The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1915. PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI-'WEEELT JOIAE. PAGr 3. LOUISVILLE. Courier. The Kahler Pottery Co. sold a car load of flower pots to a Lincoln florist this week. Excavating for the new Home State bank building was begun Thursday morning. Mrs. J. R. Mayfield returned home from the hospital at Omaha Tuesday, after having undergone an operation for appendicitis. Miss Iva Seybert, who is taking a stenographic course in a Lincoln busi ness college, writes that she likes her work very much and finds it interest ing. Miss Emma VanWie, teacher of piano .affiliated with the University School of Music, who succeeds Miss Anna B. Lyman, will teach in Louis ville every Tuesday. Dean Kirkenslager, of the Columbia (Missouri) university, who has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Line, has returned to Columbia to take up his school work. The Stander family held a reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stander last Sunday. The occasion was a surprise given by Mrs. Stander to her husband. All the immediate relatives were invited to a grand din ner and about forty were entertained. C. G. Mayfield and daughter, Edith, returned last Saturday from a two weeks' visit at Two Harbors, Minn., with his son. Clem Mayfield. While there they called at the homes of Wm. Wade, George Waldron and Frank De Puy and found them all well and pros pering. Mrs. H. T. Wilson received the sad intelligence last Sunday of the death of her mother, Mrs. George II. Woods, at her home in Halsey, Nebraska. She had been in failing health for the past year, and Mrs. Wilson was with her three months last winter during her first attack. Last week both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were called out to see her again, but she rallied, and they return ed home, to receive the message Sun day of her death. UNION. Ledger. John McCarthy left for Huron, S. D., Tuesday, where he will remain for several days on business. , Elmer McP.eynolds, living one mile north of Nehawka, broke his leg Tues day when he was thrown cff his motor cycle. D. B. Porter, our popular liveryman, left Saturday for a ten days' visit with his brother and sister in Borup, Minnesota. Henry Becker and Frank Russell left Monday for Denver, Colorado, via the Ford route. They expect to be gone about two weeks. James Frans returned home from St. Joseph, Missouri, Saturday, where he had been visiting his mother, who has been on the sick list. She is al most 81 years of age. A. L. Becker is going to raise the rear of his store building to the second story and make a dressing room and also add a bath room. He will also heat the building with steam heat. Miss Mary E. Foster, ex-county su perintendent of schools for this coun ty, and now superintendent of the Teachers' Casualty Underwriters com pany, at Lincoln, made her weekly visit here with her parents, D. W. Foster and wife, Saturday. Charles Anderson of Stewart, Wyo., came in the latter part of last week to visit with his father, A. J. Ander son, who is very ill. He came as far as Omaha with a trainload of cattle. He will return to his home in a few days. He reports everything, includ ing the crops, as fin? in Wyoming. Leslie I'ittman left Union Friday afternoon to join the navy. He went from here to Omaha. From there he will be shipped direct to Newport News, R. I., where he will receive his first instructions on the big pond. Let us all wish him well, for there are a few of us who realize what the young man is up against, and we predict now that in four years he will receive all the experience that he is looking for. WEEPING WATER. 4. Republican. Mrs. G. H. Olive went to Omaha Monday to accompany her mother, Mrs. Defibaugh, here, where she will make her home. Mrs. F. B. Reed accompanied Mrs. Byron Clark to her-home in Omaha Thursday. Mrs. Clark had been visit ing old friends here since Tuesday. I-I-1--I-I-I-I-I-M" Miss Bridgie Bourke left Wednesday for Omaha to enter St. Katherine's hospital and study to become a trained nurse. Her training will consist of a three years course. George Clizbe, who has been visiting in town the last two weeks, left for his ranch at Cody, Monday morning. Mrs. Clizly and the baby remained for a more extended visit. J. M. Teegarden made a trip to Fur nas county the last of last week to look after his farm land there. He re ports things looking good and a fine prospect for corn if the frost holds off long enough. William Hobson of Eagle will move back to Weeping Water and occupy the cottage home on Elm street. Mr. Hobson is an unoertaker 'jy trade and will go into the undertaking business here. Mrs. William Jameson returned Fri day right from the ranch at Sargent, where she had spent the summer. She was acocmpanied by her granddaugh ter, Miss Meroe Hubbard, who came to attend school. Word has been received from Con ductor M. F. Perry of the Lincoln branch, who is on his vacation at the Madeline Islands in Wisconsin, that they are having a fine time. He ex pects to be on the job again about October 1st. Mrs. N. II. Wilkinson left Wednes day morning for Ovid. Michigan, where she was called on account of her mother having a stroke of paraly sis. Mrs. Wilkinson has been caring for her mother the last year and was only here on a visit with her children. NEHAWKA. News. G. A. Murdock and wife left the first of the week for a visit in Furnas county and other points in the western part of the state. E. M. Pollard, who had a large ex hibit of apples at the state fair, re turned home the latter part of the week in a new six-cylinder Appcrson car. Mrs. Wicker and baby and sister, Miss Bailey, returned to their home in Grand Island Saturday, after spend ing several days with their sister, Mrs. Hathaway. ' Charles Engle of Yuma, Colorado, arrived in town Wednesday for a visit with friends. He reports the crops of eastern Colorado to be better than any he saw in Nebraska. W. E. Ax, a member of a bridge gang who had been working near town, had the misfortune to cut his foot Wednesday morning, which re quired a few stitches by a physician. M. D. Pollard, who has been work ing in the Sheldon store for some time, resigned his position there last Saturday and is now giving his time to the picture show he is operating. