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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1915)
MONDAY. SEPTSSISER 13. 1915. PLATTaMOUlH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. P.tGE S. Nebraska Military Academy (INCORPORATED) YOUR BOY must be educated and developed. If he is not doicg well in school, is disco Jra2ed, wants to do more and better wotk, the NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY is a school close at Imire where yod can send him and be sure he gets what you want him to have. This SCHOOL understands EOVs and deals with them individually. Prepares for college and business. For informa tion, talk to our patron:?, visit the school, phone or write for catalog. Address COL. 3. D. HAY WARD, President LINCOLN, NEBRASKA No. 1914 REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Plattsrrouth, in the State of Ne braska, at the close of business September Una. 1915. Local - News Mrs. John -I. Fitch and From Friday's Dally. Judge Eegley returned to Omaha thi afternoon, after a short, session of the district court. Henry Hirz, sr., was in the city yes terday for a few hours locking after some matters of business and calling cn friends. J. I. Fitch, from near Murray, wa those going to Lincoln this morning to spend a short time taking in the sights. Mrs. Thomas Ruby r.i d children were amon the passengers this after noon for Omaha, where they will isit for a short time. Fr..m Saturrlay s 1'aHy. I? .T Mf.;in.'cr an,l wife, from near! eiSitiger wa Cedar Creek, were here tociay looking visitors in the city today looking after after some trading with the merchants the k-erd chopping. for a few hours. I -Armour GamMin and wife ret time 1 I . T. .:.':., i. .v:, . r.,. r. : son. Dean, of Nehawka, motored to this city yesterday and "pent the day viskirjr with county j-eat friends and attending: to business matters. While here Mr. Fitch took time to call at this office a:.d have his subscription to j th: paner extended for another vtar. I Mrs. M. S. Eriggs, vice president of j the W. C. T. U. county association : i Mesdamt-s P. E. Rutin er, Charlc Trcop. Joe.Wi-es. C. C. Wecott an : daughter, ai d Goluie Kaff either ner and Mis? Elizabeth Spangler were pas sengers to Weepin.jr "Water this mom- inc. where they wid attend the W. C. i Net T. U. county convention., which i- b"-' he- !d there todav. RESOURCES Loans and (ii-foui.t e-x- pt those stv Uii on til ; vir-j ri- f is. st-c u o.-u iiimc: uust-- cr.itvi I'. tt...:tJ cieiMii;e(i 1 usee a re cir- c-:lui : ii t ;ut- ruiue . in.:. .is ..:t.. r tttu-i ! S. ln!?ti i i i to s.e- curf postal suviiii;. 0 ("A1 00 't'fur!' i -s i ttT X iinv. I'. Points ( In il ! 1 1 1" 1 L- 1 1 1: iT -K.'Ki Cl U lit (i UI1- j.i.-d-e-,i . . . - K S ill M.Til'! i' !! t C stock of it-a-t-ti'.! I: v M't Vf Kant... i4 :'.'0 00 L.-- atni'uM W.A.IKGALLSINAUTO MIX-UP OUT IN THE STATE LAST WEEK l.Ml'UI'l -ur;,ttt'I'- I nn i: ii r ;r !::.: ati-. i:i!r l.'.oi .ii p !: ii 2 I.. !.'. J tifir.. , :.. d ..' !..-r ' I . I I i.! I if.. (.'!' 'I'M". (. :f u n n- ;n i .at . k -.'ml l:.- M nX r.i u 2 ;c oo 11 ini ..... I 4 -ill' Wililam A. Ir.galls, while ojt in the state last week, had an experience in an automobile mix-up that came near beinc fatal both to Mr. In calls and a gentleman who had accorr cut on the automobile trip. THE 013 KCG SALE OF W. B. F03TER OS SEPTEMBER 21 The hoc sale of W. B. Porter, which wiil be held at Mynard on Tuesday, September 21st, gives promise of be ing one of the big events of its kind in this pait cf the state, as the stock of Z.Ir. Porter is held in high esteem by !?anled him I cf ftr.e thorouehbied he driven cut fro: DiviJ Cir "hey h::d several miles Monday, intt ndingr to enjoy a short spin, and while toir.ti at a good rate of speed the steerinc jrear brcke tr. J the car. whit-h v as d.iven by Mr. was soon out of his control rnd run nine wild end striking a small di-h by the roadside turned eomuK iv tv.tce thted a:- .rv. . a;:. i ft.m iff .1 h ! v'f i icnt Slue 1 e ver the re in it a: I it evolution ' v e m:'.cn:!i? went -i mt? we i o t. '.vas not ttr t il ;on t'V ' i l: .1 !. .1 ! .1 f r. .:n r ! I.r.i: : 1. !.n--i ! i.M.