The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 23, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Fr"i:i Tu day's liuilv.
J. D. c bra Jer cf Murray was urr.or.g
the visitors in the city today for a few
hour:; U-f.kin? cfter liu loess matters.
CV.r'.cr A;!un of near Union was
hero today f or a few hours icoki'.'i'- af
tor tome trading with the merchants.
N. II. Meeker, the Grenwood hank
er, was in the city today attending to
some matters of business at the court
Fred Duechler of the vicinity of My
nard, was here last evening to attend
"The Modern Cinderella" at the Par
me!e theater.
Louis Keil and wife and Henry Keil
and wife motored in last evening to
attend the performance at the Par
meie theater.
P. II. Meisinger and wife, from near
Cedar Creek, were here last evening
attending the performance at the Par
mele theater.
Attorney C. S. Polk of Lincoln was
in the city today for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business at
the court house.
F. J. Hennings, wife and family
came in last evening from their home
and attended the performance of "The
Modem Cinderella" at the Parmele
W. P. Sitzman of Weeping Water,
(.ne of the evident employes of the
Republican of that city, was here to
day for a few hours visiting with
relatives and friends.
From Wednesday's Dally.
A. 15. Fornoir of near Cedar Creek
was among those going to Omaha this
morning, where he will spend a few
George Kay of near Murray was in
the city today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business with
th merchants.
Laid and Droy Wiles of near Cedar
f'r.-ck were here yesterday afternoon
for a few hours looking after some
n.a'.teis of business.
County CnminWs'oncrs Henry Snoke
f L:gle and C. K. Heebner of N'e
hnuka came in last evening to look
:.fur some matters for the county.
Morris Mcllngh and Miss Nina
Mead of Falls City, Neb., arrived this
sifteinron for a short visit here at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thorn Walling.
John Crook of Fr.Us City, of the
Monarch Engineering Co., came up
last evening from his home to spend
a short time here looking after some
of the county work.
Adam FornofT, sr.. and wife, from
rear Cedar Creek, were here t"da,
where Mrs. Forr.olf was receiving
treatment for her arm, which vas
broken several weeks ago.
Krnm Wednesday's Dally.
In the Plattsmouth Journal of Mon
day, September 20th, was published a
list of each and every merchant and
individual who contributed towards
the band concerts during the summer,
and as I failed to see my name in the
liht. I take this means of notifying the
public that I contributed my services
by putting on my vaudeville act on
Main street, which was witnessed by
a number of citizens who were and are
under the impression that the amuse
ment committee paid me for it, and I
wish to place myself right before the
public, as a merchant I contributed my
share, not in actual cash, hut I was
there just the same, as I gave my act
as a donation by request of committee.
Ben Ilankinson,
Plattsmouth Fruit Store.
Fainting Store Front.
Krmn Wpilnfsdnv's lallv.
William Holly, the clothier, is get
ting into the improvement class by
hr.ving the front of his store building
at Fourth and Main streets treated to
a ceat of paint, which is adding very
much to the general aspect of the
building and will be found to add to
that section of the city. J. W. I'ook
Tr.eycr is the artist looking after the
work for Mr. Holly.
Bert thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish
bowels. Stops a sick headache almost
at once. Gives a most thorough and
satisfactory flushing no pain, no
r.Vusea. Keeps your system cleansed, and wholesome. Ask for
CUrclax. Sold everywhere.
Henry Thierolf went to. Plattsmouth
Forrest Bauhman spent Saturday
in I'&t'.imouth.
Mrs. Phiiip Stoehr visited in Platts
mouth Monday.
Henry Baughman and wife spent
Tuesday in Omaha.
P. II. Roberts drove his car to
Plattsmouth Monday.
P. II. Roberts and Louis Hennings
went to Omaha Tuesday.
G. P. Meisinger and son, Irven,
drove to Plattsmouth Saturday.
Mrs. Pe'e Schroder and Mrs. Aug
ust Keil spent Monday in Platts
mouth. Miss Honor Seybert cf Cullom
visited her aunt, Mrs. R. N. Thomsen,
Harry Meddler went to Plattsmouth
Saturday night to spend Sunday with
his sister.
James Johnson went to Omaha. Sat
urday to spend Sunday and listen to
Billie Sunday.
Mr. Green and family, who have
1 ecn working in the gravel pit, moved
to Plattsmouth Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle of Waco, Neb.,
came in Tuesday night and spent the
week with their son and family.
