The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 04, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Copj-ritfht. 1P14. by
The O-her Girl.
Ti!i: pirl's voiee stirred the Lo
! .;;..;ed ouih into aelinit again he followed her uieehac
i' al'y. often stiunl lui? a-aiiift
the iue.-. siii anu isiidiii:. till at
la-t I is uide. piteliin' down u sharp
ul"; . e:t:ui. direei y iijmu a Mire fence.
;i :y It-.'" she ea!ii-d. "LI ere is a
ft n ( . and he eahin ho'.thl he near,
aithouii I see :io .'iudit. Hello: Tony:"
.No replied, and. keeping AVay
land's hand. s!ie felt her way along
the t'enve til! it revealed a fate: then
td;e turned toward the roariag of the
M ream, w hi. h pfi-w l.mder :is they ai-V:iL.-(d.
"The ea!i;: is near the falis.
that ii.n b I know." she assured him.
Then a monieiit later .she joyl'ullj- cried
out. "Here it is:"
)!;t of the darkness a blaelier. Fharr--r
shadow roe. Acaiu she called, hut
iio on" answered. "Tlie "ranger is
it war." slo eXelaimed. in a v..iee of ic
dignr.r.t alarm.
I.eauinu liim toward the middle of
the loom. Rerrie said: "Stand here till
I strike a I ilt lit-""
. s h-r match famed up Xoreross
fotthd himself in a rough walled cabin,
in wl ifh stood a sujimre cook stove, a
rm'o table littered with dishes, and
thre stools nnde of slalis. It was
nli ery rude, but it had all the value
of a pahi'-o nt the moment.
The gift's quick eye saw inur-h else.
Fie lo'-rted an oil lamp. Home pine
wo. : and a corner cupboard. In n few
in ;;ie: 's the lamp was lit. the stove
7"f.i'-' 1 with fuel and she wts stripping
V,'.!vl.-'i!(!'s wet coat from his hack.
c!:"eiily discoursing as she did so.
"Here's one 'f Tony's old jackets, put
thr-t 'ti while I see if I can't find some
dry i ). -ki.UL's for you. Sit right down
h'-e by the siove: put feet in the
oven. I'i! have a in a jiffy. There,
that's right. Now I'll start, the coCf.-e
I-"t." S!:eso.n found the coffee, but it
was ut;''r. v:.d. "Wc-'id'T w h'-re he
l.e t's l.l-i fvtfTee Etid." She rummaged
:lo;:t fT a few minutes, th 'ii gave u;
th" sariii. "Wfi:. in matter, lores
t!:e eofi'ee. aod hole's a hammer. One
of the laws , f ti!t trail is t-iis: If you
o:.:ft do a thing one w;y. do it an
other J depend on this c ee to bract;
you up." she s;.i 1.
After h-.!izi:;g a blanket over the
b:-'!-.e:i window, she set out. some cold
i. :: :!'! a h.-lf do::en baking powder
Lii-.i'.ts. v. hi !i she lourni in the cnp
!;.: i. ; :.d .- soon as the -oQie was
ri . . -be p-e;:, j it for him. bat she
-.v. i...; h;-.j) leave tie (ire. She
liroitcl t Lis si:pr-r to liim and sat be
& him while he ate Mid (Iran!:.
'i'iio hot. strong foilee revived him
jn y-k-abr and brought b:uk n little of
1 is -o, and. l:r s;;id. "I'm as:a:nsd
!-' v.-. hush," she comma DdrM. "It's
Tiot your fault that you are weak. Now.
while I am eating my supprr you slip
off Lt:r w't cloihes and cre p into
Tony's hunk, and I'll fill out? of these
fdrnp cans with hot water to put r.t
our feet.''
It was of jo use for him to protest
.train: t her further care, tslie insisted,
and while she ate he meekly carried
out her instructions, and (rum Ihe de
li' ious warmth and security of his bed
watched hvr iu.ving about the stove
till the shadows of tlie rn"tn became
one with the dusky figures of Ins sieep.
A mom'uit later, as it seamed, son.e
"hi;:g frdling woke liim with a start,
and. looking up. he found the sun shin
ing and Rerrie confronting him with an
.iiTii.uS face. "D d 1 waken you?" she
asked. "I'm awfully sorry. I'm trying
to be extra quiet. I dropped a pan.
How do you fed this morning?"
He pondered this question a moment.
"Is it tomorrow or the nest week?"
She laughed happily. "It's only the
next day."
He laid his hands together and then
felt of his pulse. "I den't ,eem to
have a temperature. I just feel lazy.
Jimp and xzy. but I'm ;;oing to pet
up. if you'll just leave th room for a
'Don't try it row. Wait till you have
had your breakfast. You'll feel stronger
then. '
At this point came again the disturb
ing realization that this night of strug
gle and the ministrations of his brave
tompanion had involved tim deeper In
a me.-h from which honorable escape
was almost impossible. The ranger's
cabin, so far from being an end of
their compronii-dug intimacy, Lad add
ed and wss still adding to the weight
of evidence tgainst the-n both. Tbf
presence of tne ranger tr the super
TLor Uimtif could iiot uc w bave Bereu
1:1 Vfl -r
Hamlin GarLand x
iiiim tne gossips.