-.i r I t'...'0 - ii'-.-'.. u:ni ! T i .- -ii it t : i I I 't i. p til u r r r y. j N..-... ..f c! I,.-- -nii. .mil bant;-.... I To:..! i.i: ;; ml c.-i i : It.-.. tt- the i l.-tEi-ifini-r n..i-i I in i 'I i' in f il n.l il li I'. S. T !:! -in. r. not irnr' ili: n j.-r .-til uii fircuiat i.-n Ceilar Creek were here yestenhiy for a short time lookinc after s-.tne trad inc and visitinpr with friends. Will Fitzcerald. who has been em ployetl on a ranch in the vest part of the state, came in this mornintr for a visit with friends in this city. a vi-i; here with Mrs ents. Garr.blin'.s par- T..1.1! 2 :."0' 0'" 4 I ','. 'I'. LIABILITIES s.v" ri'!' . 1 C-.m'.iz.) -u-rU oai.l In Ft ...1 Vnnnn nf Voiffr V"r om I nr::i-. ft: i J I " -..- ( ,.,(( :il over to thi- city last evening to utten.l ! i.n . i-r..tiw ... to some important business matters,; "' "K i.-r.-t :.n.i i :t ;i!fcii t- !Ml.-- . v, ;! 0:1 I. :ii.l in 1 I :t r f f ft l.-!lil"l -Ii Of ill 1 f::!!- 000 o" Oscar Gapen was amo inc to Lincoln this morninc to the state fair :-nd be pre ent closinc hours of that e:-:p isiti1 eTurninir heme this mornioc. ; Adam and Acbm FornofT I rcotoreu in from Uvar (.reek vester-I those gro-j ,i;!V ;o Snend a few ho'irs lookinc af- ' I v. Ti 4 tt- f4 1 "4", 01 him ui. v i .! 1 1- it ten 1 ' : the! -1 . -1 1 tor soiv.e Ck'otce ye-'.e! d line with the rr.erchi :irce: cro iv afu iiioon f r r.i his farm i' r-'fi und Ris com: of the car. a v pi- As it was Mr. Ir.-rtTis v injured, havinc one of 'he lef hr.r.1 broken richt si.ip 1 :l':1 v.- to stick iv '(''.'! 1 r. I r. call-w-i clear death ,1 up ar .t a r. f h: on the richt s; v o was several dr.ys bof. to the hospital mi bad w-?re th.e inju-i Mr. In calls was Suturo; Lttt from the exporU nee in A not he- cur th"t v.-a distance from the mail calis when the r.cci U n e.. iic-nci... ,1 tne mr.clnne. nite ini.Ily tin co"5 cf his entire .' -ki.-,t-.P.l 1 ir.fiicteJ hi ;. . : nd it .' he wa- able lhivid City. inflicted, and "- I'" ' I I'l i nTTl ? and sd:F 'e a r,i wreck. only a short ire of Mr. In o. -cur-red, took 1 1.1 e! ti-e the miii t two men cl- occupants stated mir;u o tnat : and hi com nat.ior. wove :.r as it was they sutTcied ? juiies to sati-fv the'r kiilo : licit-: c n outer Art on Nitka departed yestc--day for; home and .pcrt a few hours h.oe loc-lc- i MurdtH-k, Neb., where he accompanied ire after se me tradinr wih the mer- j his r.iece. Miss Norine Schulhof, who j char ts. . will teach there durir.c the cominc I Geoice "W. Shrader came up this1 1 " '.-ft year. inm nis ;arn nome ne:-.'- Ben IVckman came up yesterday I -rrt-y ar.,1 was accomr.anic! i.y r--! f.orr,.,., A;w.M r, -., h; tioo i MnvMr nrA Bn.-n r.eor.t'w. fcidney wno is r - i 1 11 . f hit Ilil" V r. TV Ct Tfi C (V 1 a lew nours nere iookihr arter some -":'- '' Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Euhs Rh'tompot and Mrs. Mary T..i ;.l J r, :.! .1 of ( t'"H 1. i l'f lit'' ili. IV. III M -1 '!! ' ' ' t l.t- lO t t s: a' 'M.'-n: 1 my k nowl. ii't n.i u-iii-f. 4t'-' r.i' ' T.X.I 01 -y. r:-,;,i. t . llo M.'.