The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 26, 1915, Image 1
Plattsmouth Will Celebrate Every Saturday Afternoon During the Summer Months omn l"b State Historic! Soc PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1915. VOL. XXXIV. BODY OF G. S. VVORTMAN, SR., FOUND IN RIVER The Mystery Surrounding the Disap pearance of This Excellent Old Man Is at Last Solved. From Tuesday' Dally. The mystery that has marked the disappearance of Charles S. Wortman, the aged Cass county pioneer and resident, who disappeared most mysteriously from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Earl Richards, in Ash land on the night of August 8th was solved yesterday afternoon when the members of the family identified the body of the drowned man found near the island in the Platte river as that of Mr. Wortman, and while the finding- brought to the family a deep and lasting grief, it cleared the mystery that has made them expend every ef fort to locate the missing man since he left the Richards home unknown to the family. The body was badly decomposed from its long stay in the water, but it was possible to identify him by the fact of nine solid gold teeth which re mained in his mouth, as well as one congress slipper, but otherwise the effects of the water on the body had tended to wipe out all signs as to whom it might have been. When last seen Mr. Wortman wore, as had been his custom for years, a long flowing beard, which his eighty-five years had turned to silvery white, but this, too, had been destroyed by the waters of the river and a few straggling hairs remained to mark this, while has face and head had suffered terribly from the water. Sheriff Quintoii, as well as the un dertaker, W. J. Streight, had gone to the scene of the find that had been made by "Dad" Childers, the fisher man, and the family of Mr. Worthman were notified, as it was thought that this would perhaps prove to be the missing man. Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Richards, John Wortman, a son of the deceased, and C. T. and O. C. Richards came down in automobiles, and visit ing the scene where the body was waiting, pronounced it without doubt that of the aged gentleman, a search for whom has stirred the country be tween South Bend and Ashland for the past two weeks. One of the party, in speaking of the matter, stated that when the blood hounds from Beatrice were first used on the trail of Mr. Wortman they fol lowed to the bank of Salt Creek, but all efforts to locate the body there failed, and the hounds had later fol lowed another trail without any suc cess. The body will be taken from this city to the old home near South Bend for burial. As the reward for the finding of the body the family, gave to Mr. Childers the sum of $100. Mr. Wortman was one of the wealthiest men in the northwest section of the county. CREATE COMMERCIAL COURSE IN THE GITY HIGH SCHOOL HERE from TumdaV Dally The board of education last even ing held a short meeting, at which several matters of importance were taken up, including that of creating a commercial course in the High school, which if put in as is now con templated, will be one of the most popular in the school. This will in elude bookkeeping, commercial arith metic, shorthand and typewriting and other forms that enters into the mod ern business life. The board has been considering this for some time and have closed all preliminary plans to have it placed in the school this fall, where it will be found an immense advantage to the young people who are now finishing up their education there. The school board, at their meeting, also selected Miss Crete Briggs for the vacancy existing in the teaching force of the city, and while she had decided not to teach this year, was finally prevailed on to take up her work for another year. CHIEF BARCLAY AND HIS WIFE RETURN HOME From Tueedav'a Dally. Last evening Chief of Police Bar clay and wife returned home from a three weeks' outing trip to the Pacific coast, and they report having had a most delightful time at the various points along the Pacific northwest and in viewing the cities along that sec tion of the country. Mr. Barclay was the delegate from the local Aerie of Eagles to the national convention of that order, held at Spokane on Aug ust 2-4, and they have since been tak ing in other points of interest in the northwest . STRANGER RAN OVER AND KILLED BY M, P. TRAIN NEAR EAGLE From Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday about two and one-half miles cast of Eagle, the west-bound Missouri Pacific train Xo. 031. a freight bound for Lincoln, ran over and killed a stranger by the name of Walter H. Hahan, who was walking along the track and either failed to see the