The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 06, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    ' v . ....
LLUMLL.-U lU, l,lBlll.L..ULJ!l
NOW is the TIME to Put
Ud Your FRUIT!
The Southern Peache? are ofr the market and we will have Cali
fornia. Utah and Colorado Peach e.s for panning thin vrek.
Itaiiar. Prunes now in, per crate of A baskets
Hrwaiiur; Pinripples,
5 cans tor.
ennr:- can r-
aoren or mnre.
made arrangement;; v.'irh the best canners on the Pacific
you same money by buying in quantities of one
-dvo iii:d Monarch
These rands are ol the very choicest thai can be
Del Monte, Curtice
roods arc of the very
joilovinr. br;
The quality of thesr
iirriiesl and
ie price
this year is within rexich ol all.
Be Sure end Get Our Prices Before Placing Your Order.
CzU Phor.cs 53 2nd 54.
time. The teachers arrived this week
and the whole six are Teady for the
tap of the bell.
Ben R. Frans of Kingfisher, Okla.,
who resided here some years ago, ar
rived Monday for a few days' visit
with his Union relatives and friends,
and went to Auburn yesterday to visit
the families of Henry Brissey and
Duke Frans.
Joseph Lynn of Wausa, Neb., was
here Saturday and Sunday for a visit
with his daughter, Mrs. John Ervin,
w (and other relatives. Mr. Lynn came to
Omaha last week to place his daugh
ter, Miss Nellie, in n hospital, where
he was operated upon for appendi
citis. D. Ray Frans arrived home on
Tuesday from the Pacific coast, where
he spent n few weeks visiting and
j "seein things." He was at the Fra
ternal Union ocuivention in Pasadena,
Cal.. visited the fnmilies of Will Wolfe
at Turlock. Cal.. and Harry Willis h;
Seattle, and took in the exposition at
San Francisco. He is sure that the
trip was worth the trouble and ex
pense and then some.
panied by his mother, Mrs. J. F.
Word has been received here of the
marriage of Stuart B. Rough of Ne
hawka, Neb., and Carolyn L. Shurtleff
of Trenton. Neb. The ceremony took
place in the Y. M. C. A. boarding
home at Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr.
and Mrs. Rough are graduates of
Doane college. Mr. Rough is employed
as coach of athletics in the Fayette,
Idaho, schools.
WH !-! .j
1.011 F VI LLC
-v. TLMWOOn. t.
IjO.ader-lvi-hft. J
Keennn & Grace have sold out tb
lower store to William Carroll of
!-:-!-!-! -W-I-
:;: !. .v!.n:i .:
rf-Tner of A :v v'.sl;-f.u:Ji-r
h:rr:-:- -v :
ni.e : riitiNinoL','')
:-T,aer -r,;e:tS::.e.;
ii.r.c- Iiijes i-t-ry
:-Jy Lf;crn or: l:
.iilr.fx ljn:-hfor. w.t SwjiVt
from I'iitsmi'ij;l
j.Tid reltil.ivfri.
!Mis FroTiJi Kir-c ru. rw. h.-rcf'
?.n?i.-':y jif:;-: v is : .r c :";:, t;ve. for l he
Tn.s: twt. i i ;v-iss. .
Mrs. 5.;ias Mnn
me Kmc Fi i.l.'iy
.i i s.
:y a frw dy
".t.f hvme vf
i 1-TTTlM
Mri. Ch.i:ly Chri-w issf-r s.n.l hll-H'-i-Ti
'tuT7!'J hi-rre frc-rn
Pint: i-mouth. vK--c ;h y isited w-.n-tives.
Mis? V.u-i-l Rar: hold, a cr-iisia
f Mr s. Chriu iser.
1 ;.ht m hwTrie
s ort is it-
: :?". :-r- f.- Irt the c'!.:r-t for ) ?
: - !:.?. -f a r home -n the hi1.! in
x' - '.c-' pun i f to Gforjre TKle-
i- -. v, frurz cf men at wo? k
e : ;-m i dirirlr.c tv.e ce'.Iir.
Mr. u ..2 Mrs. W.iam Drown of
Lrtv-r. Nvb.. who have 1-een visitir.t:
w.-h A'CJ: S tiir. tier snd fami'.v. Itf;
Mr. tr-d Mrs. F. 1 Nuty.mfiTJ lefl
Teil.y mornlr.c f r Wi.shiri.m n.i
irectr.. vh: -e th?y i!t u :t
rt l&x e? & t-hort 1 iin. They will tAke
ri t.'.e
Omar Sthlkht:
t.-)'; - ri rth f rcr thi:r
ir.-lt-:eil ;
m icr.
t r .
mV.o K-cs n fiw
lve:ur.:r. unon
i'l ! riisit m hroi:ch-
. out ari or.e f the r.Icost in this c-.ri-i
-i r ii.:.ay. acccipar.u-u vx i v v,:k- f.w:,
Mr-. S-- v-. Txho wer.t to vi,i: rtla-jr;(i Mrs. F. i. shopp ard danchters
X:1 ' u - ! of Platii-mcuth nniud We.'.nosaav for
Mi-s Sl. me Kreutter of N:away. j & visk at jh, j w Macnev home. Mr.