The dance at Tritsch's Saturday
night was well attended, those from
here being: Rudolph Meisinger and
Miss Nora Baughman, John Gauer,
Lloyd Schneider and sister, Verla,
Lawrence and Glen Meisinger, Ralph
Meisinger, Arthur Meisinger and Miss
Dora Meisinger. All report a fine
Rev. John Abel of St. Paul came in
Saturday to I'll Rev. Swartz's place.
He preached in the morning and gave
a hisiory of his missionary tiavels in
ihe Isle of Zeland and the different
religions, as well as the main re
sources of the island and a general
description of ihe country, which was
greatly enjoyed by all present.
From Wednesday's Iaily.
Tiie funeral of the late John Toman,
sr., was heid this morning at the Holy
Rosary Catholic church in the west
part of the city, following a short
service at the John Iliber home, where
Mr. Toman had made his home for
some time. There was a large number
of the relatives and friends present at
the church to pay their last tributes of
lespcct to the old friend and neighbor
lest. The mass of the church was
celebrated by Rev. Father John Vlcek,
rector of the church, and following the
services the body was conveyed to the
Catholic ceme.ery, where it was laid
to rest beside that of the wife, who
had preceded him in death.
Still Keeping Up the Work.
From Wedner'Jav's Dally.
Work on the alley paving between
Sixth and Seventh streets is being
rushed to take the fullest advantage
of the good weather and get the alley
in shape befoie cold weather, and the
new work will be found of immense
value to the property owners, as well
as those having any hauling to do
over these thoroughfares.
Lou Russell's Mother Here.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Mrs. J. G. Russell and Mrs. W. II.
Russell, of Lincoln, are in the city
visiting at the home of their son and
brother-in-law, Lou Russell and fam
ily. Mrs. W. II. Rusell will depart in
a short time for Camas, Idaho,
where she will make her future
home, and Mrs. J. G. Russell, Mr. Rus
sell's mother, will make an extended
visit in this city with her son and
Business Men's Class Starts.
Frorn Wpi'nciiday s Tlally.
The business men's class at the Ger
man Home was started last evening
and a little work indulged in, and it
was decided by the director, Mr. Daw
son, out of deference to the Elks, a
number of whom desire to join the
class, to change it to Thursday even
ing of each week, instead of Tuesday.
Gelling Along Very Nicely.
ffir Wednesday's Dally.
Mrs. pdward Egcnberger, who is at
the Clarkson hospital in Omaha re
covering from an operation which was
performed several days ago; is getting
along in fine tshape and the hopes are
entertained that she will be able to re
turn home ere long in her accustomed
good health.
The Journal delivered at your door
for only 10 cents a week.
8 t!
i S
V.'a have advert sed the stock for sale at
quoted prices here. Every statement and
price here made being absolutely true and not
exaggerated In the minimum, we shall expect a
crowd numbering thousands of people every
day of this; sale to supply their wants in new
and the very best of merchandise on the mar
ket for fall, and winter wear. Proper prepar
ations are'-Teing made to accommodate these
people, and to wait upon one and all with rapid
M Ladies' White Handkerchiefs,
worth 5c. retiring from AC
business sale price
Ladies' White Hemstitched hand
kerchiefs, worlh 10c. retir- nC
ing from business price
Ladies' While Embroidered corn
er handkerchiefs, worlh "7C
15c, retiring sale price
Ladies' Linen handkerchiefs, 35c
values, retiring from t4C
business sale price . . .
Ladies' Black Hose, worth 20c; re-
tirinir form business nC
sale price
Ladies' Percale Wrappers well
worth 1.50, retiring from
business sale "7flC
Ladies' Long Sweater Coats,
1 Lest Spool Cotton Thread, Clark's
and Coals, retiring from AC
business sale price H"
Ladies' Dress Skirts, well woith
$3.00, retiring from QJ)
business sale price .. yllJU
Ladies' White Shirt Waistst, well
win-Mi S 1 .00. retiring flflC
business sale price . .
. 48"
Ladies' Wash Dresses, well worlh
Si. 00. retiring from
business sale price
Men's Fleeced Lined Underwear,
worth thic retiring from inC
business sale price ....
Men's Dress Shirts, worth $1.00,
pi'lii-intr from business 10.C
sab; Drice . . . 03
Ladies' Cloaks, carried over from
last fall, made in good style,
well worth $12.50, re
tiring sale price . .
