The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 02, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
JL . r J. : . f- 1 flattsmouth sran-wrrKLT journal. PAGE 6. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1915. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers jRqtTNG TELLER" OUR EXPERTS KEEP YOUR 41 ti 1 !lt 1 gt-j- SEL 4 rvj CCOUNT ACCURATELY DANK WITH US NOW Protect Your Valuables. Use Our Safety Vaults. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK Mrs. A. L. Baker was in Platts mouth Tuesday evening. Elmer Hallstrom was visiting with home folks in Plattsmouth Sunday. Mark White shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha Wednesday evening. Tom Smith was looking after some business matters in the county seat Wednesday. Mrs. W. E. Dull was visiting a few hours last Friday evening with Platts mouth friends and relatives. H. C. Long returned home last Fri day from his business trip oct in the western part of the state. Mrs. Jennie Jenkins went up to Rosalie, Neb., Monday of this week, where she wil make a few days' visit with her son Earl and family. W. W. Hamilton and son went to Plattsmouth Wednesday morning to finish up the residence of Dr. Hall, which ia now ready to receive the fin ishing touches. John Jenkins was down from Rosalie last Sunday for a brief visit with home folks, returning Monday with his motorcycle. John is now employed in the garage with his brother, Earl, who has been enjoying a nice business in this line. The new garage of Louie Puis is now in complete running order, with the exception of the installation, of some of the heavier machinery for re pairing. He has secured the services of an expert machinist from Omaha, who will assist him in looking after crippled cars. Frank Vallery has moved into his new Murray home, the process of moving being carried on by the Ford Auto Route. Frank now has one of the finest little home in Murray. He is just completing the rodding for lightning protection. This was placed on by W. T. Vallery. ST SELL! Vacation Over Now for Work! The supplies are here Tablets, Slates, Pencils, Composition Books, Pen Holders, Pencil Boxes, Cray ons in fact everything you need for school work, and a big variety to pick from. 9S SpeciiaDsS Three Aluminum Preserving Kettles for only 98 cents. A limited number only at this price. Hiatt MURRAY cashierT " - " T Nlliill W. IN " u J. L. Smith was looking after some business matters in the county seat last Saturday. Mrs. Herman Smith was visiting for a few hours last Saturday with friends and relatives in Plattsmouth. Lena and Catherine Brown were visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Steinner, of Lincoln, this week. Mrs. Laywer, who has been visiting at the Brown home for the past week, returned to her home at Council Bluffs Monday. L. D. Hiatt was a Plattsmouth visit or Thursday of this week, going on to Omaha, where he had some matters of business to look after. Quite a large family gathering was in attendance at the Minniear home Sunday to meet Mr. and Mrs. Min niear's daughter, Mrs. Kenyster, of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. William Scorer were Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday, spending the day looking after busi--ness matters and visiting with county seat friends. Mrs. William Long entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller of Manley and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Long and family, Mrs. Adda Stokes and Mrs. Minnie Stokes at dinner Sunday. Everett Thomason was kicked by a horse Wednesday morning 1 of this week, the blow striking him on the knee. No bones were broken, but that member has been quite sore from the injury received. The Murray Hardware and Imple ment company have finished their new warehouse and are now moving their line of implements and wagons into it. They will now make some repairs on the old ware room in the rear of their store and will be fully prepared to handle their big line in the future. Tutt, NEBRASKA Mrs. A. J. Stokes was looking after business in Omaha Wednesday. George Nickels, S. O. Pitman and Lee Nickels were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday evening. Mrs. G. O. Kenyster of Layfette, Ind., is visiting at the Oldham home this week. Misses Anna Alhusen and Gladys Paap of Berlin were week-end guests at the home of Lloyd Gapen. Mrs. Minnie Wood and children came down from Lincoln Saturday tc take part in the musical Saturday evening. James Brown and wife went tc Omaha Sunday morning, where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Loc Trimpe. George Nickels and Miss Gertrude Long motered to Omaha Sunday where they spent the day with Robert Shrader and family. Misses Leora and Catherine Brown, who have been visiting for some time with their aunt, Mrs. Ed Stiener, of Lincoln, arrived home Sunday. Perry, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Minniear, caught his finger in a washing machine last Thursday and tore the nail from that member, also the tip end of the finger. Miss Villa Adams received quite a painful injury last Friday when she fell and dislocated her thumb. Mrs. Jarvis Lancaster