The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1915, Image 1

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    Cb Stal H.storicaJ Soc
NO. 3.
Misunderstanding on Part of Mayor
and Chief of Police The Chief
Not to Blame in the Matter.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening for a few minutes ex
citenient reigned supreme in the vi
cinity of rourth and Main streets.
iv he re an advertising demonstration
and free show was being conducted by
a traveling agent, who had erected
tent and had on exhibition a trie
ponv while advertising his line of
goods. The show was getting in
progress, when two drunks hi the
crowd demanded the attention of the
polite, and Chief Barclay gathered the
two men in and started them out of
town and then returned to the scene
of the show and inquired if the man
had a license to operate, as the chief
had received instructions some time
ago to keep his eve out for travelint
agents who had no license to operate
in the city.
The man in charge of the show in
formed the cnief that he had no
license, but had received verbal per
mit from the mayor to go ahead and
show, and after some discussion this
Ioint was finally settled by a tele
phone message from the mayor in
forming the chief that it was all right.
This seemed like a peaceful and agree
able ending of the matter, but instead
of letting it go, the advertising man
continued to discuss the incident from
the platform, which was a very im
politic act, and soon brought into the
discussion J. E. McDaniel, in front of
whose place of business the show was
operating, and it was ony a few min
utes until both the man and his wife
and Mr. McDaniel were in a red-hot
controversy, which finally resulted in
the show being moved, at the request
of Mr. McDaniel as a nuisance to his
The affair attracted several hundred
people, and the crowd took turns in
siding with the different parties in the
chewing match until the show was
closed up. The affair was one that is
to be rgretted, but was almost wholly
due to too much talking and stirring
up a discussion of a matter that
would have been ieacefully settled if
it had been dropped when the man
secured his permission from the
The chief of police was only obey
ing orders when he asked to see the
man's license, and if it had stopped
then there would have been no trouble
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening "Sunnyside." the
beautiful Wescott home on High
School Hill, was the scene of a very
happy gathering on the occasion of a
birthday dinner tendered to Mr. C. E.
Wescott by his sons, C. C. and E. H.
Wescott in honor of the seventy
fourth anniversary of their father.
The event was one of rare pleasure as
a number of old friends were invited
to be present and enjoy the evening
with the guest of honor, who is here
enjoying a visit with his sons before
returning to his home at Los Angeles.
The dinner was in four courses and
served in a very charming manner by
the two daughters, Mrs. C. C. and E.
II. Wescott. The table decorations
was a large centerpiece of dark red
i oses, while at each seat was a very
unique and pleasing place card which
proved a most entertaining feature
and caused much merriment among
the guests. Those who were invited
to be present at the dinner were:
Messrs. Bryon Clark, Dr. T. P. Liv
ingston, R. B. Windham, Rev. F. M.
Druliner, Dr. C. A. Marshall and C.
A. Rawls. The guests all gave a num
ber of birthday reminiscences of other
days gone by, and trie occasion was
one that was filled .with much pleasure
to the gentlemen gathered around the
festal board.
Everyone reads the want ads.
on but e
F The gentlemanDfrom the west part
of the county who was taken in yes-
terday morning and placed in jail in
an attempt to sober him up, was re
leased last night, as one of his friends
came forward with the cash bond to
cover his fine, as well as the amount
of the damage that had been inflicted
on our cozy and home-like city jail.
The man was certainly the incarnation
of destruction, and if the jail had not
had a heavy stone foundation he
would have torn the building down, as
he was determined to gain his liberty.
After breaking all the lights out of
the windows the man was locked in a
cell where it was thought he would be
safe until he sobered up, but as soon
as he was left alone he proceeded to
break the locks off of the cell doors
and was raging over the jail when the
police again visited the building, and
he was kept under guard until it was
possible to ship him back to his home,
and this morning the cash bond was
paid over to the police judge, amount
ing to $8.
From Friday's Dally.
The Sunday schools of this city are
making preparations to make the state
Sunday school day on Sunday, Novem
ber 7th, one of the read letter events
in the history of the schools of the
city. Governor John H. Morehead
has proclaimed this day as "Nebraska
Come to Sunday School Day" and it is
to aid this movement that the workers
and members of the various church
organizations have gotten busy and
arranged to make the event one long
to be remembered. This is an oc
casion that should be taken advantage
of by everyone, and if possible this
day should find every man, woman
and child in some Sunday school or
church showing their appreciation of
the benefits of the Christian religion
that has made this country one of the
greatest in the world. Mark the date
own in big red letters and attend
Sunday school in honor of Nebraska
nd the splendid workers of the Sun
day school who have labored so well
for the advancement of their fellow
men, as well as a tribute to the
Master who has guided us through
torm and stress.
