The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 19, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. 1913.
rAGE 5. "
I? 1
i r . : , .
Relative of the Hirz Family, and
Thinks I'lattsmouth Is a Yery
I'rojressive Little Citv.
"Walter Reed Irving: of Ealtimore,
Maryland, is in town visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hirz and
iamily. Mr. Irving arrived in Flatts
rr.outh on Juy 2 from Chicago, where
he had spent a week with relatives.
On his arrival he went to the farm of
Henry Hirz, sr., on the Louisville
roud, and quickly adapted himself to
the gentle art of farming, and was
soon to be seen in overalls and straw
hat shocking grain and plowing corn.
This is the third visit of Mr. Irving
to Plattsmouth, the two former visits
being in October, 1911, and July and
August, 1912. While here in 1912 he
was generally known to the farmers
in this section as ''the Baltimore Kid."
He then stayed at the home:; of Henry,
John and Philip Hirz.
Mr. Irving was favorably impressed
by I'lattsmouth and Cass county. He
says that Plattsmouth is a young and
progressive city and did not seem to
le tied down by any superfluous laws.
In Baltimore, he says, they have never
repealed the oil ' blue laws," which
prohibit the sale of anything on Sun
day, and do not allow base ball to be
playfd within the city boundaries, and
that even the amateur games are un
der the ban, and even dancing and
theaters are forbidden in that city.
He stated that he was glad that
somewhere people were allowed a lit
tle freedom and that the wants of the
many were not subjected to the wishes
of the few.
When in Baltimore Mr. Irving was
employed by the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad company in their printing
department. While he did not visit
the mechanical department of the
Journal he said that he thought it to
be an up-to-date paper and enjoyed
reading it very much. He goes to
Chicago this afternoon for a week's
See tine Bestf
vy traveling ux
Union Paciric
p Cool, Comfortable, Northern
Route to tioth jxpotitiowim
O-den Canyons. 1 I.e.
where the ft'rraoM have made nreiory. j-.c-.ou- '
gold fame. Truckee R.ver Canyon and Lake Tahoe. thernort
beautiful of all mountain lake. Dormer Lake. rhe
emigrants perished just previous to the California gold rush in
1849. Emigrant Cap. another forty-mner land mark, and also the
head of the beautiful American River, the most picturesque of
California rivers. The view down the canyon is f'u
Canyon and Dutch Flat, the immediate region wruch P""d
sv-five million dollars in gold in 1852. Sacramento.rferkeley.Oa
land and therrthe gorgeous San Francisco Bay. covering: 300square
t - i i - . l u.k. vmi frnvrl tniB route
r- J
miles, wtuci. you
3:00 P. M.
Bailey Dentals
The Bailey Dentals are one of the
fast teams of Omaha and a few days
ag-o defeated the mighty Armours
They will be a first-class attraction
against the Red Sox.
At an early hour this morning a
telephone message was received here
by J. R. Hunter announcing the fact
that his son, Joe Hunter, was quite ill
at his home at Havelock, suffering
from an acute attack of appendicitis,
and that an operation would be neces
sary this morning in order to give him
relief from his suffering. Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Hunter and son, Paul, de
parted this morning on No. 15 to be
present at the hospital when the
operation will be performed. The
family were unaware of the illness of
the young man until the message call
ing them to his bedside was received.
The many friends here of the young
man will trust that he may recover
from the operation.
The home of A. W. White and wife
in this city is the scene of a very
pleasant family reunion this week, as
their children have gathered with
them to spend a few days very pleas
antly in visiting with the father and
mother. Ralph White came in this
afternoon from Victoria, Texas, to
join his wife and baby daughter who
have been here for some time, and
will spend the coming week with the
family here. Mrs. J. C. Thygeson and
babe of Nebraska City and Mrs. Frank
Burgess of Cedar Rapids, Neb., are
also here for the reunion, and with
all the family home the occasion is a
most pleasant one to Mr. and Mrs.
Never can tell when youH mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or
scaid. Be prepared. Thousands rely
on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your
druggist sells it. 25c and 50c.
"Billy" Sunday, the Man, and His
Message at the Journal office for
$1.00. This work contains the heart
of Mr. Sunday's gospel message. Come
in and get yours while they last, a?
we only have a few.
Echo. U'eter and ''''''miinU
;at Salt Lake region.
rea rSl-Tj. f J
. 1 l I a rrrtnn.
