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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1915)
journal platta O VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1915. NO. 32. A MOST ESTIM ABLE LADY DIES AT OMAHA Mrs. Gus I'ein Died at the Hospital After Undergoing an Operation for Appendicitis. Frm Friday's Tal;r evening: shortly before o'clock the sail news was received in this city of the death of Mrs. August Fein at St. Joseph's hospital in Oma ha, where she was taken Wednesday aft moon to undergo an operation for appendicitis, and the unfortunate lady never recovered from the operation, which was much more seve -e than had been anticipated, and despite the ef forts of the attending surgeons she gradually sank into death and passed away at 5:30 in the afternoon. This is a grievious blow to the husband and little children, who are deprived of the love and care of a most devoted wife and mother, and to the bereaved fam ily the deepest sympathy of the en tire community goe-i out :.r their loss. The suddenness of the aflliction that has fallen on this home is most crush ing, rs this estimable lady was only taken sick Tuesday ever.iig, and in less than two days was called to her final reward, leaving the loved ones with aching hearts to bear the loss which came on them with such unex pectedness. The death cf Mrs. Pein brings forcably the lessoii that in life we are in the midest, of death and while apparently in the enjoyment of life are called upon to answer the summons to a journey to an unknown land which is hidden from the eye cf man. Mrs. Pein-was a lady wh- was loved by all who knew her, and in her daily walks of life practiced th- principals of a Christian life, and in the love of home, husband and children found her joy and pleasure. She wiis a devout member of the St. Paul's Evangelical church and her presence will be sadly missed in the work of the church and in the community where- she has so long made her home. She leaves be sides the husband, three small chil dren. Clifford, Gretchen tnd Cather ine Pein, the youngest cf whom is 5 years of age; one stepson, Harry Pein, of Kansas City, as well as her mother, Mrs. Claus Speck, sr., thiee brothers and three sisters, Claus Speck, Walter Speck. Miss Alma Speck of this city, Mrs. John Ewing, Hopkins, Missouri, Mrs. Anna Roberts of Ralston, and Henry Speck of Columbus, Neb. Celia Speck was born in Platts mouth August 13, 1873. ard had spent her lifetime here, being educated in 1his city, and during all these years had endeared herself to a large circlo of warm friends, who will miss her greatly, as she was kindly and genial to all she met and a lady who to know was to hold in high esteem. She was married here in HW to Mr. Aug ust Pein. and the fami'y have made iheir home here since that time. She was a member of the Woodman Circle lodge of this city, who acted as the escort for the body on its arrival from Omaha this morning. MISS JMT BRAHTER MAR RIED TO MR. RilSSEL CHASE From Friday's Rally. The friends in this city of the Ed l?antner family will be surprised to learn of the marriage at Macey, Ne braska, last evening of T.he daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. Brantre?', Miss Janet Brantner, who was united in marriage to Mr Russel Chase, a substantial farmer of the vicinity of Pender, where the Brantner family have made their home for the past few years. The wedding was a very Tjuiet one and attended by only the immediate fam ily. The young people will make their l'ome on the farm of l.ho groom near Pender in the future. The bride is the grape! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cory Of this city and the many friend? here of the young lady will extend to the newly weds their best wishes for a long and happy married life and one free from care and sorraw. WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. St nri cash price and description. D. F. Bush. Min neapolis, Minn. 10-4-Stwkly MRS. JAMES M'COLIQUGH TAKES TO HOSPITAL From Fridays Dally. This morning Mrs. James McCul- lough was taken to Omaha, where she will enter the St. Joseph's hospital to undergo an operation for a trouble from which she has been suffering for some time. She came up this morn ing in company with her husband from their home, east or Murray, and departed on the early Eurlington train for Omaha to enter the hospital. It is to be hoped that this estimable lady will soon be able to return to her home here relieved of her affliction, and her friends will anxiously await word form her bedside. Her father, Fred Olenhausen, and her sister, Mrs. Mary Evers, also accompanied her to the hospital. MODERN PRISCILLA GLUES ENTERTAINED FOR 8RIDE-EECT from Friday's Daily. Last evening Miss x.dna Peterson entertained the members of the Mod ern Priscilla club at her home in a most pleasing kitchen shower in honor of Miss Anna Wohlfarth, whose mar liage to Mr. L. L- McCarthy is to oc cur on Tuesday next. The evening was spent very pleasantly by the young ladies in the plying of the busy needle, as well as in music and social conversation, which served to pass the time in a most delightful manner, and such as only this jolly organization of young ladies know how to enjoy in their gatherings. After some time