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ballentine load ed their household goods the first of the week and left Wednesday for Springfield, Ohio, where they will make their future home. En route they stopped in Omaha for a visit with relatives. Mr. Ballentine was formerly a barber here and they leave a host of friends who wish them suc cess in their home. James Boden of Lincoln, a brother of Mrs. Robert Dore of this place, died at the home of his sister in the north part of town early Wednesday morning. He had been sick over a year and had only been in Nehawka a few days where he came for a visit with his sister. Pneumonia set in Tuesday and death occurred the next day. He was 28 years old and unmar ried. The body was taken to Lincoln for burial. Elmer McReynolds, who lives about a mile north of town, was returning home on his motorcycle about 7 o'clock Wednesday evening and when on the hill near the C. D. St. John home he was traveling slowly and struck a rut. lie was thrown from the machine and both bones in the ankle on the right leg were broken. He lay where he fell for about half an hour, when he was found by Harry Higgins, who was re turning home from town. He was immediately taken home and Dr. Thomas was called, who set the broken member and he is now getting along all right. "Billy" Sunday, the Man, and His Message at the Journal office for 11.00. See the book in our window. This is a very popular book. 4. W. A. ROBERTSON, 4. J Lawyer. J- J Coates' Block, 4- East of Riley Hotel. J- J Second Floor. 4 T.iT-.T. iTiiT---- A want ad will bring you a buyer. J ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. Miss Kittie Worley of Omaha spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Worley. Robert Gamble of near Overton, Dawson county, came in Friday night for a few days' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gamble. Attorney Howard Saxton of Pender, Neb., was a visitor here Friday night and Saturday morning with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Saxton. Mrs. Martha Meisinger and son, Joe, of Springfield, Neb., returned to their home Saturday morning, after a week's visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. A. Wallinger. The many friends of Mr. Charles Roelofsz and Miss Hazel Reeder were surprised to learn that they had taken a trip to the state fair Thursday of last week and while there were quiet ly married. Mr. and Mrs. William Winslow of Beaver City, departed Tuesday, after a visit with the former's cousin, Mrs. A. H. Weichel, and other relatives. They went to Plattsmouth for a visit with relatives there before returning home. William Mueller of Springfield, was down Tuesday shaking hands with old Elmwood friends. His pride as "grand pa" has been increased accordingly, as the birth of a baby daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Franz of Union gives impetus. The little one arrived a couple of weeks ago. A good deal of new wheat has been coming in during the past few days. Some of it is of good quality and some is not so good. There has been con siderable talk about the oats. Most all say that their oats are in bad shape, while one farmer over by Avoca says that he has oats that are as bright and as clean as any he ever saw. G. L. Berger left on Monday of last week and spent a few days rusticat ing in the western part of the state. He visited with his son at Gothen berg and stopped at different points on the old Oregon train, familiar to him as a freighter from the Missouri river over Nebraska and to Denver when this state was practically all prairie, infested with the Indian and practically all kinds of wild animal life. To the Public. "I feel that J owe the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a word of gratit ude," writes Mrs. T. N. Witherall, Gowanda, N. Y. "When I began tak ing this medicine I was in great pain and feeling terribly sick, due to an at tack of summer complaint. After taking a dose of it I had not long to wait for relief as it benefited me al most immediately." Obtainable every where. x" EAGLE. Beacon. The school board purchased a steel fire escape, which is being put into place on the school building this week Jasiel Forsythe returned home the latter part of last week from a visit with his daughter at Gothenburg, Ne braska. Samuel Vaughn arrived from Ver mont, 111., Sunday night to look after business interests here and visit rela tives. Miss Edith Peterson is confined to the house on account of a fall which she received the first of the week. William Snyder, who has been visit ing for the past three weeks at the home of his son, C. P. Snyder and family, left Thursday morning for Judson, Indiana, for a visit