The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 02, 1915, Image 1

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b Stale Historical S
NO. 22.
The Light Question Virtually Settled,
and an Ordinance to That
Effect Passed.
From Tuesday's Taily.
The t it y council met last evening to
pu.-s on the equalisation of the prop
erty in curb and putter district No. 8,
otherwise the Main and Seventh street
improvement district, and after this
had been disposed of and the various
funi'i assigned to the parties ownin.LT
the property the call for the special
meeting of the council to consider the
matter of letting the lk'ht contract
and making: modifications in the pav
ing work in the alley north of Main
street was read and the meeting got
rici.'t down to business and took up
the consideration of the new light con
tact without delay. The contract as
it-parted by the light committee was
for a period of five years and provided
for J 4"0 nitrogen lamps, t'O 40-candle
power lamps and "," f'.O-candle power
lamps, the total costing th-i city $2.2o
per year. With the ordinance was a
communication from City Attorney
Tidd. who had prepared the ordinance
for the liiiht committee, stating, in his
o; i:iion that the rate proposed was
the same as that of six years ago and
that the ordinance was unjust and bad
for the city.
Councilman Lu.-li'.n. ky of the light
eommiioe moved the .-u.-;tnsioii of the
rules and to place the ordinance on its
second and third reading by its title
for final parage.
Councilman Eajeck of the Second
ward stated that while the rates
-cur.d"d .all rierht, he did not think
they met with the approval of the ma
jority of the people, and he was op
posed to a five-year contract as too a period of time.
Councilman Johnson called the at
tention of the council to the fact that
the levy for the liehts provided for
$1,M'0, while the litrht contract was
for the sum of S2,J2;. an J he wanted
to know where the money was to come
from to cover the deficiency between
the levy and the contract, and he call
ed on City Attorney Tidd for his
opinion as to the matter.
M r. Tidd expressed his legal opinion
that if the ordinance wan passed, be
fore a means was devised for paying
the cost of lights that all the council
men voting for it would Le personally
liable for the sum. and on this Lush withdrew his motion and waited
the action of the finance committee.
A resolution was then introduced
from the tiranoe commitee transfer
ring the sum of ?4(H from the busi
nes tax to the lighting fund to pay for
the new lights that would be installed
under the? new contract.
On inquiry of M-iyor Eichey. the
city attorney expressed h mself of the
opinion that unless the transfer of the
funds was included in the call for the
special meeting that it would be il
legal and void. This view was not
shared by the mayor, however, who
held that the call for the purpose of
letting the contract would allow the
transferrins of money from one fund
to another, and according y the resolu
tion was introduced by the f.nance
committee and passed by a vote of 7
to 1, Patterson, Eajeck, Eestor, Weav
er, Lushinsky, Shea and Harris voting
yes. Johnson, no, and I'.uttery pass
ing. The ordinance was then placed on
its second and third reading and pass
ed by a vote of 7 to 2. Pi.tterson, But
tery, Eestor, Weaver, Lushinsky, Shea
and Harris voting yes, and Dajeck and
Johnosn voting no.
Councilman Johnson, in explaining
his vote, stated he had no particular
opposition to the contract, but felt
that he owed it to his constituents to
see that some concession was secure 1
for the private consumers and that
they were entitled to the aid of the
councilmen. and therefore he felt it
necessary to vote no on the passage of
the ordinance.
A petition was presented from a
number of the property owners in the
block between Fourth and Fifth
streets in regard to the establishing
of the grade in the alley in this block
where the new paving is to be put
down. The bringing o' the alley to
grade with the street will place the
property along the alley quite a way
below the level of the alley, and it is
to overcome this that the property
owners desire to have the grade kept
as it is. The matter was referred to
the streets, alleys and bridges com
mittee to confer with the property
owners and the engineer on the job
and reach a satisfactory agreement as
to the grade to be established.
Mayor Riehey then presented the
name of C. H. Fuller as inspector of
the new paving, which was confirmed
by a unanimous vote of the council.
The question of the filling of the
new sewer on. Washington avenue was
then discu-'sed for some time and it
was agreed by the council that the
streets, alleys and bridges committee
of the council look over the different
locations for getting the dirt for re
moval that will be used in the f.Il and
which can be secured with as little
cost as possible to the city.
