The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 30, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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SO. l-i'.z
NOW is
.The Southern Peaches are off the market and we will have Cali
fornia, Utah and Colorado Finches for canning this week.
Italian Prune? now in, per crate of 4 baskets $1.25
Hawaiian Pineapple?, 5 fcr S1-00
We have made arrangements with the best canners on the Pacific
conr.T ai-d ran rave you some money by buyinp in quantities of one
dozen r.r inor;. Thee goodo are cf the very choicest that can be
r A ?
rors. j-.tivn
and i
uf h-ct and the price
- i
e enve nrci
nnti Phono 53 -nd 54. THE
t f
?.!". s Gladys Haydcj
tiachi-r in the J.iuivi!'e
e i friend- hvie over ;-.iuniay.
C. ;. Maylieid and daughter, Edith.
f l is-l.s to leave i-'ureliy for T'.vo Ilar
1. i Minn., to ili C. V. Ma;, tit.:.',
ar.d family.
Ralph Clifford went to Wibaux,
Mci't.ii.a, la-t week to see the coun
try. He will also visit North Dakota
:.uil Minnesota before returning.
Aiihur Slander left Thursday for a
month's to the San Francisco
e:po-itii;. He will also vi.-it the San
lii'-io e.vpo.-ition before his return.
?Irs. Con McCarthy an. I three sons,
of York, Nel., ate here vi.-iting her
mother and brother, Mrs. W. E. (less
aiiil Edward Clss and family.
mifli tiftfta It u
A special offering in G5.i2arns Red
Seal Ginghsms that always sells for
12c per yard, we offer a nice
Selection at per yard
Real Estate, Gcnsra! Insurance,
Prices ranging frcn $830.00 fo 3 i ,435.00
Office and Salesroom Riley Block, Gth St., Plaltsmouth, Neb.
the TIME to Put
- c the
1 1
brnads: Del
Inarch. The qu
lity of these goods' are of the very
this year is within reach of all.
. r ?7 V? f rii:,-,
uei v;u: i ri.r,j
Paid I"t7gerald received a te'egram
ing tno tteam o: ;.is auia, -his. uohu
i r..- T..U.
! Blake. She was a cousin of John Kel
. lv of Man ley, anil was about 80 years
Corge jr., surely was
orn under an unlu.-ky star. Since he
! has lived o:i the Lchuhoir faim he ha
j lost nineteen head of stock fioni ac
I cidcr.tal cause-;, mostly from lightn-
ing. Sunday (Ii 'i'?e lost another fine
-1-year-old colt by lightning.
Miss Myrtle CiitlorJ will leave Sat
urday f'T Madrid. Perkins county, to
r.c -n , he-- st v -'r.U.n ;
i teacn r ;
in the Madrid .-caools. Iier Loiiisvule
fi lends predict success for her as
she was an enthusiastic student of the
Louisville schools, later at one of
the state institutions.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. II. Mayfield went to
Omaha the fore part of the week to
consult a surjreon
in retrard to Mrs.
They will return
Ma v held will enter
&- Lutz
Monte, Curtice
a hospital and undergo an operation
for appendicitis. She has suffered
two attacks and has concluded to have
the appendix removed.
f 1-
.v. v vvw v wi
Nick Klaurens and tlauphter return
ed to their hotne in Platsmouth Sun
day after visiting i datives here a few
Ijist Saturday the car which the
Creeks use for their dwelling car, near
the track, caught fire and the skypiece
was bodily dilapidated, but no other
loss was dor.e.
Wilbur Miller, Sam Moore, Dewiirht
Cooley and Ernest Anderson left
Monday ni;ht on the midnight train
for Minnesota, where they will work
for some time.
Stuart Rouh was a passenper to
Omaha Friday, poinrr that far with
his sen, Stuart, jr., who left for F:.y
ott'j, Idaho, where he has a position
in the public schools.
Li-e Carper, who has been visiting1
relatives and friends here for some
t!me, went to Union for a short visit
with relatives and returned to his
home in Fair fax, Mo., Thursday.
The mil and elevator of this place
report the Krain coming to market
here is mostly of a poor quality and
low test. Some has been brought in
that has sprouted and as yet no extra
good wheat has been taken in.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tucker enter
tained at dinner Sunday John Doughty
and wife. W. S. Doughty, John White
man and family, .and Ralph Johnson
and wife. The occasion was a celebra
tion of Mrs. Tucker's birthday, which
was the next day.
Wednesday morning while hauling
a load of radiators from the depot to
the new J. M. Palmer residence, Chas.
Hall received his first accident while
on the dray by dropping one on his
foot, mashing his big toe. It was a
painful injury, but he is getting along
Up to date there is still nothing in
the spreading of the smallpox which
appeared here two weeks ago. It is
time for others to take sick if they
are goin: to, but from all appear
ances it was nipped in the bud and
the two in quarantine ara waiting
patiently to be turned loose again.