She brought his breakfast to him
and sat beside him while he ate.
chatting the whlie of their good for
tune. "It is glorious out-iue, and I am
sure daddy will get across today, and
Tony is certain to turn up before noon.
He probably went down to Coal City
to get his mail."
"I must get up at once." he said, in
a panic of fear and shame. "The su
pervisor must not lind me laid m on
my. back. IMcitse leave ue alone tor a
She went out. closing the eloor behind
her. and as he crawled from Ids bed
every muscle in his body r-ecmod to
cry out against being moved. Never
tlieless he persisted and at last stic-ce-.ded
in putting on bis clothes, even
bit. shoes, though he found tying the
laces the hardest task of all. and lie
wa-s at the wash basin bathing his f.ut
and 'hands when Rerrie hurriedly re
eiiftered. "Some tourists are coming."
Hhe announced in an excited tone. "A
l)rry of five or six people, a woman
amoTi'g them, is ju-t coining 'ov, n i iu
s?aii;. Now. who do ou s::rpse it car:
be? It would be just our in u if it
should turn out to be some one from
the mill."
lit divined at once th reason for b i
dismay. The islt of a woman at this
moment would not merely embarras?
thtm b"th. it would torture Rerrie
"What is to be elone?" he asked, roused
to alertness.
"Nothing: all we can do is to stand
pat and act as if we belonged here."
"Very well." he replied, moving tiHT
ly toward the door. "Here's where 1
can be of some service. I am an ex
ctllcnt white liar."
The beat of hoofs upon the bridge
drew his attciitku to the cavalcade,
which the keen eyes of tl,2 girl haii
detected as it came over the ridge to the
e::Kt. The party consisted of two mei.
! tv.-.w.r:;.:; : ; ! - tiov.-.e,
ci:;!-;y o.....i'. - il :; u,e t;.:i:.
One of ihe women, hc.
horse to the front, rode serenely up tc
where Vay!::nd st-:od .and eaiied out
"G"o.l morning: Are jt-ti the ranger?"
"No; I'm only the gttatd. The rangtu
has gone d wn the trail."
He perceived at once that the speak
er was an alien like himself, for sht
wore tan colored ri ling boot, a di
vided skirt of expensive cio'th and a
jaunty, wide rimmed sombrero. Sht
looked indeed precisely like the hero
ine of the prevalent western drama
Her sleeves, rolled to the elbow, dis
tiosed shapely brown arms, and !-r
neck, bare to her Imimuii. was equally
sun sniit. but she was so tound cheek
ed. so childishly charming, that the
mo-t critical obst : ver could lind no
fault with her makeup.
One of tiie men rode up. "Hello.
Norcress. What are jnu doing t.ver
here ?"
The youth suii'ed
morning. Mr. Reld ui.
apprenticeship. I'm
"The mischief you
blatidiy. "e;.i!d
I'm serving my
in the service
the o(h-r. "Wi. ore's Tony?"
"(lo;, e for his mail. He'll return soon
Whrt are you doing uirr here, may I
a-k ':"
"I'm here its guide to Mr. Moore.
Mr. Mooif. this is Xoreross. one o(
.Mcl'atiane's men. Mr. Moore is con
nected with the tie camp operations ot
tlie railway."
Moore was a tall, thin man with a
gray beard and keen blue eyes
"Where's Mcl'ailane? We were tt
meet him here. Didn't he come ovei
with you?"
"We spirted together, but the horses
get away, and he was obliged to ga
bach after them. He also is likely tc
turn up sotm."
"1 am frightfully hungry." interrupt
ed the girl. "Can't you hand me out a
hunk of bread ami' meat? We've been
riding l iticc daylight-"'
Kerrie suddenly appeared at the door
"Sure thing." she cubed ouL "Slido
Juwn and cone in."
Moore removed his hat and bowed
"J-ooil morning. Miss Mcl'arhme. J
didn't know you were here. You know
ry d:- '-liter Siona?"
Rerrie nodded coldly. "I've met her."
H. indicated the other woman. "And
':7 Rei-ieii. of course, you know."
I rz. Rcldeu. the fourth member o!
t : ty. a middle aged, rather llabbv
; ..-j-'. just being eased down from
. v !'erse. turned on Rerrie with a bat-
-f '.meat ions. "God !rd'. Rer
1 '' "gi laoe. what i e you doing tei
. . -cruakeu hole? Where's youi
A iil where is Tony? If Clid
w;j vu'j was over here he'd
. . .ie lOO."
--zrzil itliiutd her self rjossea&iyn.
we'll straighten things out."