Ladies' Tailor made Suits, from
last year styles, all fall suits,
well worth $15.00, re- fl 7C
tiring sale price.
Ladies' Petticoat Skirts, with em
broidery flounce and tuck
flounce, well worth $2.00, re-
tii-inir from business tfflC
- "o -
sale price
Ladies White Dress Skirts in dif
ferent materials, worth $3.50,
rclirintr from business OCC
sale price
Ladies' Messaliue Petticoats in
various colors, well worth $5.00
retiring from business
sale price
Girl's Long Goats, carried over
from last year, patterns worth
$3.00, retiring from
business sale price .
Best Grade Window Shades, well
worth 40c, during this re-4QC
tiring from business sale I Jq
Cuff and Collar Button sets, pins,
bar pins, belt pins, beauty pins,
combs, Almost Given Away.
White Waisting, sold all over for
15c and 25c, during this 4 4C
retiring sale price .... II
Children's Hose Supporters, well
u-m-ih ilurimr this re- nC
W -
tiring sale price ......
Best Grade Pearl Buttons, well
iv..n. nr anrl 15c. during "7C
this retiring sale price 3 and
Box Assorted Hair Pins and Ball
Knitting Knitting Cotton AC
during this sale H
Safety Pins, in all sizes,
retiring sale
worLh 5 c,
price . '
Electric Hair Curlers, well worlh
rw a rant retiring sale "TC
price -
'I n 1 I
Repmnin? Saturdav. SeDtember 2fh. Famous iDrrhn
j , & 7 a I IT
Shelves, Cash Register, Counters, Tables, Skirt Racks, Clothing
Ladies' Silk and Lisle Hose, well
retiring sale.. 41c
Children's Fleeced lined Union
well worth 75c, retiring sale
Dry Goods!
Cotton Batting, pure white staple
cotton, excellent 12c value, re
tiring sale price 8c
A Fine Line of Ladies' Kid Gloves
that are well worth $1.50, dur
ing this retiring sale . . 89c
Ladies' Muslin Corset Covers
and Ladies' Muslin Drawers,
well worlh 50e, during this re
tiring sale 21c
Curtain Scrimm with printed and
Hemstitched borders, 30 inch
width, well worth up to 23c, re
tiring sale price . 9c
30-inch Silkine, in floral and oricn
tal design, light and dark col
ors; very desirable for com
forts; worth 12 ll.c per yard
retiring sale price 1 1-2c
15c Buck Towels, end hemmed,
ready for use, plain and fancy
borders, retiring sale price 7c
Heavy Bed Spreads, large size,
hemmed ends, well worth $1.50,
retiring sale price 93c
Bleached Mercerized Hemmed
Napkins, with floral designs,
well worth $2.00 per dozen, this
retiring sale price, per doz 98c
Laces and Embroideries, in up-to-date
patterns, well worth 10c
per yard, retiring sale price at
per yard
Ladies Ribbed and Fleeced lined
Union Suits, well worth $1.25
ner suit, during this retiring
sale price
Ladies Fleeced lined Drawers,
well worth G5c, during this re-lir-iiirr
:ili- iiriee. ner gar-
11 inn . , . w 1
Ladies, Misses and Children's knit
Summer Underwear almost giv
en away during this retiring
Misses and Children's Outing
Flannel Night Gowns, well
worlh 75c, during this retir
ing sale price 39c
Ladies' Muslin and Outing Flan
nel Night Gowns, during this
retiring sale price 83c
Ladies' Princess Slips, well worth
S1.50. during tins retiring sai
Ladies' and Misses Dresses
Blue Serge Dresses, in both Lad
ies Misses' sizes , worth and
regularly sold for $S.50ti that
we are offering in this retiring
as le for $3.85
Ladies' Street Dresses well worth
$1.00 and $0.00, retiring sale
price 9Sc and S1.79
Ladies' Waists. Ladies' new fall
slles in wl isles lh;il, we al e
selling at 43c, 79c and 89c
Corsets. In this line we hae
placed many bargains, and are
making a general reduction in
lal the leading brands as fol
lows: 43c, 79c, 83c, S1.1S and
GOING out of business in Plattsmouth, NeoTas?
teen years. I have decided to close out my
Department Store in Missouri Vallej', Iowa.
