The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    MONDAY, SKI'TF.MHin 20. 19f:.
From Saturday's ran.
The county commissioners and
County Attorney A. G. Cole were out
in the county a few days this week
and returned here last evening from
a trip through Eight Mile Grove,
Louisville, Salt Creek, South Bend and
Elmwood precinct, looking over the
bridges and roads in those localities.
The continued rains and wet weather
have done a great deal of damage to
the roads and prevented the road
supervisors from being able to repair
them as they would like to, and the
result has been that traveling over
the roads has not been as pleasant as
it might be. The elements have made
the bridge and road work a huge task
in this county during the past year,
and the county commissioners, as well
as the road supervisors, have had their
hands full trying to take care of the
work and give the citizens as good
roads and bridges as possible, but in
all cases this has been impossible,
owing to the immense amount requir
ed to handle these matters and the
limited amount that can be expended
in this line of work in the different
From Saturday's Dally.
Mr. M. E. Munspeaker very pleas
antly entertained a number of her
lady friends at her pretty home yes
terday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Joe
Lake, of Tucoma, Wash., who is visit
irg her many old friends in this city.
For the occasion the parlors of the
Mar. speaker home were prettily dec
orated with the garden flowers, which
ma.le them very attractive. The ladies
brought their needlework and spent
the greater portion of the afternoon
in plying the busy needle, while socia
bility reigned supreme. A pleasing
feature of the afternoon's entertain
ment was a number of piano selections
furnished by Harold Smith, which
wcie very much appreciated by those
in attendance. At an appointed hour
th- guests were invited to the dining
room, which had also been made very
attractive with garden flower decora
tions, and where they were served a
mort excellent three-course luncheon,
the hostess being assisted in serving
by Mrs. Will Smith and Miss Teresa
Drocge. An hour or so spent in a lit
tle further social time and then the
guests dispersed, very much pleased
at having hail the opportunity of hav
ing Mrs. Lake in their midst again,
and declarirg Mrs. Manspeaker to be
a splendid eiitei taincr. Those who en
joyed Mrs. Manspeaker's hospitality
on this occasion were: Mesdames Val
liurkel, J. C. Petersen, sr., L. II. Egen
berger. Fred Egenberger, I). B. Smith,
Henry Ofe, Homer McKay, John Iees
ley. Booth, Carl Kunsmann, sr., Wil
liam Ilassler, V. H. Bunch, Joseph
Proege, Misses Anna Ilassler, Teresa
Iroege, Harold and Ruth Smith.
From Saturday's Daily.
There has been considerable com
plaint expressed in different sections
of the city over the fact that parties
will 'persist in using the alleys as a
public dumping ground for refuse of
all sorts and without regard to the
health or welfare of the community in
which they reside, and this has caused
considerable annoyance in various lo
calities. The alleys in the business
part of the city have not been subject
to such treatment in the past two
years, as everyone seems to have de
cided to do their part in making the
alleys as clean as possible, and this
has had a marked effect in the im
provement of the business section of
the city, but there are several alleys in
the residence section that are far from
what could be desired in the way of a
clean, healthful driveway, and the
property owners should get busy and
see that they are cleaned up. The
paving of the alleys in the business
section of the city will add to the ease
of keeping them cleaned out and all
should see that these are kept in first
class shape. ,
H !
Mrs. Charles O'Malley and little
daughter, of Galesburg, Illinois, who
have been here visiting at t'f lome of
Mrs. O'Malley's parents, Xr. and Mrs.
William ' Shea, departed yesterday
morning for their home.
From Saturday's Dally.
Among the marriage licenses ap
pearing in the Omaha papers is that
of Grant D. Fisher and Miss Khene
Rinker, both of this city, who were
united in marriage in the metropolis
Friday morning. The groom has re
sided here for a short time, but has
made a great many friends during
that time. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Rinker and is
a young lady esteemed by those who
know her.
From Saturday's Dailv.