WANTED A good, steady, gentle
manly salesman to handle a Ward's
wagon in Cass county. No experi
ence needed. For full particulars
write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medi
cal Company, Winona, Minn. Estab
lished IS.'G. 8-12-Stwkly
ROOM AND BOARD High school
students preferred. Inquire at this
office. 8-20-lw-d-2v-w
I have 5,000 feet of molding of all
descriptions for sale, such as Band
mold, Fanel mold, window stool, water
table, window cap, partition cap, O. G.
Door Stop, Partition Shelve, Crown
Mold, Bed Bold. Thi3 mold is all
White Pine and for painted work only.
For sale at one-half price. L. G. Lar
son, the Carpenter. 8-30-1 wkd.
Office supplies at the Journal of-Gce.
A Large Number of County's Instruc
tors Present to Enjoy the
Pleasant Event.
The Cass County Teachers' institute
opened this morning in this city with
a large number of the fair instructors
of the county in attendance at the
opening of the institute. The time to
day was largely devoted to registra
tion of the teachers and the assigning
of them to the different homes of the
city, where they will stay during the
meetings of the institute, and up to
noon there had been a large number
This evening a public reception will
be given to the teachers and their
friends at the Elks' Home on Sixth
street, at which time the building will
be opened to the public and everyone
invited to attend the reception and
meet the teachers of the county and
extend to them the hospitality of the
city. A short and pleasing program
will be given, consisting of several
numbers by the male quartet com
posed of W. G. Brooks, F. A. Cloidt,
Don York and Jennings Seivers, and a
vocal selection by Mrs. E. II. Wescott,
while Miss Emma Cummins will give
a number of instrumental numbers.
This reception is open to the public
ar.d a large number will doubtless be
in attendance.
The hours for registration at the of
fice of the superintendent in the court
house will be from 12:50 to 1:30 and
.'1:30 to 5:30 eath afternoon. Tomor
row evening a free public lecture will
be given at the First Methodist
church by Pi of. Bertram Everett Mc
Proad of the South Dakota State col
lege, and his subject will be. "The In
dividual in the Making," which will be
well worth hearing. At this enter
tainment Miss Hard Tuey will gie a
pleasing vocal solo.
The advent of the fair educators of
the county here is a most plea'ir
occa-ion and the citizens in gu.eral
will do their utmost to make the event
a mostp leasant one to those who are
attending, ami assist in showing them
that the city appreciates their b-.'ing
with us again this year.
(i lasses Lost.
A pair of nose glasses wore lost in
Plnttsmouth on Sunday, August 1";
gold rim glasses with short chain at
tached. Think were lost cm the hall
grounds. Finder please leae same at
this office for reward.
For Estimate
And reliable construction of all kinds
of work, get your figures from the ex
pei ienced Carpenter and Builder.
L. G. Larson. S-30-lwk-d&
Coates" Block,
East cf Riley Hotel.
Second Floor.
THE way Our Shoes come across
with all the down-to-the-minute
styles has made a hit with Platts
mouth Fellows.
They represent the finest grade of
Shoe-making and best materials.
Every man who wears a pair says
they're worth the money.
Ask to see the nobby Young
Men's styles in patent colt, gun
metal and swell tan leathers.
They really are "different!"
$4, $4.E0 and $5
-Fetzer Shoe Go.-
if 1 f
I . ' ... - u- J
Quarterly Meeting of U. B. Church.
The fourth quarterly meeting of the
U. B. church will be held on Wednes
day evening, September 1st, at 7:30.
Dr. Snider, conference superintendent,
will be present, will preach, adminis
ter communion and attend to the busi
ness of the quarterly conference. The
presence of every official member is
desired. J. M. Fads, Pastor.
Last evening shortly after 9 o'clock
Mr Eva Eathtina Prettig passed
awav at the home of lv.r daughter,
Mrr. John P. Sattler, in th!-; city,
where she had made her home for the
a.-t twenty-live years. Mr-. Prettig
was 1U years of aye, and in spite of
her years had been ei. joying good
health up to a fi-w days ago, when she
was so unfortunate as to fall and in
jure her head, and since that time has
been growing st'-adily worse, as her
age made it i:npos.-ible for her to
rally from the shock, arid she peace
fully pas.-ed away hist evening,
bringing to a close a long and useful
life filltd with good deeds an 1 assist
ance to her fi iends and neighbors with
whom she had been united in the ties
of friendship for the past thirty
Eva Ka'erina Mayer was born Juno
2!, 1830. at Waldorf, Baden, Germany,
and made her home in that section un
til she had reached the age of If
years, when she came to America anil
settled at Pckin. Illinois, and was
married in thai city to Mr. Adam
Prettig. After several years resi
dence in Pekin Mr. and Mrs. Prettig
came west to Plattsnrioit.'h. in 1?S.
and here the husband was fn'bd away
some twenty-five years ago and s'nee
that time Mrs. Prettig has m-ide h -r
home for the greater o-u't of tin:- time
with her daughter. Mrs. Sattler and
family. To mourn her loss she leaves
?h;i.-:.-r.v?-ht.-r.', Mrs. Charles H?'-o!d.
