The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 13, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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r AGE 5.
mm U 19 SMI IdiEH B 1 IA
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Copyritfht. 1914. by
A Forester's Secret.
THE trail, hardly more than a
wood i grew wilder and
lonelier as they climbed. Cattle
ltd . 1 1 tin- hillside-; iu scattered
bands 1:' e'.U. Here and there a small
t :; i .i a stood ou l lie banU. ot" a stream.
Li fur the i.n--t I-:: rt the trail mounted
tli-- hih slopes in perfect solitude.
Ti.e iiirl tallied and leisurely,
readm;; the brands i f tin-- lanclieis. re
veaiin:,' the iiUii:U-f of cattle they owu-t-ti.
quite as a yi.;i;i: farmer would
li:;i done. iUe seemed it-'t to be em
barrassed i.i tin- .s!ij:Mit i "-rce by
the tact I hat she was guiding a strange
i:;an over a I t.n.'I y i-' 1 and gave lio
tutward sign : spi-iai interest in him
till she suddenly turned to ask. "What
kind of a slicl.or I taiiu a raincoat
dal you liiijii; -"'
iU- looked l.lank. "I dMi't believe 1
brought any. I've a leaher shooting
jacket, however."
She shrug'cd Lcr shoulders and look
ed up at the sky. Wre in for a
Moriu. You'd ought "o have a slit ker,
lio fancy 'raincoat.' but a real old fash
ioned cow puncher's oils.iiii. Tliey
make a bus: ne.-s ot sliedding rain.
She rode on for a few :i:inuies in si
lence, a if disgusted with his folly,
but she was really V'-j.rylug about
him. 'I'oor chap!" she said to her
self. "He can't stand a chill. 1 ought
to have thought of his slicker inysel.
He's helpless as a baby."
They were clliubing fast now. wind
ing upward along the bank of a
suvam. ami the sky had grown sud
tl.iily ray. and the woodland path
was' dark and chill. lay mountains
were n"t less- beautiful, but they were
'efi.ledly less amiable. : nd the youth
fd:hered. caJing an a piirehcnsive eye
lit the thickeliinET clouds.
Iteiea I'lrceiv.-d soineti-ins of his dis
may aiid. drawing rein, dismounted,
r.ehind her saddle was a ti-htly lolled
bin. die which. U'iu Ttuti-'d and shaken
out. proved to be a hoi soman's raiu
t.r.M.r f,ilslv"m coat. "I'lit this on:' ed"-'
- -
commanded. I
-oh. no," he protested. "1 can't takrj
your coat."
"Yes yu can! You must! lon'tyoi:
w..rry about me. I'm used to weather.
l'ut this on over your jacket aud all.
..u'il lu-id it. Kain won't hurt me,
b'.t it will just about finish you."
The worst of this lay in its truth,
and N.'nni-s lost all his pride of sex
for tLe moment. A wetUug would not
dim th.s -iris spleudid color nor re
duce her Vitality one decree, while to
him it miaht be a death warrant
"You couid throw me over my own
lie; -e." he admitted in a kind of bitter
admiration and slipped the coat oil
Miherimr with cold as Le did so.
"You t liink me a poor excuse for a
trailer, don't youV" he said ruefully a."
the thunder beu' in lu roll.
"You've 't to be all made over
new." she replied tole"ant!y. "May
here a ear and you'll ln able to staud
at:y tlai:: it."
l;eiiioi.utiii. she auai i led the way
with cheery iv. The raiu came dasdi
im; down in titl'ul. misty streams, but
she merely pulled the rim of her sora
l iero clo.-er oer her eyes and rode
steadily ou. while he followed, pluuped
in iooiu as cold and gray as the
"These mountain showers don't last
lor-," the irl called back, her face
t-l.inim: like a rose. "YVe'il nut the sun
In ;i few m: mites."
And so ir turii"d out. In loss thnn
an hour tln'.v rode into the warm licht
f)';:iu. a:id In spitf of hiaiself Norcross
rt turned her smile, thov.srh he said: "I
feel lik; a selfish f(KL You are
"I never take coid." she returned.
"I'm used to all kinds of wtathcr.
