The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 26, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrouriuing Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the leader of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
this vieitnty. and will mail
same to this office, it will ap
lear under this heading. We
wui.t all news items Editoh
To business men bank deposiis
are a commercial necessity.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
R. R. Nickels was a Plattsmouth
visitor Saturday.
Mrs. E. R. Queen was a Plattsmouth
visitor Saturday afternoon.
Lloyd Lewis was calling on friends
at Murray Saturday evening.
F. L. Rhoden was entertained at th
Nickels home Sunday for dinner.
J. T. Brendel was delivering corn lo
the Murray elevators Wednesday.
J. D. Lewis is carrying his foot in ;i
sling1 at present, ha-ing a had case of
blood poisoning.
Miss lies Reed of Falls City, Xeb .,
is spending a few weeks with her
cousin, Miss Henrietta Creamer.
Mrs. Mark White had the misfor
tune to fall down stairs Saturday
evening and was severely bruised.
W. S. Ray and grandson, from Beth
any, Mo., arrived Sunday for an ex
tended visit with G. S. Ray and fam
ily. Mrs. Minnie Fitzgerald and daugh
ter of Falls City were guests of H. C.
Creamer and family Saturday and
FOR SALE Some cottonwood lum
ber suitable for framing work. In
quire of E. E. Leach on the Lee Alli
son farm.
George Ray ami father, W. C. Ray
were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday,
making a few hours visit with county
peat friends.
Miss Frances Moore, who has been
spending the past year with her sister,
Mrs. Arthur Hansen, at Porte, Colo ,
returned home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gray left Tuesday for
their home in Eddyville. Murray was
disappointed in not being able to keep
them here, but they bought a business
for themselves, and of course felt that
they must go.
Oldham's shipped another fine hog
t Greeley County Tuesday.
G. S. Ray and family were calling
on fritnds in Plattsmouth Monday.
.Mrs. Mira MC Donald was a Platts
mouth visitor Tuesday of this week.
W. R. Good and family were trans
acting business in Plattsmouth Satin-
day evening.
Mrs. Addie Stokes accompanied her
sister s far as Omaha on her return
trio home Mom:ay.
F. L. Rhoden and Charles Wolfe
were looking after business in Platts
mouth Saturday evening.
T!:o-e wishing ways to attend the
musi al Saturday evening, telephone
X . as a number are planning to take
Julius Fngclkemeier and little
daughter were Plattsmouth visitors
over last Sunday, being guests at the
home of Mr. Engel kerne ier's parents.
Friends have received word from
Mrs. F. L. Rhoden stating that the
party had reached the Kiue ridge
mountains of Virginia and all were
enjoying themselves immensely.
Mis. Mira McDonald entertained
.Mrs. Oldham, Mrs. Write, of Cab,
Mrs. Young, Misses Pauline and Fay
Oldham at dinner last Saturday. The
goest of honor was Mrs. White, of
Mr. W. C. Ray, of Rcthany, Mo.,
arrived in Muiray last Sunday on a
visit to his son George Ray and fam
ily east of Murray. This excellent
old gentleman has made several trips
to this county visiting his son, and
has a great many friends here who
are always pleased to see him. He
was also a great friend of Uncle Ivan
White, and of course a portion of his
visit will be made at the White home
a guest of Mark White and his mother.
A special in boys' bib overalls. Blue stripe
and summer weight; ages 6 to 13. Get
J one quick they won't last long.
Boys' Waists, military collar in stripes,
plain gray and satine. You can't buy the
' material and make them at this price.
Hia 8fc Tutt,
Prof. Hull, of Peru, was a Murray
visitor last Sunday.
Chas. Mc Reynolds made a business
trip to Union Wednesday.
J. A. Walker shelled and deliver
ered lias last year crop of corn this
W. J. Philpot shipped a car of hogs
from tin's station to Kansas City this
Walker were Omaha visitors Monday
of this week.
D. J. Pitman has been supplying
his old patrons with their hard coal
the past week.
James Loughvidge spent last Sun
day in Omaha with his met her and
Lio'hcr, Dr. W. K. Lough ridge.
Dr. Giimore and J. A. Walker were
looking after some business matters in
Plattsmouth Wednesday morning.
Mrs. James Loughridge and daugh
ter Miss Jh:e, were Omaha visitors
Monday and Tuesday of this week.
Philip Keil departed on Monday of
this week for South Dakota, where he
has some land interests to look after.
Miss Helen Xirnms, of Plattsmouth,
vv.s visiting at the home 01 Mr. and
Mrs. E. S. Tutt in Murray this week.
