The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 19, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Putting money in the bank is
cowing seeds for future reading.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Mrs. John Van Horn has been quite
sick for the past week.
J. B. Seybolt was looking after some
business mutters in Omaha one day
last week.
Peaches in the Oldhara orcherd will
be ready to market about the first of
Oldham's shipped another one of
their blooded hogs to Custer county
Mrs. A. J. Stokes was dressmaking
for Mrs. Chas. Spangler the first of
present week.
J. W. Edmunds has been on the sick
list for the p;ut few dns, sulfering
with an ulcerated tooth.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Alix and family
moved to the Chas. Spangler farm on
Wednesday of this week.
If the rain does not prevent the Li
brary Association will meet Tuesday
evening, August 24th. Be stue and
Mr. and Mrs. I,. I). Iliatt departed
last Sunday for a ten days vacation
at one of the summer reports up in
Murray was well represented at the
Old Settler.' Reunion at Union last
week. Murray always turns out u
good crowd on this occasion.
Miss Margie Walker spent a num
ber of days last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis in Union, at
tending the Old Settlers' Reunion.
Mrs. William Wiley and Mrs.
George Parks entertained a number of
friends last Wednesday. The guest
of honor was Mrs. Anna White, of
S. O. Pitman and George Nickels
are making good in the auto business,
another one of those good cars of
theirs was sold in the neighborhood of
Cedar Creek the past week.
A special in boys' bib overalls. Blue stripe
and summer weight; ages 6 to 13. Get
one quick they won't last long.
Boys' Waists, military collar in stripes,
plain gray and satine. You can't buy the
material and make them at this price.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creamer's lit
tle daughter has been on the sick list
for the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I Creamer have
three sons that have been on the sick
li-t for the past week.
H. C. Lorn' departed Monday ee
ning for the western part of the ftate
to look after his farm interests.
Miss Mary Jameson from near
Weeping Water, has been visiting her
sister. Mrs. T)r J. F. Brer.del for the
past week.
Chas. Long and wife just returned
from California and the exposition.
Mrs. Long stepped ofT at Nebraska
City to visit a sister.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietl,
on August ISih, a fine 12 pound baby
(oy. Both the mother and little one
are .ret ting :.!rrg nicely.
Make arrangements to attend the
outdoor musical at the Oapen home on
Saturday eveninir, August 2th. Some
of thr best musical ta'ent will be pre
sent and take part iu the prop-ram.
An outdoor musical will be given at
the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Lloyd Cap
on on Saturday evering, August 2'Sth.
This is for the benefit of tlie Library.
A complete program wMl appear in
Tuesday's Journal. Make arrange
ments to come.
Miss Clara Young was able to come
to Murray this week and take the
train for Omaha where she will have
her eyes treated. Miss Clara has been
having considerable trouble with her
eyes for some time, and a few weeks
ago decided to go to Omaha for treat
ment, but the decided improvement at
that time caused her to put the trip
off with the hope of continued im
provement. The many friends hope
that this trip may restore her former
. Tutt,
From Tuesday's Tiailv.
Yesterday afternoon Dr. B. b.
Rrendel and wife of Murray departed
on what they are anticipating will he
a most delightful trip back to the old
home cf the doctor in the Hoosier
state. They travel as far as Chicago
on the Burlington train No. 2 and in
the Windy City change over to the Big
Four to continue their journey to Leb
annon and Zionsville, Indiana, where
among scenes that have been endear
ed to them they will spend several
weeks. They were brought to this
city iu the auto by their son, Dr. J.
F. Brendel, who will look after the
practice of his father during his
Mrs. Clara Reaves has been quite
sick for the past week.
Mrs. A. J. Stokes visited over Sun
day at the home of Mh Ftta Nickels.
F. L. Rhoden and wife were lookint;
after some business matters in Oniah.i
George Nickels was looking after
some business matters over near Ce
dar Creek this week.
Miss Pearl Dugay is spending a few
days in Union this week visiting with
friends and relatives.
Mrs. James Ljughridge, who has
been nursing Mrs. C. W. Gilmore, re
turned home Wednesday.
Earl Lintner, who is at Uncle Ben
Beckman's. has been seriously sick
during the week with penumonia.
Men on the grain market are known
as bulls and bears, but elevator men
throughout the state are goats this
Mrs. Walt livers of Rock Bluffs,
who has been suffering for some time
with liver trouble, is now confined to
th.e house.
Robt. Shrader, from east of Muri ay,
was looking after some business mat
ters in the county seat on Thursday
of tli is week.
