PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 7. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1915. i i L, ) i P Which? Jpg Caiumet is so temptir wno'esome ceuciou- I want 'cm all. Tor thin-s hard to bake rl-htllQ it can't be equalled. Ca.a-lQtfV s-s met is the world's best rjJ (QtfVfl TliLin-r Powder it's mod- X1 crate i.i price iire ir. the jpVVK can a ! ;r..rr in fur k::fi i: 5 .v. the ru si ecLitci.. to buy a -J to uc." Received Highest Awards A Ci faci foil, - 4 -tULSS 5k Cheap fcndilg caBakir.:; Powders dc not save you rr. one". C-i'-T-.ct U'sPr--and far superior to sour milk and soda. ALLIES GAIN ING IN SOUTH ERN SERBIA THE SERBS RECAPTURE TETOVO Report I'rom Athens, Howeer, Say the Bulgarians Are Back of French Lints. Pari-. Nov. 1". Repulse with heavy los.-s of a Bulgarian attack along the ntire Fi tiich Tz-jma. river iine in southern Serbia was announced by the war ollice tociav. Athene. Nov. IJritish, French Sorb are ?aininr atrainst t Bui'arian in nouthern Serbia. The I'ular.s are in superior num bers, hut liuir forces are in scattered lands, home of which have b?en cut of!" from the m;;in body and are put ting up separate battles. Thuj, b.-.iues the principal righting li. 'j from Strumnitza alontr the Var-ia:- river through Velcs to Tetovc, hot enpatrements aie rapinjr at several points southwest of this front. Airain. t Vt les, French troops are di recting a terrific drive. The artillery has inflicted appalling- losses, on the I; ulnars. Tetovc i- in the Serbs' possession. Tlie Serbs here took 520 IJulpar pris oiiers and preat quantities cf rnuni tions and supplies. Serbs Fiht as Uu.-hw hackers. Sofia, Nov. l.j. Buljrariar.s, Ger rr.ans and Austrians are scoring1 suc-ccsr-os i:i Serbia. On ti:e touthern front the Bulgars arc the British, French and Serbians. Iiussian Consul Strebutajev wa-i captured by Bulbars at Uskub. West of Nish, the Serbs are break ir.z jruerilla banc'te; and are being captured at the rate of 1,000 or so a dayJ Never cn tell when you'll mash a f:Tifrer or ruiTer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your druggist sells it. 25c and 50c. 1 8,500 SERBIANS ARE TAKEN AS WARPRISONERS THE RUSSIANSlRE REPULSED Twelve Cannon Are Also Taken by the Germans and the Bulgarians. Berlin, Nov. 15. (By wireless to Sayville.) Announcement was madJ by the war office today of the capt ure of 8,500 Serbians, with twelve can non. Of these 7,000 prisoners an'l seven cannon were taken by the Bul garians. Pursuit of the Serbians is being continued all along the front. A defeat of the Russians in Galicia is announced today by the war office which says that the troops of General von Linsingen drove back the Russians from the west bank of the Styr river. The entire west bank has now been clearing. Russian attacks near Smorg on, eadt of Vilna, were repulsed. On the western front the Germans stormed a French trench 300 yards long, northeast of Bourie. Activity in the Labyrinth. Paris, Nov. 15. Infantry firing has been going on without interruption in the "labyrinth" according to an nouncement made this afternoon by the French war ofike. Previous re ports that the losses of the Germans on November 14 were very high have been confirmed. Italians Report Action. Rome, Nov. 14. (Via Paris, Nov. 15.) The following official statement was issued today at the headquarters of the Italian general staff: "In the Ledro valley from the slopes of Noziulo, from Montes Pari, Cima uuru and Rocehetta enemy artillery opened an intense fire against our positions, also throwing inflammable shells cn Bezzecco and Pieve di Ledro without, however, damaging our solid defense. "On the Tyrol-Trentino front and in Carnia there were no important developments. "On the Isonzo front our action con tinued yesterday. We progressed on Javortck, in the Plezzo basin and on the heights northwest of Gorizia. "On the Carso pateau we have taken strong entrenchments called Dello Frasche, to the southwest of San Martino. "Our aeroplanes on the twelfth, not withstanding bad weather, made suc cessful raids over the Carso. They bombarded the railroad stations at Reifenberg, San Daniele, Syope, and Dottoglino and long lines of trains standing at the stations. Twenty enemy machines of the Albatross type and one of the Aviatik type, which were met on the way. were put to flight by machine gun fire. Our ma chines returned undamaged." Daughter at Bert Knorr Home. From WednesrtaVd Dally. Yesterday there arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knorr a little daughter to brighten their lives. The little daughter is doing nicely, but the mother has not fully rallied and her condition has given her family con siderable apprehension. -THE Gypsy Boots! The GYPSY is a new Fall Creation in Wom en's Boots! It is the newest of the