has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. The musical at L. Gapen's was not very well attended on account of the threatening weather Saturday even ing. About sixty-five were in attend ance p.nd a very good time was had by all present. Dr. Brendel went down to Nehawka on Tuesday of this week and released from the smallpox quarantine the postmaster, who has been confined to his home for the past few weeks with the disease. George Ray and father departed Tuesday of this week for Wood River, Neb., where they will make a few days' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson. Mrs. Thomp son is a daughter of Mr. George Ray. Mrs. James Hatchett and daughter, Miss Vera, were visiting in Nehawka a few days the past week, guests at the home of Mrs. Hatchett's brother. Mrs. Hatchett has returned home, but Miss Vera . will remain a few days longer. William Puis, sr., one of the pros perous farmers from west of Murray, was visiting with his many county seat friends last Saturday for a few hours. While there he called at the Journal office and paid for his paper for another year. Mr. Ahallman, an uncle of Mrs. Omor Schlichtemier, has been confined to his bed with a bad cold this week. Mr. Baker, the oil man, was in Mur ray Wednesday soliciting and and get ting land leases for a test well in East Reck Bluffs precinct. Z. W. Shrader shipped two cars of sheep down from South Omaha Tues day that were unloaded at this sta tion and driven to his farm, west of Murray, for feeding this winter. On Wednesday morning he received a car load of cattle that will be placed in his lots for winter feeding. Miss V ilia Gapen entertained a number of friends who were attending the institute at Flattsmouth to a slumber party Tuesday night. Those enjoying her hospitality were: Misses Pearl Dolan of Omaha, Mattie Nutz- man and Judith Straub of Avoca, Anna Alhusen and Gladys Paap of Berlin. Mr. and Mis. L. D. Hiatt returned home from their outing of a couple of weeks at the Minnesota lakes. They report having a fine time and return home in belter condition to look after the big fall and winter business than ever before, which has been on the in crease with this excellent firm each year since they began their business career in Murray a few years ago. W. W. Hamilton and crew of men will commence the erection of a fine corncrib and granary on the Schlichtemeier place, south of Mur ray. This will be the finest and most modern ' structure of its kind in this locality. The elevators and machinery will be placed in by the enterprising firm of the Murray Hardware and Im plement company. High School Opens September 13. Owing to the fact that so many patrons of the Murray school wish to attend the state fair at Lincoln next week, there will be no school until Monday, September 13. If any of the readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest in this vicinity, and will mail same to this office, it will ap pear under this heading. We want all news items Editor Mrs. A. J. Stokes spent Sunday with Miss Etta Nickels. Miss Etta Nickels was looking after business in Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Swab was a business visitor in Plattsmouth Monday. Charles Reed and family were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday. Miss Vera Yardley is visiting with friends at Meadow, Neb., for a short time. J. T. Brendel and wife were calling on Plattsmouth friends Monday after noon. Miss Helen rarriott of Peru, Neb., is visiting at the home of W. F. Moore. Mrs. E. R. Queen attended the Teachers' Institute at Plattsmouth .his week. Mrs. A. O. Asch entertained Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klaurens and family at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis and Mrs. Charles Carroll were in Plattsmouth Sunday afternoon. E. E. Lesch and wife motored up to Plattsmouth Tuesday ; evening for a few hours visit with friends. Mrs. W. F. Moore returned home Thursday from a few weeks' visit with her mother in Narka. Kansas. Frost was seen Monday morning, August :0, by those who had the nerve to be up early enough. The Murray State bank will be closed Monday, September th, on ac count of that date being Labor Day. Miss Coenna Ilandley and Miss Sophia Hild were visiting a few days last -week with Margaret and Vera Moore. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ray, W. C. Ray and Leon and Ray Linthacum were guests of George Smith and family Sunday. Mrs. William Taylor and Mrs. Nimms of Plattsmouth were in Mur iay Tuesday, guests at the home of Mrs. E. S. Tutt. Miss Helen Nimms returned to he home near Plattsmouth Tuesday, after a couple of weefes' visit with her aunt Mrs. E. S. Tutt- - Robert Nickels and son, A. F. Nick els, left Monday morning for Kansa City, Mo., where Alf. will take treat ment for rheumatism. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grave at Peru, Neb., on August 30, a fine thirteen-pound baby girl. Both the mother and little one are getting along nicely. Mrs. Minnie Woods and son and daughter of Lincoln were in Murray last Sunday visiting with relatives and friends, being a guest at the home o Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker. John Kinser, the boss Plattsmouth plasterer, has been in Murray for the past few days doing some work for numerous parties. John is there and over when it comes to spreading the lime. Rev. Robb has returned home from Kansas, where he has been for the past three weeks holding a series of meet ings. Services will now be resumed in Murray on each Sunday commenc- irg with next Sunday. August J. Engclkemeier and family departed Monday of this week for the west, visiting numerous points in Wyo ming, Utah, California and attending the exposition at San Francisco. They will be gone several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carey entertain ed the following guests at dinner Sun day: Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hutchison and daughter, Marie: Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks and son, Vern: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver. Uncle George Shrader and daugh ters, Mrs. Rhoden and Mrs. Wolfe, who have been visiting at the old home down in Virginia, are expected home this week. They will be accompanied by Sidney Wimer, who is returning to his home in the west. The building firm of Young & Churchill are at work this week build ing an addition to the house on the farm where Earl Lancaster lives. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill and daughter, Miss Clara, were Platts mouth visitors Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mark White Injured. Mrs. Mark White was thrown from a buggy in a runaway last Thursday and was quite badly bruised from the fall. The blow of the fall rendered her unconscious, in which condition she was found along the roadside sev eral hours after the accident. She was not seriously injured and is get ting along nicely, with the exception of numerous sore spots from the bruises received. MURRAY COUPLE ARE MAR RIED AT THE COURT HOUSE .Yesterday afternoon at the court house occurred the marriage of Mr. Carl J. Lynge and Miss Selma Ettrup, both of Murray, the ceremony being performed by County Judge Allen J. Beeson, and was witnessed by Mrs. J. W. Eerger and Dr. J. F. Brendel of Murray. The young people have re sided at that place for a short time and have made many friends during their residence there, who will be j pleased to learn that they are to make i life's journey together in the future. After the ceremony the young people returned to their home, having motor ed to this city. Mr. Lynge has been in this part of the country for the past two years, where he has been employed in farm ing and other work, and is a young man who has gained the friendship of all who know him in this locality. Miss Ettrup arrived in this country, direct from he- home in Denmark, about two months ago, and has been employed at the Berger hotel as an assistant to Mrs. Berger. She is a young lady of excellent qualities, and is well liked by all the people of this locality with whom she has become acquainted. They are both natives of the same country, and their wedding was plan ned long before leaving the old coun try. The usual charivari party greeted the young people at the Berger hotel in the evening, which was composed of a large number of the ladies and gentlemen of this community, and in place of making the usual racket on all the old tin pans of the alley, they brought with them many new and useful articles in the tin and granite ware line that were presented to the happy couple after the disbanding of the party. For the present the young people will make their home in Mur ray. Mrs. Ida Good is spending the week with Mrs. A. I). Crunk. Dr. Brendel and E. S. Tutt were in Weeping Water Wednesday on busi ness matters. Ceoige Nickels and S. O. Pitman, the Pullman auto men, were in Platts mouth Wednesday.' Mrs. W. E. Dull and Miss Gladys Marsek were Omaha visitors a few days the past week. Charles Reed and J. D. Shrader drove down to Weening Water ..ion- dav for a few hours visit with friends. Miss Ruth Thomason of Bethany has been in this locality for the pa few davs visiting with relatives anc friends. Miss Isabelle Shrader has been visiting a few days this week at the home of Dick Chriswisser and family south of Nehawka. Walt Sans shipped in a car of sheep from South Omaha Wednesday morn ing that will be placed on a winter feeding at his farm east of Murray. James Brown and wife and daugh ters. Catherine and Lenora, were in Omaha last Sunday, attending a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Trimpey Give a Musieale. Mrs. J. C. Cummins and daughter, Kittie, are spending the week with Mrs. Dove Asche. Friday evening Mrs Asche and Miss Cummins gave m musieale. Those present were: Mrs. J. C. Cummins. Mr. and Mrs. John Chalfant, George Leach, Mrs. George Nickels and children of Deadwood, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks, Mr, and Mrs. John Hobscheidt and babe, Miss Blanche Fulton of Philadelphia, Pa., Miss Agnes Rorebeek and Miss- Margie Walker. Buying New Fall Goods. W. E. Puis and wife and Miss Laura Puis went to Omaha Wednes day morning for the transaction ot some business matters, among which was the buying of a line of new fall goods for