The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, AlGt'ST 23. 1915. THE COMMERCIAL CLUB ENJOYS A GOOD MEETING Large Attendance and Everyone Pres ent Appeared to Take Interest in the Deliberations. From Friday's Dally. The meeting of the Commercial club last evening: at their rooms in the Hotel Riley building was quite largely attended and one of the most interest ing meetings of the season was held, with "Light" as the chief topic of the evening's gathering. The meeting was opened by Presi dentjWescott with a few remarks giv ing an outline of what the club had done during the month just closed, since their last meeting, which in cluded the publication of the facts in regard to the city and its institutions in the Journal, as well as the printing of these in pamphlet form for dis tribution through the mail by the mer chants in their letters that they might send out. Chairman Robertson of the enter tainment committee reported that $519.05 had been collected on sub scriptions so far and S3St.03 had been paid out for the expense of the com mittee, including the bandstand, band concerts and special attractions. There was need of getting in all subscrip tions for the last month in order to wind up the business of the com mittee. In speaking of the work of this new committee President Wescott stated that they were paying the band $125 per month, as usual for the sum mer series of concerts, and of this sum $25 was given to the leader. Mr. Kchulhof, while the S100 was divided among the members of the band, and at the last meeting had resulted in the sum of $7 being given each member of the band. He considered the pro position of providing some means of entertainment for the visitors a good one, and while the cost was far less than a great many other towns were paying out for the entertainment of their visitors, it had served as a very pleasant feature of the summer! montho. The fact that the band would like to continue their work through the winter months was also discussed by President Wescott at some length and he thought it would be a worthy move if the club would allow the ban to use the club rooms to practice in during the winter months. The rest room had also been found a most ac ccptable place for the ladies and was used very extensively during the months it had been in use, and the club would have to consider whether or not it should be maintained for the winter. On motion of Mayor E. J. Richev the entertainment committee was authorized to estimate the cost of maintaining the band during the win ter, as well as the room in the Riley block, anil to advise the subscriber when they made their rounds to col lect each month, and a great many at the meeting expressed a deisre to see the rest room continued. August Cloidt, who had been asket to furnish a list of the improvements during the period from January 1 1915. to date, read these, giving the fact that six new houses had been completed, eleven were under way and two were about to be started, and the valuation of these was in the neigh borhood of $44,000. He also mention ed the curb and gutter on Main street from Seventh to Tenth and the fact that this would likely be extended next year farther west on Main street, as well as on other streets. He called attention to the sewer extension on Washington avenue. T. H. Pollock informed the club that the Cass county teachers would be in thi3 city the week of August 29th and that the Commercial club had arranged for a band concert at the park on next Thursday evening, as well as a reception at the Elks Home on Monday evening, August 30th. Attorney John M. Leyda, who had consented to address the club, gave a very interesting discussion of the question of private owned and public owned public utilities and laid par ticular stress on the question of the cost of gas and electricity, giving a number of extracts from the Chicago Journal, the Milwaukee Leader, as well as Pearson's Magazine, in sup port of his position of the benefit of the municipal owned plant to the con sumer of the gas and electricity, and also the moral effect in the larger cities of private owned public utilities. Mr. Leyda stated that wherever it had been tried municipal ownership had been found much more acceptable and had brought the cost to the consumer to a much lower figure than ever un der private ownership, and he be- I Ilia l 111 At? kj,uip wu tu v fcV. i. I cities it would prove the same here. He favored the securing of figures on what the current could be supplied for from Omaha to this city for a municipal plant, as well as the cost of a plant complete for the manufacture of the electric current. The address of Mr. Leyda was very clear and to the point and represented a clear statement as to his views on this question. Ex-Mayor John P. Sattler was asked to give a few remarks on this subject and stated that he had dis cussed the