The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 30, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    '.J. L.I.I 11, -
Monday, acgust :.o. in 15.
PL-TTsr.icurn cran-TTEniLT journal.
p a en r.
! :
1 A &;v,.r
.Novelized by
Marvin Dana, author
of "Within the Law,"
from the sue-
cessful play by s
Daniel D. Carter
p is,; -.;.
C?yrljht. 1313. by th
iil li.s l."e. :-ppre, i.M ion oi Use 111;
Li- :.iift r.m!' ruo he s-.i-'deniy s;,v hi ;
'.'. i; feed; t'i
l.ia ene in a new llit.
l'. r loi.u l 1-d ku-vu ta .t h- v.:: '
near. Ik. a 7 le- iin uei i.wii. . i
.f 1 J'- f- K ...v--r y?i. ase-"$--r eg
tliat she v, : . hi truth, m re t- him j H" lias de'ermined already to throv.
tlam any other - ero:, ia th.- world. ; -v"'i '. the w Ives. IPu if y. n still
i:i-t ;ioi rrul i..n:-!i: h-tti he t: rasped ! o:id by me, between us v? shall send
n fuil V. j iu;cii;ty ?f hi re j where he can n !a:-er injere you
j..,,,; -v -i .V4v .' he had i or Kit or any other huuian be'i'i'."
for I er ., .,:. --i-m tha t of l.ilhei.
nio-. her. friend, iovcr.
iliitmiia.l i 'ii 1 1.-1 Ma-
a second f j
'l: d I ',ev i
why his loxe for t'.i-' (!.:.! ! rothe
burned l--ss ly in this hour. H wa-
bf-eaa-e the t'aa.t
i i 1 .1 - ; t i :
f 1 is 'heart we;.
;r.!:c oi ;ms
I.aiemo. A l ew lov e h: d pat otu the j
old. There was Pd't otiiy hate of that j
lirst love.
And was hate itse'f left ia all ir
former r;. ": The Master Mind J
shrank rppa'.ied from tlait qa -sti. a. t
whi h oiV(-red to make a mo- k of alii
his toll. He Thru -it it fiom hi:i'. sh:i!-
tU riac. He jmaped up and strode " !
and ! to in a revo t all things.
Then presently he recoile'-te ! his en
rrsifs. et firm -ontr-l over his em
lion :tiJ deteru.iia d to j; ft rward tin
tieviatias'y as if pone of these st-.-a.m:-;
thincs had entered at the eleventh
ho;. r to turn tee ;.pp:es .f velia-'a m-c
to I ead sea fruit. So. with a curioes
i.l !'-sii'-.-s th-tt was i'or eian to h.i.i.
but 'v. :;h no lea-.t wea.keiiin of his
jiurT'ose. he tles.-rnded til" stiiirs. went
to the library i or. oiK-ned it aetitly
r.nd stood en the thresh; 'Id. smiiins t 1
era ut !y :i the assendey before him.
It was Wainwrisht whom Ai.di-ew addressed, speaking in jevents of
cy ideal amusement.
"Ah. I setd You are c:-.cas'd in that
o.-ct;p,.tioii s-) faa.iiiar to those of ji.ur
jT- fessi- ti. taniperjju; r.ilh the wit-ti-'sses.
It must seem to you quit" like
old times. I fa tie v. Yvi caa almost
fancy yourself district attorncv attain.'" i
Then hi - iizc v( nt to the three crimi
nals, who refused steadfastly to en
counter his eyes..
Jt was who afforded an un
expeet'd toversi m. He stood uji and
fa -ed tie- Master Mind angrily.
"Yoa'vf? i:'t no kick comiu"." he
n.rr'ed. "You ain't been on the level
with us. See;"
ndrew assumed n inanuer of pa
tiea c.
"Ib.w ':" he impaired.
"Waiter br -ke into the conversation.
Jli h yo"."' he ejar ulated. wrath
fully "An.: with a Finkerfon riaLt
here in the house - cry day.".
An-'re'.v. ho .vev c". iccei-. ed the triple
a'-i .-H-. a; io-i v, equanimity.
"Have yon as tel." he asked Cenrr
rdiy. ".-T;n'e'-ed any erj t-onsequencos
from li-e pr, seii'-e of t!i Fin1 erioii in
the hous-e;" tf a sudden he threw ofT
the 4retet:.-e of mildness. His eyes
flamed: his mouth d:w into crt"!
lii ni voice vas ".; -a! rmr. stir-
charaed. wit a men -,(. "And so you
thin:; you can desert me with im
put i'y. U yea? Y on lesert me. at the
bi-eiiaz ef this man here:" lie made
a ' -nt' -mtiT nous psan: toward Wain
v.ri. ':: "O!!, j-'ii: poor, blind worms I "
"W't '. v. h.'t cm 1 you exyeot?" Wai
tfr evchiimed. "'You ilouble crossed
l.s. didn't y..!!-."
"X". I did not."' v. r-t the itutu t uou. "Why" And -civ checked him
se;f abruptly, a- if disdainful of yp-id-ii,
to Mm-r beer use of sia li as th"sc
rebellious tools u h'm he despised.
"Fat I'll not atuuiii't to rea"i: witt'
fe-iis." he continued M-roautly. "I;1
three woris. I -ou,d make you s(e tha"
i.o on? on f.irih couhl save yo.i from
thj r-iiis'-'iueTi'-es of ir v v i-itb last
of all this in mpeteni protector whom
IPs own folly 1, '.. provpiel for you, Mr.
V.'.iinv riht. Ilul you have made your
own beds now you shall lie on them.
l'i:ders--iiid that, please: I have said
it -I, the Ma-aer Mi ml."
A Lunat.j;.