Apparently Mrs. i.e dou aid not
Know mat tiiii antl lierne miu qunr -
reied. 1'ir plie treated i In- girl with ma j
term:! f :i miiki rity . She was a good na-j
turcd. well intent ii 'iivJ old sloven, but j
a iun.-t renowned tattler, and the girl'
feared her mole then slit? feared ant-
other W(i;:uii in the valk-y. She had'
always avoided li-r. lmt sin- shawcj
Uoll.ii;;' of this dislike at the moment.
Wayiaiid drew tlie uv.v.iivv woman's
mtei.liuLi l y sa;. ini:. "It's j'.:iiii t';at
yon. liUo m se:f. do not leii!:. lo thee
pan-;. Miss Mi,i:"
"What n::.l:es yon thud; so'" slie
lri irlit! v queried.
"Y.ur t.-ostr.iiie is too appropriate.
n.ivel.'t you notieed that tho women
who live ei;t h.-te earei'ullv avoid con-
venuiit atid :;rtitx- dress? Now. v:)tir
on: lit is preelsely
wear and !on't."
Tliis .unn.-i'd tier
all sav tliev have
what thev should
1 know. Ir.:t't!i
wear out tlielr
X "
kXSX li Mi
'' I
(' H 1
"If you cn't do a thirrj one way, do i
r -.other." go to meeting cl
I can "tig out pi'-'ptr.'
. t a - i
oil !
lil;e Lay Tig.' "
At the laoment he was bent on draw
"Come in and got some coucc", and!
M' '
L J-.
s h i r i l
ing the girls atte: t! ui ilr.iv.if,
but as she went, on he came to like i
her. She said: "N . I il.'ti't belong here. !
but 1 c :ue out every y( ar during vaca- I
tion :h my father. I love tlu cmn ;
try. It's so big and wide and wild.!
I'atlu-r has bunt :i little bungalow j
down at the lov.-vr mill, and we enjoy j
every day of our stay."
"You re a Smith girl." he abruptly j
asserted. sj
"What makes you t! ink so?"
"Oh. there's something a hot
Smith girls that gives ou do .1 .
"Gives r.s :iv a; ? I like iL .ti'
"My p!:ra-e was utii'-.rtunate.
Smith girls." p,. k.:-:! n.-d to sav
t 'Oil
.. i.i;t. :.t- .ti- t'ii
. .
li'ienuiiest term" t.uaing ! i.;u..uu
actpuaintaticcs a tact which h'"h pur -
rdetl and hurt Rerca. Their laughter
angered her. and whetievt-r she gian-.-P---.. warning, one t i tne ne
ed at them and dote ;. i Siona l.-!.ing J 'hc els cam- e.-ff and roll, d over to the
into Wayiand'a tace with co.piettSli 1 1 .ar:i of Sam G. Smith before it .-lor-
he w :
s embittered. Sh
ore came in and
glad when
rUi'Ted the dial.
Not cross di l
not relax, though
a sogers of ero.-s ex
-idered the
i ::i
inatmn almost entirely 1
tl. In th:
he was mi-taken, for no r wa
the keen edge of Mrs. Rclden's hunger
dulled than her eurio-ity sharpened.
"AVliere tiil yoti say the sapervio
was?" she repeated
"The horses gut away, and he had to;
go back niter taem. response. i
Rerrie. who found the scrutiny of the
other gill deeply disconcerting.
"When do you expect him l a k?"
"Any minute now." she replied, and;
in this slie was not deceiving their., a! -i
though she did not intend to v.dunteei j
any information whi-h might
rass either WaylamV or herseif. tried to create a diversion
"Isn't this a charming valley?"
Siona took up the cue. "Isn't it'
It's romantic enough to be th" back
drop in a Rret Ilarte play. I love it!"
Moore turned to Waylund. "1 know
a Norcross. a Michigan lumberman.
vice president t.f the association. Is,
he by any chance a relative?"
"Only a father." retorted Wayland.
with a smile. "Rut don't hold me re
sponsible for anything he has done.
YA't seldom a;ree."
Moore's mt:nncr cha.iiged abruptly
"Indeed: And what is the son of W
W. Norcross doing t.ut here in tlie f or-j
est service?" i
The change in her father's tone was the alleyway north cf Main street for
not lost upon Siona. w ho ceased hot two blocks has been finished and pre-
bnnter and studied the young man with) scats a fine eppearanee, with che new
deeper interest, w hile Mrs. Reldtm. de-1 rc-ncfete paving and is an addition to
tecting some restraint in Renie's toi.j, seetior! of the ri7 cf which we
renewed her ouestioniug. "Where did ,o r -
" mav weil feci tejita prnr::.
you camp hist night: "
iiikin iiei ,
I tion t see htw the horses got away.
There's a pasture here, for we rode
right through it."
Rerrie was .-.ware that e o-h moment I
of de-lay in explaining the situation
lookeil like e
simi and deepened the:, , , ,.
