The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 13, 1915, Image 1

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    State Historical Soc
Neb Staio
NO. 26.
Young Man Placed Under Suspicion
and Recognized by tlie Assaulted
Young Lady as the Man.
From Friday's Daily.
A daring attempt at an as
sault was made on Miss Her
mie Rotter on Wednesday evening
while she was en route to her home
on Wintersteen Hill from her work as
an operator in the telephone office.
The young lady had quit work at i)
o'clock and at once departed for her
home and was just passing near the
school house on Wintersteen Hill,
which is quite a distance from the
Rotter home, when a mar. of small
stature stepped out and accosted her
and asked if her father was home.
To this Miss Rotter replied that she
did not know and started on in the
direction of her home, when the man
made several remarks which frighten
ed the lady, who started to run, when
the man grabbed her by the arm and
held her, at which she screamed, when
he threw his hand over her mouth and
attempted to stifle her cries, at the
same time throwing her to the ground,
and in the struggle a small jar con
taining goldfish, which she was carry
ing, was broken. The girl continued
her struggles, despite the attempts
to choke her and stop her cries for
help, and finally she succeeded in get
ting away and ran to her home, where
she arrived in a state of almost total
collapse, and the affair aroused the
greatest fear, as there were none of
the male members of the family at
the house. Miss Rotter states that
the man who made the attack on her
waj one whom she had seen a number
of times, but she did not know hi3
The affair was reported to Chief of
Police William Barclay, who spent the
entire day in securing what facts he
could on the case, and a visit at the
scene of the trouble bore out the story
of the lady, in that the broken jar
and fish were found and the impres
sion in the mud where she had strug
gled with the man was easily dis
cernible, and this gives a backing to
the story which had been told to the
family of the girl and later to the
chief of police.
The facts in the case were thor
oughly gone over by the police and
the suspicious circumstances in the
matter thoroughly sifted down.
From Friday Daliv.
This morning Clyde Moore and
George Miller, the two men who were
charged with having broken into the
R. II. Frans & Sons' store at Union
several weeks ago, were arraigned in
the district court before Judge Begley
and entered a plea of guilty to the
charge preferred against them. Both
of the men are about 25 years of age
and came originally from Ohio and
Illinois, but have been working down
through Oklahoma and Kansas, and
while en route north stopped at Union,
where they committed the robbery.
The court, after hearing the state
ment of the two young men, passed
sentence on them under the law of
from one to ten 7ears in the Nebraska
state penitentiary at Lincoln, where
they will be taken as soon as possible
by the sheriff.
Enjoy Fishing Trip.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon J. C. York and
W. P. Cook enjoyed a very successful
fishing expedition up in the vicinity of
Swallow Hill, where they cast their
lines, and as a result of their efforts
succeeded in getting a fine catch of
fish, which came in most pleasantly in
providing a delicious repast. While
the chief was able to land a larger
number of the finny tribe, the catch of
Mr. Cook was the heaviest in weight,
and it was thereby evenly balanced.
Wall Paper Clearance Sale; 25 and
40 per cent reduction. Gering & Co.
From Saturday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the members
of the Woman's Auxiliary of St
Luke's parish of this city were enter
tained in a most delightful manner at
the home of Mrs. R. W. Clement, and
the occasion was one that was thor
oughly enjoyed by the large number
of members present. Two very in
teresting addresses were given during
the afternoon in regard to the church
work that were very much enjoyed
consisting of one on "The Diocease of
Nebraska," by Mrs. A. W. Dawson, as
well as "The Missionary District of
Western Nebraska," by Miss Barbara
Gering, both of which were most in
structive to the ladies present, and of
much value in their church work.
From Fridav Dally.
The horse disease, which for a num
ber of years has been causing con
siderable trouble in the central part
of the county, has again made its ap
pearance in the neighborhood of
Weeping Water, where a number of
cases have been reported, and two
farmers, Soren Skamris and Will Otte,
have lost valuable horses through the
operation of the disease. The best
veternarians in the state have been at
work at different times in an effort to
check the disease, and it had been
hoped that it had been successfully
checked, but it seems to have taken
on a new lease of life and threatens
to rage again among the horse flesh
of the county .
From Friday's Da 11 v.