T th-it n.i;at the three crimi
nals Munched and trembled.
. brtil tl;. . lh. u. they knew
why M. '.vas tint Ihey. iiad
Fen so snbervi.iH t i the man of
ia;.-:er.v it wa ; I he iie liable tribute
f the nutlaw to the chief, the instinc
iPe yielding of Immae from their
I.::,d t th sup-en'" Pi rime. It t.fver
o cia ,(-:! to taeui '; d t t!ie truth of J
ti.N revelation. Yinwriht hud avoid- j
f .j-fZit? i
y&Kj- X--Y'y j
V , -f-v i "' '
& I
K. K. Fly eoTpsny.
e. ,H.ui.n i -u u. i u;;,! e. -.k e; un. ;
Andrews i,a'i.t:ty.
"I"n't be frisldened by a nanie." lie
cried, sharply. " l:y. you're as silly j
...... . . . . . .. . .
J I was evment llair i ne rone ana
- V
T. . -i
t --s.
Ik '
Ycu desert rr.s, t the Lidding of this
man here!"
conviction w itn w.iieii atuwric:::t
presented his pica v ere not w. tin "it
a c-.a isidcra 1 ile eiTect on tae : hi rived
"It is icaiiy a farce" Andrew said.
"And you a tu..ily expect to d this
thiiij;. P dispose of uie tiuis eotiipieie
iy. wit h the aid of these pers.:; here
asseml'led this imposing n rray He
I'ointed scornfully at the Hie of criiu- ;
iuais. who winced despite their new ;
access of courace. "Well truiy 1 am j
interested." he continued, jearinsly. "I
am. in fact, so much interested that I
am disposed to "uve you a.i ;ne a.sist-
,'lrl"wu " ' 1 ' " ; , I
air e in my power And let me
yir. Wamwridit. that I await venr
pleasure in this proceedius v.ith all
the more anticipation of agreeable j
entertainment because 1 know out of!
Ujy own e.xpe: iew e how accustomed j
von are to dealiui: villi crooks to ;
"I venture to i'ioi:H--e that you will
not be ilisapjiointetl." Wifttuvri-lil re- j
joiia-d. with mordant emphasis. The j
entrance of Parker halted him. who i
said: j
..j... j.-pj-Pes is here, sir." j
Now a lhfle "h-ani of triumph shone
in Wain vriuhf s ryr--. wsl;:.-li Andrew, j
wniehintr nartowly. detected i
"fine moment. Pnrkrr." Wainv.richt
dire-attd. Then he regarded the Master!
- J-'- i' -'V. ' .-w..-
Msrshsil Tdoved to a Place Near the j
Mind for an instant contcmpiuti vely. j
"It is not yet too late fur you to with- J
draw." he su-peated. "Ppive you that s
option." Yet he no hope or win-j
nil- thus easily, and the result justi-j
tied his pick of confidence, for Andrew j
ejaculated only u single word, inso-
lenllv: i
Proceed '."
Andrew moved to an inconspicuous
notition Ly the wall across the room
i Mil mm:
( . ..Jli fi.'.-;-. :.;.f:;s
t-1'-- k . kM.,l
fe-.--- 9 ;: 't X I ' "Jf : - '-
f:-y 1 1 vm
:'. - M'iln
' '"V 1
- 5
K ' 1 '
"' -'-.. ' x. tj&e'
I Wain v. idi.!:!. Hi-? uiam.or
j tvIjoUv uu o!ii-eriii'l. fuv for u urti'
! Ci-Keriiiff 11' lit vt i!iti" wlil'-h
; Limbic olisrrvcd nppn-livnsivt-ly. Mar
; fL:iI1 iuovf j lit a plat-; near tho door.
in ili-Ii:'iiif tn V":;:u r;i;lifs orik;.
j Tli oilier lvLiiriiiifil Jis they lmd licei:.
tin t ail t-r.liibittd si'Uifthi!!'.; of no-.v
airtnc-s. for now. ::t l;'.st. t he rrisi.-.
VS..S col!!,-. S1! llio '.!( r was ijjirlli-:)
j I iv I'ai ivcr. v. l;o y.wi.! as'tdo t. H.niiit
I tlje fi:tr::iH-o of I". 1'or'K-s. TLe hy-
j si -iaii :id vanved i'.;i' k:y to tLt; innslor
! of the house, who. wi;h I.U'-flie. rose tr
lavct liiiu.
lr. Ioib(s lio-ved :trkioviedcnioi:t
of lAu i lie's inviintioit to a S":.t. ;is s!f
li'rself returned to lier eliair. lut lie
clii se to reuiain standiiiv:. v. l:"le li
plaijfed a!oiH the room over the iil as
sorted iri'ui; with an expression of
profess ion a ! export a ne;.-.
1 "What is the trou'ileV" he (piestioiied.
"As a uii'itiT uf fart, doetor." Wain
vriuiit explained, "vve've liad rather a
lively ev ninp or niiit. I mij;!it better
say here in t!;i liotsse. Tla t Lj i 1 1 it has
J Li-L.u a Lit ! " taking it first
! aii l last. I shall yive you the full de-
' taiis as to I hat lias o-eiirml u: diic
j fourst-; i: )v it would t.ikt- t'o
j i;ni' 1: tiaie. The upshot of the w hoie
! ti-r is that we've ot a !iiii:'tie ii:
I our UMiaMy ipiiet :::id respet t.sMe
j la'iue. N:Miir:'l.'y. we want y.n to take
i him off oi;r hands."
