The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 07, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of anr social
evf-nt or item of Interest in
tiiis vicinity, and will mall
same to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
wain all newsiteois Editok
itiPnnnnn ruin in "YOUR i 1 I
! f$m business
We conduct banking in al! its forms
and hope to have your patronage.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
!f you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for elates.
Phone Piatts. 2412. W. R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
Mrs. Chas. Carroll was in Omaha
"Wednesday of this week.
Murray was sure well represented
at the big parade in Omaha Wednes
Miss Carrie Darger and Miss Isji
belle Shrader were in Plattsmouth
jr?;;iday evening.
The Ladies' Aid of the Christian
church met in its parlor Wednesday.
The society is quilting for Mrs. V. A.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis and
daughter, Mrs. William Smith, and
Miss Tremain. bought tickets for
Omaha Saturday.
Miss Thorpe went to Lincoln Satur
day morning, returning by the way of
Murdock, where she spent part of
Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Mills, who
brought her by auto to Murray Sun
day afternoon.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reeves,
on Thursday, September 30th, a baby
girl. Charley is happy, the little lady
is as pretty as a picture, and the
mother is doing nicely; Charley has
cause to be happy.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman are
spending the week, in Omaha.
A. L. er was a Plattsmouth vis
itor Monday evening.
Mr. ard Mrs. N:c
Plait-rro'it!i visitor
this week.
Vied rich v. ere
Wednesday of
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Long and Mrs.
Kennedy attended the funeral of Mrs.
McCulioch Wednesday .
.Mr. and Mrs. L I. Ili.'.tt went to
I "I :. 1 1 - mouth Wedrcsdiy afternoon to
ai'cr.d the funeral of Mrs. Louis Dose.
Miss Hazel Meiriman went to Oma
ha Tuesday of this week, where she
will make a few days visit, returning
to Murray the latter part of the week,
arid will return home with Mrs. Pur
ton for a few days visit in Clay Cen
ter, before returning to her home.
There was a large crowd of Mur
ray people that attended the Sunday
meetings in Omaha last Saturday eve
ning, but not the Pf strong as plan
ned. Word was received that they
could not rely on the reservations for
for this number, and many remained
at home.
is the time to look up that last year's Union Suit.
You are sure to need another. We can supply all
weights in Men's, Boy's, Mioses' and Wonen's, and
in the most staple makes.
Don't Put It Off Buy Now!
Men don't freeze your fingers. Drop in and get a
pair of 10c Gloves.
Eiatt . Tutt,
Mrs. Smith was an Omaha visitor
Mrs. A. J. Stokes is dressmaking at
Oldham's this week.
Duroc hogs for sale. Also 5 head
of yearling steers, fat. Oldham's.
V. L. Rhoden and wife motored up
to riattsmoulh Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Minford and son, Will,
attended the Ak-Sar-Iien Wednesday.
Mics Clara Young returned home
Tuesday from a couple of weeks' stay
in Iowa.
Minford & Creamer shipped a car
load of hogs to South Omaha last
William Nickels ar.d son, G. E.
Nickels, were Plattsmouth visitors
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt entertained
Dr. and Mrs. Prendel and Mrs. A. J.
Stekes at dinner Tuesday.
F. E. Valkry returned home from
bis business trip out at Grant, Neb.,
Monday morning of this week.
Frank Schlichtemeier shipped a car
: mixed stock to the South Omaha
market last Friday evening.
Mr. ant! Mrs. W. M. Puis went to
Plattsmouth Wednesday afternoon to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Louis Dose.
W. G. Poedeker, Chas. Sans, and
John Sans went to Omaha Sunday af
ternoon to attend the Sunday meet
ings. at Grand Island and Denver. This
makes an excellent position for him,
in which l.e w;!' no doubt prove suc-
W. R. Good and wife were passeng
ers Saturday evening for Omaha,
where they attended the Sunday re
vival. Mrs. Ci. S. Ray left Saturday morn
ing for Wood River, Neb., where she
will make an extended visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Glen Thompson.
