The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 28, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding' Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Joui nal know of any social
evt-ni or iieni of ii.tereM, m
th'. ai.ti will rn.iil
siim to i et'iee. ii will f w
I-ear umiiT tliis Lt-iiUiiitr. W "
w ant ail i;t-nite u.s - Kuitijm
mlli lit ' awm
mm- v yd
Travelers' checks, foreign money
orders, safe deposit vaults here.
Four per cent Interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the Statp Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
If you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
Phone Plat's. 2412. W. R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull
on Friday, October 22d, a tine baby
boy. All are doing nicely.
Chas. Herren and family are mov
ing to the Wm. Puis, sr., farm this
week, where they will make their fu
ture home.
Misses Opha Baker, Eva LaRue.
Isabelle Shruder, Leona Duerr. and
Laura Puis went to Platt.-moath on
Monday evening to attend the play at
the Parmele.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. T. J. Jameson, of
Wet-ping Water, ar.d Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Coibitt, of Elm wood, W2ie in
Murray last Sunday, guests at the
home of Dr. ar.d Mrs. J. T. Brendel.
Miss Leona I)uerr, of Nebraska
City, came up to Murray last Sunday
and has been spending the week with
her friend, Miss Laura Puis. Miss
Duerr and Miss Puis were school
chums at Lincoln. 1
L?e Allison has been quite ill for th?
past few days.
Glen Uoiui-kf.' niade a business trip
to Omaha Wednesday evening.
W. 1). Wheeler has been numbered
with tie sick for the past few days.
lr. B. F. H rondel was orcr at Av
oca several days ihe past week looking
after the practice of his son Dr. J.
W. Brtr.del. during his 1 bsenee in the
western pari of the state.
Olive" Davis was quite painfully
injured Monday of this week, when he
jumped from a horse, spraining his
ankle quite severely and breaking
two bones.' He is gettiag very
nievly at this t'me, but wiil no doubt
be laid up for several weeks with the
injured member.
James Holmes is stiil in. the hospi-
jtal at Omaha, reco e ring from an op
eration for appendicitis, and while
the doctors say he is getting along
Dr. B. F. Brer.del went to Omaha 1 nicely, Jim no doubt thinks he is gain-
iuesaay, accompanying irgil, the ing strength very slowly. His cor.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Perrv. and
AI Bartlett, where they were to con
sult specialists in regard to treatment.
dition was such that it requires a
great deal of time to gain his former
stret'gth. He is about the same as
last week.
A Little Work Ahead
for a friend at Christmas time!
A nice selection of Towels in neat embroidery de
signs, ready to be worked, are on display
at priced
15c to 50c
Tatting Threads white and colors jer ball
Miatt & Tutt,
Ask to see the latest transfer sheets for
Embroidery Work.
1 0 : GO A. M. Sabbath School.
There will be special music, and nt the
close of the hour a report of tiie Louis
ville Convention.
! I :00 A. M. Woman's Missionary Set
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Davis, two '
of the most highly respected old peo- ;
J pie of this section of Cass County, I
celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding ar- i
nivsrsary at their home on last Sun-i
day. The affair was given in honor;
tliis occasion by the sons anil families;
of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, and only these;
family were present to enjoy the oc- ;
casion with their parents. All of the
j j sons weie present except M. S. Davi-
S who resides 111 .o'orao'o, and wa.s bil
lable to come. There were Dr. T. V.
land faimlv, of Lincoln, Dr. J. R. ai.d
w 1 ! e
; 11 o
of Lincohi, I. M.
ai.d family, ar.d O. A
' Muri :iv and vicinity.
rid family,
. and wife,!
1 lie Davis .
1 rr .
ianic ciH-rincs into
lely'.' 1 ;arik
the hou :e of
Offering Service
Come near and bring th
Lord 2-Chron. 29: 31.
Mrs. A. L. Raker ai-d dairj ht-r,
Opha, were in Omaha la: t Friday eve
ning. Mrs. Ile'iry Creamer lias been num
bertil with the ic!: for t';e p;ot few
Mrs. Rargcr ar.d ?diss Clara
tiuieldll weie in Omaha last Thurs
day. Otto Pu!- and family riotnind t,
Murray Wednesday to atteml to some
business matters.