Don't you bother about me."
Toppiuz a low tli vide, the youth
eauirht a t'linpse of the rane to the e.'.-t. which fok his breath.
"Isn't that superb-.-" he exclaimed.
"It's like the shining roof of the
"Yes. that's the Continental divide."
sue confirmed casually, but the lyrical
note wkith he struck npain reached
hrr heart- The men she knew had pc
few words, for the leautiful !n lift.
Slip wondered whether this man's i II-iie-s
had piven him thL? refinement or
w'r-ther it was native to his kind.
I'm 'lad tie took iny coat," was her
fle puibed cn down tie slope, rld
hard, but tt was Dearly 2 o'clock
when they drew tip at Meeker's house,
wlii-Ii was & lous, low, stone Btruc-
Hamlin Garland
ture built alone; the north side of the
road. The place was distinguished
not merely by its masonry, but also
by its picket fence, width had once
been whitewashed. Farm wagons of
various decrees of decay stood by the
pate, and in the barnyard plows ami
harrows deeply burieX by the weeds
were rusting forlornly away. A little
farther up the stream the tall pipe ol
a saw-mill rose above the firs.
A pack of dos of all sizes and siprns
tame clamoring to the fence, followed
"I don't feel right in leaving you here,"
she said at last.
by a bi.r. slovenly dressed, red beard
ed man of ei.vty or thereabouts.
"Hello, ln le Joel" called the prirl in
offhand boyish fashion. "How are
you today?"
"Howdy, ?ir!.' answered Meeker
pravely. "What brings you up here
this time?"
She laughed. "Here's a boarder who
wants to learn how to raise cattle."
Meeker's face lightened. "I reckon
you're Mr. Norcross? I'm glad to sec
ye. Light off and make yourself to
home. Turn your horses into the cor
ral. The boys will feed 'em."
Without ceremony Meeker led his
guests directly iuto the dining room,
n long and rather narrow room, where
in a woman and six or seven rough
ly dressed young meu were sitting at
a rudely appointed table.
"Karth and seas!" exclaimed Mrs.
Meeker. "Here's Uerrie, and I'll bet
that's Sutlers friend, our boarder."
"Hist along there, boys, and give
the company u chance." she command
ed sharply. "Our dinner's tumble late
The boys they were in reality full
grown cubs of eighteen or twenty
did as they were bid with much, noise,
chaffing r.errie with blunt humor.
Meeker read Sutler's letter, which
Norcross had handed him, and, after
deliberation remarked: "All right, we'll
do the best we can for you, Mr. Nor
cross. but w e haven't any fancy accom
modations." "He don't expect any," replied Ber
rie. "What he needs is a little rough
ing it."
"There's plinty of that to be had."
said one of the herders, who sat below
the salt. " 'Tis the &oft life I'm uadin'."
Oue of the lads. Frank Meeker, a
dark, intense youth of about twenty,
was Uerea's full cousin. The others
were merely hired hands, but they r. 11
eyed the new comer with disfavor.
The fact that Benie had brought Lira
and that she smed interested in hiuj
added to the effect of the smart ridiuj.
suit which he wore. "I'd like to roll
him in the creek." muttered one ol
them to his neighbor.
This dislike Ben ie perceived in some
degree, and to Frank she privately
Bfl id: "Now. you fellows have got tc
treat Mr. Norcross tight. He's been
very sick."
Frank maliciously grinned. "Oh. we'll
treat him right. We won't do a thing
to him""
"Now. Frank." sh'3 warned, "if you
try RDj of our tricks on him you'll
hear from me."
"Why all this worry ou your part?"
he asked keenly. "How long since you
found him?"
The girl uerself did not understand
the vital and almost painful interest
which this young man had roused in
her. lie was both child and poet to her,
and as she watched him trying to make
friends with the men. her indignation
rose against their clownish offish ucss.
"I don't feel right in leaving you
here." she said at last, "but I must be
ridiiiV And while Meeker ordered
her horse brought out she walked to
the gate with Norcross at her side.
"I'm tremendously obliged to you,"
he said, and his voice was vibrant.
"You have been most kind. IIuw cau
I repay you?"