Mrs. Katherine Gapen attended the
Sunday meeting and met her daugh
ter. Villa, and party of teachers from
Avoca. of which Miss Gapen is one.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schlichtemeier
and daughter drove to Omaha last
Thursday evening, where they remain
ed until Sunday visiting with friends
and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Roedeker and
Mrs. Ted 1'arrows went to Omaha
Wednesday of this week to take in the
Ak-Sar-Cen. The trip was made in
Mr. R:;rrovs auto.
Wni. Puis, sr.. and wife are mov
ing tlnir household goods into Mur
ray this wee!;, and will take up their
home iii their tine new residence just
completed here.
Mrs. Taylor, of Rlainview, arrived
in Murray last Saturday evening for
a few days visit with her father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, and
L,ter, Mrs. Chas. Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Rurton were in
1'laUsir.outh la.-.. Saturday evening for
a brief visit wi'.o county seat fr:o !.;
While tiure Mr. P..'!on tailed a" ;ho
Journal tllice and r ncvid for his pa
ler for m other year.
Frank Moore has been numbered
with the sick for the past few days,
suffering from an injury he received
some time ago in a fall. While his
condition has not been considered ser
ious, he has been a pretty sick man.
Dr. (J. II. Gilmore departed Tuesday
of this week for a few days business
trip down in Oklahoma, where he has
some land interests to look after. He
will be gone about a week, and dur
ing his absence his practice is being
looked after by Dr. Leahy, of Oma
ha. We had the pleasure of meetinir
Dr. Leahy this week, and can truth
fully say that he is a mighty fine
young man.
James Lough ridge, for so many
years the village blacksmith of Mur
ray, has accepted a position with the
Hudson Thurber Co., of Omaha, as
traveling salesman. This company
handle all kinds of heavy hardware
and blacksmiths supplies of all de
scriptions, and "Jimmy" will be right
at home in this line. His territory
will comprise western Nebraska and
eastern Colorado, with headquarters
W. G. Boedeker, L. I). Hiatt, T. S.
Bairows, Wm. Puis and Alf. Ganse
mer went to Plattsmouth Tuesday af
ternoon to meet with the county com
missioners in regard to the road and
crossing conditions in Murray, which
have certainly been in very bad shape
for some time. Last week a party
was hauling a load of oats from one
of the elevators, and on one of the
main streets of the town he turned
his wagon over in driving over a
crossing. Such conditions are certain
ly serious and need attention. These
gentleman secured the promise from
the commissioners that they would
place a number of new crossings and
culverts in Murray just as soon as
Live for something; be not idle,
Life is passing swiftly away;
Have a purpose, true and noble,
Live it in thy walk each day.
Joe Cook is improving.
Mrs. Andy Campbell was listed with
the sick last week.
Mrs. Andy Campbell has been quite
sic!; for the past few days.
James Fitch and wife spent Sunday
with W. R. Good and family.
J. D. Shrader went to Omaha Wed
nesday to attend the Ak-Sar-Ren.
Mrs. Dora Asch was transacting
business in Plattsmouth Friday.
Charles Tigner was looking after
business in Plattsmouth Friday.
Mrs. Mira McDonald was calling on
the Plattsmouth merchants Friday.
J. D. Shrader attended the Billy
Sundav meetings in Omaha last Fri
day. Dans Christiansen has been placing
a new foundation under his bain this
wt ew.
Miss Etta Nickels was looking after
business in Plattsmouth Friday after
noon. Mrs. Gus Minniear has been num
bered with the sick for the past few
Mrs. Grace Rhoden was in Murray
last Friday visiting with friends and
Mrs. II. C. Creamer and daughter.
Henrietta, were shopping in Platts
mouth Friday.
C. M. Good, the new Murray black
smith, is a new subscriber to the
Journal this week.
Mrs. A. N. Root has been in Mur
ray for the past week visiting at the
home of her uncle II. A. Root.
Mrs. W. R. Good and Mrs. James
Fitch and daughter, Amabel, were
Ak-Sar-lien visitors Wednesday.
D. R. Crawford hands us the cash
this week for the renewal of his
father's paper at Laurel, Nebraska.