spent in the social pleasures of the evening the party were invited to the dining room, where dainty and de licious refreshments were served by the hostess, and which was a very much enjoyed feature of the evening. The guest of honor was presented with a number of articles which will serve in the years to come to remind her of the old friends and jolly days when the Modern Priscilla club were together on their numerous pleasant social gatherings. LAY IN WAIT FOR SUCCESSFUL RIVAL BUT HE ESCAPES Krm FrtdflVn raily. The story of the escapade of several young men of this city was on tap in the police circles this morning, and which tells of baffled love and the at tempt of the disconsolate admirer of a young lady to seek revenge on his rival, who was permitted to bask in the smiles of the lady. It would seem from the "dope" given the police that the young man, who was held in high esteem by the lady, came in from the country last evening, and calling on his lady friend, secured her consent to accompany him to the picture show, where they spent some time watching the course of true love as protrayed on the screen by the movies, and then wended their way to the place where the lady was engaged in working, and here is where the villian enters, as the young man who had not been able to "get by" with the lady decided to visit punishment on the successful rival, and with two other young men lay in wait for the fortunate one, and even went so far as to call at the house where the girl was staying and ask for their intended victim, and finding that he was not there decided to hang one on him, and as the couple neared the spot where the villians lay in wait the young man got a "hunch" as to what was up and beat a hurried re treat, with the rival and his friends in pursuit, but by this time the police were notified of what was up and nip ped the intended trimming of the for tunate young man in. the bud and warned his would-be punishers that they had better remain in the clear and not start anything, which the did. John Urish of Mt. Pleasant precinct was in the city Saturday looking after some trading with the merchants for a few hours. Wall Paper. Gering & Co. Phone. 36 CONDITION OF HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING GOOD Labor Commissioner Does Not Give a Very Flattering Report of the Sanitary Conditions. From Friday's Dally. The examination of the Central school building in this city, which was conducted here on September 22 and 23 by State Labor Commissioner F. M. Coffey, has had the result of this examination embodied in a report filed with the board of education, and the facts as to the building's safety, as viewed by the state commissioner, re lieves the minds of the members of the school board, as well as the citi zens in this regard, and it disapproves the fears of our informant in the matter, and it is a pleasure to learn that there is no danger, in the opinion of the labor commissioner, who has made a close and careful inspection of the structure, and should settle the matter to the satisfaction of everyone as Mr. Coffey has made as careful an examination as could be made. It is a matter in which everyone has been ! vitally interested, and that the build ing is deemed safe should be a source of great relief to all. The school board was on hand to assist Mr. Cof feyy in his inspection and the in vestigation was as thorough as could possibly be made, and the result should be accepted as final. The re- report of Commissioner Coffey on the building is as follows and should make the situation there clear to the patrons of the school: . Lincoln, Neb, Sept. 26, 1915. C. A. Marshall, President; J. M. Rob erts, Vice President; E. H. Wes Cott. Secretary; F. A. Schlater, T. H. Pollock, John Schulhof, Board of Education, Plattsmouth, Neb.: Gentlemen: The approval of fire escapes on school buildings and build ings used for school purposes, as to make, location and number, is a part of the duties of this department. In the performance of this duty an in spection of the Central school building in. your city, September 22-23, 1915, prompts these suggestions and recom mendations: All rubbish should be removed from near the permanent stairways and unused rooms. The basement store room should be relieved of all waste papers and ar ticles liable to cause fire. The seating capacity of the various rooms is overtaxed. Too many pupils are enrolled in each room. In fact, there is a congestion in each room that is not for the best interest of the pupils, and most forcibly suggests the need of additional school rooms in your district. Two iron stairways are located on the outside of the building. This is sufficient in number and the location is probably the most advantageous. The equipment of inside stairways with side rail supports is not only a safeguard in case of hurried exits in case of fire, but lessens the danger of accidental falls during regular dismis sal hours. The wisdom of the legislature in re quiring school houses and buildings used for school purposes to be equip ped with reasonable means of escape in case of fire is admitted by all who give the matter any thought. As near the maximum in safety should be provided school children as to health, life and limb. At the