The entire stock of Dry Goods, Millinery. Ladic?
es, Furs, Shoes, in fact the Whole Stock will be closc!l out. Tin bu
or rent, and ail fixtures such as Show Cases, Counters. Glass Cav.-s. ;: d p
If prices will make this stock go you will find them here on ti
tmue until the stock is sold.
We will close the store all day FRIDAY and mar!
and rearr. i !.;.
77vT!ere I have r :
Stock of !r i
and Children's d.d
! 1 i 1 : .
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, carried
oer from last ear, well worth
s 12.50, retiring sale juice $4.75
Ladies' Suits in Norfolk Style, a
number WoolU-x make, that are
worth $30.00, during this re
tiring sale $8.93
Ladies' Chuda Clolh Tailor Made,
Skirls, made in Ihe latest stle,
and well worth si2.3l, retiring
sale price $3.85
Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts, well
worlh s."i.oo,, retiring sale
price 51.98
Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts, well
worlh SO. 0i, retiring sale
price $2.48
Ladies' Houso Dresses, Extra
heavy, well worlh 1.75, retir
ing sale price $1.75
Children's Dresses, made in the
latest styles, well worth 75c,
retiring sale price.... 43c
Children's Dresses, made in the
latest stales and colors, worlh
sl.30, retiring sab; price 8Sc
Children's Dresses, well worth
Si. 00, sale price 63c
Best Grade of Oil Cloth, in white
and colored, well worth 25c per
yard, during this retiring sale
price per yd 18c
One package of assorted Needles,
well worth 10c, during this re
tiring'from business sale 3c
Creatons, in colors and floral de
signs, well worth 10c per yard,
during this retiring from busi
ness sale ..per yd 7c
Package of pins, package hair
pins, well worth 5c, during this
retiring sale 1
Rick Hack, in all fast colors, well
worlh 10c, retiring sale
Ladies' Supporters, with belt, well
worth 50c, retiring sale
Shell Hair Pins, well worth 10c a
box, during this retiring sale
Bleached Muslin, well worlh 10c,
retiring sale price, per yd. 6c
Bleached Muslin, well worth 12 'ic
retiring sale price per yd 7'-
15e Fine Muslin Cambric, sale
price, per yd 8c
Unbleached Sheeting, wen
worth 28c, retiring sale price,
ner vrl 1Sc
x .
9-i Best Grade Bleached Sheet
ing, well worth 30c, retiring
sale price, per d 23c
Heady Made Bed Sheets, 72x'J0,
well worlh $1.50,, retiring sale
Good Muslin Pillow Slips,
worlh 15e, sale price .. 9c
Lleached Table Linen, well worth
Si. 00, retiring sale price 59c
Seersucker Gingham, well worth
12 lie, -retiring sale price 7Jc
Dress Gingham, well worth 15c,
retiring sale price, per yd 8c
Percales, in all colors, sold all
... 1 .ii.tii'itire
over 10c auu i.;, lonnis
i.t-ii'i' nor vu. . . 8c
Red Table Damask, linen, well
worth 05c, retiring sale price,
Per yard 8c
Roller Toweling, well worth G5c,
retiring sale price, yd. 7!2c
Special Notice to the People of Plattsmouth and Viciiity:
I have been in business here in your city for tie past ninctr-m
my share of the public patronage, and have tried to gile the best . i-
buy, but with my store in Missouri Val'ry, Iowa, and pny interc ts in ( )n
mouth store the personal attention that 1 would like, ;y it is too iv.n: ii ii.r r,
you for your patronage and hope to sec 3 0U all in to t jis sale, which w ii
TEMBER 25TH. I cannot say just how long it will jast, but hop'- to '
Again Thanking You All, I remain Very Truly Yars,
Bargains in Our Mil
iiamery iiep
HAVE EVER HAD FOR BARGAINS IN KEADIVEAR. .All the he new style:, v.di '. e 1.
Prices. .Our Line this Season is mostly all Pattern Hats, ancthere aro no tv.o alit-.j i
variety ever on dispiy in Flaltsmouth. We want our formcj millinery custsr.-.- . ir
as we believe you will find just what you want at this early art of tho season i :
Ladies Long Cloaks carried over from last
year, well worth $12.00; retiring salo
price $:$.'.;.
Ladies' Long Cloaks, mride in the latest
style, well worth $14.50; retiring sale
price $7.98
Ladies' Long Cloaks, made in the late.-t
style, well worth $21,550; retiring sale-
price j ;- f
Ladies Long Cloaks, made in the latest! -Sllko various coloi 4 veil worth i-
ctvio noil wm-tVi fr en- rntiiino- tiring ?ale price ...t...