"A l,:iati-. eh"" he said. "I had
hardly n ni ieipated :my;h:i:i: of the
sort, sia' e I have some acnuaintaii'e
with you a!!. Some stranger. 1 sup
U'aiuwrilit shook his head erapha-
No." he said decisively, "not a not I v anv means a strati-
U( nii,.j j,is ,iru, . ,,d voiuu.a
nw::ri mirew. J Here lie is
Tile physieiau's first astonishment
now became an uiiqualiued amaze
nieut. as hi e es feliowetl the di rec
ti 'ii indicated by his friend's gesture.
"What-Aiid-vv.?" he demanded.
Wain wriht nodded regretfully.
"Yes." Ik- said.
Andrew him--!f was standirs rnt
I tionless. in ji jiosture o- parti.-ular hu
! mility. His eyes were downcast, his
I Ir.n.Is were clasped as if in mute :tp
I paal. The expression of hi- c unite! -j
an e was shameface . with a feeble
i varyu:;.' siiiiie
de-'recaaon. Hr.
I I'of .es surveyed the unexpe; led pa
! tient fT a full li.ia.ufe. scruti:ih:;nar the
! d;. acted attitude, the disconsolate faee.
"Is he violent?" he a ;k 1 !':.-'.
I "Vi" Ii. no; he hasn't shown any
I syinnton.s of a violent sort as yet."
t ainwii-ht admitted. "Ib.:t. a : tait
:::. :. I :h:i:k Mrs. Wainwrijiht is :.;'rai.i
he may t dangerous a.t any m jmei.t.
i and I mi!.--t eon f ess for my own par.
j that 1. taa. feel lielVoUS co;iccn.::a.
! ;ii-- niatti-r. I.ucene has noticed tha:
I iif I. as been actiac very od Vy f r
j teiae days. I've been so busy with the
! "'ri. or my canipr.isn 1 faiied t
pay much attention to him myse!".
; i". !I the
icrs of the fajnily. beit:'
a have observed his pecul
.a . actions, and tonight the thinct c.inu
Ah. I ft:" the phsjejan ron.ari--td
non'-ommittaily. ".Now, t'ortl; t.d, I
wish you to explain to ine as accurate
ly as your untrained mind will en
a I i" you to iio'the exact (U l- i:- '" ' "'.
iiisordT displayed I'" our uiifori u:: t.
pa tit-; it here."
"Wlty, as to that." was the am-wei
"the jiour .nam set-ins to l.av - thi m
extraordinary ladions a'. out the r.
a cu-r ef my wife's relatives. Tha1
would be strange enotii'h by itse!."
Fur it is wmse than that. l!i de
lusiun even pois so far that lie has th
like monstrous ideas aboat my v.ii.
herself iu spite of the fact that hith
erto he has arpeared devoted to laa
( ,H. 1;: 1ou,
that he him-elf actually believes thesr
absurd hallucinations. My hro!hei-in
law, I believe, was the lirst to notice
this feature of Ids insanity. IVrhap-i
7 -
M - .3
4. 'T-il-.-vV.,i-.' &.fV
, .-;,-i-i... c .t.--r r ' .
r.;.i' v-i'!'-,' ;A -
i - - '-5 .''vt ii'
- ; i' M t -
t. '.
r '..(
'Who, rr.e?" she gasped.
you would wish him to tell you htm
self." Waliivrijrht fixed Li zi:m v im
peratively on Waiter and addressed
i him by name, with a veiled note oi
menace ill Lis tone'-. "Piease tell lu
1'oihes what Andrew said about you."
il'i" W ii lier e t- il.ei i:il!':ti'v
...... . ..,
"I've noticed the old chap looking Liu;l
uf ulH.vr for several days now !" II;
turned toward P.loimt boyishly. "Yov
remember my speaking to you about it,
don't you. dad?"
"Why. yes, son!" he replied. "Now,
let me see. that was" He paused
u.editatively us if searching his Uieai-
"il as the way before yesterday at
Itinclieon. I sjioke of it as .soon as An-
dri v.- v.-ju out of the ro'rn." AValr&r de
clared glibly. '
Clount ".runted iilLxinu.tively. .
.-XLats riuht. ,on.- L, recd. "T.Kt.jfj ppF T pPirOIfsHOn
as the time you sp..:ke of it. ai.d !h a 3 ; I j "I I
u ha.l it out with 1:, you kuow." ,(1 liilLi 1 1 I I I LO 1 1 lliuil
"Yes." Walter ri-Lina-vl. "Why. Lc
actually had the ii'rve to aeeu-c me- j
Iiie of beinjr n jewelry thief!"
"Indeed!" I'orbes t-ja'-iiiated.
"Yes, ujid whatV uarc," vVu'.ter t.-U-1
ed. I'ueouraci'd iy h!s success thus far j
and becoming rtH-kU.-s.siy audacious. "!:e
had the coliosal nervt- t s;iy he laiow
I had done tiiae i'l S.iiz '.:iaa-."
"I'm: itii;ii!ar:"' the i hysieij-.n com
-lie said thins-5 to dad too. Till
what he said to you. dad."
LMount rrov. ded ba k his fears.
"Why." he exclaimed, "the feho .v
called mo u bank bm -aa :"
"Most extraordinary:" Forbes vi
IP.oiii.t Khot a slata-t? toward hi-
You heard him. Sad if." h" s .i !.
with a sipciiiieant eti-.u.
Mrs. l":u!it, standma; beside I.i
eene's chair, started.
"Who. me;" she L isj i'd. alanuftL
I'.ioUiit seowieil at h'-r.
"Yes. yii'il I say oti hear ! hi. i
Iidii't you: St:iv you did sure y.-.
When sb? obs-ri-l tiv mandat.-ty
stare of her husband si;.- deemed it :!
part f prudeia c to do Ins implied bid
" h.
s 1 remember s'lesa'dj
niriiy in her rich oi e. jn a hi- ii v.- -no
tremor. "St:re I ie-'rd him. Aid
you jiwt "u-'it P- liave h-ird wh: t ia-
called me. The wry ideal" Il.-r fa - -
set in lines of virtuous in di-uuti ci.
