The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1915, Image 1

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    Plattsmouth Will Celebrate Every Saturday Afternoon During the Summer Months
Iel SIjIo Historical Soo
NO. 19.
This Grand Old Pioneer Will Celebrate
Her Ninety-fifth Anniversary
Tuesday, September 21th.
From Friday s Dully.
One of the grand old ladies in Cass
county is Mrs. M aha la P. Graves, or
as she ii more affectionately known
to hundreds throughout this section
cf Cass county. "Grandma" Graves.
This worthy lady will, on September
, L4th, celebrate her ninety-fifth birth
day, and although almost touching:
the century mark, she is still bright
and keen in her mind as one fifty
years of ace. A few weeks ago she
had the misfortune to fall at her home
and fracture her wrist, which laid her
v.p for some time, but she has prac
tically rectnered from this and with
the care of her daughter, Mrs. Mary
E. Burnett, is now feeling in her ac
customed good health.
Mrs. Graves has lived to be the
head of five trenerations and this
honor is one that comes to but few
in a lifetime, and of her twelve chil
dren, seven are living; forty-seven
f randchiidrer.. forty living; thirty
eight great grandchildren, thirty-six
living, aiid three great-great grand
children. two of whom are living.
Mrs. Graves was born at Knox
viile, Knox county, Tennessee, on Sep
tember 21, lr'M. She made her home
in that section until ISo.'J, and was
married in that county to William Y.
Graves on October 2, 1827. who had
been born and reared in that same
locality, being born there July 19,
1818. In l-0 the husband and wife,
with their little family, decided that
greater opportunities awaited them in
the west, and accordingly moved to
Mills county, Iowa, and pre-empted
a quarter section of land three miles
east of Glenwood, but after a few
years decided to come to Nebraska,
:;nd in lSr.4 arrived at Rock Bluffs,
then a flourishing little city, and lo
cated there, where they have resided
-ince that time and where the husband
and father passed away to the Better
Land on October o', 1S!5.
The lifetime of Mrs. Graves em
braces a wonderful change in the life
of the nation and of the west, -where
rhe has for so many years made her
home. Since her arrival at an age of
the appreciation of things she ha
lived to see three wars, the Mexican,
the great conflict between the states
of the union, and the Spanish-American
war; twenty-three presidents
have presided over the destinies of
the nation since her birth. She has
seen in the evolution of time the ox
cart displaced by the giant locomotives
of the preent day, the wagon and
carriage passed by the automobile,
and now the air craft, the osi'ibility
of which would have seemed like the ;
impossible in the dayc of her girlhood.
She has eaten her food prepared in
the old-fashioned fireplace from a fire
made with flint and steel and lived to
; ee electricity serve as the means of
cooking. She ha?" lived to see rulers
v.nd countries change in the melting
pot of time, and still hopes to be
spared to see other c f the great won
ders that the twentieth century will
bring with it.
The children of this grand woman
are as follows: Mrs. Harriet Miller,
Glenwood, la.; Alexander II. Graves,
Murray, Neb.; Calvin M. Graves,
Wapeto. Wash.; Oriena J. Graves,
who died in Mills county, Iowa, in
18f.r; Elbert Lawson Graves, North
Yakima, Wash.; Andrew J. Graves,
attorney at law, who died at Platts
mouth, Neb., in 130(5; Julian D.
Graves, Peru, Neb.; Alvin Shered
Graves. New York City; Mrs. Ellen O.
Lacey, who died at Omaha in 1900;
Charles L. Graves. Union, Neb.; Mrs.
Mary Burnett, Pock Bluffs, who is
caring for her mother at present.
Miss Greenwald Home.
Miss Carrie Greenwald has just re
turned home from Falls Citj-, where
she has been enjoying an outir g there
with relatives and friends, and her
photograph studio in this city is now
open for business, as usual, and she
will be able to look after the needs
of those desiring photographs.
From Friday's Dallv.
The many friends of Judge A. W.
Crites, who for many years made his
home in this city, will regret to learn
that this gentleman is in a very seri
ous condition and has been taken back
to hio home at Chadrqn, Neb., from
Omaha, where he was for several
weeks taking treatment for a malady
from which he had been suffering for
some time. The physicians were un
able to give him any relief and his
family were informed that the days
of Mr. Crites were numbered and that
his recovery was impossible. Judge
Crites has been one of the leading at
torneys in the northwest part of the
state and the news of his fatal illness
will be learned with the greatest re
gret throughout the state.
