The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 21, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
I ? any of tlie readers of ttie
Journal know of any social
'Vt llt II! !' ill of illti'M l in
t In-v I. in v. snil will mail
same to i his otlire. 1 1 w ill ai
Iar under tlii- lieaUi;:.'. We
waul all utwj iicius lloiTim
lilt i I.I rrT
m j . MONEY"
':m TRY IT
h ' --TO illL GENERAL
Our financial rating is
a guarantee of security.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
If you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
Phone Plaits. 2412. W. R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
Lee Nickels is unloading a new ele
vator this week.
Joe Cook was a Plattsmouth visitor
on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Chas. Ci earner was a Platts
mouth visitor last Thursday.
Mrs. E. R. Queen was visiting with
friends in Omaha last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Creamer were
Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday.
Wm. Nickels and daughter. Miss
Etta were Omaha visitors last Fri
day. Joe Mrasek has unloaded a fine new
e-hole Juliet Shelter at his place the
past week.
R. R. Nickels was looking after
business matters in Plattsmouth last
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Copenhaver
were calling on friends at Lewiston
last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Roy Spangler spent Sunday in
Omaha visiting with her husband at
the St. Joseph hospital.
Green Piggott made trip out to the
western part of the state last week,
where he had some business matters
to look after in Holt county.
Mrs. A. I). Crunk was shopping in
Omaha last Friday.
Georire Nickels was transacting
business in Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. I,. Rhoden were
county seat visitors Wednesday.
Miss Etta Nickels was lookin gaf
ter Spirrilla corset business in Union
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Ost. of Mem
phis, were calling on friends in Mur
ray Tuesday.
F. -I. Wilson departed last Sunday
lor Oklahoma where he was to dispose
of his corn crop in that state.
See Miss Etta Nickels for the new
fall models, in Spirellu corsets, a com
plete line of ladies' garments, etc.
Mrs. E. (). Lyman and Mr. Clark
Wolever, of western Nebraska, Mrs.
A. J. Stokes, Pauline and Fay Old
ham attended the Sunday meetings in
Omaha Tuesday evening.
W. S. Scott, the genial Murray Sta
tion Agent for the M. P. has taken
a lay-otl for the entre winter, but will
remain in Murray, and has taken up
his resilience in the Schwab property
east of the tracks.
What are You Going to Do
Buy now or later? Cotton goods on the
market today are soaring. We have al
ready been advised of an advance in the
price of shucking mitts and gloves of 25
per cent.
We have one hundred dozen on hand and
will sell them at the old price just as long
as they last.
Hiatt . Tutt,
D u roc Hogs for sale. Inquire of
Jetf Prendel was a county sent vis
itor last Friday.
Dick Pitman was a Plattsmouth vis
itor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Iiicwn spenc
Tuesday in Omaha.
Mrs. Stokes is dressmaking for
Mrs. Win. Hi own this week.
Albert Young has been carpentering
at the Jenkins farm this week.
Wm. Puis sr., was a county se:it
visitor Tuesday of this week.
Remember the Library dinner not
Saturday. Yen are invited to come.
Miss Clara Youri" has been numb
er d wiih the sick for the pa-t week.
J. A. Walker and lr. Cilniore were
Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday of this
FOR SALK One sanitary cot. one
dresser and one bed stead. Mrs. Wm.
Otto Mutz loaded out a car of ap
ples this week that were shipped to
Mrs. James Lourlu idge was an
Omaha visitor Tuesday evening of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shrader extend
ed the I'l.Jy Sunday meeting in Omaha
l.i-t Sunday.
J. 1. Shrader and daughter Miss
I.-abclle were Plattsmouth visitors en
Tuesday evening.
Mr--. Klmer Poedeker was visiting
f i .1 ... 1. - f ? O
i:i lew cays mis wee;-, wuii .n.-. i.. .
!Tutt in Murrav.
I Fiank Moore is loading out another
'".tr of apple.-: this week. Tlu-y we re
'old on the track.
O'eorire Oldham. of I'!attsinii'h,
was looking after some bit.-hies mat
ters in Murrav Wednesday.
j Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Raker were Om-j;.h-t
visitors last Sat. day evening, at
tending the IMly Sunday meeting.