Mrs. A If. Cmsenier has 1'n suf
fering with a sc. ere carbuncle on her
fac for the pa.-.t Week.
Mrs. Win. Roy;d will depart on Fri
day of this week fir her old h:i:' i 1
PIainviev for a few days visit.
Mrs. C. A. R.r.vls, of Plattsmou:,,
was visiting Wednesday with her sis
tie, Mrs. W. S. Smith, in Murray.
W. H. Puis v. as looking : f '. r s"ii;e
(business matters in Omaha, last Me.11
jday, reliliiiii'g hn.'ae via Piatt snuni i h.
! Mis. Li::::ie Ka.-tel was taken to the
1 lie Voli II"-
High. Schools
W. W. I la.,
0:1., bu.ines
1 1,
in iila!:.i
let eiii t re
this wci":,
at merit ft r
! I.- : 1
sh- v. i!i
t -1 uijle.
Ott Puis shir.'peil a car of feeders
down from Omaha this Week, and
were taken to hh farm for winter
leed !!''.
Horn to Mr. : r.d Mrs. Ed Murphy,
residing ticht miles we-t of Murray,
a new baby daughter, on Mo:;.!..y of
;hi:; v.(k.
(herge Snrall, whj has
plo ed by Ciu.s. Til.-on. vao kii
a horse Monday and
-eve rely i nj a rei 1.
Ctto P; Is and wife ar.d Mrs. I.iie
Kastle motored to Dm: ha this ei-k,
v.hei-.' Mrs. Kastel coiiMilte 1 Dr. Cif-
ffilks of ti:e Muiiay
.vt ii' givi-n a moonlight
ik.on was hx.kintr after
matters in Omaha on
i- utek.
W. S. Seott is c-nce ir.uro ('ii duty
at th" M. P. .''atioii in Murray. He
h".- a'ji'efiteii ti.e siti-.n" track as op
erator. Dr. (iiknojc ar.d family and Miss
Margie Walker autoid out to South
Ik.-.d 'rnd.'.y wli'iv tiie;. spi-ut tlie
day with frii-nh.
Pauline Oldham suid mother went to
0. n.d'.a Weditesd.iy of this week, for
the J.npi'se ,,f sec".l ling suitable
u lassis f,.r .Mrs. ohlham.
We infuinud Herman
.pd fa;..ily v. ;il son move to Murray
from Maivcliue, Mi.. where they wiil
1 i.d e their future heme.
Fh:"er Ri'edeke!" h:!S pa!l"l;'S"d
1. ;i::sf!f a line Hew F.n d auto, tal ing
1 is fij-.-t drive -Mora! N'o ac-idor.ts
reported up to the pv.-a r.t time.
The ree'ular uieeti: g of the M. W.
A. v.i.l b- held at the h dl on Satur
day iVi-!!!MLr of this Week. Ail r.HT.l-
1 e:s are i''pie-ted to 1-c present.
I!i Kfi'.'.'t-i' that Su'.day, Noven:!icr
7th. will te Rally Day in Murray,
rai .i!y are ..moiig the ddest residents!
iu this part of (.'as.-, Comity, i.ial Ihi-.
d cofinV' sure hae a l.o-i:
fii'-nds who join with ti.e Jouur: 1 i
, i
v. Nhini' thai ti.ev mav live t.j en-;
joy i.iany laore suc h happy oeea.-doas.
Wi.iii? their health has been ratiierj
poorly far the past few months they
are feeling pretty good at the jiresent j
tiai '. and ar eiijoying theij" ripe old!
ag" i:i everv wav possible.
Ph-asanl Birthday Party.
There was a very pleasant birthda;
i;. rt' givf-n at the home of Mr. ar
M rs. 1- re J i.utz
occasion bein.g
Let:'.' thirlv-iii
sarv. There was
.ii last Sunday, the
iven i:i horor of Mrs
t bii-thdr.y ar.nive
i larL'e numoer o
ir.'emss and relatives present to
si.-L .dr. and airs. l.ul. in propel i
ecu rat mi;" tiie occa.-:on. 1 l.e usuu
j"ood time was had, and there' wei
many ga'td things to at son ad b
foif t!ie visitors.