' . bad bronchi
-t cV; ..ft,.
cou.d not bung hei-elf to Lie:
t.ihii.rciv lccoaiitiii - f i- i. pi '
i 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 e i .oo.,nun u,
uer iireuiea r.ieui. ami
yet she
task of
timo during the last two davs.
Eeldeu e::rae to her rel'ef. "We'd. !
well, we'll have to l.-s meving
We're zoipg Ji'l camrj the mouth,
of the w-t f-r!;. l.o sai.i :is tie vr
"TeU T.::y and Hie s.i-e:vN, r tlKir w, -
vnnt to !;:,.. out th:-.T tim'-.or :;t tho t-ar
i Pest
Pinna, who wcs now distinctly oo
qu--tting with Wayianl. lu-l.l nut la-i
hand. "I bnjic j-ou'il find time t.
come up and see us. 1 know we h:i vi
M-p mur.ial friends if w li:
to get at them,
His ansv, cr w
".' n:n ,-i
r. I am
that I
mi di:ty.
liot at a':'.
n possibly
loa vr
b''.t 1 wiil e;;Ii
if I
do SO."
They started off at UiT with. hit hnv
d in detail jiti.vthii
of thv
ir.t iiii
' stioervisor daouhter atid voim N'f
i rrss had heeii thrown, and Mrs.
den was stiH sn not -h in the u--U t!i;tt
s!it cap "i i
sen 1 word
here. He"!
to !'. rrie: "J m g .itig to
to Cliff that you are over
be erazv to come the ui'.u
:e tlllds .k eul.
"I'ott't d) tliat:" prot-vsted
''ay!.'Tid . turned to R rri
woa'd be ph-asant." lie said s:
Rut sV.e 'id t: t rt-tum his :
s :e.!le. Ol:
I tiie colitrai'v. she remained 1 cry grave J
"I wish that old talebearer hrd kept j
j away. She's going to make t rouble
for us all. And that fdr!. i-t.'t she a;
I spectacle: I never could bear her."
I "Wl-.y. wliat's wrong w::h her? Sh"
; s;.e;;:s a vt-rv rice, spright' v person."
! "Slug's a regular plrv a. t-ir. 1 don't
i like ii'adeup tieop'e. Wisy does she go
aroiuid with her sleeves r-.'lc l uo thatj
j way
1 and her dress open
i throat?"
j "Oh. those :re the affe
tlie moment. She warts to
I an 1 boisterous. That's th
i all the girls just now
! harmless piece of foo'.ishne-.."
j She could not tell hint how deeplv
she res.-'ited his ready rone of enmnr.-'
: del ie with the other girl, btit she wa
' secretly suffering. It !::trt her to thin'
j that he c.cild forget his :,,; and b:
! so free and easy wi:h a stranger at a
j moment's noti -e. Tiider tt-e i-ifu-'-nee
I of that girl'.-A s:
; quite forgotten
u:e tie
Ids ,.h
u to h:
I '"ti ! hi-
- w hc'Tfu1
s in ight
:" ci: injus
i- i-c's -;,ius
i U vras woitlerfu!
j tice. He had I ecu k.-c
only of his b..'i!y ids. 1
t i:
trne. no'
s. but
and he had kept a !;:
that he might r.-v.
tioi :i:g en t';,- part oi
J t was hi - oi: :y w ay
Nov- that the cpSis w
e-;;,. n::i"h o' a v
ve fa
e in
a !:. i i' u
of be. g h
is j ,1 l!
re k as eve
(To T.e Cnntir.tjed.)
rnmn nn muz
Tk'-T YQT-iY
t-r I itbLl I .Ki I LiJllH I
: an nutoinobilc
Yipc stre-t that
' i . c r
iffUi !
of the west fork.
iu a. way was very fortunate for tl.:
t-.-t upar.ts cf ihe car. I'.vi'ht I'rop.-t
like; v.t. cr'.virsr an i.uto his fathc
'had i'-!. !:;;: ha--e:i :'..i si-
, - ...
i re was rest-nsr v me
n street.
. , ...
; r.e was rui-armc mow.v r.rd tal;:"0: to.
"r Iart'es on lhe 1 U"'V5-- 'vhen- j
; y0. fli;-ht. and hi
t-ecn rroln.'r at a
the uutomold'e
ite o
ve: v serious actuaetit
i have occuri ed. ard
;s it
s the dam
I age v. iii be slight and the owner- of the
! car wi'I havo the vhee! rat on so thai
i it will Flay in the future, am) fee!.;
j that it was fortunate that the :ir
: c ut ea-furrt't! when it did ami die!
! - ct kronen to the ca- when out travel-
;n T at a
jroco r
te cr speed. T'.e auto
x sccomi-naniieo macnir.e ra-ai
1 1 ecu used a pre-at tieal bef o e bein;r
', purthtised by Ir. Propst.