with his daughter. Fred Kent shipped his household goods to Elyria, Ohio, Wednesday, at which place they will make their fut ure home. Mrs. Kent expects to leave Sunday, while Fred will remain here for a couple of months. Fred Trunkenbolz and daughter, Nina, arrived here from their home near Superior, Neb., the latter part of last week for a few days' visit with relatives and friends, returning home Thursday noon. Mrs. Anna Reiter arrived here from Forest Hille, Mich., the latter part of last week and spent a few days at the Will Hursh home, southeast of Eagle, and at the Charles Trumble, jr., home. She departed again on Tuesday even ing's train. The house which A. H. Vanlanding ham purchased of Nick Peterson just recently, was moved in from the coun try this week and placed on the lots just south of G. Rockenbach's resi dence, Jess and Owen Wall doing the job of moving. : Local News From Friday's Daily. County Superintendent Miss Eda Marquardt departed this morning for the metropolis, where she will spend the day. Adam Stoehr of Eight Mile Grove precinct was in the city today for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. Mrs. ..Rose Chambers Ruffner of Chicago is in this city for a short visit as the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wescott. Mrs. James B. Tipton came down this morning to spend a few hours with friends, as well as to look after some matters of business. Mrs. David Amick came in this morning from her country home near Mynard and departed on the early Burlington train for Omaha. Mrs. John Hadraba and son, John, departed this afternoon for Madison, Neb., where they will visit for a short time in that locality with relatives and friends. Dr. G. II. Gilmore motored up this morning from his home at Murray to look after some business matters, and was accompanied by Miss Majorie Walker. Mrs. J. H. Adams of Mynard has gone to Columbus, Neb., where she will visit friends for a time and look over her land interests in that vi cinity. Mrs. J. N. Barger departed this morning on No. (! for Weldon, Iowa, where she will spend two weeks visit ing in that locality with relatives and friends. John R."" Pierson, the Springfield banker, accompanied by his wife, came in last evening on No. 2 for a short visit here with Mrs. Pierson 's mother, Mrs. Mary B. Allison. Een Beckman, one of the enterpris ing farmers of near Murray, was in the city today in company with his son-in-law, Louis Rheinackle, and they brought with them a. load of fine Cass county apples. Henry Boeck, who with Mrs. Henry Boeck, are making an extended visit at Los Angeles. California, writes us that they expect to start home about the 11th of October and will arrive in this city about the 15th. J. E. Johnson and wife came down last evening on No. 2 for a few hours' visit at the home of Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson. J. E. Johnson and son, Edgar, expect to leave in a few day for San Fran cisco, where they will attend the ex position. W. C. K. Sidwall of Sheridan, Wyo., arrived in this city yesterday after noon to attend to some business mat ters, and while here was a pleasant caller at this office. Mr. Sidwall will go to Omaha this afternoon, where he will visit for a short time and then go to Lincoln for a short visit, after which he will return to his home at Sheridan. From Saturday's DaHv. George H. Meisinger was in the city today for a few hours looking after the week-end shopping. George Ray and wife of Murray were here today for a few hours look ing after some matters of business withe the merchants. S. O. Titman and wife and George Nickels were in the city yesterday at tending to some matters of business and visiting with friends. J. E. Meisinger and wife drove in this morning from their farm home to spend a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. P. A. Hild, one of the enterprising young farmers of near Murray, war, in the city yesterday afternoon spending a short time looking after some matters of business. Otto Lutz, Herbert Burbee and Oscar Naylor came up this morning from near Murray, where they are em polyed, and departed this afternoon for the metropolis. Mrs. Lloyd Gapen and mother, Mrs. F. M. Young, sr., of Murray, were visitors in this city yesterday. This is the first time Mrs. Young has been in Plattsmouth for two years. Julius Helflicker of near Cedar Creek was in the city today attend ing to various matters of business, and was a caller at the Journal office to renew his subscription to the Semi-Weekly Journal. Philip II. Meisinger, jr., departed this morning for Omaha to visit for the day with his wife at St. Joseph's hospital, where she is recovering nice ly from the effects of an operation, and with the present rate of improve ment will be able to return home next week. FOR SALE on easy terms or will trade for live stock, 9 nice lying lots near Masonic Home, Plattsmouth. For price and terms write A. O. Ault, Cedar Creek, Neb. 9-16-2tw A want ad in the Journal will bring results. - of the high cost of building material sma'shed all to Building material of all kinds is cheaper now than ever. Repair, remodel or build new ft J 3 3C IN PLATTSMOUTH FORTY YEARS AGO. Fred Mickelwait says billiards are wet this morning that is. you needn't wet up to play billiards yet. Lehnhoff's well washed out and was j found near the Missouri, all hunkey. Fred brought it home and set it up to dry. The wind on Sunday night was very severe in places, and the rain again Monday night has beat down a