Llfttric Lifhts for .Murray.
the (iU.-i.'iess men ol .iUirav, an
ail citian that hae been interest
in the electric light plant, held a meet
ing Tuesday evening to discuss tl.
proposition and take the initial ste;
tne plant. ir.ere is e-ii
sir.g at tiie present time. an
that Murray will an e'e
ht in tiie near futui'.
w!d iKi'.iiie time to acsetai
lie i ..!' co-isumei-", in order t
i .u:t the -::.e ot the ''ant to
There v. iil ! another miet
for V
i .
i tatc
f Sunday
Rail- Day.
Let tide
is the!
a good j
.;en em-
ilifwn rear
a eiy sick
-1 by
d to throat t rouble.
(Ire-'ii Pi-gott, wiio Juts been out in
Doit C ia:'y for the past two weeks,
looking after his farm interests in that
locality, ret ui reel home Monday ee
nifi g.
(iu- Ifa.-wn '"turned home last
Omaha for the past two jef this
er;".g Horn an oncratioi-, to the
Saturday evening fiom
i:i Omaha, where he has beeri for the
wt-eks recovering from an
pas' few
ope ration.
Karl Jeokins. of Roaalie.
was making
:t few !:;vs
visit with old jbe'-.
.Murray friends and relatives this j Let
week. He returned home Wednesday "P :
morning. j f,.t
Mrs. Mattie flee, of Vancouver, v- "
II. C. and Mis. Alf.i (lln .r 't!i'
hattan. Kansr-s, were in Murray a few
days the past week vi-iting at the
home of their sister, Mrs. W. W. Ham
ilton. Mr. and .Mrs. I. M. Davis, Mrs.
Wm. Sporer and Miss Hanna Hansen
were delegates from Murray to the
County Sunday School Convention in
Louisville this week. They al! were
in attendance.
! picnic last Thursday evening in the
i.iectric i'aik near Murray. Ilacon
flop, roa-ted wienies and other good
things were on the program for the
eats ol the evening. They sure had a
laot tnjovab'e time.
In the grammar room of the Mur
ray Schools Tue.--d.-iy morning,
Churchill p'ayed the part of a g psey
fortune teller. Seated before her
tent she told the fortunes of the high
school members, causing much laugh
ter among them.
The Murray Schools announce a box
social together with a literary pro
gram by the school, at the school
building on November 20! h. Keep the
date. Everybody invited. Proceeds
to go for school benefit. Auctioneer
to be published later.
We are informed that it is the in
tention of IJurton Young to return to
his Murray home in the near future.
He is now making arrangements to
cIosp up matters on his homestead in
Cannda, after which he will return to
the home of his mother in Murray.
We are informed that Chas. Chris
wisser has been making a powder ex
pert out of himself the past few
weeks. He thoroughly understands
the nature of all powerful explosives
now, and those wishing to engage his
services will no doubt be compelled
to plac their application on file early.
C IV Patterson. rc! lit
ok! R..ek RlafFs. has be-
man for th" past few weeks, suffering
fr-.m heart trouble that has developed
into a case ff divi"sy.
IVy Spanvler, who has been in the
hospital at
-ear -", !"; o
returned home Ttv.vlay -.' -iiing. Ik
is reco". ing to his forma r health very
Re ii. n.' .-i- t'.o net lecture course
u-'.'e, and if Voi: l ave not ah ea.dy made
an ungementsc .for that season ticket.
look after it riht now. The course
re.ds ;,t.i r support at this time, in
older to make the winter ser ies a suc-to-s
l'.ian-i:il!y, as well as otherwise.
See that ' on are provided with the
tic? ets tie fore the net number.
Tils. J. A. V'alher ck;ail((l Wed
r.cstiay evening of this week for the
of her I lotlier at Rim nsides.