Mrs. John Young and children of
Coleridge arrived here Monday morn
ing for a few weeks visit with friends
and relative.-:.
G. W. Shrader and daughter, Mr.
Chns. Wolfe, were looking after some
business matters in Omaha on Mon
day of this week.
Mrs. A. J. Wil. cn and daughter dc
p.irted for their home in Oklahoma,
after a few d.iys visit with Albert
Wilson and family east of Murray.
Louie Puis has had a big gang at
work on his garage at the west end
of Main street during the rainy spell.
He will open up and be ready for work
next week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Crunk enter
tain d at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
F. R. Queen, Albert Wilson and fam
ily, Jasper Queen, F. J. Queen and
Mrs. A. J. Wilson and daughter, of
O.-ldale, Okla.
John Jenkins, who has been on the
toast for the past few months, came
in from Rosalie, Nebraska, Friday for
a few days' visit with his mother,
Mrs. J. W. Jenkins.
The town turned loose on the manu
facturc of new sidewalks for the High
school Thursday. Everybody of able
body and between the ages of ten and
ninety-five were there on the first
call. No drafting.
Mr. Sidney Wimmer left Wednes
day for an extended visit with rela
tives at Bluefield, Va. Mr. Wimmer
was accompanied by G. W. Shrader
and daughters, Mrs. Chas. Wolfe and
Mrs. F. L. Rhodcn.
C. A. McReynolds was looking after
some business matters in the county
seat last Saturday afternoon. While
there he found time to pay the Jour
nal office a brief call and renew for
his paper for another year.
The Journal is in receipt of a letter
this week from J. E. Jenkins, up near
Rosalie, in which he encloses the cash
for another year's subscription to the
paper. He says he is getting along
fine, and the folks are all well and
enjoying lite.
Miss Margie Walker spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis at
Unon, returning Sunday evening.
George Brown of near Weeping Wa
ter was attending to business matters
in Murray Wednesday.
store room in Murray, known as the
old Holmes and Smith stand. There
are four good living rooms in connec
tion with the room. For particulars
call or write J. W. Holmes, Murray,
If any of the readers of tlie
Journal know of any social
ev-nt or iiern of interest iu
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ai
tar under this lieadirnr. We
want all news items Editor
In It scing Aith Automobile Wagon
Occupied by a Family Overturned
and Several SerioujJy Injured.
Quite a serious mix-up occurred
Saturday evening last on the road
leading east from Union, and about
a half-mile from the residence of Hon.
W. B. Banning, when a lumber
wagon driven by Jesse Ervin was
overturned and he, together with the
other occupants of thj wagon were
hurled out and Mr. Ervin sustained
serious injuries that will lay him up
for Fume time.
, Fiom all facts that can be learned
the wagon which was occupied by Mr.
Ervin, was proceeding along the road
eastward when an automobile came
along in the same direction, and the
utiver of the team decided to race the
car and prevent them passing the
lumber wagon, and while doing this
the tongue of the wagon fell and in a
few minutes the vehicle was over
turned and almost demolished, as it dragged some distance by the
frightened horses.
Mr. Ervin was by far the most
seriously injured cf the party, as. he
hud his neck dislocated and his right
shoulder broken and for several hours
lay iu a paralysed condition from the?
effects of tlie mix-up. Dr. Barrett of
Union and Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Mur
-ay were called to the scene of the ac
cident and set the broken shoulder an I
the injured man placed in a plaster
cast to prcvor.t injury to the broken
bones, as he was in a very critical
condition for some time, and is still
at the home of his sister, Mrs. Pell, in
Union, where he will remain until it
is thoroughly safe to remove him to
his home cast of Union. The others in
the party were -badly bruised up, but
nothing of a very serious nature de
veloped in their cases.
At last teports Mr. Ervin was lo
ing nicely and it is thought that he
will recover, although it will take
some time. The wagon in which the
party was driving was very badly
broken up in the wreck. The auto
as far a can be learned, was not in
jured in any way, and the occupants
were not in the least to blame for the
Cut the Weeds.
The time for which the laws of
Nebraska provide for the cutting of
weeds along the public highways is
from July 15 to August 15, and the
time is drawing to a close very
rapidly; all persons in Eight Mile
Grove precinct are urged to cut the
weeds along their property at once in
compliance with the law. In case of
failure of the property owner to per
form this work it becomes the duty of
the supervisor to cut them and the
costs charged up to the property. Let
all get after them and cut them at
once. John II. Busche,
Road Supervisor Eight Mile Grove
The Place to Buy Lumber.