"Oh. that's all right." she replied, in
true western fashion. "I wanted to
see the folks u; here, anyhow. Tlifc
is no jaunt at all for me." And. look
ing at her powerful figure and feeling
the traplike grip of her cinch hand, he
knew she spoke the truth.
And so she rode away, leaving her
ward to adjust himself to his new and
Htrauge surroundings as best he could,
and with her g.iing the whole valley
darkened for tlv convalescent.
It was soon apparent to the eastern
observer that the entire male popula
tion for thirty miles around not only
knew MeFailane's gill, but that every
unmarried man and some who were
both husbands and fathers kept a
deeply interested eye upon her daily
motion, and certain shameless ones
openly boasted among their fellows of
their intention to win her favor, while
the shy ones reveled in secret exulta
tion over every chance meeting with
her. She was the topic of every lum
ber camp and the shining lye of ev
ery dance to which the ram h hands
often rode over long and lonely trails.
Part of this intense interest was due.
naturally, to the scarcity of desirable
women, but a larger part was called
out by Berea's frank freedom of man
ner. Her ready camaraderie was taken
for carclcssiss. and the candid grip
tif her hand was often misunderstood,
and yet most of the men respected her.
and some fen red her. After her avow
ed choice of Clifford Belden they all
kept aloof, for he was hot tempered
and formidably swift to avenge an In
sult. At the end of a week Norcross found
himself restless and dis -ontented with
the Meckers. He was tired of fishing,
tired of the old man's endless argu
ments and tired of the vulgar cow
hands. The men around the mill did
not interest him. and their Saturday
night spree at the saloon disgusted
him The one person" who piqued his
curiosity was Bandon. the ranger, who
was stationed not far away and who
could be seen occasionally riding by
on a handsome black horse. There
was something in his bearing, in his
neat and serviceable drab uniform,
which attracted the convalescent, and
on Sunday morning he decided to ven
ture a call, although Frank Meeker
had said the ranger was a "grouch."
His cabin, a neat leg structure, stood
just above the road ou a huge natural
terrace of grassy bowlders, and the
Gag which tluttcred from a tall staff
before it could be seeu for several
miles, the bright sign of federal ton
troi. the symbol of law and order, just
as the saloon and the mill were signs
of lawless vice and destructive greed.
Around the door flowers bloomed and
kittens played.
The cabin's interior pleased Wayland
almost a much as the garden. It
was built of pine logs neatly matched
and hewed on one side.
The ranger, spurred and belted, with
his cuffs turned back, was pounding
the typew riter w Leu Wayland apiear
ed at the open door, but he rose with
grave courtesy. "Come iu," he said,
and his voice had a pleasant inflection.
"I'm interrupting."
"Nothing serious; just a letter. There's
no hurry. I'm always glad of an ex
cuse to rest from this job." He was
at once keenly interested iu his visitor,
for he perceived in him the gentleman
and, of course, the alien.
Wayland. with .something of the feel
ing of a civilian reporting to an officer,
explained his presence in the neighbor
hood. "I've heard of you." responded the
ranger, "and I've been hoping you'd
look in on me. TLe supervisor's daugh
ter has just written me to look after
you. She said you were not very
Again Wayland protested that he wa
not a consumptive, only a studeut whe
needed mountain air, but he added. "It
is very kiud of Miss McFarlane tc
think of me."
"Oh. she thinks t.f everybody!" the
youug fellow declared. "She's one of
the most unselfish creatures in the
Something in the music of this
speech, and something in the look of
the ranger's eyes, caused Wayland to
wonder if here were not still another
of Berrie's subjects. He became cer
tain of it as the young officer went on.
with pleasing frankness, and it was not
long before he had conveyed to Way
land his cause for sadness. "She's en
gaged to a man that is not her equal
In a certain sense no man is her equal,
but Beldeu is a pretty hard tyjte, and
1 beiieve. although I can't prove it.
that he is part owner of the saloon
over there."