question before and was of the opinion that the city, about to take up the making of a new contract, should take heed of the matter of the rates and the possibility of wanting to put in a plant of their own in the future. If the city had carried out the spirit of the resolution adopted last March, Mr. Sattler stated, and had created a levy for the purpose of securing a lighting plant of their own, they would be in position to go ahead with plans for lighting the city. He further stated that the current used here was third-handed, as it was manufactured by the Omaha Gas and Electric Co., and sold to the McKinley interests for 1 and l-10c a kilowatt, and sold to the Nebraska Lighting company for 2c a kilowatt, and then f-old to the consumer at from 12 to 15c a kilowatt. During his term as mayor, he stated, the light committee of the city council, the committee of the Commercial club and the officials of the light company had held a meet ing, at which it had been stated by the officials of the company that they would give the lowest possible rate if the McKinley company was kept out. but this had not been lived up to anil the city was left at the mercy of the company. Fred Dawson gave a few remarks along the line of explaining the dif ference in the consumption of current of the different lamps used in light ing the city. City Attorney Tidd, in addressing the meeting, stated that in 1003 the city council had granted a franchise to the light company that hail tied the hands of the city to a great extent in the settlement of the light problem and that the city councils since that time had come in for a good deal of unjust criticism, as the blame shoui be given to the council granting th franchise in 1903. He had been op posed to municipal ownership in year gone by, but as the city adminLstra tion in recent years had been run on economical lines he was of the opinio that it could be put in operation with profit and that as far as busines methods were concerned, thought that the city was operated as economically as anv in the state. He thought th city should, before entering into contract, attempt to secure some re Kef for the private consumers irom the present rates. Estimates of th 10-watt lamps in u.?e showed them to cost lTe per kilowatt. In Wymor the municipal plant had reduced th cost to the consumer to t:c per kilo watt. Hon. R. R. Windham gave a few remarks as to his views on the ligh question and stated that he had been converted to the municipal ownership plan by study of the results in othe cities. He also was well pleased with the splendid condition of the city an the stability and confidence of the citizens in its future development. Vo the last ten years, Mr. Windham stated, the city had been governed in a very able manner and with a saving and benefit to the taxpayers. President Wescott, addressing the gathering, stated that the meeting was for the purpose of expressing views on matters of importance to the city and was glad to have everyone give their views on any question o importance that they might desire. F'red Dawson extended to the mem hers of the club and the business men a cordial invitation to join the busi ness men's turning class that will be formed soon at the German Turner hall, and an opportunity to secure good, healthful exercise. The meeting last evening was on. in which everyone who desired ex l r i. ji piest-eu ireeiy ineir opinion, anM as this was the purpose, it was quite successful in this respect. Now Handling Coal. From Saturday's Dailv. In another column of this issue will be found the advertisement of Ernest htenner, who is taking up the coal business and will take all orders and see that they are filled promptly and efficiently with the best quality of coal. The business will be handled from the greenhouse of Mr. Stenner in the west part of the city. Evening Journal delivered, 10t per week. C ASTO R I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears I the 7 r Signature of G. T. PEACOCK HAS BEST WHEAT AND GETS THE SUIT OF CLOTHES From Saturdays Dally. .The prize of a fine suit of clothe to the Cass county farmer bringing to the store of C. E. Wescott's Sons the highest graded specimen of wheat of the 1915 crops-was awarded this afternoon at the store, when the judges, Nelson Jean, W. R. Bryan, R L. Propst and F. E. Schlater, examin ed the specimens presented and tested them out for both weight and grade, and awarded the prize to Charles T Peacock, who resides west of this city some eight miles. All the different specimens were placed in similar boxes and numbered and the judges were unaware of the names of the farmers who had placed their wheat in the contest, and it was after thorough test that the wheat of Mr Peacock was awarded the first prize He will lie given his choice of a fine suit of clothes, which will be made to fit him. The judges of the contest