... P.v mi -v iff
fiA U? j AVii Allt? HA5
'ii Friday's I t. i
he natter ol pav
i.;; .ii ; i lie uiie en
' 1 M
south side of Main street seems
' he IEn? allowed to lag, vnen it is
the time to jiush the matter, as the
ciiizens hare cxp'-essed themselves hi
favor of the matter and tlie conditions
are somethink awful in that section of
the city, with mud holes a:id srnail
pond:; of water stand in;? in the alley
way, and it behooves tiie city to pet
;n:i have the work started, as
I e commends Chcmberlain's Cough
"Tist u-ltitcr T user! a
bottle ef ,
ril:irT.,r,,.I;l-c. rn,ltru r?mod,r -Tr,- a
mrrY, T -ru lit i.nn. '
ftci:i1 effects immediately and before I i "UM "J"1 ' . T , V
, (Lord is causing the w in-Is ( r ad vetsity
nail finished the bottle I was cured.' ., ... , - . .
. .... I to blow tijMin H is Isurci. in o-oer t aai
I never tire of recommending' this
remedy to my friends," writes Mrs.
William Bright, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ob-
tamable everj-where. - j
-it fifiPi r.VnnHrili
i ii; j 1 , ;Y j i-t
;il;v I'I IVl I'll iy f fi
lis Spotless R0b3 cf Christ's
Rij-tiiEoysness Their
WsSding Ro!3.
T"h Church a Virgin, Espoused to the
King's Con Called From Her Father
Adsm's House How the Called Ones
Are IV'ade Fit For the Erldegrocm.
Isaac 2nd Rebecca Types Gcd Seeks
Only a Choice Few For the Bricie of
His Son Some Called, but Miss Their
Calling How Spots Are Removed
From tr-.2 Briclal Robe The Testing
Day Now Upon Us "They Shall
Wlk With We" "They Are Worthy."
New York. N. Y..
Oct. . Raster
Kussell deli ereil a
forceful and help
ful discourse in tlie
New York "iiy
Temple. W. ('.d
St.. near Rroad
way. today. II is
text was. "Heark
en. O daughter.,
and consider, and
incline thine car.
I-'orget also thine
own people and thy
7 lv
father's Utilise: so shall the King
. j. reaei;,- desire thy beauty: for He is
(tny Lord, and worship thou liim."
iil'salm 4.":lo. 11.) He said in part:
Neier was there greater need for the
I Lord's people to rememlier the words
I of this text than at the present time.
We recognize these words of the l'saim-
, jt David as prtp!ietie. referring to the
; Church of Christ. The Church has
'been eaiied out during the Gospel Age
' to be Christ's Rride. The Prophet here
; pictures the Call of this class, the
j terms of the Call, and the Rrnle s prep
aration lor tier marriage to tlie Kings
I Son. The exhortation is that those
j w ho lan e thus leciiie espom t-d as
I Virgin to Christ, w ho have taken upon
themselves the covenant of faithful
; nes-:. ::re to be separate from the world.
Hence the injunction. "Forget thine
ocn peopie and thy father's House."
J Uur ow n people are the human fam
jily. ur father's House is Adam's
! House. Ry nature we belong t his
House: we have a natural interest in
jlu- inheritance: and although we have
I re-elved woeful experiences through
! Adam's fail, yet w hatever v. e have as
! human beings we have received from
Adam. Those who are now the Lord's
il''i'1'' Wl,1"e I'.v mature children of
j wrath, even as t. fliers." Rut some-
'thing has occurred in our case. We
, have been called tut of this condition.
: nd invited to become "the Rride. ihe
j R:,n.b's Wife."-llevelation 'Jl . 0-11;
i I'saim 45:!t.
God's Wonderful Condescension.
None of the human family could
claim io l o worthy of this high exalta
tion t. be the Rride. members of the
Christ company; for neither Jew nor
Gentile could keep the Divine Law.
Our Lord .Jesus was the only one w ho
co dd keep it: for it is the full lacas-
I ure of a perfect man's ability, and. ex
i pt Father Adam, there was never a
jpc-lcot mau upon earth but the Lord
; .le-uis. Having kept the Law. He be-
let me Heir of all things: and just as a
wealthy man might take a beggar for
a wile, lifting her up from her degrad
ed condition and making her joint
lair in his inheritance, his name, hit
honor and his property, so the Lord
.b.'sr.s is to lake a Rride from the
fadeii human family and make her
ji.lut-ueir with Himself.
We had nothing which would ever
entitle us to be taken into God's fam
ily, but tied has made this way for us
tliioagii His I'ian of Redemption. How
wonderful an opportunity for us. that
Gcd should choose us'to be the Rride
or His Son; God has called us with
a Heavenly Calling. This choice is
bting made in harmony w ith the cus
tom f olden times as in the case of
Abraham and Isaac. Abraham typi
hed Jehovah; Isaac, our Lord Jesus
Clrist: and Isaac's bride Rebecca, the
Church. As Abraham sent his servant
to s; ek a bride for his son Isaac, so
Gd has sent, throughout this Gospel
Age. the Message of His grace, by His
Holy Spirit. His servant, to seek a
Rride for His only Regnlten Son.
