The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 09, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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TAGE. 4.
'Cbt plattsmoutb journal
Knteredat I'ostotlUf at I'lattsmouth,, Xeb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
m list itin ii
i i
J No man need hunt for his
I mission. His mission comes to l
him. It is not above, it is not
J. below, it is not far not to make
happy human faces now and
then amon children of misery, v
i hut to keep happy human faces
about us all the time. J. E. F.
J- Ware. 'I'
And the next day it rained.
:n .
Big crowd of turners attended the
tournament Sunday.
The man who thinks he knows who
will be president next is an idiot.
England is not ready to make any
move looking to peace. Neither is
How serene life is when it might be
like the sort you see portrayed in the
movie show. :
We are r.ot going to abuse Georgia.
Give the best Georgians time and
they'll rise to the top.
Is there no such thing as self
starting furnaces? Thought provok
ed by recent early morns.
: :
Charity would go so much farther
if your beneficiaries would only do as
you tell them to but they won't.
:o: -
Here's hoping that Villa will get
his "right in the neck" very soon. An I
may Carranza follow soon thereafter.
Tm Allen has drawn his first
month's salary as United States dis
trict judge, whether he is entitled to it
or r.ot.
:o :
How long do you suppose the war
would last if left alone to England
and Germany to fight it out? About
c no month.
We must find some way to get
tho.e Christmas goods out of Ger
many. Santa Claus is the neutralist
f all neutrals.
Some hard-hearted business men
will keep their young men working all
summer when they ought to be at the
summer resorts teaching the girls
how to swim.
The government has just issued a
new 11-cent stamp, which will be none
too much postage for those fat letters
the boarding school girls will soon be
writing home.
It seems strange that some people
are so egotistical that they think they
know it all and that the members of
the council have not sufficient judg
ment to transact the business for
which they are elected.
F.erlin reports a financial crisis in
Russia, and almost a revolution.
There is no wonder. The Russians
are hard to control when they once
got started, and are liable to pillage
and burn their own homes.
The man .ho is clean in mind and
the rich nor. down on the poor; who
can lost without squealing and win
without bragging; who is considerate
of women, children and of people; who
is too generous to cheat and too
energetic to loaf; who takes his share
of the world's goods, and who lets
others have theirs; who does not carry
in his heart the green-eyed monster
j-a'ousy, is indeed a true ger.ctleman,
cr.d is an asset to any community.
Lincoln Herald. -
A I) V A !N t'K
The expected has happened. Billy
Sunday is about to be dramatized. A
New York dispatch is authority for
the statement that George M. Cchan,
peiceiving the financial possibilities in
dramatizing the burlesquing Sunday is
about to use him as the centrual char
acter in a strong dramatic play. In
the near future, therefore, we may ex
pect to see a powerful dramatic pro
jection branded with a New York suc
cess, in which the chief character will
rage up and down the stage hurling
defiance at the foe, and especially de
fying the devil to come up through
the carpet and put on a ten-round
bout with him. The very nature of
such a play would make it a great
success. If theie is anything the
average man wan'.s to see it is some
thing to knock out the devil. The lat
ter has so many claims upon the
human race that if they could feel
sure he was done for they could spend
the rest of their days in perfect case
and quiet. The devil has really been
n great moral agency for a good
many years. The average man is so
afraid of going to hell that he is re
strained from committing a good deal
of deviltry that he otherwise might
indulge in. Therefore if his satanic
majesty should accept Billy's deft and
come up through 'the carpet some
night and get knocked out it might
prove a positive detriment to the
human race. We trust, therefore, that
! Billv will continue to hurl defiance to
him, but that the devil will discreetly
refrain from accepting it, and remain
in hiding under the floor where he
now is.
The Halls one the democratic state
treasurer, and the other republican
railroad commissioner seem to go
hand-in-hand in making all the dis
turbances they can around the state
house, but they doen't seem to be
hurting anyone but themselves.
We knew a man who once boasted
that he never let anybody put any
thing over on him because he never
read advertisements in newspapers,
so one day he went cut and bought a
house for $2,500 that had been ad
vertised in his home paper for ?2,000.