Jc:y, having received a message
;a; day that her brother had 1 een
ty injured in an accident. He
ii'j'-iied iu some way by some e.f
toL on liis farm. His advanced
a re, beine- p:isi sevt-nty ye"irs ok! will
n.a! c Irs rec overy crv .'.uh'.l ah
Miss Laura Puis entertained a
number of friends at her home last
Saturday evening in honor of her
f l ie: (1, Miss Laura Duerr. of Neb-
to eciu m
.-ore t
that is
bui. it
die in-!-
i o ..' .
ing he'o on I night of this wee'
hit all t:cse interested in this e:
celleiit m veir,e:it be present. Murra
will sure have lights, but the promo
teis reed the help of ;.!! the resident
a: ! l-usiiu-ss men of ti.e tow n to reals
tne I !ai:t ;t success.
Kfinindcd of Old Home'.
A. Root is in receipt of a pape
old bavhood home in Fee
A sectio
is devote
I r
moat, Michigan, this week
issue of t'nat
juor.eer day cehbi atini, and i;
thai s"ction ?.Ir. Pa.ot fiia's a jucture of
liim.-'Jf aud a number of other earlv
business me-n of Fremont. This pie
lure, one oi wiu-.u .vir. i.eot nas also
was tal. oil in
sure or.e highly
These' men wei"
J v . I rr I s i , and is
p:i:.ed by Mr. P.oot
e earlv business men
of Fre-.i'.;nt, .-.t which time Mr. Root
was e; gage,! in tt'e drug business in
that town. Most of the number have
already been called to the Great De
von d.
Please Settle.
va Cit-.
ere were' .-i:: coup.e
present and at 7:"1) o'clock a delicious
three-course luncheon was served, con
sisting, tirst couYse, sandwite lies, pick
les and potato chips; second course,
apricots, prunes ami cake: third
ceurse. ice cream and oringe punch.
The evening w- is a very pleasant ore
for those present.
Tlx re were a' number of tin? young
people, of Munay that took advantage
of the beautiful wer t her. and hied
the.'i-"'-!vi .s to li e woods for the day j
la:,.'. Saturday in picnicking. The .gath
-i imr
I take this method of notifying all
parties knowing themselves indebted
to me, from the time I was in the
hardware business alone, to call and
settle same at once. I need the money
at this time, ami if not settled soon
same will be? placet in other hands
for collection. George Nickcis.
Here From Idaho.
Mrs. Wm. Smith is entertaining her
niece and little daughter, Mrs. N. II.
Pawls and Lois, of Poise. Idaho. Mrs.
Rawls, who, wi h her brother, is re
turning home from Poston, where
they went to be present at the world
series base ball games, has stepped t.
visit with relatives in Omaha, Platts
mouth ard Murray. She will return
to Poise next week. She says her trip
mis been a delightful one.
mm Blanket s m&
A New Line Just Received
'.'Will Meet All Compotivo Special Prices
See Our Line of Harness!
Sherwin-Williams Paints
Murray Implement and Hardware
Murray, uiuyany .
Library Dinner and .Supper .Success,
At the home of Mrs. Oldham, assis
ed by her daughters, Misses Pauline
and Fay, ami the ladies of the Library
Association occurred the Library tlin
tier and supper last Saturday, as per
previous advertisement. No body sail
.!!.-' hor.e would he ciecorateet in au
tumnal beautv, that the dining room
was to le Hallowe'en decoration with
a great pumpkin filled with fruit,
symbolic of the '"horn of plenty" as a
center piece upon the candle lighted
! aides. Rut for the palate as well as
the eye had a feast been prepared.
Kverything hum. made, everyone trying
with the other to make their offeiing
m.o.-st delicious. One gentleman said
"when the Murray ladies undertook
to do anything it was done." When
.-.upper was ended the ladies served
hoi coffee and lunch to the young peo
ple who were stepping to the music
furnished by Hollj's Orchestra and
Miss Rice, at the Puis & Gan
cmer hall.
Christian Endeavor Meeting.
Following are the numbers that are
t be heard next Sunday evening at
the Christian Endeavor meeting::
Original Questions and Answers.
Ry Murray People.
Soh Helen Gilmore
Young Ladies Chorus arranged by
Misses May Loughridge anil Jes-..
sie Harrows. Children's voices
in lJi igiiter t.'.e . orner wiure
Yeu Are."
Meeting to begin promptly at 7:0
o'clock p. m.