The promises of God have gone here
and there through the world and have
a' ted like a magnet upon certain iudi
vidua Is. The Magnet of God's Truth
has been a power that has drawn a
certain class, but does not attract oth
ers very much. Is God making a dis
crimination? Yes. There are many
whom He dues not wish at all for His
present purpose. He is not seeking the
world now.
This statement would have seemed
very strange to Us once: for we had iu
m'uid the idea, handed down from the
errors of the past, that v hooter did
not understand and necoor spiritual
truths and become a saint during lhh
present life, would hat e (. roast for ah
eternity. Now- v, e see that God is
merely gathering out a special Has-.,
that have special haracterisi ics. .God
uses measures to drive te'e-rs nil. .Just
if yon were draw ing lacks ti
ii magnet, would bP-w o:t any saw-
here, so the
any of fl:e w:
tl.emselt es to
!;y wlm have
hurdi cl
:-e who
s may !n
i re of th
blown off. V
true Cliaich will oiiiy adhere the closer.
i : je.5u
tiers of i ' .r ikf-y-J--
. t toug.-i , j, - i'vt
I TJ-'--i-: T V- ,2S
ad With i S&iX&y
o:ilv :. ! I ;ns7oYl.? L?i!Sf I I !
Separation of Wheat and Tares.
In the pr.rabie t'f the Wheat and the
Tares. .Jesus shows that In the Harvest
ii;..e of the Gospel Ace He w ou.d com
pletely st j.aiate the wheat 1 r aa the
tares. tMaUiiew I.'l:ari;. ) Not a "rain
of wheat is to be hit amongst the
tares, and not a tare is to be hit
amongst the wheat. There will be
such persecutions and oppositions as
will make ii complete separati ci and
division. The wheat class wiil be taken
out by the Lord and gathered into the
garner. The tares will be uprooted
iioin the wheat-field and burned. In
other words, in the Time of Trouble
they will be shown to be of the world,
as they have leeii all along.
There is only one class desired for
the Rride class true Christians. Mil
lions of people are associating together
Mid calling themselves Christians that
have not the slightest relationship to
God. They are tares. God never au
thorized these. They did not come into
ursockitiou with the Church through
the Doorway. (.John l'cl-7.) Some
came iu because their parents or th- ir
trends were in. Soine thought that
unless they were baptized they would
go to eternal torment.
In the end t.f this Age. now present,
there is to be a great burning time.
Not the ieople. but their religious con
ceptions and afiihations will burn up.
"The lire of that Day shall try every
man's work of what sort il is." il
Corinthians :RJd Those who ha,e
built with the stubble of human tradi
l i. ;ii wiil suller loss. Their works and
their professions will perish. Those
who have built upon the sand will be
overthrown. Rut any who have been
real Christians "shall be saved so as
by lire." Their systems an.', their doc
trines will be consumed in the lire of
this Day a bitter humiliation. These
may be assured that their great church
systems will suffer complete collapse
in the Day of the Lord. They will l'.d
to rise no more. .Tor. T1 :-".
Terms of Our Covenant Binding.
This speeial class that God has been
gathering out for eighteen centuries to
be the Rride of Christ have accepted
God's terms and have entered into a
special tovenant with God in ordoi
that they might become members ot
the Rride- class. These terms are er
positive and definite. In olden times
when there was a lietrothah it was
usually the father that looked after
the contract. This was not a merely
verbal contract, but a written one. li
was a binding engagement with posi
tive stipulations on both sides. Just
so uir Heavenly Father, in making the
arran-a meat by w hi -h v. e iaa;. cent
into His family, drew- up a very posi
tive, unchangeable contract. It is a
condition of full surrender to liim.
We give up our own wills. This agree
ment is more binding than any earthly
marriage contract.
Those who have become betrothed
to the Lord Jesus Christ give up their
all to Him. They do not have very
much, to be sure. Most of us havt
very, very little; for not many great,
not many wise, not many learned, le t
many noble, are called. (1 Corinthians
1 Rut association with the One
to whom they are betrothed gives thest
a nobility of character. The wonder
it. ! pi oi-.i-es .,' God begin laim lac . 1.".
to work in them to w i.l and to mi ol
His go id pleasure. It is a transform
ing work. The Apostle Raul tells us
that we are "transformed by the re
newing ol our minds" not our bodies
.Romans 12:k'.i Our body is ihe same
body that we had before, but we have
a lie v.- mind. We are New Creatures
All things are new: old things have
passed away. (2 Corinthians 5:17.1
This makes a change everywhere.
We need not go into detail as t"
w hat changes it makes. We know, if
we are of this class, that "the things
which mice we loved we now hate."