Krnm FrldsVa Dally.
Last evening John McNurlin depart
ed on the midnight Missouri Pacific
train for the south, accompanying his
mother, Mrs. J. J. McNurlin, to Gar
net, Kansas, where she expects to visit
for the winter at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Miles Standish, near
that place, while John will enjoy a ten
days visit at the home of his young
est sister, Mrs. Standish, before re
turning home to this city. Mrs. Mc
Nurlin is 83 years of age and finds
that the winters in southern Kansas
are not as severe on ner as in rse-
raska and spends them there with
Mrs Standish and the summer months
here with her son, John. It is to be
hoped this estimable lady will enjoy
the best of health during her absence I
and be
able to return here next
Pames W. Holmes Doing Nicely.
From Friday's Dally.
James W. Holmes Doing Nicely,
at the Presbyterian hospital in
Omaha, recovering from an operation
for appendicitis, is reported as getting
along in fine shape and his recovery
seems to be but the matter of a short
time now. This will be most pleasing
to his friends throughout the county,
as the case of Mr. Holmes was a -very
severe one and occasioned a great deal
of apprehension to his family and
friends. Dr. G. H. Gilmore, of Mur
ray, was in Omaha today and paid a
short visit to the patient at the hos
pital. Come to The Journal for fine sta
tionery. .
mm op fi c
I flU ill U IV LM fl U III It
August Ossenkop Relates Interesting
Particulars of the Murder of
His Wife's Father.
(From the Louisville Courier.)
August Ossenkop returned last Sat
urday from Kingfisher, Okla., where
he and Mrs. Ossenkop were called
week before to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Ossenkop's father, F. C. Tro, who
was brutally murdered on his farm
near that place some two weeks be
fore, mention of which was made in
last week's Courier.
Mr. Ossenkop, in speaking of the
murder, tells the following story of
the affair:
'The old gentleman, who had been
living alone on his farm, hired John
Wirth and his wife, who are being
held for the murder, to work for him
for a short time and put in his winter
wheat crop. They were comparative
strangers in the neighborhood and
claimed to have come from Texas.
The night the murder was committed
Wirth remained at my father-in-law's
home. During the night the old gen
tleman was murdered in his bed with
an axe. The wife of Wirth did not
go to the farm until the following
day, so perhaps had nothing to do
with the crime. Suspicions and con
flicting stories by Wirth and his wife
alarmed the neighbors as to the old
gentleman's safety and they set out
to investigate. He told some that he
had rented the farm and paid $450
cash rent and $C50 for the live stock.
He at once went to hauling off the
wheat on the farm and collecting the
money for it. The neighbors called
the attention of the officers to this
and Mr. Tro's son at Pond Creek was
notified and had Wirth arrested for
stealing the wheat. In company with
a constable they drove to the farm
and inquired as to the whereabouts of
his father and was told that he had
gone away and did not say when he
would be back. Later the sheriff and
a posse went to the farm, but could
find nothing of Wirth. Believing him
to be in hiding the sheriff stationed
his men about thep lace, then got in
his car and said he would go back to
town. He was scarcely out of sight
when Wirth came out of his hiding
place. A member of the party com
manded him to halt, but he took to his
heels and disappeared into a field of
kaffir corn. He was captured the fol
lowing day in a small town several
miles southwest.
A search of the premises showed
the feather bed on which the old man
slept soaked with blood and Wirth and
his wife had been sleeping on it for
almost two weeks. The old man's
gold watch was found in the posses
sion of the woman. She declared she
had bought the watch in Texas, but
there was the old man's initials on the
cover. It was an old-fashioned watch
which he had carried for forty years
or more and every one of his children
could swear to it on sight.
"The searchers then began to go
over the farm looking for the body,
for it was evident that he had been
murdered. Coming up through the
wheat field in the rear of the farm
they discovered an arm protruding
through the ground and soon uncover-
ed the badly decomposed body of the
old- gentleman. The murderer had
sought to cover up any trace of the
whereabouts of the body by plowing
over the spot with a disk, and it is
probable that the remains would never
have been found but for a Scotch collie
dog which had dug up the body and
left the hand exposed."