There never was a season so favor
able for building and making im
provements around your farm home
as this one has been, und the activity
around the Murray lumber yard is an
evidence of this fact. More of all
grades of lumber is being sold this
spring than for many seasons. The
demand for good goods and the fact
that it can always be found at this
lumber yard at the right prices are
the causes for the increased business.
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
business of this locality, not only from
the fact that it is due him, but be
cause he is ready and willing to meet
all competition on the numerous
grades of lumber.
Several days ago a stray hog came
to my place, and after remaining near
for some time the animal was placed
in my lot, and every effort has been
made to find the owner.. The owner
may have same by calling at my place
and proving property, paying for care
and damages and for this advertise
ment. Alva Long,
Murray, Nebraska.
For Sale.
Good alfalfa seed. S9 per bushel.
Call or write, J. L. Shrader, Nehawka.
A Cass County Boy Gives a De
scription of the Fine Scenery
He Passes Through.
Having promised a few of my
friends in and around Murray to
whom I promised to write, I will take
the opportunity of doing so thru the
Journal. I left home Monday evening,
May 2'th, taking the Northwestern
out of Omaha at 8:30 p. m., arriving
at St. Raul the next morning at 7:30,
taking the Northern Pacific that night
it 11:"'0 p .m. There is always a long
laover of twenty-one hours there be
fore the next train out for the west.
I got to Sibbald the following Friday
morning at 2:3. Time out from Om
aha, seventy-eight hours, with about
fifty-two actual travel. I was at my
homestead until June i'th, leaving west
over the Canadian Northern to Cal-
gu ry.
June II, 1!15. I left Calgary this
morning at 4:40. Even at three
o'clock, when I got up it was broad
daylight. The sun arose a few min
utes before five, a little earlier than
your sunrise at home. What a vast
difference the bright sunshine makes
on one's feelings! Yesterday morning
it was raining, and I felt a slight de
pression. For a short distance on
leaving Calgary we ran right on the
banks of the Bow river. But after a
few miles we began to climb to a
higher elevation, the country becoming
hilly and broken, quite contrary to the
level prairies east of Calgary. For a
while we were running thru the very
narrow valley, but as we mounted to
a higher eievation the valley widened
with the hills on the right a couple of
miles away, but on the left very close
most of the time. The valley now
miht be called a high Plateau. Even
on leaving Ciagary the snow capped
Rockies ni the west were visible, and
after nearly two hours travel they
show up quite plainly, being perhap.
no more than three miles away.
th-nk they are not more than forty
or fifty miles from Calgary. Some
limes the Bow river is clear across the
vclley from us, and at other times
quite close to the track. A scattering
growth of timber grows along the
liver, and, as we go deeper into the
foot hills the small scrubby timber
and brush appear on the hillsides, as
we get nearer the mountains, the sides
of which are covered with snow, down
rear the timber line appear a dirty
color. It looks like it needs its face
washed. After just two and three
quarter hours traveling we enter the
mountains proper. So much of the
mountain sides appear to be lying in
s.tratas or layers. The Rockies are
well named, because they certainly
are all rock, some of tlie sides being
so precipitous that the snow cannot
cover them. There doesn't appear to
be any soil at oil, yet some places, not
too steep, are almost coveied with a
scrubby timber, the most places it is
scattering, and in some there is none
at all. Occasionally a very small lake
or lakes appear beside the track
They form almost perfect mirrors
showing the mountain ttps perfectly
mirrored in their depths. The skies
have become clouded again and small
patches of mist are drifting along
hanging low between the mountains
We have just passed the small town
of Canmore. The only industry there
is the coal minc-s, where the C. P. R.
gels all of its coal for the division
We have now left the dear old prair
ies far behind, anel they do look good
this time of the year, after so much
rain has fallen. The little valley
thru which we have been traveling
has narrowed down to almost a can
yon, but even that widens out yet at
times, and leaves patches of pasture
land where stock is grazing. The
Bow river still appears beside the
track, but it too has dwindled down
to a comparatively small mountain
stream, like most mountain streams,
clear as a crystal. We have now-
come to Banff, the great Canadian
summer resort. There is no evidence
of a town close at hand, except the
long, low lying, fiat topped depot be
side the track. Of in the distance,
perhaps a quarter of a mile away,
the roofs of a few buildings appear
over the tree tops. Banff is seventy
nine miles from Calgary, three hours
and twenty-five minutes run. The
town has an elevation of about 4000
feet.. Some of the peaks surrounding
it has an elevation of about 10,000
feet, but they tlon't appear that high.