"How does that saloon happen to be
"It's on patented laud jx so called
placer claim' experts have reported
against it- McFarlane has protested
against it. but nothing is done. The
mill is also on deeded laud, and togeth
er they are a plague spot. I'm their
enemy, and they know it, and they've
threatened to bum me out. Of course
they won t d: that, but they're ready
tojjlay any kind of trick on me.",
Cut This Qui;
It Is Worth Money j
Cut out this advertisement, enclose
5 cents to Foley & Co., 2&33 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, II!., writing your name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive in return a trial package containing-:
(1) Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, the standard family remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, w"hooping
cough, tightness ami soreness in
chest, grippe and bronchial coughs.
(2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over
worked and disordered kidneys and
bladder ailments, pain in Sides and
back due to Kidney Trouble, sore
muscles, stiff joints, backache and
(3) Foley Cathartic Tablets,- a
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. Especially comforting to
Ftout persons, and a purgative needed
by everybody with sluegish bowels
ant torpid livers Tou can try these
three family remedies for only 5c
Sold Everywhere.
"I can well be.ieve that, for 1 am
getting my share of practical jokes ai
"They're not a bad ht over t here
on! v just rowdy. 1 suppose they're
initiating you." said Laudon.
"I didn't tome out here to be a cow
boy," responded Norcross. "but Frank
.Meeker seems to be anxious to show
me all the good old cowboy courtesies.
On Monday he slipped a burr under
my horse's saddle, and I came near to
having my neck broken. Then he or
some one else concealed a frog in my
bed and fouled my hair brushes. In
fact. I go to sleep oath night in expec
tation of some new attack, but the air
and the riding are doing me a great
deal of pood, and so I stay."
Thereafter Wayland spent nearly every-
day with the ranger, either in his
cabin or riding tue trail, and during
these hours confidence grew until at
last T.nndon confessed that his unrest
arose from his rejection by Berrie.
"She was not to blame. She's so
kind and free with every one I thought
I had a rh.nnrp. I wns rnnroito
enough to feel sorry for the other fel
lows, and now I can't even feel sorry
for myself. I'm just dazed and hang
ing to the ropes. She was mighty
peutle about it. Y'ou know how sunny
her face is. Well, she just got grave
and kind o' faint voiced and said Oh.
you know what she said! She let me
know there w as another man. I didn't
usk her who, and when I found out I
lost my grip entirely. At first 1
though I'd resign and get out of the
country, but 1 couldn't do it. 1 can't
yet. The chance of seeing her of
hearing from her once in awhile she
never writes except on business for
her father, but you'll laugh I can't
nee her signature without a tremor."
lie smiled, but his eyes were desper
ately sad. "Oh. I'm crazy! I admit
it I didn't know such a thing couid
happen to me, but it has."
As Wayland listened to this out
pouring he wondered at the intensity
of the forester's passion. He mar
veled, too. at Berrie's choice, for there
was somethiug fine and high in
don's worship. A college man with a
mining engineer's training, he should
to high in the service. "He made the
mistake of being too precipitate as a
lover," concluded Wayland. "His
forthright courtship repelled her."
(To Be Continued.)
London. Sept. 13. That the central
row., rs still have an overwhelming
luperiority in all the material of wa?
ird that the allies, to win. must put
'orth all their strength, is the state
meat of Iftivid Lio .-d George, minis! c
if munitions, in the preface of a l.ool
containing his speeches since the out
break of the war. entitled "Through
Terror to Trium; li."
"The untoward incidents of the
war." he Fays, "have not wepl-ened mv
faith in ultimate victory. alAays pro
vided that the nation always put forth
its er.tirc strength ere it is too late.
Anything less must mean defeat.
Friends and Neighbors in I'lattsmoutb
Will Show You a Way.
Get at the root of the trouble.
Rubbing an aching back may re
lieve it.
But won't cure it if the kidneys are
You must reach the root of it the
Doan's Kidney Pills go right at it;
Reach the cause; attack the pain.
Are recommended by many Platts
mouth people.
B. Brooks, Main-St., Plattsmouth,
says: "I had a severe attack of kid
ney complaint, brought on by a bad
cold. At times the pain extended
from my back and hips into my
shoulders. I couldn't get about and
was laid up for two weeks. My head
ached for hours at a time and I had
dizzy spells, during which my hight
blurred. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney
Pills, procured at Gering & Co.'s Drug
Store, restored my health."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy gez
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr .Brooks had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. Sarah Cutforth went to Oma
ha Wednesday to consult an oculist.