Jtinror an uuui uw j
Low Ronnd Trip Exposition Fare
top-over De,. Colojjdo Vt
Tistt LJtr rr ana era
United Stales but one.
For fun and complete tnfrmatioB eonceminr thfj
Urn. imluduiT rmxem rrem yorr city, mnd cow ot
bcautituUy illutitel LxpoaiUon C.ude OaoX.
all on local ticsa mKm w
G. P. A.
Os&ha, Nebraska
Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 104 1915.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Present, Julius A. Pitx, C. E. Heeb
ner and Henry Snoke, County Com
missioners; Frank J. Libershal, Coun
ty Clerk. Minutes of previous ses
sion read and approTed, when the fol
lowing buisness was transacted in reg
ular form:
As advertised, bids were received
for building of all wood and steel
bridges, concrete arch, box culverts
and other concrete work, such as
wings and abutments, for the year
August 10, 1915, to August 10, 1916,
from the following companies:
R. S. McSleery of Weeping Water,
Nebraska Construction Co. of Lin
coln, Neb.
Western Bridge and Construction
Co. of Omaha.
James Miller of Nehawka, Neb.
Midland Bridge Co., Kansas City,
Monarch Engineering Co., of Falls
City, Neb.
The above bids were opened, and on
motion of Henry Snoke and seconded
by C. E. Heebner, contract was award
ed the Monarch Engineering Co. of
Falls City, Neb., account being the
lowest bidder, and contract entered
into with said company.
As advertised, bids were received
for construction of concrete box cul
vert south of Plattsmouth on Rock
Bluffs road from the following com
panies and opened, as follows:
Nebraska Construction Co.
Peters & Richards.
Midland Bridge Co.
Monarch Engineering Co.
On motion of Commissioner Snoke
and seconded by Commissioner Heeb
ner, the contract was awarded to Mon
arch Engineering Co., account being
lowest bidder. Work to be done ac
cording to plans and specifications as
prepared by State Engineer.
On motion Board adjourned to meet
Wednesday, September 1, 1915.
County Clerk.
Board of Equalization met on call
of County Clerk. Members present,
Julius A. Pitz, C. E. Heebner, Henry
Snoke, County Commissioners; W. R.
Bryan, County Assessor; Frank J.
Libershal, County Clerk. Minutes of
previous session read and approved.
Recapitulation of all assessed prop
erty of Cass County for year 1915,
Board then proceeded to make the
following levies for year 1915:
County General fund 6.1 mills
County Mothers' Pension.. 0.1 mill
County Bridge fund 4 mills
County Road fund 3 mills
State Levy 6.8 mills
Bond School Dist. No. 17. . .10 mills
Bond School Dist. No. 36. . . 7 mills
Bond School Dist. No. 56. . . 7 mills
Bond School Dist. No. 95. . .10 mills
Total State and County Levy, 20
On motion Board adjourned.
County Clerk.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The state and county levies for Cass
county this year will be the same as
last year, being 20 mills, based on a
valuation of taxable property of $8.
498,411. The levies for the different
funds will be distributed as shown be
low, based on a careful estimate of
the needs of the county during the
coming season:
County General fund 6 2-10
County Bridge fund 4
County Road fund 3
State levy 6 8-10
Total 20
The levies for the different towns
and villages as reported to the county
clerk are as follows:
Weeping Water 14&
Louisville 38 45-100
Elmwood 10
Greenwood 10
Eagle 10
South Bend None
Union 12
Murdock 5
Alvo 5
A voca None
J. F. Wherbein departed this aft
ernoon for Gothenberg, Neb., where
he was called to look after some mat
ters of business for a few days.
Notice !
I wish to thank the Alvo people for
their past patronage. As I have sold
to the Clark Brothers, all outstanding
accounts are now due; 5 per cent dis
count will be allowed for settlements.
cash or note, by September 1st. All
accounts thereafter full amount will
be asked and collections will be made
Miss Edith A. Rosenow and Mi
Ray D. Clark stole a march on their
friends on August 10 and were quiet
ly married in Lincoln by Judge Ris-
ser. The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles F. Rosenow and
grew to womanhood in Alvo. The
groom came to Alvo two years ago
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Clark, from Republican City, Neb.,
and is engaged in the livery business.
They will set up housekeeping in the
Mrs. M. P. Stone residence and will
be at home to their friends after Sep
tember 1, 1915. Mr. and Mrs. Clark
have a host of friends who join in
wishing them a happy and prosperous
journey through life. Several of their
friends serenaded them Saturday
evening, and the gentlemen of the
party presented them with a cut glass
water set and the ladies a silver berry
Bridal Shower.