I V.VU. wa h-re Wr.e-day and Thurs-, yarr(.v ,r,.acht thorn from Platts
. ay vi.-.tii .a l:h friends. Miss Kreut- n,,.uth in his car.
t-.r as fr a humlrr of yt-ars ht-ad
v.i u. t. Iior.- .-tore. I,ut is
r..v err": rr-'.l rn bu-ijiess fur hc-r-elf a
Ca-hler Woo-.l of the Homo Stat!
lT?,k iiifoi ms us that l ids for the erec
tion i;f the new bank buildirpr will be
i-i Saturday that wo: k on the now
s'rvjcture vv.d boin r.s soon as it is
pos.-ible to assemble the material after
the contract is let.
Mr. anil Mrs. W. F. Diers and fam
ily left Tueday for Greeley, Neb.,
v h-re they fro to attenil the annual re
nn of the Diers family, jriven this
yar at the l'.ome of Mr. Diers' sister,
Mr-. W. D. Towner. Mr. Towner is
r..i::ity treasurer of Greeley county.
Sunday, the Man, and His
-at the Journal office for
J1.00. See the book in our window.
This is a very popular book.
G rover Iloback is rejoicing this
(t-k r.t bt-oause "'je had a birthday
or bko that, but on Tuesday,
after beinsr tj'.iait nt inod for throe
weeks the plaoarl bearinsr the word
"smal!M was taken down Grov
er walked out a free man and now dis
tributes the mail as fast as ever.
Oito Carroll and wife returned home
from Garden City. Kansas, Tuesday,
after an absence of a few days. Mr.
Carroll went to Kansas to look after
some land, and bointr ery much taken
up with the land on t look there, bouirht
a iiarter section m-ar DorlioM on the
Arkansas river. Mr. Carroll n.l fam
ily will leave Nt hawka in the near fut ure
for their new home.
Callinjr cards ard a whole lot of
other cards, such as one needs by both
old and younj; for pu tie:--, at the Jour
nal oflioe.
Real Estate, General Insurance,
Lands. Firm Loans
I S I i logoff Sines
Prices ranging from $950.00 to $1,485.00
Office and Salesroom Riley Block, 6th St., Plattgmouth, Neb.
j Mrs. H. N. Lane of Wilton. Iowa, is
: spending ft few days visitinjr her par-
i t is. Mr. Mrs. Peter Fvolartd, near
M urdock.
HarTV Fvelatv: of M if;m!vi;lo, Oh:..
; i is ;ii c friends here this wek. H
s or. his way home " f.'om the n
Fr: n risco -exposition.
Mrs. .7. F. Olsen and children retain
ei! Vo.lnps.iay cvenintr from a delicht
fi.l -v is!t -with a friend. Mrs .7. W.
X iter, at Kansas City, Mo.
C. C.. .lackmar. had the misfoitnne
to looe one of the fine horses belor.jr
in.c to his fray team. This was an
r xcr"y powi horse and is quite
a loss to Mr. .7ackman.
Noel Tyson, son of Dri.fCist T. A.
Tyson of this city, has reached a hith
er point on the educational ladder in
boir.jr selectci f.s one of the teaching
faculty of the Lincoln city hifch schl. 1
lohn Gonzales and wife expected to J
leave yesterday on a trip to the Cal;-1
fomia e posit -on an.l a visit to old
flic-; is at Pacific coast pints. They
will tiacl up the coast, making Se
;:t'.le their principle objective.
Geoijre Ktinz brouehl us quite a
freak in the shape of an apple Tues
day, which he brought in from his
farm. The apple miftht be called a
twin two completely formed apples
nicely jrrown together. It has attract
ed a jrood deal of attention and cm
siderable curiosity.
Herman Pen'.erman lejartel Satur
day oxeninp for Klba, Colo., to join hi
nifo and little son, Morris, who have
been there for some time visiting1 at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Shadloy. They are expected
home the fore part of next week.
