The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 16, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Points Alb out
The following facts about Plattsmouth are published
in phamphlet form and used for publicity purposes by the
Commercial Club.
They are reprinted here for the benefit of the Journal
readers. The phamphlets may be had for mailing pur
poses by any person who may apply to either 1. B. AYind
ham or A. L. Tidd of the Publicity Committee:
Has 5,000 population.
Is situated on the great Missouri
River in the richest agricultural and
fruit growing districts in the United
Work on reopening the Missouri River
for navigation between Sioux City
Omaha and Kansas City has been
Is on main line of C, B. t Q. R. R.
and on main line of Mo. Pac. R. R
from St. Louis.
Thirty minutes' ride from Omaha, the
state metropolis
Fifty-five miles from Lincoln, state
Thirty trains pass through Platts
mouth daily.
Has gas works and electric light
I'aved business streets.
Ten miles cement walks.
Court house costing $:0,oO.
A tiree-story grade school building
and one-story High school building.
Seven ward school houses.
Thirty teachers and over 1,000 pupils
enrolled in the public schools.
Ten church edifices and Catholic
Opera house costing $3,000.
Three hotel buildings, cue costing
Masonic State Home, buildings cost
ing over $100,000.
One of the best flouring mills in the
Olson Photograph Company is the
largest Kodak finishing plant in the
middle west.
Five cigar factories. One pop factory.
One broom factory.
One modern laundry.
One beautiful city park.
Railroad bridge across Missouri River,
cost $S00,0O0.
Great C, P. & Q. railroad shops, esti
mated investment $2,000,000, nor
mal pay roll GOO employees. Month
ly pay roll about $40,000.
Over 100 brick business houses.
About r0 palatial homes and a city of
substantial home-like coitages.
Splendid telephone system.
Thirty fraternal societies.
Two loan and building associations.
Three bank? two state and one
One local insurance company.
Daily and semi-weekly newspapers.
Brass band free weekly concerts dur
ing season.
Tlattsmouth Roller Mills.
Commercial club.
Real estate exchange.
Taxes 1!14 on full assessment about
12 per cent.
The C, B. Q. R. R. has recently
i.i:; i. mith f.. !
N'-TlCr: TO JoSi:i-HlNU JjUHA, Xon-I
I ' -i(i-r:t I H f'-riUaru : I
or ti lit'i day of JL-iv, l'.ilTi. M;.. In!:. '
ti;(! a jwt iiinn p!-:;inst ynii in t ! In.1--
Iriit Court of I'ass Counti', Ntl'ia:
t!,- fl.'cct anJ pm vcr of vik!i trc to!
or. tain ;i .livon-r from vmj m"n t!.' i
trrfnii'l-i of cT.i-!ty, 1 sf r: i"n ;irid in-f"t;l-!ity.
nrii for tli- f ::tcn v of t!:' i n -fruit
!.il!. the i:-Mi- of siiitl nir.rri.'"i;'.
M;iri' I'nrts. ai;d two vers, ;i!i't t! ii.
tt.f t'orifis if mat rin:on j rmw x i s t i ri a
VKtv.of n tl;f n:;iiiiti!t si r 1 1 f : n iu r. 1
mav l Lsol ami for sii'I' ot ' r J
arifi fuili.or r!ief ;is tn:v Ik -m n i t ;i ! '.
You arc reiiu trt-.l to ntiswr y;iif1 t. 'i
iinn on or lt-fnrf Mori.J;iy. the K.tli iay
of NcivcnitH-r, f 1 r. .
II AX Il"IA. r'airtifT.
6- w Us
xith'K to ni;n?TtitJ.
In Ihr ( ouuli nrt of I:m ( iuii?,
Jn thf Miitler of ii.i- Kstale of Olia.rln
S. Wort n, I ) t-a..(i.
Ni.ticv to jiii (. :is i tit orcst ! in said
-t;ito is l.i Tt liy pivcri th it Clifton S.
Wort man. '- utor of s.'iki fst:it will
rri'tt t !. crt -J U'fS of :;iij est :'. t t !;
imiMv ((o.inro.ipi in tin- :ty of J'lalts-in-nilti.