She was accompanied by E. C. Twiss.
The Louisville ball team carried
away second money at the base ball
tournament at Gretna, winning two
out of three games.
Station Agent Wilson of the Mis
souri Pacific has been in a hospital at
Omaha this week, where he underwent
an operation for the removal of a
growth in his nose.
The senior class in the High school
starts out with eight members, as fol
lows: Lester Sherman, Virgil Miller
and Misses Edna Dietrich, Marjorie
Twiss, Margaret Thomas, Jessie Dill,
Helen Coon and Ruth Jacobson.
George Dolan, engineer at the Mur
phy quarries, went to Staplehurst to
visit over Sunday with his brother,
Robert Dolan, who is district superin
tendent of the Northwestern railroad,
with. headquarters at that place.
Miss Lottie Xoop has gone to West
Point, where she will teach again this
year. Her sister, Miss Irma, who was
graduated from the Peru Normal last
sririne. has accepted a school at
that place to enter upon her duties.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boedeker of
Wausa, Neb., are here for a several
weeks' visit with relatives in and
around Louisville. Mr. Boedeker has
just retired from the elevator business
in Wausa, and thought this was a good
chance to take a vacation before tying
himself down to some other business.
Miss Mary Polk has gone to Lincoln,
where she joined the Boston Lyric
Opera company as accompanist. They
will tour Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas
Miss Polk is a finished musician of
exceptional ability as an accompanist
and she will find her work both pleas
urable and profitable we are assured.
Mr. and Mrs. August Stander say
it is somewhat lonesome out at their
country home. Monday their daughter,
Miss Theresa, left for Carroll, Iowa, to
enter school. She will also take h
course in domestic science along with
other school work. Thursday morning
Misses Agnes and Rose Stander left
for St. Joseph, Missouri, where they
will attend the Sacred Heart academy.
4 4 4
4? Republican.
J i
H. P. Christensen, west of town,
sold his IGO-acre farm last week to a
Mr. Phillip Schnell of near Dunbar.
Consideration, $18,000.
John C. Murphy accompanied his
daughters. Misses Anna and Kathryn,
to Nebraska City Monday afternoon,
where they will attend the St. Beran
dine college.
George Halmes left Wednesday for
Notre Dame, Indiana, to finish his
school work. George expects to return
to Nebraska this fall to help wallop
the Nebraska foot ball team.
The latest railroad built in the state
is now in operation at the Weeping
Water Stone Co.'s quarry. It is a
regular locomotive with its own spec
ial cars that transfers the stone from
the quarry to the crusher.
The Misses Nellie Bourke, Agnes
Bourke, Francis Ash and Margaret
Murphy, left Monday morning for
York, where they will attend school.
They were accompanied as far as Lin
coln by Mrs. Louise Bourke.
The many friends of Mrs. George
Woods will be grieved to learn that
Mrs. Woods is very low with cancer at
her home at Halsey, Neb., and is not
expected to live long.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Amick and Mr.
and Mrs. Teterson of Tekamah visit
ed at the C. T. Noell home Tuesday.
They were traveling in the former's
car and had been down to the fair and
were returning home via Murray and
Plattsmouth from here.
While playing tennis Monday even
ing at the I. W. Teegardon course, Dr.
J. R. Shannon had a fall that gave
him a dislocated wrist. It looks as
though the Labor day holiday gave
Doc a vacation idea that he couldn't
resist and so he arranged for several
days' respite from labors at his den
tial office.
Will Hayes of Stockton, Kansas,
who had been in this vicinity on busi
ness for a number of days, left Satur
day for his home. The business was
in connection with the estate of his
father, the late Patrick Hayes, for
which he and J. C. Murphy arc the
administrators. In a deal made Satur
day the 160-acre farm which was the
home place of Mr. Patrick Hayes, was
sold to Fred Fretidenberg of near
Avoca. The consideration was $31,
200, or $195 an acre.