Mrs. Ossenkop will remain for some
time until the affairs of her father
have been settled.
I-M-I-I-:-: I Mil I !!
The following letter remains uncall
ed for at the postoffice at Plattsmouth,
Neb., at the close of business Octo
ber 17th:
Mrs. J. M. Goselan.
The above letter, if not claimed by
November 1st, will be sent to the dead
letter office at Washington.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening Miss Minnie Born was
taken to Omaha, where she entered
the Immanuel hospital and was oper
ated on at once for appendicitis, from
which she has been suffering for the J
past few days. Miss Born stood the
operation in fine shape and was re
ported this morning as showing the
best of progress and apparently the i
operation had been an entire success.
This will be most pleasing to the
friends of the young lady and it is to I
be hoped that she will show the same
progress toward her complete recovery
and soon
bea ble to return to her
From Frid&r's Dally.
R. L. Propst and family were in
Havelock yesterday, where they were
called to attend the funeral of the late
P. H. Mahoney, which was held in the
First Methodist church of that city at
2 o'clock, and the interment made in
the Wyuka cemetery at Lincoln beside
that of the wife, who had preceded Mr.
Mahoney in death some two years ago.
The funeral was one of the largest
ever held in Havelock and the citizens
seem to have united in a fitting trib
ute to the good man gone to his final
rest. The wealth of floral remem
brances from the different residents
of the cities where Mr. Mahoney had
ived, as well as from friends of the
family, filled the home with their
ilent and touching tribute to the
worth of this splendid .citizen, father
and friend. Mr. Mahoney, during his
residence in Havelock, has been very
prominent in politics and in the work
of the Burlington shops and was one
of the best known and most beloved
residents of that city. He leaves four
children, Edwin Mahoney, Valley
Junction, Iowa; Harry Mahoney and
Mrs. Tom Hawksworth, Chicago, and
Miss Linella Mitchell of Havelock.
Mrs. Propst was a sister of the late
Mrs. Mahoney.
From Friday's Daily.
The last lap of the alley paving on
the north side of Main street was com
pleted this morning and now the work
is complete from Fourth to Seventh
streets, and as soon as the last few
sections have dried thoroughly the
alley will be ready for travel. The
work in the concrete paving which was
put down by the firm of Peters &
Richards, has the appearance of a
first-class job and is certainly a won
derful improvement over the previous
condition of the alleyway and it will
be possible now to haul heavy loads
along the alley regardless of how
stormy the weather may be, as the
mud which formerly made the alleys
impassable will be a thing of the past
and it is certainly a move in the right
From Friday's Daily.
The three new residence on Wash
ington avenue near the German Home,
which have been planned for some
time, are to be started tomorrow and
pushed to a rapid completion. These
houses are to be strictly modern and
u ...;n v, QBvin anA k I
catii mil u i ..uAirw ' - w v. x v- v i
ed by C. C. Parmele and J. W. Bumie.
The carpenter work, which will be
started tomorrow morning, will be in
charge of Frank Konf rst and will be
strictly first-class in every way, con
sisting of rive rooms, as well as a
bath, and their nearness to the busi
ness center of the city will make them
most desirable, and especially as the !
installing of the sewer has made it a
much more desirable location. The
houses will be finished in stucco, and
when completed will be a very hand
some addition to that section of the
iQllfJfinV CPUfini
luununi UUIIUUL.
The Program for Fifteenth Annual
Meeting at Louisville October
25 and 26, 191.1.
From Saturdays Dally.
The program for the fifteenth an
nual convention of the Cass County
Sunday School association, which will
oe neid at ixiuisvuie on uctober zo
and 26, has just been issued and the
outline of the work of the convention
gives much promise of the good things
in store for those attending. The con
vention theme will be, "Power," and
the different talks will be along these
lines, as it applies to the advancing of
the Sunday school work of the county.
The meetings will be held in the city
hall at Louisville and the entertain
ment of the guests will be in charge of
Miss Bedella Stander of that city
The Louisville Sunday schools will
tender a reception to all visiting dele
gates at the close of the program
Monday evening. The Boy Scouts'
band of the same city will render a
short musical program each evening
before the opening of the exercises,
and a special effort will be put forth
by the Louisville people to see that
the visitors are entertained with spec
ial features, in addition to the regular
program, lhe ofncial program or the
convention is as follows:
Monday Morning, October 25th.