Pit i1 roi:nty. r n tlx .".'"tii i:iy of
S. pr(-n:t.?r. 1 i ', ntirj on i ! :."th l:iv
ot Man 1;. J fM . fit the liotlf of i o V!m k
.A. M.. for W'f liuri'OM' of Jit-nrii.t:. i. .i
;ntmn h n.1 ii;!o(vanr, of oia'm
:t;.i"l ; i i t iilsf. AH .-r.'"rip toivit.c;
i;i!Ti!M or 'if ma tils pt:;i;nst mill st;l'
n i;st 1'." tt'f satro- iti K..ri ot:!t r.n or
l.i'l.irt- the Vi i- c.:y of M; r h. J 01;. or
f-ijui chiiins will t-e fo'ivi.r Vi,irrti
I'iit"J tlji? l.t imv of Sci'tfml"-r. '317..
llex .1. nr:i:s' -n.
County .Jurltro.
'J-.l--i ivies
i tiii: PFTnitT rorriT of cass
(nun, F.nit.K.v.
Cliarles C. ParmelP, Plaintiff,
C. II. Kleman. ft al.. ef ndanf.-.
To C. Jl. Kidman, fit:,t rt'n 1 narn
unknown; Mrs. C. H. Kl'iujin. first r'al
nm unknown: t)i unl nown h.irs,
devisees, IfCiteeF. personal re ir-H":il-ties
and all persons int -rfstt-d in tiie
state of C. 11 Klteman. first real tinine
unknown: and the unknown hPirs. de
visees, lecalefs, personal represent
atives una all other persons in'eresttd
tn the estate of Mrs. C. H. Kl'-eman,
lirst real name unknown, defendants:
You are Jierehv iiotifie.J .t hat on Julv
L'Pth. A. I. ll'lfi. i.iajntifr filed liis si-it
In the Iistrii-l Court of C;iss Couruv,
N'ebiaska. to quiet the ti:le to the fol
lowing uescriled lands in Plo t t&mouth,
Cass County, Nebraska. t-wit:
Lxt Five (."i. in Kiotb Thirtv-tliTe
fr.3. in the City of i'Ia.tts mouth, Cass
County. Nebraska.
The object and pravpr of which
are to hnve expuntrt-d frm the record
and declared null and void one certain
deed pretenditic: to convey to the de
fendant, C. II. Kleeman, said lot, cared
Aucust lth. 1911. and filed for record
Ausust 26th, 1S12, aiit recorded in
Piatt smoutl
established an electric lighting
plant in their shops r.nd expended a
large sum of money in cement work
doubled their yard trackage.
Recent Achievements.
M. E. Smith shirt and overall factory,
capacity fifty employees, which will
be increased to two hundred as fast
as help can be had.
Two concrete and cement works.
The Olson Fhoto Machine Company.
Western Machine and Iron Works.
Government building and improve
ments, $$0,000.
A $20,000 wagon bridge across the
Piatle River, just finished, putting
Plattsmouth on the great Overland
Automobile Highway from Omaha
to Kansas City.
Six block of brick pnving.
Modern Woodman building just com
pleted. Large sums being spent in putting in
modem fronts and otherwise im
proving many of the business
Substantial improvements going on in
the residence district.
Location of government rific range
just north of the city on 800 acres
of land purchased by the govern
ment, and contract has been let for
The C, B. & Q. shops have expended
over $25,000 on improvements dur
ing the past year.
Over SI 00.000 improvemcrts in Platts
mouth during year of 1014-15.
New Modern brick steam laundry
Eurlinirtcm station enlarged and re
Permanent base ball park established.
New $15,000 county jail.
Substantial improvements planned at
Nebraska Masonic Home.
Manv new modern residences con
structed during the past year, and
many now in process of construc
tion. Elks' Home, a $15,000 building.
A new $8,000 garage and skatir, g rink
just completed.
City purchased ground:; and fitted up
new city hall.
New ?j.j.000 Carnegie library building
in process of constriction.
New $15'U0 artificial ice plant.
New seweracre construction on the
About two miles curbing and jrutter-
Pacif:? station.
Tw, moving picture shows.
One Air Dome.
Seven blocks of alley paving under
r.nok 51, at tinire r,s. of the deed records
of Cass County, Nebraska: utid to en
join you and each of yi"i fri tri liavin'-T
or clam;n:T any rivrht. title or interest
in or to said Tea! estate, atid forever
Miiittin-' tl.c tit'e I' i rci.o ;?i the I'iaiji
tiff. and for e., i; i ! a Lie relief.
"ion are re'iuireu to answer said peti-
tion on or roi
Mouday, SeptemtM-r
I'Jth. A. I. 1 1
Pattd this :.!cl dnv of Auc.i't, A. I.
i:l.r.. CilAKLKa C. I'AJ :M l: L.E.
