The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 14, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Cbe plattsinoutb journal
Knteredat I'ustoflice at riattsmouth. Nel... as ji-coiul-clafs mail matter.
rio it'K:
Great men are they who see
V that spiritual is stronger than !
any material force that -I
thoughts rule the world. '
' Emerson. 'I'
:o ;
Apples are good, cheap and
plentiful in this section.
American cloth experts have got to
learn to die for their country.
Every time Vie Munl'ik mentions
t it-!i. Gotthals fr president. Culcbra
gives a sympathetic slide.
All opinions subject to change is the
better attitude. It makes one less
tenacious of an argumen .
Mr. Bryan had another narrow
escape from being kissed down in
Texas by a second man. Horrors!
Short sleeves are an attractive style
for women, provided there is a cor
icsponding increase in consumption of
Already Plattsburg veterans have
begun publir-hinsr their personal
memories of their soldier iife in New
York papers.
:o :
We haven't even learned what to ;
d w ith our ex-presidents, and now we I
must tix some way to dispose oi ir.e
ex -ambassadors!
-: :
Colored shoes are to be worn this
fail by a large number of persons who
don't intend to have their feet
escape inspection.
A New York pugilist was poisoned
by being bitten by a mosquito. But
the paper? do not say what happened
to the poor mosquito.
Carranr.a has won. evidently,
though the fluctuation of revolution
ary stock is more confusing1 than
stocks on Wall street.
If the school children did not cut up
a little now- and then, they wouldn't
have the satisfaction of peeing the
teacher pet thoroughly mad.
Those who seem to know, predict a
winter equally as hard as that of last
winter. So it will pay to be prepared
for it on "suspicion" anyway.
Mr?. Edith Gait, who is to marry
President Wilson, owns Washington's
biggest jewelry establishment, and the
engagement ring was bought in New
Judge Sutton, who wants to be the
republican candidate for governor of
Nebraska, is determined to get his
name before the people, and don't
stem to care in just what manner he
gets it there.
The big concerns of the country are
the only ones that are squealing for
one-cent postage. You never hear the
farmer or laborer hollering for one
cent postage, and they are the very
fellows that should. But what do big
concern care whether the government
can stand it or not, so they are bene
fited? :o :
One hundred and fifty girls in
Kirksville, Mo., have signed a pledge
not to associate with any boys whn
?moke cigarettes, and the newspapers
of that city say that sales of the in
jurious and vile smelling ig have
fallen off one-half. Wonder if the
girls of Piattsmouth would have the
courage to sign such a pledge.
ri:u ikau i advam i:
The Journal will express its hearty
greetings to the president of the
United States on the announcement of
his marriage. There are many views
on the subject of re-marriage of the
one who is left to mourn when a mar
tial partner is taken by death. There
are circumstances under which re
marriage would be a mistake. There
are others under which it would be
advisable. President Wilson evident
ly considers that in his case the latter
classification is the correct one. He is
a man who was fond of his home; he
is the sort of a man who needs some
one who will take him from his work
and exact a portion of his time in
social enjoyment. It. is interesting to
note that the Wilson family has
broken records for marriages in the
White house. While Woodrow Wilson
is not the first president to take a
bride to the White house, he wiil
doubtless hold a record for having
brought to the White house a family
in which there would be three mar
riages in the short space of less than
three years. There are few women
who would perhaps sit down and con
template happily the prospect of her
husband being the partner of some
other woman and sin- herself forgot
ten. The same is true of men. How
ever, there is good argument for the
re-marriage of cithc r a husband or a
wife who might otherwise be alor.e
in the world, unattached, with no ore
to consider welfare, happiness or com
fort of the lonely one. It may be said
that no man cculd forget, nor cou'.d
a woman, a wife or a husband who
had been devoted and with whom
many years of happy life had been
spent and with whom a family of chil
dren had been reared. Such long ex
periences do not fade from memory,
in a well ordered mind. Yet, the
theory might be applied, the best re
sults in the world arc achieved by peo
ple who are happy, interested, and
have no time to lament over the past.
It may be a cold-blooded, selfish way
to look at it, yet under the circumstance.-,
who could for a moment
blame the president for the step he is
about to take? And may his wedded
iife in his newest venture be a blissful
The October bride goes to the altar
deeply concerned about the decora
tions and dresses and incidentally
makes a few bows for the rest of her
:o :
Wilson buttons are already out for
11)10, and arc being worn extensively
in the east. Anybody can con
scientiously wear a Wilson button
these days.