Carl Uader came in Wednesday eve
nine to pack his household n"ods pre
paratory for shipment to Peru, where
the family will make their home in
the future. Mr. Under has Hold his
interest in the earner here to lm
partner, A. I.. Gash, and has purchas
ed a fruit farm near Peru.
i-n-r. ii-jj
!-: .i-:m.
Mr, .lamps Taylor departed Inst
Friday morning for Den Moines to
Fporit a week visiting her aon, am
Stites ami wife.
Mrs. 1 tar bin a Taylor and Mrn. Mary
Taylor were in Omahn last Friday,
making a visit with C. H. Taylor arid
Mrs. William Ost arid daughter,
Miss Kdith, arrived home Sunday
fiom Minnesota, where they were
initing relative a fw week.
Mr. W. H. P.annirig arrived home
Tuesday from Colorado, where fdi?
had been enjoying a vacation, and
visited in Denver and other cities in
that Ktate.
W. H. Panning went to Lincoln via
the auto route Wednesday and will re
main there during the state fair, hsv
ing charge of exhibits in the machin
ery department.
The Union schools will open for
business again next Monday morning,
John Root took charge of the
Beatrice Creamery company's station
at this place the fore part of the
William Snyder of Candler, Fla.,
arrive1 here lat week for an extend
ed -isit with his son, C. P. Snyder and
We understand that the Pank of j
Fagle has chanced hands. Kirk Frants
having purchased the same the first
of the week.
Mrs. Agnes McDonald returned
home Tuesday from a two weeks' visit
with relaCves and friends at Kising
City and Albion. Neb.
Miss Abbie Jodkins returned home
Saturday from ar. extended viit with
relatives in Wisconsin. She reports a
very pleasant trip.
Fd Peterson had the misfortune to
run a nail in his foot the first of the
week and as a result is hobbling
about with the aid of crutches. '
John Peterson and Art Dodrill left
Monday afternoon for Ada, Minn., to
look after land interests there. They
expect to be gone about a week.
G. W. P.alderson and -wife of Pk-K-rell.
Neb., are visiting at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. F. V. Blom
er.kamp and family. They are just
returning home from a two months'
x isit on the Pacific coast.
t. V. Peterson, Nick Peterson and
John Reitter made a trip to Talmage
the first of the week, returning home
Wednesday. Nick was looking for a
house to vent, a he intends moving
his family there within the next efw
days, and take charge of the pool hall
which he just recently purchased.
Captain Marshal Murphy pulled
the hous- or. the Avenue Sunday night
and 're;!t was the wail thereat.
Mr. Charles Yates made a flying
trip to PlatNmouth on Tuesday last.
Mr. ami Mrs. Pink-ham of South
P.end listened to Janauschek on Fri
dj.y niL'ht last.
D. Satchell from Fight Mile Gro -o
pased a few pleasant words with us
lii-t week t;nd took an addition to b s
I' era Id.
Ruff net- & Klaek have built rn e--tonsivt-
addition to thir agricint r:
WH:vhous' on upper Main street, : ni
are laying in a largo stock of Sprirnr
tofds of various kinds and in jfiat
varieties. Especially a new stalk
co'ter the Nt and handiest now in
Ve have viwd a copy of th-? :r
cinati Enquirer containing a rotW
of the presentation of a handsome
hugty and harness to Judge .7. W.
Fitv.geraM. by a few of his per
friemN. Judge lltzgerald, son and
daughter, as will he remembered,
-isited our Mr. Fitr.gerald a short
time ago. and shortly after his return,
while riding, he met with an accident
which injured him quite severely, and
;c'a?iy demolished his buggy, hence
the presentation by his friends, as a
token of their regard and thankful
ness for his escape. In the course of
his remarks thanking them for the
same, Judge Fitr.gerald took occasion
to remark that during a long period
of public service he hsd always re
fused to receive testimonials of any
kind, for acts of public duty pei-form-ed,
but as this gift was entirely of
a pvivate nature he for once departed
The Kew
M ard ware Stare
Everything Hew and Up-tc-Bate!
It will pay you to pe our goods and get our pn'cr-?.
Our efforts Vill be to give the vrey bet retvf'e
possible to all.
I ,1 1 1 -i C II llll IE I
Telephone 151
South Sixth St.
from hi" usual habit.
Maurice Fitzgerald who is now un
der indictment for nscatdt with int'-r.t
to kill was trdren out on habeas cor
pus last 1'riHay and tried tie fort- Judfe
Sullivan. After a prolong, d avji-ument
on tioth sides the jud'T admitted him
to bail in the sum of fl.,W. No
botdmen as y-t has appeared. Pinre j
shnw, 7-; Georj-c llr.Il, 7; Hannah
Skiles, 75. Matthias Petri.
