PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH. hEMJ-WEKliL, JOUllNAE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915. ussscksasssBi M. S. BRIGGS FALLS AND IS QUITE SER IOUSLY BRUISED ,Avt sync J-nrtJ WE OFFER YOU A fa) mi m II a!! Summer Knit Underwear Up to Sept. 1st Fresh Roasting Ears Every Morning Watermelon on Ice mz3 ANYTHING YOU WANT czi Yesterday afternoon about 4:30 while M. S. Briggs was engaged in some work at his new residence prop erty on Granite street he was so un fortunate as to fall and injure him self in quite a serious manner. Mr. Briggs was engaged in fixing an elec trie light wire on the outside of the house and was working from a scaf fold which had been extended from the window in the second story, and in some manner the board became loosened and allowed Mr. Briggs to fall to the ground, a distance of some fourteen feet, and had it not been for the fact that it was quite muddy and the ground soft he probably would have been even more seriously injured than he was. The board on which he had been standing fell in such a man ner that the end struck him in the small of the back and inflicted a very painful bruise and he was badly "bunged up" as a result of the fall and experienced great difficulty in get ting around this morning, being quite sore and stiff, but as far as can be discovered there were no bones brok en. The accident was very unfor tunate, but it is lucky that Mr. Briirgs was not more seriously injured. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! H. 1V1 SOENNICHSEN, Call Phones 53 and 54. THE DAYLIGHT STORE MRS. PHILIP RIHN SUF FERING FROM THE EFEGTS OF A FALL Mrs. Philip F. Rhin is confined to her home suffering fiom a rather painful experience which befell her Tuesday afternoon at her home in the north part of the city. Mrs. Rhin, af ter the dinner hour, decided to look over the attic of the house with a view of having it fixed up into a living loom, and as the only means of reach ing the attic was through a small hole in the ceiling of the kitchen, she was compelled to use this, and found it quite dark and hard to get around in the small room which constitutes thu attic. The last she distinctly re members of the accident was striking her head on a timber in the roof of the house, which dazed her somewhat and caused her to fall, and in doing so the broke through the lath an 1 plastering and fell to the floor of the kitchen, where she lay for some time in an unconscious condition before she could arouse sufficiently to call as sistance, and was then placed in bed, where she has been compelled to re main since that time. Apparently no bones were broken, but she has suffer ed very severe bruifes about the head and shoulders and it will probably be several days before she 13 able to be up and around. Special Meeting of Eagles. There will be a special meeting of the Eagle lodge held at their rooms in the Coates' block on Thursday even ing, August 19th. All members are requested to be present, as there will be business of importance to transact. 8-18-2td Special for Beginners. The hours at the Crystal Star skat ing rink in this city on Friday will be as follows, for beginners only and will be free: Ladies, 2:30 to 3:30, and for children from 3:30 to 4:30. Subscribe for The Journal. GEORGE W. SHRAOER AND FAMILY DEPART FOR VIRGINIA Last evening George V. Shrader, one of the leading citizens of the east ern section of this county, in company with his daughters, Mrs. Frank L. Rhoden and Mrs. Charles Wolff, as well as his nephew, Sidney Wimmer, of Oregon, departed on No. 2 for a trip that will occupy several weeks, back to the old home of Mr. Shrader at Bluefield, Tazewell county, Vir ginia. This is the first time in many years that our old friend has visited his boyhood home in the Old Dominion and the visit has been one he has been looking forward to for some time with much pleasure, and the daughters are anticipating a most pleasant time in taking in the sights en route and in visiting their father's old home in the Virginia hills. Your bath room equipment needs a Gas Water Heater. See the Nebraska Lighting Co. now . DC DC iliiiQd The weather conditions have been against the lumberman so far this season. The result is that the stocks have accumu lated and prices gone down. Shingles are cheaper today than they have been in the last ten years. If your roofs are in bad condition now is the time to fix them. (Paid Advertisement.) In justice to Messrs. Shlaes and Peterson of the Mid-West Amuse ment Co., I have a few words to say. During all the time of the contest I found Messrs. Shlaes and Petersen most fair at all times, showing no preference or partiality, and as far as I could see, treated all contestants alike. I fully appreciate the fact that the Mid-West Amusement Co. were requested by me and other contestants to hold back some votesj which was just as fair to one as to another, therefore the difference in the an nouncement on the slide. I now stand to date, 11,000 votes in the lead, but owing to the fact that my nearest competitor has withdrawn, leaving me the only active contestant in the field, I am compelled to withdraw also, as it wouldn't be fair to myself or the Mid- West Amusement Co. to remain the only active contestant, as there is no contest with only' one active contest ant. I have all the faith and con fidence in Messrs. Shlaes and Peter sen and regret very much that such had to be done, but under the circum stances there is no alternative, in order to be fair and just. I also want to thank my many friends for their kind assistance in this contest and fully appreciate the interest they have shown and taken in this contest for me. l assure you your kindness will never be forgotten. Again thanking you for your many favors, I remain, respectfully yours, Paul Stadelman. For Sale. Splendid G-room house, all on one floor; gas, electric lights, city water and furnace and cistern, well and pupms, barn, chicken coop and wood shed; cellar under whole house; nice distance from heart of city; no hills to climb; two lots, brick walks, splen did neighborhood; large shade trees imd fine lawn. Priced very low. Owner must sell. See W. E. ROSENCRAKS. 