Some papers of metropolitan pro
portions have financial editors, and a
country scribe often wonders what
they know about finances. Certainly
the average newspaper man doesn't
get his knowledge in that line by
handling money. But the lack of it
may also be instructive. Anyhow, I ke
everyone, they have opinions, with a
better chance to express them, and
here is one: These war stocks which
keep soaring from day to day;
wouldn't it have been great if one had
had the cash and the guts to get in
on the ground floor and get out in
time? But doesn't it occur to you
that a tumble is coming? These war
orders won't cutlast the war, and it
can't last forever. And when the
slump comes it's going to be an awful
fall for some of the plungers. They
may wish they had invested in prunes
or Nebraska real estate or other
staples, but wishing doesn't get any
thing on Wall street or points west.
And a good rule for gamblers is not
to bet more than you can afford to
lose, which means you probably won't
bet, and that also is a good idea.
Only six more weeks till Thankj-giving.
:o :-
Indignation is usually very un
profitable. :o:
Do your Christmas advertising
early and get the trade.
Turkey suggests no Thanksgiving
thoughts to the Armenians.
:o :
Being over-praised, October pre
sumes to "set up" and behave like No
vember. King George threatens to abdicate.
That's another load to fame if others
should be closed.
The price of wheat is going up,
much to the delight of those who have
"wheat in the bin."
The Panama canal will remain closed
until all danger of serious slides in
the Garland cut is passed. General
Goethols is unable to say just when
the canal would be open for business.
: :
We can't see for the life of us how
any true American citizen can assist
Old England, when they know how
hard John Bull has worked twice to
break up this government, and once
destroyed the national capital. Eng
land is no friend of America, and
never was.
;) ;
Those ft'lows who keep prodding R.
L. Metcalfe through their newspapers
arc not making any friends thereby.
Met is not a candidate for any "olTiee,
and lie is too good a man for these
little whiffets to hurt him. Met will
be up and doing when these fellows
will be crving for bread.
Will the Nebraska contingent of the
lepub'.icaa calamity chorus oblige us
with a brief intermission?
Thank you. gentlemen. We take ad
vantage of the lull to read aloud, to
the assembled audience of prosperous
and well-dressed and well-fed Ne
braskar.s. the following sentences
from Bra d.-trcet's weekly trade review
for the week ending October :
"In the economic situation pei form
Mice follows promise at a rapid pace
and as unfavorable factors are elimin
ated even lagging lines are brought in
touch with the circle of growing
"Industry shows notable activity.
"Ship yards are working at top
speed, steel mills are producing at a
rapid rate, blast furnaces are working
at an unparalleled gait, eight of the
country crops are of record propor
tions, this week's bank clearings
reached peak points, textile mills are
on full time, woolen mills are busy,
plants making munitions of war arc
overtaxed, flour millers are pushing
production on a night and day basis
to take care of homo and foreign de
mands, machine tool shops are turning
down orders, because of inability to
make deliveries, building values for
September show a gain over last year,
our relations to international political
affairs are seemingly more reassuring
than any time since the European war
started, and almost everything in the
country is optimistic."
We have no desire further to detain
the chorus. Wo know it has many
songs yet to sing and is impatient to
be at them. Wo desire merely to
amplify and explain the last few
words of the Bradstreet report: "Al
most everything n the country i
The word "almost" is here used in
deference to the calamity chorus. The
chorus is not optimistic. It is
tentatively pessimistic about the gen
eral condition and really pessimistic
about its own condition which grows
radically worse as the other grows
steadily better.
Again thanking Coionels Hammond,
Sweet and other leaders of the chorus
for the opportunity thus kindly given
us to interject a few words of truth
and good cheer, we bid them and their
meeting good-bye for the day. We
may come again tomorrow to hear
their beautiful rendition of that grand
old song: "Nobody Knows How Poor
I Am." World-Herald.
Speculation is heard asj to why A.