General Orozo is now a good Mexi
can commander. He, with four other
cutthroats, were caught raiding Dick
Love's ranch in Texas, and all four
were killed. The secretary of war
should reenforce the border troops and
try and put an end to this sort of
Seventy-five business men of Al
liance went out the other day and
helped in harvesting the crop of a
sick farmer who was entirely unable
to work. This is a good example of
co-operation, and a circumstances that
win nreaK tiown a good many
While it is a cinch that President
Wilson will be re-nominatcd on th
democratic ticket if he wants to be,
that does not mean that he can be re
elected as easiiy as he can get the
nomination. Not by any means
While he has been a good and efiicien:
chief executive, 1heie are many demo
crats who voted for him that will not
do so again. And if the republican
get together and nominate a good,
strong man, it 13 a foregone conclusion
that they will vote their ticket. And
should the republicans succeed in get
ting united on a popular republican,
notwithstanding the fact 'that Presi
dent Wilson has performed his duties
faithfully, there is bound to be a very
close race. Many republicans have
said they would vote for Wilson, but
they will never do it if there is any
possible shov'to eltct a. republican.
When the attempt was made last
winter to force through conjjresa
without change or amendment a bill
providing for a semi-public and semi
private line of steamships the coun
try was warned that only by the pas
sage of such a bill could the American
merchant marine be strengthened and
licstored to something like its former
flourishing condition. This was un
doubtedly the sincere conviction of
many able men, and for that reason
their support of the shipping bill was
the more insistent.
It must be gratifying to the friends
of the measure to find they were mis
taken, just as it will gratify its op
ponents to have their judgment so
soon sustained to the effect that pri
vate enterprise, given half a chance
could be depended on to resfcore
American j-hipping.
Figures just made public by the De
partment of Commerce show that the
American flag now floats over more
ships in the foreign trade than at any
other time since lbiV.i. The fiscal
year shows an unprecedented increase
in American shipping.
During the fiscal year the number
of ships increased from 2,0f to 2.78,
anil the tonnage increased from
l,07t,152 to 1,813,775 an increase of
3C)3 ships and 7o7,(!23 tons. This is
triple the increase in registered ton
nage for any previous year in Ameri
can history, even when our shipping
was most flourishing and the Ameri
can flag dotted every sea. Our reg
istered tonnage is now much greater
than at any tihme since 18i3, when we
had 2,020,114 gross tons in foreign
trade. It is many times more elii-
cicnt, however, as the steam tonnage
now amounts to 1,273,067 gross tons,
while in 1S03 it amounted to only
133,215 tons.
The result of this phenomenal
growth is that within twelve months
the United States has passed the mer
chant fleets in foreign trade of Hol
land, Sweden, Russia, Italy and Japan.
Tenth in importance at the beginning
of the war, it now occupies fourth
place, only a little behind Norway and
unce, but greatly exceeded, of
couire, by Great Britain.
Thpre still remains much to be done
in the way of liberalizing the Ameii-
can shipping laws and f reeing our
hips of restrictions that hamper
them in competition with those of
other countries. But so much as was
.one under the American Registry act
was enough to give to our shipping
the greatest boom it has known in a
single year since the birth of the re
public, and the boom is a continuing
f. I- i i -11 1
one. uur snips varus are sun wont
ing to capacity to supply the demand
for more ships that will sail under the
Stars and Stripes. With further pro
gressive legislation it can be ac
cepted as assured that the American
ocean carrying trade can and will be
restored, in a few years, to the posi
tion of importance it held under demo
cratic andministration in the ante
bellum days.
With such a showing made in a
single year, and with the prospects
for the coming year so exceptionally
bright, it is a bit mystifying to find
the Washington correspondents proph
esying that the administration, next
winter, will continue to push the
"government shipping bill." With the
necessity for bond issues or additional
war taxes staring us in the face,
owing to a revenue deficit running as
high as $15,000,000 a month, it is not
easy to understand why $50,000,000 or
$100,000,000 a should be taken out of
the pockets of the people to establish
an industry that is fast establishing
itself. The World-Herald ventures to
predict that if a new shipping bill is
pushed in the next congress it will
differ materially from that which the
last congress refused to enact.
It is hoped that the people who are
buying war stocks will soon sell out
and bet on something comparatively
sure like the weather.
If the Annapolis naval students are
permitted to fight with their fists,
special honors will of course be
awarded to any one of them who can
lick a professor. -
Mr. Bryan has to work harder for
his money than Roosevelt does for his
Money makes the mare go, though
not usually, unless the man makes the
Cupid's wings are undoubtedly for
ornament. He has few embellic
The cattle tick costs this country
?.SO,000,000 a year, and it isn't
worth it.
If you are determined to wear
whiskers, for heaven's sake curry
them occasionally.
Haiti thinks we want to annex her.
Heaven forbid! But we want to boss
her for her own god.