Come to The Journal for fine stationery.
;J.T. t?-TI. ?..T..1.T. JJt.T,
; 4 i . i ; 4
,..... ......... ....?.,....
'". fi44 4 4 4 . 4 4 .
Mr. and Mrs. John Trumhle of Be-
loit, Kansas, visited at the home of
Henry Bel) reus the first of the week.
Miss Linnea Lundberg left the lat
ter part of last week for Chappel,
Neb., where she will teach in the High
school the ensuing year.
Frank Hastings, wife and daughter
of Rutland, Va., arrived in Nehawku
last Thursday for a few weeks' visit
with F. P. Sheldon and other relatives.
Misses Ethel and Genevera Rough
left Friday morning for Falls City
where Genevera will attend school an J
Ethel will teach in the High school
there for this term.
John Doughty has been hauling
sand, cement and other building ma
terial out to his farm for the past few
days and expects to start the con
struction of a large barn shortly.
The recently established county
highway running east frcm the home
of George Reynolds is assuming a
reality since workmen have began the
construction of a new bridge over the
creek which it traverses.
E. M. Pollard of this place, one of
Nebraska's foremost apple growers,
has the next to the largest display of
apples at the state fair. Every variety
he has is there and he will undoubted
ly carry off several good premiums.
Last Monday the bank installed a
Burrows posting machine. This ma
chine adds, subtracts and in short does
everything but talk. It is one of the
most expensive and best account ma
chines in that line, being a great la
bor savcrer and one every bank can
feel proud of.
We notice several of our exchanges
bragging about some of their readers
having a few nice messes cf straw
berries this late in the season. Mr.
E. A. Kirkpatrick. who lives in the
east part of town, has this beat a
country block. Since the tenth of
October he has had more berries than
they could use and this will continue
until frost. They are of an excellent
quality and fit better than those of
the spring or summer.
Cyrus Tyson and wife of Omaha
visited a few days the fore part of the
week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
L. A. Tyson.
W. W. Ree-ler of Wctmore. Kansas
arrived Sunday for a visit with his
uncle, George Reeder. The two had
not met in twenty-seven years.
Miss Ruth Barnhart has resigned
her position as teacher of a school
near Eagle to accept a school at Bee
hive, Mont., where she will receive a
larger salary.
J. E. Parsell of Alvo has rented the
Brekenfeld property and will move his
family into the same so that his chil
dren can attend school here the com
ing term.
Louis Eickhoff, of Waukomis, Okla..
spent several days here last week
visiting with Rev. F. Backemeyer and
other friends. Mr. Eickhoff formerly
lived near Murdock, just north of here.
Jas. Hendricks, who has been mak
ing his home with his sister, Mrs.
Eliza Case, at Blair, Neb., came in
Thursday evening of last week and
spent a few days with his brother,
Emanuel Hendricks.
Dr. D. J. Tighe and wife, newly wed,
of West Toint, Neb., were here for a
couple of days the fore part of the
week on their honeymoon trip. They
were guests at the home of the
groom's aunt, Mrs. William Smith.
J. J. Gustin and family of Murdock
passed through Elmwood late Thurs
day afternoon of last week on their
return trip from the Pacific coast.
They made the journey in their Chal
mers car and covered a considerable
extent of territory.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family,
who apssed through Elmwood a week
or so ago from Iowa City, Iowa, in an
auto bound for the western part of
the state on a visit, stopped on the
return trip at the home of H. Reeve
for another short visit. Mrs. Brown
is a sister of Mr. Reeve.
-X-X-v K-I-K.' -X-X-X- rH-
J Beacon. v
4-X xXX 'X-X-v iiTrl7
G. J. Reitter is assisting in the
treasurer's office at the state fair this
Miss Abbie Judkins left Sunday for
Hastings, Neb., where she teacher
school this year.
A. H. Vanlandingham shipped a car
load of hogs to the Kansas City mar
ket Wednesday. He acconipa' ted the
Gler. and Grace Kampton, who l ave
been spending the summer with rela
tives J. ear Weldona, Cole, rcturneJ
home Monday.