Mr. and Mr. L. L. Alix are mov
ing this week to their home on the
Chas. Spangler place south of Mur
ray. Misses Margie ar.d Marie Shrader
returned home Tuesday from a ten
days visit at the Kepler home in F.lrn-
Mrs. Saunders and children, of Om
aha, are in Murray this week visiting
at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. W. A.
Mioses Laura Puis. Isabelle Shrad
er and Carrie Barge r were down to
Weeping Water Wednesday morning
to attend the picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows are
moving irto their new home this week,
the one purchased a few days ago
from S. O. Pitman.
Miss Hattie and Lester Claurens
were visiting the past week at the
home of their uncle. Mr. and Mrs.
John Campbell in Murray.
Mrs. Wi ilium Stokes, who has been
here for the past few month.; visiting
with friends and relatives, departed
Tuesday for her home in Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. August Engeikemeier
will depart next Monday for the ex
position at San Francisco. They will
visit other points before leturning
Mrs. W. H. Puis went out .to the
farm home of Mr. and Mrs. August
Engelkemeier jr., Wednesday after
noon to attend the meeting of th
t reamer .V Jlmiunl snipped a car
of hogs to South Omaha Monday of
litis week. Henry Creamer went up
with them, returning home Wednes
day morning.
Uncle Alex. Edmiston, residing
southeast of Mui ray, has been very ill
for the past few days, and owing to
his advanced age his condition is at
the present time nuite serious.
store room in Murray, Known as the
oid Holmes and Smith stand. There
are four good living rooms in connec
tion with the room. For particulars
call or write J. W. Holmes. Murrav.
Wm. M in ford and family, of Elm
wood, were visiting at the home of Mi.
ai'd Mrs. G. M. M in ford last Sunday.
r red Xutxmann and Frank Sheld
on, from near Xehawka, were in Mm
ray Wednesday en route to Platts
mouth on a business trip.
Mrs. Lois Johnson, of Avoca, was
in Murray last week visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell.
Mrs. A. L. Baker attended the pic
nic at Weeping Water Wednesday,
and v,'ill remain for a few days visit
ing j;t the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Tor
reiv.:e Flemming.
Mrs. George Ferguson and (laugh
ter M iss Maude, of Oklahoma, arrived
in Murray this week on visit to Mrs.
Ferguson's sister, Mrs. J. W. Ed
munds.' They have been making a
visit at various points in this pail of
the country, and were delayed in ar
riving in Murray owing to an auto
accident at Berlin in which Mrs. Fer
guson was injured.
The Library Association met Tues
day evening and had a very interest
ing meeting. It was decided to pay a
librarian until Christmas. Mrs. Royal
was appointed as the librarian.
It was also decided to celebrate
the third anniversary of the Library
by ho'ding a picnic in some nearby
grove. The public is invited to come
and bring their dinner. A more com
plete announcement 'will be made in
Tuesday's Journal.
Walker Giimore is sporting a fine
new bicycle this week as a present
from his grandfather, J. A. Walker.
Mrs. L. L. Alix returned home this
week f'oin her visit with relatives and
friends in the western part of the
Albert Young is carpentering at the.
Col. Seyiioit farm this week. Albert
has unmarked in the carpenter busi
ness -for himself.
Noble Shelby, of Lebanon., Indiana,
was -n Murray the pj--t week visiting
v. ith friends and iclaiivcs. lie was
return in;, home front a vi stern trip.
Miss Margie Walker attended an
entertainment of young people at the
11. X. Dovevy residence in Platts
mouth Tuesday evening of this week.
The new home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Vallery has been completed,
and is one of the nicest little homes in
Murray. Mr. ami Mrs. -Valley will
move in.
The new home of Wm. Pols, sr., has
laen completed, and is ready for oc
cupancy. This excellent old couple
will soon move to Murray to make
their future home.
.Marion Alice Creamer ha? been
quite ick for the past few days.
The Mm-ray Schools will open for
the winter term on September 7th
Iliatt & Tutt will have a full line of
school supplies on hand next week.
."m is. Fitzpatrick, of Falls City, i
cousin 01 .Mrs. .Mm tord. will give a
reading at ti'e musical next Satur
day ewening at the Capon home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman are
spending the week with Mrs. Pitman'-;
sisttr, Mr. and Mrs. Schafer, near
Cedar Creek.
The moving picture show that has
been braving the storms in Murray for
the past few months, has given up the
fight and l as down to dryer quarters.
The boys been up a
proposition this season with an air show business, when it was r.ot
raining the weather was so cckjI that
everybody was seeking shelter in place
of fresh air.