The cast composing "The Modern
Cinderella" company has been selected
with great care by the producers, and
the result has been that a cast of more
than usual excellence has been secured
to present the tuneful offering. Miss
Alivette Haynes, the star of the com
pany, is one of the most winsome lit
tle ladies on the musical comedy stage
today, and her greats u ccesses in
'Teggy From Paris" and "Just One
Girl" have been repeated in the allur
ing offering of "The Modern Cinderel
la." The lyrics and music of the
musical comedy are most pleasing and
in all cities where they have appear
ed there hfis been left behind a feel
ing that the show was all that was
claimed for it. There are seventeen
voices in the ensemble of the company,
and every one of which is the best
that can be secured, and the show as
a whole is one that a small town is
fortunate in securing. The attraction
is staired and managed by the same
producers who had "Peg O' My Heart"
here last season, and is run on the
same high-class lines as a clean, first
class attraction.
150,000 ACRES OF
From Saturday's Dally.
The government is getting ready to
make another great gift of land tc
homesteaders, and commencing Sep
tember 25'.h, it will allot to applicants
free homesteads in either ICO or 3J0
acre tracts. These lands are located
in southeastern Wyoming, adjoining
the government's North Platte irriga
tion project. The usual twenty-one
months' residence gives a title to these
lands which will make an ideal dairy
and stock farming proposition. These
are buffalo and gramma grass lands
that have been withheld by the gov
ernment from entry until date, al
though thousands of acres of homestead
lands have been taken up and settled
in the regions beyond, so that these
lands of today are right in the midst
of a well settled territory with cities
like Scotts Bluff and Cheyenne more
or less adjacent. This is not a draw
ing. Intending homesteaders should
be at Torrington, Lingle or Guernsey,
Wyo., on the Burlington's North
Plajtte Valley line in time to "spot"
out a claim before 1) a. m. September
25th. probably joining automobile
parties which will be formed to go out
and take possession. The Burlington
local agent has- in his office informa
tion regarding these lands and what
to do to secure them.
From Saturday's Dally.
There was filed yesterday with the
county board of insanity a complaint
against a corpenter named Cook, who
claimed Weeping Water as his resi
dence, and who it seems had been rais
ing several varieties of excitement at
the county farm west of this city. The
man has been working at different
places in the county near here and had
become apparently rather deranged,
and accordingly was brought to the
county farm and unloaded on Super
intendent Tarns to look after. Thurs
day night the man proceeded to make
rest in the sleeping quarters out of
the question, and all efforts to quiet
him were without avail, and it was de
cided that it was necessary to appeal
to the board of insanity in the hopes
that they might procure relief in tak
ing the man away from the farm and
lodge him elsewhere where he appar
ently belonged.
Plattsmouth, Sept. 17, 1915.
To the Public:
The article in the Evening Journal
on Thursday, September 16th,; con
cerning the condition of the Central
building has come to the attention of
the board of education, and we hasten
to inform the public that, to the best
of our knowledge and belief, no such
condition exists with reference to the
safety of the Central school building.
However, in order to allay the feeling
of uneasiness occasioned by the article
above refe.-red tc, the board will take
steps at once to secure the services of
the state inspector of public buildings
to make an inspection of the building,
and his report will be published in
the Journal.
J. M. Roberts.
T. II. Pollock.
F. E. Schlater.
John Schulhof.
E. H. Wescott, Secretary.
C. A. Marshall, President.
From Saturday's Daily.
Mr. ami Mrs. C. A, Harvey enter
tained the Social Workers' club and
a large number of friends last Wed
nesday afternoon. An out-door pic
nic had been planned, but the extreme
ly cool weather and an unexpected
visit from J. Pluvius drove the guests
inside. The usual business session was
held and four new members were ad
ded to the membership roll. Sewing
and social conversation passed away a
most pleasant afternoon. The guests
came armed with large baskets filled
with all the delicacies that the farm
produces. It was a feast fit for a
king and all did ample justice to the
feed. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey are royal
entertainer and make the occasion
one to be remembered by all present
as the best outing they have enjoyed
this season. Club members and
sruests present were: Mesdames
James Mrasek, C. Mockenhaup, Peter
Mumm. Charles Manners, Lee Hill, Ed
Coins, Lee Fickler, William Gilmour,
John Stuart, W. A. Taylor, George
Smith, Mark lies, Albert Murray, John
Gochencur, C. Gochcnour, Sarah
Gochenour, Misses Clara Mumm, Net-
tio Smith, Cfara Mockenhaup, Mr. and
Mrs. Vanllorn and Mr. and Mrs
From Saturday's Daily.