The invitation that had been extend
ed to the city officials to join in the
parade of the K. S. society on Sunday
afternoon was brought up and it was
agreed that the councilmen and mayor
meet at the city hall at 1 o'clock Sun
day afternoon to march to the Bur
lington depot.
Councilman Lushinsky called atten
tion of the council to the fact that
school will soon start and that the
curfew ordinance should be enforced
and that the shop whistle be blown at
9 o'clock each evening, and the chief
of police would see that all children
were off of the street at this hour.
There being nothing further to be
attended to the city dads adjourned
and went on their way homeward.
From Tuesdays raHy.
Attorney Matthew Gering. who re
turned yesterday from an extensive
automobile tour of several thousand
miles throughout the east, as a guest,
together with his mother and sister,'
Mrs. Henry Herold, of Attorney II. S.
Daniels of Omaha, is most enthusias
tic over the wonderful country he
visited and especially of New Hamp
shire, which he states is the grandest
part of the country from the point of
beauties of nature, but he was great
ly impressed with the rugged beauty
of the Maine coast, where the party
made a visit of several days. Mr.
Gering states that throughout New
England the scenery is grand and dif
fers from the majesty of the western
mountains, which are more familiar to
the residents of this section of the
United States. While in Maine Mr.
Gering was entertained at Biddleford
by Mr. Burnie, the father of James
Burnie of this city, and a most de
lightful time was enjoyed by the auto
party. While, in New York City Mr.
Gering and party motored over to
Englewood, New Jersey, where they
were entertained for several hours at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Clabaugh, both former residents of
this city, and they report that both of
these younsr people are enjoying life
very much in their new home, which
is located in one of the suburbs of
New York. While in the east Mr.
Gering met a number of the leaders of
the American bar with whom he is
well acquainted and enjoyed to the ut
most the opportunities of visiting with
them. The party visited the principal
eastern cities while gone and only one
event marred the perfect enjoyment of
the party, and this was a slight ac
cident to Mrs. Gering, who fell while
a guest of friends in Chicago and suf
fered some from the shock, but it is
thousrht that she received no serious
From "Wednesday's TaUv.
Reports this morning from the bad
side of J. H. Becker state that he is
not as well as for the past two days
and spent a very bad night, which has
caused his family and friends a great
deal of worry as he has been suffering
for some time from what seemed an
attack of summer compalint and it
wa3 hoped that he would show signs
of improvement before this.
A want ad in the Journal will bring
Manager Sh-aes of the Parmele Thea
ttr Closes Big Contract for the
Ensuing Year.
From Tuesday's Dally
Commencing Friday, September 17,
Plattsmouth will be on the Empress
Vaudeville circuit. This well known
vaudeville is absolutely the very high
est grade that it is possible to secure.
The circuit is the largest in the world
and Manager Shlaes is to be congratu
lated on securing such high-class
attractions for this city. The different
acts will be taken and traveled as a
road show over this part of the cir
cuit, playing a different city each
night. These towns are the only
places where this class of vaudeville is
played in one night stands and Platts
mouth is very lucky to be included in
the circuit.
Mr. Glen Aldrich, manager of this
part of the circuit, was in the city
today and consummated the deal by
which this city is to have the oppor
tunity of seeing the very best that
vaudevilie has to offer.
When seen by a Journal reporter,
Mr. Aldrich had the following to say
in regard to the vaudeville outlook for
the coming season: "Yes. I'latts
mouth is to have real 'Big Time'
vaudeville. The Empress brand of at
tractions are tt o well known every
where to need any introduction.
Everyone knows that Empress vaude
ville is only another way of saying
'the best vaudeville that money and
brains can secure. This circuit is the
largest in the world and can offer a
performer a longer period of con
secutive work than any other, ard sr.
have their pick of practically all the
best acts in vaudeville. Piattsmoutn
is certainly to be congratulated in se
curing a place on this circuit and -t
was only after negotiations that have
extended over practically the entire
summer that Mr. Shlaes was aola to
place his house on the list.
'On this end of the circuit foiT big
acts, classed as A A acts, will be used
and only the very best will be shown.