D. R. Crawford and family are
moving to Murray this week, where
they w'.l'i make their home for the
Miss Isabelle Shrader went to Om
aha last Friday and remained untii
Sunday visiting with friends and lei
:ti t-s.
Mrs. F. J. Wilson of Oklahoma ar
rived Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
son will take charge of the Nicholas
K'.aurens farm.
Alex. Rhoden is making prepara
tions for the erection of a fine new
bungalow on his farm west of Mur
ray, in the near future.
.Mrs. E. A. Rurton, of Clay Center,
Nebraska, is in Murray this week vis
iting at the home of her brother, A.
L. Raker and family.
Miss Margaret Moore went up to
Ralston Thursday evening, where she
will visit a few weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Walter Hessenflow.
John Hobschiedt, sr., and wife left
Saturday morning for Marquet, Neb.,
where they will spend a few weeks
with Peter Spader and family.
Frank Moore shipped a car load of
apples to Long Pine, Nebraska, the
week. Owing to Mr. Moore's illness,
Lloyd Gapen went out with them.
Sunday Murray certainly enjoyed
"woman's rights" for once in its his
tory. Practically the entire male
population went to Omaha to attend
the Billy Sunday men's meeting.
Pupils of the Murray school worked
from 3:30 Tuesday afternoon prepar
ing beds for receiving the large num
ber of choice flower bulbs promised
by Mrs. Minford.
James Holmes, who Is still in the
hospital at Omaha, recovering from
an operation performed some time ago,
is getting along very nicely at this
time, and every chance in his favor
for permanent recovery.
The primary room and teacher, to
gether with some from the grammar
room, sent a floral tribute in sympathy
for friends of Mrs. Joseph McCulloch.
Little Marie is a pupil in Miss San's
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wiley
cn Friday, October first, a fine baby
girl. This alone accounts for the
broad smile that has been playing
over Warren's face for the past week.
The little lady-is the finest in the land
and if you do not think so just ask
A little bird told me that the Com
mercial club should get busy, lay a
cement walk to the school building,
or get that piece of road leading past
the Puis property graded high. In its
present condition that road will re
quire oft repeated shoveling when
snow flies. Make the grade while the
sun shines.
Library Notes.
The library association held its reg
ular meeting Tuesday evening, and it
j being the election of officers, more in
1 terest was manifested than ever be
! for. Mrs. G. M. Minford was elect
ed president: Mrs. H. C. Long, vice
president; Pauline Oldham, secretary,!
and O. A. Davis, treasurer.
On account of the school children,!
Mrs. Royal, the librarian, will open
the library Wednesdays from 4 to '
in the afternoons. j
A ruling was made that a reader by j
the month was a member just the J
same as a yearly member, and would
be expected to help maintain the j
library expenses.
The dinner and supper Friday was !
well attended and added quite a large !
amount to the treasury. j
New books will be ordered in a few 1
weeks. j
The Library association is looking
forward to a prosper ous year under I
the management of Mrs. Minford and ;
Mrs. Long, and feel very grateful to!
L. K. Kr.iss for his splendid work dur
ing the past year.
A Halloween dinner and supper is
pal nned for October j
Mrs. Mary Davis and son, Searl, of
Lincoln, were in attendance at the
library dinner.
Do you know this is the season to figure with us on
John Qac-ra Corn Elevators and
Manure Spreaders
We handle the famous John Deere Low Down Manure
Spreader the best on the market.
Round Oak Heaters,
Monarch Base Burners
Vv'e are also prnpart-'l to figure v.ilh you on
Vacuum Furnaces
Murray Implement and Hardware
Celebrates Eighty-third Ilirthday.
The country home of Mrs. Harrison
Smith was the scene of a pleasant
social gathering Monday, October 4'.h,
the event being in honor of Mrs.
Smith's eighty-third birthday. The;
neighbors anil friends planned the af- j
fair and at the noon hour a bounteous!
dinner was served. During the after- j
noon the guests were treated to some !
splendid piano selections by Mrs.'
