thomas were visitors in Omaha
this afternoon, going to that city to
i-ttend "The Birth of a Naton."
Misses Frances and Margaret Moore
wire passengers this morning for
Omaha to visit for the day, looking
sricr some matters of business.
Mrs. John Schutz was among those
going to Omaha this morning to vfsit
for a few hours in that city, returning
iiome this afternoon on No. 24.
A. F. Nickels came up from his
home near Murray this afternoon and
spent a few hours in Omaha, where
he will attend to some business mat
ters of importance.
Frank Finkle and son, John, came
up this morning from their home near
Union and spent a few hours here in
the pleasures of having some dental
work looked after.
Mrs. W. II. Heil and son, Paul, of
th vicinity of Cedar Creek, motored
to this city this morning and were
passengers to Omaha on the morning
train, where they spent the day.
Mrs. L. D. Iliatt came up last even
ing from her home at Murray to visit
here over night with her parents, Mr.
f nd Mrs. Fred Heinrich, and sister,
Mrs. Bruce Miller, who returned home
to Peoria, Illinois, this morning.
.. Mrs. Bruce Miller of Peoria, Illinois,
who has been here for a short time
in company with Mrs. Lydia Miller,
visiting at the home of relatives, de
parted this morning for their home in
Peoria, being accompanied there by
William Ileinrich, brother of Mrs.
Bruce Miller.
French Dressmakers Refuse to Sell
Gowns to German From the
United States.
Paris,; Nov. "19. The Paiis dress
makers' syndicate has blacklisted two
American customers of Geiman origin
one of them a man named Kurzmann,
reputed to have been commissioned to
buy gowns for Mrs. Norman Gait, who
is to be the bride of President Wil
son, according to Gustav Tery's news
paper l'Oeuvre.
The newspaper avers Kurzmann has
threatened to raise a diplomatic ques
tion because of the modiste's refusal
to accept orders from him. L'Oeuvre
declares, however, that each house
from which he ordered gowns has of
fered to supply them with its compli
ments to Mrs. Gait without having
them pass through the hands of an in
termediary. Paul Poiret, president of the dress
makers syndicate, is absent from
Paris. His confidential secretary,
however, confirmed the statement that
Kurzmann has threatened to raise a
diplomatic question over th'e declina
tion of the modistes to fill his orders
for gowns which he maintains are in
tended for Mrs. Gait.
Syndicate Stands Pat.
"You may declare that no members
of our syndicate will deliver gowns to
Kurzmann, or through Kurzmann or
any other German house," said the
secretary. "At the same time each or
every member of the syndicate would
be proud to be honored with a com
mission to make a gown for President
Wilson's fiancee and would be most
happy if permitted to present it with
its compliments."
Rue de la Paix and other leading
houses refuse tos tate whether or not
they have had orders for gowns.
A Paris dispatch early this month
said Charles Kurzmann of New York
was there to select gowns for the
wedding of President Wilson and Mrs.
Gait. He was quoted as saying that
while it "would be indiscreet to talk
about clothes ordered by the Wrilson
family before obtaining permission
trom the White house," he felt that
4 Washington can look forward to a
brilliant social season after the wed
Petrograd, Nov. 19. (Via London.)
Russian military observers are find
ing frequent indicationsthat the Ger
man lines on this front are growing
increasingly thin. These are furnish
ed by reports from the fighting lines,
notably fom the sector northeast of
Drill masters report that excellent
progress is being made in the drill
work because of the willing spirit of
the new men and the admirable rela
tions declared to exist between them
and their officers.
London, Nov. 20. The Copenhagen
correspondent of the Morning Post
sends the following:
"Russia intends to place millions of
additional troops in the field, accord
ing to a notification by Premier Gore
mykin in the Russian press, says a
private dispatch from Petrograd."
i-i-i-:-:- -i-i-i-i-i- i"M"i"i--i-;-
4 - $
J- Lawyer.
4 East of Riley HoteL 4
Coates' Block, .
J" Second Floor. 4
M-I-I- I-I-I-I-I- .I..I..M-I.
For Sale.
18 horse-power Buffalo Pitts double
cylinder engine. Good as new. Will
sell it at a bargain; half cash, balance
terms to suit. Inquire at this office.
For Sale.
7Vz-H. P. Chopie Gasoline Engine
for cash. Inquire of Ed Egenberger.
For Sale.
Duroc-Jersey boars. Inquire of A.