W. Jeffciis, of Omaha has projected
himself into th' bidding for the re
publican senatorial nomination. '
It is suggested that the candidacy!
of "Big Jell'' has for its main pur
pose the weakening of the candidacy
of Hon. John L. Kennedy. Now that
is distilled sapience. Mr. Kennedy be
ing already a candidate, the con
clusion is manifestly safe that Jcff
eris, in getting in hopes to weaken his
rival. Also to weaken one C. II.
Aldrich. Also one Moses Kinkaid,
.should the latter determine to get in
when the getting in is good.
It is also suggested that Mr. JetT
eris' plunge has in view the possible
de.-ire of the adherents of that branch
of republicanism afore-time designate 1
as "regular" and "standpat" to have
a candidate of their own persuasion
for whom they may vote without con
cession, apology or humiliation. Un
doubtedly there is something to this
also. Big Jeff has been recognized
iround Omaha as a special pet of the
macular Omaha standpatter who
massed up the Chicago convention as
its momentary presiding genius in
.-uch a way as to bring down the de
nunciation of the Nebraska contingent
of bull moose boosters in that memor
able meeting.
But none of these speculations takes
into account some essential considera
tions that tend to relieve them of
avoirdupois. They do not recognize
t! at the position of United States
senator for Nebraska is a big office
into which any big man can have
hope of sinking without overlapping
:ir ridd ing the skin off his hips.
They do not take into account the
fact that in every test of fitness Mr.
JefFeris can measure up quite en
couragingly with either of the others
mentknod. They do not give Mr.
JefTeris and those who sustain him
credit for common gumption or that
sincerity sometimes designated good
faith. Nor do they take into account
the further important fact that Big
JcfT has proven himself in some hard
fought battles a might husky cam
paigner. But Joffe: is will not have to
g" out'de of his own party to find
plenty of men of average good judg
ment who assay him as worth all of
the other candidates scrambled to
gether. Lincoln Star.
Prof Taft is not running for office :
hence he can say what he pleases
about woman suffrage.
:o :
Perhaps the way of the transgres
sor is hard, but practice dilligently
and you can make his way clear.
: :
Suit has been begun to enjoin the
Mutual Life of New York from invest
ing $10,000,000 in the foreign loan.
-o :
The allies have gotten nearly as
much money from this country as is
paid out to the moving picture shows.
There is now a craze for fur trim
mings in women's wear, and nobody
doing a thing for the ostrich farmer.
Peace at any price, indeed; Henry
Ford says he will go in to the extent
of $10,000,000. And Henry has the
doe, too.
:o :
Women have petitioned Governor
Morchcad to set aside a day as
"Father's Day" in Nebraska. And
why not?
Carranza must be personally more
agreeable than has been inferred from
his talk, judging from Mr. Stillman's
Thomas St. John GafFney's experi
ences may teach other consuls to send
messages to the American people
through the state department.
:o :
Automobilists who do not possess
sense enough to stop at railroad cross
ings, or who try to beat trains to it,
are being killed right along every day.
Courts say that ignorance of law is
no excuse, but at the same time at
torneys can't agree on the law. There
are a lot of real big jokes in this dear
old country. .
C. R. Jordan was in Li wo Li Tues
day. Mrs. C. R. Jordan was in Lincoln
Mis. C. D. Rasp was in Lincoln
Scott Jordan was in Lincoln Wed
nesday on business.
Alfred Stroemer spent Sunday in
Wabash with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kitze! spent
Wednesday in Lincoln.
Fi ed Near was transacting business
in Lincoln Wednesday.
N ci Foreman entered school at the
state farm last Monday.
Ralph Parsedl ar.d Orvil Prouty
were in Lincoln Wednesday.
County Treasurer Fox wns in town
last Friday for a short time.
R. F. Johnson and rn, Robert, were
shopping in Lincoln V.'cdncs lay.
La Verne Stone was a passenger
cr Lincoln Wednesday morr-ing.
Vernon Cochran of Hallam spent
Sunday at the F. M. Prouty horn'-'.
Mrs. Ella Prouty left F-idry for f.
week's visit wiih relatives in Lincoln.
Miss Dorothy Manners of Univer
sity Place is visiting friends here thij
Mr. and Mrs. Ben l.i-vh of L'ncoin
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L.
it. pplomnn.
Mi-. Wall ick of Lincoln wa-- in town
Monday in the iiitere-ts of the Rock
I-dard railroad.