train or made no effort to get to a point of safety, and he was torn and mangled in a terrible manner by the train, being dragged quite a dis tance. Upon his person he had a number of letters of recommendation as to his ability as a repairer of tin ware and other similar articles, be ing apparently a wandering person who passed his time on the way from one town to another doing what few jobs he could get ahold of. Coroner J. F. Brendel was notified of the death of the man, and arriving at Eagle yesterday afternoon at once impanel ed a jury and after the examination of the body and hearing of the, evi dence a verdict that he came to his death by being struck by a Missouri Pacific train was rendered and the railroad company cleared of ar.y fault in the matter. FAREWELL AND SUR PRISE PARTY AT HOME OF MR. AND MRS. COBB From TuesdaVi Pally. Last evening the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cobb, in the north part of the city was invaded by about forty of their neighbors and friends and made this most estimable family the victims of a most complete surprise. Mr. and Mrs Cobb and fam ily are preparing to remove from this city to Central City, where they will make their home in the future, and so the delightful surprise last evening was in the nature of a farewell. When the invaders entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cobb and family, they were sure somewhat surprised, but soon realized what it was and pro ceeded to entertain the invaders in their usual hospitable manner. A most enjoyable social time was par ticipated in by the guests and during the course of the evening's entertain ment an impromptu program, consist ing of vocal and instrumental music and readings was given, which was a pleasing feature and greatly added to the evening's pleasures. The invad ers had come well armed with many good things to eat, and a most ex cellent luncheon was prepared and served at a convenient hour. An hour or so devoted to a little further so ciability and then the invaders with drew their forces, declaring they had had a fine time and expressing their leirrets at having to lose Mr. and Mrs. Cobb and family from their midst, but wishing them much hap piness in their new home. Miss May Vallery Returns Home. From Tuesday' Dally. Miss May Vallery, who has been a patient at the Immanuel hospital in Omaha for the past nine weeks, re covering from a very serious opera tion, returned home today. Her many friends hope in time she will be fuly restored to good health. Wall Paper Clearance Sale; 25 and 40 per cent reduction. Gering & Co, TERRIBLE ACCI DENT ON FARM OF PHILIP TRITSCH John Hennings, Jr., Has Arm Badly Crushed While Assisting at the Threshing Machine. From Tuesdays Lai:v. Yesterday afternoon a terrible ac cident occurred at the farm of Philip E. Tritsch, southwest of this city, which may result in the loss of the right arm of John Hennings, jr., a young man who was assisting at the threshing at the farm. Mr. Hennings, who was helping at the separator dur ing the threshing, was reaching in to take some straw from the blower of the separator, when his right arm was drawn into the blower and badly crushed and mangled to the elbow by the machinery and before the engine could be stopped. As soon as the men working at the scene could gather the injured man from his perilious position medical assistance was summoned from this citv and arrived on the scene of the accident to find the injured man in bad shaue with his arm crushd m a once taken to Omaha in an automo bile, where he will be placed in the Presbyterian hospital, and an effort made to save the arm. but it seems that amputation will be certain, as the bones are so badly crushed as to render the arm useless, and amputa tion seems to be the only relief, as there is little hope of the army ever being useful again, even if it might be saved. The accident was a ereat shock to those working at the Tritsch farm at the time, and also to the members of the young man's family, and is cer tainly to be regretted that such a misfortune should be visited on him. The threshing outfit with which Mr. Hennintrs was working was owned by Edward Spence, and he was in charge of the seperator at the time of the accident. Mr. Hennings is a young man of about 25 years of age. It is expected at the hospital that the de velopments in the next few hours will determine whether or not it may be possible to save the arm, and every effort will be made to do this. PARTY OF CASS COUN TY PEOPLE DEPART FOR CHASE COUNTY, NEB. Last evening quite a number of ex cursionists departed on the 7:45 Mis souri Pacific for Omaha, from where, under the guidance of W. E. Rosen- crans of this city, and L. T. Bonner of imperial, the