The management realizes that this is
a very discriminating audience and
that good voudeville vsill be verv po;-;
ula-, while the mediocre variety w.i.i-1
not be able to half fill a house. We
re going to try an experiment here.
i. e., we are going to play at popular
prices. In order to do this we have
got to play to packed houses every
performance, and it is our ambition to
offer only such acts as we feel certain
will prove popular. The shows will be
given night, one at 7:30 and the other
at i and matinee will be played on
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The
work of which Flattsmouth is a
part is divided among the following
cities: Creston, Clarinda, Atlantic
and Red Oak in Iowa, and Nebraska
City, Flattrmouth and Falls City in
When asked how the war was af
fecting vaudeville, Mr. Aldrich said
that so far as the vaudeville situation
is concerned it was a great help, for
the following reasons: The theaters
of the Continent are practically all
clo?ed. We are unable to send any
acts over there and that leaves a sur
plus of very desirable performers in
this country. As a result we are able
to get better acts for less money than
heretofore, and of course the theater
going public is the one to benefit by
these condition. Conditions were
never better, so far as the man who
pays his money in at the box office is
concerned, that at the present time.
From Tuesday's Dallv.
This morning Joseph Eoucka and
wife were made happy when the stork,
that kind and generous- old . bird,
stopped at their home in his flight and
left in their care a fine pair of twins,
both bright-eyed little daughters, who
are the object of a great deal of ad
miration from the proud and happy
parents as well as the other relatives
and friends.
A want ad will bring you a buyer
FrTn Tuepdavs Dallv.
The opening performance of the
Albright Musical Comedy company at
the Parmele theater last evening was
very pleasing to those who were in at
tendance, and had it not been for the
number of other attractions in the city
there would have been a much larger
attendance. The company has some
very pleasing actors and actresses in
their ranks and their entertainment
last evening was all that could be
asked for by the most discriminating
theater-goers and worth more than the
price charged. The musical numbers
especially were very pleasing and the
general opinion of those who witnessed
the opening bill was that it was a
big success in every way and well
calculated to please young and old
alike and good and clean throughout,
without anything displeasing.
From Tuesdnys iai:v.
The members of the base ball team
and the fans of the city are urging the
holding of a "Craig Day" for the fans,
when the proceeds going to the home
team will be given over to the fast
little first sucker of the team, who
was injured Sunday afternoon when
he was struck in the face by a fowl
ball and had his right cheek bone
fractured. The accident will probably
necessitate considerable treatment and
possibly an operation, and it would
certainly be a most laudable act for
the boys on the Red Sox team and the
citizens to get onto' uie tow-liue and
make the benefit game a record-break
er for receipts. Harry Craig has been
one of the mainstays of the team and
his fast fielding has nipped many a
runner from a safety and assisted in
the victories of the Sox, and the game
will be a jus recognition of hs serv
ices to the team and his efforts in
keeping the Plattsmouth team in the
front ranks of the amateur teams of
this part of the state. It has not
been fully decided whether the Sunday
or the Labor day game Monday will
be devoted to this object, but the base
ball boys are anxious to give their
teammate the benefit of the largest
attendance. It is expected to sell
tickets to the game and there is no
one in the citv who will not be anxious
to do their part in the recognition of
the efforts of Mr. Craig on the Red
Sox team this season. It is expected
to secure Glenwood as the opposing
From Tuesday's Tal!T.
C. H. Baker, who has been here for
the past two months working over the
practicability of striking a well of
natural gas or oil in this locality, has
just returned from a trip to Missouri,
where he has land interests in the coal
fields of that state, and will continue
his work here in getting leases signed
up and securing the support of the
citizens in his endeavors to sink a well
near this city as soon as the necessary
leases can be secured on the mineral
and oil rights of .the land. The in
dication are very favorable now that
work can soon be commenced in sink
ing the well and determining just
what the prospects for oil or gas real
ly are in this section. There have been
a number of the prominent men of
the community who have been m
terested to such an extent that hey
have agreed to subscribe to the pro
ject and will aid Mr. Baker in getting
his well started on what he will con
sider the most likely spot whereoil
might possible be found. The forma
tion of the land here looks good for
containing the deposits of gas and oil,
but this cannot be fully determined
until the well is put down.
For any itching of the skin, for skin
rashes, chap, pimples, etc., try Doan's
Ointment. 50c at all drug stores.
Sheriff Quinton Has Not Returned
With the Prisoners and Further
Particulars Not at Hand.
From TVednesdav's Pally.