"Oh, tloctor. rciilly i; was too terri-
Ile! Why. lie had the .ui.ia--!ty to :iy
that 1 was a a si.o;.:.f'W- from Aid-
waukee: An! r.!l I ei er knew a' ;-u
Milwaukee was whar I ve r. a.d in to
beer advertisements;" f he esc'.aitiit-J
aprnin indiirnantly.
(To Continued.;
Ki;roKT or thk coniiition
or Til :
Plattsmouih Stale Bant
of Fiattsmout h, N '..ruska
CiiarOT No. t- .
Iiicorioralcd in t !.t s: a"- f N-;i r! th-
close of l'U.iiH'-. Au-ie-- ih. ::i."i.
l;T d'i:d;s
Toan- and tKs?out:fs
I loans, se.-urii i--s. j a '- :u n : -.. .
TUiakii;' tiou-cf una : ar-a-1 '.: -.
Ileal -M:ue n'.ii. r li.un n r. i. :
CaT'rcic cxim ii-u-.s. ; ;i c t,i;-i i;!!.cr-, T
djl'.i: . . .
" (sj, jt ....
le.ii from tiai i'.nal a'-i s- a'e i.;iei, .
C'.irr-ene.v ......
t i . 1 i coin...
sder. nickels uaii ecu's
Toil T
I.I P.!UTir
Caaa :d sOn-k nuid in
Sir i i u- I iim'I
I " v aie.i i-rotlts
lnu! idiiul il. i' .'.-.a ?. -.i.t.e.-i i . . a
I'enaiiKi .'I'M nic:;n-. of mrii
Time ei -rt Uic:ac.-. of n. aosi:
No'e- iied l.:li- ,-c (i'-i-.iuia eil ...
iillis p.-l.'-a'i'e
Penesiioi '-. trauriiiity f a nil
T oi ai
T -'.I I"
St u k ok N i in. sk a. '
' C -.1 V o! I A-- '"' 1, .1. X: l.'oNi
c;sa T i'f : ii ;.i iian t-: J;i ei,.
he el.- su -ar 1 1 a.: lie iPoe !:ieair i
nii ie't fiii.i ; i ll" cojv of lee r io'-t tieni
tut Mule l'.ai, k i nar 1 loai '.I.. ,1. Si Koa.-ins
i : .- ; . i
Attct :
I U . !J. M WTI.l.. P'M et.
i.i. ! i . l'.r. Ki.i:. Pi'.-i-i e .
Siili,-rit.'(l and siv rii n 'M-fo'-c ice !'. 1:1.
dav of A u u-' . ia;.-. I;, r. tm-m t m.
N.aarv J'-ildie.
l.-ea.i Mi couiiiiis.sion rxijires v i. re. j
The Bank of Cass County
uf I'lattstrmutl). Ts'cbraska.
Charter No. bA2.
InctiriKirat eil in t lie st atr of Netnasl.a. at tin'
close uf liusint .. Aiiusi l'h. nil.'.
Ioans ;. ml disi-ouias i-i. . .:,:.'. '.a
i verirafi s
1; ei hN. si--urh ies. j u i i a mem s. claims.
Hank'iiL- lituist' fui'iiituiv un.i ti-
in re
I l In ! I ea! es, an-
L'urreia ei eiises. tu.cs ami inteii st.
t'.'il'l1 '
i l.i-n :
i :. m-i
Casli lien s -Ta
liiiefioni caMoiial ami siaie l.unl.s .Vi.liit t
Ctiecks aiul iieeis of ecUaii;-;"
Cur it nc.v
lioi i can
Silver, nickels ami cenUs
i.';i 4-.
''.iirti! e'''
::.a.".a 71
,1.10.1 ,")S
1.1 A I'd LIT I lis
Caul; at sinek naiU in
sui phis fnmi
th.. In ioeil niotiis
"..( iiii i
a .' en i
i-i.i::.' i
1 miiviiluii! ui i,ns a to check I',..."-!;' 1.;
I iiae i-iti iin-uKs of .ici'o n i s;o i;i
C.asn iej-'s ciiecl.s oil l.s i ai,: .ih7 '
I'ue to national ami state ean .s s..,4,; ,,t.
Noles ate! l.iils n.-(Mi-ii'iMt ed noiu'
!Si. Is e at unle Ii .mn "
rii'lKxs'.ujis' uaraisty fiimi It.:'.'-,' t;
Total -f;..lf.'. i
State or Niuiiat -KA. '
f oi nty or ( ass i I. T. M. PaMorsui.
ca.siii-r of the aUotc nanieil Oaiik 0" hfo-li.-
stvcitr tiiai lite a i 'eve st aieiii is a cr
reci aiiiltrtie roii.v if I lie ttiiri maiie to Ih"
Stale P.aiikina- It eartl. T. SI. P.v: ia asiiv.
a.sliiei .
A ,, . . ('has. c. Pauiiki e. Pli-i c'ol,
-- 111. I' PAI'-I'l itsoN. ilitector.
Svi'.scrii.eii anC sttin-n to O.-i'ote meitiis 'Jsiii
day of Vuusi. L! .. a 1! att.
Not i- ry Piiiiiic.
Iseall M.v coinn5issie.uepivi r..1 u!i 1 t'-i- 1 I'l T
Rooms for Kent.
With or
from the I
without hoard, two blocks
lijrh school. Call n Mrs.
S. Iiams3'
the mint ' malres it and . under the
terms - of the CONTINENTAL
cure it at f. per cent for any legal
purpose on approved real estate.