-III'li.V MVI-Iil :s iru 1.1 Hit- U -i of with the mer- 1 matters of business chants. Will Smith, from south of the city, was a passencer this nomine for Omaha, where he will spend a few hours lookinc after some matters of business. Rev. J. M. Eades and wife came in this morninc from their "lorne south of this city and were passencers on the early Rurlinctrin train for Lincoln to visit at the fair for the day. J. M. Roil, wife and family were the stafe fair i.-.iur today, drivinc up from their home south of this city and were passencers on the eaily Rurlincton train for the state capital. Georpe M. Hall and wife, who have been spendine a week here with friends, departed this afternoon over the Missouri Pacific for their home at Tails City, after a honeymoon of sev eral weeks. II N. 1 n.vrv. f' ' Kl . K I j. I I . ! i: K I! m Ml.ATl 10 1.. V . k . I 1 : ri"-;ors. M. I SiiIkt ri'x'.l r-tui iwtti-p 'o l:-fore ire ilr. t. . - I uii ii.v nf Sc.'i-ni'-r. i 'l... i-atil or I I111 lm vfii. Mrs ! -Call M y ronin' .ion ( Noi ary I'u'.iir 0:r.-s An-ut ::. Ptkin. Illinois, who have been here fori the past week visiting- at the II. G. M isir.jrer home in the of; ( eda C reek, as well as with other ,e!a- GETS IKSURANGE FROM an.l friends, uej'arted tr.i. morn inc for their home. I'or Sale. Nine head of cows and calves for -ale. an.l one 2-year-old Holstein bud C. R. Todd. WOOKiEH GF THE WOULD A wart a 1 will brine you a buyer. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. Coates' Rlock, East of Riley Hotel. Second Floor. This W. R. Ri-heh clerk of j the local Woodman of the World loJ.ce, . i e-ceived from Omaha two warrants I for J.".tO each- for Mrs. Christina Nes I son and W. F. C. Nesson, in settle- men of the $1.( 00 j.olicy carried by the late William Nesscn in the Wood man of the World. The death cf Mr. Nesson occurred on Aucust !th, and the settlement was delayed somewhat to tlie fact that it was neces sary to secure tne appointment 01 a evarciian for the minor son of the de ceased, and for this position T. E. Parmele wi's appointed by the court -rd t r-d i t t in : as -ilama art-' w.-t V.'il !'0' hvre. V! to I ia-ld City and tV-t - w-. rd- . but t in fer The ur-d r-ut - v,. OLSOM PHOTOGRAPH GOfaPAlY UP TO THEIR EYES !:! BUSINESS DRS. MlkGM & V3AH THE DENTISTS liecra t BAILEY A HACK Th larfttt and bast equipped dental oSSces In Omaha. Experts la eharg-a of all -work. Lady attendant. C Kdrat Prices. Porcelain filllxg-s just like tooth, laitruaienti careful! j s terllitad after usic. 1 THIRD FLOOR, PAXTOK BLOCK, OMAKAcsz FOR SALE OR RUNT Comer ; stole r.-om m ..lLtr rav. Known as the '-.'J and Smith star.d. There 1 ."re four t od bvir rr rooms in conn--c 1 ; ion wito 1 .e room. i or narticu ars or write .7. V.". Holmes j;call i Net- Murray lersew ooq Sale! MYNARD, NEBRASKA Tuesday September 21st I am offering t iublic sale 44 head of pure bred Duroc Jersejs. Amongst the efferirg are 18 boars, 19 open gilts, 4 sows with litters and one open tried sow. Five of the?e animals are sons and daughters of the famous "Old King the Col," and are ani mals of real merit; one yearling boar that will weigh cronrd 500 pcunds (out cf ECHO'S CRIM SON WONDER, GRAND CHAMPION at the Nebraska State Fair 1914.) This boar I will make a special offer on. V ill agree to take him back at the price he fells for at sale, in one year's time, providing he is in as good condition as he is now. Will have 4 Spring boars of the JUMBO CRFfIC strain all large and good; one of them w ill beat 200 pounds, and is a real outstanding animal of this strain. Balance of animals are mostly by the above boar "Echo's Model Wonder." Ore sow with litter by her side, a grand-daughter of "COL. GAN0," an' animal I paid $95.00 for at Oscar Larson's sale last winter, will go in the rirg and some one will get a bargain. ef Remember the Date Tuesday, September 21. Sale to be held in large building, one half block from the depot. W. T. RIGHSRDSON, Clerk Mi"TinvpPRCLC0L H- G- KRASCKEL, Assisted bj AUCTIONEERS, CrjL R. W. YOUKB CATALOGUE ON REQUEST W. B. PORTER, Bvner O. I. PUR DY, Fieldman for Nebraska Farmer M. S. CRUSE. Fielciman for the South Omaha Stockman and Drover's Journal -MAIL BIDS TO EITHER FIELDMEN- A. 1 4 I t V There are few re -ld-.