Miss Reta Catherine Holhngsworth
and William Bryan Waugh were mar
ried last evening at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hollingsworth, 1127 E street. It was a
simple ceremony, and only the mem
bers of the immediate families were
present. Mr. and Mrs. Waugh will be
at home at the Apollo apartment, 730
South Eleventh street, after Novem
ber 1. State Journal.
The groom is a former Plattsmouth
boy and the youngest son of Mrs.
Samuel Waugh, and was born in this
city and made his home here until the
family moved to Lincoln a number of
years ago, and his friends here will
be pleased to learn of his marriage in
the capital city. Mr. Waugh is a
splendid young man and to him and
his bride will be extended the hearti
est best wishes of their friends in this
From Friday's Dally.
Tom Isner, the contractor, is just
finishing up the carpenter work on the
new houses of the Plattsmouth Loan
and Building association on South
Seventh street, which is certainly most
excellent work, and he has also finish
ed up the residence of Carl Holmberg,
which is a fine home, and in these jobs
Mr. Isner has secured splendid results
from his carpenters and given the ut
most satisfaction to the owners of
these places. He is kept very busy,
which is a demonstration of what the
people think of his work and his
ability in the contracting line as to
price and satisfaction. When Tom
Isner builds a house you can bet your
last dollar that it is built according to
contract in every respect.
Switches made from your own
combings; 3-stem, $2.00. Mail orders
promptly attended to. All work guar
anteeed. Joseph Nadell, 821 So. 24th
St., Omaha, Neb. 0-13-1 tw
Wall Paper Clearance Sale; 25 and
40 per cent reduction. Gering & Co.
Preparations Are Being Made to Ac
commodate a Larger Attendance
Than Every Before.
From Friday's Da II v.
On Monday, September 13, the Ne
braska State Normal school at Peru
will convene for its forty-eighth an
nual session. Monday and Tuesday
will be occupied with registration and
Wednesday morning at 7 :40 regular
class work will begin. Already the
faculty members are returning from
their summer vacations, some from
the exposition in California, sone
from their summer homes on north
ern lakes, while other come from east
em colleges and universities where
they have spent the time since the
close of the summer school in pursu
ing graduate work.
A number of students are already
on the ground, checking up credits,
hunting suitable rooming and board
ing places and familiarizing them
selves with the special requirements
for the particular courses of study
they have selected. The correspond
ence from prospective students during
the past few months has been un
usually heavy. As a result the nor
mal school officials are looking for
ward to one of the largest and most
enthusiastic student bodies in the
school's history.
Advantage has been taken of the
absence of the students to make ex
tended repairs on the buildings and
campus, bo many improvements nave
been inaugurated that it is doubtful
whether the normal site ever present
ed a more beautiful appearance.
Among many of the changes that will
attract the attention of the former
students are the beautiful electroliers
that light the quadrangle, the gift of
the class of 1914, and the big brick
and stone gateway that stands open to
welcome the new and the old students
alike. This gateway is the class
memorial left by the class of 1915.
Then there is the beautiful new train
ing school building now under process
of construction; the new athletic field
properly graded and with an amphi
theater to accommodate the hundreds
who attend the foot ball contests; the
lawn covered with a thick velvety coat
of blue grass and the native trees that
stand erect and proud over their
somewhat artificial appearance gained
under the landscape gardener's prun
ing knife.
In the matter of class memorials, it
is a noticeable fact that each succeed
ing class, by a friendly rivalry, vies
with its predecessor in its effort to
eave to its Alma Mater the most per
manent memorial of greatest intrinsic
value. The rapidly increasing size of
each graduating class gives the "last
one" a decided advantage over all
One change that will be of especial
interest to the old students of Peru
this year is the length of the recita
tion period, which is now fifty minutes
instead of forty minutes, as hereto
fore. Students will appreciate the ad
vantage accruing from this. It will
permit more thorough work and it
will make the transfer of credits from
Peru to other colleges and univer
sities a very simple matter.' It is an
other step towards placing Peru for
mally in the position which her work
for many years has merited.
From Saturday's Dally.
lhe many friends of r. k,. Calvert,
chief engineer of the Burlington, who
was injured in a gasoline car derail
ment near Douglas, Wyoming, a few
days ago, will be pleased to learn that
he is getting along nicely from his in
juries, but will be forced to remain in
the hospital at Douglas for a few days
yet. Mr. Calvert is well known all
along the line of the Burlington as one
of the big men of the system and has
often been here to look after the com
pany affairs, and went from this di
vision of the road to his present posi
tion. Everyone read3 the want ads.