Terms easy; tell us your wants and
we will co-operate v-ith you.
513 Drnbam Building. Denver, Colo.
Ti, i.i r-. , r -
ssiuu fat a niai ni u.j
Age Alisr t'i3 Grucr cf
Zed's New C;dcr of Priesthood Each
Member Ciiii-c! and Chosen The
Great Hiah F.icr.t Especially Horicr
ed His Gcc'-Cven Commission Hio
Sacrifice of HirnLcif 'Jr.der Prieitsof
This Ordei MemljErship Li.nucd In
Numt:r Th; Great Purpose For
Which Tris PnesthocJ Is Ordained.
Aiicny. N. Y..
: ,'.) AliSUsl kl!.-Fuspr
''j IPis-cii ii.'iivei-e i a
s' masterful address
a . ,
1 1 ijere too . I roiii
t!a- text. "No ma ii
i:! t:keih ;hi honor
" ,;j unlo hiia-cif, but
L" that U called of
ilcil. a-, w a Aa
ron." (lit brews
7A.) He said:
The Apostle's
stati meat formine
our ic.t is made
A , U'V;
f fAlOg .'S5LlD)'.
I iii t-onne-ii.n with his t'o-i us-ion of
the M"S::i- a :r:: mtcme! , t ::t..l the Ail-
j ronic rder af pri.-'. hoil. t '.u-ist, v. hil j
on cart.:, eotnd nat be a priest, because
there v. as already a priesthood ordain
ed of iod the fan.Uy of Aaron. No
Ii raeiiie could tai.e part in this jirie.-t-!:id
t-Xi-ept la- were of Aaron's luieaae
Ti presump la iMe part in it without
Joi's ii.'.ilation wot. Id he a sin. To
this day the Jevs li-speet t'u- A. aronie
i ri--' : h.'o. '.. and n one co a 1 si r', c as
j a priest in-less . could sii i .v ids jrene
alouy bad: to Aaron. The Jews now
do lj of knew Who bi loti's J i the priast
y fanoy. Therefore they Lave tc
priest and no su h service as a priest
would render.
In his Fpi-tle to the Hebrews St.
Paul calls jitp-ntiiei to am-'..hcr pricst-
hood. lie tic laics I but .lesua. who
j was not of fiie tribe of Levi, ha- be
; ' erne a i'-. h-st of a slid id zher Order
j than the .laroi.ic; naueovea, that Iod
had fort-bad our Ford's Priesthood loin;
! -e :';.:'. . i'salm llie.t.) Ilia was a Fi-
i iiie apt t i.iment to this Priesthood. ;
: - i The t ail to b
-i, ii and tie
Liaiiesi of all priests was. from the
i' : Father.
Here we have Mucker pro; if that our
Ford .It-sus was not the Father, lie
could have only such honors as the Fa
ther would jrie Him. Chad
-1 llim in .ivimr Him lids jri-t--:t 1'riest
I "",-!'' ' j ho !. Tne Ap; stie ,ueu-s from the
j Prophet Favid respecting de-us. "Tho-.i
""-1 : :t a J'riesj !' r.-vcr after the Order of
: ; : ' Mdehi-cdec." I'.-'eh hi :edec AVi's u 'I'eat
. ; '".i ; . rs ;!:;.. c who li'.ad in A hr.iha m's day.
i S. rc.d was he that, alter Abraham
1 had wen a tr,:.t victory ami wished to j
' : w las a pprcca : iv'U Oi boa s p.iuj
: i :!: i utrlar-' h came to Melcliise
j tiec. "i.i. a: of Sal. m and priest of the
i M.s IFah 'do '.." at. 1 f:'er.'d tithes of
!a!i he h:..l c::;.: :;r.-,!. pi uois IFIS-J i.t
i-1"e t
i superi .
UiU-ri ii' eh'crs titts tu the
1 . Id 'n e must e been
:ti Abraham, vho in turn
. ). iter
mast Late 1 i greater than Aaron,
his UPS e-n lam. Ihw much hia'aer
than Anrmi. then, must he have been
v.ho was a type of C'iilisl and of
.' hri d's ! 'rit st hood !
. . e -o, t
our Ilea vejd v Fat la r has
conferred a very ri at h m r i.tion our
L 'id .Tisus 'i.:ist. in appi intiuu: llim
to i.e the world's pr:: Uod-viuer. ITiih
"Te st and Kiia-r. j Ie is the One through
whom vid come all tiie pp ssinas upon
the world that thid has d.-sivmed. P.'.:t
l.eiere th- ! coell recoaajze llim in
that po-dtioti. Ik- n.-.a t pito-e our Forth
;!:e Fihie declares.
' V.'oi-tr.y to Leer:- uc Ccals.''
F'sewhere St. Pa::! t. -if.f; out t!;at
our Fold J.-sus 1. I'L the aloi-y w!:i h
He hed wall the Father before the
Vl-..rt ; W 's ami took itp.ra Htm the
fonu of a s.-rvaut: rtid Ifi t'ottu-l iu
fashion ; s ;i man. He humbled Him
self faith. T-all that. He r.p.'ht do
the Father'a v;lh His ebe !:"tcc to
the r.rh.r l'nai:..- led to the Cross.
"Where .'o: . tie! hath highly ea!led
ITim. ii'il uiviti Ii:m a name that F
lil.-ove etrry l ; e-, that at the name
of .b-sn-; eve -',' l uce should bow."
tl'hblppiaus -j.-.i p, tlmt exalted
jiesi; ' e. i:e is tiie Antitype tf Mel-chisede.-.