Jli.-f Lottie Kenner wei.t to Wyom
ing, Neb., Wednesday morning for a
ten days' vi.sit at the home of her si---ter,
Mrs. II. L. Swan.-on and family.
Fred Hudson of Jamaica, Nc!.. a:. I
Mrs. Jennie Rundle 'if Rokeby. Ncn ,
visited from Thursday until Saturday
with relatives in and about Eagle.
E.-ter Baluock of LtRoy, Illinois, ar
rived here Wednesday afternoon fo.
an extended visit at the home of her
sister, Mrs. A. W. Nortis ami family.
Dr. Lor.gacre has moved into th
property which he ju.-t recently pj:-
chased of "Dad" KuJs. Mr. and Mr,
Eads vacated the property last week
and moved to Lincoln.
Anson Iiurdick picscrited u- with
large yellow peach a few days u
which he picked off of a tree in hi;
yard, and it suie was a th.ndy. meas
uring ten inches either way around it.
Anson says if anyone can beat it 'o
produce it, but it muse be under.-tool
that the editor is to be the judge, a
it must be measured and .-ample d be
fore judgment can lie passed.
t'l i; Tit III'.IU IIH.
In I Ik- i oil 11 I.i iill 11I n I in).,
In tl Ma;t-r ot in. I. slat. 1 "I. a 1
S Wor 1 ai.i ti. I " ( a
1! -e to illl ei-ISol.S I(!--!l -t. ! HI .-.I !
'.-tale IS ! i II ill 1 i 1 1 I I.i I I'M,,.,
Wormian, cvi'i'i'tui of .-ai l int.-, v. . 1
meet tiie el'i-.l i ; ms of -aal . -'at. ..I t
(-"Uiitv .-oii'-i ri.i-m in ti.- t : ' v liait
niiiMl', -ai.l o'Mjilv, .! t1'. : o t 1 1 Ca of
Set. t. 'in !.!'. lii.'.. ti inl on i; .. i; ost
ot Ma re I . '! . u t t : I.. T ) k
A. XI.. l.r tie jui r. "( ;:i.ii in-. ioi
jn-Mci i 1 :i ,,.1 ii;iiiwiiM e it c!i in
aua mst sai-l .- tjit.-. '. I a'.-iu- n.n .r
i-laim- or ii'i::;i :nis a'a:!!-' -act
niu.-l !".! tin- same Hi -Mill .i.i. rt "i ..r
liefot'e he S'-'f.: liaV ot Mil.!,. 1 !!;. or
.-a ill i la ins.-' v ill I fot-. it l.aii.'l
1 lat'-ti t ..... I.-i !.' '.' S' . 1 1 "i ' ' . !!..
.M.I.KN .1 1 IlilSi i.
I'nuiilv .In i !--
: - -1 w k -
I Till: llTKI'T III H T Ol' -..
dii vTi, m:hi "K .
Charles C. I'arinele. Plaintiff,
C. II. Kleetnati. (I ah. I "' f r,.i a i, t s
To C. il. Kleeinali. Iir. rent name
unknown: Mrs. '. H. K Ic-mn ti. tin-! toil
ria.'i.c unknown: tl.e unknown licit--.
i!e isecs. legatees, n imHi.iI I o,r, t -atienaii'l
ail 'ci.-on- int.i.M.'l in tie
estate ol C. it Kloiimiii. lift r. I iiatiie
unknown: nicl tl,e unknown leirs. iie
visi i'S, It-c.itees, ici'f mil t.-l ies. ill
ative:; am! nil other .i'i'-ons in!, r-.-1 1
Mi the i flali' of Mrs. t II. Klccimin,
first l eal name unknown, . I f.' noa n t s .
Von are I i-M-hy notili.-.l on .liitv
i'Mii. a. I . i i i.-i i'lii r tiie, i his nut
i 'i the I ij.-t ti' t Court of I'a-s t'oiitilv,
Nebraska, to ouiet the tlC- to the tol
lowintr liescti ! a liinos in I 'la 1 1. sum tit h,
Ci'.s.s County, Nebraska, to-wit:
lot Kive '. in I'.lm 1( Tli it t v-1 ht
('.'.:'.), in the City of 1 1-mou t h. e'is.-i
County. Nehitiska.