From Saturday's Dally.
Among the visitors in Lincoln this
week were Benjamin H. Wiles and
Miss Florence G. Nelson, who while
there decided to enter into the matri
monial state, and accordingly securing
a marriage license were united in the
bonds of wedlock in that city. Both
of the young people are well known in
this section of Cass county and pos
sess a large circle of friends, who will
unite in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wiles
a long and happy married life. The
groom is one of the prosperous young
farmers in this section, while the
bride is one of the popular and charm
ing daughters of Mr. and Mrs. L. W
Nelson, residing south of this city.
From Friday's Daily
W. A. Ingalls of this city, who has
in the past been interested in the in
vention of a number of useful and
practical articles, seems to have se
cured one that is destined to be of un
told usefulness to the householder, as
well as the person owning an auto
mobile or buggy, and this is in the
nature of a lamp which is well named
"The Safety First Light," and fur
nishes an excelelnt light at all times
and at very little expense. The light
is secured from a dry cell that is en
closed in an attractive looking tube,
and the whole lamp takes up but a lit
tle space and is always ready without
any preliminary work to be done in
the way of adjustment. The lamp is
made in such a way that it can be
fastened onto an automobile or taken
off and hooked over the dashboard of
buggy, or it can be used as a hand
lamp, as the adjustable top will allow
of its being turned in any direction,
and altogether it is one of the neatest
and most useful articles in its line
that has been seen in this city, and
those who have saw the Ingalls'
Safety First Lights" can rest assur-
red that it is the real stuff in the way
of a fine, up-to-date light that can be
used at a very small cost, and if burn
ed out a niew cell can be easily pro
cured to replace the old ones at a cost
of only a few cents.
From Saturday's Dally.
The assignment of the teachers in
the Plattsmouth schools for the en
suing term has been made and every
thing placed in readiness for the com
mencement of the school year. The
following is the assignment of the
teachers made by Superintendent
High School A. O. Eggenberger,
principal, history; Edith Moore,
science; Lucille Gass, English; Anna
Daniels, mathamatics; Flossie L. Bute,
commercial; Estelle Baird, language;
Margaret Gibberson, normal training.
Central Building Departmental,
seventh and eighth grades, Elmer
Frans, history and arithmatic; Mae
Morgan, reading and music; Anna
Heisel, grammar and spelling; Pearle
Staats, physiology and geograhpy.
Fifth grade, Clara Weyrich; fourth
grade, Verna Cole; sixth grade, Teresa
Temple; fifth and sixth grades, Goldia
Noble; third and fourth grades, Clairie
Bookmeyer; second and third grades,
Elizabeth Kerr; primary, Amelia Mar
Columbia Building Fifth and sixth
grades. Nettie Hawksworth; second
and third grades, Alpha Peterson;
fourth and fifth grades, Vesta Doug-
ass; primary, Hazel Dovey.
East Fourth Ward Delia Tartsch,
primary and third and fourth grades;
Crete Briggs, primary.
South Park Anna Rys.
First Ward Margaret Wohlfarth.
East Second Ward Christine Han
West Second Ward Marie Svoboda.
Mercerville Rose Prohaska.
Penmanship Miss Marie Kauf-
Art Miss Ellen Windham.
Some Figures on the Light Matter
That May Be of Interest to the
Journal Readers.
From Saturday's Daily.
During the past lew months that
the contest over the letting of the new
lighting contract has been on between
the lighting committee of the city
council and the lighting company. The
Journal has been called upon to print
numerous articles of what this citizen
and that citizen has had to say on the
subject. We have given our columns
for them to voice their opinions, and
now, upon the eve before the linish ot
the great battle, we feel that it is no
more than justice to both the lighting
company and the lighting committee
of the council who have been exerting
every effort to secure the best con
tract possible from the lighting com
pany, and at the same time allow
them a legitimate return upon their
investment, to show the figures on
which they have been working. Thi
committee have been working to the
best interests of the taxpayers in the
securing of a city contract, and from
the following figures given us as those
which they have been working on, the
city contract is a better one than the
old contract:
The old contract called for 62 forty-
candle power lights, where the new
one calls for 90, an increase of 28;
we now have 11 sixty-candle power
ights, where under the new contract
we are to have i;, an increase ot 4;
and the 450-watt lamps, like those now
on Main street, we have under the old
contract 4, where the new one calls
for 9, an increase of 5 of these large
lights. These figures show that under
the old contract we have had a total
of 77 lights, where under the new one
we are to have ii4, an increase al
most double the number. The old
lighting contract calls for an annual
payment of $1,712, where the new one
calls for $2,625, an increase of $912
per year, an average of about 4 cents
per month on 2,000 taxpayers.