Thia is eeri-oho; :.)e(' oor Ford's
owtt. st:(c:a"i:t i:i Ie" ri-fi Chapter of
tic IPeti h' TiH-"e i- jii ured th"
Father, ic:,:- ! rp-:i the Throne of H lo
ry aid loldin-.' It: Hi- rl-'it ha-il a
S; rod. wri'ten within and without at 1
seal-d with seven seals. Til's Scroll
reprtsent-d the luvine PI in that Jod
h-i 1 purjios. d in Hii-'.sei: bclo-e the
fo'uahdie;- ...f I he worid. t hat was
j . . .
i iti .m
itoiiuV- knew let Him-
j sell. i !i'" el.'i''e
j own fower: :'?' h
IM l,o
as the A.pustle de-
Cl.'1'e; . I i
fon-.d'tiou of the
j v..(ll , i t; a.,;!,,,. ..p:... v that our
! i-r.I wn'i' l It- t'ae n wori!:y to open
the Si-roil.
Tkroua larjt Heaven and earth the
i.-i i'!:':;.;:i!.i;i was i:uee "Who is
v. .;thy p I'v'v the seals and to 1ek
thert in':" No'-edy came f irv. erd.
Then St. .John Pcu.":t v.cej.. After
he had wept much, an nnial tou- hed
h!m and said. -Weep -i d. The I.iouof
tiie tribe !' .Tiida h hath prevailed."
The I.;..n f .hi h was the Strong
One of .Vta-ik. of will-!! tribe (Pnl had
pi-eiihe'ical'y dceiared tiiat Messiah
k'-ot:! ! com1--d' T- ciu's line'tLre. Here
was the f trice- t.. coinpf eni to do
the wort absolutely perfect.
Tho dim. ultv villi every olher per-1 tl:" and a i.a.f year-, t-l.-ar Mvu
ko: in the worid was that all were im- ; to Oalvurj -t-vt-u te tne dt atu of :
l ert- t. Jestjs v as sent into the;Cro- .Now lie l t!:e laS.dy exa.iel
v...rl.! wi:h ali the .-ai'.ities f l n rfe - j :i f:!r -1",v'- "'!'" ?
t;m- P, tlif ia.aae m C.o,l. Wi: :i lie I pu ' rs a n 1 t; ry l.- iia- ... .1 is i . . i the Man -'hri.t Jesus, was ; Ho i' r.t thf iath.ts n-..i m.a -:h-oaaI,:i-d
to fulfil the Divine l'urpose. i ' "ief of lavor. c .r Ix.Jd .1. as
l.i.t He must be tt-stfd. No .me here- U 'J.-d's reat r.-ne M i.o-tt-r u st f
t-d'ort- had provtn worthy, l.e.-ans.. the '-5'1- 1 a'.lu r iii.:.--ii.
eotid'iiions that lo.-I had atta-hed t Further Contents cf the C:roii.
the l.onor were very stringent. P 1 ,..Jt s, r,,jj iu t;.,,r.- hat 1 -t
l"J"h'.-' f'T "ii" coiap.-tent to be , ,JI(,IV than th.-. it . !a-v. .i -h..t
i i.;;-t!s:;-1 v-i'h the !;arL-e of a :V;i irs j 1 v.ho I. a i -:..lea I 1
u l'ria.e Minister, as it v. eve. One who j j...;,, ilu called Ii;m to b t! e II- a I
W- aid fully represent Him in the Kinc- '., , ill;ri h. ssUali lii-
I em won; ana no associate i r.n iiiui
S ireer. For so h'zh a po.-:ti"n 'd
l a ; purposed tli.-'.t this One should be
taade partaker of the Idiue natum.
Immortality "Life In Himself.''
The Scriptures tell us that ied has
imur iriality ; i. e.. lie is not liabU; to
death. AH the an.' Is are mortal; not
that they ale dyiaa. but that they
coliid die. A liac'iiii is not a per-
s .ui. bid one liable to d. ath. iod has
s. a. piles to continue c'.l'tt n'-e to those
v.ho will be obedient and Joyal t . llim.
To ail such lit is ph a-c l to Krai;t i er-
iastduL' life. F.ut He is immortal, not
susceptible to death i:i any sense. Hi
is not depend, nt upon food, water, air.
rest or any ihliiLT else. Je--;i say s. "As
the Father hath life iu Himself, so hath
He i-Peii to the Sou to hate life in
liintsfif." (John r.iiid.) 'This is s hirh
as to 1 .e beyond huiu.Ml eoinprehen
sion. (bed purposed that t! is Ouie whom
lie v.'ouM so hrnh1;.' eta I; t no:. Id i.c'
have this" of iiarn irtalliy - life
in Hlaiself. Ih.: l'.r. : H -nuai licui 'n
;trate His leal:y to toe fa: e-; u, avf.
Jehovah tit l-cnined tlait the firs! op
ponuijity i prov..- w. r!hiie-;s td' thh
positioli should be ul'.'cll to the I.o Los,
i'iie Word." tie- 'i:e lir.-t raate.l by
the I'athcr. ib-t eh. t i--n t.'oi-.ssi-ans
3:11: .I.-ha i :P':.i 'i I . e v p., be
lieve in the !.. ;r.i,c .f :iie T: in::;, laid
in;;i:.V cry la.rea ;.!' i.-vs. The
..;iy that .b.v-us did in! !..- : a man.
that IP- laerely hid Ilia. .If in a hu
man fort.i f r a :. t s.. .-aes the
Id! 1... ur :.rian i d are
driven in ;"!:: .":ii ridi -idea ; j osit iai
by ciaitiilua lliat .ie us was -o-eipa:l
wl.h the lather, a vary unscriptliral
Tha Soti t.f Jci: f i'f the vlory which
He had v. till the i'alier. was made
hesh and tl well amoiarst us. He was
n i ordinary i.ian. :. u.ful li-.'.n. V,'?'id iii Hin. a alory that n ether
man had :t $;' -ry .d perfect im.. i.i elm
1:14 : 1 1 "brcv s T:-.''i.i 1 1 e !--ca n a ni:: n
lor e e-y pt:.-; . .se ,i:. ..- on:
the Father's Ph.n. wi.i. h He c ard not
then fui'y know. He knew th.-.t the
Ih'st stcj' of. ju'i-para: i-ui was in be
made a mail. The next step v, a,s in
present Himself for saor:h e. From
those who kie.rpr. tod the l.:iw. He
knew that there was lauldna:
could tio iu His pries-; !y cilice Itnlii He
was thirty years oi l. When Hi--- thir
tieth anniversary came. He i re-ei. ed
Himself to the Father iu consecration
and was baptized 1 y John.