party will proceed to Chase county to look over the land in that fertile region of, Nebraska. Messrs. Rosencrans and Bonner had secured a private Pullman car, which was sent out over the Burlington last night to Imperial, and the car will be parked, where the thirty excursionists from this county and Omaha will make their stay while there. As soon as the excursionists arrive at Im perial they will start out on a ICO or 200-mile trip by auto through the fertile farms of Chase county, and be shown the yield of wheat and corn in that region. Mr. Bonner, who is en gaged in the real estate business in Chase county, in connection with Mr. Rosencrans, have been organizing the party of excursionists and the rate made was so attractive that about twenty-five of those interested in the land question were secured and de parted with the excursion. Mr. Rosen crans had photographs at his office which shows a number of views of the yield of wheat and oats on the farms of the county and corn in piles on the farm yards ranging from 4,000 to 9, 000 bushels, while the wheat is in the same proportion of yield. There are quite a number of Cass county people interested in land there and the return of the excursionists will be awaited with interest to learn their opinion of the land in that locality. For Sale. Nine head of cows and calves for sale, and one 2-year-old Holstein bull C. R. Todd. 8-2G-2wkn-w HERMAN SPIES RENOVAT ING HIS CIGAR . FACTORY From Tuesday's Dallv. Herman Spies, the cigar manu facturer, is having his building on lower Main street subjected to a thorough cleaning and renovating, and when it is finished it will make a most attractive spot. The interior is being repapered and will be painted in a most pleasing light shade and soft cushioned seats be provided for the customers, and withal Mr .Spies ex pects to make his "smoke house" a spot where the lovers of a good frag rant smoke can drop in and enjoy a good cigar in surroundings that will give them pleasure and comfort. He has just recently had a new roof plac ed on the building, and with the new improvements will have everything in first-class shape. FIRST DAY'S PLAYING AT TRI-COUNTY TEN NIS TOURNAMENT From Wpdnescmva Dally The Inter-County Tennis tourna ment is now on in full swing and yes terday a number of matches were staged at the courts on Chicago ave nue before a number of the en thusiasts over this great sport, and the results recorded were as follows: Preliminary Round. Ray Larson defeated Frank Hiber, C-0, 6-0. Joe Ehvell, jr., defeated J. T. Stewell by default. E. N. Christianson defeated Harris Cook, C-l, 6-0. Robert Walling defeated Matthew Herold by default. Ralph Larson defended Emil Wurl, C-0, 7-5. ' . Ed Schulhof defeated Howard King by default. Ben Windham defeated T. M. Pat terson by default. H. G. McClusky defeated William Campbell by default. Bruce Rosencrants defeated E. A. Fricke by default. J. A. Elwell defeated John Ballo.v by default. F. M. Druliner defeated L. A. Stacy by default. First Round. Junior Marshall defeated Lloyd Wright by default. Ben Windham defeated Ed Schulhof by default. H. G. McClusky defeated Bruce Rosencrans by default. F. M. Druliner defeated J. A. El well, 6-2, 6-3. John Falter defeated Otto Schneider by default. There are three more matches in this round yet to be played. Second Round. H. G. McClusky defeated Ben WTind ham. 6-0, 6-1. F. M. Druliner defeated John Falt er, 3-6, 7-5, 6-0. There are two more matches in the second round, two in the semi-finals and one in the finals yet to be played in the championship singles. The first of the semi-finals come off this after noon, when McClusky plays Druliner, Play in the doubles started this morn ing. Farmers! Don't fail to see the plowing demonstration, 8-16 Mogel Kerosene Engine, with two and three-bottom plow, at Charles Warner farm two and one-half miles west of Platts mouth, Friday, August 27th. John F. Gorder. Free Band Concert! SATURDAY, AUGUST 28TH -3 O'CLOCK- Corner 5th and Main St YOU ARE ALL INVITED Ladies' Rett Room in Hotel Riley Block Open to All LIGHT PROPOSI TION EXPLAINED BY COIWTEE An Insight of Just What the Users of Electricity Will Be Asked to Pay Under New Contract. From Wednesday's Dally. To the Editor of the Journal: As the question is being discussed now by a great many of the taxpay ers, citizens and business men of the city in regard to the matter of street lighting, the lighting committee of the council take this method to ex plain to the citizens and taxpayers the actual cost per kilowatt for current to be used in the proposed contract to be entered upon by the city and the Ne braska Lighting company. First. We base our time of light ing on an average used by all practi cal