new! It is greatly admired by every wom an that sees it! It is artistic and handsome! Lace or button styles, Louis heel, made with low drop toe and pointed tip. They are certainly beauties. Price $4.00 We've every variation of size and width for perfect fitting. Sizes, to 7; width, A to E. Fetzer Shoe Co. Ralston Shoes for Men. Utz and Dunn Shoes for Women. FUNERAL OF SAM LONG AT SOUTH BEND The funeral of the late Sam Long will be held Friday afternoon from the home in South Bend, where the services will be conducted and the body taken from there to Lincoln, where it will be laid to rest in the Wyka cemetery in that city. The fun eral has been held at this date to per mit relatives residing in New York to reach South Bend in time to at tend the ceremonies and pay their last tribute of love and respect to this splendid gentleman who has been taken from our midst. THE FRENCH NOW SEEKING AWAY OUT Plan Expansion of Industry After the War to Pay Off Stagger ing Debt. New York, Nov. 15. The most im Iortant action taken by any of the belligerents for recovery from the ex hausting destructiveness of the war is the American tour of an industrial commission from France, which will study ways for increasing French productivity when peace is declared. France is thus preparing in advance to offset the financial burdens of the war. There is only one way for the belligerent nations to overcome the dead weight of indebtedness which the war is causing. A nation pays its debts by its products. If, when the war is ended, the European countries are able largely to increase their pro ductivity, they can provide without difficulty for the proper liquidation of the liabilities they are now contract ing. This is what saved Europe after the Napoleonic wars. An era of in vention of labor saving machinery caused an immense industrial expan sion throughout Europe and the largo increase in productivity was much more than sufficient to wipe off Eu rope's long years of financial losses. During the century which has fol lowed the United States has made greater strides in industrial efficiency than any of the European countries. American workers are from two to five times more productive per mat than are European workers. France has recognized this fact and has sent a commission to the United States to learn American methods. The indus trial center of France is in the north ern departments now held by devas tated area. Here is the opportunity to catch up with the financial -waste of the war. If the new factories are equipped with American machinery and if the American regard for efficiency is ap preciated and followed, France can re cover from the exhaustion of the war and can increase in wealth and pros perity at the same time. The samt principle is open to all the other bel ligerents and they must adopt it, or future generations will be enthralled by the staggering debts of the war. American industrial methods alone can save Europe from almost intoler able taxation after the war is ended. HUGHES WANTS NAME TAKEN OFF THE BALLOT Washington, Nov. 16. Associate Justice Charles E. Hughes of the United States supreme court is taking iiuiet steps to have withdrawn the nominating petition filed by some of his admirers in Nebraska, who have named him for the presidency. Ne braskans in Washington do not believe that the justice will be forced to the embarrassing course of appealing to the courts of Nebraska to keep his name from the Nebraska ballot. Those familiar with the Nebraska law say that Mr. Hughes' simple re quest will probably be enough to ef fect the withdrawal of the petition, though a ruling by the attorney gen eral of Nebraska may be necessary. But it is said on good authority that even if judicial -action should prove to be needed Mr. Hughes will not hesitate to go even that far. Mr. Hughes feels that the least sus picion of political activity -on the su preme bench weakens the prestige and assails the dignity of the highest court in the country. Genuine Fletcher's Castoria, this week only, at 19c. Gering & C., the Spot Cash Family Druggists. 