"The Heavens Were Opened to Hitr.."
There, at Jordan, the Fathtr ra:i:ed
the S"it the oponii.s of His eyes of un-dc'-t
j t e ' nU". Tie'o He be -an!" the
slain I.a::.i. A; t !.-.? '.try ia...::: lie
made His t'ousi-crailoi. at .!o:dn He
died, vo fa.r a.s Ilia caviui: nt with ; id
w;:s concei'iietl. An! so it is with Ili
followt rs. U'lie very i'nuent we make
our covenant v.ith loal. we are dead
indeed to sin and to all earthly inter
ests. t:r death dates. Hot fi'em the
lime ve actually die. Put from ihe
time v.e a-; " up our will. So Cod
there counted Jesus dead. He was the
saerdicial Famh. To Him was riven
the i ht to open the Scroll.
So We read that at His baptism,
when the IPdy Spirit descended upon
our Ford, "il.e Heavens iihe higher
things v.eie ojuuied unto llim."
(Matthew .'PtdA The deej er things of
G"(l's I'hui became ojien to His mind.
Never in fare had He seen the mcanimz
of these thimzs. They were hidden
from Him. as from any natural num.
The natural man whether perfe-t or
imperfect, "receiveth led the thinas td
the Sp.rit of (Phi; neither can he know
them, because thev are spiri: ually dis
cerned " (1 Cm int hians 11:14. ) Jesus
Petal. in' a perfect natural man. and as
such He .-uve all that He had in con
secration. Then Pnl boaat Him of lhc
Holy Spirit to the new nature. From
the moment of spirit-heLretlimr. oid
thimts passed away and all things be-t-i'.me
After Jesus had received the Holy
Spirit. He went i:nmeli::tely into the
iider aess for forty days. Hu-iea lliat
time lie was a Pdble Stadi nt. thinking
over t'li Scriptures, which from boy
hood He had heard read in the syna
,'iciii'. Having now re-tived 1he ii
luml!;atf"n of fhe Holy Spirit. He
could understand what was meant by
the imiuna iu the w iideriiess. by the
serpent erected upon the pole, by the
bulfic!. of the Atonement I 'ay sacri
fices and Py the Passover Lamb. The
v. ho'e Flan t.f iod for human salvation
was opem d to Ilka. He had "loose!
th? seven seals." jy that time He fully
undersiaod ail that He was to suffer.
He sa w that He was to pPe up His
life sat -riiicially, that He w.-ns tj be
Then, after all the sires. ()r ipiile
.study ftif forty days without food, the
Devi! came and tempted Him. This
was t lie opportunity, in His weakened
I hysical eundi; ion. for the Adversary
to pra if-ut a temptation. Uut our Ford
withstood all of Satan's scaliest ions,
and tii aliy the I'evi! pt Him. Ve
h'lve no ra'-ord that Satan ever arm in
tried to tempt our Ford.
(.bid thoromrhly proved tiie One who
wa.s to be tl;e ?rert Antity pe of Me!-
hisePc, fh" Priest upon His Throne,
partaker cf the Divine nature. And
Je'-.ns tlotTtonstrnted His worthiuess.
ic.t n:tr ilnrinc tiiosp forr tl.tys ia
the wilderness, tut during the follorr-
... hundred ciir beP-re tne
Mt-ssiatde i;ii,L-,;uin wa- d :e l s. t
Ui', tP'd sin! Jesus the w '. Id th..t
He mm-ht oi'eii t;p lie v. ay an I t.-at
.'ews and ;e::tiie r.ih; cot;.-- ii, ::..d
par:i'-:pate i;h Jes-;-. lirst in
lt..s and alt.'rv, ardr in 'he hon .r. In
the I':iok it is wrPtcti tlait n .t i id., a
brlh'--!.. bat alo a Lord's .oat in..-t
be on. -tea m sue. ... :e on i... .w ..
nient Hay. Thus tie- 'hen h are to be
tharcrs in the su;t, rt. .s of a: :-t
ami in the m' ;. iecw. - lb i.rew s
So all the work of tie (iosj.ei
has been with a tat., t" pet ' C I o..;
thi; conifiany. F ist tl," call u.-:.f i
such Jews as w : ie:. 1; , tii;;t t
laii-bt be Prouaht int.. the hunh. to
be of the Spiri: Ui.l Seel of Abral'.aui
Put tluu'e v. ere not eiioa!i :' lie :.i:
and s-i tic tioor wa.s thrown op.-u to
the (haitiies. that a - many of tie m a
(Ie ired n iaht t ome ia : nd be fell .t
heirs with the Jews. All l!,-i- are to
be members of the P.otiv ef the at'c. t
antityph-al Prl-st :.:.d Fina, "iift-r fi..
order of Mel hised. a"
.od is HOW- c:illii.',' tic I'e'y the I'iie is anxious lo c uae to IF'u. Th-
Aposi e SJica l.s of socio who V . 'e feel-
iaa- after ;..d. if li:..!y t h- y u.i :!.: t::i I
Him. ilAcl.s 17.U7.I tn.-re is oi.-.y
one way t'i one to llim. an 1 ti. i v ay
is h m'-Uil iersh.'ii in t lie 1 ' 'dy of 'ht :-' .