Lorn to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hill
on Sumhrv, October 17th. a bright-
'eyed baby girl. The little lady in the
! finest in the bird.
M. G. Churchill am Rert Onefold
returned home from their wes'ern trip
Wednesday of this week. They re
port a very pleasant trip.
Lorn to Mr. r.nd Mrs. Farl Taney,
on Tuesday. October lith, a handsome
little L'irl baby. Loth the mother ard
little one are doing nicely.
Romeinber the dance to iriven at
the Puis X- Gansemer hall on r.ext
Saturday evening. There will he a
uoo:l time in .-.tore for ou.
Alf. Carper, of Lincoln, benight and
shipped a car of apples to that city
this week from Murray. The apple.;
were bought in this locality.
Albert Wheeler and family have
moved to Murray, Mid taken up their
peiY.ianent rc.-idence in the old Win.
Loughridge home east of the railroad
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wehrbein and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sans were Sun
lay visitors in Murray, being guests
at the home of Mr. and Mis. Ted
Murray has been well represented
in Plattsmouth this week, mostly
witnesses attending the Rhoden di
vorce? case now going on in the dis
trict court.
Frank Moore, who has been quite
sick for the past few weeks, is report
ed as improving very rapidly at this
time and will soon be himself once
more. This will sure be good news
to Flank's many friends in ('ass
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith went to
Omaha last Sunday to .'pend a part
of the day at the hospital with J. W.
Holmes, who has been there for the
past few weeks recovering from an
operation for appendicitis. He is
improving again after suffering a re
lapse a few days ago.
November lth is the next date of
the Murray Lecture Course, and will
be one of the best numbers of the en
tire series, The Edna Earl ('rum
Conceit Company. The people of this
vicinity are forgetting the one most
essential factor in the success of the
course this season, and that is the
patronage they should receive. The
ocurse is one of the best of the Ly
ceum Company, and is meeting with
great success everywhere, even in
much larger towns than Murray, and
there is no reason why the same re
port cannot be made from this town.
We simply lack the patronage at this
time. The Rill Rone number was well
eceived by all who were in attend
ance, and were really glad they were
there. If you have not already se
cured your tickets let your willingness
to support a course of this kind be
known at once by securing tickets for
the balance of the season. Remember
the next number will be a good one.
Mrs. George Wiley has been on the
sick iit for the past few days.
Mr. and Mis. Chas. Creamer were
.'k.tlsni.vith iitors last Saturday.
Mr. ard Mrs. Cha-. Tucker and
amily have gone to Oklahoma to vis
it their parents.
Miss Mury .Myers, of Avoca, was
visiting a few days last week in Mur
ray, a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Ids.
Wm. Puis sr., has purchased the
.mid saraee of T d Harrow-:, aid the
:au.e v. a ; Moved to his home on Wcd
il". day of th is week.
Rev. Ilulchiaaaii responded to nn
i'!vii;il:oii from the grammar room
m t!. schools and told of his eastern
'.lift Tuesday inornine;.
Mr. aid .Mr;. Jo!.:i Spanylcv came
dwn fn.m Moville, Iowa, to vi-it
thiir son Roy, at the hospital in Om
i'n;, this week. Roy experts to be
.ibie to return heme no:-.i week.
Murray people that attend. J the
Sunday meeting; Sundav evening weie
d'sappointed in not being able to get
within ra'.Le' of the speaker's voice,
(hough they hasten d direct from the
train to the t a -ernacie.
Lucille Rer.edict. v.i;. has been at
tending school in Omaha for the past
few months, has accepted a position
with the Met. Airo Co., of that city.
She was !.?( for a i.-it ukh her
;.a:e:.t- last
Cotuit Commissioner Julius Pits,
and O. K. Reed, the- cor. st i uc! ion man.
we iv in Murray Sunday visiting
with friends and incidentally locking
r the condition of the crossings in
ilutrav. Thij commissioners have ile-
ci!e i to place a number of i.ov ones
in town just as soon as possible. We
Mc!y lie d the!U.