Generals Maytorena and Angeles Will
Do No More Fighting in
His Rehalf.
Dinner at Oldham's a Success.
The diniu r ard supper given at the
Oldham home last Saturday wa.s quite
well attendedfi and a most enjoyable
ime was had by all in attendance
I'h.e Library Association will be in the
neighborhood of $.2r.i) better olf than
fore this occasion was given for the e.t inis excellent organisation.
Ti.e usual decorations of the present
hallowe'en season were very much in
i ideiice about the home.
Rhode Iland Red Roosters for Sale.
Am selling my surplus cockrels at
5 cents and .$1.00. Come early for
heice. V. 15. Porter.
Come to The Journal for fine sta
Chicago, Oct. 27. General Joss
M. Maytorena, late adherent of Gen
eral Villa, and former governor of the
Mexican state of Sonora, and chief of
the conventionalist forces along the
Arizona border, was in Chicago today
on his way from Washington and
New York to the west. The general
is accompanied by R. Ramirez, for
mer political adviser to the Villa
party, and stopped here to await the
arrival of General Felipe Angeles, who
is en the way from Boston.
"I shall not rejoin the Villa army,"
General Maytorena said. "Carranza
has won. We cannot oppose him suc
cessfully in the face of a United
States arms embargo against our
forces. General Angeles also expect
to retire from actual participation it
the fighting. So does General Raoul
Madero and General Manuel Chao."
Mr. Ramirez said:
'"The retirement of Villa leaders in
Mexico does not signify withdrawal
from the affairs of that country. We
mean to let Carranza establish i
sound government, if he can, and then
join forces to oppose him politically
not by force. Mexico has had
enough of war.
"Already rivalry, it is understood,
is becoming serious in the Carranza
tamp. General Obregon, it is said,
wants to be president and I should
not be surprised if he realizes his
Geenral Maytorena, Senor Ramirez
and others went to Washington threa
wei ks ago as Villa representatives.
After a hearty meal take Doan's
Regulets and assist your stomach.
liver and bowels. Regulets are a mild
laxative. 50c at all drug stores.
FOR SALE, at the Journal Office
Moore's Non-Leakable Fountain Pens.
Suffering From Throat Trouble.
On account of the condition of Rev.
Ilutchmann's throat it has been ar-
compes -d of Miss Laura I ranged that morning services only,
Pu's, Rruce Wolf. Miss Leona Duerr,
Coo. IV.lit, .Miss Eva LaRue. Walter
Jenkins, .Miss Opha Raker, Ralph
Kerir.ed -, Miss Isabel'e Shrador, Al
beit Claggett, Miss Hazel Rurger,
Omar Yardley. The affair was given
in honor of Albert Claggett. The af
ternoon was spent in taking photos
and various amusements, and at the
usual hour a delicious luncheon was
served by the young ladies, consisting
of ham sandwi.shes, cookies, chicken
s: odwitches, fruit and cake of all
kinds, lemonade and ice cream. It
was sure a very pleasant day for all
the young people.
Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas'
Eclectic Oill, the great household rem
edy for toothache, earrache, sore
throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at
all drug stores. 25c and 50c.
be gi ven in the Presbj terian church
for a time. The congregation and
pastor, Rev. Robb, were glad of his
presence and assistance in the Chris
tian church Sunday evening. A large
audience gave interested attention to
Rev. Robb as he spoke upon the
theme "Seven Devils." In a tactful
manner he drives heme truths, and
one is made to recall through the week
his forceful, clour-cut language. He
spoke of the two opposing1 forces, de
vils and angels being present in ev
ery community, and named among the
devils that might be in Murray, "gos
siping tongues," "pleasure," "drink."
Read the want ads in the Journal.
Many ills come from impure blood.
Can't have pure blood with faulty di-
f-nstion. lazv liver and sluggish
r f
bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters is rec
ommended for strengthening stomach,
bowels and liver and purifying the
are still endeavoring to carry everything that you Teed
today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We want you business and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that you will need
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you
want we will be in a better position to please you, should
we not have the article in stock.
Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be
able to prove to you that we are a money saving station
in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line
we want to talk to you.
Puis & Gansemer,