good deal of grain. The freight Tuesday evening did not go west owing to a severe storm at or near Lincoln. It must have been heavier than here. Eli Plummer is going to have a new delivery wagon soon, that will take the shine out of anything west of the Missouri. At the first alumni dinner of Doane college, given last week, the toast, "The Alumni," was responded to by G. W. Mitchell of Plattsmouth, who is one of the three alumni of the col lege. Mr. Beock informed us on Monday last that he was on his way to pack up Mr. Schnasse's household goods for transportation to the Black Hills, which seems like a final departure of Mr. S. and famliy, which we regret to hear. Louisville, July 15. Ed. Herald: The storm king waxed strong, but we are safe in saying that the elements were less condensed than in some other place we read of, but since the smoke has cleared away we are pleas ed to see that the crops are not so materially damaged as was first ex pected, the quantity is good, but grain is damaged by being flattened to the ground, rendering it difficult to har vest, in some cases, but notwithstand ing the harvest is ripe and people are gathering it in. Corn has grown won derfully under the pressure of 100 de grees since the storm and we believe will equal that of last year. The dam age to roads and bridges from high water is considerable; nearly every county bridge in this vicinity is dam aged more or less and most all little bridges have gone out, roads are washed, impeding travel and trade considerable. The stone dam at Mr. Schluntz's mill went out; it bad just been finished at a cost of $400, but we are pleased to learn that Mr. S. is one of our invincible men, and has began work already; this is the third dam washed out this summer at the same place. No material damage was done in town here. The railroad must have been the greatest loser, the track was reported by a tramp to have been washed out in many places, and busi ness, for the first time in the history of the road, we believe, was brought to a dead halt, but trains have now assumed their wonted regularity. The r n & U vi:7 U LUEViBERRlAN DC pottery moves steadily upward and ere long we shall be favored with a drink from a home-spun traditional brown jug. While speaking of drinks, brings up the saloon question. The tiial of Mr. Peterson came off against him for ?25 and costs. This was on the charge of selling liquor without license. Other saloons have kept their promise and do not open their doors on Sunday, but Mr. P. still persists in breaking the law, for last Sunday his place was in full blast. The recent hot weather is very favorable for love affairs; the awakening of honest peo ple from their tranquil slumbers last week bears abundant evidence of this; it was the musical sound of the cow bells' dstant chime, accompanied with instruments of discord, and all for the benefit of friend Badger who was married to Miss Eva Bryant last week. We wish him a "clean fireside, and a merry life." None Equal to Chamberlain's. "I have tried most all of the cough cures and find that there is none that equal Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes W. V. Harner, Mont pelier, Ind. When you have a cold give this remedy a trial and see for yourself what a splendid medicine it is. Obtainable everywhere. FOR RENT. FOR RENT My blacksmith shop. Will sell tools and stock. I have other business that demands my at tention. No boozers need apply. For particulars see James Loughridge, Murray, Neb. 9-ll-lwk-d&w Come to The Journal for fine stationery. Have made their way by the way they are made Now that the threshing time is out of the way and plowing is in full sway it is time to think about buying a New Drill. Have you looked over your drill since last season, if not you had better be doing it, and if you need a new one we woud like to show jrou our line. VAN BRUNT they say there is nothing in a name, but try one of these and be convinced. SOLD BY , f. EASTUO The Store that Saves You Money. DC fl 7$ LI Lrss U n E cnv.P Cm . 9 fciii. 'nil.fc. A MERCILESS JUD6 c L. One Who Show s No. Favor. A merciless judge is Father Time. Before him the weak and the wanting go to the wall. Only the truth can stand. For years the fo!!oYing state ment from a Plattsmouth re-idei.t has withstood this sternest of all tests: W. M. Barclay, prop, of restaurant. Main street, I'h.ttsmoi'tli, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have 'iven good results when used for lumbago and annoyance from the kidney secretions. I suffered from pains aero s my loin and Doan's Kidney Pills removed the trouble." (Statement given Decem ber 2'th, i:ns). OVER THREE YEARS LATER, Mr. Barclay said: "I haven't had a single symptom of kidney trouble since Doan's Kidney Pills removed it." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney jeniedy get Doan's Kidney Fills the same that Mr. Barclay had. Foster-Mill. in n Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Biliousness and Constipation. It is certainly surprising that any woman will endure the miserable feel ing caused by biliousness and con stipation, when relief is m easily had and at so little expense. Mrs. ('has. Peck, Gates, N. Y., writes : "AUmt a year ago I used two bottles of Cham berlain's Tablets and they cured me of biliousness and consti;ati"n." Obtain able everywhere. Miss Lizzie Hall departed this morninc for Palmer, Neb., where she was called by the death of an uncle in that place. She was brought in from her farm home by her brothers.