The entire grammar room, ( not one
mi.-.- in'.- had a b:g wienie l in
tie park .-ou'li of town la.-t Friday
from t'wee t i .-i: p. m. They were
: ., pai.iei! by eir teacher ai d Mrs.
. S. Smith. .Mrs. Smith told the
c'-i'-i.-oii ti-.ct she felt hi-, lily eon-pii-lee-it.-d
at receiving t Ik; r written in
iaiori. : id ti.eir cicii':ht in her ac
c.'.'i.'. - wa.- uie.ounded.
Library Notes.
Tin re'.ruki r meetinur of the lilrary ;o;i will be held Tue.-a'ay eve-nin-r.
Oct. "it'.t h. All pe iple iiitere-tel
in t!:e library are inite l to atiei.d.
Ke member the Libiary Pir.ner a'i 1
Sapper at the Ol!!..:m home next Sat
urday. 'I lie librny is willing ti meet all the
iei'ii:ements of the school.
A list of hooks has just been sent
for under the supervi.-ement of th
teachers. I'aJvn'.s espe. i.dly F.bouh
! e willing to make the library not 0:1!;
possible bj' eiiicie'it in every way. If
cub citieii would eio his pait this
would be ti'.e lesilli.
.Mis. Lela M in ford.
The Lad Lov
So Sain is a bad boy, is he?
Low ..Id is the lad?
Who says he is bad?
' I-!vr body."
What does he do?
"Always on the street."
Hid you ever talk with the boy?
Ever invite him lo ride in that
empty back seat when you and your
wife went out for a spin in your auto?
You never knew hew much that boy
you call bad, krows about bugs, cat-
apillers. birds and toads, did jou?
Ever see him tip his cap to a lady
or reply "I thank you?"
Come oil", Joe, you're always looking
for the good in humanity anyhow!
I'ring your wife down for supper,
Mary has enough for four.
We Wonder Why?
lh OiiLL
Large Crowds Attend Every Session
and the Jud-;- Excludes all Under j
18 From the Court Room. ;
The Rhodvn divorce suit continued
all day yesterday and the afternoon
session drew an even larger crowd of
mot bid or. lookers, and the room was
packed to the doors, with a large num
ber standing in the hallways. The
plaintitf. Mis. Grace Rhoden, was on
the witness stand from 1:"0 in the
rooming i:nti! ":!." in the afternoon,
ai d her dire.-t examination occupied
the forenoon, while from l:lo until
.-he leTt the stand at the afternoon : e
sion she was subjected to a gruelling
cross-examination, and with the an
swer.; and apjia rent desire of the wit
ness to talk, made the examination
one that was loner drawn out, but did
not lose interest for the auditors, as
the rich, spicy nature of the testi
moi y kept everybody interested.
- At the close of the testimony of
Mrs. Rhoden, Or. B. F. Rrendel of
Munay was put on the stand nnd
testified as to a number of occasions
when lie bad treated Mrs. Rhoden and
of her being in the hospital.
Gladys Rhoden, the little daughter
of the plaintiff and defendant, was on
the stand in the last hours of the aft
ernoon ses-ion to corrabarate th"
statements of her mother as to the
languace uc- 1 by the father, and this
little, tiny child, with her childish lisp
:.v. ways, made a pathetic incident of
the trial of the ca.-e. which means
hereatfer a broken home and a lonelier
life for the little ones.
The ses.-ion this morning was oc
cupied by tl'.e pHintiff's side of the
case :i-d a number of witne-ses were
examined in support of this side of
the case. This morning Jud'e P. eg ley
orde'-ed that all persons under Is
years of age be excluded from the
court room, as the testimony was of
such a nuiute as to make it necessary
to see that the school children be ex
cluded from at the court.
Yesterday a large number were on
1 and to take in the details of the case,
much to the displeasure of the court.
The defendant in the ca.-e was qui.e
ill this morning and unable to be pres
ent at most of the session of the court
and was compelled to have the attend
ance of a physician.
Do yon know tliLs is the season to figure with us on
John Oaoro Corn Elevators and
Manure Spreaders
We handle the famous .John Deere Low Down Manure
Spreader the he-t on the market.