From Friday's Daily.
The arrangements have just been
completed by Messrs. II. M. Shlaes
md Charles Petersen of the Mid-West
Amusement company for the enlarg
ing and remodeling of the Gem thea
ter in this city, and to mane it on a
par with any moving picture show-
house in the larger cities. The Gem
will be enlarged by the extension of
the building to the alley and in the
new addition a stage will be erected
and 20'J additional seats provided that
will give the theater a seating
capacity of 4..0, instead of 20 as at
present. The booth will also be en
larged and two machines installed
which will allow of a continuous show
with no intermissions, as is necessary
at the present time where there is
only one machine and the change in
reels makes necessary a wait of a few
minutes. This will give the movie
lovers a nrst-class city show house
with all the modem conveniences. The
Grand will also be thoroughly cleaned
and redecorated in readiness for th
opening, which will take place Sep
tember 1st, immediately after the
lose of the Air Dome. These im
provements and changes will make
necessary quite an outlay of money
for the amusement company, but they
iesire to give their patrons the best
possible service and a good first-clas3
heater. The Mutual and Universal
programs will be given as usual, and
all will be strictly first-class pictures.
From Friday's Dally.
The Fraternal Order of Eagles of
this city have arranged for holding
their annual picnic on Sunday, August
2ith, at the grove on the farm of C.
F. Vallery, southwest of this city, on
the Louisville road, and here one of
he biggest and best times in the his
tory of the local order will be staged,
as the members of the committee will
see that there is nothing omitted to
make the occasion a most pleasant
one to all who attend. One of the big
features of the picnic will be a fine
dance platform which will be erected
beneath the cool shade of the trees
on the farm, and here all afternoon
the Plattsmouth orchestra, under the
leadership of Tom Svoboda, will dis
course sweet music for the young and
old who desire to trip the light
Tantastic, and will afford them one of
the times of their lives. The grove
of Mr. Vallery will make an ideal
place to hold a gathering of this kind,
as there rs plenty of shade and the
distance from the city makes a nice
auto trip. It has been arranged that
a line of automobiles will operate
from this city to the grounds during
the day and everyone who desires to
go can be accommodated, and there is
no need for anyone to miss this pleas
ant event.
For Sale.
Metz Roadster,
fine condition.
Price, $275.00.
Riley Block.
From Fridnv'n ral!v
The Hippodrome has struck a nev
r.ote m supplying .New i oi k with an
entertainment bound to be appreeiat
ed. On Saturday a policy of motion
pictures, coupled with operatic selec
tions by a large company, and spec
tacular features through the means of
the big water tank, gave New York
something to talk about. The hou
was filled to its capacity and the
entertainment was most enjoyable
Then followed the important event
namely. "The Heart of Maryland
w ith Mrs. Leslie Carter in her original
role of .Maryland Calvert. Ihis ster
ling play, now 20 years old, lent itself
to the picture business in splendid
shape. Like "The Birth of a Nation,"
it introduced battle scenes during the
civil war, and some of them were most
graphic in their execution. It is in
all one of the most effective motion
pictures we have seen this year. And
the players made everything interest
ing. Dramatic News.
This most beautiful play, "Th
Heart of Maryland," shown in
Plattsmouth next Thursday, August
2oth, with a matinee at the Gem in
the afternoon and at the Air Dome in
the evening.
From Fidav'.u Dally.
The Epworlh League society's last
pleasant social event of the summer
season was in the delights of a "wa
termelon feed" at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jennings Seivers, in the south
part of the city, and a great many of
he toothsome melons were disposed
of by the Leaguers and their friends
during the course of the evening's
pleasures. The large and spacious
lawn of the Seivers home was decorat
ed with Japanese lanterns, beneath
the soft and pleasing light of which
the young people played a great many
games which were enjoyed to the ut
most. The crowd was one of the
argest at a League social for some
time and some sixtv were on hand to
take in the delights of the evening.
The event was under the direction of
the social committee, of which Flor
ence Falser was chairman, and noth
ing was spared to make the occasion
one of the rarest enjoyment to the
young people and everyone entered
thoioughly into the spirit of the even
ing r.nd a good jolly time was had by
the entire party.
From Friday's Pan.