W. W. Hamilton and family were
another picnic party that wont down
to the old Missouri last Sunday and
on account of the rain were compelled
to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Whit.?. With the two parties
Mr. and Mrs. White had a house full.
but they never come too thick and fast
for these hospitable people to take
care of them as long as they have the
room, and they have room for a good
.Mrs. .-uma ,nue and little son,
who have been here for the past three
norths, visiting at the home of Mrs.
White's mother, Mrs. F. M. Young, de
parted for their home in Madison, Cal
ifornia, on Mor.dey of this week. In
returning homo they will go via Kan
sas City, where a few days visit will
be made with relatives and friends.
Dr. J. F. Brendel and James Hatch-t.-tt
v.erc looking after some business
matters in the county seat Tuesday
morning of this veek.
The Murray Library association will
give an outdoor musical Saturday eve
ning, August 28. at the home of L.
Gapen, and the following program will
be rendered:
Piano Miss Mary Loughridge
Piano Duet..Velma and LelanJ Wood
Reading Mrs. Alvan Ramge
Vocal Solo Carl Lynge
Violin Solo Leland Wood
Character Song
Celma and Leland Wood
Reading Mrs. William Baird
Vocal Solo ......Mrs. II. E. Wescott
Piano Miss Olga Minford
The association asks your attend
ance. Come and help make it a suc
The Place to Buy Lumber.
There never was a season so favor
able for building and making im- j
provements around your farm home 1
as this one has been, and the activity
around the Murray lumber yard is an
evidence of this fact. More of all
grades of lumber is being sold this
spring thrn for many seasons. The
demand for good goods and the fact
that it can always be found at this
lumber yard at the right prices are
the causes for the increased busines-
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
business of this locality, not only from
the fact that it is due him, but be
cause he is ready and willing to meet
all competition on the numerous
grades of lumber.
will be made for the next two weeks on our
cntirejlinc of
Oil Stoves, Lawn Mowers and
See Cream Freezers
We would like to close this line out this sea
son and will make the prices right.
Gasoline Engines!
The Rock Island Line is the one we carry,
and we are prepared to make some attrac
tive prices on this line at this time. We can
Murray Implement and Hardware
Murray State Bank
of Murray, Nebraska
Charter No. Z
Invi jv-.j ated in the -uae of NVlnaska. at tlie
clo-e of business Anyu-.t '.'i'. IMi.'i.
Building New Warehouse.
The Murray Implement Company
are building a new warehouse on the
lot just back of the Puis & Gansemer
store room. lois wdl be used as a
stock room for the Implement com
pany. The Murray Implement Com
pany are up and coming m tiieir line,
and are going to carry the goods to
ainst a hard j meet the domanns or their pations at
ail times. Their stock is growing all
the time and the lines are becoming
more varied, and here you will find
most anvthing in the line of hard
ware and implements. Xote their ad
in this issue and watch it for specials
that they will have for you from time
to time. They are offering some bar
gains this week.
. Loan am discounts ? T-.'.'T.I ?
i iveroraf "s f.i t'O
Huiikinir liotw. funiikiiie and fixtures XW'i Ih.i
Current exi-iiM-s. taxes and interest
i:iil I .:'. 117
Due from national ami state
trunks 1.")
Cm i eui-y 1.S.C in
Uolil coin Mil ot'
liver, iiii-kels and cents VA rz 17..':i'i IT
Bound for Canifornia.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Chas. Spangler de
parted last Monday for their visit of
several months in California. After
attending the fair they will take up
quarters in various sections of the
state for the winter. They may make
their home in California for some
time depending on how well they like
the country. Their farm here is in
tlie hands of Mr. and Mrs. Alix.
Will. Open Garage Xext Week.
Toial iioi.c::. is-
tiO.iUHI fl( l
".tmtl (K)
-J,:.1'4 !I4
fapit al stock naid in . . -
Mintlus fnii'l
I ioivid-d nroiits
Individual s suloi-et lo
Ttmi...ui-r:tl....l.....r.l..iuit ' -- i
f 'xshicr'.s checks outs: amiintr. I.O.V s;,-2.!C0 't-2
i 't-injnoi r, j-'uaramy nwiu cr.
Total fiui.c;:. o
State ok Nebraska, ' t. .
Count v of Ci, t I. . ;. IJoeucker.
ctxshicr of tin a.ixve named hank. io liereliy
svear tiiat. the aliove statement, is a correct
and true copy of tli" reimrl inaiie to ihn State
hanking lard. V. l. Hokokkkh. "a.sliier.
t ( has. ('. I'ahmki.e. IMrector.