request of you gentlemen an inspection and observation was made of the general condition of the Central building as to safety. This examina tion and inspection required a goodly portion of two days. . The condition of the building was examined from foundation walls to the cap of each side and end wall. The conditions of the rafters, joist and stringers were also examined. In fact, the examina tion covered every part of the build ing which might furnish evidence of its condition as to safety. The foundation under the entire building is of hard stone and nowhere showed any evidence of giving away to time and weather. The side and end walls are practically plumb There are a few cracks in the walls near windows and doors. These bear the appearance of having been in ex istence for a long time. These cracks are evidently caused by the settling of the wall soon after construction. It is a hard matter to place the direct cause of these cracks, which appear in most all brick buildings. One cause is the fact that w hen window sills and caps are placed in order to make them level a large amount of mortar is used by the mason, and if the settling of the wall comes before the mortar has time to harden cracks in the wall will result. Just how long a building will stand; just how long it will withstand the at tacks of time and weather, is beyond human calculation- But we can form an opinion from the general condition of the building apparent to the eye. One who is to express an opinion as to the safety of a school building to say whether there was any apparent danger of it falling under normal con ditions of weather would naturally be extremely conservative, when he remembered that the building was to house several hundred of the precious young school children.. After a most thorough examination of the Central school building, in which you, honored sirs, participated, there were no apparent defects found in the condition of the building that would call for any degree of fear of danger from a collapse or falling of the walls, barring weather conditions. How long the building with withstand time and weather attacks one is un able to estimate, but there were no conditions apparent that need cause fear as to the safety of the building for some time at least. The material used in the construc tion of buildings at the date that the Central building was constructed is more solid, firmer and of better grade than material used at this later date. An examination of the material used in the Central building will sub stantiate this statement. When the earnestness with which you gentlemen conduct the affairs of the board of education, and the unanimous expression of an earnest desire to ascertain the facts as to the condition of the building so that you j might act for the best interests of the school children of your district, when these facts are recalled the people of Plattsmouth are to be congratulated on the makeup of their schoo lboard. It is unfortunate for the parents, it is unfortunate for the school children, and it is unfortunate for the members of the board of education that these expressions of fear are made without first having been sure of the situation. But come they will, and the com munity must meet them and make the best of the situation. After what was considered a most thorough inspection and examination there was no present apparent lack of safety in the condition of the Central school building, barring the attacks of time and wreather. Respectfully sub mitted, F. M. Coffey, Commissioner of Labor. . The undersigned members of the Plattsmouth Board of Education were present at the time the above inspec tion of the Central school building was made, and each of us closely scrutiniz ed the condition of the building from every viewpoint. WTith a full apprecia tion of our responsibility in the prem ises in mind, we are more firmly con vinced than before that there is no need for fear as to the safety of the Central school building for a long period of time, how long we know not. Respectfully submitted, C- A. Marshall, President. E. H. Wescott, Secretary. J. M. Roberts. Frank E. Schlater. T. H. Pollock. Mrs. John R. Pierson and little son, who have been here visiting for some time with Mrs. Pierson's mother, Mrs. Mary B. Allison, departed this morn ing for their home at Table Rock. John Gilson, a iormer resident of this city, who has been making his home near Los Angeles, California, and who has been here on a short visit, departed this afternoon for his home. George A. Mesinger and wife de parted this morning for Omaha, where Mrs. Meisinger will enter St. Joseph's hospital to undergo an operation. W. T. Adams departed this morning for St. Paul, Neb., where he will spend a few days visiting with his son, Max and family, near that place. C. R. Butcher of Glenwood, who was an over Sunday visitor in this city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Barthold and family, departed this morning for his home in the Iowa city. NEW MANAGER FOR DOVEY & SON'S STORE George II. Falter, a Young Man of Splendid Business Qualities, As sumes Management. From Friday' raUy. Today a change was made in the store of E. G. Dovey & Son, one of the leading mercantile establishments of the city, when