U'liiise v!m v. id walk in th,.- n u i"v
way shall becine- .1. act-heirs wi:h
Christ, .--u, ie say. "I t.di.k that I ui 1
wait il little W hile." They ate lc t id
tern ;hcr ready to saerPe-e -p. site up
.-.II in the Iir-I. To sm h the Fm-1 - at -.
"'cry veil." .Tc-us s. nl to some in
His day. "Sit down : nd -oi.:.i tie-
cost." If is better tlait one stioi;',,) liot
juit his hand to the ph.-,-.- than that he
should d s". at d th'"! loot, Pa.-p and
v. i- h that he v. as l ot 1 1 ere.
"If any man will toa.e niter Me b-
My d-seiple, h t hiai deny iums. if.
lake Up his eros and fill v. Me" So
th -n, dear friends, we si c the condi
tions. And w ha lever ih Father's prov.
ideiice may be for us, we wish to hate.
Jesus did li-.t spi- i;'y v. hat v as I eui:ie
to I X I ill- Tiie Father l.d P'.aie 1 ocr
Ford's i xj" ricie es be;' re the
tion of the w 'iii-ld. As for im and for
Eie, our pert is t i do the Father's wid
to drink whatever cup the Path-r
Shall pour for US. lie tines l 'U iite
us the honor of dri:. kin. so treat a cup
as our Savior drank, how ever.
"Gainer TocjePner f.'y Scints Unto Me."
For e;i h ci .usis-ratc 1 thlid of ;.-L
the rear ijUc- tiiia K "Am 1 w; j;
in the steps of Jesus V" Have we el
tared iato a Covenant v.ith iod, tt - our
Ford did: F.iCh;.;! i- He w h.. h,,
called Us. If we fail to act the an at
prire of our Hi-h Chins, the fat. t
will be ours alone, f ','. is react to
do for us .-is He was ready to do f..r
Now I i come I i.-i 1. I i tin- Mat i men!,
".No man lal.elii I Pis 1. ;mr loito l.ii.i
self, bu; hi- I h. t F called f bid." I 'hi
war call oui'sc'.vts. N. . indeid: How
did V.e,. (,, .. l.n vdeda'e o." the
Tn:!!i-: ThiM.k Cod. w hate had li.
ears t:i hear His Messa-i d Toad. P,1
thiit this privilege came to us that w
were called of Cod: To what Wctv
v.e called'.' Hear the Call that np; lies
to Jesus and lo all His disi iples i he
Call to which Jesus re-ponded, and P
whi'h you and 1 are to re-pond. It
rends, "ik.ilii'r My .saints toaeiher uti',..
Me; those that hate made a Covenant
wit li Me by siH i ii'.ci ." i Psalm
Py nature we were sinners, like ah the
fal'ili lace of A.d.iUl. Cat c ell as sm
i.ets v.e n.iiy hate 1" n try ins b' do
our best. Then the M. ssaae leach, d
t;s. sfieakins pe:i-e throuah Joiis
Christ, a Messaae tclki.s us that ii v, e
save ourselves to (P.i we would b
f usiveu our sins, beao:t"ii of the H 'y
Spirit and a.-ce: ted int Co id's family,
(bid s arrauat nicat i- that our I.. r I
Jeslis is to suielify a.U-l liail.c T.iinis
those who have taken these .step-. He
v id impute of His met ii to such. i,
niake up for tin ir natural iu.ptife.--tiou.
To s'Ve t hem of that merit would
lueke them perfect human I -etui's. ',,
impute the n.erit is to pii- them a
credit oil (bed's accoiii .' books.
lod has arrau-ed I let imliilns Th :'l
come to Hi- alia:- t.v.-ept th..f v. hi n
is without bh.mi h. '. e cannot inc.
thircfore. ex.-cpt as ur Ford .b as
shall iu;ike up w in rein v.e are short of
I fi-fcct ion. Christ ha. proposed ! .
this, in order ih;.; you i nd 1 may a t.
ac i-ptahle r..icri:i--cs thr-aiih II. m. I .
that lad ti 1 1 -s ed arra tiitement V If '..
U.ado to p'-nnit Us To share in the s:i'
fcria-rs of Christ thai Py a-.l by v.
naty share l:i His :;... cj Timoth.--':11.
lA All that He h-i- He w iii s!
with Hi ; faithful Clmr-h: :m:1 by v -.y
of la-o:;ra-.:;i:s lis Ile.s.y s (hat lie w ' :
make ali thin-as v. ork loiether l' .r oi ;
S'io 1. Puma us -v:Js.
Our Father will !,!'.- . r.t:r trials r.' '.
didi"-uhies. IF- il! in : permit us v. b
tried above that we Me able; with f.
ry temp;. .li. n IF- v. iil j-rotiib- : w i;
of e.veape. il Corinthians lo P'.a 1
trust that v.e all sin 11 be of one ruin ;
o act opt tl:is wonderful, ..."
T 'd's srace. tlait we n.ay be fa! -,- . ..
cc; :eT meiai crs .f this moat 'h i !,.
st dee . I'ri: ; ;hu e-h of v hi.-h ear Fe-;
Jesus ia the Head. As soon as the l.,s
member of lids (Mder are ompie'e.'..
the entire number 1 ! I.trn-w ill s'an I
with ihe I.iiutb upon Mount "iou. h.-i-t;
S II i Fi'.thir's r..:nie writieu in th r
fcreheada. Fevelathn 14:1 Z.