8-19-tfd Grafanalo Exhibit. B. A. McElwain, Jeweler, will give a demonstration of the Grafanalo in the rest room at the Hotel Riley on August 2G, 27 and 28. The public is cordially invited. Subscribe for The Journal. Remnants Scllo Cut price on every item. We have gone through our stock and selected every remnant and short end throughout the store for the Bargain Counter. Remnants Silks. Remnants Dress Goods. Remnants Ginghams. Remnants Curtain Scrims. Remnants Outing Flannel. Remnants Wash Goods. Remnants Calco. Remnants Linings. Remnants Muslin. Remnants Tickings. Zuckweiler & Lutz I WATER COMPANY EXPECT TO INSTALL NEW HYDRANTS The Plattsmouth Water company are preparing to install a new fire hydrant on lower Main street near the Burlington subway that can be used for the protection of buildings in that section of the city from fire. This has long been needed as the nearest hydrant to the Burlington depot and freight house and yards has been at Third and Main streets, and in case of a serious fire this would hardly prove adequate to supply enough j water, ihe property in the radius that can be covered from the new hydrant is considerable and it is wise move on the part of the city in granting the request of the Burling ton to supply them with the needed protection. This space reserved for MRS. P. F. GOOS EN TERTAINS KENSING TON YESTERDAY Yesterday afternoon the Kensington lub was entertained by Mrs. P. F. Goos in a most delightful manner at her home at the Plattsmouth hotel. and the ladies belonging to this club were more than pleased with the gracious hospitality shown them, and the event was one that was thorough ly enjoyed by the members. As is usual at these gatherings, the time was spent in plying the busy needle, as well as social conversation, and f.ome time was spent in this way. At a suitable hour the hostess assisted by her daughters, Mrs. Olga Croscary and Miss Paula Goos, served a very dainty and tempting three-course luncheon. MANY LOCAL TENNIS SHARKS WILL ENTER THE CONTEST Many of the tennis "sharks" of this city have signified their intention of entering the inter-county tennis tournament, which is to be held in this city August 23-27. Up until last evening the following had entered their names for the tournament: T. M. Patterson, Robert Walling, Bruce Rosencrans, E. A. Wurl, John Falter, Junior Marshall, Ray Larson, Rev. II. G. CcClusky, Ben Windham, Rev. V. M. Druliner, Harris Cook, Ed Schulhof, E. A. Fricke. There are at loast four or five more who will enter fiom this city, and there should be close to a dozen from the different towns throughout the county. It is hoped that the disagreeable weather will be over by the time for the tournament rolls around, but should it rain the courts will dry quite rapidly. Office lie. Hupplies at the Journal of- HARDWARE, Stoves and Ranges, Cutlery, Kitchen ware, Sporting Goods, Hay Tools. T. H. POLLOCK, Real Estate, Genera! insurance, FeM Lan Fi fin Loin: Prices ranging from $950.00 io $1,485.00 F. O. B. FACTORY Office and Salesroom Riley Block. 6th St.. Plattsmouth. Neb. TELEPHONE NO. 1 Receives a Scalp Wound. Robert, the little 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brittain, received a very painiul injury last evening when he fell from the porch at their lome, and alighting on his head on the sidewalk and had the scalp lacerated in quite a painful manner, that required the services of a physi cian to dress, and the little boy is now getting along steadily. For Sale. Metz Roadster, Price, $275.00. T. II. FOLLOCK, Riley Block. fine condition. For Sale Cheap. Fairly good bed room suite, a range, lawn mower, a number of fruit jars, a garden rake and hoe. Will sell alto gether very cheap. Going to move to smaller quarters and don't want to move them. Will sell very cheap if taken right away. Call on Col. Bates, Journal Office. tf WANTED. Scholars in shorthand and typewrit ing. Tuition, $2 per week. Call at hoome of Miss Alma Waterman. Wall Paper Clearance Sale; 25 and 10 per cent reduction. Gering & Co. NON-SKID Trninrss WITH FI SERVICE EC You can't crreater saf You can longer mil Money won you greater ability. So why not equipping with Tire? tl V Compare With V NW PlainTreadCasing MS Prices Of Other Vvm crot X Standard Makes X T,.M ... get X Kcc-U.S. Pal. Od. I X Ol . IO1)! X Tim.toR.-tir.T I eiy. x 02Xou - 'v i i..rnti 4x33 - 20.00 X 4x34 - 20.35 X . m. aT Wm 4f eage. x 4x34 - X. V 41x36 - 28.70 X depend . 5 X 37 33 save money by X A flWtW all four wheels k ffffe fJSKjitll Fisk Non-Skid P? 'V " 4lfSj k Tires For Sale By f HMUMO JOHN Emu LUMBERMAN OVERLAND 3C 2C DOcr DC BAUER V" "vm$W Si -i cars.. Ssv!iy