Charles L. Graves, formerly editor
of the Union Ledger, accompanied by
his son. Harry E. Graves, of Thurman,
Iowa, came up this morning from
Union to spend a few hours here with
their friends. Charley is compelled to
move about on crutches as the result
of a slight operation which he under
went a few days ago at the hospital
in Lincoln for a small tumor on his
hip. but is getting along in fine shape
and is feeling much improved, al
though he is compelled to get on with
the crutches for a time. Since selling
the Ledger Mr. Graves has been en
joying a much-needed rest, as he has
been in the newspaper harness for the
past twnty-seven years, and will take
the fullest oportunity to enjoy a rest
From Saturdav's Dal'y.
Reports were received here last
evening from David City, stating that
a very severe windstorm had visited
that place yesterday afternoon, doing
a great deal of damage to business
houses, breaking windows by the force
of the wind, as well as wrecking a
great many roofs which had been ex
posed to the force of the small tor
nado. The roller skating rink of
Mural Parmeie of this city, which is
located at David City, was one of the
sufferers from the heavy wind, as the
canvass top and side were blown down
and considerable damage done, but
the amount could not be ascertained
last nigh.t when Mrs. Q. K. Parmeie,
who is there visiting her son, called
up Mr. Parmeie by telephone to in
form him of the storm.
Matt Sulser and wife departed this
morning on No. 15 for a visit to the
Pacific coast and the San Francisco
exposition, and en route expect to stop
off in Salt Lake City for a short visit.
They will be gone several weeks on
their outing.
John Toman. Sr., a Highly Respected
Citizen, Passes Away at the
Home of His Daughter,
Mrs. John Iliber.
Yesterday morning at 3:30 John
Toman, sr., one of the old residents of
this city, passed away at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. John Hiber, in the
west portion of the city, after an ill
ness of some six weeks' duration, and
death was due to a severe attack of
pneumonia which followed an opera
tion several weeks ago.
During his long residence here Mr
Toman has been one of the leading
members of his nationality and a gen
tleman of industry and energy, who
has added his part to the development
of the city, and his death will cause
a feeling of the most profound regret
among those who knew him best.
John Toman was born in Moravia,
Austria, April'28, 1832, and was at the
time of his death past 83 years of age.
He resided in his native land until
1877, when with his family he came
to America and settled at Plattsmouth,
where he has since made his home
with the exception of a few years
spent in South Dakota. Here the fam
ily was reared and entered into the
life of the community, and Mr. Toman
done his part in the gradual upbuild
ing of the city. He was a member of
the Catholic church from childhood,
and the funeral services of this good
man will be held Wednesday morning
at 10 o'clock from the Holy Rosary
church in this city, and the interment
made in the Catholic cemetery.
To mourn his loss Mr. Toman leaves
six sons and two daughter, as the wife
had preceded him in death, as follows:
Anton Toman, sr., Plattsmouth; Jos
eph Toman, South Dakota; Frank To
man, Edward Toman. John Toman
Mrs. Anna Hiber, Miss Josie Toman,
Plattsmouth, and Julius Toman, Eu
gene, Oregon.
Yesterday Rev. Robert A. Conley of
Bethany occupied the pulpit at the
Christian church and gave two excel
lent sermons at the morning and eve
ning worship hours, which were very
much enjoyed by the members of the
congregation, and the impression of
the sermons was one of great inspira
tion to the church. It had been hoped
to have Rev. Conley come here as the
resident pastor of the Christian
church, but he desires to complete his
work at the state university to secure
his degree of bachelor of arts, and
therefore will not be able to locate
here this year. The church here is
quite anxious to secure a minister and
will make efforts to secure one in as
short a time as possible.
Sent to State Hospital.
Saturday the county board of in
sanity took up the case of J. A. Cole,
the man who formerly resided near
Weeping Water, and who occasioned
so much trouble at the county farm
last Thursday, when he was taken
with one of his violent spells, and af
ter a thorough examination decided
that it-would be necessary to send
him to Lincoln to the state hospital.