W. Smith, one mile west of town.
for. Your Feet!
Eat Turkey on Thursday!
Eat your neighbor's Tur
key if you get a chance if
not, eat your own.
If your neighbor keeps
Turkeys, why we'll leave
it to you.
It's so easy!
In any event, your feet
should be well dressed on
Thanksgiving day!
Should you need anything
in the line of Choice Foot
wear, we would be pleased
to serve you with the Best
until noon on Thanksgiving
We've all sorts of excel
lent Thank sgiving Foot
Dressing for Men, Women
or Child!
The best Values at very
moderate prices!
Fetzer Shoe Go.
Better Shoes.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Chicago, Nov. 21. ) Special.)
When one looks over the record of this
fellow, Hussane, the wonderfully pro
portioned Turk, who is to meet Joe'
Stecker in the big Lincoln match on
Thanksgiving afternoon, one is im
pressed by the fact that he really is
one of the really good foreigners sent
to this country in the last seven or
eight years. There have been a flock
of them at different times, but only a
few of them amount to much.
As a matter of fact the names of
Zbyszko, Mahmout, Hackenschmidt
and Hussane stand out prominently.
The remainder of them and there
were dozens never amounted to more
than passing good. They didn't even
stand up for one season.
It is not generally known that Hus
sane never lost two straight falls dur
ing his entire career, and the single
falls that he did have declared against
him were lost to some great men.
In 1910, when George Hacken
i.thmidt, then the practically undefeat
ed "Russian Lion," was touring the
country in a kind of triumphal man
ner and challenging Frank Gotch, the
champion, right and left, he dropped
into Dallas, Tex., one night for a bout
with some man that the promoter
there had picked out for him. Never
scenting danger in any way. Jack
Curley.then managing Hackenschmidt,
had wired that he didn't care whom
they picked as an opponent.
When the "Lion" walked onto the
mat he discovered Hussane in front of
him. They went to it at once and, to
the great surprise of everybody, the
Turk gave the famous German-Russ
the fight of his life. The first fall
went two hours and three minutes be
fore "Hack" was able to pin the
swathy ones shoulders to the canvas.
And then it was said that Hussane
wrenched one of his knees or other
wise they might have been wrestling
Hussane matched himself with
Zbyszko, the elder, one night in Louis
ville. He believed he could win. They
went on the level, but it took over an
hour before the Turk was convinced
that he was up against it. He weighed
but 185 pounds at the time against
the terrible 235 pounds that the
famous Pole hurled against him.
Departs for California.
This afternoon Rev. Father M. A.
Shine departed, in company with Dr.
Edward Russell and Dr. Simon Rus
sell, of Springfield, Massachusetts',
for a three weeks' visit at points of
interest in California, including the
expositions at San Francisco and San
Diego, and while there Father Shine
will view the old Spanish missions
arid enjoy a trip down into Mexico,
returning home via Texas. Father
Shine and the Drs. Russell are old
schoolmates and friends and the trip
will be very much enjoyed by the gen
tlemen in each other's company.
FOR SALE 7-room house, 2 lots,
barn and outbuildings; 3 blocks
from Columbian school. Inquire of
Homer Shrader. ll-3-tf-d&w
Are you buying your winter goods
at the Fanger Department Store this
Fall? Remember the Great Retiring
Sale offers you exceptional bargains
at this time.
This cold snap of the fast few days
ought to remind you of the many bar
gains that you can now find at the
Fanger Department Store Retiring
From Business Sale. It no doubt re
minds you of the fact that you are in
need of the goods, and here we want
to tell you again that you can save
more money by buying at this store
now than ever before, for we must sell
the entire line within the next few
days, or we will be compelled to move
all that remains. We prefer to lose
money now in preference to moving
the goods at a greater loss, and this
is your opportunity to gain and save
many dollars in your winter pur
chases, and at the same time supply
your entire family with their winter
wearing apparel. Bear in mind that
this stock will be at your disposal
only a short time longer. We have
been selling this line very rapidly, but
it takes time to dispo.-e of such an
enormous stock of goods.
Berlin Beliees the Beginning of the
End at Hand Still Time to Aid.
Savs Minister.
Berlin, Nov. 21. (Via London.)
The Serbian army is fighting tonight
for the last time. Doubtless there will
still be guerilla engagements. The
Seibs are at the beginning of the end,
however, so far as further resistance
in an organized body is concerned.