The burglars who made a visit at
Union on Thursday night, August 19,
and secured quite a good deal of
plunder from the store of R. II. Frans
& Sons, have been landed in jail in
Omaha, where the four men implicat
ed were caught by the police of that
city with part of the stolen property
on them, which they were attempting
to dispose of, and which led to their
falling into the hands of the police of
the metropolis, who had been informed
of the robbery by Sheriff Quinton. At
the time of the robbery in Union there
were several stores broken open, but
the Frans store was the chief suf
ferer from the unwelcome visitors, as
the greater part of their stock of
jewelry, as well as several kodaks and
other articles were taken, and these
were among the articles which were
found on the four men when they were
rounded up by the police. As soon
as the men were arrested last night
Sheriff Quinton was called by tele
phone and departed on the early train
this morning for Omaha to bring the
men back here to answer for their
The fact that Union is a railway
junction has caused them to be visited
by a number of robbers and burglars
in the past and several times the
business houses of that place have
been entered and different articles and
money secured, but the robbery of the
Frans store was the most costly that
has been pulled off so far.
Saturday evening Misses Alice and
Hazel Tuey entertained in a very
pleasant manner at their home on
Rock street in honor of their sister,
Mrs. J. R. Jennings, of Hartford, Con
necticut, who is here visiting for a few
weeks, and the evening was one of the
rarest delight with the jolly party of
young ladies present and throughout
everyone had one of the most pleas
ant times in visiting with their friend.
Several very pleasing musical num
bers were given during the evening by
the young ladies, while Mrs. Jennings
gave several pleasing readings. The
rooms of the Tuey home were decorat
ed very prettily with the flowers of
the summer season, which lent a most
delightful touch to the appearance of
the Tuey home and made a very
pretty scene for the gathering. At a
suitable hour dainty and delicious re
freshments were served that added
very much to the enjoyment of the
evening. An unexpected surprise was
given the jolly party, however, when
shortly after 9 o'clock Mr. J. R. Jen
nings unexpectedly came in and took
the party by surprise, as he had just
arrived from his home at Hartford.
Those who were invited to this de
lightful gathering were: Misses
Leona Brady, Madeline Minor, Flor
ence Balser, Esther and Mattic Lar
son, Hazel Cowles, Nettie Moore,
Edna Morrison, Elizabeth Kerr, Ellen
W7indham, Myna Thierolf, Gertrude
Beeson, Florence White, Bernice
Journal Receives Fine Apples.
The Journal office has again receiv
ed some very fine apples from Mrs.
Wiley of near Murray, as well as Ar
nold Nims, which shows up well for
the apple crop of Nebraska, and are
as fine apples as can be found any
where. In addition to the apples, Har
hold Smith a few days ago brought in
a carrot which might truly be called a
spring carrot, as it was growing out
of the midst of an old spring which
had evidently been thrown in the gar
den at -some time and the carrott has
grown right through the spring.
Everyone reads the want ads.
From Wednesday's Dally.
County Commissioner C. E. Heebner
a few days ago suffered quite a severe
loss when he had two head of cattle
killed and four others badly injured by
train near Nehawka. The stock had
gotten on the right-of-way of the rail
road company and while grazing and
walking along hte track were run into
by the fast-moving train and two were
killed outright while it will be neces
sary, it is thought, to have the others
killed as they are injured so badly. It
is claimed that the fence along the
right-of-way was down and the cattle
strayed onto the tracks.
From "Wednesday's Daily.
From the Lincoln Journal of yes
terday is secured the fact that Harry
B. Darling, a former Plattsmouth boy,
but who has of late years been making
hs home at University Place, had
died at the National Guard camp at
Sparta, Wisconsn, as a result of blood
poison contracted last week, and his
death occurred Sunday morning at the
camp where he was taking instruction
as a member of the field hospital
corps. He was one of the members
of the Nebraska National Guard at
Lincoln. The young man had been
sick for several days, but it had been
thought that he would recover and it
was not until General P. L. Hall, at.
Lincoln, received a message announc
ing his death that his friends were
burial had at Wyuka cemetery. The
body was sent on from Sparta under
a guard of honor and the funeral held
this afternoon in Lincoln at the chapel
of Castle, Roper & Matthews, and
bural had at Wyuka cemetery. The
ytmng man was 23 years of age and
resided in this city with his mother up
to about three years ago, when the
family moved to Lincoln. He was a
favorite in the militia company to
which he belonged and possessed a
great many warm friends who learn
with the greatest of regret of his
going. Since moving to Lincoln he
has been a frequent visitor here with
From Wednesday-' TJaPy.