were well pleased with the quality of the wheat from all those entering and it shows Cass county's wheat crop is all to the good. Following is the statement of the judges: We have made examination of the samples of wheat at C. E. Wescott's Sons store anil subjected it to stand ard test. We find that the wheat marked No. 5 is entitled to the prize of a suit offered by the firm. The wheat samples were identified by num ber only, no names being attached thereto. The wheat of Mr. Peacock tested ei grade, No. 2 hard. W. R. Bryan. R. L. Propst. Frank E. Schlater Nelson Jean. WAR-LIKE MEXICAN FROM ACROSS RIVER JAILED FOR A REST Frrm Pi tn May's Daily. Yesterday afternoon Mexicans who reside one of the in the camp across the river near Pacific Junction drifted into town and soon accumulat ed a large supply of joy water, but with his fiery Castilian temperment he could not carry the load long be fore getting the national habit of starting something, and accordingly attempted to start a small-sized revolution with one of his countrymen who had accompanied him to this city and while the second of the duet was T'ot in a warlike mood he was pestered by his "jaggy" friend until OfTice Jones came by and gathered the war like follower of Villa into his grasp anil escorted him to the city lockup lo meditate there on the hard-hearted officers of the law who will not stand for any warlike demonstrations on the street. At the jail a cherished half pint of "red eye" was removed from the person of the senor, which caused him even greater grief than being put in jail. PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AT INTER-COUNTY TEN NIS TOURNAMENT The forthcoming Inter-County Ten- i:i;; tournament, which is to be held on the courts of the Plattsmouth Ten nis club August 23-27, is attracting a treat deal of attention from the lov ers of this sport and there will be a large number to take part in the meet. The prizes to be given will be as fol lows: Championship in Singles silver loving cup. Runner-up in Singles Silver mounted hat brush. Championship in Doubles Silver mounted clothes brushes. Runner-up in Doubles Silver grip checks. Winners of Consolation Doubles Half dozen tennis balls. Winner of Consolation Singles Racket press. These prizes will be on display in the show window at the J. W. Crabill jewelry store during next week, when the tournament will be on. Out on the courts arrangements are moving along nicely and the courts are on "dress parade" and all ready for the big show to start Monday. Thee lub has built an umpire's chair and order ed score cards and these wil Ihelp con siderably in running off the important matches. The oleal clavers are rom- ing out to the courts quite steadily for ; .onc o.iu wiui me courts m gooa ; I y-v nnl . 4-1 At- 1 shape a big time is anticipated. For Sale. Good alfalfa seed, $9 per bushel, Call or write, J. L. Shrader, Nehawka. EDWARD M'NEALY, A LOUIS VILLE BOY, DIES IN SOUTH From Saturdays rall. Bert McNealy and Mrs. E. C. Twiss received a telegram from Shrieveport, Louisiana, Monday, announcing the death of their brother, Edward Mc Nealy, which occurred in a hospital. Ed went south about two months ago hoping a change of climate would benefit him. He had suffered from Bright's disease for years. He has relatives in that vicinity and will not be brought here for burial. He lived in Louisville since boyhood and was generally liked by everyone, and the news of his death comes as a great surprise. The Courier extends sym pathy to the brother and sister who are left to mourn his loss. Louisville Courier. A FINE CLASS OF SHOWS BOOKED FOR PARMELE THEATER Krnm Saturday-" !nTTir. This winter will see an excellent line of attractions at the Parmele theater, according to R. M. Shlaes, who announces that he has succeeded in booking a better line of theatrical companies than was ever seen in Plattsmouth. That this city is more on the theatrical man than at any year previously is attested by the list of companies Mr. Shlaes has succeed- During his residence here Mr. Bar ed in booking. I.ast winter having wick has made a great many friends. been a hard one in most spots for all classes of amusement, theatrical managers are this year more insist - ent than ever on giving what the pub- lie wants and thereby assuring them- selves of at least satisfying the pub- lie if not having a successful season. A convention of opera house man- ages from the mid-west was recently held in Chicago, and this marks the first steD towards an organization of show hurts the attendance at a dozen is almost a thing of the past, yet there is much to be done before they can be entirely eliminated. One poor ihow hurts the attendance at a dozen good ones, and although it is an un- profitable business, fooling the public is still sometimes partly successful, and any ouncej of success the poor shows meet with spurs them