Worth Their Wrirnt in t.'rdrl.
"1 have n-ed hnmbei lair, Tnbelts
ard found them to ho jn-t a- vi-jne-sented,
a qnirk i-elief for headaches,
rii77.y s ells ard other sympt w de
noting a torpid liv-r arid a di--ot dere.1
condition of the dieestive organs. They
their weight in rold,"
ie mviwnl indfetment McNeil. the
mn -isvMilt-. br,s H fed and his ease ! 9re vr1tn
i - . - o t - r-u - x
We Tvrecumo I ' J ' lata inmv. r-ioa.
Y. obtainable eciA where.
is now one of mn refer. N e pix,eume
the state of the jail here had some in- i
fiuerce on the jtidge's mind in allow- '
ing hail r.t all. Fitrprrald claims that
the confinement is injnrinjr his health.
1'or Estimate
From F.'g-ht Mile Tepovt
of school for the month: Paring the
month forty-four punits were enrolbd j
and the averatre daily attendance w as j
thirty-four. On examination at the
t.ose of the month the following pupils
answ-ered correctly 75 per cent of the
question asked: "A" class Sumner
Hall, William Winford. f'2; Allie
Hall. .!; Walter Pet ty. 5. "TV class
Eddie "ivnfield. S1; Nettie tireen
field, Jennie T-! ichaivison. S2;
Charles Tolman. V2; Emma Hall. M ;
,7ohn Hall. 75. "C class Rose Tol
man, Pfi; Herden Winford, 77; Major
Hall, 75; lora Root, 75; Ma Brad-
nd re'iahle constinct'on cf all 1 irds
f v.orV. got -onr fieutes fiom the er-j-erier
ced t 'arr inter anil lViih-'-.
E. rt. Earson. R M-lwl; d.v.
How's This?
Wp t r r '
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.1 fi.o
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.1 ' I I1 1 1'U
Mrs. John W. Ruhga and little ion
returned home Welnevday ftnmt York,
where they had spent several days
with her daughter.
Mrs. E. T. Tool and daughter Mrs.
Emil Kuehn and husband, of Murdnek,
were visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. H.
Gofder, and attending the chautauqua
O. T. lieyila and family of Pit Hois
visited with Mrs. lyda's parents, M
and Mrs. Tom Wiles, and other rela
tives from Saturday night until Wed
nesday morning.
Miss Edith Amick left Thursday
morning of this week for llrlslow to
take tip her work aa principal of the
pohool there. She was accompanied by
her mother, Mrs. J. W. Amick, and her
brother, Iiouis.
Uoy Coatman and wife motored to
Lincoln Wednesday to meet Mr. Coat
man'n mother, who was returning
from her visit with her daughter, Mrs.
M. Ii. (lollaher, at Colorado Springs.
She reports her daughter's health Im
proving every day.
Henry Shumaker and his son-in-law,
I.eo, of north of Nehwaka,
were in town Thurpday morning and
completed a deal in which Leo
bought HO acres of land from Isaac
Wiles; consideration $11,000. The land
adjoins the shumaker farm north of
Miss Desdemons Kleckner of
Osceola, Iowa, visited last week at the
J. W. Colbert home. She returned
home Wednesday, being taken over
land by auto by Mr, Harry Colbert.
Miss Kleckner teaches music thi9 next
year at Victor, Iowa,
Master Richard Fredrick llrendel of
Murray was visiting at the home of
his grandparontSj'Mr." and Mrs. T, f.
Jameson, Wednesday "and Thursday.
As it was the first visit for the young
and parents should see that all ebil
dren of fcc-hool age register at that , man in Weeping Water he was accom-
Sacrificing Goods at Almost
Your Own Price!
The masses of the people of Cass County do not n!;ue th
obstacles that the average business man has been confronted with
during the past few months, in the endeavor to carry on business.
The weather has not only been against the farmer, but the business
man also. One looses money in handling the crops the other in
handling his goods. One has lost by the wet Weather in the field
the other by having his goods on the shelf. Now we will 5tnhd
f or We must move the goods in our sfore nt this time, nnd we are
willing to forget all chances of a profit, and even cut many attiiles
below the first cost to move them now. All over this entire store yon
will find.
This tag does not only apply to a few articles, but will be found
on every article in the house. Some of the greatest values that have
ever been offered you in
Dry Goods, Shoos, Ladios9 Suits and
Drossos, Coats and all Wearing
Apparol for the Entire Family!
Attend our Millinery Opening and glance around the store for
other bargains that will be found at this time. The consolidation
of our two stores last spring has left us in a very crowded condition
and we must move the goods to make room for new goods.
IJ ,. II
--. -