What will inevitably be the final en
counter opened b'-tween the Austrians
and Serbs at the foot of Kopuonik
plateau, southeast of Uaski. The Ger
mans are at Raska, which is thirty
miles north and a little west of Kos
sovo, where the Serb main army is en
camped. On this field Serbi lost its
liberty to the Turks centuries ago.
The Austrians were at Golija, thiry
five miles northwest, but pushing for
ward moie rapidly than the Germans,
and passing to the southeast of Raska,
were first to encounter the Serb out
posts. Made Rapid Progress.
The Germans and Bulgarians, how
ever, had made unexpected rapid pro
gress at the southern extremity of the
They have entered the Pristina
basin from the northeastward, to
nights' official reports stated. Pristina
is twenty miles south and a trifle east
of the plain.
Thus the Serbs are already at grips
with the Austrians on the north, are
about to be attacked by Bulgar-Ger-man
forces in the south and confront
a solid body of Germans, Austrians
and Bulgars to the eastward.
To the west of them, twenty miles
away, is the Montenegrin border.
The Berlin war office believes them
practically certain to be, not only de
feated, but surrounded and captured
in a body. In any event, officials said,
there is no chance for them better
than flight from the country into
There is Still Time.
London, Nov. 21. "By coming to
the rescue in sufficient force within
four weeks the fillies can yet save
Serbia," declared Serbian Minister
Boskovitch tonight. "She is not lost
forever," he added, "and will not be
lost if the allies help us."
Official advices fully confirming
earlier stories of the massacres the
invaders are perpetrating and the de
vastation wrought in the territory
they have traversed have just reached
the minister.
"I am not so much concerned as to
the military situation." he said, "for
that, I have already expalined, can be
retrieved, as over the pitiable plight
of the wretched Serbian people.
"Those who have found refuge in
Greece are receiving protection and
organized aid under the direction of
Princess Demidoff, wife of the Rus
sian minister at Athens, but the con
dition of those in Montenegro and Al
bania is hopeless unless relief comes
to them speedily from the outside
A want ad in the Journal will bring
No. 1914
At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
November 10th, 191.
I.oars and discounts lexceiit those
shown on lr .. 32Ss .104 05
Overdrafts, secured none: unse
cured '2 2M 83
t". S. Ittiiids derosited to secure cir
culation par value ). 50 0tK 00
FJoiids ot her 1 han 1". S.
bonds pledged to se
cure postal savint's ? t 0i in)
Seen ri' ies oilier than I",
honds lno( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tJ i 1 1 j'
st ock- own e il n ii-
nl. li.-el 10 4i4 (- 10 404 -
Subscription to
stock of Ind
eral He serve
Hank . 4 .VM) 00
I-s a rii o u it t
unpaid 2 W- '22-0 00
Yaiue of bunking house (if uneii-
curi.hered It coO On
I'lirnitiire and tixtures 4 410 Of
He:.! e.stateowiied other thai) bank
ing houtie. 7 tti7 s
Net amount line from I ederal Ke-
erve Hank. 4 11 3"
Net amount due from
approved reserve
airenl s in New York. ,
h i e a i: o and M.
Louis 700 2i
Net amount due from
approved resere
:ii.''nt in oilier re
serve cil i.-s 4st 70 - 10 24! 6
Net amount due from hanks ami
haul -rs (ot her than included in
H and 10) 21 3."
( uti(le checks and ot her
"ash Hems i'.H Ks
Fractional current' v.
nickels and cents.... Stf, U - 12
Notes of other national banks 4 2!t 00
i oin and certificates ( lawful money
reserved in hank 14 si 2."
Let'ai-Leixb-r notes ... - 1 00 mi
kt-ili-in pi ion fund with F. S. Treas
urer I ncii more than f per cent
on circulation 2 ."00 00
Total 41'. 1'Is :u
Capital stock paidin 5-V) 000 Of
Surplus fund OOU 00
Fndivided profits 7 3i4
Less current evpenses.
interest and taxes
paid 4 00.". W- 2 7s- 44
Circulating- notes no tun) 00
Individual iie)xsits subject to
check si :.M 7!
Certificates of deiwe-its due in less
than day it 14 G.V Xi
I'ostal Savim.' UciKsits 3 010 Ki
Total demand Oexsits.
items :(' :h. ;i.". :.t'.
ami :n' f ! o." 07
Certificates, of dejiosils 17s 472 jp
Total time d epos i t s.