electrical engineers, which is 4,000 hours per year on circuits lighting from dusk until daylight, and 2,000 hours per year on circuit lighting from dusk until midnight. Second. We figure the actual cur rent used by each lamp, based on manufacturer's rating of same, and the total kilowatt of the different cir cuits is figured on the total paid per year for lights and in this manner we get the average price paid per kilo watt. Here is the number of lights and current consumed as we have figured. This is simple and has no complica tions; use your own pencil and do your own figuring and when you have been told that current is to cost the city of Plattsmouth 10, 15 or even 20 cents per kilowatt, as reports are being circulated, you will know for yourself just what is being paid: Nine 450-watt Nitrogen lamps at 4,00 per burning consument, 16,200 kilowatts. Ninety 40 candle-power lamps (uses 50 watts per hour), at 2,000 hours per year, 9,000 kilowatts. Thirty-five 60 candle-power lamps (consumes 75 watts per hour), at 4,- 000 hours per year, 10,500 kilowatts per year. This makes a total of 35,700 kilo watts consumed by the lights used on the street lighting system as pro posed. The proposed cost of the 35,700 kilo watts to the city is $2,625 per year, or an average price of 7 and 1-3 cents per kilowatt. In these figures there is no allow ance for line loss, which if figured as would be allowed by municipal engin eers would figure the cost at ap proximately G cents per kilwatt to the city. Out of this the lighting company will have to maintain and operate the entire system, as well as to build ex tensions for placing of additional lights as contemplated by the city. Committee. All friends of education are cordial ly invited to hear Bertram Everett McProud of Brooking, South Dakota, in his lectures next week. The sub ject of the lecture Tuesday evening will be, "The Individual in the Mak ing:" Thursday evening, "What Men Live By." You will bea ble to hear these without charge, since Mr. Mc Proud has been secured for Institute -ppV- 8-26-ltd-ltw William Troop and Louis Todd of near Nehawka were among the visit ors in this city Monday for a short time looking after some matters of business. BEN HORNING CONFINED TO HOME, SOUTH OF TOWN From Wednesday's Dally. The many friends of Ben Horning throughout this section of the county will regret greatly to learn that he has been decidedly under the weather for the last three days and has been confined to his home on the farm just south of this city. Mr. Horning has not been enjoying the best of health for several months, as he has been suffering from a growth on his face that has defied the efforts of the speci alists to treat, and has steadily grown worse, although for a time it was thought that it had been much im proved. He has been taking treatment in Omaha for the past few months, and night before last suffered quite a severe hemorrhage from the growth, but is reported as feeling slightly bet ter today, and it certainly will be the heartfelt wish of all the friends of this splendid gentleman that he may be able to recover from the malady. PLATTSMOUTH GIRL SELECTED AS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL From Wednesday's Dally. A Plattsmouth young lady, Miss Josephine Ulrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ulrich, was one of the leading representatives at the recent "millinery school," held by the M. Spiesberger & Sons company for the benefit of the buyers and trimmers of fall and winter hats, and Miss Ulrich was selected as one of the most beautiful of the many young ladies who assisted in the demonstration of the new hat styles at the school. Miss Ulrich has been engaged in trimming at Mitchell, Neb., for the past season and has made a splendid reputation for her skill in this line of work, and on Sunday last the Omaha Daily News gave her portrait as one of the three handsomest ladies at the school, and among the other two in this group was Miss Hazel Emerson, who was trimmer here during the spring sea son at the millinery department of the M. Fanger store. THE LOUISVILLE BALL TEAM TO PLAY RED SOX NEXT SUNDAY From Wednesday Dally. The base ball fans Sunday will have the pleasure of a visit to this city of the fast Louisville aggregation of base ball players, who are coming down to take on the Red Sox for an other contest in the hope of reversing the results of their previous visit, when they were defeated by a score of 6 to 5 in a most interesting game. There is no doubt that Louisville has a fast organization and they will make worthy opponents for the mighty Red Sox and a good, close game is assured to the lovers of this sport. The condition of the arm of Bob Greko. the pitcher of