Germany is pushing on with the
sole purpose of getting St. Peters
burg's name on straight once more.
A Mr. Reynolds is confident that the
republicans can win with John Doe
and Richard Roe as candidates next
I.ny up treasures in heaven and
Palm Beach suits on the top shelf, for
they shall return after many days and
flock together.
Nearly a week has passed since the
enterprising metropolitan papers in
formed us just what Harry Thaw had
to eat every day.
The boys are preparing for an ap
propriate opening of the fall term of
school by administering lickings to the
smaller youngsters.
General Carranza will probably find
that the appeal of the Pan-American
powers will make excellent kindling
for the kitchen stove.
Comporativcly few farmers belong
to the "Don't YVorrv" club. After this
year's crops arc "laid by," they begin
to worry about next year.
We haven't heard of Roosevelt since
his Plattsburg speech. Maybe he feel
so ashamed that he has gone in his
hole and pulled the hole in after him.
The allies are afraid that Russia
will make a separate peace. It appears
to us that Russia has earned it and
isn't beholden much to the allies,
especially Old England.
Medical men say that persons who
attain their thirtieth year without suf
fering from any serious diseases are
likely all things equal to live till
they are at least seventy-eight years
of age.
There is a good deal of talk about
having military drill taught in the
public schools, and it is believed the
school marms are - just as competent
to give this form of instruction as to
teach civil government.
Oh, yes, prohibition prohibits, but
very rarely. A New York Sun re
porter who spent a month in Kansas
making an investigation of prohibi
tion says prohibition is a failure
because he bought drinks of hotel
porters in all the principal cities of
State School Superintendent Thom
as has quit the National Educational
association, because he could not run
the meeting at Los Angeles. He may
be a big man among the teachers of
Nebraska, but in meetings of national
teachers he is one of "the little toads
in the puddle."
:n :
For the first three years after our
coming to Plattsmouth, Labor Day
was a big day in our city, and it was
celebrated in a manner and by such
enthusiasm as becomes the meaning of
the day a celebration that was
creditable to our city and those who
labor in our shops and stores. But
recently it does not seem to mean all
that the labor holiday mean3 an ap
propriate celebration. Let us not let
snother Labor Day pass without doing
justice to the day in all that it means.
The most dangerous enemies of rea
sonable and rational military pre
pardeness on the part of the United
States are not the ultra-pacificists,
but the militarists. It requires only
the proper compaign of education to
win public support for such a policy
as will put the American army and
navy in condition where they could
fight, if it was necessary, in defense
of their country, and fight with a rea
sonable chance of success while the
needed volunteer armies were form
ing. But no kind of campaign can
win public support for a policy of
militarism run riot for the kind of
"preparedness" advocated in New
Yoik and other eastern quarters in
volving an initial additional expendi
ture of ?o0J,000,000 for military pur
poses. And the more this extreme
doctrine is preached, the louder it is
talked, the more difficult is made the
program of President Wilson and Sec
retaries Garrison and Danieis, who
stand for a policy of moderation com
bined with efficiency.
When Senator Kern, in Washington
a few days ago. announced his opposi
tion to any $500,000,000 military pro
gram, he was at once assailed by th
New York press, and the most dismal
prophesies were indulged as to how
a "fool democratic congress" could bo
depended upon to defeat the presi
dent's preparedness policy. Comment
ing upen it the senator said: "To bur
den an already over-burdened people
with such a load at this time, when
there is not only no danger but ap
parently no possibility of war, seems
preposterous. I advocate a reason
able and i-ane program rather than
one sensational and hysterical."
In this, we feel sure, the country is
with Senator Kern and Senator Ken
is with the administration. This coun
try is already spending large amounts
of money for military purposes al
most as much, indeed, exclusive of
pensions, as Germany spent when on
a peace basis. That money, particu
larly as regards the army, has not
been spent with the best results.
While a moderate addition to the army
is desirable, it is rather reorganiza
tion and new methods than increase
that constitute the imperative demand.
The army should be made a training
school for soldiers rather than a per
manent home. Short term enlistments
should be the rule, with every year a
large body of trained soldiers gradu
ated and others taking their place i
to be trained in turn. The militia
organizations of the various states
should be encouraged and more close
ly co-ordinated with the regular army.
Provision should be made for the
thorough training of more officers,
so that should war ever come there
would be a much larger number of
men skilled to command companies
and regiments. It is toward such
ends as these not toward a stand
ing army of a million or more of men
that the president and his advisers
are looking. It is such a policy as
this that the country, even now
we believe, is prepared to" sanction.