Hems 411. 41 and 42 . 17 472 10
Hilis payable, im-ludihi: obliira- ,
tions represent in money bor
rowed. . 17. OX" 00
Total f 41!' '.Ms 70
St nte of Nebraska '
I ounty of Cass i"" I. 11. N. Iovey. cashier
of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the statement is true 10 the best of
uiy know ledge and lielief.
II. N. Hover. Cashier.
Correct Attest : ;. Km aim.
K. . t 'lMiK.
Sul-sct ilied and sworn to In'fore me tliis.
li'.tth day of November. 1!'Ij.
Seal! ' Notary Public.
My commission e pires Oclolwr 16. 1P"JI.
Having Trouble With Her Eyes.
Mrs. Charles Hansen, residing on
Lincoln avenue, has been confined to
her home for the past few weeks suf
fering with a poisoning which has lo
cated in the eyes and which came
near resulting in the loss of both eyes.
But with the careful care of her physi
cian and attending nurse, her eyes
seem to be much better and she is re
ported on the road to recovery, which
will be pleasing news to her many
Visiting Friends.
From Saturday's Daily.
Joe Creamer and wife of Omaha
are visiting here for a short time at
the home of Mr. Creamer's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Creamer,
south of this city. Mr. Creamer is
representing the Union Central Life
Insurance company of Cincinnati,
Ohio, as he is employed at the Omaha
offices of the company and will look
after the business in this county.
"Nehawka's Besi"
Not only our opinion but
the verdict of a host of sat
isfied customers.
If you are not using
Netiawka Flour
take a sack home with you
today and try it.
Every sack guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction.
For sale by every mer
chant in Nehawka, all the
leading dealers in Platts
mouth and Hiatt & Tutt, of
Nehawka Milling
Nehawka, - - Nebraska
Carranza Commander Stars Pursuit
Aftef Retreating Offenders and
May Capture Entire Force.
Douglas, Ariz., Nov. 21. Villa's re
treatng army lost GOO dead and 900
wounded in one of the bloodiest en
gagements fought since the battle of
Agua Prieta, when it was attacked
yesterday afternoon at Alamito,
Sonora, by Carranzasta forces under
General Manuel Dieguez. Alamito is
twenty miles north of Hermosillo.
The battle last for five hours, ac
cording to a report today from Cen
tral Alvaro Obregon. The Carranza
leader also claims the capture of two
cannon, six machine guns, 400 rifles
and several carloads of provisions and
other war supplies. The Carranza
losses are 150 killed and wounded.
Villa forces of General Jose
Rodreiguez have broken through the
cordon placed around Cananea by
General Obregon and are rushing to
the assitance of Villa.
The retreating Villa forces are be
ing hotly pursued by General Diefluez,
Carranza defender of the capital. Some
of the retreating troops had reached
as far north as Imuris by railroad and
General Obregon has diverted his
troops attacking Cananea to the west
to cut off the escape of Villa's men to
General Obregon today sent a
courier from Del Rio with a message
addressed to General Jose Rodreiguez,
commander of the Villa forces in
Cananea, demanding his surrender.
If a reply is not received before to
morrow noon General Obregon threat
ens to cut off the water supply of the
According to Carranista officials
here General Villa himself is moving
eastward from his headquarters at
Magdalena with 3,000 men.
According to Major Demetrio Syl
van, an officer of Villa's body guard.
Villa several days ago gave orders to
the 3,000 men in his picked body to
"bring in General Obregon, dead or
''Until you have captured or killed
Obregon you will not returned to the
main army," was Villa's final injunc
Douglas, Ariz., Nov. 21. To prevent
the main Villa army, reported retreat
ing from Hermoillo, from reaching
Nogales, General Alvaro Obregon,
Carranza commander in northern
Mexoca, has bridge burning squads
operating along the Hermosillo-No-gales
railway line. A skirmish today
at Labota, eight miles east of Santa
Cruz, on the Del Rio Nogales branch
of the Southern Pacific, is reported in
advices reaching here tonight to have
resulted in checking Obregon's west
ward movement temporarily. Obregon
reports, however, indicate that the
Villa forces withdrew after an hour's
General Obregon reported to Gen
eral Carranza today that Cananea had
been garrisoned, following the flight
yesterday of the Villa forces under
General Jose Redriguez. Rodriguez
left several pieces of artillery and his
wounded, it was said. General Car
lanza telegraphed Obregon today that
reinforcements will leave Piedras Ne
gras tomorrow, in bond of Naco, trav
eling through United States territory.