Miss Katherine IIamm -nd of Lin
coln i spending a few weeks with
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer.
lieutenant Uabcoc k of Li'n--!n came
in Monday to spend a few days with
Captain C. W. Shaft", r.
Dr. L. Muir and f-invly te'tiimd
Sat'.'idny from several days' visit w'v.h
relative-- in Omaha.
Miss Per rl Kcefer visited relatives
and friends in Lincoln arid University
F lace Monday and Tuesdnv.
Will Sutton took ceveral rn-n o,it ,-
Chnppe'd, Neb., last w..k to lor ': a'.
l;rd. returning home Ti:'sd: y.
Mr. and Mrs. King aid children of
Lincoln vi-ited Saturday and Sunday
with Heib'Tt Moore and family.
Miss F! ) Boyle-- of Lincoln vi-ited
Saturday and Sunday with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyb-s.
M'-s. Chris Eichrr.ann had a minor
operation performed in Lircoln Tues
day. Mrs. Kahler accompanied hr.
A daughter. Chloe Ruth, weight O's
rounds, was hern to Mr. a; d Mrs.
Gl'-nn Aim-tror.g Octeber :'. l''ir.
Born Oct.-her 8, to Mr. and Mrx
August John o?i. a son. A:-; to Mr.
and Mrs. lid WeMeman. October S, a
Captain C. W. Shaffer of the N--brr-ka
National Guard is. visiting his
j-arents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer,
for a few days.
J. A. Shaffer and son, Ca;-ta:n C.
Yv Shaffer, and Searge-nt Dillon, v.'r.o
i ; spending a ft w days at the Shaffer
home, autoed to Soi.;h Bend Sunday.
Siting Fred Weaves-.
A public library aril reading room
will be open on Monday. Wednesday
and Saturday evenings and also on
Saturday afternoons. Ail are wel
come. Abort fifty yourg folks gathe'.'d at
the G. P. Foreman home Friday even
ing and sport a very pleasant time
playing games and enjoying both
vocal and instrumental music.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cii' yea left in
their auto Monday to visit their son.
Clarence, who has been in Kansas this
summer looking after their farm in
terests near Relilen.
J. II. Stroemer and Harry Parsed
visited Mr. Stroemer's father and
other relatives in Rarnoston from Sat
urday till Monday, bringing several
nice catfish home with them, also re
membciing their friends.
Mr. and Mrs. G P. Foreman and
daughter, Au'-cl. and son, John, motor
ed to Valparaiso, Neb., Saturday to
visit over Sunday with th?ir sons.
Orris and G. P., jr., and their families.
Young George has a fine new house
nearing completion.
W. O. Ritchey and J. W. Sutton
came in from Chappell, Neb., Tues
day. They expressed their disappoint
ment over the outcome of the world
series as G rover Alexander's brother,
George, bought land of them and will
make Chappell hi home this corning
Saturday evening after the foot ball
game between Ashlnnd and University
Place. Mrs. Charles Godbey and her
daughter, Miss Alma, entertained at
dinner the following guests: The
Misses Helen Hornby, Lucile Rad
insky, and Messrs. Dean Payne, Taul
Cai ns and Ed Baney.
Fire from an unknown cause started
in the closet of the Elmer Banett
hr.i.'e last Saturday morning during
the absence of the family, destroying
practically all of tha household goods
and damaging the house to a great
extent. Men and women worked
valiantly to save what they could and
kept the fire from the adjoining build
ings. The insurance was satisfactorily
settled with Mr. Barrett, and also Mr.
Barry, owner .of -the. house.
. -
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From Tii--i!;iy'. I-:ily.
P. C. Hanson c; me down ihis aft
i.i)i -i f ;-':i Omaha to visit with his
'nothe?-. Mr-. P. iiasis n ai d family.
J. X. Wiles of On;:. ha was here to
lay vbitmg wi-.h old friends and look
ing a: for some matter:', of business.
Atto-ney A. ii. Becker of Omaha
v.s.-- here today ok:r.g after his land
.e-rests in this city for a few hours.
Jo;- Zimnicrt"' and l'ttle son of
veca were in the city today for a few
:v 'us looking after soma matters at
h c urt house.
Miss Kdith Martin came down this
iftcrn.ion from Omaha to spend a
hort time visiting with her parents.
Dr.. ai d Mrs. J. B. Martin.