'Phone No. 36. MRS. ZUCKER ENTER TAINS KENSINGTON MOST DELIGHTFULLY Yesterday afternoon Mrs. V. Zucker entertained the ladies of the Kensington club at her cozy home and the occasion was one of the most pleasant that the ladies have enjoyed this season and the gracious hospital ity will be long very pleasantly re membered. The occasion was one tinged with regret, however, as the event was in the nature of a farewell, as the hostess is to withdraw from the club and the members will miss very much the pleasant association they have enjoyed in the past. The afternoon was spent in the making of dainty articles of needlework, as well as pleasant social conversation and several pleasing instrumental selec tions by Miss Dorothy Zucker served to add to the pleasures of the after noon. At a suitable hour a most de lectable four-course luncheon was served, that added very much to the pleasures of the event. The dining room was arranged most artistically with streamers of red and green drap ed from the chandelier to the center of the table, where a centerpiece of fruit and smilax made a beautiful touch to the general decorative scheme, tiny baskets in red were placed as favors of the afternoon. Mrs. Zucker was assisted in serving by Mesdames W. D. Smith and Chas. Mehering. As guests of the club on this occasion there were present Mesdames W. E. and Clayton Rosencrants, Joseph Droege, John Bauer, sr., M. E. Manspeaker, C. F. Vallery and F. G. Egenberger. DON'T FORGET "THE MERRY TRAMPS" TUESDAY NIGHT Any vulgarian can gain a laugh, but it takes an artist to bring a smile without a blush. Fathers and moth ers don't want their sons and daugh ters to listen to suggestive lines; a man would net take his wife or sweet heart to see a risque scene, r.o matter how ludicrous it might be, but the world wants to laugh. Every funny "jest," every bit of "business" in the "Two Merry Tramps" is clean, abso lutely clean, that is why the "Two Merry Tramps" Musical Comedy, which will be at the Parmele theater on Tuesday night. November 28, sails the sea of prosperity, while other shows are wrecked on the rocks of adversity. CHEAPER THAN HOME-MADE. Y'ou cannot make a good cough medicine at home for as little as you pay for T oley's Honey and Tar, nor can you be sure of getting trfe fresh, full strength, clean and pure ma terials. Did you ever hear of a home made cough medicine doing the work that Foley's is doing every day all over the country? Sold everywhere. Earl M. Geis and bride returned this morning on No, 6 from McCook. where they were married Tuesday tvening, and will at once start house keeping at their new home on Lincoln avenue. "Nehawka's Best" BEATS ALL THE REST! Not only our opinion but the verdict of a host of sat isfied customers. If you are not using Neliawlia Flour take a sack home with you today and try it. Every sack guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. For sale by every mer chant in Nehawka, all the leading dealers in Platts mouth and Hiatt & Tutt, of Murray. Nehawka Milling COMPANY. Nehawka, - - Nebraska ALVO NEWS ITEMS Mrs. H. Moore was a Lincoln visitor Friday Will Kitzel was in Lincoln Wednes day on business. Joe and John Foreman were Lin coln visitors Sunday. C. R. Jordan was a passenger for Lincoln Wednesday morning. Miss Etta Miller spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. J. V. Cochran of Hallam visited at the Fred Prouty home this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Casey were in Lincoln Saturday visiting friends. J. A. Shaffer and son. Castle, spent a few days last week hunting at South Bend. C. E. Stauber of Marvin, Iowa, is visiting Rev. E. L. Uptegrove this week. C. C. Bucknell was visiting his son, George Bucknell, at Sterling Wed nesday. The Misses Mary and Florence Tay lor of Murdock visited friend here Wednesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert John son, November 14, a son, weighing eleven and one-half pounds. W. E. Casey, accompanied by J. A. Shaffer and family, autoed to Green wood Monday to shoot a few ducks. Thomas Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klyver and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klyver motored to Lincoln Saturday. Miss Ella Coleman of Lincoln came down Saturday to visit at the Henry Miller home and with others friends. A freight wreck near Richfield on the C, R. I. & P. R. R. tied up traffic Monday. Fortunately no one was in jured J. H. Stroemer, Castle Shaffer, W. E. Casey, J. A. Shaffer and wife- and Miss Hammond motored to Green wood Sunday. Melvin Kear and sister, Mrs. Her lington, of Lincoln, took supper with their brother, Fred Kear and family, Monday evening. Orrin Baldwin came down from University Place Wednesday morning. He and William Sutton motored to Sterling on business. Mrs. Lem Foreman of College View visited from Friday until Tuesday with Mr. Foreman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman. John Foreman and Ellis Coon brought the G. P. Foreman cattle from Seward county the first of the week for winter feeding here. Mrs. Arzilla Foreman's little daugh ter returned to her home at Valpara iso Wednesday, after spending a week here with her mother and brothers. Dan Donnelly of Valparaiso visited relatives here a few days last week. He will make his home with George Foreman at Valparaiso this winter. Word was received here of Mr. Alex Skiles, which occurred at 7 a. m. Wed- esday at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Clara Prouty, at University Place. The