The Journal has not, and is not at
this time taking sides either one way
or the other on this proposition, but
we feel that the light company are
interested in the City of Plattsmouth,
and it is only just that they are given
space to let their proposition to the
council be known to the taxpayers of
the city, and let them be the judge as
to whether or not it is a fair one.
The lighting company and the com
mittee of the council have studied this
problem for several months, and the
committee believes that the new con
tract is fair and the best possible to
be obtained from the lighting company
at the present time. There seems at
the present time to be no alternative,
either accept the proposition now be
fore the committee and council or put
our streets in darkness.
The committee are of the opinioa
that the city needs all lights embodied
in the new contract, and while they
have been very careful in guarding
against the increase of taxes, they
feel that the city cannot afford to be
without light, ami being unable to se
cure a more liberal contract from the
company, the same has been accepted
by them, and will be disposed of at the
meeting of the council on next Mon
day evening. The same has passed the
council, and is now awaiting the sig
nature of the mayor, which will either
receive his signature or rejection be
fore the meeting on Monday evening.
From Base Ball Fan.
From Saturday's Dall.
Editor of Journal:
Please publish the following in your
"To the Management of the Platts
mouth Red Sox This very successful
base ball season is drawing to a close.
The fans of the city and neighborhood
have supported the team loyally. Many
of them claim that Platsmouth has the
fastest amateur team in the state.
They are clamoring for games with
some of the fast teams in this part of
the state, such as Blair, Luxus, Ala
mitos and others, and why not? It is
due them for their loyalty.
"A Red Sox Fan."
From Saturday'! Dally
Last Monday morning as train No.
104 was coming to a stop at the sta
tion in Union, James Lambert of Rock
Bluffs had a close call for his life
He undertook to alight from the train
the same as another passenger had
done before the train came to a stand
still. In jumping he says his foot slip
ped and he was all but under the
wheels when a party went to his
rescute and pulled him in the clear. It
is sufficient to state, as has been done
thousands of times before. "Wait till
the train stops and then get off."
Union Ledger.
From Saturday's Dally.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Braitsch, of
Chicago, who are attending the Let
ter Carriers' convention in Omaha,
came down to this city yesterday on j
the morning train and spent the day
at the home of Mrs. Fred Lehnhoff,
sr., and daughter, Miss Tillie, return
ing to Omaha last evening. Arthur
Braitsch is the son of Mr. and Mrs
Paul Braitsch, and resided in this city
with his parents several years agA
At the time the Braitsch family resid
eu here Mr. oraitseh, sr., kept a
jewelry store, and sold the store out
to Frank Carruth, of which many of
the older residents of the city will
perhaps remember. Arthur Braitsch
was but a mere lad when the Braitsch
amily resided here, and being in this
vicinity he took the opportunity of
coming down to this city to see his
childhood home. While here they
called on a number of the older resi
dents, who knew Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Braitsch. Mrs. Paul Braitsch is mak-
ng her home in Chicago now, and the
report of her son's visit to this city
will be most interesting to her. Arthur
Braitsch is a letter carried in Chicago,
of which there are some 2,000 in num
ber. A number of the letter carriers
of Chicago have formed a band, and
this band is also in attendance at the
convention at Omaha, and gave a num
ber of selections at the convention.
Mr. Braitsch is also a member of this
From Saturday's Danv.
Another former Plattsmouth boy
who is more than making good in his
chosen vocation is David G. White,
who graduated from the schools of
this city and later entered the state
university, from which he graduated
with high honors and took up the
forestry work for the U. S. govern
ment and for two years has been very
active in this line in Montana and the
western states, but last year was call
ed to Washington, where he has been
since that time. Mr. White has just
received the apopintment as forest ex
aminer and will be located at Madison,
Wisconsin, where the government
maintains an extensive labaratory for
the study of forestry, and Mr. White
will also be given the work of looking
over the forestry work in the forests
of that state, which are quite ex
tensive. That he has been so highly
onored will be most pleasing to his
many triends m tnis city wno nave
atched his advancement with interest
and it is safe to say that the promo
tion of Mr. White is well deserved, as
he is a splendid young. man in every
way and qualified in his chosen profes
sion to rise to the front ranks in the
forestry service.