Visits Here With Friends.
From Saturday Dally.
J. E. Kraeger of Pierce, Colorado.
a former Cass county man, arrived
last evening from his home in the
west to spend a short time with old
friends and neighbors. Mr. Kraeger is
well pleased with his new location and
enjoys very much his new home. That
they are successful is shown by the
fact that on sixteen acres of alfalfa
Mr. Kraeger and son will clear $60 per
acre. While here Mr. Kraeger called
at this office and renewed his sub
scription for another year to the
Worth Their Weight in Gold.
"I have used Chamberlain's Tabelts
and found them to be just as repre
sented, a quick relief for headaches,
izzy spells and other symptoms de
noting a torpid liver and a disordered
condition of the digestive organs. They
are worth their weight in gold,
writes Miss Clara A. Driggs, Elba, N.
. Obtainable everywhere.
John R. Pierson departed this morn
ing for Table Rock, where he will look
after his banking interests.
The Weeping Water creek in the
southern part of the county seems to
have been on another rampage, as it
was out of its banks Saturday south
of Union and the whole of the bot
toms near the creek were flooded to a
considerable extent, and as a result a
good deal of damage was done to
crops there. A portion of the Mis
souri Pacific track south of Union was
washed out by the flood waters of the
creek and it required several hours to
get it in shape for the use of the
trains, but service is now proceeding
as usual. The rains in the southern
part of this county and in Otoe coun
ty have been quite heavy, and as a re
sult the Weeping Water has had a
great quantity of water to carry. It
has overflowed several times this sea
son, but the one Saturday seems to
have been the worst of the year.
John K. Pierson, who lor a number
of years has been engaged in the
banking business in eastern Nebraska
and who has been the owner of the
bank at Springfield, in Sarpy county,
last week closed out his interests
there and purchased a controlling
share of the stock in a bank at Table
Rock, which he will take charge of at
once. He was for a number of years
engaged in the banking business at
Union, in this county, and has made
a success of his diffeient ventures in
the banking line, due to his excellent
judgment in the lines of finance. The
bank which he has secured at Table
Rock is one of the leading financial
institution in that section of the stale
While the Pierson family are prepar
ing to move to their new home. Mrs.
Pierson is enjoying a visit in this city
with her mother, Mrs. Mary B. Alii
I here has been a lurking suspicion
that all was not well in a certain lo
cality on lower Main street for some
time, as the visitors there were much
too frequent to look good, and those
residing in that section have been
much wrought up over the matter, so
that it was reported to the police, and
Saturday night two callers seeking
admission were warned away with the
penalty of having to languish behind
the bars of the city jail, and the over
seer of the establishment notified that
there must be a cessation of the ac
tivities and that if it was not looked
after that the strong arm of the law
would be compelled to see that all
concerned were hauled up before the
tribunal of justice. The ukase of the
police was accepted and peace reigns
supreme in that section of the city.
Park Chriswisser and family of
Havelock were in the city over Sunday
visiting with relatives and friends.
Ratio Taylor and wife of Havelock
came in Saturday afternoon to spend
a week-fnd visit here with relatives
and friends.
Charles T. Peacock and family
motored in from their country home
Saturday afternoon and spent a few
hours in this city.
Miss Daisy Stanaforth of Havelock
arrived Saturday afternoon on No. 2
for a short visit here as the guest of
Miss Mable Brown.
John Busche of near Cedar Creek
was in the city today for a short time
and was a passenger on the early Bur
lington train for Omaha.
Thilip II. Meisinger, jr., was a visit
or in Omaha yesterday with his wife
at St. Joseph's hospital, going to that
city on the early Burlington train.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Schleicher, of
Brady, Neb., arrived in this city Sat
urday for a week's visit at the home
of Mrs. Schleicher's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Miller, south of this city.