We loved the things that were pure,
nobie and beautiful in proportion as we
were naturally of a noble disposition
but many of the things which oiec
we loved were things ,f which we can
not now- approve. We have revive '
the begetting of the Holy Spirit: and
as God's Spirit abounds in us m u-c
and more, we become copier; of God's
dear Son. our Redeemer, our Head, our
In the case of the Hebrew marriage
contract, if Ihe bride-elect was guilt:
of intidelity to her betrothed bride
groom, the unfaithfulness was punish
el with death. So if any of us win
have made a contract with lhe Lord
should violate that contract and be un
true to our Rridegrootn, we w ould conn
under the penalty of the Second Death.
"If any man draw back," says tk
erd. "My soul shall have no pleas
ure in him." God would not give eter
nal life to those in whom He has n.
pleasure. The Apostle I'aui says that
these draw back to perdition destruc
tion, illebrews 1U:.".S. ::i.i So the mat
ter is clear before us. We are espoused
to a Husband. We have taken up.ui
us certain obligations. We must go on
now. aial make our calling and election
sure. Wo must cither gain the re
ward of everlasting life or else go into
tlie Second Death.
Christ's Righteousness Oar Covering.
Does this mean that if we make slips
we shall go into the Second Death":
No. Cue might make umnlout i.eia !
slips of various kinds. l'restimablt
there is no child of God living win
has not made such slips. Our iniper
feet ions are hindra nces to our doing
perfectly. "With my mind I serve th
Law of God." but with my i m per fe t
body it would bean impossibility. Our
arent Redeemer, who is our prospectm
Critlegrooiu. has made satisfaction f- t
our impcrfe'-tious. Therefore alien
v.e err. we are ! go to the Throne ol
Heavenly Grace to obtain im-rey--mer
cy with God through Chri-t. If yo
and I were perfect, we won! i not neei'
to go t ;he Throne of Gn:c(. to oh
rain m'Ucy and lind grace to h-!p it
tiue cf need. (Hebrews 4:l(i.i Rut at
we le-ome tl; velo; t ii ;:. i i .. ti i" w e
shall not need to lo ,. -, to ' i .i.i
inerey. As we -. r ov --:; . . , n '
j wiser.
! But wo 'hall al. reel !
! long as v e aie in 1 1'- . a ; : :.
i The Lord knows of il.e b. ... - a cf
j cur tieslt and of oar nnsii. ..1 . : rl
I ifgs to i '. in uc; and 1 Ie la. I
'is a cot ering--1 he jtefi"iis hi!.. ..
'hrist's ri-htecusi e-a. S. It th
j Lord's arrangement this Ri . ;.
j may be eventually le-. ;.l ;.; :..
wedding. The spotless vJ.c -. i . :.
I at the tifsl is the we-!d,;:g
mentioned in our Lord's para !.-. 'M:a
thew "J:ll-l!.i Ck d in as pr i a.
liolie. we may conn iu and be I .t'i i
pators at ti e great Marriage, as m. m
hers of the Rride f Chris:.
Spots on the Robe How Re-.i:vtJ.
The Lord Jesus iatitaattd that s ....
of His ;R.-i;.!e.s will l, .t be ready t go
in to that Marri.ue. because. :.;:lc.:.c .
they are wearing the robe, th-: hae
gotten it besmir, l e i un l sputcd. We
are to keep our aariucnts i.,i ;.!, 1
fi-i.m the v. ond. e an any u - J.s-.
through the world and ;
abso'.Uiciy u-epotted? .N. ; that is j.- t
the thought. Rut if tl. ' -o who ale in
the right attitude of heart sh .ad
a : p-t upon th. Ir rob. , it w n be so
grievous t them that they v. , ! k.:'e:i
t remove it. There is only ;. tva l
get a spot off from that r. : e. We
must take the matter to the Throne ot
Grace; and v. ha teve-r our
it v. as temper or w hat w hen l.ip-.e
has been acknowledged, tl,.- ',.-.;;,-.n
merit of Jesu-f blood i.. a.; p'ic'; ;.i. . ..i.:
robe is pot less again. 1 .11 u 1 :
In this v ay our robe is l.. , t w late.
Wo are lo keep oursrite- t:,ia. . b.
gop g to the ne who rl. n.- can iv
into e such spot- and by asking tin- fot
givciioss necessary. "If w .- . .-.flour
sins. He is faithful and ju-t
forgive us our sins, ;md to us
from all unrichu -u lies s." T in i.e.
of .J sits Cl.rist. the nt.-l.iiia ln : it of
Ills saeriti' e. i-lcanses us day by day
as we. appreciatihg our need. ..:, . i .
Him daily to have His 1.1. d app'i.-d.