Last evening the Modern Pricilla
club was entertained in a very pleas
ant manner at the J . C. Peterson
heme by Mrs. Charles Peterson, jr.,
and Miss Edna Peterson in honor of
Miss Alvina Bonberg of Chicago, who
is a guest at the Peterson home. The
evening was spent most pleasantly in
the enjoying of a number of very
entertaining musical numbers, as well
as in the making of a number of
dainty articles cf needlework by the
ladies present. At a suitable hour a
very tempting and dainty luncheon
was served that was very much enjoy
ed by the jolly party, and at a late
hour they rdl departed for their homes
voting the occasion a most pleasing
one. The guests of the club were Mrs.
A. A. Shore of Norborne, Missouri,
and Miss Margr.ret Wohlfarth.
Returns From Trip.
Dr. J. S. Livingston returned home
Saturday evening from a vacation trip
of several weeks in the northwest an 1
at points on the Pacific coast, includ
ing Boise, Idaho, and Portland Ore
gon. Hie trip was one enjoyed to the
utmost by the doctor and he feels very
much refreshed and ready for the
ardous labors of his profession with
renewed vigor.
Our old friend, J. M. Young, who is
a mighty good gardener and whose
swarm of bees makes the henev
in the land, today proved to us that ht
is also a mighty good f.-uit grower.
when he brought in from his residence
on Chicago avenue a fine assortment
of rich, juicy apples which are well
named, "Jap's Best," and they are
sure all that could be asked for and
it is a pleasure to be remembered.
From Friday's DallT.
The Woman s Home Missionary
society of the Msthodistc hurch en
joyed a very pleasant meeting yester
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Thomas Glenn, on Granite street, and
a very alrge attendance of the mem
bers of the society were present to
take part in the pleasure of the aft
ernoon. After a short business ses
sion of the society the members were
afforded a most interesting address by
Miss Young of Omaha, a deaconess in
the mission work in that city, who in
her few remarks gave some of the re
sults that had been secured for the
good of the community and general
helpfulness in Omaha through the
work of the mission. This short, talk
was much enjoyed and the ladies
gathered a gnat deal of inspiration
from the speaker in their field here
that will prove of much value to them.
A pleasant feature of the afternoon
was a vocal number by ilrs. K. IS.
Hayes, which was most thoroughly
enjoyed and appreciated by the ladies.
From Snturdav's Dally.
The Nebraska State Normal school,
ocated at Peru, Neb., is completing
i magnificent new training school
building that will afford students who
are preparing to teach more excep
tional opjtortunities for practice teach-
ng. This building will cost, fully
equipped, $100,000. The aim of Peru
s to provide the best possible instruc
tion under ideal conditions and to keep
up the high standards that it has
maintained during its half century of
growth and influence. It will be of
ntcrest to Peru's myriads of friends
o know that he graduating class of
the present school year passed the 200
mark, with prospects for much larger
graduating classes in the future.
The success of the school is due not
to any one cause, but to many causes.
Its fine sixty-acre campus, its splen
did moral atmosphere, its prestige
gained through half a century of un
selfish service, its large faculty of
Christian men and women, its high
standard of scholarship, the great
variety of courses of study offered,
the low expenses for room and board
in the quiet of the small town, free
tuition to Nebraska boys and girls,
and above all, its thousands of former
students and loyal alumni, all con
tribute toward the unprecedented
growth which the school has enjoyed
the past decade.
The last biennial report of the
school shows that there are now 2,296
alumni; that more than 26,000 differ
ent students have been enrolled since
its establishment in 18G7.
Certainly Some Rain.
From Saturday's Pally.
S. L. Furlong was in the city today
for a few hours and while here in
formed us that during the month of
July at his home the rainfall had been
nine inches, and that during the last
week it had registered nine inches.
Mr. Furlong has kept a careful track
of the rainfall and with his instru
ments measures it each day and has
derived the above figures. This is a
considerable heavier rainfall than oc
curred in this city.
Wall Paper Clearance Sale; 23 and
40 per cent reduction. Gering & Co.
Arrangements Have Been Perfected
. for a Successful Meeting in
Everv Wav Possible.
From Saturday's Daily.
County Superintendent Miss Eda
Marquardt has just issued the pro
gram for the annual teachers' in
stitute which will be held at the High
school building in this city August
30th to September 3d, inclusive. The
program this year will deal with the
direct problems of school life and the
force of lecturers will take up the
things most needed in the schools of
the city and county. The list in
cludes Mary Ellen Brown of the
School of Agriculture of the state uni
versity, who will have charge of the
primary reading, seat work, prim-try
language and games. Bertram
Everett McProud, professor of educa
tion of the South Dakota State col
lege, will give a series of lectures on
geography, grammar, physiology and
school hygiene. Miss Marie Kauf
mann. supervisor of penmanship ;?
the Plattsmouth city schools, will lec
ture during the institute on the Pal
mer system of penmanship. W. G.
irooks, superintendent of city schools,
will deal with a number of th? prt b-
ems of the teachers and will have
charge of the teachers' round table.