Silk Uibbons in all c
jetiring s-ale price .
L-ilk Taffeta Ilibbon, v
yarc1, .sale price, ptr
Laliy Coat
1 ::,
)Tfi, Well Woriii .'r;
2c :m, 1 !,
th 1.1c and 2i)r 1
ard 1
worth i?-l.M, :.,
Hooks and Eyes, per il.en ...
Lair Nets, with elasfc, wor
price $12.!) 8
Ladies' Long Cloaks, made in the latest
style, well worth $rj3.00; retiring sale
price $
Ladies' Long Cloaks, made in the late.;t
style, well worth $355.00; retiring Falo
price $16.!)S
Ladies' Long Cloaks, mad 2 in the latest
style, well worth $35.00; retiring sale
price $19.8.1
Children's and Misses' Cloaks at ridicu
lously low prices.
$2'J.OO Tlush Coats on sacl at $11.7.1
Children's and Misses' Coats, worth $3.00,
sale price $1.9.1
Ladies' Rain Coats, worlh $0.00, sale
th 10c. .
. . J ler c
ilk aists, worth $l.i"i.
Ladies Mescaline Si;
f ale price
Ladies' l'acicators, vll knit from
quality yarn, worth fC, sale price... !":
;- Jic.;' Aprons, madepf Amo.skeag r ;'
hams an.l percale:-!, Te kimoro Myli ,
worth to $1.00, in tbiVi lots. .23c, 17c, -.i-
Ljv'.ie.V Dress Apron.--, fell worth $l.n'; -
ti- ing sale price ... .4. '''
Heavy Outing Flapn-'sht and dark r !
r rs, worth 12c, a , .-'::
Co U on Voile, in f.' y tiir'e, Vr yar.l..!""
A:r.oskeag Apron Gin' J im, per yard. .7! .
.'lO-iiuh Unbleached M.lin, per yard 5' .
Coales' Spool Cotti: tiread, retiring :i
1 !
Our Shoe Stock in this Retiring 8a
Ladies' Kimornos, well vorth
2.00, retiring .a!o price 88c
Ladies' Kimonos, in llanneletlf,
well worlh S5J.50, retiring .sab'
pice S3.50
Ladies' Kimonos, all silk, m rar-
siau palterns, large flowers,
well worth $7.50, retiring
sale price S3.S8
This stock of New and Up-To-Date Merchandise Is being sac
rificed, but our guarantee goes with every article Our guarantee
backs every statement, covers every price herein made, and we here
in emphasize that no exaggeration has been tolerated In this adver
tisement. Goods are Right, and Prices will be made Right.
Men's Dress Shoes, well worth $2.75; re
tiring from business sale price $1.58
Men's Dress Shoes, in buton or lace, well
worth $2.75; retiring sale price $2.G9
Men's Velour Dress Shoes, in latest style,
button or lace, well worth $3.75; retiring
from business sale price $2.59
Men's Velour Dress Shoes, in gun metal,
button or lace, well worth $4.50; retiring
sale price $2.98
Men's Shoes, in patent leather, good widths,
worth $3-
ell worth $3.2-.;
$2. 1 !
Men's best grade o filile sole ' I. r
t.r leather, I (! --av
iring from Im-i'i''--
nl lace, gun metal
Shoes, in heavy
welt, worth $4.50; r
sale price
Hoys' Shoes, button
or velour, well wort
p(;ICC .
$; retiring .-.i
. SL.l'.t
I!mv' i:m button I':i $ Shoes, well worlh
$2.75; retiring sale :ice Sl.i'
Little dent's Shoes. jfur and button, we l
worth ?1.75: rctira ".sale mice
Children's Shoes, v. th 50c 1 ? 1 -" '. in
white, brown and iilark; retiring
pii.-.. I. 3!)c, 51c. .'. i-.h-
Children's Rubbers, vll woith 5nc; u'm
ing from' -le price '!!'
(inn Mcal
well worth
in butt'
I.I i
pri e
La-lie; Shoes, "The American fin!." i
latest style", bu't' 'jand lace, l-igh
lor.- heels, well w!i' t$3.50; dun.'.g v-:;
ing sale, price -1 o2.
1 F,
if sanaer s
r fl 3 RTi
"7 .
Flatismoiitli, Hebvaskd