Mr. George H. Fal ter took charge of the active manage ment of the store and will in the fut ure devote himself to looking after the advancement of the interests of this splendid dry goods and grocery story. The advent of Mr. Falter will give Mr. George E. Dovey an oppor tunity to enjoy a relaxiation from the ardrous task of looking after the full management of the establishment, as Mr. Falter, with his excellent judg ment and ability, will be able to re lieve him of a great many responsi bilites which have kept him confined to the store almost constantly for a great many years. Mr. Falter has in the last few years been a conspicuous figure in the busi ness life of the city, as he was one of the firm of Falter & Thierolf until a few months ago, and is a young man who has a clear understanding and appreciation of modern business meth ods which will make him a valuable man in the Dovey store and one who can keep in touch with the trade and needs of the customers of the estab lishment, and his keen insight into the advertising and window dressing lines of the business will give him an op portunity of advancing the interests of the firm. The firm of E. G. Dovey & Son is one of if not the oldest business house in the city, and also one of the finest, as the stock carried is of the ery best, and this will make a fine field for the work of the new manager of the establishment- Mr. Dovey will remain at the head of the general affairs of the firm as he has for the past thirty-five years and will turn the active management of the store over to Mr. Falter. That the new manager will be able to accomplish much toward advancing the store there is little doubt. The friends of Mr. Falter will be pleased to learn that he is to remain in the city as a resident, as he expect ed on selling his interests in the cloth ing store to remove elsewhere to seek a location, but was finally prevailed upon to change his mind, and for the present at least will be a resident here, together with his family, in our city, and their friends are feeling well pleased over this fact. BEN BROOKS INJURED WHILE WORKING ON ROCK BLUFFS ROAD From Friday's Dally. Ben Brooks is limping around on clutches since yesterday as a resu of an accident that befell him Wednes day afternoon while he was engaged in assisting at the fill on the washout on the Rock Bluffs road east of the Horning farm. It seems Mr. Brooks desired the use of a large plank and called to one of the workmen to hand it down to him, but instead of doing this the plank was reelased and sent down an incline of soma thirty feet end struck Ben about the left ankle, resulting in spraining that member, as well as fracturing a number cf the bones in the left foot, and he will be on the retired list for som-i time as the result of the mishap, out as it is he feels that he had a most fortunate escape in that the foot was not mash ed off, as the heavy plank was coming at a good rate of speed an! from the distance it had traveled could easily have crushed the foot in a very bad manner. R. M. Shlaes and Charles Petersen were among those going to Omaha this morning, where they will spend a few hours inspecting some new first run pictures, including the famous "Damaged Goods," which will be shown there today by the picture company before an audience of min isters. A. B. FORNOFF RETURNS HOME FROM SOUTH DAKOTA From Friday's Daily. This afternoon A. B. Fornoff of near Cedar Creek returned home from a short visit to South Dakota, where he looked after his land interests near Huron for a time, and is well pleased with the general condition of the crops in that state, which are the best for some years, and every prospect for a great crop are evident on all sides Mr. Fornoff feels that the crops there could not be in better shape, and his farming lands have turned out very satisfactorily. Hans Schroeder and Henry Keil accompanied Mr. Fornoff on his trip, but remained in South Dakota to look after the construction of a residence on the farm of Mr, Keil. PRISCILLA CLUB EN TERTAINED IN HONOR OF MISS WOHLFORTH From Friday's Dally. Tuesday evening Misses Christine and Mathilde Soennichsen and Mrs. Franzen very pleasantly entertained the members of the Modern Priscilla club at the pretty Soennichsen home at a charming miscellaneous shower for one of their number, Miss Anna Wohlfarth, whose marriage to Mr. McCarty will take place next Tues day, October 5th. For the event the rooms of the Soennichsen home had been made very attractive with floral decorations. The hostesses had plan ned a number of amusements for the entertainment of their guests, one of which was that of hemming towels for the bride-to-be, and the hours simply flew as the guests very industriously plied the busy needle. A few mom ents spent in social conversation, interspersed with vocal and instru mental music, and then the guests were invited to the dining room, where a delightful three-course luncheon was served. The table was very prettily decorated in a color scheme of red. set aglow with the red candles. After the serving of the luncheon, the guests returned to the parlor again, where the bride-to-be was showered with a number of handsome gifts, which will assist in introducing her into the art of keeping house, and which