Mr. Bryan is president at last of
the Winona chautauqua.
Most of the reform work is predict
ed on the theory that it pays.
Sherlock Holmes himself couldn't
find out much on a visit to Marietta,
- Eugenists have a slogan; it is "A
better race." A worthy aim, no
doubt, but hardly to be helped by
meddlesome laws.
o -
Minnesota has recided that James J.
Hill is her greatest living citizen. This
should be a sure cure for James J.'s
pessimistic moods.
Invention picked out the coldest
summer in a century to bring forth the
sport shirt. It doesn't seem to have
been the physiological moment.
Governor Morehead knows how to
"shoot it into" pinheaded State Treas
urer Hall. But shots will have no ef
fect upon men who possess no realiza
tion qualities.
Kei CraiCEls 15 PiaSmd g
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t'w'ifcc i-'.oatxhsaiiaBaivtlsM.
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:i2 ArcrfevlKcutcdy o!cssaJii
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Selfishness is the worst form of
:o :
We may not tell what General Car
ranza was in his previous state of ex
istence, but we suspect he was a
cantaloupe that never ripened.
War, however, isn't all tragedy and
desolution; even humor creeps into the
dispatches occasionally, as in those de
scribing the tears the kaiser sheds.
Yes, oil the streets, even if the
humblest among us must thereby make
footprints on the sands well, right up
the front steps and on the hall rug.
:o :
If this paper fails to "rip up tho
back" the men who believe differently
than the policies of this paper, it is
because this paper thinks they have
a right to their opinion the same as
this paper does. If it is being cowardly
to fail to print scandal, then this
paper would rather be decent than
courageous. If it is a sin to not pub
lish the drawbacks to a town and to
place the best side to the public, then
we are sinners. And if this plan of
action sends us to hades, we'll be cer
tain of having all those who wished
the other plan for prospective sub
scribers, and then we'll promise to run
them a paper that will cause that
place to become 100 degrees warmer
by the turmoil it will stir up.
3 !i !
; - --b:
ti;act Copy cf Vra7per.
FrI FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
H 1 & w a SyStem of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on
Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently
curcd' DR. TARRY Bee Building Omaha.
Will You Visit the Expo
sition this Autumn or Winter?
Thrmt:nds nre doinri to California to sec the marvelous cxpositk n
before the gates are closed December
tour at these cheap rates, returning before winter, wnile many will leave
ffnro rnlrl weather for the winttr in Southern California, going via San
Francisco. The final return limit of the Exposition tickets is December
31 1915; those spending the winter in California should travel either on
one way tickets, or there is available the first-class nine-months excur
c.; firtrf' Thft RurlinSton operates daily through sleepeis to San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles via the popular
orado and Salt Lake City.
Consult me if you expect to go this autumn. Let me make yoi r
thrmidh reservations early. Whether you go first to Lcs Angeles or to
San Francisco, you have Burlington
m a mm m n
For Infants and Child
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears '
For Over
Thirty Years
The feud among the democratic of
ficials at the state house is not doing
those engaged in it any good, nor the
party, either. But we admire Gover
nor Morehead for the stand he takes
against Sate Treasurer Hall, who at
tempts to control the affairs of his of
fice as he sees fit and not as the law
says. The governor is right in appeal
ing to the supreme court to settle Mr.
Hall down to business, instead of try
ing to bulldoze other officials.
:o :
If the United States army cannot
keep Mexican raiding parties from
crossing over into this country and
destroying property and plundering
American citizens, how could we be
very efficient in fighting even Mexico
in our present state of "prepared
ness" for war? A smashing lesson to
the Mexican bandits would let the peo
ple of that fiery country know that
there is to be much grief for them if
they cross the border, and make them
realize they must stay on their own
side and do their stealing and murder
ing. Suppose we were at war with a
European power and had no more ef
ficiency than we have shown in the
Mexican situation?
Bilious? Feci heavy after dinner?
Bitter taste? Complexion sallow?
Liver perhaps needs waking up.
Doan's Tiegulets for bilious attacks.
25c at all stores.
31st. Many will make an autumn
route trough Denver, Scenic Col
through sleeper service.
or ii v ik b a
- h3iniw I
Burlington through service California routes com
prise a '"See America" tour that includes the seen in.
the highly developed regions, the attractive cities of
half the continent.
R. W CL EMENT, Ticket Agent.
L. VV. WAKELtR,' General Passenger Agent,
1004 Fanram Street, OMAHA, Neb.
J I.-:-. -