Attorney for I'laintifC.
In the I)iri- otirt of tlir (onuty of
( 'um. t-lirnKWn.
Amelia Vallery St reiii t, i'laintiff,
A. I.. Small, firyt real name unknown,
ft t-1 . 1 ifiopila nt
To i ne I ef i,i!a tit s : A. T.. Small, first
real name unknown: t '. M. Small first
teal ikiuio unknown: J. C. Small, first
real name unktiuwn; .lames 1. Snuill,
i i I j. Small, tirst real name unknown;
V. ii. Small, first real name unknown;
Mav Catlin. l'aisv Miller, nee Wright;
Hairy T. Mill-r, li' td e Jackson, nee
Wriehl; Jains S. IWirris, also known
as .lames S. liurnes. arid the unknown
heirs, i( '?alr-5 and devisees of Alice M.
Nev ton, deceased, also known as Alice
Newton, deceased.
You lire hereby iiotlfed that on Ju'v
r.f'th. A. I. ltO.. plaint iff filed her ruit
in tre pjsinci uo'irt cu me eounry oi
Cuss., Nebra.-ka. to quiet title to the
following describe la'id. to-wlt:
Lot three (. in Illo'-k nineteen
C'.n. in t'e City of lluttsmouth.
Cass County. Nebraska
Kcoause of her adverse possession ty
herself and her frrantois for more than
ten years prior to the commencement
of said suit, and to enjoin each and all
of yo-.i from having or claiming any
licrl.t, title, lien or interest, cither leal
or equitable, in or to naid land or thireof and for central equitable
re'icf. This notice is uruue pursuant to
the order of the c ourt.
Yoti are reiiired to j-nswer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 3th day
of SepterTiber. A. I. 1 ! 1 r . or your de
fault will he dulv entered therein
tV. A. KOBEKTSON. Attorney.
WANTED A pood, steady, pcntlt
manly salerman to handle a Ward
wajron in Cass county. No experi
ence needed. For full particulars
write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medi
cal Company, Winona, Minn. Estab
lished 1856. 8-12-Stwkly
Come to The- Journal for fine sta
Local News
Prom Tuesday's Dally,
Jliss Iilarie Iliber departed last eve
ning for Peru to take up her school
work there for the coming season.
Miss Nelle Cook departed last eve
ning: for Peru to take up her work at
the State Normal school for the com
inp; year.
C. G. Mayfield and James Hoover of
Louisville were in the city today for a
few hours looking: after some matters
at the court house.
Miss Edna Shoop deuarted last
evening for Teru, where she will take
up her work in the State Normal for
the ecmirp; season.
Marvin Root came down this morn-
ins: from his home at Omaha to visit
with his friend, Waldemar Soennich
sen, for a short time.
B. F. Wiles was among: those Koinjr
to Omaha litis morninjr, where he was
called to spend a few hours looking:
after some matters of business.
Mrs. Harry Gouchenour was among
those foin2: to Omaha this morning,
where she will snend a few hours in
looking after some business matters.
Henry Staikjohn and wife were
among tho.-e going to Omaha this
morning, where they will spend the
day looking after some matters of
Ik I'. Crook Mas among the pas
sengers this morning for Omaha to
visit with friends for a few hours, as
well as look after some matters of
Dr. E. W. Cook departed this morn
ing for Lincoln, where he accompanied
his son, Harris Cook, who is preparing
to take up his work at the university
this season.
J r cob II. Roudebush, wife and two
daughters, of Oihkosh, Neb., arrived
last evening on No. 2 for a short visit
here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.
E. Schlater and family.
Frank Svoboda of Malvern, Iowa,
was hee yesterday afternoon for a
few hours looking after some business
matters and visiting with relatives,
rerunning home on No. 2.
John Majors came in Last evening
from Arcadia, Neb., where he has
been for a short time working on a
farm, and brought with him a number
of the specimens of corn raised there.
G. W. Manlove and wife departed
this afternoon for Omaha to visit for
a short time before returning to
Cleveland, Ohio, theii4 home, and will
try and visit here for a few days be
fore they leave the west.
Dave Wallengren departed this aft
ernoon for Sutton, Neb., where he will
attend the funeral of a nephew, which
will be held there tomorrow, the body
arriving there today from Des Moines,
where the young man died yesterday.
L. II. Puis motored up frcm Murray
yesterday, bringing with him his fath
er, William PuL-, and brother, V.. 11.