On August 16, 1915, at 3 p. m. the
Philathea class of the M. E. Sunday
school gave a kitchen shower for Mrs.
Esther Rosenow-Clark at the home
of Mrs. Charles Sutton. The rooms
were decorated with white crepe and
nateurtiums. Many useful things for
the kitchen were received, including a
cook book with many practical and
useful receipts, from her many friends.
Those present at the shower were:
Mrs. Charles Rosenow, the bride's
mother; Mrs. Fred Clark, the groom's
mother; Mrs. Charles Sutton, Mrs.
Irene Stout and son, Misses Pearl
Keefer, Marie Stroemer, Alma God-
bey, Marie Prouty, Bertha and Grace
Bucknell, Ruth Vincent, Anna and
Esther Rasp, Fannie Eberly of
Octavia, Fern Dimmitt, Cecil Newkirk
and Emma Sutton.
Ed Casey was in Lincoln Satur
. Morgan Curyea was a Lincoln visit
or Wednesday.
Dale S. Boyles was in Lincoln Wed
nesday on business.
Stella Sheesley was in Lincoln doing
some trading Wednesday.
P. J. Linch has returned from his
farm near La Junta, Colo.
John Murtey had business in Oma
ha Wednesday and Thursday.
Jesse Hardnock was transacting
business in Lincoln Wednesday.
Miss Alta Linch and brother, Verle,
were shopping in Lincoln Monday.
Bob Johnson was in Omaha Wed
nesday and Thursday on business.
Miss Clarice Breese of Lincoln visit
ed over Sunday with Miss Flo Boyles.
Mrs. C. C. Eucknell and daughter,
Jessie, returned from Lincoln Friday.
Carl Garry of Dunbar, Neb., visit
ed the S. C. Boyles home the first of
the week.
J. A. Shaffer visited Fred Weaver
and family at South Bend Monday and
Miss Lola Carr of Eagle visited
several days last week with Miss
Marie Stroemer.
Masters Elmer and Ellis Price came
in Saturday from Clay Center, Neb.,
to visit their aunt, Mrs. John Murtey,
for several days.
Miss Ellowene Hamilton of Lincoln
spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Boyles.
Miss Bertha Bucknell spent the
week-end with Christine Rosenow at
Elmwood, and also attended the
W. O. Boyles of Lincoln, and broth
cr, Thurm Boyles of Overton, visit
ed their brother, S. C. Boyles, and
other relatives here Monday.
Major E. W. Evans returned Wed
nesday from Fremont, where he had
been in encampment with the Ne
braska National Guard the past week.
Sam Jordon came in from his home
stead near La Junta, Colo, where he
has been for several months. He will
spend a few weeks visiting the home
folks before returning to Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Mullen and John
Sutton left Wednesday for Chappell,
Neb. Mr. Mullen goes to look after
his farm interests, there and Mr. Sut
ton is looking for a farm in that vi
Charles Ingwerson and . children
autoed to Nehawka Sunday to visit
relatives. His niece, Miss Hope Ing
werson, and nephew. Master Harry
Ingwerson, returned home with them
to spend several days.
" Mrs. Ella Prouty and daughter,
Miss Bessie, who have been visiting
the former's mother in South Dakota
the past few weeks, returned Wednes
day on No. 14. They were accom
panied home by Mrs. Prouty'e mother,
Mrs. Perry.
Emerson Reece of Millville, Pa
who has been in San Francisco, CaL
attending the Panama exposition the
past few weeks, came in Sunday to
visit his cousins, L. B. and Harry Ap
pieman and families. Mr. Reece sail
ed through the Panama canal en
route to California.
Cedar Creek
Joe Brandback went to Louisville
J. J. Meisinger spent Saturday in
Mart Baughman went to Platts
mouth Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Dasher went to
Plattsmouth Monday.
Earl Kline and Forest Baughman
were in Omaha Tuesday.
Adam Meisinger and son, Rudolph,
spent Tuesday at the county seat.
William Schneider and daughter,
Helen, spent Saturday in Plattsmouth
H. P. Hanson and wife left Friday
morning for their home in Neligh,
J. M. Roberts of Plattsmouth drove
out Friday to visit his son, Paul and
We are glad to report that Henry
Baughman is doing nicely at the hos
Albert Wallenger of Elmwood, Neb.,
spent Sunday at the G. P. Meisinger
Henry Thieroif and James Johnson
spent Monday and Tuesday in Platts
P. H. Roberts went to Omaha Fri
day and drove home in his new Pull
man auto.