Tiie ol i. i t ami pniirr i f whh h nut
are to have xiunmi il Imi'i tin- n eot.l
arel dei 'at ei! null ami vo'.l one i i l I.i hi
ileeil jo et em! i n s to ri'lii")' to the
fen. hint. 11. Kl.-cinati. siil lot. ilale.l
AiiL'iift 1Mb, ami l.h.l for i"i-.o.
August :iitli, l!'l, atel t.iorihil n
Itook M, at Ji.iL-e of I'ii .ice. I ItcotiN
of Cais County, Ncl'taska: and to i n
join you uml each of jmi from hnviruT
or chiininor anv rinht. lit: - or inf ra -i
in or to sail teal estate, aid fotowr
iui'tiriK the title thereto :ti the iluitt
tif, ami for eiiuitahl.- ti !i. !.
Y tej ate reo u ! 1 1 il to answer sa i.i t. t i -lion
on r before Mon-lav, Sept cm I., r
'Uth, A. I. r.'l.'i.
tinted ::r-l il.'iv of Aurust. A. 1 .
HUD. CJiAKLi;.-, C. I'Al.M KI.K,
ri.iini in.
c. a. r.AWbs.
Attorney Itr Plaintiff.
f-li-iu k i
OT! I". !' M IT TO l IT '11111..
Ill tlir DiKtriet mrl of llir ( iiuul) tif
4 m mm. -l.rnsWi.
Amelia ValUry Streil.t, riaintifT.
A. L. Smail, first real name unknown,
et nl.. I lefemlants.
To the lc!i mlant.s: A. J.. Sma't, first
real name unknown; J '. M. Small lift
teal name unknown. .). C Small, tn-t
rial name unknown: James I.. Small.
. I. Small, first real r.anie u-iknown;
W. XI. Small, til's t real n;i: tit, known:
May C'atlin. I'aiKy Miller, nee Wimbl;
Hairy T. Xliller, Ilenlie ,1m ksnn, le-.i
YVrtqht: James S. LUirns, also known
as James S. ilurnes. ami the unknown
heirs, ltpatees ami iie isce of Alio- U.
Ni wton, liecea:;'-.!, also kn iwn as Aluo
Newton, rieceaseil.
You nie hereby notified that on J'ie
"ilth, A. I. l'.'Ki. mt i:t tiled h.-r -mt.
in the District Court of the t'ounty "f
Cass, Nebraska, to iibt tille to t ho
follow in-r oesei ibed land, to-wit:
Lot three Cil. in Hlo. k tutu-teen
(111. in the City of 1 .a t Is mou t li.
'ass County, Nebraska
Hei-ause of her adverse tuissession 1-v
1 fr:e!f ami her planters far more dan
ten years prior to the comment-' ni'-nt
of .said suit, and to enjoin each and all
of you from having or claitriinyr a n v
ripht, J it If, lien or interest, e,ther heal
or eiuilable, in or to sa: 1 hind ot any
luirt thereof and for pen- ral enuMal le
relief. Thin notice js m.ij" jjuisuant to
the order tif the Court.
You are reiiired t i answer said jn-tl-tion
on or before Mundav. tie i:;th .lav
of Sel'tember, A. I. I'll-"., or your ne
fault will be dulv entered therein
W. A. KOCEHTtiON, Attorney.
ti-:-4ks- .i k i v
In the County Court of the County ol, Nebraska.
In Be Estate of Franci? Ku.hin I y.
To All Tersons Interested:
You are hereby notified t hat ht fir
ing upon claims said c-.taf
will be had at the ofTIce cf the County
Judge, Court IIou?e, Piattsmeiuth, Ne
braska, on the 8th day of Septrmbe-,
A. I). 1015, and on the 8th day of
March, A. P. 1911, at 10 o'clork a. m.
on each of said days. All claims not
filed before said hour on s aid last day
of hearing will be forever barred.
By the Court,
County Judr,c
Atomcy. 8-D-4twki7
For Sale.
Good alfalfa seed, 0 per bushel.
Call or writej J. L. Shrader, Nehawka.