Louie Puis, the new garage man in
Murray, will open his garage next
week. Evevrything is in readiness for
business and when his machinerv is in
(place he will be prepared to doctcor
rnost any old automobile that roams
these hills, and even those that are en
tirely out of commission and unable to
roam the hills. He understands his
business thoroughlv.
i Fi:ei I.. Ni' 1'ireclor
Accident to Little Girl.
Sii)--rilrt-d am! sworn to Ix-fore me this i'.tli
davof August. IMi. Hatt.
sEAid Notary I'uhlie.
Social Dance.
The Murray Dancing club will give
another one of their social dances at
the Puis & Gansmer hall on Saturday
evening, August 28th. The music will
be furnished by the Holly orchestra of
Plattsmouth. There is a good time in
rtore for all who wish to attend.
Ph-asant Time at Mark White Home.
There was a large cro'.vd of Murray
pe. pie that wont 'down to the old river
last Sunday to enjoy a day's outing
in picnic style, but the heavy rain that
came up during the day spoiled a por
tion of their pleasure. But through
the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Mark
White they were permitted to spend
the day in a very enjoyable manner.
They were invited into the home of
Mr. and Mrs. White during the storm
where their picnic dinner was .spread
in grand style and a most enjoyable
time was had at that. They are
unanimous in expressing their thanks
to .Mr. and Mrs. White. Following
weie those present: Mrs. Sarah Young,
Mr:;. Anna White and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Oapen, son Oliver and
ilauunter Jliss ilia, Mr. iuid Mrs
D. .A,, loung and daughgter, Miss
Clara, Mrs. Ona LawLon and little son,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wiley and little
daughter, Mrs. V. A. Kennedy, Mrs.
Wm. Royal, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt
and Miss Helen Ximms.
Thelma, the little daughter of Fred
Kamge met with a very painful acci
dent one day this week. While in the
attempt to manufacture some toys the
little lady employed the use of a
hatchet that contained a very 3:een
edge, and in cutting the material she
si nick the little finger of the left hand
and cut the tip end of that member
completely - off. While the accident
was a very painful one there will be
r,o serious results in the accident.
The little daughter cf Mr. and Mr?
Roy Spangler has been qnite sick for
the past few days, sunering witn a
spinal trouble.
Exceptional Quality Prompt Shipment
u:x2'V4'i: nuns.
School Opens September fi.
All Rectal Diseases cured without a sureical
operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen- j
era i aneastceuc usea. uuc uunm
BDR. E. Ft. TARRY, Omaha. Nebraska
The Murray Public Schools will op
en for tlie fall and winter term on
September 6th, and to make the year
a successful one from every standpoint
the first rule of the term should be
complied with, and that is that all the
students be on hand the first day, and
start right. The teachers will be hap
py to see the total enrollment on the
opening day. it is the duty ot each
parent to exert every effort to comply
with this rule. It will be much easier
for both your child and the teacher
during the entire term.
ssaDRS. fIACH Cl r.1AOHe
Saecessers Ce SAILKY A MACH
The lareeift and best equipped dental offices inOaaah. Experts in
charge of all work. Lady attendant. C Mada-rat Frleea. Porcelain
fillings jvit lUct tooth. Injtruaents carefullj f tcrilliad after using.
Another Fine Home.
New Man at the Llevator.
Albert Wheeler has taken the man
agement if the Farmers' Elevator in
Muiray, and has entered upon the
duties of his new position tin's week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray have taken
their departure for their new home in
Eddyville, Nebraska, where Mr. Gray
will enter into the general merchan
dise business. Mr. Wheeler has not
moved his family to Murray yet, but
will just as soon as possible. Albert
will make a good man in this position
and the people of Murray are more
than glad to welcome him and his ex
cellent family into their midst.
There is still another fine home un-
uer way mat muse ne completed in
Murray before the coming winter, and
that is the one for Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Puis. The foundation is being laid
and will soon be ready for the car
penters. Smith & Tiekoetter, of
Plattsmouth, have the contract. Here
will be another fine home in Murray.
It is being erected on the lots next to
the fine home of Mr. and Mrs. I). J.
Several days ago a stray hog came
to my place, and after remaining near
for some time the animal was placed
in my lot, and every elfort has been
made to find the owner.. The owner
may have same by calling at my place
and proving property, paying for care
and damages and for this advertise
ment. Alva Long,
Murray, Nebraska.
One way to relieve habitual con
stipation is to take regularly a mild
laxative. Doan's Regulets are recom
mended for this purpose. 25c a box at
all drug stores.
are still endeavoring to carry everything that you need
today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We want you business and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that j-ou will need
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you
want we will be in a better position to please you, should
we not have the article in slock.
Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be
able to prove to you that we are a money saving station
in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line '
we want to talk to you.
Puis & Gansemer,