Puis, as well as John Urish and L. D.
Iliatt, and the party spent a few
hours here looking after some matters
with the merchants.
From TVefinesday's Dally.
Mrs. Henry Steinhauer and daugh
ter. Miss Gladys, were among tnose
going to Omaha this morn-ng to visit
for the day with friends.
Mrs. William Nesson of Cedar
Creek was in the city today looking
after some matters in regard to the
settlement of her husband's estate.
Miss Margaret Martin of Pacific
Junction was in the city yesterday
visiting with Miss Margaret Hallahan,
returning home last evening on No. 2.
Glen Boedeker, cashier of the Mur
ray State Bank, was here last evening
for a few hours looking after some
matters of business and calling on
John Stander departed this morn
ing for North Dakota, where he will
spend a .short time looking after some
matters of business in regard to his
land interests.
James Patterson of Arapahoe. Neb.,
who has been visiting with his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. WUliarn Tvlc
Catilcy, departed this morning for his
home in the west.
E. F. Rutherford of Omaha, rep
resenting the Woodmen of the World,
was here today to locate monuments
over the graves of the deceased mem
bers of the order.
Waldemar Soennichsen departed
this morning for Lincoln, where he
will take up his work at the univer
sity and perfect arrangements for the
opening of school.
Miss Myna Thierolf and Miss Nora
Rosencrans departed this morning for
Lincoln, where they will spend a short
time attending a number of the uni
veristy sorority parties.
George Nickels motored up this
morning with his father, William
Nickels, an his sister, Miss Etta Nick
els, and spent a short time here look
ing after some matters of importance.
P. J. Vallery, accompanied by his
wife and daughter, Mrs. Jay Vaughn,
were passengers this morning for
Omaha, where Mr. Vallery will -consult
a specialist and the ladies will
visit for a few hours.
Henry Egenberger, who has been
spending his summer vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Egen
berger, departed this afternoon for
Iowa City, where he will resume his
studies at the Iowa State university.
Mrs. E. A. Woodruff of Colorado
Spiings, Colorado, who has been here
for a few weeks visiting with her
brother, B. J. Halstead and family
departed this morning for her home
Mr. Halstead accompanied her as far
as Omaha.
James M. Hoover, Andy Hoover,
Wiiliam Hoover, jr., F. Masters, C. G.
Mayfield and Paul Fitzgerald, all of
Louisville, were in the city yesterday
in attendance at the sale of the J. T.
Hoover estate. William Hoover was
the purchaser.
From Thursday's Daily.
Mrs. Earl R. Travis departed this
afternoon for the metropolis to spend
a few hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
Herman Kleitsch of Weeping Water
was here yesterday afternoon for a
few hours, motoring over to look after
some matters of business.
Hon. M. G. Kime of Nehawka was
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness and calling on friends.
Judge James T. Begley returned to
Papillion this afternoon, after holding
a short session of the district court
this morning at the court house.
S. O. Pitman and George Nickels
motored up this morning from their
home at Murray to spend a few hours
looking after some business matters.
Remember that the social dance at
the German Home on next Saturday
evening is open to the dancing public
and everyone is invited to be present.
August Nolting, wife and family
drove in this morning from their farm
home to spend a few hours looking
after some trading with the mer
chants. D. A. Young of Murray was among
the Plattsmouth visitors driving in to
spend a few hours looking after some
trading and visiting with his many
Attorney William DelesDernier, the
genial Elmwood attorney, was in the
city today visiting with friends and
attending the session of the district
John Burwell and wife of Fairbury
came in last evening on No. 2 and
will be guests here for a short time
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Wiles, near this city. i
Mrs. E. E. Wilkinson and son, Will,
of Grand Island, Neb., who have been
here for a few days visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Eastwood,
departed this morning for their home.
George A. Meisinger and wife de
parted this morning for Omaha, where
they will spend the day at St. Joseph's
hospital with Mrs. Philip H. Meising
er, jr., who is recovering from an
Ed S. Tutt of Murray came up this
morning from his home and departed
on the early Burlington train for
Omaha to look after some business
matters for a few hours.
Mrs. A. Westerberg and two little
sons of Des Moines, who have been
here visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Wallengren, departed this
afternoon for their home.
W. D. Wheeler and son, Percy, were
in the metropolis today for a few
hours, going to that city on the early
Burlington train this morning, where
they were called on some matters of
Mrs. E. O. Steihm and little daugh
ter, who have been visiting in this city
at the home of Judge and Mrs. J. E.