on to ac- complishing more harm to meritorious attractions. Mr. hhlaes is to be commended in booking a list of first-class attrac tions, and local people, when they know a good company is due, will turn out in gerater numbers. OFFICERS RACE AFTER ESCAPED INMATE OF GLENWOOD INSTITUTE From Saturdarn Dallr. The residents alornr Vine street were rather startled this morning at early hour by the sound of can- nonadinc in that vieinitv. and for a few minutes it was feared that a Mexican invasion was on. but it was soon discovered that the noise was oc- casioned by the attempt of the police to halt a fugitive whom they desired to capture. Earlier in the evening a report had been given them that two strange acting men were noticed in the north part of the city and Officers Grebe and Wilson made a search for the parties, but without success until about 2 o'clock this morning, when a siisr.irifiiis.lnnl.inn njirtv was nntifpd near the McDaniel corner, and when the officers approached he started on a run up the alley, going west, with the police in pursuit. He came out of the alley on Sixth street and started north, and when crossing Main street was again discovered by the police, nnd nfficor Wilr.n ctnrtod nn Vinp street to head him off, while Officer r,roht rnntinnoH un Main stmpt in pursuit of the elusive stranger. Near the Streight furniture store Mr. Wil- son got in hailing distance of the man and requested him to halt, but he kept i-io-lif n nffirar fi rH in thJ air to halt him, but instead of stop ping the shots seemed to frighten him more and he dashed wildly out Vine street and was a few minutes later discovered in a clump of bushes near the residence of John Bauer, sr., and- was taken to the city jail, where he was discovered to be one of the in- mnrps nt th filenwnod Kephlp Mind- ed institute, and stated he had escaped yesterday and made his way here. The boy, for he was scarcely more, wasi apparently harmless and was taken back to the institute this morning by Acting c-niet Jones, i ne second party a . a mi I was not discovered, however, and ap pears to have made a clean getaway, and the boy who was captured was not able to give an intelligent statement as to his actions or who his companion - was. ANOTHER OLD CITIZEN CALLED TO HIS REWARD W. Barwick, for Twenty-four Years in Employ of Burlington Shops, and Highly Esteemed Citizen. Another of Plattsmouth's oldest and most respected citizens was summon ed to his final reward Saturday night, when J. W. Barwick passed away at his home in the south part of the city after an illness covering a period of some two years. The condition of Mr. Barwick for the past few weeks has been very critical and his family and friends have been aware that the end was not far off, as his advanced age of 75 years and feebled condition made his recovery a matter of grave uncertainty from the first. Mr. Barwick was born in England and lived there up to some twenty six years ago, when he came with his family to America and located in this city, where they have since made their home. He at once entered the em ploy as one of the clerks in the office of the superintendent of shops, and up to two years ago was engaged in active work, but the feeble condition of his health made it necessary for him to leave his duties and since then he has been confined to his home the I greater part of the time who will regret greatly to learn of his death, and his going will be the oc 1 casion of the most profound grief to those who knew him bestd uring his years spent here as a good and useful citizen and a warm and loyal friend, Besides the aged and invalid wife, four children, one son and threj daughters, are left to mourn the loss of the husband, and father, as follows: J. E. Barwick, Plattsmouth; Mrs Thomas N. Julian, Clovis, New Mex ico; Mrs. W. P. Albee, Glenwood, Iowa, and Mrs. Perry Coffman. Platts mouth The funeral of this good man will be held Wednesday afternoon at the home, if possible, as the family are awaiting the arrival of the daughter from New Mexico, she having left h?r home at Llovis last evening to reach here in time to be present when the father is laid to his last long rest. FIRST-CLASS PLAYS GUARANTEED AT PAR MELE COMING SEASON It will be of interest to those who seek amusement that R. M. Shlaes has succeeded in booking a better class of attractions for the coming season at l"c "'-; mcaid man wa ever before seen in Plattsmouth. His knowledge of the character of the at traction that will be sent through the mid-west this season makes Mr. Shlaes acquainted with those which a,e desirable companies, and a good season is in store for local amusement lovers. mere are still a lew poor shows on the road, but the fact that attractions have to guarantee satis faction to their patrons or return the money, has placed the bad boys on the shelf, and for an unknown attraction to book