Suit to Quiet Title.
From Saturday's Dany.
Today in district court a suit was
filed entitled Christian Ross vs. James
Comerford, et al., in which the plain
tiff asks to have title to real estate
quieted. The land in question is lo
cated near Nehawka and the plaintiff
13 represented in his action by Attor
ney W. A. Robertson of this city.
Was Indeed a Red-Letter Day for
Cedar Creek and an Event Long
to Be Remembered.
The picnic which was given at Cedar
Creek by the Union Presbyterian
church of that place Saturday, Sep
tember 11th, proved a marked suc
cess, it was a red-letter tlay for the
village, with an attendance of several
hundred people. The weather was
cloudy and cool, but ideal for the oc
casion. The refreshment stand was
in charge of Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Busche, Mr. and Mrs. George Inclines,
G. L .Meisinger, Henry Sanders, Mrs.
G. P. Meisinger, Mrs. Walter Schneid
er and" Henry Albert, and at the close
of the day the confections and refresh
ments were all disposed of, leaving a
splendid profit on hand for the church
Rev. Julius F. Schwarz, who was in
charge of the program and affairs of
the day, was ablv assisted by the
various committees. The committee on
grounds had the grounds, seats and
stands in the best of order and deserve
special mention for having done their
part. This committee was composed
of William Schneider, Charles Fttzer,
J. L. Terryberrry, John Lohnes, jr.,
John Gauer, A. B. Fornoff, Adam Mei
singer and J. J. Meisinger. Swincs
were promisciously scattered about
and were put up by William Lohnes,
George P. Meisinger, jr., and Frank
After all had partaken of a boun
teous basket dinner Rev. Schwarz in
troduced the Rev. J. W. Embree, dis
trict superintendent of the Methodist
church, who delivered a splendid ad
dress in the English language. A
happy surprise was sprung when the
Rev. Mr. Spriegel, a former pastor of
that community, was introduced us the
German speaker of the day.
The committee on races, Clarence
Busche, Otto Sprick and Philip Albert,
were the right men in the right place
to line up the race. Some of the prize
winners were Marion Ossenkop, Miss
Ella Lohnes, Frank Winn, Ray May
field and Mrs. Philip Tritsch.
The ball throwing contest for ladies
and gentlemen proved intensely in
teresting. The prize winners were
Mrs. Harry Meisinger, Charles Fetzer,
John Lohnes, Philip Schafer and Miss
The committee on games, Mrs. Ash
ley Ault, Miss Minnie Metzger, Mrs.
William Schneider and Mrs. John F.
Wolff, covered every phase of their
function and arranged a prize picking
contest for every little child on the
The committee on base ball, John F.
Wolff, Fred J. Fornoff and Henry A.
Larsen, succeeded in making a well
matched line-up between the Nehawka
and Cedar Creek clubs. The last nam
ed club was the winner by a number
of scores. The game was umpired by
Rev. C. L. Norman, the leader of the
Boys' band of Louisville, which ren
dered some inspiring selection during
the day.
Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Terry-
berry, the mother having the largest
number of children on the grounds
(there being seven present); to Mrs.
Shafer, being the oldest lady present;
to Mr. John Meisinger, the oldest man
present, and to Mr. and Mrs. John
Lohnes, the oldest and longest mar
ried couple on the grounds, they be
ing married June 4, 1861.
Even at the decline of the day the
people lingered, feeling that the day
had slipped away too soon. But dark
ness crowded in and all departed for
their homes, declaring that it was a
day well spent to the general satis
faction of everyone present.
It is hoped that the church will
establish a like day as an annual out
ing. The members feel very happy
over their success and grateful to all
friends and every participant for their
hearty response and co-operation in
making this a day that will long be
Pure hair switches made to order;
$2.00, 24 inches long. Send sample of
hair. Mail orders promptly attended
to. Joseph Nadell, 821 So. 24th St..
Omaha, Neb. 9-13-ltw