Douglass, departed this morning on
the early Burlington train for their
home in the state capital.
George Cory and wife of Sac City,
Iowa, came in last evening for a short
visit here at the home of Mr. Cory's
brother, John Cory and family, and the
occasion was a most pleasant one for
the members of the family.
Mrs. Mike Tritsch was a passenger
this morning for Omaha to visit her
brother, John Hennings, at the hos
pital in that city, where the young
man in recovering from his recent ac
cident at the Philip Tritsch farm.
FOR SALE on easy terms or will
trade for live stock, 9 nice lying lots
near Masonic Home, Plattsmouth.
For price and terms write A. O.
Ault, Cedar Creek, Neb. 9-16-2tw
4-H-K--H-H- H-I-I-I-'H-H'
Coates ISlock,
East of Riley HoteL
Second Floor.
-- ,,,',..TT..T. iThTmTmTmTi
A want ad will bring you a buyer.
yroc Jersey CHlog Sale!
Tuesday, September 21st
I am offering at public sale 44 head of pure bred Duroc Jerseys. Amongst the offering are
18 boars, 19 open gilts, 4 sows with litters and one open tried fow.
Five of these animals are sons and daughters of the famous "Old King the Col," and are ani
mals of real merit; ODe yearling boar that will weigh aronnd 500 pounds (out of ECHO'S CRIM
SON WONDER, GRAND CHAMPION at the Nebraska State Fair 1914.) This boar I will make a
special offer on. Will agree to take him back at the price he sells for at sale, in one year's time,
providing he is in as good condition as he is now.
Will have 4 Spring boars of the JUMBO CRITIC strain all large and good; one of them will
beat 200 pounds, and is a real outstanding animal of this strain. Balance of animals are mostly
by the above boar "Echo's Model Wonder." One sow with litter by her side, a grand-daughter of
"COL. GANO," an animal I paid $95.00 for at Oscar Larson's sale last winter, will go in the ring
and some one will get a bargain.
Rememberthe Date Tuesday, September 21. Sale to be held in large building, one
half block from the depot.
iiiPTinutTRc, COL. N. 6. KRASCHEL, Assisted by
a. aa. a. -!e.
New York, Sept. 16. The American
steamer Portlar.d arrived here from
Swedish and British ports after hav
ing been held up by eight war vesseis
on its eastward and westward trips.
The freighter sailed from San Francis
co several months ago with a cargo
of barley, beans and dried fruits, oon
sijzrred to Stockholm and carrying a
British consular certificate providing
against interference.
On June 14 the Portland was held
up by a British cruiser, taken to KirR-
wall and four days later discharged a
part of its cargo at Blyth. it then
started for Stockholm, but was held
up twice by submarines, which took
part of the cargo. From Stockholm
the Portland sailed for England and
was held trp by two more German sub
marines. After leaving Gravesend
three Britlsn destroyers held up tbf
Portland before it waa clear of the
ar zone.
For Sale.
Splendid 6-room house, all on one
floor; gas, electric lights, city water
and furnace and cistern, well and
pupms, barn, chicken coop and wood
shed; cellar- under whole house; nice
distance from heart of city; no hills
to climb; two lots, brick walks, splen
did neighborhood; large shade trees
and fine lawn. Priced very low.
Owner must sell. See
The Journal delivered at your door
for only 10 cents a week.
of the high cost of building material
smashed all to
Building material of all kinds is cheaper
now than ever.
Repair, remodel or build new
V. B.
al afrfr aaV alaV ala aat alftfr el!a AsV Aa eiifc sijfcAifc
United States District Attorney T.
S. Allen of Lincoln 'was in the city to
day looking after some matters in the
district court, and while here called at
the Journal office and spent a short
time visiting with ye editor.
I. j 5a -yfTr-
.- -? ;
f l 11 - 1
O. I. PURDY, Fleldman for Nebraska Ftrmtr
M. S. CRUSE. Fioldman for the South Omaha
Stockman and Drover's Journal
alia aik aiIfc aik aliifc all- as. aa. aa.
3:00 P. M.
dliris ILvgCis
The Chris Lycks are among the fast
organizations of Omaha and will g'ire
the fans a run for their money in the
game here. Come out and boost tbe
Red Sox on to another victory.
. Grapes are ripe now and ready for
making wine, and I caa supply all
you want at 2c per pound.
J. C Peterson.
M Ml