10 :00 Devotional Prayer for
Power, Rev. Wilbur S. Leete, Platts
mouth, leader of all Devotional hours.
10:3(1 Roll call. Apopintment of
committees and assignment of dele
gates. Monday Afternoon.
1 :30 Power Through Organiza
tion: 1 The Local School, J. M. Tee-
garden, Weeping Water. 2 The
District Association, Rev. H. B.
Hutchman, Murray. 3 Business
Methods in Religious Work, with spec
ial reference to the County Sunday
School association. Dr. Edgar R.
Mathers, Falls City, president of the
Richardson County Sunday School as
sociation. 4 The State Association,
C. C. Wescott, Plattsmouth. 5 The
International Association, W. H. Kim-
berly, Lincoln. 6 The World's Con
vention. Dr. Van Fleet, Elmwood.
3 :00 Devotional Power Through
the Use of the Bible.
3:30 The Element of Power Con
tributed by Each Division: 1 The
Elementary, Miss Brown, Lincoln. 2
The Secondary, Rev. G. A. Randall,
Mynard. 3 The Adult, W. H. Kim
berly. Monday Evening.
7:30 Devotional Song and Prayer.
8:00 The Adolescent Age, Rev. R.
A. Waite, pastor First Congregational
church, Lincoln.
8:45 The Sufficient Sunday School,
Rev. Ralph Houseman, Omaha, educa
tional superintendent of Sunday school
work, synod of Nebraska, Presby
terian church.
Tuesday Morning, October 26th.
8:30 Reports of county officers and I
division superintendents.
9:30 Devotional Power Through
the Devotional Part of the Sunday
School Session.
10:00 Power Through a Knowledge
of Our Field: 1 Our County Can-
vass, Clinora uutier, umwooo.
j-mm m ' - 1 T" 1 1
2 Our Local t lelds, ti. Le jviarsnau,
Weeping Water. 3 Our Own School,
Rev. W. M. Elledge, Weeping Water,
11:00 The Sunday School, a Com -
munity Asset, Rev. Ralph H. House-
Tuesday Afternoon.
2:00 Power Through Efficient Of-
ficers: 1 The Superintendent's Power
nH Onnortunitv. C. E. Wescott. 2
- - r r
The Secretary, Rev. C. Jannen, Elm
wood. 3 The Executive Committee,
Rev. J. W. Illsley, Nehawka.
3 ;00 Devotional The Teacher's
Power Gained Through rnvate
3:30 The Goals (a round table), W.
H. Kimberly.
Tuesday Evening.
7:30 Devotional Song and Prayer.
8:00 Real Life in Japan, illustrated
by stereopticaa. Miss Brown
Paints and Oils. Gerine & Co.
'Phone 36
From Friday's Daily.
A great many of our people will
recollect Tim MtFadden, the gentle
man who was here several years ago
and placed the signs on the fence at
the base ball park, and they will be
pleased to learn of the good fortune
that has just recently befell Tim and
which has placed him in most comfort
able circumstances. He was willed the
interest in a valuable zink mine in
southewestern Missouri bv a relatives
and the mine is estimated to be worth
at least $17,000 and is situated near
Webb City, Missouri, where Mr. Mc-
Fadden is now making his home. He
made many friends during his stay
here by his clever manner, and was
one of the best sign painters who have
visited this city in recent years and
well deserves the good luck that has
come his wav.
From Friday's Dally.
The firm of J. H. McMaken & Co.,
the contractors, are having all that
they can look after nowdays in the
way of moving, and also in other mat
ters that have been turned over to
them, including the fill of the Wash
ington avenue sewer. Mr. McMaken
and his force are to move the resi
dence from the Mumm corner at
Fourth and Vine streets, where it is
proposed to locate the new Carnegie
library, onto the vacant lot of C. H.
Fuller, just west of the Precbyterian
church, and here it will be remodeled
into -a first class residence with all
the modern improvements and used
for rental purposes by the new owner.
Mr. McMaken is also to start ex
cavating at the property of G. H.