the Sox is such that he will probably be unable to be present, but if he cannot be on the job it is hoped to secure Roy Chne, who was here last fall playing in the tournament, to take the mound 30b for the Sox. The inability of Bobbie to be here will be very much regretted, as he has made a warm spot for himself in the hearts of the Plattsmouth fans, and is a fine, clean-cut young man all the way through, as well as a clever pitcher and a general good, heady ball player. J. W. Barwick Laid to Rest. Yesterday afternoon the funeral of the late J. W. Barwick was held from the home in South Park, and was at tended by a large number of the neighbors and friends, as well as the members of the A. O. U. W., of which the deceased had been a member dur ing a great many years. The service was in charge of Rev. W. S. Leete of St. Luke's church and the beautiful and impressive service of the Episco pal church used in the last sad rites in memory of this good man. The choir of St. Luke's church furnished several numbers for the service. FOURTH ANNUAL TOURNAMENT OF ((. S. SOCIETY Four-Days' Session to Be Held in This City, Beginning Friday, September 3, Continuing Over Sunday. The city of Plattsmouth will soon have the opportunity afforded them of beii:g the hosts for the fourth annual tournament of the Nebraska disU ict of the Katolicky Sokol society, which will start a four-days' session here on Friday. September 3. and continue un til Monday, September 5. During this time there will probably be several hundred visitors here from all parts of eastern Nebraska, including several turning classes from the different so- cities of the Katolicky Sokol in this section. The citizens of Plattsmouth should give the visitors a cordial welcome and demonstrate to them that they are .dpi eciative of the fact that this tournament has been brought to this city this year and assist in every way possible the committee of the local society that has thea ctive manage ment of the affair in charge, and who w.ll do their utmost to make the visit of their fellow members here one of great pleasure and one that they can long pleasantly remember. The business houses of the city, in he nor of the gathering of the turners, should display some features in dec orations that will demonstrate their feeling of esteem for the sturdy rep resentatives of this splendid or ganization. Friday. September 3, the opening day, will be largely devoted to ths loutine matters of the business or ganization of the tournament and the preparations for the holding of th competitive turning, which will be started Saturday and continue for the next three days of the tournament. On Saturday evening of the tourna ment there will be a grand ball given at the local K. S. hall for the visitors and here will be held the meetings and various turning exhibitions by the different classes. On Sunday, Sep tember fi. a monster parade of the visiting societies and the local or ganization will be held from the Bur lington station at 1:30 in the after noon to the hall on West Locus, street, as there will be large delega tions arrive on that day from Omaha and South Omaha to take p'irt i:i the festivities. The awarding of the prizes will also be given on this day. On Monday there will be a play given at the local hall by the Bohemian Dra matic club. THE ALBRIGHT MUSI CAL COMEDY CO. AT THE AIR DOME NEXT The Albright Musical Comedy Co. that ODens a week's engagement at the Air Dome Monday night, August 30th. come highly recommended, and judging from the advance notices re ceived of this company we will have a formidable organization in our midst next week. Miss Ruth Albright, who heads this company, is known for her charming personality and winsome smile. She is an artist of rare ability, being the proud possessor of a rich contralto voice of wide range. Dur ing her local engagement she will sin? a number of hits from late New York successes, among them being, "The Heigh Ginks' Song." The opening play is entitled, "The Gay Deceiver," full of funny situations and with dia logue, intermingled with catchy musi cal numbers, costumed par excellence and executed by a chorus of more than usual grace and ability. The comedi ans are one of the rare main features of this company, as they are really funny and never resort to methods to secure laughs that are not legiti mate. Harry Blank and Mr. Wright, the principal comedians, and Miss Ruth Albright have been associated with each other so long that as a trio of funmakers they cannot be excell ed. Arthur Donovan, the juvanile man, who has the feature part in "The Gay Deceiver," will undoubtedly pain as many admirers here as he has done elsewhere. The rest of the cast are up to the usual standard.