Mr. Schleicher has disposed of his
real estate and ranch business at
Brady and is now looking for a new
location, which will probably be
Everyone reads the want ads.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 39 Veers
Always bears
Signature of
Sometimes during last night the
barn used by Edward Egenberger on
Vino street, near Washington avenue,
seems to have been made the scene of
the operations of horse thieves, as this
morning the bay horse belonging to
Mr. Egenberger was found to be
missing and all indications point to its
having been stolen. The animal was
a bay horse, 7 years old, with a heavy
mane and tail and a white stripe in
forehead and weighed some 1.301)
pounds. The horse was shod on all
four feat. The loss of the horse was
reported to Sheriff Quinton, who at
once got busy and sent notifications of
the missing animal to the authorities
of the counties and cities in this part
of the state in an effort to locate the
missing animal, and a reward of $50
is offered for information leading to
its recovery.
The horse was located this morn
ing about 11 o'clock at the residence
of Clarence Stenner on West Oak
street, on the cemetery road, and was
found by Mr. Stenner in his cornfield,
and not known where the animal had
come from, he tied it up to await
some word as to the owner. Shortly
after this Max Fritchmeyer, in com
pany with Henry Ililbert, were driv
ing home, and seeing the horse
recognized it as the property of Mr.
Egenberger and it was at once
brought in and turned over to the
owner. The horse was found with its
bridle still on and was perhaps rid
den out a short distance and aban
doned, and thence wandered into. the
cornfield of Mr. Stenner, where it wks
peacefully grazing when found.
L. H. Puis, the Murray auto man.
was a passenger this morning for
Omaha to spend a few hours looking
after some matters of business, motor
ing up from his home and catching
the early Burlington train.
Miss Mary E. Foster came up this
morning from her homa at Union ami
departed cn the early Burlington train
for Omaha, from where she goes to
Pender and Wayne, to look after some
work in the educational line.
Jesse Iloman and daughter. Miss
Gertrude, of Coining, Iowa, who have
been here visiting at the home of G.
W. Toman, departed this morning for
Glenwood for a short visit with rela
tives before returning home.
Hugh Norton of Brock, Neb., was
here yesterday for a few hours enjoy
ing a visit with his old friends. Mr.
Norton was formerly Missouri Pacific
Agent in this city, and is at present
holding the same position at Brock.
William Winslow and wife of Beav
tr City, Neb., who have been visiting
at the S. O. Cole and W. D. Wheeler
homes, south of this city, departed
this morning for their home and were
accompanied as far as Omaha by Miss
Lizzie Wheeler.
Expanding and Expounding
Greater Value Giving!
I 7 .
Hi'! ;;
f?arirlQ Sranh (Lloltm x
service, satisfaction all
aud proper proportion. And if you would measure
these values, if you would hear these clothes expound
their virtues, step in, try on a few Fall models and if
the mirror doesn't say "that's yours" we loose.
Stetson Hats
Wear a
Stetson Hat
and you'll pay
less hat money
yearly and be
much better
We have the English stitch
ed hats for Men, Women
and Children
50c to $2
Wescott's S
Everybody's Store
From Saturday's Pally.
Yesterday afternoon at the C'larksii
hospital in Omaha Mrs. I Egen
berger underwent an operation for a
small growth which had appeared on
her neck ami caused her considerable;
pain and annoyance for the rast ft'W
weeks. The operation was pronounced
as entirely successful and it is thought
that in a short time she will be aide to
return homo. This is most pleasing
to the many friends of this worthy
lady and all are anxiously awaiting
the time when she will be able to re
turn to this city.
Crapes arc ripe now and leudy fr
making wine, and I can supply all
you want at 2c per pound.
J. C. Peterson.
Henry Heebner, manager of the ele
vator at Cedar Creek, was in the city
Saturday for a short time, en route to
Murray and Nehawka for an over
Sunday visit with relatives.
One 1 hintf we linver loone
rtiht of in the Live ttore
Greater Valve o7z
ino We're on the hunt
for it every hour of every
iay and any man, who
can show us the way to.
ward e x'p a n d i n our
values without extending
our prices, will always
find a warm welcome here.
To date, however, we
have found no merchan
dise so Tilled with greater
value giving possibilities 9
as are Society jramzium n
T . L J. . - .- y t J. U
iuppen neiincr iiuinus
they fit this organiza-
tion like a glove.
three are there in
Cot hot t
Hansen Gloves