Mr. True, who got kicked by a mule
Saturday morning, is reported to be
improving slowly.
The funeral of William Nessen was
held from the Methodist church in
Louisville Thursdav.
John Wolff and wife and Mrs. Wil
iam Schneider and son, Lloyd, motor
ed to Omaha Wednesday.
Mr. Laura Wallenger and son. Har-
ley, from Pekin, Ilinois, are visiting at
G. P. Meisinger's this week.
Mrs. Schafer, from Oklahoma, a
sister of Mrs. G. P. Meisinger. is visit
ing at the Meisinger home this week.
Walter Schneider and wife und G. L.
Meisinger and wife motored to Platts
mouth Friday in Mr. Schneider's car.
Mrs. Pete Schroder and Mrs. Aug
ust Keil went to Omaha Saturday,
where Mrs. Keil purchased a Victrola.
Mrs. Jake Schneider and Mrs. Wil
liam Schneider were called to Moore
field on account of the death of their
The new implement shed of Wolff
& Ault is under good headway and
will soon be ready for use. This is
what they have long needed.
Charles Dasher went to Plattsmouth
Saturday to consult a doctor in regard
to the fall he got this week at the
gravel pit, causing his side to give him
much pain.
Mrs. Baughman and sons, Forest
and Mart, went to Omaha Saturday to
spend the day with Mr. Baughman at
the hospital. They report him doing
Mrs. Baughman and Francis Pace
and wife went to Omaha Friday to
visit Mr. Baughman, who had his arm
taken off at the Woodworth gravel
pit Thursday.
Irven Meisinger and sister, Gert
rude went to Springfield Sunday to
get Will Meisinger and family, and
got caught in the rain and are spend
ing a few days in Sarpy county wait
ing for the roads to dry up so they
can drive the car home.
Walter Schneider had bad luck Sun
day with his car while out riding. A.
O. Ault, who was at the wheel and
who was just learning to drive, struck
some slick muddy road and the auto
went to slipping and Mr. Ault was
unable to hold it in the road and it
ran into the bank, breaking a wheel
and springing the axle. But it was
lucky that no one was hurt.
Constipation causes headache, in
digestion, dizziness, drowsiness- For
a mild, opening medicine, use Doan's
Regulets. 25c a box at all stores.
Sell your property by an ad in The
'i"t r i i i i IT A t
AH outstanding accounts of
the firm of Falter & Thieroif 4"
will be payable at the store of
Philip Thieroif. 4
Extra Special
and until these special items are all sold
Japanese Matting Rugs, 27x53 inches 10c
Women's Ribbed Vests, all sizes 10c
"Nesus" Shaped Open Seat Pants 25c
Hemmed Pillow Cases 10c
Nottingham Lace Dresser Scarf 25c
Children's Checked Rah, Rah Hats 10c
Men's and Boys Peanut Harvest Hats 10c
House Broorhs, 4 sewed 25c
Covered Jelly or Pudding Moulds, two for 5c
Jelly Glasses, with covers, five for 10c
14 Qt. First Quality Preserving Kettles 25c
Splint or Market Basket . . 10c
Straw Porch Seats 5t
Vegetables and Fruit Press 10c; Clean cut pie and cake pans
5c; Boys' "Brownie" overalls 25c; White Lawn Tea Aprons 25c;
Women's Union Suits 25c; Women's Short Kimono 10; Swift
Pride Soap, 4 cakes 10c; Fresh Candy 10c, per pound.
Get the habit of watching our windows for specials.
Popular Variety Store
4 Miles West of Plattsmouth on the Louisville Road,
Sunday, August 29th, 1915
Large Dancing Platform
Good Music!
Everybody Gome and Have a Good Time
T J.
Saturday Night, Aug. 2 1
Given by the T. J. Sokois
Gents 50c Ladies Free
The Red Seal Gingham
that we are seiling at 10c per yard is the regular 2Hc grade.
The Crepes that offer at per yardT9c, is one of the regular 25c
per yard grade. The remnants of Outing Flannel at per yard
8c, is an excellent value. " An elegant assortment ot Wash
Dress Goods that we offer at per yard 10c. We are offering an
elegant line of. 12 4 and 15c ribbons at per yard 10c. Many
reminants t)f Ribbon at a bargain.
Zuckweiler & Lutz
for Saturday :
Amusements of AH Kinds!
j PIC 10