County Attorney A. G. Cole will give
daily talks on the school law, it which
period some time will be given for
questions on different points of law.
The evening entertainments lor the
nstitute will be started on Monday
evening at 8:30 by a reception at the
Elks' club to the teachers and ih? resi
dents of Plattsmouth by the members
of the Elks' lodge and the Commercial
club of the city.
On Tuesday evening at 8 o'cicc ; at
the High school building will be a Jec-
ure by Prof. McProud on "The In
dividual in the Making." On Wed
nesday evening there will be a con
cert given at the city park by the Bur-
ington band in honor of the visiting
teachers, nad under the auspices of
the Commercial club. On Thursday
evening Prof. McProud will give a "lec
ture on "What Men Live By," at the
High school building.
As a special feature of the institute
work Miss Marquardt has secured L.
Skinner of the extension depart
ment of the University School of
Agriculture, who will be here on
Tuesday of the institute week to lec
ture on the Boys' and Girls' club work
for the year. Attorney C. A. Riwls
will, on Wednesday afternoon, ad
dress the teachers on "Functions of
Government." Each day of the in
stitute at the opening hour there will
be some special feature of entertain
ment provided.
Teachers who desire to enroll may
do so at any time before the begin
ning of the institute. The enrollment
fee is $1.
The Murray Library association will
give an outdoor musical Saturday eve
ning, August 28, at the home of L.
Gapen, and the following program will
be rendered:
Piano Miss Mary Loughridge
Piano Duet..Velma and Leland Wood
Reading Mrs. Alvan Ramge
Vocal Solo Carl Lynge
Violin Solo Leland Wood
Character Song
Celma and Leland Wood
Reading Mrs. William Baird
Vocal Solo Mrs. II. E. Wescott
Piano Miss Olga Minford
The association asks your attend
ance. Come and help make it a suc
cess. Social Dance.
The Murray Dancing club will give
another one of their social dances at
the Puis & Gansmer hall on Saturday
evening, August 28th. The music will
be furnished by the Holly orchestra of
Plattsmouth. There is a good time in
store for all who wish to attend.
From Saturnavs Daily.
Grover Hoback and Lova Reynolds,
who were quarantined for smallpox
last Thursday afternoon, are getting
along excellently at this writing. Mr.
Hoback was not confined to his bed,
which shows it is of a light form. At
the time he was quarantined his wife
was in the country and did not feel
like taking the chances of getting the
disease, so did not come home, and
s a result Grover has the whole
plantation to himself. The postoflice,
which was thoroughly fumigated,
was turned over to Mrs. Fleshman,
who was employed there during Mr.
Palmer's postmastership, and every
thing is tailing smoothly. Nehawka
From Saturday' Da II v.
The news of the death on Saturday,
August Tth, at his home in Seattle, of
Edward W. Herold, has just been re
ceived here by his cousin, Henry Her
old. The deceased was well known
here, where he was born and reared
and for many years made his home.
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Herold, old residents of this city. In
speaking of his death the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer gives the following
Edward W. Herold, 42 years of age,
prominent in Seattle's business circles,
died unexpectedly yesterday noon of
cerebreal hemorrhage following an at
tack of acute uremic poisoning.
Yesterday morning Mr. Herold left
his apartments in the Heidelberg, S13
Queen Anne avenue, bidding his
mother good-by for the day, and walk
ed to his office, the Benton-Herol J
Desk company, 1818 Third avenue. At
10:30 o'clock he complained to his of
fice forec of pains. Dr. F. M. Carroll
was called immediately, but Mr. Her
old was beyond medical aid. An am
bulance carried him to his home,
where at noon he died. His mother
was at the bedside.