Hendricks. Old-folk songs and hymns!
were sung and a general good time ;
was had by all present, especially ,
'"Grandma." who deeply appreciate.! I
the esteem and loving remembrance;
of these friends on this occasion. AH j
departed wishing her many happy re- I
turns of the day and many more
happy birthdays. Those present were:
Mesdames W. T. Hutch son. Will Oliv- !
er, jr., John Hendricks, William Wiley, j
George Parks, Ivan White, Mask j
White, Charles Creamer, Charles I
Wolfe, George Smith. Arthur Sul- j
livan, S. I). Fitchhorn, Joseph Sans,!
C. Gochenour, S. Goehenour. William :
Gilmour, W. A. Taylor and the hos-;
tess, Mrs. Smith. ;
Pay for Tickets. j
All those that owe for tickets to the j
Lecture Course this winter are re-
quested to call at the Murray State;
Rank "and pay for them just as soon j
as possible, as the money is needed
in earr ing on the coarse at tin's time.
For Sale
extra good
March Duroc
Mrs. .-Mix spent Monday in Omaha.
Miss Hannah Hanson left for Ne
braska City Thursday.
Miss Addie J. Stokes has been sew
ing at the Davis heme this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kelsay of Farra
gut, Iowa, autoed from that place to
spend Saturday and Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Long.
are still endeavoring to carry everything that you need
today or will i-ecd tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We wai.t you Lu-iness .and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that you will need
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit ou,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what vou
want we will be in a better position to plea
we not have the article in .-to.-k.
Let us know your wai ts and
able to prove to you that we Me
in Murray for you. When those
want to talk to vou.
believe that we will be
a money saving station
wants are in our line
Pols & Gansemer,
Installs Oxygen Welding Riant.
Having disposed of my blacksmith
shop in Murray. I am very desirous
of closing up ; 11 my accounts, and in
order to do so must call upon all those
kro vie.g themselves indebted to me to
call a; d settle same at once. Your
e.rrly attention to this matter will be
greatly appreciated by me.
James Lough ridge.
Friday morning is "story morning"
in the grammar room. Last Firday
the primary room joined and Friday's
story, "Pussy Whitefoots' Vacation,"
was told by Frank Marsh, and he re
ceived hearty applause.
Remember the dance
at Puis &. Ganscmcr's
hall on Saturday even
ing, October 9lh. All
arc invited.
A want ad in the Journal will bring
L. If. Puis has just installed at his
new garage an Oxygen welding plant
that will prove of great value to the
automobile owners and farmers in car
ing for their repairs in this line, and
means a great saving to them, as the
new plant will be ab!e to take care of
all kinds cf welding, no matter of
what nature, and he has secured the
set vices of an expert irr this line of
work, who will look after the needs of
the people of Murray and vicinity.
Keep your old gtars and have them
repaired at the Puis garage and save
money by this means, and the best of
work and satisfaction is assurred. All
kinds of farm machinery will also be
looked after by the firm and it will re
sult in the saving of many dollars to
those who take their repairing to the
Puis garage and repair shop.
The ALAMO Farm Light Plant!
No matter where you live or to what ordinary use you desire to put electricity,
the most efficient, economical and satisfactory equipment is the ALAMO ELEC
TPir FARM I !HHT PLANT. It is built for linhtinsr farm buildings, suburban
residences, churches or lodge halls or furnishing power where all work is needed
The Alamo Electric
Light Plant brings to the
farmer the same conven
ience of electricity en
' joyed in the city. It makes
the home life more pleas
ant and the farm chores
The Alamo is the prod
uct of eight years of suc
cessful isolated light plant
manufacture. Have you
Tho Alamo
rmrm Light Plant
i ir iL.i
promised yourseir inai
you would do away with
antiquated lighting meth
ods at the earliest oppor
tunity? Then your prob
lem is solved. The Alamo
Electric Farm Light Plant
is your longed-for oppor
tunity. Let us talk to you to
dav, and call at our garage
in Murray, and let us de-
scribe in detail the construction ot the Aiamo ieciric "
many advantages showing the plant now installed in our builaing showing the
plant, displaying the fixtures and accessories with which you may equip your plant
and beautify your home.
isa i