Advices to Mexican consul Lelevier
stated that 1,800 men and 400 cavalry
horses will constitute the first de
tachment. The railroad between Naco and Can
anea was opened tonight for traffic,
according to Lelevier. The Cananea
Consolidated Copper Co. today pur
chased all food supplies available at
Naco for shipment south to relieve
those left destitute by Rodriguez.
F. J. Hennings and daughter, Miss
Helen, and son, Albert, were in the
city Saturday for a short time look
ing after some trading with the mer
chants and calling on their friends.
The best time possible will be enjoy
ed at the Cosmopolitan club dance on
next Wednesday evening at Coates'
hall, and the public is cordially invited
to be present. A good time assurred.
Attorney C. H. Taylor of Omaha
was here today looking after some mat
ters in the district court.
Henry A. Guthmann of Murdock,
one of the jurors at this term of court,
came in yesterday to assume his
United Doctors Specialist
will again be at the
Saturday, Dec. 4, 1915
HOURS 10 A. M. TO 8 P. M.
Remarkable Success of These Talented
Physicians in the Treatment
of Chronic Diseases.
Offer Their Services Free of Charge
The United Doctors, licensed by the
State of Nebraska for the treatment
of deformities and all nervous and
chronic diseases of men, women an 1
children, offer to all who call on this
trip, consultation, examination, ad
vice free, making no charge whatever,
except the actual cost of treatment.
All that is asked in return for these
valuable services is that every person
treated will state the result obtained
to their friends and thus prove to the
sick and afficted in every city and lo
cal it y that at last treatments have
been discovered that are reasonably
sure and certain in their effect.
These doctors are among America's
leading stomach and nerve specialists
and are experts in the treatment of
chronic diseases and so great and
wonderful have been their results that
in many cases it is hard to find
the dividing line between skill and
Diseases of the stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen,
kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci
atica, diabetis, bed-wetting, tape
worm, leg ulcers, weak lungs and those
uffiicted with long-standing deep seat
ed, chronic diseases that have baffleJ
the skill of the family physicians,
should not fail to call. Deafness often
has been cured in sixty days.
According to their system no more
perations for appendicitis, gall stories,
tumors, goiter, piles, etc., as these
diseases are treated without operation
or hypodermic injection.
They were among the first in Amer
ica to earn the name of "Bloodless
Surgeons." by doing away with the
knife with blood and with all pain in
the successful treatment of these dan
gerous diseases.
If you have kidney or bladder trou
bles bring a two ounce bottle" of your
urine for chemical analysis and micro
scopic examination.
No matter what your ailment may
be, no matter what others may have
told you, no matter what experience
you may have had with other physi
cians, it will be to your advantage to
see them at once. Have it forever set
tled in your mind. If your case is in
curable they will give you such advice
as may relieve and stay the disease.
Do not put off this duty you owe your
self or friends or relatives who are
suffering because of your sickness, as
a visit at this time may help you.
Worn-out and run-down men and
women, no matter what your ailment,
consult them. It costs you nothing.
Remember, this free offer is for this
visit only.
Married ladies come with their hus
bands and minors with their parents.
Laboratories, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Joseph Zimmerer of Avoca was in
the city Saturday for a short time
looking after some matters of busi
ness and visiting'with friends.
Forest A. Clymer of Greenwood
came in this morning to take up his
work as a member of the jury panel at
the coming session of the district
L. A. Meisinger, wife and family
were in the city Saturday for a short
time looking after some matters of the
week-end shopping with the mer
chants. St. Mary's Guild, Notice!
St. Mary's Guild will meet at the
home of Mrs. E. W. Cook on Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. J. W. Peter
will be assistant hostess. ll-20-2td
Chrysanthemum Sale.
The members of the Q. Z. society of
the Presbyterian church will hold their
Chrysanthemum Sale on Wednesday.
November 24th, at the Warga 4
Schuldice store. Sale will commenc-?
at 9 o'clock. They will have th ?
choicest and freshest of flowers anl
no one need be afraid of getting a
withered one. The public is request
ed to get their orders in early.
German St. Paul's Church.
Our Thanksgiving service will bs
held at our church at 10 o'clock in the
morning of the national day of
Wall Paper, Faints, Glasa, Fictar
framing. Frank Gobelman.