both the general store of Puis & Gansmer and the Murray Hardware and Impelment company. They are making all preparations for the big fall trade that is looked for in the near future. Both firms are now getting squared away for the busi ness, and if they do not receive their share it will not be because they nave not the goods to sell. Social Dance. There will be another one of those social dances given at the 1 uls it Gansemer hall on Saturday evening, September 11. The music will be fur nished by the Holly orchestra of Plattsmouth. The usual good time will be in store for you, so do not fail to attend. Cheapest accident insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For burns, scalds, cuts and emergencies. All druggists sell it. 25c and 50c. - &)ii8lii will be made for the entire line of Qil Stoves, lawn lowers and ice Cream Freezers We would like to close this line out this sea son and will make the prices right. lasoline The Rock Island Line is the one we carry, and we arc prepared to make some attrac tive prices on this line at this time. We can SAVE YOU MONEY. Murray Implement and Hardware Company. Murray, The Place to Buy Lumber. There never was a season so favor able for building and making im provements around your farm home as this one has been, and the activity around the Murray lumber yard is an evidence of this fact. More of all grades of lumber is being sold this spring than for many seasons. The demand for good goods and the fact that it can always be found at this lumber yard at the right prices are the causes for the increased business. Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber business of this locality, not only from the fact that it is due him, but be cause he is ready and willing to meet all competition on the numerous grades of. lumber. Special Notice. All parties knowing themselves in debted to the firm of Baker & Nickels are requested to call and settle same by the lfth of September, or proceed ings will be taken to collect same. Baker & Nickels. Library Open Saturday. The library will be open Saturday. Mrs. Royal will have charge from now on. Membership fee for next year is due and can b2 paid to the librarian. Be sure to bring in all library books so all business can be straightened up. L. K. Kniss, President. Entertain C. I. S and F. H. S. J. B. Q. Misses Lydia Todd and Margaret anil Vera Moore entertained the C. I. S. and F. II. S. J. C. Q. clubs at the home of the latter Friday evening, August 27th. The evening was spent in playing various games, and at the proper time a delicious luncheon was served. . DID THE OLD MAN GOOD. Geo. W. Clough, of Prentiss, Miss., is seventy-seven years old and had trouble with his kidneys for many years. lie writes that Foley Kidney Pills did him much good. He used many remedies, but this is the only one that ever helped him. No. man, young or old, can afford to neglect symptoms of kidney trouble. Sold everywhere. rrw n CN &U5&D are still endeavoring to carry everything that you need today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods and Groceries. We want you business and realizing that by. keeping the lines of goods that you will need today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you, not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you want we will be in a better position to please you, should we not have the article in stock. Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be able to prove to you that we are a money saving station in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line we want to talk to you. -EE3- Puis & Gansemer, Murray, next two weeks on our Engines! Nebraska Reduced Prices on Eggs for Hatching. After May 1st I will sell S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for htaching at 50c per setting of 15. Duroc-Jersey swine, any age or sex, for sale at all times. Col. Gano, Crim son Wonder and Gold Model strains. Call Platts. 'Phone 2221. W. B. Porter. 4-21-d&w-tf FOR SALE OR RENT Corner store room in Murray, known as the old Holmes and Smith stand. There are four good living rooms in connec tion with the room. For particulars call or write J. W. Holmes, Murray, Neb. HIS REST WAS BROKEN. O. I). Wright, Rosemont, Neb , writes: ''I was bothered with pains in the region of my kidneys. My rest was broken by frequent action of my kidneys. I was advised by my doctor to try Foley Kidney Pills, and one 50 cent bottle made a well man of me." They relieve rheumatism and back ache. Sold everywhere. WANTED A good, steady, gentle manly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Cass county. No experi ence needed. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medi cal Company, Winona, Minn. Estab lished 1S5. 8-12-8twkly CITROLAX CITROLAX CITROLAX Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and satisfactory flushing no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome. Ask for Citrolax. Sold everywhere. For Sale. Good alfalfa seed, $9 per bushel. Call or write, J. L. Shrader, Nehawka. Miss I?abel Waring of Havelock arrived last evening for a few days' visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kuhoutek. Nebraska. iQSiQlT V