Falter for a large basement under the
entire house, which will be followed
by the remodeling of the residence
and the enlarging of the property. The
work of Mr. McMaken in this line has
been such as to give the utmost satis
faction and those who have employed
him in lines of work of this kind have
the highest words of praise of his ef
forts and have found perfect satisfac
tion in the result of it. These, with
the contract for the filling of the ditch
along the sewer will keep this gentle
man and his workmen quite busy for
the next few weeks at least.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Boeck arrived home on No. 2 after a
visit of several months' duration at
Los Angeles, California, and will re
main here. While the visit on the
coast was a very pleasant experience
m a great many ways for our two old
friends, it was marred by the fact that
several weeks ago Mrs. Boeck fell and
fractured her left arm and since that
time they have been awaiting the time
when they might return back to the
old home in this city. The trip, how
ever, seems to have benefited them, as
they are looking nicely and show a
marked appearance over that when
they left here, and the climate of Cali-
forn;a seems to have agreed with
them in this respect at. least and had
it not been for the unfortunate ac
cident to Mrs. Boeck it is quite prob
able that they would have remained
for the winter on the coast, but under
the circumstances thought it best to
come back to Plattsmouth, where they
have for so many years made their
home. While on the coast Mr. and
Mrs. Boeck had the pleasure of meet
ing a great many old-time residents
of Plattsmouth . and Cass county and
this added vry much to the pleasure
of their stay. They report that most
of the Plattsmouth colony are doing
nicely and feeling fine and appear to
be enjoying life to the utmost.
M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at
Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Satur
day evenings. Examination free.
Thev Evidently Will Be Sent to the
Reform School. Which Will lie
a Lesson to Them.
Saturday afternoon Mrs. O. P. Mon
roe discovered the tact that three
watches were missing from the stock
in her store, as well us a flashlight
and for a short time it was a nivsterv
where the missing articles had gone.
but an investigation by the lady point
ed the finger of suspicicn at two boys
who had been working aroui d the
store blacking stoves and who had
had the best opportunity of getting
next to the stolen good.
Mrs. Monroe, in order to try and lo
cate the stolen goods, called Officer
Alvin Jones, who was r.eariy, and he
responded and visited the store where
the two boys were questioned and
stood pat that they knew nothing of
the missing articles. Mr. Jones then
called Chief Barclay, and through
careful questioning and work in
searching one of the missing watches
was located in an empty stove which
the boys were engaged in blackening,
and that later disclosed the hiding
place of another of the watches, but
the whereabouts of the flashlight and
the remaining watch remained unsolv
ed. The police being unable to secure
a satisfactory explanation of the af
fair from the two boys decided that
it would be best to take the matter
up with the county attorney, and ac
cordingly the two boys were hurried
over to the court house, where they
were questioned and but little satis
faction could be secured in the exam
The boys are just in the neighbor
hood of 12 and 13 years of age and
should be looked after by someone be
fore they venture further on the
downward path and get into even
more serious trouble. The boys were
released Saturday on the promise of
the parents that they would see that
the lads were on deck this morning to
explain the matter to the satisfaction
of all parties and to locate, if possible,
all the missing articles.
A case like this is one that is very
disagreeable for the police to handle,
as it involves such young children,
and while it is a part of their duties
to see that the boys are brought to
time, it is very trying to have to take
the boys up and see that they are
placed in some institution where they
mav be looked after.
The Empress Vaudeville company
made its regular weekly appearance
here last Friday evening before a
large-sized audience, and while the
bill was not up to the high standard
of its predecessors, it was very pleas
ing to most of those in the audience.
In an organization of this kind, of
course, it is hard, with the large num
ber of acts used, to see that each of
them are of the very best, and oc
casionally a weak program will creep
in. The Empress has. during the time
they have appeared here, given some
of the best attractions that have ever
been presented in this city, and these
have been appreciated to the utmost
by the amusement-loving public of the
city. The advent of this organization
has given to the smaller towns of this
section an opportunity of securing
high-class attractions at a most reas
onable rate of admission, and they
have proven one of the most pleasant
features of the entertainment program
of this fall.
Another strong program will be
given next Friday evening at the Par
mele theater and those who have en
joyed the delightful performances in
the past can rest assurred of a fine
list of attractions for the coming
A good time vrill be on the program
Saturday evening at the German
Home, when the Turn-Verein will give
another pleasant soci&l dance.