Twenty-six years ago Mr. Harold
came to Seattle. He was president and
general manager of the Benton-Herold
Desk company. He built the Herold
hotel on Terry avenue, between Madi
son and Marion streets, and the Reg
ent apartment building at First ave
nue and Denny way. He was a mem
ber of the Rainier club, of the Cham
ber of Commerce, the Commercial
club, Benevolent and Protective Order
of Elks, No. i)2, and was the first
member to join the Tilikums of Elt
taes after that organization obtained
its charter in 1912. He was a life
member of the Seattle Athletic club,
and a member of the Union club of
Surviving relatives, besides his
mother, Mrs. Anna E. Herold, are two
brothers, Ernest B. Herold, 918 Queen
Anne avenue, an attorney, and
Charles Herold, theater owner of Ta
coma. Funeral services wil lbe held Sun
day afternoon at 4 o'clock in the
chapel of the Bonney-Watson com
pany. Broadway and Olive streets.
Rev. William A. Major will officiate.
The remains will he cremated. Firends
are invited.
The weed patch on the corner of
Sixth and Pearl streets, oil the vacant
lot there, has grown into the propor
tion of an African jungle, with weeds
that would put a small-sized tree to
shame for size and density of foliage,
and the mothers in that section of the
city are very careful of their children
least they wander into the jungle and
require an exploring party to effect
their rescue. This eyesore on one of
the business streets certainly should
be looked after and the weeds cut
oven if it is necessary for the city to
do the work, if the property owner
does not care to look after this im
portant matter, as the weeds are not
only an eyesore, but also a breeder
of disease and a menace to those re
siding in that locality.
Firm of R. II. I'rans & Sons, the Bie
gste Store in Town. Quite
Heailv I roni "I bis i-it..
From SaturrlaVy Dul'v.
Union, which has in the pat been
frequently visited by burglar-', .seems
to have experienced another goin.r
over by someone, a;.d a a re -a it lbe
firm of li. II. Frar.s A S"i,s are rnir.j
property of considerab'e value. The
burglars seem to have been acquaint
ed with the premise.- where they oper
ated or had made a might good guess
as they visited three places Mrno t;me
late Thursday nijrht or early Friday
The meat market of Hunt & Mor
ton, the store of Joe Banning and the
large department store of K. 11. Finns
&: Sons were the places to receive at
tention from the unwelcome callers,
but from all accounts the I'rans store
was the only place where they .secured
anything of value. The burglars had
.iecu red a small crowbar from the ele
ator near the Missouri Pacific track?',
which was later identified by as one which had been u-e 1
frequently around the elevator, and
:'.fter getting the liar thev seem to
have started out to give the bu.-iness
houses ol the town trie once oer,
and the way in which the different
places were broken open leads to the
fact that they were all the work of
the same person or persons.
The burglars had found a window at
the Hunt & Morton meat market
which was not fastened and searched
around there, but without securing
much of value, and had then apparent
ly broken into the Banning store
through a window and ransacked
around without landing any booty.
The entrance to the Frans store was
made through a second-story window,
from which entrance hail been made
from the roof of a small one-story
shed or store room, and the window
had been pried open with the bar
stolen from the elevator. Here near
the window a pair of old overalls were
found, as though the burglar hail
changed his garments by taking a new
pair from the stock in the store. He
had then apparently descended to the
main store room and proceeded t;
load up with what he desired from the
stock. Several kodaks arid the great
er part of the stock of jewelry v. as
taken and the money drawers in th
different counters had been pried
open, but there was nothing there of
any value. Apparently there had b-n
no attempt made to open the c;:-h
register, which, it is claimed, was thr
same as it had been the right before
and showed no signs of having been
tampered with. The person or per
sons evidently had been in a rather
hungry condition, as several boxes of
crackers and cakes had been con
sumed, judging from the crumbs and
leavings on the floor in the main store.
Sheriff Quinton was notified of th"
affair, and together with County At
torney Cole and Charles Martin,
ed the scene of the burglary, but there
was no trace of the visitors found. At
first it was thought it might, be the
work of Mexicans, a number of whom
had been noticed in Unin Thursday,
but this was purely a .surmise. It
may be possible to get a line on the
men when there is an attempt
to dispose of the stolen goods.
From Saturday' Daily.
Last evening the firm of Weyrich &
Iladraba, the local agents for the
Eastman kodak and supplies, i i - play
ed a number of slides at the Gem and
Air Dome that were most interesting,
as they included a number of the local
people who had been ''snapped" by
Mr. Weyrich as they appear every day
on the street, and these were strictly
first-class and bright and clear as it
is possible for any picture to be. It in
expected to have a series of picture
slides of this kind, including the best
known people of the city.
Wall Paper Clearance Sale; 25 and
40 per cent reduction. Gering & Co.