Some travelers boarded the train at
BamT, and I heard one of them tell
ing a little incident that ran like this:
"An Englishmen went into a store,
conducted by an American, and he had
a small American flag stuck in the
top of his cash register. The English
man said, 'why don't you have the
Plows and Wagons at Great
i 1 D - J lT
1 j Reductions r
We are compelled to move our implement house,
and before doing so we would like to greatly reduce,
if not sell all out our entire line of WAGONS and
PLOWS, and we will make you some very attractive
prices as an inducement to buy this line at this time.
We do not believe that the line will not last long at
the prices we will place on them, so call early if you
want in on the bargains.
Murray Implement and Hardware
Union Jack or English flag flying
over yours?' The American said, 'nev
er mind, you may want to get under
that flag yet." You see it is the cus
tom if you are in this country and
want to fly the American flag, you
may do so, but you are to fly the
English flag over it, and the opposite
if I visit your country. It is not a
law but an understanding between
the two countries.
At about 9:30 or 10 a. m. we pass
from Alberta over into British Colum
bia. Right at the line on the south
side of the track the words, "The
Great Divide," are nailed up on a sort
of platform. A little west of there we
attain our highest elevation, 5,800
feet. From there we start down
grade, and from there to Fields we
pass through the grandest mountain
scenery to be seen on this route.
Ftom Hector, B. C, the road makes
a series of loops in order to make the
descent. In two places the road runs
inside of a mountain and makes a
complete turn while in the tunnel and
comes out near the entrance, only a
little higher or lower as the case may
be. This part of the route is called
"Kicking Horse Pass" and the small
stream that appears to have its source
up near the "Divide" is called "Kick
ing Horse river." As the conductor
says, everything is "Kicking Horse."
The grade from Hector to Fields is a
2J2 per cent grade, or about 180 feet
to the mile, making a descent of about
1,800 feet or more in ten miles. Kick
ing Horse river was a very small
stream when we first came in sight
of it high up on the pass. But from
the appearance of the gravel bars, it
must become a raging torrent during
the heavy rainfalls, and the melting
of the mountain snows in springtime.
At Fields the road comes down level
with the river again, and from there
on down the river grows larger quite
rapidly, the train running right along
beside it down the canyon, first on one
side, then on the other. The water
appears blue as the sky. As it rolls
and tumbles elown over the rocks the
blueness of it reminds me of the water j
of the sea. I suppose in a few days I
will be reminded of that in a still
more forcible way.
We have now just passed the town
of Golden, which has a population of
about 800. The mountains have re
ceded and are farther off to the right
and left, allowing the valley to be
Pills liosiQiiQir
are still endeavoring to carry everything that jtou need
today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We want you business and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that you will need
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you
want we will be in a better position to please you, should
we not have the article in stock.
Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be
able to prove to you that we are a money saving station
in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line
we want to talk to you.
Puis & Gansemer,
come wider, the occupation of the peo
ple being mixed farming and lumber
ing. Golden is what they call a gov
ernment town. A good many of the
people work for the railroad. As we
passed the town a few small cottages
with red painted roofs were pointed
out to me, off to the north of the
track, up on the hillside, among- the
trees. It is a little Swiss village. The
men there act as guides to people who
wish to go off into the mountains.
The Kicking Horse river runs into the
headwaters of Columbia and the val
ley is called Columbia valley. Of
course I knew that the Columbia was
a very large river and very long, but
I was a little surprised to learn that
I was very near the source of it here.
The source of the Columbia is on the
west side of the divide, and the source
of the Bow river is near that of the
Columbia, but on the east side. They
part there. The waters of the
Columbia finally flow into the Pacific
perhaps two thousand miles away;
and the Bow river flows into the Hud
son Bay just about as far away in the
other direction. It seems like the part
ing of two friends. The elevation at
Golden is 2,578 feet, and from here
lessens very gradually.
The valley ten or fifteen miles below
Golden is covered with a thick growth
of mountain pine and some maple.
The water of the river has lost its
blue color since it is farther away
from the mountains. The track here
touches it only occasionally. But as
we go farther down the valley nar
rows again to a mere canyon, where in
most places it is only wide enough for
the river with the track following
along on first one side of the bank,
then on the other, river and roadbed
constantly twisting and bending as a
giant snake, and it seems incredible
now to note how large the river has
grown, when comparatively only a
few miles back a person could wade
it without the water touching their
shoe tops. And anyone who has ever
been in the mountains in summer
knows what the climate is like.
At 1:40 today we passed a little
station called Beavermouth. That lit
tle station is the fartherest point
north on the C. P. R. The road leaves
the Columbia river at that point and
turns in a more southerly direction.
At this point we turn into another
(Continued on Page Seven.)