-'.-.ts cf this city who fullv appreciate tke amount of wo: k th;tt each dav is sent out of here from the Olson Photograph company to all parts ot tne Lnited Staf-s and its possessions, as well as Canaoa. and there is no concern that helps swt-11 the po.-tc-ffice receijts hire more th corrnp.'tv. as practically all its l;iir?s comes through the mails and it has prown from a small concern io a mail order house of no mean cl mcns.ion throughout its hundreds of thousands of circulars mailed out fiom here, as well as the larpe amount of wo; k rectived each day thi cu; the mail. Gus Olson, the four.cif r t-f the company that hears his name, has just returned from a two weeks' trip through the eastern cities where similar companies are located, hut in none of these cli.l he find anything1 that cot:! 1 compare to the Oion com par.y here, either in the output or the facilities for handlinir the wo;k. This company .-ta-ted on a very rmall scale a number of years airo, but is now rco.r;-es;"i:r in a manner that is very satisfactory to the stockholders an members of the company and a very tniirnt iutue is anead lor the com pany without a doubt. ILL LEAiifi SOYS A LESSON, BUT WHO SELLS THEM BEER? This afternoon Chief of Police Bar clay chanced to run onto two your.:? lads 1 about 15, who were gleefully quaffing beer fiom a jug in which they had purchased a quantity of the liquor, and the chief decided that it was time to check such operations and accordingly the boys were taken be fore Judge M. Archer, Mho, in view of their age, let them off wich a lecture, in which he stated that if they came before him again he would put on a sentence to the reform school, and this served to impress the boys some what, although they are pretty well hardened, and if they are not careful wiii probar-Iy be sent np to the re form school. The selling of liquor to boys of this age should be checked, and anyone doing it is always taking a big ris.k, as in case trouble arises the person procuring the liquor always shifts the blame onto the person sell ing it to him. He has forty-four head of fine Duroc Jerseys, vhich includes a number cf very high-priced stock, and these will be offered at open sale white the ani mals can be examined arid bid on. This sale has attracted a great deal of attention and Mr. Porter has prepared a catalogue which will be mailed on request. COLEMAN AND MiSS FLORENCE GOBY ABE MARRIED SUNDAY Sunday morning sho:tly before o'clo'.-k. at the Methodist parsonage cccutred the marriage of Mr. Rert Ode-man and Miss Fioience Cory, both of this. city. Tke wedding was a very quiet or.e, as the young people had made preparations for an atuomobile tiin to Pender, where Miss Cory was to vi-it at the home of her .ister. Mrs. M. E. Rrantner, and their relatives and friends were unawaie of the in tention that the trip was to be in the nutuie of a honeymoon and it was q trite a surprise to them to learn that wo worthy young people had lives th decided that shctd 1 were lea ner ,i the futuie their is one. The marriage lines in a most impressive ntan- . i- i y Pev. 7 M. Prulirer. pastor cf Method-r-t church, with only the i-ers of the pastor's family pres- t;h rr. i on to wit: tlie close r' Cokm:;r. d FOUND. FOUND A watch. Owner may have same by calling at this office, prov ing the same and paying for this advertisement. y-7-tfJ the ceremony. After the service Mr. and Mrs. :.'t--'i via the auto route few davs vi-it at render, and will tr-i from there to the home of the mother of the groom in the western part of the state for a short visit be f oi e returning to this city. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cory of this city and was horn and reared to womanhood here, where she has a very large circle of warm friends, who will kr.rn of her new found happiness with pleasure and 'rust that the futuie may be full of happiness and joy. The groom has made his home in this city for the past two years and is a young man of ability and worth and has been em ploye r by the rim of Peteis & Rich ards a force. a member of their carpenter RED DETTLE PUT M THE C9UHTY JAIL FOR SAFEKEEPING Fied Pettle, a gentleman who has made his home in this locality for several years, and who seems to have been afflicted with a mental ir r es j-onsibilty, caused a great deal of excitement in the vicinity of Washing ton avenue Saturday evening where he hud been taken with one of his spells and his yelling and noisy demonstrations aroused the residents c f that section and a search was made for the man making the disturbance but withe ut success and it Mas not until last night that the man was lo cated by the police at the Burlington station and placed in jail for safe keeping. Fred drifted in Saturday- afternoon and was apparently about ''all in" physically, as well as mental ly, as his clothing was torn and hi shoes were only a sad ruin of their former glory, while he was desirious of getting something to eat. It was thought that he was going out to the home of some relatives near Murray, but such does not seem to have been the case and Fred is happy and con tented as a child today in the county jail with a good meal assured and the necessity of having to work banished for a few days at least. He will prob ably be committed to some institution here he can be looked after in bet ter shape. Secures a Marriacre License. Saturday afternoon a marriage li cense was secured by Mr. Harry B. Schroeder and Miss Louisa Lemon, both of Greenwood, at the office of County Judge Beeson, and the young p.eople will be united in the bonds of wedlock at the home of the bride in that city. COAL, For a limited time will sell best grade of Soft Coal at $4.85, delivered. Phone 513-J. J. B. MOORE. 9-ll-3tJ Parmele HHheatre! WHERE EVERYBODY GOES' - OPENING OF THE SEASON September 17th ig Time Vaudeville Three Missourians Singers Who Really Sing Mile. Gillis & Co. Sensational Equilibrittic Novelty Willy Zimmermann World' Createst Protean Artist Bogard & Nicoll Comedy Due And 3-ReeIs of First Run Pictures! sfi PRICES 15c, 25c and 35 f. Seats on Sale at We3'rich & Hadraba's Drug Store. Purchases New ISuick. from Frklar'j Pall v. Fred Spangler is now boasting of a fine new Buick "Six," which he secur ed through the office of T. II. Pollock, the local agent, and Mr. Spangler is well pleased with his machine, which is one of the latest model and provid ed with the most modern equipment and fittings, and is in fact truly a "complete car" in every way and one in which he can find perfect satisfaction. Worth Their Weight in Gold. Local IMews George A. Sherwood w:t here to day for a few hours visiting with his brother, Ileibert, and other fiit-nds, departirg this afu-rnoon for Omaha. Miss Nettie Cook departed for Ivrj, Neli., tills afternoon, wh re sin- vi!l attend the State Normal mIi.-o! at that place during the coming ye:.-. -I have used Chambei Iain's Tabelts and found them to be just as repre sented, a qtick relief for headaches, dh'.zy spells and other symptoms de noting a torpid liver and a disordered condition of the digestive organs. They are worth their weight in gold," writes Miss Clara A. Driggs, Elba, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. 