Then is a class, however. ho p. . ;jot
keep th.-ir lobe ( lean; for : ny st .in
t;;.n this robe remains until the proper
fetcps are taken lor its removal. Th ie
are many Christian people who bate
not labi a these steps, ai d v. ho t ':. :
fore hate i."i had the sii"ts removed.
Why do t.iey not hate these spits
cleansed V you ask.
There are things coni'-. , w'th 111 at
matter which some -f a.-u may know
abotit. Vi'heii first yoj '-..j .,. p. ,,.
Lord, full of earnest dsin.- t ke j
yourself unspotted from the work' ; ..n
were very careful about jour i-..o.-.
Oh. low shocked you wciv a' the lav;
spot: You said, "1 am a child of Go I;
and o!i. what a nis:.-i!.c 1 ) ate m..!i I"
I'.ut as time pa--so.l and ton r.-aH.:.-1
more and more keenly jour infaiaii i.-s
of the flesh, j u found th: t you wt r- o''
teu overtaken by these w . al, O'-se-.
and you were s humi'iat;.! thrcpv
that jo;t were t.-mpted to n t:i: in awa.v
from the Throne of Grace., tin- Mer.-,.
seat providetl by the Lord lor tins ;-.-purpose.
Rut if j ou w ere a true .lis
"iple of Christ, j-ou coiepiere 1 tl.i - foot
ing and went lo the Lord to hate tlr
spot s 1 1 11!' 'Vcd.
Tor Careless Christians Reckon, r
I'.ut a great many 'Prist a r. po-y.b-have
not been faithful in this r -t
iind ;re deceit e-1; and a i. i,..:,
i;ig t inie is a l li ml. Tin . hate doubt
i .1 ti e Lord s i::eivy or ci.-e hate been
arclcss of their ccnat.t: and t!e-y
a.!e not litiag tio-e to the Lord. I'h. :-u.-'.s
are unsatisfactory to tl.aUiselt. .
it. I to God. Tin y ..;; n-t be of il,.
Itride class. N'.i.edy whose lob-- e
c.ivered with spots will be re.-e'te "; i.p.o
til'- wtnldii.g rs n member ol" the l'-ri i.
tf Chrisf ; 1 or t he Rrh'c must -"w i. h
out spot or wrinkle or ai y su.-h thing."
illphesians r.:UT.--T.i Only thus coed!
she be presentable to the Heater l
Bridegroom. "There v,U be te- p::
and gnashing of teeth"' amongst ihe
fotd'.sn virgins when C o P, .of to the
witlding is shut. (Matth.-w inlji
Many wtft be elisappointed in this D.iv
i f Christ.
Wli'-ie shall you a-il I bejh.
hope that we shall make . ;jr . ;i'i
and election sure; that, kt-ov.-ii.g th.
terms, we shall keep .ur garmci .?v n-,
spotted from the fh sh. ftoni . t, -.
thing that is contaminating. Tin t
n peculiar beaut.v about a pure v. !:':
robe. A robe spotted all mer v." ai
not look cry attractive. t.- :l.i ..
lo' eall wrinkled. ThuKitig will g. at
ly 1 vc ati'l ai-preeiate t'c-e who :
in a spotless condition.
"Forget also thine own p. ;'
thy fjither's House." The icap'. .-
to w I'ongdoing. to disloj ;il: t to our .
ei.ant with the Lord. .-. uc 1 :i " !.'.
through relation-; with our oi.ui pe -p'.-It
is tcry trying to en it a", or l.i do ft,
things -tn kt ep on good i"f::s a
the world's people and wph the L .;d -at
the same time. To s i is at. i.r
possibility. This is when- the Gp-.i
Company class m..I.e tl: :i f. i a-.-
The.v fear what the'r a''
and neighbors will sat-. They p , j ,;
c:;re to be considered peculiar. Ru; t
are led to be a shamed of th.- Tra'.i ..:
of the brethren or f r. p;.a k :;
Christ. -M.-tttliew Jo.'",
"So shail tie- Ling great'-.- b- - t'--beauty."
This is a beau'y -.lac'
hi the lo-art. a beaut.v .'' h :.
livery ClirUtian should se t. it I
he is grow ii.g daily iu gro-r. In a'l i h.
true R'.tl.v of Chri: t there i a g ..;
iu the Lord's Spirit, a g'-o- jl, , i ! e . i
This is the beau'y tiiat oar Rr;d-."...
d.sires. in His Rride this b-:;i:ty '
cPanicter likeness t-i Hues. If. V. ... ..
sire Ibis in nurseltes. Wt: wj-h to v..
out minds and hearts . ... ale- i
and l.iore v. ide'y to tnk- Pi the i.p.-:
e"ts of others, espeeial y eur breth.-r
of tht Raay of Christ. Th -s.-prove
faithful un'o d.rth -.-,.;!
glory. Ii iuoj- ;.i,d i:u::a :-.. ; . t
Bka'l ttalk with Me in wh.." s..-. ;
Lord Jesus; "for t'-iey t;e rrfri'jr."