will be constant reminders of the girls of the Priscilla club. It was near the mid night hour when the young ladies wished the bride-to-be much happi ness, wended their way homeward, de claring" Misses Christien and Mathilde Soennichsen and Mrs Franzen excel lent entertainers. FRIENDS ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF MISS GUNHILD HOLMBERG From Friday's Daily. Last evening a number of young ladies were very pleasantly entertain ed by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holmberg in their pretty new home on Granite street. The occasion was in honor of Miss Gunhild Holmberg of Wausa, Neb., who has been visiting at the Holmberg home for the past few days. The evening was spent in music and games, which made the occasion a very delightful one, and which was greatly enjoyed by the guests- At a late hour a dainty luncheon was serv ed by Mrs. Holmberg, she being as sisted in serving by Mrs. Ed Roman. As the hour for departure drew near the guests expressed much pleasure in having met Miss Holmberg and ex tended their warmest thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Holmberg for the splendid evening's entertainment afforded them. NEW ARRIVALS. These we offer to the trade in large assortments, and have placed them in such a manner so as to make your se lection easy. Blankets, Comforters, Outing Flannel, Flanneletts, Duckleir Fleeces, Comforter Robing, Challies, Percales, Cotton Batts, Wool Batts. ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ. Charles Johnson of the vicinity of Louisville was here Saturday after noon visiting with friends for a few hours. ANOTHER CASS COUNTY LADY DIES AT OMAHA Mrs. Joseph McCulloch Dies After an Operation for Gall Stones at SL Joseph's Hospital in Omaha. Again the community is called upon to mourn the passing of one of the highly esteemed ladies, Mrs. James McCulloch, who passed away yester day afternoon at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha, where she was taken Friday to be operated on for gall stones, from which she had been a sufferer for some time, but it was found that her case was so severe that it was not possible to operate and the unfortunate lady continued to grow worse until yester day morning, when the children were summoned to the hospital to take their farewell, as the attending physicians could hold out little hope, and in the afternoon she gradually sank into death. Mr. McCulloch was at his wife's side constantly since she was taken to Omaha and assisted as far as possible in soothing her last hours. Mrs. McCulloch was a daughter of Fred Olenhausen of this city and was born at Pekin, Ilinois, December 4, 1873, where she made her home for a few years, and then came west to Ne braska some thirty-two years ago with her parents and lived with them on their farm home for a number of years, and on October 15, 1898, she was united in marriage to Mr. James McCulloch, and since that time they made their home for a greater part of the time on the farm south of this city, and here the family has been reared. ' The death of the wife and mother comes as a very grievious blow to the husband and three children, who will have the deepest sympathy of the en tire community in their hour of grif and sorrow. Besides the husband, three children, Fred, aged 16, Marie, aged 7, and Venetia, aged 3, are left to mourn the death of Mrs. McCulloch and be compelled to go through life without the love and care of a devoted mother. The father and two sisters and one brother are also left to share the grief at the death of this good woman. The body will be brought to this city and the funeral held here Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of the father, Fred Olen hausen, on Washington avenue. To those who knew her best Mrs. McCulloch was a most devoted friend and companion and there was nothing that she would not undertake for those she was united to by ties of love and friendship, and her loss will be a very bitter one to the friends and relatives and it will be hard indeed for time to heal the sense of sorrow at her going from our midst. MRS. MARY BURNETT SUES IRA BATES FOR INJURIES RECEIVED This morning a suit was filed in the countv court by Mrs. Mary Burnett against Ira Bates, in which the plain tiff asks that judgment in the sum of $1,000 be awarded her for injuries re ceived when the automobile of the de fendant ran into the ditch just south of the Burlington shops on the even ing of May 1st. In her petition the plaintiff states that she and a com panion were invited by the defendant to enter the car and take a ride out to Rock Bluffs, where the plaintiff re sided, and it was while going out Lin coln avenue that the accident occur red that resulted in the plaintiff hav ing her left arm broken in two places and her right arm at the wrist, and which for several weeks compelled her to refrain from all labor and seriously injured her health. The plaintiff, in her petition, cites a number of rea sons as the cause for the accident and asks that the amount of damages prayed for be granted. Matthew Ger ing appears as the attorney for the plaintiff in the case. Ra3' Theodorski of Louisville was here today for a few hours, motoring over to look after some matters of business. .