'Juir.po" Returns lo Lincoln. Frrm Saturflav Datrv. Evvald O. Stiehm returned to Lin coln Friday from Johnson Creek, Wis., where he and his family have been spending the summer at Mr. Steihm's former home. Mrs. Steihm stopped at Flatsmouth and will return to Lincoln the first of next week. "Jumbo" has been spending the summer in the open air and is ready for the strenuous job of v. hipping a winning foot ball team into shape. State Journal. To the Public. "I feed that I owe the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a word of gratit ude," writes .Mrs. T. N. Witherall, Gowanda, N. Y. "When I began tak ing this medicine I was in great pain and feeling terribly sick, due to an at tack of summer complaint. After taking a dose of it I had not long to wait for relief as it benefited me al most immediately." Obtainable everywhere. Makes Nice Appearance. From Saturday's Dailv. The Eagle Beacon this week ap pears with a brand new "dress." which adds very much to the general appear ance of that paper, and Editor Frank McMannis is to be congratulated on the success he is making in the pub lication of the Beacon and his con tinued improvement of the sheet. None Equal to Chamberlain's. Retbert Sherwood, sr., came up yes terday morning from his hi-.'n'1 at Ne braska City and spent the day heie visiting with relatives aril friends. John R. I'ierson. the Springfi.-M banker, wa an over Sunday visitor here with Ids family at the home of Mrs. Mary II. Allison, returning to his home this morning on No. lo. Frank Schille and family of Omaha were here yesterday for a - hort i-it with relatives and friend-, as gue-ts at the home of Mrs. Schiiie' - parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Web r. W. L. Mote and wife. h-ulcs E. Greene and wife nod Th-ima-- Mc Ilenery arrived this aftc-inoon from their homes at Plainview fir a short visit here at the home of Mr. an 1 Mrs. A. G. "ole. The party motor.-1 ior. from their homes. John Wunderlich. or.e cf the worthy citizens of near Nehavvka. came up Saturday evening from his home to look after some matters of b iii.ess, and remained in the city until yester day afternoon, when he departed fr his home. Miss Betty Bennett of Glenwood i here visiting for a short tinr- at the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. ari l Mrs. C. R. Frans and family. Mi s. Bennett was one of the soloists at the M. E. church at the st r ice Sunday. County Judce A. J. Beeson and fami'y returned home hit evening from r.n auto trip of several days through northern Nebraska, and while there were guests cf Mr. and Mi s. II 1 Brantner at Tender. "I have tried most all of the cough cures and find that there is none that equal Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes W. V. Hamer, Mont pelier, Inch When you have a cold give this remedy a trial and see for yourself what a splendid medicine it is. Obtainable everywhere. Mrs. Agnes Chapman, who has ben spendirg several months on tlie .Pa cific coast with her sister, Mrs, Sue Morrisey, and many old friends, ar rived here Saturday aftc-rno in for a visit with her son, John W. '"n ii-man and wife, as well as her many fi i-n.l -. She enjoyed her visit very muc h and feels much benefited by her sojourn on the coast. Grapes! Grapes are ripe now and ready for making wine, and I can supply all you want at 2c per pound. J. C. Peterson. - ESSSZZC r -.. -ii i.i. .1 i-i ii . i '.H ; i"' ':: j M?r -l k ; ft Ua M i" !' '- J ' : -ff K -VICTR0LAS- from $15 to $150 I H IN STOCK Come in and Hear Them! Records, Needles, Etc. John W. Crabill