Round Oak Heaters,
Monarch Base Burners
Wti are also .r.'jiari.I to (inre with yon on
Vacuum Furnaces
PIurray Implement and Hardware
A Hollowe'en Party
if you know whereto go for
Decorations, Favors and Games
in very large variety
The Journal Office
1 have often wondered why:
A depot stove was never Mavked.
Why some men blow their irose on
the floor?
Why school teachers (any aj.:e) are
styled "old maids?"
Why some jriils prefer to turn pur
ple rather than wear underclothing?
Why Cod created Pox-Elder bujrs?
Why Edison couldn't prow youns
rather than old?
Social Dance.
The Murray Dancing Club will give
another one of those very pleasant
social dances at the Puis & Gansemer
hall in Murray, on Saturday evening,
October 23. The usual good time is
in store for you. Music by the Holly
Orchestra, of Plattsmouth.
e'f'n W-."r.t-.l:i v'k !n!!v.
The time of the district court this
mo nil; r was taken up with the head
ing of the case of Grace L. Phoden vs.
(J:.llen II. Rl-.o!en, ar.d the couit room
was filled by a large crowd anxious to
hear any of the testimony, and in an
ticipation of some racy morsel to dis
cuss among themselves, and they were
i.ot in the Uast disappointed.
The morning session was taken up
with th direct testimony of the plain
tiff, and it was most sensational and
e.t times the witness was overcome
with emotion r.nd wept profusely, and
it was necessary to take a hort re
cess to allow her to compose herself
when reciting her side of the ililTer
ti.ces that has made their matrimonial
life a wreck. The direct examination
of Mrs. Rhoden was finished at noon,
and this afternoon ihe cross-examination
was commenced by the attorney
for the defense and took up a greater
part of the afternoon session.
Tl'.e two little children of the couple
weie present in the court room, and
the story of their parents' disagree
ment and charges and counter charges
were recitated before them. Such
cases are most unfortunate and brings
a great deal of grief and woe to the
parents and relatives of the "parties
who are numbered among the finest
families of the county.
The case brought in a great many
from the country in the vicinity of
where both parties have spent their
life-time, and as is usual in such cases,
a great deal of feeling has been arous
ed among the friends of both parties.
prevalent is everywhere being sup
plemented by one of hope for the
Vera Cruz, Oct. 20. At i" o'clock
this evening the American battle
:?- outside the harbor raised the
Mexican tluz and tired a salute of
twenty-one guns, which was im
mediately answere I by the Mexican
gi:nbo;it Za:agoza. which raised the
.-tars and .-tripes. There was an ail
day celebration in honor of Carranza's
Mexico City, Oct. 20. Formal
rectnrnition by the United States of j
de facto Carranza government result
is what will be yours if you tak
a "nip" of that extra brand
, ... .. M,...: ..r i PURE LIQLOR
co , a. ...- .w,. o. .....-, j FINE OLD VINTAGE
Mexico being printed in .unfmaii ,"" u f.
, ... i I on nale ht-e. That run down
colors and containing extremely, ... . j l
etate or ooay can oe rrmruieu uj
using as, a tonic
laudatory articles on President Wilson
i i . j :
an" ".vr.1 : v;;1 'a glass of wine.
V II it . 1 Miie.- ito vi 111 t 1 1 uiui.i v 11 ' i
and praise for the American executive
and for the people were In-'rd.
Enthusiasm over the recognition of
the Carranza government is growing
and the feeling of pessimism long
from our well assorted stock' of
pure liquors.
Please Settle.
I take this method of notifying all
parties knowing themselves indebted
to me, from the time I was in the
hardware business alone, to call and
-ettle same at once. I need the money
at this time, and if not settled soon
ame will be placed in other hands
for collection. George Nickels.
Mrs. A. J. Stokes was spending a
few days in Union the past week.
For Sale.
100 acres, 5 miles southeast of
Murray. Would do well to see me
SOOn. JTw Mliuuei.
9-23-1 mo-wkly
A want ad in the Journal will bring
results. . . 3
are still endeavoring lo carry everything that you need
today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We want you business and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that you will need
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you
want we will be in a better position to please you, should
we not have the article in stock.
Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be
able to prove to you that we are a money saving station
in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line
we want to talk to you.
Puis & Gansemer,