Tom Henrich was among those go
ng to Omaha this afternoon to visit
for a few hours with friends and to at
' :-r.d to some matters of business.
Mrs. V. A, Taylor came i:i this aft
, i r.onr from Omaha, where she had
been visiting for a few days at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Thayer
Pi ops.r.
YV. H. Seybert of near Cullom was
in the cuy today for a few hours
iooKing it iter .'onr.1 matters ot lusi- ;
ness and spending a t-hort time with
relatives. j
Mrs. IMward Fitzgerald and daugh-j
ter, Miss Marie, were among those go-
ng to Omaha this morning to visit
for the day and look after some mat
ers of business.
L. C Meisinger was among those
going to Omaha this morning, where
he will spend a few hours with rela
tives and also in looking after some
matters of business.
Mrs. Luke Wiles and Mrs. J. E.
Wiles were amor.g those going to
Omaha this morning, where they will
visit for a few hours, looking after
some matters of business.
Mrs. A. C. Simmons, who has been
! pending a month with relatives and
friends in Omaha, returned home yes
terday afternoon, accompanied by her
sister. Mrs. A. Thomson.
Mrs. J. II. Hallstrom was among
'.bore going to Omaha this morning,
wher? she goes to have her eyes ex
amined by a specialist. Mrs. Hall
strom hrd her left eye operated on
Saturday and it is now doing very
nicely. Island Red Boosters for Sale.
Am soiling my surplus cockrels at
7" cents and .?1.0i). Come early for
choice. W. B. Porter.
10-12-Gtd-3tw I
fluesr t BAILKY MACM
Th larreit and best equipped dental office lnOaafc. Experts la
ehrce of all work. Ladj attendant Ilsdsrate Price. Porcelain
fillings like tooth. InstrustemU carefully tUrilised after using.
For Infants and Childn
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Year
t i frtl b 1 f '4 F.4 7X ul 114
From Wp.JnPmlav s Dally.
Mrs. W. S. Askwith returned home
last evening after a short sojourn in
Omaha with friends.
(Jeorge M. Porter came in last eve i
ing from Lincoln to look after the in
terests of the Omaha Bee here for a
few days.
B. F. Wiles was among those goii g
to Omaha this morning, where he was
called to attend to some matters of
Mrs. M. G. Wiles was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where she
will visit for a f-?w hours attending
to some matters of business.
Mrs. Wayne Dickson and baby
daughter, Louise, of Omaha, are visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Fannie Dick
son and Mrs. W. T. Cole for a few
Charles Richards departed this
morning for Xeha.vka, where lie will
look after the finishing work on the
residence of J. X. Palmer in that
Will K. Fox, jr., of Kansas City is
here enjoying a visit at the home of
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Fox,
and with his nstor, Mrs. Tom Salmon,
of Portland. Oregon.
William Becker and bride, who have
been here visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McGuiie, the parents
cf Mrs. Becker, departed this mornir.g
for their home at Osmond.
Frank Sheldon and family departed
this morning for Crawford, Neb.,
where they will visit for a short time
with relatives in that city and in other
points in western Nebraska.
Gene Brady departed this morning
for Kansas City and northern Mis
souri, where he will visit for a short
time enjoying a vacation from his
duties at the Burlington storehouse.
W. A. Ingalls was a passenger this
morning for Omaha, accompanying his
sister, Mrs. Charles Krumbach, and
daughter, Miss Fannie Krumbach,
that far on their journey to their home
at Shelby.
Bennett Chriswisser returned home
from Nehawka today, where he, with
his wife, have been visiting their sons.
C. M. and Dick Chriswisser, and Mrs.
Chriswisser will remain there for a
longer visit.
Mrs. Jane Cooper of Glenwood, who
has been here for a short visit at the
home of her brother, W. C. Tippens
ind family, departed for her home this
morning. Mrs. Cooper had been at
Lincoln also enjoying a few days'
The Journal delivered at your door
for only 10 cents a week.
ft ,ivv In
Uo Moneyrill Gured
Flatula end All Reetnl DltMMt eored with
out the kwlf. Permanent curyrurrit.
Write for Free Illustrated book on Ractal
Dleeasee and teatlmoniala ef hundred el
cured petlente I Mebreefce end Iowa.
Dee Bids., Omaha, Neb.