The teachers' institute of the county
is getting along in fine shape and the
attendance and interest of the teachers
and instructors of the county in the
work is one of the best of any insti
tute in recent years. The work at
the High school building, where the in
stitute is being held is being followed
very closely and the instructors of the
institute are placing their lecturers
before a keen and wide-awake audi
ence of teachers, who are well pleased
with the benefits they have received
in the different lines handled by the
Last evening the free public lecture
at the Methodist church by Prof. Bert
ram Everett McProud of the South
Dakota State college on "The Individ
ual in the Making," was enjoyed very
much, as Mr. McProud is a clever and
entertaining speaker and one who
places his subjects in a light where
they are easily grasped by his hearers
He took up the forces of heredity and
environment in his lecture last even
ing and pointed out their advantages
and disadvantages in the molding of
character and their effect on the hu
man race and there has been very few
lecturers in this city that have given
more satisfaction than this speaker.
Tomorrow evening he will lecture at
the Methodist church on "What Men
Live By," which will be equally as
pleasing and entertaining as was the
address last night.
This evening the Burlington band
will give a concert in Garfield park
in honor of the visitng teachers that
has been especially arranged for them
by Director E. H. Schulhof.
The Journal delivered at your door
for only 10 cents a week.
Awaiting Identification, and as Soon
as This is Done They Will Be
Brought litre.
The men rounded up in Omaha on
Tuesday night, and who were suspect
ed of being the parties who committed
the burglary at Union a few days ago,
have given the police of Omaha, as
well as Sheriff Quinton quite a job in
se-curing their identification as leing
the parties who disposed of the stolen
jewelry at different pawnshops all
ver Omaha and the stuff so far re-
coverfd has been almost all identified
as being the same as was in the Frans
store at Union, where the Fred
Erodogaard company of Omhaa main
tained a branch of their line and it
was this that was taken by the men
in their raid on the P'rans store.
A very valuable watch was located
at one of the Omaha pawnshops and
the three men, Clyde Moore, William
Jervich and George Miller, were iden
tified as being the parties who had
"hocked" the watch, while in various
other shops articles were gathered up
that were undoubtedly taken from the
Lnion store.
Sheriff Quinton was in Omaha yes
terday and, with several of the Omaha
police, took the men around to the dif
ferent places where the articles were
picked up in order that they might as
sure themselves that the right parties
had been landed. As soon as the iden
tification is established beyond doubt
the men will be brought to this city to
await action on their case. The three
men were taken in by Officers Rich-
and Pazanowski Tuesday evening in
Omaha, while disposing of seven!
articles which were later discovered to
be part of the loot of the Union rob
bery. Sheriff Quinton, assisted by M. E.
Manspeaker, brought the three men
mentioned above, as well as a fourth
suspect, back with them from Omaha
and lodged them in jail to await trial
for their offense.
The Kensington club was entertain
ed yesterday afternoon in a most de
lightful manner at the cozy home of
Mrs. J. E. McDaniel on North Third
street, and the members of this or
ganization were greatly pleased with
the opportunity of enjoying th
gracious hospitality of the McDaniel
home. The afternoon was spent, a
usual, in the making of many dainty
articles of needlework, as well as in
enjoying the beautiful view from the
McDaniel home over the Missouri
river valley. At a suitable hour a
very dainty and tempting luncheon
was served by the hostess, assisted by
her daughter, Miss Ellen Bill, which
proved a most delightful feature of
the afternoon. The table was very
prettily arranged in a color sent me of
pink and white, which was can led out
in a large and handsome ""bouquet of
the late summer flowers.
Have Rented Roberts Farm.
J. H. Meisir.ger and G. L, Meisinger
of Cedar Creek came down to this city
on No. 4 this morning to attend to
some important business matters and
to make final arrangements for the
renting of the Joe Roberts 240-acre
farm, seven miles west of this city,
where G. L. Meisinger and family will
make their home in the future. Mr.
Meisinger and hia most estimable fam
ily have been residing on a farm near
Cedar Creek and expect to remove to
the Roberts farm about the first of
next March. The Messrs. Meisinger
were pleasant callers at this office.
Irven Meisinger took his mother,
Mrs. G. P. Meisinger, and Mrs. Wal
lenger and son, Harley, of Pekin, III.,
and Mrs. Schafer of Oklahoma, over
to Springfield Friday in the auto.
Irven came back in the evening,
leaving the rest to visit over Sunday
and take in the picnic.