body will be brought to Alvo for interment. Mrs. Ralph Uhley left Tuesday for her home at Verdon, after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse. Her baby is doing nice ly since he was in the Omaha hospital. Mr. Rouse is getting better. The Alvo High school gave a hard time party Saturday evening. Games were indulged in and nuts, candy and popcorn were served. Clara Dickerson and Charlie Foreman took prizes for their extremely hard-time makeup. Mrs. W. L. Folden of Beatrice, Neb., announces the marriage of her daugh ter, Kathryn E. Hammond, to Castla Watson Shaffer, which occurred No vember 1G. 115, at Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer will be at home in Alvo until after the holidays. WENT TO THE HOSPITAL. C. E. Elanchard, postmaster, Blan chard. Cal., writes: "I had kidney trouble so bad I had to go to the hos pital. Foley Kidney Pills completely cured me." Men and women testify they banish lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles and sleep disturbing bladder ailments. Sold everywhere. Showing Some Improvement. Mrs. Bert Knorr, who is quite ill at her home, is reported as being slightly improved today and her condition is much more assuring to the fam ilv and friends. and it is thought that with her present im provement she will soon be on the highway to recovery. The little daughter i3 doing nicely and is a fine little lady. Am J 4 W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. v j- East of Riley HoteL 4" Coates' Block, f Second Floor. 4- I"I2""Ii How to Prevent Croup. It may be a surprise to you to learn that in many cases croup can be pre vented. Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida, Ohio, relates her experience as fol lows: "My little boy is subject to croup. During the past winter I kept a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in the house, and when he began having that croupy cough I would give him one or two doses of it and it would break the attack. I like it bet ter for children than any other cough medicine, because children take it wil lingly, and it is safe and reliable." Obtainable eevrywhere. GAPT. SHAFFER, SON J. A SHAFFER, OF ALYO GETS MARRIED On Tuesday, November 10th, at Omaha, occurred the marriage of Miss Catherine Hammond of that city an 1 Captain Castle Watson Shaffer of Alvo. The wedding will be a source of much pleasure to the many friend? of the young people in this county and two more estimable people could not be found than Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. W. L. Folden of Beatrice and a youn" lady of most charming personality and has won a host of friends among those with whom she has come in con tact. The groom is one of the leaders in the National Guard of Nebraska and in the aeroplane corps has been one of the chief aids of General Phil Hall. He is a son of our old friend, J. A. Shaffer, of Alvo, and is a young man of exceptional worth and ability. The young people will make their fut ure home at Alvo, and the Journ-il joins with their firends in wishing them a long and happy wedded life. OUR JITNEY OFFER This and 5c. DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Co., Chicago. 111., writing your name and address clearly. Y'ou will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. THE EMPRESS VAUDE VILLE CO. PLEASE GOOD AUDIENCE LAST NIGHT The Empress vaudeville at the Par mele theater last evening pleased n greater part of the audience with their different acts, which were purely in the nature of a program of laughter and mirth, and there was not a dull moment from the start to the finish and everyone was given their fullest opportunity of enjoying a good laugh at the different acts presented. De Voe and Dayton, the eccentric dancer?, were one of the pleasing features of the program, as well as Creighton, Belmont and Creighton, the Mudtown minstrels, added their part in the ban ishment of sorrow with their novel and interesting burlesque on the reg ular minstrel show. Paul Bowen, "The Human Freight," in his dancin r and novelty acts, as well as his mono logue, pleased the greater part of thj audience. Bert Wiggens & Co., in i comedy act, "A Trip to Joy Street," was something novel and entertaining and received his share of the ap proval of the audience. CURED BOY OF CROUP. Nothing frightens a mother more than the loud, hoarse cough of croup. Labored breathing, strangling, chok ing and gasping for breath demand instant action. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., says: "Foley's Honey and Tar cured my boy of croup after other remedies failed." Recommended for coughs and colds. Sold every where. Mrs. George E. Dovey and daugh ter, Mrs. R. F. Patterson, were visit ors in Omaha today for a few hours, looking after some matters of import ance. Loy Clarence of Union was in the city for a few hours this morning, driving up in his car with a number of persons who were anxious to catch the early Burlington train. Are you buying your winter goods at the Fanger Department Store this Fall? Remember the Great Retiring Sale offers you exceptional bargains at this time. George Barr was among those journeying to Omaha this afternoon to look after some matters of busi ness for a short time. COMING BACK TO PLATTSMOUTH United Doctors Specialist will again be at the HOTEL RILEY Saturday, Dec. 4, 1915 ONE DAY ONLY HOURS 10 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Remarkable Success of These Talented Physicians in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Offer Their Services Free of Charge The United Doctors, licensed by the State of Nebraska for the treatment ot uelormities anu all nervous and I chronic diseases of men. women mil children, offer to all who call on this trip, consultation, examination, ad vice free, making no charge whatever, except the actual cost of treatment. All that is asked in return for these valuable services is that every per.-on treated will state the result obtained to their friends and thus pioe to the sick and af'icted in every city ar.d lo cality that at last treatments have been discovered that are reasonably sure and certain in their effect. These doctors are anrmg A me ri .-' leading stomach and nerve special. sts and are experts in the treatment of chronic diseaies and so great ;ul wonderful have been their results that in many cases it is hard to l.nd the dividing line between tkill und miracle. Diseases of the stomach,, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spiecii. kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci atica, diabetis,, taie worm, leg ulcers, weak ar.d those afflicted with long-standing deep seat ed, chronic diseases that have baffled the skill of the family physici.ins, should not fail to call. Deafness often has been cured in sixty days. According to their system no more perations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goiter, piles, etc., as these diseases are treated without operation or hypodermic injection. They were among the first in Amer ica to earn the name of "Blood. ess Surgeons." by doine: away with the knife with blood and with all pain in the successful treatment of these dan gerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder trou bles bring a two ounce bottle of our urinc for chemical analysis and scopic examination. No matter what your ailment may be. no matter what others may l.uve told you, no matter what experience you may have had witn other physi cians, it will be to your advantage t see them at once. Have it forever set tled in your mind. If your ca.--e is in curable they will give you such advice as mav relieve and stay the disease. Do not put orf this duty you ewe your self or friends or relatives who are ffering because of your sickness, as visit at this time may help you. Worn-out and run-down nun and women, no matter what your ailment. consult them. It costs you nothing. Remember, this free offer is for thh visit only. Married ladies come with their hus bands and minors with their parents. Laboratories, Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Dance on November 27th. There will be a dance on Saturday evening, November 27th, at the Ger man Home, and for this event the gen eral public is cordially invited to be present. The music will be furni.-hed by the Plattsmouth orchestra. Mrs. Mason Wise of DeWitt. Mis souri, is in tne city, canea nere ny tne serious illness of her cousin, Mrs. Jen nie Schudtnecnt, who is very low at the present time. Mrs. Mary Hen rich was a pu-sei.g- er this morning lor umana, wners she will visit for a few hours, looking after some matters of business ani visiting her daughter, Mrs. Karl Zavgren. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this advertisement, rDr!os S cents to J-'cley & Co.. fcuefl.Tld Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your tim and address cltarly. You will re ceive in return u. trial package con taining: (1) Toley's Koner and Tar Com. pound, the standard family remr-cy tor cougt-s, coltls, croup, rrtioopit g couch, tightness and soreness in, chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. , 2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over worked and disordered kidneys tnd bladder ailments, pain la Bides an4 back clue to Kidnfy Troutil-. sore muscles, stilt joists, backache and, rheuraatisrn. (3 Foley Cataartio Tablets, Wholesome end thoroughly cifanuinx cathartic Especially comfortir.ff to stout persons, and a purgative nt-edd by everybody with eiut-lsh bowels erd torpid llvr. You can try thes three family remedies for only Sc. . Sold Everywhere.