I'-'.'-'. FKnois; Mrs. John P. Sat:--and
Mrs. John Lutz of this city, as
well as one brother, Carl Mayr, of
Chicago, and a great many grandchil
dren. The funeral of Mrs. Prestig will be
held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the St. Paul's Evangelical
church in this city, and the interment
had in the Oak Hill cemetery.
Scholars in shorthand and typewrit
ing. Tuiiion, $2 per week. Call at
hoome of Miss Alma Waterman.
For Infants and Children
5a Use Fcr Over SO
Always bears
Signature of
A. I
Compare With Plain Tread Casing Prices
Of Other Standard Makes
4 x33
4 x34
We offer you low prices, but at the same time we offer the best tire
we have ever built, which is made possible only by increased pro
duction and distribution. This statement is backed by our years of
business integrity and experience in building a strictly quality product.
No better tire than the Fisk Non-Skid is made.
is the tirs you will buy when you investigate.
Fisk Tires For Sale Bj;
is not complete without hardware to match. We
are prepared to quote you prices on all different
grades of locks? and builder's; hardware. Bring
in your list and let us figure with you. Also
show you locks of different designs.
Tel. 1 51 South 6th St.
Mrs. E. J. Jersry and little daughter,
Kuthale'ie, went to Grenwood Wed-r,e.,.!;-y
morning for a week's visit
ivith relatives.
J. E. Wo;I;-y, wife and baby of Lin
coln visited here Saturday and Sun-
V.e h me of his parents, Mr.
. G. W. Wo'lcy.
!M:-h Myers u;;d children ro-iue-dav
morning to their
M r--.
! i tie ; l Thern.i-n. Iowa, after a visit
f tb ve weeks with her patents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Duibln.
Miss Marie Brit'dl of Lincoln, ac
: :.r.j:.!:ied by a lady friend, Mis.s
n-'. la Der.ii, ca.Y.o down I rklay af
tciiioon and spent a couple of days at
the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Bi ittell.
Mr. and Mis. William Lefler and
their son and daughter, Harry and
Helen, departed Thursday in their
tearing car for Fort Collins, Colorado,
where they will pay an extended visit
to Mrs. Lexer's brother, Paul Phelps
ar.d family.
Dr. Needy was called to Weeping
Water Wednesday afternoon to see
fiom a
-.a Pod, who is very
just r -lu re 1 a few days since
Lincoln hospital, where she:
had been
weeks, bo:
confined for nearly six
g operated upon there for
gall stones.
Robert Ik ittell. deputy sheriff of
Hc-'t county, isited here Friday with
bis father, J. D. Brittell, returning to
his home at O'Neil Friday night. Mr,
P; ittell bad '03 2 to Omaha with a
deserter the army and thought
With Fisk Service
- 12.20
- 20.00
- 20.35
41x34 -
5 x37 -
n n
he would just as well come on down to
We record the births of boy babies
to these joyful parents in the order of
their arrival: Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Lis
ton, Friday afternoon, August 20; Mr.
and Mrs. Lorenz Albers. Saturday
morning, August 21; Mr. and Mrs.
August I. Bast, Saturday afternoon,
August 21; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Persing
er, Saturday afternoon, August 21.
Announcements are out for the ap
proaching marriage of Mr. William R.
Roettger of this city to Miss Flora
May Jesse of Wheatland, Wyo., which
will occur Saturday, August 28. Mr.
Roettger is the oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Roettger of this city
and is the popular young principal of
the public schools of Hooper, Neb.
Miss Jesse is a sister of Mrs. C. R.
Trenholm and is well known to many
Pastel Art Work Display.
See the display in the south window
of the Gobelman Paint Store on North
Sixth street. Will give lessons if de
sired. J. II. Neafus. 8-30-1 w-ltw.
For Sale.
Good alfalfa seed, ?9 per bushel.
Call or write, J. L. Shrader, Nehawka.
The Journal office' has some paper
cups of various sizes, just the thing
for your nut and candy favors at your
luncheon. "We also have some that
ire larger for jTour ices. Come in and
see them when in need of anything in
that line.
Piano Instruction.
On September 1 Miss Olive Gass
will begin the fall term of her ela.v
in music. Telephone 202. 8-25-Iwk
Tiirfee Mirk
keg. U.S. Pal. of.
Tim toR-tirr