itself nowadays this guarantee must be forthcoming A convention ot mid-west opera house managers was recently held in Chicago. This marks the first step o the managers towards getting togeth er a " will help wonderfully in mi proving the theatrical business gen erally in the west, ihe pride of kca' community can be shown in at tending a first-class theatrical per formance, inasmuch as a show well patronized advertises a town auto matically by telling the business they none, and as other companies are notified that a town is good they plan to include it in their route at some t,me a town 's ""en made known when otherwise it remained a blank for ages. ROOM AND BOARD. ROOM AND BOARD High schoo students preferred. Inquire at this office. 8-20-lw-d-2w-w DewafC OI UintlTlCntS I0f L.atanTl That Contain Mercury at mweury will mrrly destroy tlin Mnse of smell ml romiik'tt'ly derange tlie whole i-ysteiu wben Miterinif 11 mnmirn me mucous surturps. Siieu riiri's snouta never rw uu: exct ou preftcrU" nuns iniiu repuiuujp pn.vfcinaus, ns tue uuniaKt thnr will ilo is teu fold to tUe irood vou ran on. aiuiy ot-riTe iroiu iiieui. nan a tutarru i;ur manufactured by F. J. I'beney & Co.. Toledo. contains no mercury, anil Is takou Internally, acting Ulicctly uxn toe lilixvl ami mucous aur facea of tUti urstein. In Ltirlne IlelTa raterrL Cur be eura you tret tUe eenuiu. It is taken lntertifl!y mj made In Toledo. Oblo. by F. J CUeuty i Co. Testimonial free. So'.d by Dn?Eitj. Price, 73e. per bottle. Juke Hull' FuiUI Villa tor cocsUimUoa. Stetson the Vogue in Autumn Hats J"UST opened, and now ready for your inspection the new Fall Stetsons ! Derbies, Self-conforming Der bies, and Soft Hats in a wide range of block and color. In hats, as in clothes generally, the key note is a nice balance between freedom and formality. You will recognize it instantly in these Stetsons and you will not find it in its perfection in any other hat display in town. At your service Notice display in our east window NEW TIES C.E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE MARRIAGE OF MRS. CECILE BRISH AND E. L. JAHRIG TODAY From Sat unlay's Pally. This morning in Omaha occurred the marriage of Mr. E. L. Jahrig and Mrs. Cecile Brish. both of this city. The ceremony was a very quiet one ard was held at the home of friends there and was attended by a few inti mate friends and relatives of the con tracting parties. The marriage lines were read by Rev. J. II. Steger of the Pt. Paul's church of this city "n a most impressive manner, which brought a touch of reverence to the scene marking the uniting of these two lives as one. Both of the con tracting parties are well known here, where they have made their home f o the past few years, and their friends will be pleased to learn that they are to hereafter take up life's journey to gether. The bride has made her home here for a number of years and is :i lady who is highly esteemed by a large number of friends. The groom is an old resident of this city, where he has made a great many friends during the years he has lived here, and in his new-found happiness he will receive the heartiest best wishes of a large circle of friends. Both of these splendid people are among the best residents of the city and on their re turn will be given a hearty reception bv their old friends. Subscribe for The Journal. FALL First showing of Stetsons for Fall wear. The latest styles are here for your inspection. A fnwofthem are the EVENT, ESMOND, MALVERN and WIN NEK. In colors Ivy (ireen, Pearl Grey, Brown and Carbon. When it is a STETSON it is every thing good that a hat can be. Hansen Gloves Carhart Overalls EVERY WEEK A STALK OF CORN WHICH CONTAINS SIX EARS S. Hay .Smith, who has been en gaged in farming near Weeping Wa ter for the past several years, was here Saturday visiting his father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. S. (j. Smith, and eports a most successful year on the farm which he is running this year. Mr. Smith has had a number of speci mens of record-breaking corn of this year's crop, and among these was a stalk of corn containing six ears and measuring thirteen and a half feet in height, and so remarkable is this pro duct of the Nebraska corn that it has been put on exhibition at Weeping Water, where it has attracted uni versal attention. The yield of corn there will he close to fifty bushels jer acre, which is certainly a most gratifying showing. Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "I never hesitate to recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Sol Wil liams, merchant, Jesse, Tenn. "I sell more of it than of any other prepara tion of like character. I have used it myself and found it gave me more relief than anything else I have ever tried for the same purpose." Obtain able everywhere. OfTice supplies at the Journal of fice. - HATS Sfefscn Hats Manhattan Shirts